There are 1811 total results for your 連 search. I have created 19 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
連續函數 连续函数 see styles |
lián xù hán shù lian2 xu4 han2 shu4 lien hsü han shu |
continuous function |
連續監視 连续监视 see styles |
lián xù jiān shì lian2 xu4 jian1 shi4 lien hsü chien shih |
continuous monitoring |
連續變調 连续变调 see styles |
lián xù biàn diào lian2 xu4 bian4 diao4 lien hsü pien tiao |
tone sandhi |
連記投票 see styles |
renkitouhyou / renkitohyo れんきとうひょう |
secret balloting with multiple entries |
連踢帶打 连踢带打 see styles |
lián tī dài dǎ lian2 ti1 dai4 da3 lien t`i tai ta lien ti tai ta |
to kick and beat (idiom) |
連載小説 see styles |
rensaishousetsu / rensaishosetsu れんさいしょうせつ |
serial; serialized novel; serialised novel |
連辞関係 see styles |
renjikankei / renjikanke れんじかんけい |
{ling} (See 統合関係) syntagmatic relation |
連込み宿 see styles |
tsurekomiyado つれこみやど |
traditional love hotel; traditional Japanese inn specially for couples |
連邦予算 see styles |
renpouyosan / renpoyosan れんぽうよさん |
federal budget |
連邦制度 see styles |
renpouseido / renposedo れんぽうせいど |
federalism |
連邦国家 see styles |
renpoukokka / renpokokka れんぽうこっか |
federal state; federation |
連邦大学 see styles |
renpoudaigaku / renpodaigaku れんぽうだいがく |
federal university |
連邦当局 see styles |
renpoutoukyoku / renpotokyoku れんぽうとうきょく |
federal authorities |
連邦政府 see styles |
renpouseifu / renposefu れんぽうせいふ |
federal government |
連邦王国 see styles |
renpououkoku / renpookoku れんぽうおうこく |
United Kingdom; UK |
連邦管区 see styles |
renpoukanku / renpokanku れんぽうかんく |
federal district (esp. in Russia) |
連邦警察 see styles |
renpoukeisatsu / renpokesatsu れんぽうけいさつ |
federal police (US, Brazil, Australia, etc.) |
連邦議会 see styles |
renpougikai / renpogikai れんぽうぎかい |
federal parliament; federal congress |
連邦赤字 see styles |
renpouakaji / renpoakaji れんぽうあかじ |
federal (budget) deficit |
連邦首相 see styles |
renpoushushou / renposhusho れんぽうしゅしょう |
federal chancellor |
連銭葦毛 see styles |
renzenashige れんぜんあしげ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) dapple gray (horse coat color); dapple grey |
連鎖倒産 see styles |
rensatousan / rensatosan れんさとうさん |
chain-reaction bankruptcy; chain bankruptcy |
連鎖反応 see styles |
rensahannou / rensahanno れんさはんのう |
(1) (yoji) chain reaction; (2) (yoji) nuclear chain reaction |
連鎖反應 连锁反应 see styles |
lián suǒ fǎn yìng lian2 suo3 fan3 ying4 lien so fan ying |
chain reaction |
連鎖商店 连锁商店 see styles |
lián suǒ shāng diàn lian2 suo3 shang1 dian4 lien so shang tien |
chain store |
連鎖地図 see styles |
rensachizu れんさちず |
{biol} linkage map |
連鎖球菌 see styles |
rensakyuukin / rensakyukin れんさきゅうきん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) streptococcus |
連鎖解析 see styles |
rensakaiseki れんさかいせき |
{biol} linkage analysis |
連鑣並軫 连镳并轸 see styles |
lián biāo bìng zhěn lian2 biao1 bing4 zhen3 lien piao ping chen |
lit. reins together and carriages level (idiom); keeping exactly abreast of one another; running neck and neck |
連雲港市 连云港市 see styles |
lián yún gǎng shì lian2 yun2 gang3 shi4 lien yün kang shih |
Lianyungang, prefecture-level city in Jiangsu Province 江蘇省|江苏省[Jiang1su1 Sheng3] |
連體嬰兒 连体婴儿 see styles |
lián tǐ yīng ér lian2 ti3 ying1 er2 lien t`i ying erh lien ti ying erh |
conjoined twins; Siamese twins |
連體泳衣 连体泳衣 see styles |
lián tǐ yǒng yī lian2 ti3 yong3 yi1 lien t`i yung i lien ti yung i |
one-piece swimsuit |
に連れて see styles |
nitsurete につれて |
(exp,conj) (kana only) (as XにつれてY) as (X, then Y); with; in accordance with; in proportion to |
キロ連量 see styles |
kirorenryou / kirorenryo キロれんりょう |
weight of 1000 sheets of paper; ream weight |
一様連続 see styles |
ichiyourenzoku / ichiyorenzoku いちようれんぞく |
(noun or adjectival noun) {math} uniform continuity |
