There are 2643 total results for your 頭 search. I have created 27 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
両久頭 see styles |
morokuzu もろくず |
(place-name) Morokuzu |
両把頭 see styles |
ryouhatou / ryohato りょうはとう |
(rare) Liangbatou; traditional Manchurian female hairstyle |
中ふ頭 see styles |
nakafutou / nakafuto なかふとう |
(place-name) Nakafutou |
中埠頭 see styles |
nakafutou / nakafuto なかふとう |
(place-name) Nakafutou |
中大頭 see styles |
nakaooto なかおおと |
(place-name) Nakaooto |
中頭名 see styles |
nakazuna なかずな |
(place-name) Nakazuna |
中頭郡 see styles |
nakagamigun なかがみぐん |
(place-name) Nakagamigun |
丸子頭 see styles |
marukogashira まるこがしら |
(place-name) Marukogashira |
丸頭巾 see styles |
maruzukin まるずきん |
(See 大黒頭巾) bouffant cloth cap (traditionally worn by old people and monks) |
久保頭 see styles |
kubogashira くぼがしら |
(surname) Kubogashira |
久頭合 see styles |
kuzugou / kuzugo くずごう |
(place-name) Kuzugou |
九頭宇 see styles |
kuzuu / kuzu くづう |
(place-name) Kuzuu |
九頭島 see styles |
kuzushima くずしま |
(personal name) Kuzushima |
九頭神 see styles |
kuzukami くずかみ |
(place-name) Kuzukami |
九頭竜 see styles |
kuzuryuu / kuzuryu くずりゅう |
(surname) Kuzuryū |
九頭見 see styles |
kuzumi くずみ |
(surname) Kuzumi |
九頭鳥 九头鸟 see styles |
jiǔ tóu niǎo jiu3 tou2 niao3 chiu t`ou niao chiu tou niao |
legendary bird with nine heads (old); cunning or sly person |
九頭龍 see styles |
kuzuryuu / kuzuryu くずりゅう |
(surname) Kuzuryū |
乳頭山 see styles |
nyuutouyama / nyutoyama にゅうとうやま |
(personal name) Nyūtouyama |
乳頭瘤 乳头瘤 see styles |
rǔ tóu liú ru3 tou2 liu2 ju t`ou liu ju tou liu |
papilloma |
乳頭腫 see styles |
nyuutoushu / nyutoshu にゅうとうしゅ |
{med} papilloma; villous tumor |
亀頭六 see styles |
kitsuroku きつろく |
(place-name) Kitsuroku |
亀頭冠 see styles |
kitoukan / kitokan きとうかん |
{anat} corona glandis (penis); corona of glans penis |
亀頭炎 see styles |
kitouen / kitoen きとうえん |
{med} balanitis |
亀頭球 see styles |
kitoukyuu / kitokyu きとうきゅう |
{anat} bulbus glandis; knot (of a canid penis) |
亀頭迫 see styles |
kitouzako / kitozako きとうざこ |
(surname) Kitouzako |
二ッ頭 see styles |
futatsugashira ふたつがしら |
(place-name) Futatsugashira |
二婚頭 二婚头 see styles |
èr hūn tóu er4 hun1 tou2 erh hun t`ou erh hun tou |
remarried lady (contemptuous term); lady who marries for a second time |
二級頭 二级头 see styles |
èr jí tóu er4 ji2 tou2 erh chi t`ou erh chi tou |
second stage (diving) |
二里頭 二里头 see styles |
èr lǐ tou er4 li3 tou5 erh li t`ou erh li tou |
Erlitou (Xia dynasty 夏朝[Xia4 chao2] archaeological site at Yanshi 偃師|偃师[Yan3 shi1] in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳[Luo4 yang2], Henan) |
二鍋頭 二锅头 see styles |
èr guō tóu er4 guo1 tou2 erh kuo t`ou erh kuo tou arukoodo アルコード |
erguotou (sorghum liquor) erguotou (chi: èrguōtóu); er guo tou; Chinese white liquor |
二頭筋 see styles |
nitoukin / nitokin にとうきん |
{anat} biceps |
二頭肌 二头肌 see styles |
èr tóu jī er4 tou2 ji1 erh t`ou chi erh tou chi |
biceps muscle |
五頭山 see styles |
gozusan ごずさん |
(personal name) Gozusan |
井の頭 see styles |
inokashira いのかしら |
(place-name) Inokashira |
井戸頭 see styles |
idogashira いどがしら |
(surname) Idogashira |
人頭島 see styles |
hitogashirajima ひとがしらじま |
(place-name) Hitogashirajima |
