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Love Vertical Portrait

The name O Sense in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy an O Sense calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “O Sense” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “O Sense” title below...

  1. Angel / Messenger of Heaven

  2. Beware of the Lawyers

  3. Rank Holder

  4. Bloodless Victory

  5. Bodhicitta: Enlightened Mind

  6. Christianity / Christian

  7. Devotion to your Profession / Career

  8. Diligence

  9. Duty / Responsibility / Obligation

10. Everything Happens for a Reason

11. Feng Shui

12. Perseverance / Fortitude

13. Giri

14. God is Always With You

15. Good Heart

16. Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith

17. Green Plum and Bamboo Horse

18. The Guts Theory

19. Hapkido

20. Heijoshin / Presence of Mind

21. Independent Spirit / Independent Heart

22. Inner Peace / Silence / Serenity

23. Iron Palm

24. Joyfulness / Happiness

25. Jujitsu / Jujutsu

26. Kansei Engineering / Sense Engineering

27. Life is Good

28. Love Forever / Love Eternal

29. Martial Arts Master

30. Mindfulness

31. Sense of Shame / Sense of Honor / Integrity / Modesty

32. My True Love

33. Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai

34. No Regrets

35. Ksaya / Omega / Finality

36. Appreciation and Love for Your Parents

37. Peace and Good Health

38. Peace of Mind

39. Peaceful Heart / Peace of Mind / Calm Mind

40. Phenomenon

41. Pride

42. Red Dragon / Vermillion Dragon

43. The Roar of the Lioness

44. Self-Confidence

45. Sense of Humor

46. Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do

47. Shito-Ryu

48. Shotokan

49. Shotokan Karate-Do

50. Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also

51. Sixth Sense / Intuition

52. State of Anarchy

53. Taekwondo Tenets / Spirit of Taekwon-do

54. God of Thunder

55. United States Marine Corps

56. Wabi Sabi

57. Soul of a Warrior

58. Wisdom / Intelligence

59. Wisdom

60. Ultimate Loyalty to Your Country

61. Rooster / Chicken

62. Lion Judo

63. Nekogami

64. Knowledge of Ultimate Truth

65. There is one single thread binding my Way together

66. Joushiki Wo Koeru

Angel / Messenger of Heaven

 tiān shǐ
 ten shi
Angel / Messenger of Heaven Scroll

天使 is the meaning of Angel in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

The first character means heaven. The second means messenger. Together it makes sense that we are talking about angels as Heaven's Messengers.

If you are an “Angel Junkie,” this may be the wall scroll for you.
I also think it's a great choice if your name happens to be Angel.

See Also:  Angel

Beware of the Lawyers

 xiǎo xīn lǜ shī
Beware of the Lawyers Scroll

提防律師 is a kind of Chinese joke about lawyers.

The first two characters mean “guard yourself against (an attack)” or “beware.”
The last two characters can be translated as lawyer, attorney, or solicitor.

Separately, those characters mean law/regulation/control and master/expert/teacher. Here, you can see the attorney meaning is pretty clear in the individual characters.

Please note this is Chinese only (it won't make sense in Japanese, and the last two characters are sometimes translated together as “Buddhist Priest” in Japanese).

Rank Holder

The one who has achieved rank in martial arts

 yǒu duàn zhě
 yuu dan sha
Rank Holder Scroll

有段者 is a Japanese term for someone who holds rank in karate, judo, etc.
This term theoretically applies to anyone with rank (above a white belt). However, some schools or dojos may reserve this title for a holder of a black belt.

I'd suggest that you only order this phrase if you have honestly reached this level.

This title does kind of make sense in Chinese but only to those Chinese who practice “kong shou dao” (karate) or when used in the context of martial arts.

Bloodless Victory

 bīng bù xuè rèn
Bloodless Victory Scroll

Perhaps a pacifist view or perhaps the best kind of victory; 兵不血刃 reflect this idea:
The edges of the swords not being stained with blood.

You could also translate it as: Win victory without firing a shot.

The first character means army or force. The second character means without or none. The last two characters mean bloodstained knives. So it represents a returning victorious army without bloodstained knives. 兵不血刃 is the very literal sense of this Chinese proverb. The title definition is more accurate to the way this proverb is understood.

Asking yourself why the direct or literal translation is different?
...Think of compound words in English such as “nevertheless” if we break it apart to “never the less,” we will have trouble getting the real definition of “in spite of that.” Similar things happen when multiple characters create a compounded word in Chinese.

Bodhicitta: Enlightened Mind

 mào dì zhì duō
Bodhicitta: Enlightened Mind Scroll

冒地質多 is a Chinese and Japanese way to write Bodhicitta.

冒地質多 is often translated as “the enlightened mind” or “enlightened heart.”

This title is strictly Buddhist and won't make sense to Chinese or Japanese people who do not have an expansive background in Buddhist terms, concepts, and scripture.

Christianity / Christian

 jī dū jiào
Christianity / Christian Scroll

基督教 is the Chinese, Japanese and Korean word for “Christianity.”

Just as in English, this word is often used to mean “Protestant” but includes Catholics in the true definition.

It is the word used to refer to the whole “Christian religion” or “Christian Faith,” and therefore, it can be translated as “Christianity.” However, used as an adjective in regard to a person, it would translate as “Christian.” But more like saying, “His religion is Christianity,” rather than a noun form.

If you break it apart, the characters mean Base/Foundation Leading/Supervising Religion/Teaching. It makes more sense in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. The first two characters together are translated as “Christ.” So you can also say this means “Christ's Religion” or “Christ's Teachings” when directly translated, or in reverse, “The Religion of Christ” or “The Teaching of Christ.”

Notes: The last character has a slight difference in one stroke - however, in calligraphic form, this will not be apparent. This entry can easily be read by any Korean person who knows Hanja characters (Chinese characters used in Korean).

See Also:  Jesus Christ | God of Abraham

Devotion to your Profession / Career

 cóng shì
 jyuu ji
Devotion to your Profession / Career Scroll

從事/従事 is often used to describe the devotion someone has to their profession - However, it can just mean career, depending on context.

We don't highly recommend this selection for a wall scroll.

In more simple terms, this word also means undertake / to deal with / to handle / to do. It does not have to refer to a career issue, as it could be used to encourage someone that is beginning their university studies etc.

This kind of makes sense in Japanese, however, there is a slight deviation in the way they write the first Kanji in Japanese.

Japanese for Devotion to ProfessionPlease note that Japanese use an alternate version of the first character. Click on the character to the right if you want the Japanese version of this two-character Devotion-to-your-Profession calligraphy.

