There are 920 total results for your 敬 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
百済敬福 see styles |
kudarakeifuku / kudarakefuku くだらけいふく |
(person) Kudara Keifuku |
相対敬語 see styles |
soutaikeigo / sotaikego そうたいけいご |
relative respectful speech; relative honorifics |
相敬如賓 相敬如宾 see styles |
xiāng jìng rú bīn xiang1 jing4 ru2 bin1 hsiang ching ju pin |
to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom); mutual respect between husband and wife |
眾人敬仰 众人敬仰 see styles |
zhòng rén jìng yǎng zhong4 ren2 jing4 yang3 chung jen ching yang |
universally admired; highly esteemed by everyone |
矢部敬三 see styles |
yabekeizou / yabekezo やべけいぞう |
(person) Yabe Keizou (1969.6.28-) |
石井敬志 see styles |
ishiitakashi / ishitakashi いしいたかし |
(person) Ishii Takashi |
石坂敬一 see styles |
ishizakakeiichi / ishizakakechi いしざかけいいち |
(person) Ishizaka Keiichi |
石垣敬義 see styles |
ishigakitakayoshi いしがきたかよし |
(person) Ishigaki Takayoshi (1924.10.23-2004.6.26) |
石田英敬 see styles |
ishidahidetaka いしだひでたか |
(person) Ishida Hidetaka |
磯崎敬太 see styles |
isozakikeita / isozakiketa いそざきけいた |
(person) Isozaki Keita (1980.11.17-) |
神を敬う see styles |
kamiouyamau / kamioyamau かみをうやまう |
(exp,v5u) to revere God |
福井敬治 see styles |
fukuikeiji / fukuikeji ふくいけいじ |
(person) Fukui Keiji |
福士敬章 see styles |
fukushihiroaki ふくしひろあき |
(person) Fukushi Hiroaki (1950.12.27-2005.4.13) |
私市憲敬 see styles |
kisaichinoritaka きさいちのりたか |
(person) Kisaichi Noritaka |
秋田敬吾 see styles |
akitakeigo / akitakego あきたけいご |
(person) Akita Keigo (1943.11.23-) |
稲船敬二 see styles |
inafunekeiji / inafunekeji いなふねけいじ |
(person) Inafune Keiji (1965.5.8-) |
立川敬二 see styles |
tachikawakeiji / tachikawakeji たちかわけいじ |
(person) Tachikawa Keiji (1939-) |
簾内敬司 see styles |
sunouchikeiji / sunochikeji すのうちけいじ |
(person) Sunouchi Keiji (1951-) |
絶対敬語 see styles |
zettaikeigo / zettaikego ぜったいけいご |
{ling} absolute respectful speech; absolute honorifics |
羽原敬二 see styles |
habarakeiji / habarakeji はばらけいじ |
(person) Habara Keiji |
肅然起敬 肃然起敬 see styles |
sù rán qǐ jìng su4 ran2 qi3 jing4 su jan ch`i ching su jan chi ching |
to feel deep veneration for sb (idiom) |
致敬三寶 致敬三宝 see styles |
zhì jìng sān bǎo zhi4 jing4 san1 bao3 chih ching san pao chikyō sanbō |
making obeisance to the three treasures |
若杉敬明 see styles |
wakasugitakaaki / wakasugitakaki わかすぎたかあき |
(person) Wakasugi Takaaki (1943.3-) |
若狭敬一 see styles |
wakasakeiichi / wakasakechi わかさけいいち |
(person) Wakasa Keiichi (1975.9.1-) |
荒井將敬 see styles |
araishoukei / araishoke あらいしょうけい |
(person) Arai Shoukei |
菅原貞敬 see styles |
sugawarasadatoshi すがわらさだとし |
(person) Sugawara Sadatoshi |
菊地敬一 see styles |
kikuchikeiichi / kikuchikechi きくちけいいち |
(person) Kikuchi Keiichi |
葛西敬之 see styles |
kasaiyoshiyuki かさいよしゆき |
(person) Kasai Yoshiyuki (1940.10-) |
藤井敬之 see styles |
fujiihiroyuki / fujihiroyuki ふじいひろゆき |
(person) Fujii Hiroyuki |
蟹江敬三 see styles |
kaniekeizou / kaniekezo かにえけいぞう |
(person) Kanie Keizou (1944.10-) |
表敬訪問 see styles |
hyoukeihoumon / hyokehomon ひょうけいほうもん |
courtesy call; courtesy visit |
表示敬意 see styles |
biǎo shì jìng yì biao3 shi4 jing4 yi4 piao shih ching i |
respectful; to show respect |
西田敬宇 see styles |
nishidakeiu / nishidakeu にしだけいう |
(person) Nishida Keiu |
財敬供養 财敬供养 see styles |
cái jìng gōng yǎng cai2 jing4 gong1 yang3 ts`ai ching kung yang tsai ching kung yang zaikyō kuyō |
making offerings with material goods and respect |
