There are 969 total results for your 網 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
手足網縵相 手足网缦相 see styles |
shǒu zú wǎng màn xiàng shou3 zu2 wang3 man4 xiang4 shou tsu wang man hsiang shusoku mōman sō |
the characteristic of webbed fingers and toes |
攜程旅行網 携程旅行网 see styles |
xié chéng lǚ xíng wǎng xie2 cheng2 lu:3 xing2 wang3 hsieh ch`eng lü hsing wang hsieh cheng lü hsing wang |, PRC travel agency |
日光網膜炎 see styles |
nikkoumoumakuen / nikkomomakuen にっこうもうまくえん |
{med} solar retinitis |
日本橋小網 see styles |
nihonbashikoami にほんばしこあみ |
(place-name) Nihonbashikoami |
有線新聞網 有线新闻网 see styles |
yǒu xiàn xīn wén wǎng you3 xian4 xin1 wen2 wang3 yu hsien hsin wen wang |
Cable Network News (CNN) |
梵網戒本疏 梵网戒本疏 see styles |
fàn wǎng jiè běn shū fan4 wang3 jie4 ben3 shu1 fan wang chieh pen shu Bonmō kaihon sho |
Commentary on the Book of the Precepts in the Sūtra of Brahma's Net |
梵網法藏疏 梵网法藏疏 see styles |
fàn wǎng fǎ zàng shū fan4 wang3 fa3 zang4 shu1 fan wang fa tsang shu Bonmō hōzō sho |
Fazang's Commentary on the Sūtra of Brahma's Net |
構内通信網 see styles |
kounaitsuushinmou / konaitsushinmo こうないつうしんもう |
{comp} local area network; LAN |
田名網敬一 see styles |
tanaamikeiichi / tanamikechi たなあみけいいち |
(person) Tanaami Keiichi |
甲子園網引 see styles |
koushienabiki / koshienabiki こうしえんあびき |
(place-name) Kōshien'abiki |
神経回路網 see styles |
shinkeikairomou / shinkekairomo しんけいかいろもう |
{comp} neural network |
糙面內質網 糙面内质网 see styles |
cāo miàn nèi zhì wǎng cao1 mian4 nei4 zhi4 wang3 ts`ao mien nei chih wang tsao mien nei chih wang |
rough endoplasmic reticulum |
脈絡網膜炎 see styles |
myakurakumoumakuen / myakurakumomakuen みゃくらくもうまくえん |
{med} chorioretinitis |
西田町大網 see styles |
nishitamachiooami にしたまちおおあみ |
(place-name) Nishitamachiooami |
連結網表示 see styles |
renketsumouhyouji / renketsumohyoji れんけつもうひょうじ |
{comp} view |
開放式網絡 开放式网络 see styles |
kāi fàng shì wǎng luò kai1 fang4 shi4 wang3 luo4 k`ai fang shih wang lo kai fang shih wang lo |
open network |
高砂町狩網 see styles |
takasagochoukariami / takasagochokariami たかさごちょうかりあみ |
(place-name) Takasagochōkariami |
高速通信網 see styles |
kousokutsuushinmou / kosokutsushinmo こうそくつうしんもう |
{comp} high speed network |
網の目を潜る see styles |
aminomeokuguru あみのめをくぐる |
(exp,v5r) to slip through the dragnet |
網エレメント see styles |
moueremento / moeremento もうエレメント |
{comp} network element |
網代トンネル see styles |
ajirotonneru あじろトンネル |
(place-name) Ajiro Tunnel |
網入りガラス see styles |
amiirigarasu / amirigarasu あみいりガラス |
wired glass; wire-reinforced glass |
網川トンネル see styles |
amigawatonneru あみがわトンネル |
(place-name) Amigawa Tunnel |
網干区余子浜 see styles |
aboshikuyokohama あぼしくよこはま |
(place-name) Aboshikuyokohama |
網干区大江島 see styles |
aboshikuooejima あぼしくおおえじま |
(place-name) Aboshikuooejima |
網干区新在家 see styles |
aboshikushinzaike あぼしくしんざいけ |
(place-name) Aboshikushinzaike |
網干区津市場 see styles |
aboshikutsuichiba あぼしくついちば |
(place-name) Aboshikutsuichiba |
網干区網干浜 see styles |
aboshikuaboshihama あぼしくあぼしはま |
(place-name) Aboshikuaboshihama |
網干海浜大橋 see styles |
aboshikaihinoohashi あぼしかいひんおおはし |
(place-name) Aboshikaihin'oohashi |
網干臨海大橋 see styles |
aboshirinkaioohashi あぼしりんかいおおはし |
