There are 1223 total results for your 老 search. I have created 13 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
伊勢海老 see styles |
iseebi いせえび |
spiny lobster (esp. Japanese spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus) |
倚老賣老 倚老卖老 see styles |
yǐ lǎo - mài lǎo yi3 lao3 - mai4 lao3 i lao - mai lao |
(idiom) to flaunt one's seniority; to rely on one's age or length of experience to control or belittle others |
偕老同穴 see styles |
kairoudouketsu; kairoudouketsu / kairodoketsu; kairodoketsu かいろうどうけつ; カイロウドウケツ |
(1) (かいろうどうけつ only) (yoji) happy life partnership; living faithfully together till death; (2) (kana only) Venus's flower basket (Euplectella aspergillum) |
八大元老 see styles |
bā dà yuán lǎo ba1 da4 yuan2 lao3 pa ta yüan lao |
"the Eight Great Eminent Officials" of the CCP, namely 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2], 陳雲|陈云[Chen2 Yun2], 李先念[Li3 Xian1 nian4], 彭真[Peng2 Zhen1], 楊尚昆|杨尚昆[Yang2 Shang4 kun1], 薄一波[Bo2 Yi1 bo1], 王震[Wang2 Zhen4], and 宋任窮|宋任穷[Song4 Ren4 qiong2]; abbr. to 八老[Ba1 lao3] |
剥き海老 see styles |
mukiebi むきえび |
shelled shrimp (that have also had their heads removed) |
北五老内 see styles |
kitagorouuchi / kitagorouchi きたごろううち |
(place-name) Kitagorouuchi |
北海海老 see styles |
hokkaiebi; hokkaiebi ほっかいえび; ホッカイエビ |
(kana only) Hokkai shrimp (Pandalus latirostris) |
北海老瀬 see styles |
kitaebise きたえびせ |
(place-name) Kitaebise |
北養老牛 see styles |
kitayourouushi / kitayoroushi きたようろううし |
(place-name) Kitayourouushi |
半老徐娘 see styles |
bàn lǎo xú niáng ban4 lao3 xu2 niang2 pan lao hsü niang |
middle-aged but still attractive woman; lady of a certain age |
南養老牛 see styles |
minamiyourouushi / minamiyoroushi みなみようろううし |
(place-name) Minamiyourouushi |
古河老川 see styles |
furukawarousen / furukawarosen ふるかわろうせん |
(personal name) Furukawarousen |
古海老江 see styles |
furuebie ふるえびえ |
(place-name) Furuebie |
古語老内 see styles |
kogorouuchi / kogorouchi こごろううち |
(place-name) Kogorouuchi |
団扇海老 see styles |
uchiwaebi; uchiwaebi うちわえび; ウチワエビ |
(kana only) fan lobster (Ibacus spp., esp. the Japanese fan lobster, Ibacus ciliatus); sand crayfish |
地老天荒 see styles |
dì lǎo tiān huāng di4 lao3 tian1 huang1 ti lao t`ien huang ti lao tien huang |
see 天荒地老[tian1 huang1 di4 lao3] |
夏海老根 see styles |
natsuebine; natsuebine なつえびね; ナツエビネ |
(kana only) Calanthe reflexa (species of orchid) |
大正海老 see styles |
taishouebi; taishouebi / taishoebi; taishoebi たいしょうえび; タイショウエビ |
(kana only) Chinese white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis); oriental shrimp; fleshy prawn |
大海老谷 see styles |
ooebidani おおえびだに |
(place-name) Ooebidani |
大老神社 see styles |
tairoujinja / tairojinja たいろうじんじゃ |
(place-name) Tairou Shrine |
大體老師 大体老师 see styles |
dà tǐ lǎo shī da4 ti3 lao3 shi1 ta t`i lao shih ta ti lao shih |
cadaver for dissection in training medical students |
天竺老婆 see styles |
tenjikurouba / tenjikuroba てんじくろうば |
(place-name) Tenjikurouba |
天荒地老 see styles |
tiān huāng dì lǎo tian1 huang1 di4 lao3 t`ien huang ti lao tien huang ti lao |
(idiom) until the end of time |
太上老君 see styles |
taijouroukun / taijorokun たいじょうろうくん |
(person) Taishang Laojun (Lao-tzu as a supreme divinity of Taoism) |
姫蝉海老 see styles |
himesemiebi; himesemiebi ひめせみえび; ヒメセミエビ |
(kana only) slipper lobster of genus Scyllarus (esp. species Scyllarus cultrifer) |
寶刀不老 宝刀不老 see styles |
bǎo dāo bù lǎo bao3 dao1 bu4 lao3 pao tao pu lao |