Diligence Scroll

勤 is a single character that means diligence or “sense of duty” in Chinese and Korean (also understood in Japanese but not commonly seen as a stand-alone Kanji).

As a single character on a wall scroll, this will only be seen with this meaning. However, it can also mean industrious, hardworking, frequent, regular, constant, energy, zeal, fortitude, or virility.

In Buddhism, this can represent vīrya (viriya), the idea of energy, diligence, enthusiasm, or effort. It can be defined as an attitude of gladly engaging in wholesome activities, and it functions to cause one to accomplish wholesome or virtuous actions. Some Buddhists may even define this as “manliness” (a definition from a hundred years ago, before equality).

If you or someone you know is a hard worker (or needs a reminder to be diligent), then this is the wall scroll to have in your/their office.

See Also:  Tenacity | Undaunted

Duty / Responsibility / Obligation

 zhí zé
Duty / Responsibility / Obligation Scroll

職責 is a Chinese and Korean word that means duty or responsibility.

If you have a sense of duty or sense of responsibility, this might be the wall scroll that you want to hang above your desk. It is a great way to quietly remind yourself to take pride in your duties at all times.

In a different context, this can mean “official duties” or “position.”

Everything Happens for a Reason

 monogoto ha subete riyuu ga at te okiru
Everything Happens for a Reason Scroll

物事は全て理由があって起きる means everything happens for a reason.

However, this is a work in progress. We're still trying to decide the best way to express this in Japanese. If you order this, we might have a discussion about the best version that fits you. Here's how the characters break down by meaning (keep in mind, Japanese grammar and sentence construction is very different from English, so it doesn't make complete sense in English)...

物事 = things, everything
は particle
全て all, the whole, entirely
理由 reason
が particle
あっ be, exist, have, take place, happens
て particle
起きる to occur, to happen; to take place (usually unfavorable incidents)

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

 fēng shuǐ
 fuu sui
Feng Shui Scroll

風水 is the famous technique and approach to arranging your home externally around natural features and internally to create balance and peace.

These two characters literally mean “wind water.” Obviously, the title is far more simple than the concept behind this subject.

It may enlighten you slightly to know that the character for “wind” can also mean style, custom, or manner in some contexts. This may apply somewhat to this title.

In a technical sense, this title is translated as Chinese geomancy.

Perseverance / Fortitude

 jiǎn rěn
 ken nin
Perseverance / Fortitude Scroll

堅忍 means persistent, steadfast, fortitude, and/or perseverance.

The first character means strong, solid, firm, unyielding, or resolute.
The second character means to beat, endure, or tolerate.
Together they speak of the strength from within yourself. Some may also translate this as long-suffering in a more Biblical sense.

堅忍 is a common term in Chinese and Korean Hanja but a little less commonly used in modern Japanese Kanji. For that reason, this selection is best if your audience is Chinese or Korean.

忍忍 Note that when writing this as Kanji, Japanese will tend to write the second Kanji a little differently. If you select our Japanese master calligrapher, please expect the form where the little horizontal stroke crosses the vertical stroke. See differences in the images to the right. Technically, they are both the same character, and will be read the same in either language.


(obligation or duty in Japanese)

 yì lǐ
Giri Scroll

This term means an obligation or a sense of duty that one may have to their employer, country or culture.

義理 is a specifically Japanese term, as in Chinese, these two characters form a word that means “religious doctrine” or refers to the argument presented in an essay.

This term has a similar meaning in Korean, where it can be translated as justice, sense of duty, loyalty, integrity, or obligation.

義理 is kind of a weird selection for a wall scroll. So this entry is intended more for educational purposes.

More information about Giri

God is Always With You

God is With Me Always

 shàng dì yǔ nǐ cháng zài
God is Always With You Scroll

The direct translation of the Chinese characters, 上帝与你常在, is “God Together [with] You Always Exist.”

Keep in mind that Chinese grammar is sometimes very different from English. This makes perfect sense in Chinese.

Note: The title for God is the first two characters - the other words in the direct translation represent one character each.

Good Heart

A heart of kindness, benevolence, and virtuous intentions

 shàn xīn
Good Heart Scroll

善心 literally reads “Good Heart” but is used to refer to the ideas of kindness, benevolence, philanthropy, virtuous intentions, moral sense, and conscience.

Some will also translate this as the morality of mind (as the character for the heart is often used to mean mind).

In Japanese, this can be the given name Yoshinaka.

Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith

 shàn yì
 zen i
Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith Scroll

善意 is a word that means good intentions, goodwill, or to things done in good faith in Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean Hanja.

It's the reason you do good deeds or the desire you have inside yourself to do the right thing.

This can also be translated as benevolence, kindness, virtuous mind, positive mindset, or favorable sense.

善意 is also used in the legal context for things done in good faith (regardless of outcome).

In Japanese, this can be the personal name Yoshi or Yoshii.

Green Plum and Bamboo Horse

Innocent Children's Games

 qīng méi zhú mǎ
Green Plum and Bamboo Horse Scroll

青梅竹馬 means “green plums and hobby-horse.”

Figuratively, it means “innocent children's games,” “childhood sweethearts,” or “a couple who grew up as childhood friends.”

This phrase may sound a little strange as it's a kind of Chinese proverb or idiom. It makes much more sense in Chinese than in English.

The Guts Theory

The belief that where there's a will, there's a way.

 kon jou ron
The Guts Theory Scroll

根性論 is a Japanese title that refers to the belief that where there's a will, there's a way.

Another way to translate this is “The Guts Theory” or “The Doctrine of Will-Power.” Maybe breaking down the meaning of the characters will help clarify this:
根性 = will-power; guts; temper; nature; spirit; nature and character; the nature of the powers of any sense.
論 = theory; doctrine; treatises on dogma, philosophy, discipline, etc.


Korean Martial Art of re-directing force

 hé qì dào
 ai ki do
Hapkido Scroll

Hapkido or 合氣道 is a mostly-defensive martial art in Korea.

Hapkido has some connection to the Aikido of Japan. They are written with the same characters in both languages. However, it should be noted that the Korean Hanja characters shown here are the traditional Chinese form - but in modern Japan, the middle character was slightly simplified.
Note: You can consider this to be the older Japanese written form of Aikido. Titles on older books and signs about Aikido use this form.

The connection between Japanese Aikido and Korean Hapkido is muddled in history. The issue is probably due to the difficult relationship between the two countries around WWII. Many Koreans became virtual slaves to the Japanese during that period. After WWII, many things in Korea were disassociated from having any Japanese origin. The relationship has greatly mellowed out now.