三浦義連 see styles |
miurayoshitsura みうらよしつら |
(person) Miura Yoshitsura |
三連音符 see styles |
sanrenonpu さんれんおんぷ |
{music} (See 三連符) triplet |
上八木連 see styles |
kamiyagitsure かみやぎつれ |
(place-name) Kamiyagitsure |
上西連町 see styles |
kamisairenchou / kamisairencho かみさいれんちょう |
(place-name) Kamisairenchō |
下八木連 see styles |
shimoyagitsure しもやぎつれ |
(place-name) Shimoyagitsure |
下名連石 see styles |
shimonareshi しもなれし |
(place-name) Shimonareshi |
下西連町 see styles |
shimosairenchou / shimosairencho しもさいれんちょう |
(place-name) Shimosairenchō |
不連続点 see styles |
furenzokuten ふれんぞくてん |
{math} discontinuity |
不連続線 see styles |
furenzokusen ふれんぞくせん |
{met} (See 前線・1) line of discontinuity; (weather) front |
不連續面 不连续面 see styles |
bù lián xù miàn bu4 lian2 xu4 mian4 pu lien hsü mien |
surface of discontinuity |
与党連立 see styles |
yotourenritsu / yotorenritsu よとうれんりつ |
ruling coalition |
世界労連 see styles |
sekairouren / sekairoren せかいろうれん |
(org) World Federation of Trade Unions; WFTU; (o) World Federation of Trade Unions; WFTU |
中立労連 see styles |
chuuritsurouren / churitsuroren ちゅうりつろうれん |
(org) Federation of Independent Unions of Japan (1956-1987) (abbreviation); (o) Federation of Independent Unions of Japan (1956-1987) (abbreviation) |
久連子川 see styles |
kurekogawa くれこがわ |
(place-name) Kurekogawa |
乗馬連盟 see styles |
joubarenmei / jobarenme じょうばれんめい |
(org) British Equestrian Federation; (o) British Equestrian Federation |
九連宝灯 see styles |
chuurenpaotou / churenpaoto チューレンパオトウ |
{mahj} nine gates (chi:); winning hand consisting of one pung of 1s, one pung of 9s and one tile each of every other number, plus one more suited tile, all in the same suit |
二人連れ see styles |
futarizure ふたりづれ |
party of two |
二連浩特 二连浩特 see styles |
èr lián hào tè er4 lian2 hao4 te4 erh lien hao t`e erh lien hao te |
Erenhot City in Xilingol League 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 Meng2], Inner Mongolia |
二連盆地 二连盆地 see styles |
èr lián pén dì er4 lian2 pen2 di4 erh lien p`en ti erh lien pen ti |
Erlian Basin in Inner Mongolia |
互相連接 互相连接 see styles |
hù xiāng lián jiē hu4 xiang1 lian2 jie1 hu hsiang lien chieh |
interlinked |
五大連池 五大连池 see styles |
wǔ dà lián chí wu3 da4 lian2 chi2 wu ta lien ch`ih wu ta lien chih |
Wudalianchi, county-level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang |
人民連合 see styles |
jinminrengou / jinminrengo じんみんれんごう |
(org) People's Alliance; (o) People's Alliance |
仁連御辺 see styles |
nireigobe / niregobe にれいごべ |
(place-name) Nireigobe |
仁連木町 see styles |
nirengichou / nirengicho にれんぎちょう |
(place-name) Nirengichō |
仁連江口 see styles |
nireieguchi / nireeguchi にれいえぐち |
(place-name) Nireieguchi |
企業連合 see styles |
kigyourengou / kigyorengo きぎょうれんごう |
cartel; syndicate |
伴天連宗 see styles |
baterenshuu / baterenshu ばてれんしゅう |
(archaism) Christianity |
佐々連川 see styles |
sazaregawa さざれがわ |
(place-name) Sazaregawa |
供給連鎖 see styles |
kyoukyuurensa / kyokyurensa きょうきゅうれんさ |
supply chain |
價值連城 价值连城 see styles |
jià zhí lián chéng jia4 zhi2 lian2 cheng2 chia chih lien ch`eng chia chih lien cheng |
invaluable; priceless |
全国弁連 see styles |
zenkokubenren ぜんこくべんれん |
(o) National Network of Lawyers Against Spiritual Sales (abbreviation) |
兵連禍結 兵连祸结 see styles |
bīng lián huò jié bing1 lian2 huo4 jie2 ping lien huo chieh |
ravaged by successive wars; war-torn; war-ridden |
勝連城跡 see styles |
katsurenjouato / katsurenjoato かつれんじょうあと |
(place-name) Katsuren Castle Ruins |
十二率連 十二率连 see styles |
shí èr shuài lián shi2 er4 shuai4 lian2 shih erh shuai lien jūni sotsuren |
twelve limbs of dependent arising |
南ア連邦 see styles |
nanarenpou / nanarenpo なんアれんぽう |