lit. a good sword always remains sharp (idiom); fig. (of one's skills etc) to be as good as ever; the old man still has it |
寶刀未老 宝刀未老 see styles |
bǎo dāo wèi lǎo bao3 dao1 wei4 lao3 pao tao wei lao |
treasure knife does not age (idiom); old but still vigorous |
寿老人橋 see styles |
juroujinbashi / jurojinbashi じゅろうじんばし |
(place-name) Juroujinbashi |
寿老松尾 see styles |
juroumatsuo / juromatsuo じゅろうまつお |
(place-name) Juroumatsuo |
尊老愛幼 尊老爱幼 see styles |
zūn lǎo ài yòu zun1 lao3 ai4 you4 tsun lao ai yu |
respect the old and cherish the young |
小海老沢 see styles |
koebizawa こえびざわ |
(surname) Koebizawa |
小海老澤 see styles |
koebisawa こえびさわ |
(surname) Koebisawa |
小老部川 see styles |
kooipegawa こおいぺがわ |
(personal name) Kooipegawa |
少年老成 see styles |
shào nián lǎo chéng shao4 nian2 lao3 cheng2 shao nien lao ch`eng shao nien lao cheng |
accomplished though young; lacking youthful vigor |
干し海老 see styles |
hoshiebi ほしえび |
dried shrimp |
年老いる see styles |
toshioiru としおいる |
(Ichidan verb) to grow old |
年老力衰 see styles |
nián lǎo lì shuāi nian2 lao3 li4 shuai1 nien lao li shuai |
old and weak (idiom) |
年老體弱 年老体弱 see styles |
nián lǎo tǐ ruò nian2 lao3 ti3 ruo4 nien lao t`i jo nien lao ti jo |
old and weak (idiom) |
彦島老町 see styles |
hikoshimaoimachi ひこしまおいまち |
(place-name) Hikoshimaoimachi |
徐娘半老 see styles |
xú niáng bàn lǎo xu2 niang2 ban4 lao3 hsü niang pan lao |
middle-aged but still attractive woman; lady of a certain age |
手長海老 see styles |
tenagaebi てながえび |
freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium spp., esp. the Oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense) |
托尼老師 托尼老师 see styles |
tuō ní lǎo shī tuo1 ni2 lao3 shi1 t`o ni lao shih to ni lao shih |
(neologism) (slang) barber; hairdresser |
扶老攜幼 扶老携幼 see styles |
fú lǎo xié yòu fu2 lao3 xie2 you4 fu lao hsieh yu |
taking everyone along, young and old; to look after the elderly and the young |
敬老の日 see styles |
keirounohi / keronohi けいろうのひ |
Respect for the Aged Day (national holiday; third Monday in September) |
敬老パス see styles |
keiroupasu / keropasu けいろうパス |
discount pass for the elderly |
敬老尊賢 敬老尊贤 see styles |
jìng lǎo zūn xián jing4 lao3 zun1 xian2 ching lao tsun hsien |
to respect the wise and venerate the worthy (idiom); to honor the great and the good |
敬老手帳 see styles |
keiroutechou / kerotecho けいろうてちょう |
discount pass for the elderly |
新海老津 see styles |
shinebitsu しんえびつ |
(place-name) Shin'ebitsu |
月下老人 see styles |
yuè xià lǎo rén yue4 xia4 lao3 ren2 yüeh hsia lao jen gekkaroujin / gekkarojin げっかろうじん |
minor divinity concerned with marriage; matchmaker; go-between (yoji) (See 月下氷人) go-between; matchmaker |
木訥老人 木讷老人 see styles |
mù ne lǎo rén mu4 ne4 lao3 ren2 mu ne lao jen |
ungraduated ruler; straight edge |
未老先衰 see styles |
wèi lǎo xiān shuāi wei4 lao3 xian1 shuai1 wei lao hsien shuai |
to age prematurely |
東海老坂 see styles |
higashiebisaka ひがしえびさか |
(place-name) Higashiebisaka |
東海老津 see styles |
higashiebitsu ひがしえびつ |
(place-name) Higashiebitsu |
東養老牛 see styles |
higashiyourouushi / higashiyoroushi ひがしようろううし |
(place-name) Higashiyourouushi |
棉蘭老島 棉兰老岛 see styles |
mián lán lǎo dǎo mian2 lan2 lao3 dao3 mien lan lao tao |
Mindanao (island in the Philippines) |
毛白老川 see styles |
moshiraoigawa もしらおいがわ |
(place-name) Moshiraoigawa |
波瀾老成 波澜老成 see styles |
bō lán lǎo chéng bo1 lan2 lao3 cheng2 po lan lao ch`eng po lan lao cheng |
splendid and powerful (of story); majestic; awesome |