Looking at the characters, the first means “union” or “harmony.”
The second character means “universal energy” or “spirit.”
The third means “way” or “method.”
One way to translate this into English is the “Harmonizing Energy Method.” This makes sense, as Hapkido has more to do with redirecting energy than fighting strength against strength.

More Hapkido info

More notes:
1. Sometimes Hapkido is Romanized as “hap ki do,” “hapki-do” “hab gi do” or “hapgido.”

2. Korean Hanja characters are actually Chinese characters that usually hold the same meaning in both languages. There was a time when these characters were the standard and only written form of Korean. The development of modern Korean Hangul characters is a somewhat recent event in the greater scope of history. There was a time when Chinese characters were the written form of many languages in places known in modern times as North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China, and a significant portion of Malaysia. Even today, more people in the world can read Chinese characters than English.

3. While these Korean Hanja characters can be pronounced in Chinese, this word is not well-known in China and is not considered part of the Chinese lexicon.

Heijoshin / Presence of Mind

 píng cháng xīn
 hei jou shin
Heijoshin / Presence of Mind Scroll

平常心 is the title Heijoshin, as associated with Kendo and Aikido schools of Japanese martial arts.

平常心 is also a word in Japanese that can be translated as “one's self-possession” or “presence of mind.”

In Chinese and Korean, this means “simplicity heart,” “composure,” “calmness,” or a “sense of orderliness.” In Chinese and Korean, this implies that you enjoy what you have, keep your heart in balance, and have no over-blown ambitions.

Independent Spirit / Independent Heart

Independent Spirit / Independent Heart Scroll

獨立心 means independent spirit or independent heart in Japanese.

The first two characters mean independent or independence. The third character means spirit, heart, or mind.

獨立心 is a Japanese term, although Chinese people could guess the meaning (the characters make sense individually in Chinese but are not often used this way). Also, the first character would be written 獨 in Traditional Chinese versus 独 which is the Simplified Chinese and modern Japanese version.

Inner Peace / Silence / Serenity

 shizu / sei
Inner Peace / Silence / Serenity Scroll

靜 is the simplest way to convey the meaning of inner peace and serenity.

靜 is often translated as “serenity.” It can also be used to express the ideas of still, calm, serene, quiet, silent, stillness, not moving, or tranquility.

In the old days, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean people might hang a wall scroll with this character in their reading room to bring about a sense of peace in the room.

静While they once used the same character form in Japan, they now use a slightly-simplified version in modern Japan (after WWII). This version is shown to the right, and can be selected for your wall scroll by clicking on that Kanji instead of the button above.

See Also:  Peace

 tiě zhǎng
Iron Palm Scroll

鐵掌 means “iron palm,” the martial arts technique taught by Brian Gray and others.

This term can mean different things to different people. The consensus is that rather than a type or style of martial arts, this is a technique for refining hand position and strengthening hands to strike blows with maximum force and effect.

The regime may include herbal treatments and special exercises to fortify the hands.

In more extreme versions, the carpals and metacarpal bones in the hand are systematically broken so that when they heal, they will become stronger.

Japanese note: This does make sense in Japanese (though the version shown above is the ancient form of the first Kanji), this is far from a commonly-known term.

Joyfulness / Happiness

 kuài lè
 kai raku
Joyfulness / Happiness Scroll

快樂 or joyfulness is an inner sense of peace and happiness.

You appreciate the gifts each day brings. Without joyfulness, when the fun stops, our happiness stops. Joy can carry us through hard times even when we are feeling very sad.

快樂 can also mean pleasure, enjoyment, delight, cheerfulness, or merry. In some ways, this is the essence that makes someone perceived as a charming person.

See Also:  Happiness

Jujitsu / Jujutsu

 róu shù
 juu jutsu
Jujitsu / Jujutsu Scroll

柔術 has been somewhat incorrectly spelled and pronounced “Jujitsu” for some time in the English-speaking world. The correct Japanese Romaji is Jujutsu or Juujutsu.

A little background on the word: By combining the Kanji pronounced “Ju” (which means flexible, pliable, gentle, yielding) with the Kanji pronounced “Jutsu” (which means art or technique), we get a meaning that can be translated as “flexible technique,” “gentle art” or “yielding technique.”
柔術 does make sense in Chinese as well, although pronounced “rou shu” in China.

The Jujutsu system has a history in Japan that started well before the 1600s. Some see this style as a variation of the “Empty Hand Method” (Karate-do). Even the samurai of old used some Jujutsu methods in defending themselves with their unarmed hands against weapons that could pierce their heavy armor.

There are convoluted relationships between various schools and systems of martial arts, but it's generally accepted that Jujutsu led to the development of Judo and a few other variations.

Kansei Engineering / Sense Engineering

 gǎn xìng gōng xué
 kansei kougaku
Kansei Engineering / Sense Engineering Scroll

In short, 感性工學 or Kansei engineering involves collecting data on human experiences with a product and then designing or engineering improvements based on those experiences or “senses.”

Some may define Kansei as “engineering around the human experience.”

There is a lot more to know about Kansei, but if you are looking for this word, you probably already know the big picture.

Note: This term is very new in China and is only used by businesses, factories, and engineers that are implementing TQM principles. While the characters have the same base meaning in both languages, this is a Japanese title that flows back into the Chinese language (in history, most things flowed from China to Japan). To a Chinese person unfamiliar with this concept, they may interpret this as “sense vocational studies,” which doesn't make much sense. You may have to explain the intended meaning to some Chinese viewers. But that can make it a great conversation piece.

Kansei is also a newer term in Korean and is only used in certain parts of the industry, with the definition of “Sensory Engineering.” Not yet in widespread use in Korea.

Above is the modern Japanese version of this title. The last character has a Traditional Chinese version, making this 感性工學 instead of 感性工学. If you want the Traditional Chinese version, please include special instructions or email me so that I make sure the calligrapher writes the version you want.

See Also:  Kaizen

Life is Good

 rén shēng liáng hǎo
 jin sei ryou kou
Life is Good Scroll

人生良好 means “life is good” in Japanese.

The first two characters mean “life” (as in your or a human lifespan).

The last two characters mean “good.”

This also makes sense in Chinese but it reads more like, “life is all right.”

Love Forever / Love Eternal

 ài yǒng yuǎn
 ai ei en
Love Forever / Love Eternal Scroll

The first character here means “love.”