(abbreviation) (hist) (See 南アフリカ連邦) Union of South Africa (1910-1961) |
南部連合 see styles |
nanburengou / nanburengo なんぶれんごう |
(hist) Confederate States of America |
南阿連邦 see styles |
nanarenpou / nanarenpo なんあれんぽう |
Union of South Africa |
取巻き連 see styles |
torimakiren とりまきれん |
(abbreviation) one's followers or hangers-on |
叫苦連天 叫苦连天 see styles |
jiào kǔ lián tiān jiao4 ku3 lian2 tian1 chiao k`u lien t`ien chiao ku lien tien |
to whine on for days (idiom); to endlessly grumble complaints; incessant whining |
合従連衡 see styles |
gasshourenkou / gasshorenko がっしょうれんこう |
(1) (yoji) (See 合従,連衡) alliance (of the Six Kingdoms against the Qin dynasty, and of individual Kingdoms with the Qin dynasty); (2) (yoji) (tactic of) making and breaking alliances (to benefit oneself as the occasion demands); resorting to alliances as a diplomatic expedient |
合縱連橫 合纵连横 see styles |
hé zòng lián héng he2 zong4 lian2 heng2 ho tsung lien heng |
Vertical and Horizontal Alliance, opposing stratagems devised by the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC) |
同君連合 see styles |
doukunrengou / dokunrengo どうくんれんごう |
alliance of two or more countries under one monarch |
喜結連理 喜结连理 see styles |
xǐ jié lián lǐ xi3 jie2 lian2 li3 hsi chieh lien li |
to tie the knot (idiom); to get married |
喜連島上 see styles |
kitsureshimakami きつれしまかみ |
(place-name) Kitsureshimakami |
喜連島下 see styles |
kitsureshimashimo きつれしましも |
(place-name) Kitsureshimashimo |
喜連川町 see styles |
kitsuregawamachi きつれがわまち |
(place-name) Kitsuregawamachi |
喜連瓜破 see styles |
kireuriwari きれうりわり |
(place-name) Kireuriwari |
單連接站 单连接站 see styles |
dān lián jiē zhàn dan1 lian2 jie1 zhan4 tan lien chieh chan |
single attachment station (telecommunications) |
四尾連峠 see styles |
shibiretouge / shibiretoge しびれとうげ |
(place-name) Shibiretōge |
四尾連湖 see styles |
shibireko しびれこ |
(place-name) Shibireko |
国家連合 see styles |
kokkarengou / kokkarengo こっかれんごう |
federation of states; confederation of nations |
国民連合 see styles |
kokuminrengou / kokuminrengo こくみんれんごう |
(o) National Rally (French political party) |
国連協会 see styles |
kokurenkyoukai / kokurenkyokai こくれんきょうかい |
(org) UN Association of the United States of America; UNA-USA; (o) UN Association of the United States of America; UNA-USA |
国連大使 see styles |
kokurentaishi こくれんたいし |
UN ambassador |
国連大学 see styles |
kokurendaigaku こくれんだいがく |
(org) United Nations University (abbr.); UN University; UNU; (o) United Nations University (abbr.); UN University; UNU |
国連憲章 see styles |
kokurenkenshou / kokurenkensho こくれんけんしょう |
(abbreviation) (See 国際連合憲章・こくさいれんごうけんしょう) UN Charter; Charter of the United Nations |
国連本部 see styles |
kokurenhonbu こくれんほんぶ |
United Nations (UN) Headquarters |
国連機関 see styles |
kokurenkikan こくれんきかん |
United Nations organ; UN organ |
国連決議 see styles |
kokurenketsugi こくれんけつぎ |
United Nations resolution; UN resolution |
国連総会 see styles |
kokurensoukai / kokurensokai こくれんそうかい |
(abbreviation) (See 国際連合総会・こくさいれんごうそうかい) United Nations General Assembly; General Assembly of the United Nations |
国連総長 see styles |
kokurensouchou / kokurensocho こくれんそうちょう |
(abbreviation) (See 国連事務総長) Secretary-General of the United Nations |
国連英検 see styles |
kokureneiken / kokureneken こくれんえいけん |
(abbreviation) (abbr. of 国際連合公用語英語検定試験) United Nations Associations Test of English; UNATE |
国際連合 see styles |
kokusairengou / kokusairengo こくさいれんごう |
United Nations; UN |
国際連盟 see styles |
kokusairenmei / kokusairenme こくさいれんめい |
League of Nations |
地域連携 see styles |
chiikirenkei / chikirenke ちいきれんけい |
community cooperation; regional cooperation; local cooperation |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "連" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.