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If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.

  1. Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea

  2. Optimism / Happy With Your Fate

  3. Alone with only your shadow for company

  4. Always with a Book in Hand

  5. You are who you hang out with

  6. Engage with Confidence

  7. Death with Dignity

  8. Put out a burning wood cart with a cup of water

  9. God is Always With You

10. God Bless You / God Be With You

11. God Is With You Always

12. God is Always With Me

13. God is Always With You

14. Go With The Flow

15. Holding Flowers with Subtle Smile

16. Hold Hands with You, Grow Old with You

17. The Whole Room Rocks With Laughter

18. Inspire with redoubled courage

19. A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step

20. Hunt Foxes with Stealth, Hunt Wolves in the Open

21. We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?

22. Life with Love

23. Listen with Open Mind

24. Nothing is Impossible with Persistence

25. One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet

26. Phoenix

27. I’d Rather Be With You

28. Rise Up with Thrift and Diligence

29. With all the strength of your heart

30. Work Together with One Mind

31. Work Together with One Heart

Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea

 qiān lǜ yī dé
Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea Scroll

千慮一得 means “1000 tries, one success,” or “[a] thousand tries [leads to] one success.”

This proverb is a humble way to express your success, ideas, or accomplishments. As if you are a fool who just got lucky in inventing or creating something.

Translations for this proverb include:
Even without any notable ability on my part, I may still get it right sometimes by good luck.
Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea.

Compare this to the English idiom, “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

Optimism / Happy With Your Fate

 lè tiān
 raku ten
Optimism / Happy With Your Fate Scroll

樂天 is about being optimistic and also making the best of whatever life throws at you.

This is hard to define. One dictionary defines this as “acceptance of fate and happy about it.” There is one English word equivalent, which is sanguinity or sanguinary.

You can also say that this means “Be happy with whatever Heaven provides,” or “Find happiness in whatever fate Heaven bestows upon you.” 樂天 suggests being an optimist in life.

Note: This is sometimes a given name in China.

楽 Please note that Japanese tend to write the first character in a slightly-different form (as seen to the right). Let us know if you have a preference when you place your order.

Alone with only your shadow for company

 qióng qióng jié lì xíng yǐng xiāng diào
Alone with only your shadow for company Scroll

煢煢孑立形影相吊 is a Chinese proverb about the state of being as alone as you possibly can be.

It can be translated as “Alone with only your shadow for comfort/company.”

See Also:  I Miss You

Always with a Book in Hand

 shǒu bù shì juàn
Always with a Book in Hand Scroll

手不釋卷 is a Chinese proverb that literally means “always with a book in hand.”

It's a proverb said of a hardworking scholar or student.

This may refer to a student or scholar who is diligent and hardworking. It's a great gift for a student or scholar who loves books.

You are who you hang out with

 āi jīn sì jīn āi yù sì yù
You are who you hang out with Scroll

金似金挨玉似玉 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: [One who is] close to gold [is] like gold [and one who is] close to jade [is] like jade.

Figuratively, this means:
A good environment produces good people.
People are influenced by the company they keep.

Basically, if you hang out with good people, you are likely to become or stay good yourself. The opposite also is true. 挨This is like the moral version of “You are what you eat.”

Note: In Japanese, they have a similar phrase, 類は友を呼ぶ (rui wa tomo o yobu) Birds of a feather flock together. However, this is not a good meaning, so we’re not offering it for wall scrolls.

Engage with Confidence

 lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
Engage with Confidence Scroll

理直氣壯 is a Chinese proverb that means “to do something while knowing you’re in the right.”

This can also be translated as and is appropriate when you are:

“In the right and self-confident”
“Bold and confident with justice on one's side”
“Having the courage of one's convictions”
“Justified and forceful”
“To be confident and vigorous because reason and logic are on one's side”
“Justified and confident”

Death with Dignity

 son gen shi
Death with Dignity Scroll

尊厳死 is not a good choice for a wall scroll unless you have a very specific and personal reason.

This was added at the request of a customer.

尊厳死 means “death with dignity” or “natural death” (as opposed to extending one's life unnaturally with life support).