人頭幢 人头幢 see styles |
rén tóu chuáng ren2 tou2 chuang2 jen t`ou ch`uang jen tou chuang ninzudou / ninzudo にんずどう |
{Buddh} (See 閻魔) Yama's pole (with a human head on the top) A human head at the top of a daṇḍa or flagpole, used as one of Yama's symbols; v. 檀茶 (or 檀拏). |
人頭熟 人头熟 see styles |
rén tóu shú ren2 tou2 shu2 jen t`ou shu jen tou shu |
to know a lot of people |
人頭稅 人头税 see styles |
rén tóu shuì ren2 tou2 shui4 jen t`ou shui jen tou shui |
poll tax |
人頭税 see styles |
jintouzei; nintouzei / jintoze; nintoze じんとうぜい; にんとうぜい |
poll tax |
人頭馬 人头马 see styles |
rén tóu mǎ ren2 tou2 ma3 jen t`ou ma jen tou ma |
Rémy Martin cognac |
仁王頭 see styles |
niouzu / niozu におうず |
(personal name) Niouzu |
低頭族 低头族 see styles |
dī tóu zú di1 tou2 zu2 ti t`ou tsu ti tou tsu |
smartphone addicts |
余炉頭 see styles |
yorozu よろず |
(surname) Yorozu |
你個頭 你个头 see styles |
nǐ ge tóu ni3 ge5 tou2 ni ko t`ou ni ko tou |
(coll.) (suffix) my ass!; yeah, right! |
個頭兒 个头儿 see styles |
gè tóu r ge4 tou2 r5 ko t`ou r ko tou r |
size; height; stature |
偏頭痛 偏头痛 see styles |
piān tóu tòng pian1 tou2 tong4 p`ien t`ou t`ung pien tou tung hentoutsuu / hentotsu へんとうつう henzutsuu / henzutsu へんずつう |
migraine migraine (headache) |
側頭葉 see styles |
sokutouyou / sokutoyo そくとうよう |
temporal lobe |
側頭部 see styles |
sokutoubu / sokutobu そくとうぶ |
{anat} temporal region; regio temporalis (capitis) |
側頭骨 see styles |
sokutoukotsu / sokutokotsu そくとうこつ |
{anat} temporal bone (of the skull) |
光頭強 光头强 see styles |
guāng tóu qiáng guang1 tou2 qiang2 kuang t`ou ch`iang kuang tou chiang |
Logger Vick (Boonie Bears character); nickname for bald people |
光頭黨 光头党 see styles |
guāng tóu dǎng guang1 tou2 dang3 kuang t`ou tang kuang tou tang |
skinheads |
兜頭巾 see styles |
kabutozukin かぶとずきん |
helmet-shaped hood |
兩頭兒 两头儿 see styles |
liǎng tóu r liang3 tou2 r5 liang t`ou r liang tou r |
erhua variant of 兩頭|两头[liang3 tou2] |
八つ頭 see styles |
yatsugashira やつがしら |
form of taro; yam |
八頭司 see styles |
yatouji / yatoji やとうじ |
(surname) Yatouji |
八頭山 see styles |
yatsugashirayama やつがしらやま |
(place-name) Yatsugashirayama |
八頭峠 see styles |
yatsugashiratouge / yatsugashiratoge やつがしらとうげ |
(place-name) Yatsugashiratōge |
八頭身 see styles |
hattoushin / hattoshin はっとうしん |
beautiful well-proportioned woman (body 8 times longer than head) |
八頭郡 see styles |
yazugun やずぐん |
(place-name) Yazugun |
六頭首 六头首 see styles |
liù tóu shǒu liu4 tou2 shou3 liu t`ou shou liu tou shou roku tōshu |
six prefects |
具志頭 see styles |
gushitou / gushito ぐしとう |
(surname) Gushitou |
典薬頭 see styles |
tenyakunokami てんやくのかみ |
(hist) chief court physician (ritsuryō system) |
冤大頭 冤大头 see styles |
yuān dà tóu yuan1 da4 tou2 yüan ta t`ou yüan ta tou |
spendthrift and foolish; sb with more money than sense |
冬字頭 冬字头 see styles |
dōng zì tóu dong1 zi4 tou2 tung tzu t`ou tung tzu tou |
name of "walk slowly" component 夂[zhi3] in Chinese characters |
冬頭町 see styles |
fuyutoumachi / fuyutomachi ふゆとうまち |
(place-name) Fuyutoumachi |
出世頭 see styles |
shussegashira しゅっせがしら |
most successful (of one's relatives, classmates, etc.) |
出会頭 see styles |
deaigashira であいがしら |