The last two mean forever, eternity, eternal, perpetuity, immortality, and/or permanence.

愛永遠 is the shortest and most universal way to express this idea in Chinese and Japanese.

Japanese note: This sound more like a title than a phrase in Japanese (if that makes any sense). 愛永遠 is a great title for a romantic book, the title of a movie, the name of a perfume, or even a name for a store.

See Also:  Eternal Love | Forever Love

Martial Arts Master

 wǔ yún zhě
Martial Arts Master Scroll

武芸者 is the Japanese Kanji title for “Martial Arts Master.” It suggests that you have reached at least the level of black belt and are probably to the level where you are ready to become an instructor.

Please consider carefully where you stand before ordering this phrase on a wall scroll. If you are not a master, this will make you look a bit foolish.

If you want to get this as a gift for your master at the dojo. Try to discreetly make sure this term is used in your school. Different schools and styles of Japanese martial arts use different terms. You may notice in the Romaji that the last two characters romanize as “geisha” which means “person skilled in arts” (what a geisha girl really is). The title here has the character for “martial,” “warrior,” and/or “military” in front of it. Therefore the literal translation is “martial art person.”

These Kanji are valid Chinese characters and Korean Hanja, but this title does not really make sense in Chinese and is not often used in Korean, though a Chinese or Korean would be able to guess the meaning by looking at the first and last characters.

Mindfulness Scroll

念 is the simplest way to write “mindfulness” in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

念 can be defined these ways: To read; to study (a degree course); to read aloud; to miss somebody (keeping them in your mind); idea; remembrance; sense; thought; feeling; desire; concern; attention; recollection; memory; to think on/about; reflect; repeat, intone; a moment.

Obviously, the context in which the character is used determines which definition or meaning is perceived. As a single character, it's open and perhaps ambiguous. Thus, it can be read with any or all of these meanings.

念 is used in a Buddhist context (often written as 正念 or “right mindfulness”) with similar meanings of thought and contemplation.

In Japanese, this character is sometimes used as the name “Nen.”

See Also:  Buddhism | Enlightenment

Sense of Shame / Sense of Honor / Integrity / Modesty (Korean)

 lián chǐ
 ren chi
Sense of Shame / Sense of Honor / Integrity / Modesty (Korean) Scroll

廉恥 simultaneously means “sense of honor” and “sense of shame” in Korean.

This term is often used as a tenet of Taekwondo, where the English terms “integrity” and “modesty” are applied.

廉恥 is also a Chinese word, though it is usually read with the “sense of shame” meaning, and is a poor choice for a wall scroll if your audience is Chinese.

My True Love

 wǒ xīn zhēn ài
My True Love Scroll

我心真愛 is a slightly poetic way to express this sentiment to someone.

The meaning is “My True Love,” but the characters directly translate as “I/Me/My Heart/Mind True/Real Love.”

Note that Chinese grammar and construction are different, so this sounds very eloquent and artsy in Chinese.
In Korean Hanja, the third character should be written differently. Just let me know when you place your order if you want that version - it will still make sense in Chinese. This phrase makes sense in Korean but is not commonly used.

Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai

Japanese Genbu Karate Club

 rì běn kōng shǒu dào xuán wǔ huì
 ni ppon kara te dou gen bu kai
Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai Scroll

日本空手道玄武會 is the title for Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai.
A Japanese karate association of the Genbu school.

Note that while this title does make perfect sense in Chinese, it is really a Japanese title. In fact, the first word is “Japanese/Japan.”

If you’d like your martial arts school, dojo or club added to our calligraphy database for easy ordering of a custom calligraphy wall scroll, just contact me.

 wú huǐ
 mu ke
No Regrets Scroll

無悔 is how to say “no regrets” in Mandarin Chinese.

This also makes sense in Japanese, though not the most common way to express “no regrets” in Japanese.

See Also:  Live for Today

Ksaya / Omega / Finality

 qǐ sǎ
Ksaya / Omega / Finality Scroll

乞灑 is the Chinese and Japanese version of the Buddhist term “kṣaya.”

乞灑 is used in the sense of omega, or the end. This implies finality or nirvāṇa.

This term is only used in the context of Buddhism. Non-Buddhists may not recognize this word.

Appreciation and Love for Your Parents

 shuí yán cùn cǎo xīn bào dé sān chūn huī
Appreciation and Love for Your Parents Scroll

誰言寸草心報得三春暉 is the last line of a famous poem. It is perceived as a tribute or ode to your parents or mother from a child or children that have left home.

The poem was written by Meng Jiao during the Tang Dynasty (about 1200 years ago). The Chinese title is “You Zi Yin” which means “The Traveler's Recite.”

The last line as shown here speaks of the generous and warm spring sunlight which gives the grass far beyond what the little grass can could ever give back (except perhaps by showing its lovely green leaves and flourishing). The metaphor is that the sun is your mother or parents, and you are the grass. Your parents raise you and give you all the love and care you need to prepare you for the world. A debt that you can never repay, nor is repayment expected.

The first part of the poem (not written in the characters to the left) suggests that the thread in a loving mother's hands is the shirt of her traveling offspring. Vigorously sewing while wishing them to come back sooner than they left.
...This part is really hard to translate into English that makes any sense but maybe you get the idea. We are talking about a poem that is so old that many Chinese people would have trouble reading it (as if it was the King James Version of Chinese).

Peace and Good Health

 ān kāng
Peace and Good Health Scroll

安康 means just what it says. It's a word that expresses both the idea of being at peace and healthy at the same time.

Note: 安康 is a bonafide word in Chinese and Korean, and the characters will at least make sense in Japanese.

Peace of Mind

(five-character version)

 nèi xīn de níng jìng
Peace of Mind Scroll

內心的寧靜 is the long way to express the idea of “peace of mind” in Chinese.

The first two characters mean heart or “innermost being.”
The middle character is a connecting modifier.
The last two characters mean peace, tranquility, or serenity.

Some may also translate this as “inner peace,” but I like our other inner-peace options for that idea.

This kind of makes sense in Korean but will have an archaic read - even by those who can understand Korean Hanja.

Peaceful Heart / Peace of Mind / Calm Mind

 ān xīn
 an shin
Peaceful Heart / Peace of Mind / Calm Mind Scroll

安心 can be defined as relief, peace of mind, feeling at ease, to be relieved, to set one's mind at rest, and easiness.

安心 is a nice word that encompasses great meanings within just two characters. Some of the other meanings include pacifying, settling the mind, and peace of mind. It's also the idea of feeling a sense of security, safety, and confidence in your state of well-being.