Put out a burning wood cart with a cup of water

An utterly inadequate measure

 bēi shuǐ chē xīn
Put out a burning wood cart with a cup of water Scroll

杯水車薪 is a warning against a futile effort.

This proverb literally refers to one who is “trying to put out a burning cart of wood with a cup of water,” or “throw a cup of water on a cartload of wood.” The lesson to be learned is about using the right measure or tool for the job and not wasting your effort if you are inadequately equipped for the task at hand - in other words the postscript should be “go get a bucket or a fire hose.”

God is Always With You

God is With Me Always

 shàng dì yǔ nǐ cháng zài
God is Always With You Scroll

The direct translation of the Chinese characters, 上帝与你常在, is “God Together [with] You Always Exist.”

Keep in mind that Chinese grammar is sometimes very different from English. This makes perfect sense in Chinese.

Note: The title for God is the first two characters - the other words in the direct translation represent one character each.

God Bless You / God Be With You

 kami sa ma ga mamo ru you ni
God Bless You / God Be With You Scroll

神さまが守るように is about as close as you can get to, “God Bless You” in Japanese.

This literally means “[May] God Protect [You].” It can also mean “God is Always With You,” as the word in this phrase that means “protect” can also mean to follow or be with. In fact, the Japanese dictionary entry for that word reads like this: to protect; to guard; to defend; to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide; to observe; to follow.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

God Is With You Always

 shàn dì zǒng shì yǔ nǐ tóng zài
God Is With You Always Scroll

I was going to write this phrase as “God is with me always” but as a wall scroll, hanging in your room, it is talking to you (you're not talking), so it works better with you.

上帝總是與你同在 is a nice phrase that any Chinese Christian would enjoy on his/her wall.

If I annotate this, it sounds a little strange in English but it's perfectly natural in Chinese:
上帝 God | 总是 always | 与 and | 你 you | 同 together | 在 existing

God is Always With Me

 kamisama wa itsumo watashi to issho ni iru
God is Always With Me Scroll

神さまはいつも私と一緒にいる is a Japanese phrase that means “God is always with me.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

God is Always With You

 kamisama wa itsumo watashi to anata to issho ni iru
God is Always With You Scroll

神さまはいつも貴方と一緒にいる is a Japanese phrase that means “God is always with you.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Go With The Flow

 suí bō zhú liú
Go With The Flow Scroll

隨波逐流 is a Chinese proverb that means to drift with the waves and go with the flow.

This can be positive or negative, as it can also be used to mean following the crowd blindly.

Go With The Flow

Go With The Flow Scroll

波に乗る is a Japanese proverb that means to go with the flow or to go with the times.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Holding Flowers with Subtle Smile

An idiom for heart-to-heart communication

 niān huá wēi xiào
 nenge misho
Holding Flowers with Subtle Smile Scroll

拈華微笑 is a Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Buddhist title that relays the idea of “heart-to-heart communication,” or “thought transference.”

The literal translation is, “holding a flower and subtly smiling,” or “the holding of a flower with a subtle smile.” It is the visual act and emotion that communicates more volume than words can say.

Hold Hands with You, Grow Old with You

 zhí zǐ zhī shǒu yǔ zǐ xié lǎo
Hold Hands with You, Grow Old with You Scroll

執子之手, 與子偕老 is a sweet Chinese phrase that means “Hold hands with you, grow old with you.”

The Whole Room Rocks With Laughter

The perfect scroll if you love humor or as a gift for the comedian in your life

 hōng tāng dà xiào
The Whole Room Rocks With Laughter Scroll

In China, 哄堂大笑 is a proverb that is used in response to a good joke or witty comment.

The story goes that Mr. Feng and Mr. He were both senior officials in the Song Dynasty (about a thousand years ago). One day, Mr. Feng walked into their shared office wearing a new pair of boots. The boots caught the eye of Mr. He who said, “New boots! - how much were they?.” Mr. Feng lifted one of the boots off the ground as if to show it off and responded, “900 coins.”
Astonished, Mr. Feng explained, “900? How can that be? - I paid 1800 coins for my boots!.” Mr. Feng then lifted his other foot off the ground and said, “This boot was also 900 coins.”