(irregular okurigana usage) (n-adv,n-t) in passing another (esp. colliding with oncoming traffic, bumping into a person); the moment two persons or objects meet |
出合頭 see styles |
deaigashira であいがしら |
(irregular okurigana usage) (n-adv,n-t) in passing another (esp. colliding with oncoming traffic, bumping into a person); the moment two persons or objects meet |
出鋒頭 出锋头 see styles |
chū fēng tou chu1 feng1 tou5 ch`u feng t`ou chu feng tou |
to push oneself forward; to seek fame; to be in the limelight |
出頭鳥 出头鸟 see styles |
chū tóu niǎo chu1 tou2 niao3 ch`u t`ou niao chu tou niao |
to stand out (among a group); distinguished |
出風頭 出风头 see styles |
chū fēng tou chu1 feng1 tou5 ch`u feng t`ou chu feng tou |
to push oneself forward; to seek fame; to be in the limelight; same as 出鋒頭|出锋头[chu1 feng1 tou5] |
分鏡頭 分镜头 see styles |
fēn jìng tóu fen1 jing4 tou2 fen ching t`ou fen ching tou |
storyboard |
分頭路 分头路 see styles |
fēn tóu lù fen1 tou2 lu4 fen t`ou lu fen tou lu |
part (in one's hair) |
別苗頭 别苗头 see styles |
bié miáo tou bie2 miao2 tou5 pieh miao t`ou pieh miao tou |
(dialect) to compete with; to pit oneself against |
到頭來 到头来 see styles |
dào tóu lái dao4 tou2 lai2 tao t`ou lai tao tou lai |
in the end; finally; as a result |
刺兒頭 刺儿头 see styles |
cì r tóu ci4 r5 tou2 tz`u r t`ou tzu r tou |
an awkward person; a difficult person to deal with |
剃光頭 剃光头 see styles |
tì guāng tóu ti4 guang1 tou2 t`i kuang t`ou ti kuang tou |
to shave the whole head clean; crushing defeat |
前頭筋 see styles |
zentoukin / zentokin ぜんとうきん |
frontalis muscle |
前頭葉 see styles |
zentouyou / zentoyo ぜんとうよう |
{anat} frontal lobe |
前頭部 see styles |
zentoubu / zentobu ぜんとうぶ |
front; forehead |
前頭骨 see styles |
zentoukotsu / zentokotsu ぜんとうこつ |
{anat} frontal bone (of the skull) |
剪頭髮 剪头发 see styles |
jiǎn tóu fa jian3 tou2 fa5 chien t`ou fa chien tou fa |
(to get a) haircut |
包工頭 包工头 see styles |
bāo gōng tóu bao1 gong1 tou2 pao kung t`ou pao kung tou |
chief labor contractor |
包頭市 包头市 see styles |
bāo tóu shì bao1 tou2 shi4 pao t`ou shih pao tou shih |
Baotou, prefecture-level city in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4meng3gu3 Zi4zhi4qu1] |
北埠頭 see styles |
kitafutou / kitafuto きたふとう |
(place-name) Kitafutou |
北町頭 see styles |
kitamachigashira きたまちがしら |
(place-name) Kitamachigashira |
北頭町 see styles |
kitagashirachou / kitagashiracho きたがしらちょう |
(place-name) Kitagashirachō |
千頭井 see styles |
chizui ちずい |
(surname) Chizui |
千頭剛 see styles |
chikamigou / chikamigo ちかみごう |
(person) Chikami Gou (1930.2-) |
千頭和 see styles |
chizuwa ちづわ |
(surname) Chizuwa |
千頭夫 see styles |
chizuo ちずお |
(given name) Chizuo |
千頭山 see styles |
senzusan せんずさん |
(personal name) Senzusan |
千頭岳 see styles |
chitoudake / chitodake ちとうだけ |
(personal name) Chitoudake |
千頭東 see styles |
senzuhigashi せんずひがし |
(place-name) Senzuhigashi |
千頭男 see styles |
chizuo ちずお |
(given name) Chizuo |
千頭西 see styles |
senzunishi せんずにし |
(place-name) Senzunishi |
千頭駅 see styles |
senzueki せんずえき |
(st) Senzu Station |
午頭山 see styles |
gonzusan ごんずさん |
(place-name) Gonzusan |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "頭" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.