There are 1560 total results for your 摩 search. I have created 16 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
摩耶夫人 see styles |
mó yé fū rén mo2 ye2 fu1 ren2 mo yeh fu jen mayabunin まやぶにん |
(personal name) Mayabunin Queen Māyā |
摩耶山町 see styles |
mayasanchou / mayasancho まやさんちょう |
(place-name) Mayasanchō |
摩耶東谷 see styles |
mayahigashidani まやひがしだに |
(place-name) Mayahigashidani |
摩肩接踵 see styles |
mó jiān jiē zhǒng mo2 jian1 jie1 zhong3 mo chien chieh chung |
lit. rubbing shoulders and following in each other's footsteps; a thronging crowd |
摩西五經 摩西五经 see styles |
mó xī wǔ jīng mo2 xi1 wu3 jing1 mo hsi wu ching |
the Pentateuch; the five books of Moses in the Old Testament |
摩西律法 see styles |
mó xī lǜ fǎ mo2 xi1 lu:4 fa3 mo hsi lü fa |
law of Moses |
摩觸女人 摩触女人 see styles |
mó chù nǚ rén mo2 chu4 nv3 ren2 mo ch`u nü jen mo chu nü jen masoku nyonin |
touching touching a woman's body |
摩訶僧祇 摩诃僧祇 see styles |
mó hē sēng qí mo2 he1 seng1 qi2 mo ho seng ch`i mo ho seng chi Makasōgi |
Mahāsāṃghika |
摩訶刹頭 摩诃刹头 see styles |
mó hē chà tóu mo2 he1 cha4 tou2 mo ho ch`a t`ou mo ho cha tou makasettō |
mahāsattva |
摩訶剌佗 摩诃剌佗 see styles |
mó hē là tuó mo2 he1 la4 tuo2 mo ho la t`o mo ho la to Makarata |
Mahārāṣṭra. 'The Mahratta country, an ancient kingdom in the north-west corner of the Deccan, near the upper course of the Godavery.' Eitel. |
摩訶周那 摩诃周那 see styles |
mó hē zhōu nà mo2 he1 zhou1 na4 mo ho chou na Makashūna |
Mahā-cunda |
摩訶娑羅 摩诃娑罗 see styles |
mó hē suō luó mo2 he1 suo1 luo2 mo ho so lo Makashara |
Mahāsāra |
摩訶婆羅 摩诃婆罗 see styles |
mó hē pó luó mo2 he1 po2 luo2 mo ho p`o lo mo ho po lo Makabara |
(or 摩訶娑羅) Mahāsāra. 'An ancient city in Central India, the present Masar, about 30 miles west of Patna.' Eitel. |
摩訶室利 摩诃室利 see styles |
mó hē shì lì mo2 he1 shi4 li4 mo ho shih li Makashiri |
Mahāśrī |
摩訶尼羅 摩诃尼罗 see styles |
mó hē ní luó mo2 he1 ni2 luo2 mo ho ni lo makanira |
(or 摩訶泥羅) mahānīla, dark-blue, a sapphire; described as the large blue pearl of Indra, perhaps the Indranīla. |
摩訶彌樓 摩诃弥楼 see styles |
mó hē mí lóu mo2 he1 mi2 lou2 mo ho mi lou makamirō |
Sumeru (v.ll. Mahāsumeru |
摩訶提婆 摩诃提婆 see styles |
mó hē tí pó mo2 he1 ti2 po2 mo ho t`i p`o mo ho ti po Makadaiba |
Mahādeva, the great deva, Maheśvara, i.e. Śiva; also a former incarnation of Śākyamuni; and name of an arhat. |
摩訶摩底 摩诃摩底 see styles |
mó hē mó dǐ mo2 he1 mo2 di3 mo ho mo ti Makamatei |
Mahāmati |
摩訶摩耶 摩诃摩耶 see styles |
mó hē mó yé mo2 he1 mo2 ye2 mo ho mo yeh mokomaya |
mahāmāyā, intp. by M.W. as 'great deceit or illusion worldly illusion, the divine power of illusion (which makes the material universe appear as if really existing and renders it cognizable by the senses), the Great Illusion (the illusory nature of worldly objects personified and identified with Durgā)'. Mahāmāyā was the wife of Śuddhodana, and mother of Śākyamuni. He, Siddhārtha, was born 'from her right side', and she died seven days later, her sister Mahāprajāpati becoming his foster mother. Also called 摩訶第脾 Mahādevī; 摩訶夫人 Lady Māyā, etc. |
摩訶止観 see styles |
makashikan まかしかん |
(work) Mohe Zhiguan (Buddhist text by Guanding, 594 CE); (wk) Mohe Zhiguan (Buddhist text by Guanding, 594 CE) |
摩訶止觀 摩诃止观 see styles |
mó hē zhǐ guān mo2 he1 zhi3 guan1 mo ho chih kuan Maka shikan |
Mohe zhiguan |
摩訶毘羅 摩诃毘罗 see styles |
mó hē pí luó mo2 he1 pi2 luo2 mo ho p`i lo mo ho pi lo Makabira |
Mahāvīra |
摩訶泥羅 摩诃泥罗 see styles |
mó hē ní luó mo2 he1 ni2 luo2 mo ho ni lo makanira |
mahānīla |
摩訶絺羅 摩诃絺罗 see styles |
mó hē chī luó mo2 he1 chi1 luo2 mo ho ch`ih lo mo ho chih lo Makachira |
Mahākoṭṭhita |
摩訶羅闍 摩诃罗阇 see styles |
mó hē luó shé mo2 he1 luo2 she2 mo ho lo she makaraja |