It is said that the whole room was shaking from the laughter of all that heard Mr. Feng's joke on Mr. He.

Inspire with redoubled courage

 yuuki hyaku bai
Inspire with redoubled courage Scroll

勇気百倍 means to inspire someone with fresh courage or redoubled courage in Japanese.

The Kanji breakdown:
勇気 (yuuki) courage; bravery; valour; valor; nerve; boldness.
百 (hyaku) 100; hundred.
倍 (bai) twice; double; 2-times; 2-fold.

A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step

 qiān lǐ zhī xíng shǐ yú zú xià
A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step Scroll

千里之行始於足下 is a Chinese proverb that means “a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step.”

This proverb figuratively means “big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little achievements made one by one.”

A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step

senri no michi mo ippo kara

 sen ri no michi mo i-ppo ka ra
A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step Scroll

千里の道も一歩から is the Japanese version of an ancient Chinese proverb that means “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Some will also translate this as a 1000-mile road starts with one brick (a small amount).

In this case, the real measurement is an ancient Chinese “li” or 里, which is romanized as “ri” in Japanese. It's about half a kilometer, so three 里 would be a western mile. A journey of 333 miles begins with a single step, just doesn't sound as natural.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Hunt Foxes with Stealth, Hunt Wolves in the Open

 àn dǎ hú li míng dǎ láng
Hunt Foxes with Stealth, Hunt Wolves in the Open Scroll

闇打狐狸明打狼 is a Chinese proverb that translates as: Hunt foxes stealthily, [and] hunt wolves openly [just as they do].

Figuratively, this means:
Different opponents require different appropriate strategies.

This is a suggestion that you should know your enemy and know that each enemy is different, therefore requires a specialized approach (attack).

See Also:  Art of War Military

We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?

 rén fēi shēng ér zhī zhī zhě shú néng wú huò
We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity? Scroll

This figuratively means “Without a teacher, how can we learn/mature?”

人非生而知之者熟能無惑 is a philosophic pondering by Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty essayist, and philosopher (618-907 A.D.). This is a Chinese proverb that can be translated as “Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt?” or, “We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?.”

This infers that we need the guidance of a teacher if we wish to learn, mature, and become better.

Life with Love

 ai no a ru jin sei
Life with Love Scroll

愛のある人生 is a Japanese phrase that means “Life with Love.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Listen with Open Mind

 xū jǐ yǐ tīng
Listen with Open Mind Scroll

虛己以聽 is a Chinese proverb that means to listen to the ideas of others with an open mind.

Nothing is Impossible with Persistence

 yí shān
Nothing is Impossible with Persistence Scroll

移山 is the Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja for “to remove mountains” or “to move a mountain.”

Figuratively, this means you can accomplish the impossible by sheer persistence.

移山 is the short form of a proverb about a man who had much persistence and could move a whole mountain (a bucket of soil at a time).

One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet

 cháng zài hé biān zǒu nǎ néng bù shī xié
One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet Scroll

常在河邊走哪能不濕鞋 is an old Chinese proverb that is sometimes compared to the English saying “Shit Happens.”

It's a reflection that there are risks in life, and you should not be surprised when things don't go your way.

A secondary translation might be, “When walking by a river, often one cannot avoid wet shoes.”

Phoenix (female)

Phoenix (female) Scroll

凰 is another simple way to write “Phoenix” in Chinese. 凰 is the specifically female element of a phoenix, so this is how you write “female phoenix.” 凰 is sometimes used to represent the female empress (many times in history, China was ruled by a woman, in much the same way queens came to power in Europe).

Note that the emperor is always represented as a dragon (not the male version of a phoenix).

If you see yourself as a strong woman, this might be a calligraphy scroll for you to express “woman power” or “powerful woman” in a cool way.

I’d Rather Be With You

 wǒ zhǐ yuàn hé nǐ zài yī qǐ
I’d Rather Be With You Scroll

我隻願和你在一起 is a Chinese phrase that is the rough equivalent of, “You are the one I want to be with,” or “I only wish to be with you.”