(place-name) Aboshirinkaioohashi |
網掛トンネル see styles |
amikaketonneru あみかけトンネル |
(place-name) Amikake Tunnel |
網様体賦活系 see styles |
mouyoutaifukatsukei / moyotaifukatsuke もうようたいふかつけい |
{anat} reticular activating system; RAS |
網絡地址轉換 网络地址转换 see styles |
wǎng luò dì zhǐ zhuǎn huàn wang3 luo4 di4 zhi3 zhuan3 huan4 wang lo ti chih chuan huan |
(computing) network address translation |
網絡操作系統 网络操作系统 see styles |
wǎng luò cāo zuò xì tǒng wang3 luo4 cao1 zuo4 xi4 tong3 wang lo ts`ao tso hsi t`ung wang lo tsao tso hsi tung |
network operating system |
網絡管理系統 网络管理系统 see styles |
wǎng luò guǎn lǐ xì tǒng wang3 luo4 guan3 li3 xi4 tong3 wang lo kuan li hsi t`ung wang lo kuan li hsi tung |
network management system; NMS |
網絡規劃人員 网络规划人员 see styles |
wǎng luò guī huà rén yuán wang3 luo4 gui1 hua4 ren2 yuan2 wang lo kuei hua jen yüan |
network planner |
網膜スキャン see styles |
moumakusukyan / momakusukyan もうまくスキャン |
retinal scan |
網膜芽細胞腫 see styles |
moumakugasaiboushu / momakugasaiboshu もうまくがさいぼうしゅ |
{med} retinoblastoma |
網走原生牧場 see styles |
abashirigenseibokujou / abashirigensebokujo あばしりげんせいぼくじょう |
(place-name) Abashirigenseibokujō |
網走郡津別町 see styles |
abashiriguntsubetsuchou / abashiriguntsubetsucho あばしりぐんつべつちょう |
(place-name) Abashiriguntsubetsuchō |
網走郡美幌町 see styles |
abashirigunbihorochou / abashirigunbihorocho あばしりぐんびほろちょう |
(place-name) Abashirigunbihorochō |
網路作業系統 网路作业系统 see styles |
wǎng lù zuò yè xì tǒng wang3 lu4 zuo4 ye4 xi4 tong3 wang lu tso yeh hsi t`ung wang lu tso yeh hsi tung |
network operating system |
網路節點介面 网路节点介面 see styles |
wǎng lù jié diǎn jiè miàn wang3 lu4 jie2 dian3 jie4 mian4 wang lu chieh tien chieh mien |
network node interface |
網際網路協會 see styles |
wǎng jì wǎng lù xié huì wang3 ji4 wang3 lu4 xie2 hui4 wang chi wang lu hsieh hui |
Internet Society |
Variations: |
sashiami さしあみ |
{fish} gill net |
Variations: |
makiami まきあみ |
purse seine; round haul net |
Variations: |
toami(投網); nageami とあみ(投網); なげあみ |
cast net; casting net |
Variations: |
yakiami やきあみ |
gridiron; griddle; grill |
Variations: |
mushiami むしあみ |
butterfly net |
三崎町小網代 see styles |
misakimachikoajiro みさきまちこあじろ |
(place-name) Misakimachikoajiro |
中國地震台網 中国地震台网 see styles |
zhōng guó dì zhèn tái wǎng zhong1 guo2 di4 zhen4 tai2 wang3 chung kuo ti chen t`ai wang chung kuo ti chen tai wang |
China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC), the information hub of the China Earthquake Administration 中國地震局|中国地震局[Zhong1 guo2 Di4 zhen4 ju2] |
交換以太網絡 交换以太网络 see styles |
jiāo huàn yǐ tài wǎng luò jiao1 huan4 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 chiao huan i t`ai wang lo chiao huan i tai wang lo |
switched Ethernet |
以太網絡端口 以太网络端口 see styles |
yǐ tài wǎng luò duān kǒu yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 duan1 kou3 i t`ai wang lo tuan k`ou i tai wang lo tuan kou |
Ethernet port |
公眾電信網路 公众电信网路 see styles |
gōng zhòng diàn xìn wǎng lù gong1 zhong4 dian4 xin4 wang3 lu4 kung chung tien hsin wang lu |
public telephone network |
共通線信号網 see styles |
kyoutsuusenshingoumou / kyotsusenshingomo きょうつうせんしんごうもう |
{comp} common channel signalling network |