海老ケ作 see styles |
ebigasaku えびがさく |
(place-name) Ebigasaku |
海老ケ島 see styles |
ebigashima えびがしま |
(place-name) Ebigashima |
海老ケ瀬 see styles |
ebigase えびがせ |
(surname) Ebigase |
海老ケ迫 see styles |
ebigasako えびがさこ |
(surname) Ebigasako |
海老チリ see styles |
ebichiri; ebichiri えびチリ; エビチリ |
(kana only) (abbreviation) (abbr. of 海老のチリソース煮) stir-fried shrimp in chili sauce |
海老ノ丸 see styles |
ebinomaru えびのまる |
(place-name) Ebinomaru |
海老ノ島 see styles |
ebinoshima えびのしま |
(place-name) Ebinoshima |
海老マヨ see styles |
ebimayo; ebimayo えびマヨ; エビマヨ |
(kana only) {food} shrimp with mayonnaise |
海老ヶ峠 see styles |
ebigatouge / ebigatoge えびがとうげ |
(place-name) Ebigatōge |
海老ヶ池 see styles |
ebigaike えびがいけ |
(place-name) Ebigaike |
海老ヶ沢 see styles |
ebigasawa えびがさわ |
(place-name) Ebigasawa |
海老三郎 see styles |
ebisaburou / ebisaburo えびさぶろう |
(male given name) Ebisaburō |
海老助町 see styles |
ebisukechou / ebisukecho えびすけちょう |
(place-name) Ebisukechō |
海老十郎 see styles |
ebijuurou / ebijuro えびじゅうろう |
(male given name) Ebijuurou |
海老原全 see styles |
ebiharatamotsu えびはらたもつ |
(person) Ebihara Tamotsu |
海老原勇 see styles |
ebiharaisamu えびはらいさむ |
(person) Ebihara Isamu |
海老原敏 see styles |
ebiharasatoshi えびはらさとし |
(person) Ebihara Satoshi |
海老原紳 see styles |
ebiharashin えびはらしん |
(person) Ebihara Shin |
海老反り see styles |
ebizori えびぞり |
holding out one or both hands and arching one's body backward like a shrimp (in kabuki, represents being overwhelmed by someone's power) |
海老取川 see styles |
ebitorikawa えびとりかわ |
(place-name) Ebitorikawa |
海老名市 see styles |
ebinashi えびなし |
(place-name) Ebina (city) |
海老名誠 see styles |
ebinamakoto えびなまこと |
(person) Ebina Makoto |
海老名駅 see styles |
ebinaeki えびなえき |
(st) Ebina Station |
海老坂武 see styles |
ebisakatakeshi えびさかたけし |
(person) Ebisaka Takeshi |
海老塚町 see styles |
ebitsukachou / ebitsukacho えびつかちょう |
(place-name) Ebitsukachō |
海老子川 see styles |
ebisugawa えびすがわ |
(surname) Ebisugawa |
海老屋山 see styles |
ebiyayama えびややま |
(place-name) Ebiyayama |
海老屋町 see styles |
ebiyachou / ebiyacho えびやちょう |
(place-name) Ebiyachō |
海老山峠 see styles |
ebiyamatouge / ebiyamatoge えびやまとうげ |
(place-name) Ebiyamatōge |
海老山川 see styles |
ebiyamagawa えびやまがわ |
(place-name) Ebiyamagawa |
海老山町 see styles |
kairouyamachou / kairoyamacho かいろうやまちょう |
(place-name) Kairouyamachō |
海老島町 see styles |
ebijimamachi えびじままち |
(place-name) Ebijimamachi |
海老川沼 see styles |
ebikawanuma えびかわぬま |
(place-name) Ebikawanuma |
海老川町 see styles |
ebikawachou / ebikawacho えびかわちょう |
(place-name) Ebikawachō |
海老彰子 see styles |
ebiakiko えびあきこ |
(person) Ebi Akiko |
海老根山 see styles |
ebineyama えびねやま |
(place-name) Ebineyama |
海老殻苺 see styles |
ebigaraichigo; ebigaraichigo えびがらいちご; エビガライチゴ |
(kana only) Japanese wineberry (Rubus phoenicolasius); wine raspberry; wineberry |
海老江駅 see styles |
ebieeki えびええき |
(st) Ebie Station |
海老沢敏 see styles |
ebisawabin えびさわびん |
(person) Ebisawa Bin |
海老沢舞 see styles |
ebisawamai えびさわまい |
(person) Ebisawa Mai (1982.8.26-) |
海老津駅 see styles |
ebitsueki えびつえき |
(st) Ebitsu Station |
海老責め see styles |
ebizeme えびぜめ |
(hist) bondage torture where the bound victim sits cross-legged with their arms tied behind them, with the rope tightened until their ankles touch their neck |
漆生老松 see styles |
urushiooimatsu うるしおおいまつ |
(place-name) Urushiooimatsu |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "老" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.