Rise Up with Thrift and Diligence

 qín jiǎn qǐ jiā
Rise Up with Thrift and Diligence Scroll

勤儉起家 is a Chinese proverb that suggests you begin to rise up by thrift and hard work.

Diligent work and spending money wisely will almost always pay off.

With all the strength of your heart

 omoi kiri
With all the strength of your heart Scroll

思い切り can be translated as “with all one's strength,” “with all one's heart,” “to the limits of your heart,” or “to the end of your heart/emotions.”

The character breakdown:
思い (omoi) thought; mind; heart; feelings; emotion; sentiment; love; affection; desire; wish; hope; expectation; imagination; experience
切り (kiri) bounds; limits.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Work Together with One Mind

 ichi mi dou shin
Work Together with One Mind Scroll

一味同心 is a Japanese phrase that refers to people working together with one mind.

Work Together with One Heart

 qí xīn xié lì
Work Together with One Heart Scroll

齊心協力 is a Chinese proverb that means “to work with a common purpose,” “to make concerted efforts,” “to pull together,” or “to work as one (or as if with one heart).”

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea千慮一得
senryonoittokuqiān lǜ yī dé
qian1 lv4 yi1 de2
qian lv yi de
ch`ien lü i te
chien lü i te
Happy With Your Fate
樂天 / 楽天
raku ten / rakutenlè tiān / le4 tian1 / le tian / letianle t`ien / letien / le tien
Alone with only your shadow for company煢煢孑立形影相吊
qióng qióng jié lì xíng yǐng xiāng diào
qiong2 qiong2 jie2 li4 xing2 ying3 xiang1 diao4
qiong qiong jie li xing ying xiang diao
ch`iung ch`iung chieh li hsing ying hsiang tiao
chiung chiung chieh li hsing ying hsiang tiao
Always with a Book in Hand手不釋卷
shǒu bù shì juàn
shou3 bu4 shi4 juan4
shou bu shi juan
shou pu shih chüan
You are who you hang out with挨金似金挨玉似玉āi jīn sì jīn āi yù sì yù
ai1 jin1 si4 jin1 ai1 yu4 si4 yu4
ai jin si jin ai yu si yu
ai chin ssu chin ai yü ssu yü
Engage with Confidence理直氣壯
lǐ zhí qì zhuàng
li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4
li zhi qi zhuang
li chih ch`i chuang
li chih chi chuang
Death with Dignity尊厳死son gen shi
Put out a burning wood cart with a cup of water杯水車薪
bēi shuǐ chē xīn
bei1 shui3 che1 xin1
bei shui che xin
pei shui ch`e hsin
pei shui che hsin
God is Always With You上帝與你常在
shàng dì yǔ nǐ cháng zài
shang4 di4 yu3 ni3 chang2 zai4
shang di yu ni chang zai
shang ti yü ni ch`ang tsai
shang ti yü ni chang tsai
God Bless You
God Be With You
神さまが守るようにkami sa ma ga mamo ru you ni
kami sa ma ga mamo ru yo ni
God Is With You Always上帝總是與你同在
shàn dì zǒng shì yǔ nǐ tóng zài
shan4 di4 zong3 shi4 yu3 ni3 tong2 zai4
shan di zong shi yu ni tong zai
shan ti tsung shih yü ni t`ung tsai
shan ti tsung shih yü ni tung tsai
God is Always With Me神さまはいつも私と一緒にいるkamisama wa itsumo watashi to issho ni iru
kamisama wa itsumo watashi to isho ni iru
God is Always With You神さまはいつも貴方と一緒にいるkamisama wa itsumo watashi to anata to issho ni iru
kamisama wa itsumo watashi to anata to isho ni iru
Go With The Flow隨波逐流
suí bō zhú liú
sui2 bo1 zhu2 liu2
sui bo zhu liu
sui po chu liu
Go With The Flow波に乗るnamininoru
Holding Flowers with Subtle Smile拈華微笑
nenge misho
niān huá wēi xiào
nian1 hua2 wei1 xiao4
nian hua wei xiao
nien hua wei hsiao