This can be used by everyone, but some consider it to be a Buddhist concept (You'll find it in your Zen dictionary).

Note: Can be romanized as Anshin or Anjin in Japanese.

 xiàn xiàng
Phenomenon Scroll

I must first say that 現象 is an odd thing to put on a wall scroll in Asian cultures. It won't make a lot of sense alone unless you have a special or personal meaning that you attach to it for yourself.

These two characters mean phenomenon in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Hanja. They can also be translated as “a happening,” depending on context.

The sum of these characters is a little different than their individual meanings. But I will break it down anyway...
The first character means present, existing, actual, apparent, now, or current.
The second character alone means pattern after, imitate, image, shape, sign (of the times), form, appearance, to be like, to resemble, to take after, to seem, or elephant.

 zì háo
Pride Scroll

自豪 is used to convey “feeling a sense of pride.”

This can be the pride you feel in yourself or the sense of pride in belonging to a certain group, team, or organization.

Red Dragon / Vermillion Dragon

 zhū lóng
Red Dragon / Vermillion Dragon Scroll

朱龍 is a sophisticated or scholarly way to say “Red Dragon.” 朱龍 is the title you'd expect in ancient Chinese literature.

The first character means red, cinnabar, or vermillion.

The second character means dragon.

It is said that the Vermillion Dragon represents kings that bestow blessings on lakes or bodies of water. This makes more sense in an ancient Chinese context.

The Roar of the Lioness

 hé dōng shī hǒu
The Roar of the Lioness Scroll

河東獅吼 is actually a proverb and joke about the plight and fear of a hen-pecked husband.

In ancient times, it was used to describe a wife who would berate her husband or go into jealous rages. However, this phrase currently brings about ideas of a husband that cowers in fear and cringes when his wife screams (or roars) at him.

Please only purchase this as a good-natured joke. If your wife or husband does not have a good sense of humor, it's probably not a good idea to hang this on your wall to irritate your mate.


 zì xìn
Self-Confidence Scroll

自信 is created by simply putting the character for “faith/believe/confidence” with the character for “oneself” in front of it.

The literal translation holds the same meaning in English, Chinese, and Japanese.

It's like a self-affirmation to say, “you can do it.”

Some may also use this to mean self-esteem or a sense of self-worth. 自信 is also how to say “believe in oneself.”

See Also:  Confidence

Sense of Humor

Funny Bone

Sense of Humor Scroll

笑いの壺 is the Japanese way to say “sense of humor” (humour), or colloquially a way to say “funny bone.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do

 mì dōng liú qì mù guǎn kōng shǒu dào
 shito-ryu ki-me-kan karate-dou
Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do Scroll

糸東流氣目館空手道 is the title for Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do.
A school of Karate.

Note that while this title can be pronounced in Chinese, it only makes complete sense in Japanese.

 mì dōng liú
 shii tou ryuu
Shito-Ryu Scroll

糸東流 is the title for Shito-Ryu.

Note that while this title can be pronounced in Chinese, it only makes complete sense in Japanese.

 sōng tāo guǎn
 shou tou kan
Shotokan Scroll

松濤館 are the Kanji characters that make up the title for Shotokan.

This should be considered a Japanese-only title. It does make sense and is pronounceable in Chinese and Korean but only as a title for a building (perhaps a martial arts hall) surrounded by pine trees. Also, the first two characters were simplified in both Japanese and Chinese. The third character was simplified in Chinese but not Japanese.

Upon request, we can offer the fully traditional Chinese version but be sure you know what you are asking for.

Note: This would be understood in Chinese and Korean Hanja by a person from those cultures who is familiar with martial arts and various schools of Japanese karate.

Shotokan Karate-Do

 sōng tāo guǎn kōng shǒu dào
 shou tou kan kara te dou
Shotokan Karate-Do Scroll

鬆濤館空手道 art the Japanese Kanji that make up the title for Shotokan Karate.

This should be considered a Japanese-only title. It does make sense and is pronounceable in Chinese and Korean but only as a title for a building (perhaps a martial arts hall) surrounded by pine trees - followed by the characters for “The empty hand method” (kong shou dao / Karate-do). Also, the first two characters were simplified in both Japanese and Chinese. The third character was simplified in Chinese but not Japanese.

Upon request, we can offer the fully traditional Chinese version but be sure you know what you are asking for.

Note: This would be understood in Chinese and Korean Hanja by a person from those cultures familiar with martial arts and various schools of Japanese karate.

Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also

 shuǐ néng zài zhōu yì néng fù zhōu
Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also Scroll

Many things have opposite properties. The water you drink can also drown you. Pork may nourish you and keep you alive but under-cook it and it could kill you. Potassium nitrate is often used as a fertilizer to grow the food that sustains us but it's also been used as an explosive to topple buildings and destroy us.

This concept is easily associated with “yin yang” where an element has two opposite properties that are as different as night and day.

This proverb's meaning can be summed up this way: “Anything that can lead you to success may also contain great risks.”

This phrase is known in literary circles by Korean people (scholars or literature). It is therefore also a valid proverb in Korean Hanja, though most Koreans would not be able to make sense of it.

Please note that there is an unwritten rule when the same character appears twice in the same phrase, the calligrapher will alter the appearance so that no two characters are exactly alike in the same piece. This calligraphy has two repeating characters that will be written differently than they appear here.

Sixth Sense / Intuition

 dì liù gǎn
Sixth Sense / Intuition Scroll

第六感 is literally “The Sixth Sense” in Chinese and Japanese Kanji.

This can also be translated as intuition, premonition, telepathy, or hunch.

State of Anarchy

 wú jíng chá
State of Anarchy Scroll

無警察 means the state of anarchy.

More literally it means “without rules or judges.”

This combination of characters makes sense in Korean and Chinese but with a meaning closer to “without police.” 無警察 is kind of a weird selection for a wall scroll and a rather obscure idea (a couple of customers begged for this term, so we added it).

Taekwondo Tenets / Spirit of Taekwon-do

 tái quán dào jīng shén lǐ yì lián chǐ rěn nài kè jǐ bǎi zhé bù qū
Taekwondo Tenets / Spirit of Taekwon-do Scroll

跆拳道精神禮義廉耻忍耐克己百折不屈 is General Choi's writing that is often called “The Tenets of Taekwon-do.”

Taekwondo Tenets

The actual title would be translated as “Taekwondo Spirit” or “The Spirit of Taekwondo.” It was originally written in Korean Hanja (Chinese characters used in Korea for about 1600 years).