區域網路技術 区域网路技术 see styles |
qū yù wǎng lù jì shù qu1 yu4 wang3 lu4 ji4 shu4 ch`ü yü wang lu chi shu chü yü wang lu chi shu |
LAN technology |
因特網提供商 因特网提供商 see styles |
yīn tè wǎng tí gōng shāng yin1 te4 wang3 ti2 gong1 shang1 yin t`e wang t`i kung shang yin te wang ti kung shang |
Internet service provider (ISP) |
國家電網公司 国家电网公司 see styles |
guó jiā diàn wǎng gōng sī guo2 jia1 dian4 wang3 gong1 si1 kuo chia tien wang kung ssu |
State Grid Corporation of China |
國際互聯網絡 国际互联网络 see styles |
guó jì hù lián wǎng luò guo2 ji4 hu4 lian2 wang3 luo4 kuo chi hu lien wang lo |
Internet |
小網トンネル see styles |
koamitonneru こあみトンネル |
(place-name) Koami Tunnel |
局部連結網絡 局部连结网络 see styles |
jú bù lián jié wǎng luò ju2 bu4 lian2 jie2 wang3 luo4 chü pu lien chieh wang lo |
local connectionist network |
快速以太網絡 快速以太网络 see styles |
kuài sù yǐ tài wǎng luò kuai4 su4 yi3 tai4 wang3 luo4 k`uai su i t`ai wang lo kuai su i tai wang lo |
Fast Ethernet |
手足指縵網相 手足指缦网相 see styles |
shǒu zú zhǐ màn wǎng xiàng shou3 zu2 zhi3 man4 wang3 xiang4 shou tsu chih man wang hsiang shusokushi manmō sō |
webbed fingers and toes |
日本橋小網町 see styles |
nihonbashikoamichou / nihonbashikoamicho にほんばしこあみちょう |
(place-name) Nihonbashikoamichō |
未熟児網膜症 see styles |
mijukujimoumakushou / mijukujimomakusho みじゅくじもうまくしょう |
{med} retinopathy of prematurity |
甲子園網引町 see styles |
koushienabikichou / koshienabikicho こうしえんあびきちょう |
(place-name) Kōshien'abikichō |
移動通信網絡 移动通信网络 see styles |
yí dòng tōng xìn wǎng luò yi2 dong4 tong1 xin4 wang3 luo4 i tung t`ung hsin wang lo i tung tung hsin wang lo |
cell phone network |
竹野郡網野町 see styles |
takenogunaminochou / takenogunaminocho たけのぐんあみのちょう |
(place-name) Takenogun'aminochō |
糖尿病網膜症 see styles |
tounyoubyoumoumakushou / tonyobyomomakusho とうにょうびょうもうまくしょう |
diabetic retinopathy; retinopathia diabetica |
萬維天羅地網 万维天罗地网 see styles |
wàn wéi tiān luó dì wǎng wan4 wei2 tian1 luo2 di4 wang3 wan wei t`ien lo ti wang wan wei tien lo ti wang |
World Wide Web (WWW); lit. ten-thousand dimensional net covering heaven and earth; term coined by China News Digest and abbr. to 萬維網|万维网[Wan4 wei2 wang3] |
萬維網聯合體 万维网联合体 see styles |
wàn wéi wǎng lián hé tǐ wan4 wei2 wang3 lian2 he2 ti3 wan wei wang lien ho t`i wan wei wang lien ho ti |
W3C, global Internet steering committee |
虛擬專用網絡 虚拟专用网络 see styles |
xū nǐ zhuān yòng wǎng luò xu1 ni3 zhuan1 yong4 wang3 luo4 hsü ni chuan yung wang lo |
virtual private network (VPN) |
虛擬私人網絡 虚拟私人网络 see styles |
xū nǐ sī rén wǎng luò xu1 ni3 si1 ren2 wang3 luo4 hsü ni ssu jen wang lo |
virtual private network (VPN) |
重重無盡帝網 重重无尽帝网 see styles |
chóng chóng wú jìn dì wǎng chong2 chong2 wu2 jin4 di4 wang3 ch`ung ch`ung wu chin ti wang chung chung wu chin ti wang jūjū mujin taimō |
the endlessly multi-meshed net of Indra |
金網フェンス see styles |
kanaamifensu / kanamifensu かなあみフェンス |
chain-link fence; wire mesh fence |
高砂町狩網町 see styles |
takasagochoukariamimachi / takasagochokariamimachi たかさごちょうかりあみまち |
(place-name) Takasagochōkariamimachi |
Variations: |
amikake あみかけ |
(1) area fill (in printing); (2) {comp} half-tone dot meshing |
網の目をくぐる see styles |