辻敬一郎 see styles |
tsujikeiichirou / tsujikechiro つじけいいちろう |
(person) Tsuji Keiichirō |
野田敬三 see styles |
nodakeizou / nodakezo のだけいぞう |
(person) Noda Keizou |
金子敬志 see styles |
kanekotakashi かねこたかし |
(person) Kaneko Takashi |
金森敬之 see styles |
kanamoritakayuki かなもりたかゆき |
(person) Kanamori Takayuki |
鈴木敬一 see styles |
suzukikeiichi / suzukikechi すずきけいいち |
(person) Suzuki Keiichi |
鈴木敬子 see styles |
suzukiyoshiko すずきよしこ |
(person) Suzuki Yoshiko |
門間敬治 see styles |
monmakeiji / monmakeji もんまけいじ |
(person) Monma Keiji |
門馬敬治 see styles |
monmakeiji / monmakeji もんまけいじ |
(person) Monma Keiji (1969.12.18-) |
阿南惟敬 see styles |
anamikorehiro あなみこれひろ |
(person) Anami Korehiro (?-1975) |
降矢敬義 see styles |
furuyakeigi / furuyakegi ふるやけいぎ |
(person) Furuya Keigi (1920.10.25-) |
雨宮敬子 see styles |
amenomiyakeiko / amenomiyakeko あめのみやけいこ |
(person) Amenomiya Keiko (1931.2-) |
雪代敬子 see styles |
yukishirokeiko / yukishirokeko ゆきしろけいこ |
(person) Yukishiro Keiko |
高畑敬一 see styles |
takahatakeiichi / takahatakechi たかはたけいいち |
(person) Takahata Keiichi |
鶴野正敬 see styles |
tsurunomasataka つるのまさたか |
(person) Tsuruno Masataka |
黒川敬宇 see styles |
kurokawakeiu / kurokawakeu くろかわけいう |
(person) Kurokawa Keiu |
黒田一敬 see styles |
kurodakazuyoshi くろだかずよし |
(person) Kuroda Kazuyoshi |
敬意を払う see styles |
keiioharau / keoharau けいいをはらう |
(exp,v5u) to pay respect (to) |
敬順.啓淳 see styles |
keijun / kejun けいじゅん |
(given name) Keijun |
Variations: |
keikou; keigyou(敬仰) / keko; kegyo(敬仰) けいこう; けいぎょう(敬仰) |
(noun, transitive verb) adoration; admiration; reverence |
バイト敬語 see styles |
baitokeigo / baitokego バイトけいご |
(derogatory term) (See バイト・1,敬語) polite Japanese as used by young part-time employees in restaurants, etc. |
三保敬太郎 see styles |
mihokeitarou / mihoketaro みほけいたろう |
(person) Miho Keitarō (1934.10.17-1986.5.16) |
三室戸敬光 see styles |
mimurodotakamitsu みむろどたかみつ |
(person) Mimurodo Takamitsu |
上横手雅敬 see styles |
uwayokotemasataka うわよこてまさたか |
(person) Uwayokote Masataka |
中静敬一郎 see styles |
nakashizukeiichirou / nakashizukechiro なかしずけいいちろう |
(person) Nakashizu Keiichirō |
久保敬二郎 see styles |
kubokeijirou / kubokejiro くぼけいじろう |
(person) Kubo Keijirō (1899.7.28-1976.9.21) |
五十嵐敬喜 see styles |
igarashitakayoshi いがらしたかよし |
(person) Igarashi Takayoshi (1944.1-) |
伊能忠敬墓 see styles |
inoutadatakahaka / inotadatakahaka いのうただたかはか |
(place-name) Inou Tadataka (grave) |
原敬記念館 see styles |
harakeikinenkan / harakekinenkan はらけいきねんかん |
(place-name) Harakei Memorial Hall |
和田敬四郎 see styles |
wadakeishirou / wadakeshiro わだけいしろう |
(person) Wada Keishirou |
寺岡敬之郎 see styles |
teraokakeishirou / teraokakeshiro てらおかけいしろう |
(person) Teraoka Keishirou (1952-) |
山下敬二郎 see styles |
yamashitakeijirou / yamashitakejiro やましたけいじろう |
(person) Yamashita Keijirō (1939.2.22-) |
山本敬三郎 see styles |
yamamotokeizaburou / yamamotokezaburo やまもとけいざぶろう |
(person) Yamamoto Keizaburō (1913.8.17-) |
岡部敬一郎 see styles |
okabekeiichirou / okabekechiro おかべけいいちろう |
(person) Okabe Keiichirō (1932.7-) |
岡野敬次郎 see styles |
okanokeijirou / okanokejiro おかのけいじろう |
(person) Okano Keijirō (1865.11.9-1925.12.22) |
弓岡敬二郎 see styles |
yumiokakeijirou / yumiokakejiro ゆみおかけいじろう |
(person) Yumioka Keijirō (1958.6.28-) |
愛敬のある see styles |
aikyounoaru / aikyonoaru あいきょうのある |
(expression) charming; attractive |
愛敬らしい see styles |
aikyourashii / aikyorashi あいきょうらしい |
(adjective) (See 可愛らしい) lovely; sweet |
星野敬太郎 see styles |