General Choi's original calligraphy is shown to the right. Your custom calligraphy will be unique, and not an exact match, as each calligrapher has their own style.

In modern times, the common form of written Korean is Hangul (a phonetic character set). The table below shows the text in Hangul and Hanja along with a pronunciation guide and a brief English translation:

Traditional Korean HanjaModern Korean HangulPronunciationEnglish
跆拳道精神태권도정신tae gweon do jeong sinTaekwondo Spirit
禮儀예의ye yiCourtesy / Etiquette / Propriety / Decorum / Formality
廉耻염치yeom ciIntegrity / Sense of Honor
忍耐인내in naePatience / Perseverance / Endurance
克己극기geug giSelf-Control / Self-Denial / Self-Abnegation
百折不屈백절불굴baeg jeor bur gurIndomitable Spirit (Undaunted even after repeated attacks from the opponent)
Note that the pronunciation is the official version now used in South Korea. However, it is different than what you may be used to. For instance, “Taekwon-do” is “tae gweon do.” This new romanization is supposed to be closer to actual Korean pronunciation.

God of Thunder

 léi shén
 rai jin
God of Thunder Scroll

雷神 is how to write the Japanese “Thunder God.” They don't really have separate words for thunder and lightning in Japanese, so this is also the “Lightning God.”

雷神 makes sense in Chinese (though not a common title).

This is also the origin of the English name Raiden.

United States Marine Corps

 bei kai hei tai
United States Marine Corps Scroll

米海兵隊 is the Japanese way to write “United States Marine Corps” or simply “U.S. Marines.”

Breaking down each Kanji, this means:
“rice (American) ocean/sea soldiers/army/military corps/regiment/group.”

This title will only make sense in Japanese, it is not the same in Chinese! Make sure you know your audience before ordering a custom wall scroll.

If you are wondering about rice, America is known as “rice country” or “rice kingdom” when literally translated. The Kanji for rice is often used as an abbreviation in front of words (like a sub-adjective) to make something “American.” Americans say “rice burner” for a Japanese car and “rice rocket” for a Japanese motorcycle. If you did the same in Japanese, it would have the opposite meaning.

Note: I have not verified this but I’ve found this title used for U.S. Marines in Korean articles, so it’s most likely a normal Korean term as well (but only in Korean Hanja).

See Also:  Marine Corps | Navy | Army | Art of War | Warrior | Military

 wabi sabi
Wabi Sabi Scroll

侘寂 is Wabi-Sabi, the aesthetic sense in Japanese art emphasizing quiet simplicity and subdued refinement.

More about this subject at Wikipedia: Wabi Sabi

Soul of a Warrior

 jīng shén yǒng shì
Soul of a Warrior Scroll

精神勇士 can be translated as the spirit or soul of a warrior. The first two characters can be translated as vigor, vitality, drive, spirit, mind, heart, mental essence, and psychological component. Basically, “your soul.”

The second two characters mean “warrior” or literally “brave soldier/man,” although some will translate this word as “hero.” Therefore, this is also how to say “soul of a hero.”

Note: This title is best for Chinese and old Korean. It does make sense in Japanese but is not a common or natural Kanji combination in Japanese.

We have two versions of this phrase. The only difference is the first two and last two characters are swapped. The version here suggests that you are the warrior or hero. The other version suggests that you admire or like the idea of the spirit of a warrior.

Wisdom / Intelligence

Wisdom / Intelligence Scroll

智恵 is a Japanese word that means wisdom; wit; sagacity; sense; intelligence.

In the Buddhist context, this is prajna (insight leading to enlightenment).

This can also be the Japanese female given name Norie.



 zhì huì
Wisdom Scroll

Beyond wisdom, 智慧 can be translated as knowledge, sagacity, sense, and intelligence.

The first character means “wise” or “smart,” and the second character means “intelligence.”

Note: 智慧 is used commonly in Chinese and is a less-common word in Japanese and Korean. If your audience is Japanese, I suggest our other Japanese wisdom option.

This means intellect or wisdom in Japanese too but is a more unusual way to write this word (though both versions are pronounced the same in Japanese).

See Also:  Learn From Wisdom

Ultimate Loyalty to Your Country

The most famous tattoo in Chinese history

 jìn zhōng bào guó
Ultimate Loyalty to Your Country Scroll

盡忠報國 is a proverb that is the tattoo worn on the back of Yue Fei, a famous Chinese warrior who lived until 1142 A.D.

The tattoo can be translated as “Serve the country with the utmost loyalty.” More literally, it means “[The] Ultimate Loyalty [is too] Duty [of] Country.”

Legend has it that this tattoo once saved his life when he was accused of treason.

The first two characters have come to create a word that means “serve the country faithfully” or “die for the country.” Note: It's more a willingness to die for one's country than the actual act of dying.

The last two characters have come to mean “Dedicate oneself to the service of one's country.”

Both of these words are probably only in the Chinese lexicon because of this famous tattoo.

If you break it down, character-by-character, here is what you get:
1. To the utmost, to the limit of something, the ultimate.
2. Loyalty or duty (a sense of duty to one's master, lord, country, or job).
3. Report, recompense, give back to (in this case, you are giving yourself to your country as payback).
4. Country, state, nation, kingdom.

More about the famous warrior and army general, Yue Fei

Rooster / Chicken

Year of the Rooster / Zodiac Sign

Rooster / Chicken Scroll

鷄 or 雞 is the character for rooster or chicken in Chinese, old Korean, and Japanese.

If you were born in the year of the rooster (chicken), you . . .

Have a unique sense of color.
Are highly principled and responsible.
Have persuasive power.
Are honest.
Have a great ability to communicate.

Common Chinese chicken Alternate Chinese chicken #1 Alternate Chinese chicken #2

Please note: There are a few different ways to write rooster/chicken, as shown to the right. If you are particular about the form, please let us know when you place your order.

See also our Chinese Zodiac page.

 shī zi róu dào
 shi shi juu dou
Lion Judo Scroll

獅子柔道 is the title for Lion Judo.

This should be considered just a Japanese title, though it is pronounceable and makes sense in Chinese and Korean - so I have included the romanization for those languages above.

 māo shén
 neko gami
Nekogami Scroll

貓神 is the title Nekogami or “Cat God” in Japanese.

This can also be pronounced “neko shin” or “neko kami.”

猫神 is the modern Japanese version, before WWII, this would have been written 貓神 (just the first Kanji varies).