aminomeokuguru あみのめをくぐる |
(exp,v5r) to slip through the dragnet |
網干区北新在家 see styles |
aboshikukitashinzaike あぼしくきたしんざいけ |
(place-name) Aboshikukitashinzaike |
網干区垣内中町 see styles |
aboshikukaichinakamachi あぼしくかいちなかまち |
(place-name) Aboshikukaichinakamachi |
網干区垣内北町 see styles |
aboshikukaichikitamachi あぼしくかいちきたまち |
(place-name) Aboshikukaichikitamachi |
網干区垣内南町 see styles |
aboshikukaichiminamimachi あぼしくかいちみなみまち |
(place-name) Aboshikukaichiminamimachi |
網干区垣内本町 see styles |
aboshikukaichihonmachi あぼしくかいちほんまち |
(place-name) Aboshikukaichihonmachi |
網干区垣内東町 see styles |
aboshikukaichihigashimachi あぼしくかいちひがしまち |
(place-name) Aboshikukaichihigashimachi |
網干区垣内西町 see styles |
aboshikukaichinishimachi あぼしくかいちにしまち |
(place-name) Aboshikukaichinishimachi |
網谷りょういち see styles |
amitaniryouichi / amitaniryoichi あみたにりょういち |
(person) Amitani Ryōichi |
網走郡女満別町 see styles |
abashirigunmemanbetsuchou / abashirigunmemanbetsucho あばしりぐんめまんべつちょう |
(place-name) Abashirigunmemanbetsuchō |
網走郡東藻琴村 see styles |
abashirigunhigashimokotomura あばしりぐんひがしもことむら |
(place-name) Abashirigunhigashimokotomura |
デジタル交換網 see styles |
dejitarukoukanmou / dejitarukokanmo デジタルこうかんもう |
{comp} digital data exchange network |
パケット交換網 see styles |
pakettokoukanmou / pakettokokanmo パケットこうかんもう |
{comp} packet exchange network |
久之浜町田之網 see styles |
hisanohamamachitanoami ひさのはままちたのあみ |
(place-name) Hisanohamamachitanoami |
付加価値通信網 see styles |
fukakachitsuushinmou / fukakachitsushinmo ふかかちつうしんもう |
{comp} value-added network; VAN |
仮想私設通信網 see styles |
kasoushisetsutsuushinmou / kasoshisetsutsushinmo かそうしせつつうしんもう |
{comp} VPN; Virtual Private Network |
公共交換電話網 公共交换电话网 see styles |
gōng gòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng gong1 gong4 jiao1 huan4 dian4 hua4 wang3 kung kung chiao huan tien hua wang |
public switched telephone network (PSTN) |
公用交換電話網 公用交换电话网 see styles |
gōng yòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng gong1 yong4 jiao1 huan4 dian4 hua4 wang3 kung yung chiao huan tien hua wang |
(Tw) public switched telephone network (PSTN) |
因陀羅網法界門 因陀罗网法界门 see styles |
yīn tuó luó wǎng fǎ jiè mén yin1 tuo2 luo2 wang3 fa3 jie4 men2 yin t`o lo wang fa chieh men yin to lo wang fa chieh men indara mō hokkai mon |
the profound approach of a11 things influencing one another as the jewels of Indra's net reflect on one another endlessly |
排污地下主管網 排污地下主管网 see styles |
pái wū dì xià zhǔ guǎn wǎng pai2 wu1 di4 xia4 zhu3 guan3 wang3 p`ai wu ti hsia chu kuan wang pai wu ti hsia chu kuan wang |
underground sewage network |
新網代トンネル see styles |
shinajirotonneru しんあじろトンネル |
(place-name) Shin'ajiro Tunnel |
梵網六十二見經 梵网六十二见经 see styles |
fàn wǎng liù shí èr jiàn jīng fan4 wang3 liu4 shi2 er4 jian4 jing1 fan wang liu shih erh chien ching Bonmō rokujūni ken kyō |
Sūtra on the Brahma's Net of Sixty-two Views |
用戶到網絡接口 用户到网络接口 see styles |
yòng hù dào wǎng luò jiē kǒu yong4 hu4 dao4 wang3 luo4 jie1 kou3 yung hu tao wang lo chieh k`ou yung hu tao wang lo chieh kou |
user-network interface; UNI |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "網" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.