Hold Hands with You, Grow Old with You執子之手與子偕老
zhí zǐ zhī shǒu yǔ zǐ xié lǎo
zhi2 zi3 zhi1 shou3 yu3 zi3 xie2 lao3
zhi zi zhi shou yu zi xie lao
chih tzu chih shou yü tzu hsieh lao
The Whole Room Rocks With Laughter哄堂大笑hōng tāng dà xiào
hong1 tang1 da4 xiao4
hong tang da xiao
hung t`ang ta hsiao
hung tang ta hsiao
Inspire with redoubled courage勇気百倍yuuki hyaku bai
yuki hyaku bai
A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step千里之行始於足下
qiān lǐ zhī xíng shǐ yú zú xià
qian1 li3 zhi1 xing2 shi3 yu2 zu2 xia4
qian li zhi xing shi yu zu xia
ch`ien li chih hsing shih yü tsu hsia
chien li chih hsing shih yü tsu hsia
A Journey of 1000 Miles Begins with a Single Step千里の道も一歩からsen ri no michi mo i-ppo ka ra
sen ri no michi mo i-po ka ra
Hunt Foxes with Stealth, Hunt Wolves in the Open闇打狐狸明打狼
àn dǎ hú li míng dǎ láng
an4 da3 hu2 li ming2 da3 lang2
an da hu li ming da lang
an ta hu li ming ta lang
We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity?人非生而知之者熟能無惑rén fēi shēng ér zhī zhī zhě shú néng wú huò
ren2 fei1 sheng1 er2 zhi1 zhi1 zhe3 shu2 neng2 wu2 huo4
ren fei sheng er zhi zhi zhe shu neng wu huo
jen fei sheng erh chih chih che shu neng wu huo
Life with Love愛のある人生ai no a ru jin sei
Listen with Open Mind虛己以聽
xū jǐ yǐ tīng
xu1 ji3 yi3 ting1
xu ji yi ting
hsü chi i t`ing
hsü chi i ting
Nothing is Impossible with Persistence移山isanyí shān / yi2 shan1 / yi shan / yishani shan / ishan
One who walks by the river may end up with wet feet常在河邊走哪能不濕鞋
cháng zài hé biān zǒu nǎ néng bù shī xié
chang2 zai4 he2 bian1 zou3 na3 neng2 bu4 shi1 xie2
chang zai he bian zou na neng bu shi xie
ch`ang tsai ho pien tsou na neng pu shih hsieh
chang tsai ho pien tsou na neng pu shih hsieh
Phoenix (female)ou / ohuáng / huang2 / huang
I’d Rather Be With You我隻願和你在一起
wǒ zhǐ yuàn hé nǐ zài yī qǐ
wo3 zhi3 yuan4 he2 ni3 zai4 yi1 qi3
wo zhi yuan he ni zai yi qi
wo chih yüan ho ni tsai i ch`i
wo chih yüan ho ni tsai i chi
Rise Up with Thrift and Diligence勤儉起家
qín jiǎn qǐ jiā
qin2 jian3 qi3 jia1
qin jian qi jia
ch`in chien ch`i chia
chin chien chi chia
With all the strength of your heart思い切りomoi kiri / omoikiri
Work Together with One Mind一味同心ichi mi dou shin
ichi mi do shin
Work Together with One Heart齊心協力
qí xīn xié lì
qi2 xin1 xie2 li4
qi xin xie li
ch`i hsin hsieh li
chi hsin hsieh li
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


Lookup Female Deity With Guitar in my Japanese & Chinese Dictionary

Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Female Deity With Guitar Kanji, Female Deity With Guitar Characters, Female Deity With Guitar in Mandarin Chinese, Female Deity With Guitar Characters, Female Deity With Guitar in Chinese Writing, Female Deity With Guitar in Japanese Writing, Female Deity With Guitar in Asian Writing, Female Deity With Guitar Ideograms, Chinese Female Deity With Guitar symbols, Female Deity With Guitar Hieroglyphics, Female Deity With Guitar Glyphs, Female Deity With Guitar in Chinese Letters, Female Deity With Guitar Hanzi, Female Deity With Guitar in Japanese Kanji, Female Deity With Guitar Pictograms, Female Deity With Guitar in the Chinese Written-Language, or Female Deity With Guitar in the Japanese Written-Language.

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