This also makes sense in Chinese, though the traditional version, 貓神, would be better for Chinese calligraphy.

Knowledge of Ultimate Truth

 zhēn zhì
Knowledge of Ultimate Truth Scroll

眞智 can mean the wisdom or knowledge of ultimate truth.

眞智 is also the absolute knowledge of the non-thing or that which is immaterial. This makes more sense when you consider that true wisdom includes the knowledge of both the real and unreal, or what is material and immaterial.

In Japan, 眞智 (Masatoshi) can also be a given name.

There is one single thread binding my Way together

 wú dào yī yǐ guàn zhī
 ware dou tsurayuki
There is one single thread binding my Way together Scroll

吾道一以貫之 is a phrase from the Analects of Confucius that translates as “My Way has one thread that runs through it.”

Other translations include:
My Way is penetrated by a single thread.
There is one single thread binding my Way together.
My Way is run through with a unifying thread.
My Way is Consistent.
And sometimes poetic license is taken, and it is translated as:
My Way is the only one; I'll treasure it and stick to it with humility until the end.

After this was said, some 2500+ years ago, another disciple of Confucius clarified the meaning by stating, “Our master's Way is to be loyal and have a sense of reciprocity.”

In Japanese, this is purported to be romanized as “Waga michi ichi wo motte kore wo tsuranuku,” though some will argue the true pronunciation.

Note: Sometimes written 吾道以一貫之 instead of 吾道一以貫之 with no difference in meaning.

Joushiki Wo Koeru

 jou shiki wo ko e ru
Joushiki Wo Koeru Scroll

This Japanese phrase, “常識を超える” or “Jōshiki Wo Koeru” means “beyond common sense.”

常識 alone can be translated as “common sense,” “good sense,” “common knowledge”,“general knowledge,” “common practice,” “accepted practice,” or “social etiquette.”
The rest of the phrase indicates exceeding, overtaking, surpassing, transcending, or an idea of going beyond something.

More ways to translate this whole phrase:
Over what was known.
Surpassing common sense.
Beyond the ordinary.
Going beyond conventional knowledge.
Beyond conventional wisdom.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Messenger of Heaven
天使ten shi / tenshitiān shǐ / tian1 shi3 / tian shi / tianshit`ien shih / tienshih / tien shih
Beware of the Lawyers提防律師
xiǎo xīn lǜ shī
xiao3 xin1 lv4 shi1
xiao xin lv shi
hsiao hsin lü shih
Rank Holder有段者yuu dan sha
yu dan sha
yǒu duàn zhě
you3 duan4 zhe3
you duan zhe
yu tuan che
Bloodless Victory兵不血刃bīng bù xuè rèn
bing1 bu4 xue4 ren4
bing bu xue ren
ping pu hsüeh jen
Bodhicitta: Enlightened Mind冒地質多
o dì zhì duō
mao4 di4 zhi4 duo1
mao di zhi duo
mao ti chih to
jī dū jiào
ji1 du1 jiao4
ji du jiao
chi tu chiao
Devotion to your Profession
從事 / 従事
jyuu ji / jyuuji / jyu jicóng shì / cong2 shi4 / cong shi / congshits`ung shih / tsungshih / tsung shih
Diligencekinqín / qin2 / qinch`in / chin
zhí zé / zhi2 ze2 / zhi ze / zhizechih tse / chihtse
Everything Happens for a Reason物事は全て理由があって起きるmonogoto ha subete riyuu ga at te okiru
monogoto ha subete riyu ga at te okiru
Feng Shui風水
fuu sui / fuusui / fu suifēng shuǐ
feng1 shui3
feng shui
ken nin / kenninjiǎn rěn / jian3 ren3 / jian ren / jianrenchien jen / chienjen
giriyì lǐ / yi4 li3 / yi li / yilii li / ili
God is Always With You上帝與你常在
shàng dì yǔ nǐ cháng zài
shang4 di4 yu3 ni3 chang2 zai4
shang di yu ni chang zai
shang ti yü ni ch`ang tsai
shang ti yü ni chang tsai
Good Heart善心yoshinakashàn xīn / shan4 xin1 / shan xin / shanxinshan hsin / shanhsin
Good Intentions
Good Will
Good Faith
善意zen i / zenishàn yì / shan4 yi4 / shan yi / shanyishan i / shani
Green Plum and Bamboo Horse青梅竹馬
qīng méi zhú mǎ
qing1 mei2 zhu2 ma3
qing mei zhu ma
ch`ing mei chu ma
ching mei chu ma
The Guts Theory根性論kon jou ron
kon jo ron
ai ki do / aikidohé qì dào
he2 qi4 dao4
he qi dao
ho ch`i tao
ho chi tao
Presence of Mind
平常心hei jou shin
hei jo shin
píng cháng xīn
ping2 chang2 xin1
ping chang xin
p`ing ch`ang hsin
ping chang hsin
Independent Spirit
Independent Heart
Inner Peace

