There are 131 total results for your 内田 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
内田 see styles |
uchida うちだ |
(place-name, surname) Uchida |
內田 内田 see styles |
nèi tián nei4 tian2 nei t`ien nei tien |
Uchida (Japanese surname) See: 内田 |
内田上 see styles |
uchidakami うちだかみ |
(place-name) Uchidakami |
内田下 see styles |
uchidashita うちだした |
(place-name) Uchidashita |
内田中 see styles |
uchidanaka うちだなか |
(place-name) Uchidanaka |
内田力 see styles |
uchidatsutomu うちだつとむ |
(person) Uchida Tsutomu (1945.5.2-) |
内田勝 see styles |
uchidamasaru うちだまさる |
(person) Uchida Masaru (1935.4.22-) |
内田原 see styles |
uchidahara うちだはら |
(place-name) Uchidahara |
内田屋 see styles |
uchidaya うちだや |
(surname) Uchidaya |
内田川 see styles |
uchidagawa うちだがわ |
(personal name) Uchidagawa |
内田東 see styles |
uchidahigashi うちだひがし |
(place-name) Uchidahigashi |
内田樹 see styles |
uchidatatsuru うちだたつる |
(person) Uchida Tatsuru |
内田橋 see styles |
uchidabashi うちだばし |
(place-name) Uchidabashi |
内田池 see styles |
uchidaike うちだいけ |
(place-name) Uchidaike |
内田潤 see styles |
uchidajun うちだじゅん |
(person) Uchida Jun (1977.10.14-) |
内田町 see styles |
uchidamachi うちだまち |
(place-name) Uchidamachi |
内田稔 see styles |
uchidaminoru うちだみのる |
(person) Uchida Minoru (1927.3.18-) |
内田繁 see styles |
uchidashigeru うちだしげる |
(person) Uchida Shigeru (1943-) |
内田翔 see styles |
uchidashou / uchidasho うちだしょう |
(person) Uchida Shou |
内田誠 see styles |
uchidamakoto うちだまこと |
(person) Uchida Makoto |
内田雅 see styles |
uchidatadashi うちだただし |
(person) Uchida Tadashi (1947.11-) |
内田駅 see styles |
uchidaeki うちだえき |
(st) Uchida Station |
上内田 see styles |
kamiuchida かみうちだ |
(place-name, surname) Kamiuchida |
下内田 see styles |
shimouchida / shimochida しもうちだ |
(place-name, surname) Shimouchida |
中内田 see styles |
nakauchida なかうちだ |
(place-name, surname) Nakauchida |
井内田 see styles |
inaida いないだ |
(surname) Inaida |
前内田 see styles |
maeuchida まえうちだ |
(place-name) Maeuchida |
南内田 see styles |
minamiuchida みなみうちだ |
(place-name) Minamiuchida |
向内田 see styles |
mukaiuchida むかいうちだ |
(place-name) Mukaiuchida |
垣内田 see styles |
kakutsuta かくつた |
(place-name) Kakutsuta |
大内田 see styles |
oouchida / oochida おおうちだ |
(place-name, surname) Oouchida |
太内田 see styles |
oouchida / oochida おおうちだ |
(surname) Oouchida |
川内田 see styles |
kawauchida かわうちだ |
(surname) Kawauchida |
江内田 see styles |
enaida えないだ |
(surname) Enaida |
河内田 see styles |
kouchida / kochida こうちだ |
(surname) Kōchida |
谷内田 see styles |
yanada やなだ |
(surname) Yanada |
内田なお see styles |
uchidanao うちだなお |
(person) Uchida Nao (1979.7.11-) |
内田ケ谷 see styles |
uchitagaya うちたがや |
(place-name) Uchitagaya |
内田一作 see styles |
uchidaissaku うちだいっさく |
(person) Uchida Issaku (1928.5.28-1983.7.21) |
内田一成 see styles |
uchidaissei / uchidaisse うちだいっせい |
(person) Uchida Issei |
内田一臣 see styles |
uchidakazuomi うちだかずおみ |
(person) Uchida Kazuomi (1915.6.8-2001.7.5) |
内田佐方 see styles |
uchidasakata うちださかた |
(place-name) Uchidasakata |
内田俊宏 see styles |
uchidatoshihiro うちだとしひろ |
(person) Uchida Toshihiro |
内田健三 see styles |
uchidakenzou / uchidakenzo うちだけんぞう |
(person) Uchida Kenzou (1922.7-) |
内田元亨 see styles |
uchidagenkou / uchidagenko うちだげんこう |
(person) Uchida Genkou |
内田光子 see styles |
uchidamitsuko うちだみつこ |
(person) Uchida Mitsuko (1948.12-) |
内田公三 see styles |
uchidakouzou / uchidakozo うちだこうぞう |
(person) Uchida Kōzou (1935.10-) |
内田利雄 see styles |
uchidatoshio うちだとしお |
(person) Uchida Toshio |
内田剛弘 see styles |
uchidatakehiro うちだたけひろ |
(person) Uchida Takehiro (1931.10-) |
内田勝也 see styles |
uchidakatsuya うちだかつや |
(person) Uchida Katsuya |
内田勝正 see styles |
uchidakatsumasa うちだかつまさ |
(person) Uchida Katsumasa (1944.9.19-) |
内田博文 see styles |
uchidahirofumi うちだひろふみ |
(person) Uchida Hirofumi |
内田吐夢 see styles |
uchidatomu うちだとむ |
(person) Uchida Tomu (1898.4.26-1970.8.7) |
内田和也 see styles |