hoshinokeitarou / hoshinoketaro ほしのけいたろう |
(person) Hoshino Keitarō (1969.8-) |
木下敬之助 see styles |
kinoshitakeinosuke / kinoshitakenosuke きのしたけいのすけ |
(person) Kinoshita Keinosuke (1944.1.15-) |
村田敬次郎 see styles |
muratakeijirou / muratakejiro むらたけいじろう |
(person) Murata Keijirō (1924.2-) |
松坂敬太郎 see styles |
matsusakakeitarou / matsusakaketaro まつさかけいたろう |
(person) Matsusaka Keitarō (1946.1.9-) |
栃赤城敬典 see styles |
tochiakagitakanori とちあかぎたかのり |
(person) Tochiakagi Takanori (1954.10.31-) |
桶田敬太郎 see styles |
okedakeitarou / okedaketaro おけだけいたろう |
(person) Okeda Keitarō (1971.10.4-) |
求利養恭敬 求利养恭敬 see styles |
qiú lì yǎng gōng jìng qiu2 li4 yang3 gong1 jing4 ch`iu li yang kung ching chiu li yang kung ching guriyō kyōkyō |
to seek gain and respect |
波多野敬直 see styles |
hatanonorinao はたののりなお |
(person) Hatano Norinao |
波多野敬雄 see styles |
hatanoyoshio はたのよしお |
(person) Hatano Yoshio (1932.1-) |
海老原敬介 see styles |
ebiharakeisuke / ebiharakesuke えびはらけいすけ |
(person) Ebihara Keisuke |
田名網敬一 see styles |
tanaamikeiichi / tanamikechi たなあみけいいち |
(person) Tanaami Keiichi |
真名古敬二 see styles |
manakokeiji / manakokeji まなこけいじ |
(person) Manako Keiji (1953.3.30-) |
赤司敬攸子 see styles |
akashikeiko / akashikeko あかしけいこ |
(person) Akashi Keiko |
釋門歸敬儀 释门归敬仪 see styles |
shì mén guī jìng yí shi4 men2 gui1 jing4 yi2 shih men kuei ching i Shakumon kikyō gi |
Shimen guijingyi |
長谷川敬子 see styles |
hasegawakeiko / hasegawakeko はせがわけいこ |
(person) Hasegawa Keiko |
高浪敬太郎 see styles |
takanamikeitarou / takanamiketaro たかなみけいたろう |
(person) Takanami Keitarō (1960.5.6-) |
Variations: |
keiken / keken けいけん |
(noun or adjectival noun) pious; devout |
敬和学園大学 see styles |
keiwagakuendaigaku / kewagakuendaigaku けいわがくえんだいがく |
(org) Keiwa College; (o) Keiwa College |
敬意をはらう see styles |
keiioharau / keoharau けいいをはらう |
(exp,v5u) to pay respect (to) |
敬鬼神而遠之 敬鬼神而远之 see styles |
jìng guǐ shén ér yuǎn zhī jing4 gui3 shen2 er2 yuan3 zhi1 ching kuei shen erh yüan chih |
to respect Gods and demons from a distance (idiom); to remain at a respectful distance |
一切衆生咸敬 一切众生咸敬 see styles |
yī qiè zhòng shēng xián jìng yi1 qie4 zhong4 sheng1 xian2 jing4 i ch`ieh chung sheng hsien ching i chieh chung sheng hsien ching issai shushō genkyō |
Sarvasattvapriyadarśana |
伊能忠敬旧宅 see styles |
inoutadatakakyuutaku / inotadatakakyutaku いのうただたかきゅうたく |
(place-name) Inou Tadataka (former residence) |
伊能忠敬銅像 see styles |
inoutadatakadouzou / inotadatakadozo いのうただたかどうぞう |
(place-name) Inoutadatakadouzou |
千葉敬愛短大 see styles |
chibakeiaitandai / chibakeaitandai ちばけいあいたんだい |
(place-name) Chibakeiaitandai |
名譽利養恭敬 名誉利养恭敬 see styles |
míng yù lì yǎng gōng jìng ming2 yu4 li4 yang3 gong1 jing4 ming yü li yang kung ching myōyo riyō kugyō |
renown, profit, and respect |
小笠原敬承斎 see styles |
ogasawarakeishousai / ogasawarakeshosai おがさわらけいしょうさい |
(person) Ogasawara Keishousai |
山南敬助知信 see styles |
yamanamikeisuketomonobu / yamanamikesuketomonobu やまなみけいすけとものぶ |
(person) Yamanami Keisuke Tomonobu |
崇道尽敬皇帝 see styles |
sudoujinkeikoutei / sudojinkekote すどうじんけいこうてい |
(personal name) Sudoujinkeikoutei |
恭敬不如從命 恭敬不如从命 see styles |
gōng jìng bù rú cóng mìng gong1 jing4 bu4 ru2 cong2 ming4 kung ching pu ju ts`ung ming kung ching pu ju tsung ming |
deference is no substitute for obedience (idiom); (said to accept sb's request, invitation etc) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "敬" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.