shizu / seijìng / jing4 / jingching
Iron Palm鐵掌
tetsu-tenohiratiě zhǎng
tie3 zhang3
tie zhang
t`ieh chang
tieh chang
kai raku / kairakukuài lè / kuai4 le4 / kuai le / kuailek`uai le / kuaile / kuai le
juu jutsu / juujutsu / ju jutsuróu shù / rou2 shu4 / rou shu / roushujou shu / joushu
Kansei Engineering
Sense Engineering
kansei kougaku
kansei kogaku
gǎn xìng gōng xué
gan3 xing4 gong1 xue2
gan xing gong xue
kan hsing kung hsüeh
Life is Good人生良好jin sei ryou kou
jin sei ryo ko
rén shēng liáng hǎo
ren2 sheng1 liang2 hao3
ren sheng liang hao
jen sheng liang hao
Love Forever
Love Eternal
ai ei en / aieienài yǒng yuǎn
ai4 yong3 yuan3
ai yong yuan
ai yung yüan
Martial Arts Master武芸者bugeishawǔ yún zhě
wu3 yun2 zhe3
wu yun zhe
wu yün che
Mindfulnessnenniàn / nian4 / niannien
Sense of Shame
Sense of Honor
Modesty (Korean)
ren chi / renchilián chǐ / lian2 chi3 / lian chi / lianchilien ch`ih / lienchih / lien chih
My True Love我心真愛
wǒ xīn zhēn ài
wo3 xin1 zhen1 ai4
wo xin zhen ai
wo hsin chen ai
Nippon Karate-Do Genbu-Kai日本空手道玄武會
ni ppon kara te dou gen bu kai
ni pon kara te do gen bu kai
rì běn kōng shǒu dào xuán wǔ huì
ri4 ben3 kong1 shou3 dao4 xuan2 wu3 hui4
ri ben kong shou dao xuan wu hui
jih pen k`ung shou tao hsüan wu hui
jih pen kung shou tao hsüan wu hui
No Regrets無悔
mu ke / mukewú huǐ / wu2 hui3 / wu hui / wuhui
kishaqǐ sǎ / qi3 sa3 / qi sa / qisach`i sa / chisa / chi sa
Appreciation and Love for Your Parents誰言寸草心報得三春暉
shuí yán cùn cǎo xīn bào dé sān chūn huī
shui2 yan2 cun4 cao3 xin1 bao4 de2 san1 chun1 hui1
shui yan cun cao xin bao de san chun hui
shui yen ts`un ts`ao hsin pao te san ch`un hui
shui yen tsun tsao hsin pao te san chun hui
Peace and Good Health安康ān kāng / an1 kang1 / an kang / ankangan k`ang / ankang / an kang
Peace of Mind內心的寧靜
nèi xīn de níng jìng
nei4 xin1 de ning2 jing4
nei xin de ning jing
nei hsin te ning ching
Peaceful Heart
Peace of Mind
Calm Mind
安心an shin / anshinān xīn / an1 xin1 / an xin / anxinan hsin / anhsin
genshou / genshoxiàn xiàng
xian4 xiang4
xian xiang
hsien hsiang
Pride自豪zì háo / zi4 hao2 / zi hao / zihaotzu hao / tzuhao
Red Dragon
Vermillion Dragon
zhū lóng / zhu1 long2 / zhu long / zhulongchu lung / chulung
The Roar of the Lioness河東獅吼
hé dōng shī hǒu
he2 dong1 shi1 hou3
he dong shi hou
ho tung shih hou
Self-Confidence自信jishinzì xìn / zi4 xin4 / zi xin / zixintzu hsin / tzuhsin
Sense of Humor笑いの壺warainotsubo
Shito-Ryu Ki-Me-Kan Karate-Do糸東流氣目館空手道
shito-ryu ki-me-kan karate-dou
shito-ryu ki-me-kan karate-do
mì dōng liú qì mù guǎn kōng shǒu dào
mi4 dong1 liu2 qi4 mu4 guan3 kong1 shou3 dao4
mi dong liu qi mu guan kong shou dao
mi tung liu ch`i mu kuan k`ung shou tao
mi tung liu chi mu kuan kung shou tao
shii tou ryuu
shi to ryu
mì dōng liú
mi4 dong1 liu2
mi dong liu
mi tung liu
shou tou kan
sho to kan
sōng tāo guǎn
song1 tao1 guan3
song tao guan
sung t`ao kuan
sung tao kuan
Shotokan Karate-Do鬆濤館空手道
shou tou kan kara te dou
sho to kan kara te do
sōng tāo guǎn kōng shǒu dào
song1 tao1 guan3 kong1 shou3 dao4
song tao guan kong shou dao
sung t`ao kuan k`ung shou tao
sung tao kuan kung shou tao
Not Only Can Water Float A Boat, It Can Sink It Also水能載舟亦能覆舟
shuǐ néng zài zhōu yì néng fù zhōu
shui3 neng2 zai4 zhou1 yi4 neng2 fu4 zhou1
shui neng zai zhou yi neng fu zhou
shui neng tsai chou i neng fu chou
Sixth Sense
第六感dairokkan / dairokandì liù gǎn
di4 liu4 gan3
di liu gan
ti liu kan
State of Anarchy無警察
mukeisatsuwú jíng chá
wu2 jing2 cha2
wu jing cha
wu ching ch`a
wu ching cha
Taekwondo Tenets
Spirit of Taekwon-do
tái quán dào jīng shén lǐ yì lián chǐ rěn nài kè jǐ bǎi zhé bù qū
tai2 quan2 dao4 jing1 shen2 li3 yi4 lian2 chi3 ren3 nai4 ke4 ji3 bai3 zhe2 bu4 qu1
tai quan dao jing shen li yi lian chi ren nai ke ji bai zhe bu qu
t`ai ch`üan tao ching shen li i lien ch`ih jen nai k`o chi pai che pu ch`ü
tai chüan tao ching shen li i lien chih jen nai ko chi pai che pu chü
God of Thunder雷神rai jin / raijinléi shén / lei2 shen2 / lei shen / leishen
United States Marine Corps米海兵隊bei kai hei tai
Wabi Sabi侘寂wabi sabi / wabisabi
Soul of a Warrior精神勇士jīng shén yǒng shì
jing1 shen2 yong3 shi4
jing shen yong shi
ching shen yung shih
Wisdom智慧chiezhì huì / zhi4 hui4 / zhi hui / zhihuichih hui / chihhui
Ultimate Loyalty to Your Country盡忠報國
jìn zhōng bào guó
jin4 zhong1 bao4 guo2
jin zhong bao guo
chin chung pao kuo
鷄 or 雞
鸡 or 鶏
niwatorijī / ji1 / jichi
Lion Judo獅子柔道
shi shi juu dou
shi shi ju do
shī zi róu dào
shi1 zi5 rou2 dao4
shi zi rou dao
shih tzu jou tao
neko gami / nekogamio shén / mao1 shen2 / mao shen / maoshen
Knowledge of Ultimate Truth眞智masatoshizhēn zhì / zhen1 zhi4 / zhen zhi / zhenzhichen chih / chenchih
There is one single thread binding my Way together吾道一以貫之
ware dou tsurayuki
ware do tsurayuki
wú dào yī yǐ guàn zhī
wu2 dao4 yi1 yi3 guan4 zhi1
wu dao yi yi guan zhi
wu tao i i kuan chih
Joushiki Wo Koeru常識を超えるjou shiki wo ko e ru
jo shiki wo ko e ru
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as O Sense Kanji, O Sense Characters, O Sense in Mandarin Chinese, O Sense Characters, O Sense in Chinese Writing, O Sense in Japanese Writing, O Sense in Asian Writing, O Sense Ideograms, Chinese O Sense symbols, O Sense Hieroglyphics, O Sense Glyphs, O Sense in Chinese Letters, O Sense Hanzi, O Sense in Japanese Kanji, O Sense Pictograms, O Sense in the Chinese Written-Language, or O Sense in the Japanese Written-Language.

66 people have searched for O Sense in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
O Sense was last searched for by someone else on Jun 8th, 2024