uchidakazuya うちだかずや |
(person) Uchida Kazuya |
内田園生 see styles |
uchidasonoo うちだそのお |
(person) Uchida Sonoo |
内田夕夜 see styles |
uchidayuuya / uchidayuya うちだゆうや |
(person) Uchida Yūya |
内田妙子 see styles |
uchidataeko うちだたえこ |
(person) Uchida Taeko |
内田定槌 see styles |
uchidasadatsuchi うちださだつち |
(person) Uchida Sadatsuchi |
内田富夫 see styles |
uchidatomio うちだとみお |
(person) Uchida Tomio (1943-) |
内田州昭 see styles |
uchidakuniaki うちだくにあき |
(person) Uchida Kuniaki |
内田常雄 see styles |
uchidatsuneo うちだつねお |
(person) Uchida Tsuneo (1907.6.30-1977.12.29) |
内田幹樹 see styles |
uchidamotoki うちだもとき |
(person) Uchida Motoki |
内田康哉 see styles |
uchidayasuya うちだやすや |
(person) Uchida Yasuya |
内田康夫 see styles |
uchidayasuo うちだやすお |
(person) Uchida Yasuo (1934.11-) |
内田弘保 see styles |
uchidahiroyasu うちだひろやす |
(person) Uchida Hiroyasu (1936.1-) |
内田忠男 see styles |
uchidatadao うちだただお |
(person) Uchida Tadao (1939.6-) |
内田恒二 see styles |
uchidatsuneji うちだつねじ |
(person) Uchida Tsuneji |
内田恭子 see styles |
uchidakyouko / uchidakyoko うちだきょうこ |
(person) Uchida Kyōko (1976.6.9-) |
内田憲民 see styles |
uchidakenmin うちだけんみん |
(person) Uchida Kenmin (1905.11.16-?.?.?) |
内田敏子 see styles |
uchidatoshiko うちだとしこ |
(person) Uchida Toshiko |
内田昌一 see styles |
uchidamasakazu うちだまさかず |
(person) Uchida Masakazu |
内田春菊 see styles |
uchidashungiku うちだしゅんぎく |
(person) Uchida Shungiku (1959.8-) |
内田智也 see styles |
uchidatomoya うちだともや |
(person) Uchida Tomoya (1983.7.10-) |
内田智雄 see styles |
uchidatomoo うちだともお |
(person) Uchida Tomoo |
内田有紀 see styles |
uchidayuki うちだゆき |
(person) Uchida Yuki (1975.11-) |
内田朝陽 see styles |
uchidaasahi / uchidasahi うちだあさひ |
(person) Uchida Asahi (1982.5.30-) |
内田東町 see styles |
uchidahigashimachi うちだひがしまち |
(place-name) Uchidahigashimachi |
内田正人 see styles |
uchidamasato うちだまさと |
(person) Masato Uchida (1936.10.29-), musician; (person) Masato Uchida (1955.8.9-), American football coach and Nihon University board member |
内田沾山 see styles |
uchidasenzan うちだせんざん |
(person) Uchida Senzan |
内田浩之 see styles |
uchidahiroyuki うちだひろゆき |
(person) Uchida Hiroyuki (1984.12.30-) |
内田浩司 see styles |
uchidakouji / uchidakoji うちだこうじ |
(person) Uchida Kōji |
内田滋啓 see styles |
uchidashigehiro うちだしげひろ |
(person) Uchida Shigehiro (1978.3.10-) |
内田照子 see styles |
uchidateruko うちだてるこ |
(person) Uchida Teruko (1946.7-) |
内田玉男 see styles |
uchidatamao うちだたまお |
(person) Uchida Tamao (1944.1.22-) |
内田百聞 see styles |
uchidahyakken うちだひゃっけん |
(person) Hyakken Uchida (1889.5.29-1971.4.20; novelist and essayist) |
内田百間 see styles |
uchidahyakken うちだひゃっけん |
(person) Hyakken Uchida (1889.5.29-1971.4.20; novelist and essayist) |
内田直哉 see styles |
uchidanaoya うちだなおや |
(person) Uchida Naoya (1953.5.1-) |
内田睦夫 see styles |
uchidamutsuo うちだむつお |
(person) Uchida Mutsuo |
内田祥三 see styles |
uchidayoshikazu うちだよしかず |
(person) Uchida Yoshikazu (1885.2.23-1972.12.14) |
内田禎夫 see styles |
uchidayoshio うちだよしお |
(person) Uchida Yoshio |
内田良子 see styles |
uchidaryouko / uchidaryoko うちだりょうこ |
(person) Uchida Ryōko |
内田良平 see styles |
uchidaryouhei / uchidaryohe うちだりょうへい |
(person) Uchida Ryōhei |
内田莉紗 see styles |
uchidarisa うちだりさ |
(person) Uchida Risa (1989.2.12-) |
内田裕也 see styles |
uchidayuuya / uchidayuya うちだゆうや |
(person) Uchida Yūya (1939.11-) |
内田詠子 see styles |
uchidaeiko / uchidaeko うちだえいこ |
(person) Uchida Eiko |
内田谷川 see styles |
uchidadanigawa うちだだにがわ |
(place-name) Uchidadanigawa |
内田貞夫 see styles |
uchidasadao うちださだお |
(person) Uchida Sadao |
内田鉄衛 see styles |
uchidatetsue うちだてつえ |
(person) Uchida Tetsue (1904.6.29-1996.2.18) |
内田銀蔵 see styles |
uchidaginzou / uchidaginzo うちだぎんぞう |
(person) Uchida Ginzou |
内田鋼一 see styles |
uchidakouichi / uchidakoichi うちだこういち |
(person) Uchida Kōichi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "内田" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.