mahārāja, a great or superior king; a king. |
摩訶般若 摩诃般若 see styles |
mó hē bō rě mo2 he1 bo1 re3 mo ho po je maka hannya |
mahāprajñā, v. 般, great wisdom, great insight into all truth. |
摩訶薩埵 摩诃萨埵 see styles |
mó hē sà duǒ mo2 he1 sa4 duo3 mo ho sa to makasatta |
(摩訶薩) Mahāsattva, 'great being,' one with great compassion and energy, who brings salvation to all living beings; a Bodhisattva; also 摩訶刹頭. |
摩訶衍心 摩诃衍心 see styles |
mó hē yǎn xīn mo2 he1 yan3 xin1 mo ho yen hsin makaen shin |
Mahāyāna mind |
摩訶衍經 摩诃衍经 see styles |
mó hē yǎn jīng mo2 he1 yan3 jing1 mo ho yen ching makaen kyō |
Mahāyāna sūtras |
摩訶衍論 摩诃衍论 see styles |
mó hē yǎn lùn mo2 he1 yan3 lun4 mo ho yen lun Makaen ron |
Discourse on Mahāyāna |
摩訶衍道 摩诃衍道 see styles |
mó hē yǎn dào mo2 he1 yan3 dao4 mo ho yen tao makaen dō |
Mahāyāna path |
摩訶衍那 摩诃衍那 see styles |
mó hē yǎn nà mo2 he1 yan3 na4 mo ho yen na makaenna |
(Skt. mahāyāna) |
摩訶袒特 摩诃袒特 see styles |
mó hē tǎn tè mo2 he1 tan3 te4 mo ho t`an t`e mo ho tan te makatantoku |
Mahātantra (dhāraṇī), great spell power for overcoming the evil and cleaving to the good. |
摩訶謌羅 摩诃謌罗 see styles |
mó hē gē luó mo2 he1 ge1 luo2 mo ho ko lo Makakara |
Mahākāla |
摩訶迦羅 摩诃迦罗 see styles |
mó hē jiā luó mo2 he1 jia1 luo2 mo ho chia lo Makakara |
Mahākāla, the great black deva, v. 大黑. |
摩訶迦葉 摩诃迦叶 see styles |
mó hē jiā yè mo2 he1 jia1 ye4 mo ho chia yeh Makakashō |
(摩訶迦葉波) Mahākāśyapa, or Kāśyapadhātu 迦葉 (迦葉頭陀), a Brahman of Magadha, disciple of Śākyamuni; accredited with presiding over the first synod, hence known as 上座; also with supervising the first compilation of the Buddha's sermons; is reckoned as the first Patriarch, v. 二十八祖 and 迦. |
摩訶那伽 摩诃那伽 see styles |
mó hēn à qié mo2 hen1 a4 qie2 mo hen a ch`ieh mo hen a chieh makanaga |
Mahānāga, the great nāga, 'one of the elephants that support the world.' M.W. A title of a Buddha, or of an arhat. |
摩訶那摩 摩诃那摩 see styles |
mó hēn à mó mo2 hen1 a4 mo2 mo hen a mo Makanama |
摩訶男 Mahānāman, one of the first five of Śākyamuni's converts. |
摩訶那鉢 摩诃那钵 see styles |
mó hēn à bō mo2 hen1 a4 bo1 mo hen a po Makanahatsu |
Mahāsthāmaprāpta, the bodhisattva 大勢至 q. v. |
摩護囉誐 摩护囉誐 see styles |
mó hù luó é mo2 hu4 luo2 e2 mo hu lo o magoraga |
mahoraga |
摩賀羅惹 摩贺罗惹 see styles |
mó hè luó rě mo2 he4 luo2 re3 mo ho lo je magaraja |
More info & calligraphy: Maharaja |
摩迦摩耶 see styles |
makamaya まかまや |
(person) Mahamaya (alternative name for Maya, the mother of Shakamuni Buddha) |
摩鄧女經 摩邓女经 see styles |
mó dèng nǚ jīng mo2 deng4 nv3 jing1 mo teng nü ching Madōjo kyō |
Sūtra of the Mātaṅgī Girl |
摩醯首羅 摩醯首罗 see styles |
mó xì shǒu luó mo2 xi4 shou3 luo2 mo hsi shou lo Makeishura |
Mahêśvara |
摩頂放踵 摩顶放踵 see styles |
mó dǐng fàng zhǒng mo2 ding3 fang4 zhong3 mo ting fang chung |
to rub one's head and heels (idiom); to slave for the benefit of others; to wear oneself out for the general good |
摩須賀岳 see styles |
masugadake ますがだけ |
(personal name) Masugadake |
七摩怛里 see styles |
qī mó dá lǐ qi1 mo2 da2 li3 ch`i mo ta li chi mo ta li shichi matari |
saptamātṛ. The seven divine mothers, or personified energies of the principal deities; they are associated with the worship of the god Śiva, and attend on his son Skanda or Kārttikeya, to whom at first only seven Mātṛs were assigned, but in the later mythology an innumerable number, who are sometimes represented as having displaced the original divine mothers M.W. Their names are given as (1) Cāmuṇḍā 遮文茶 or 左問拏 (2) Gaurī嬌吠哩; (3) Vaiṣṇavī 吠瑟拏微 (4) Kaumārī 嬌麼哩; (5) Indrāṇī, Aindrī, or Māhendrī 燕捺利 or 印捺哩; (6) Raudrī 勞捺哩; and (7) Vārāhī 末羅呬弭; cf. 七母天. |
三三摩地 see styles |
sān sān mó dì san1 san1 mo2 di4 san san mo ti san sanmaji |
three samādhis |
三摩半那 see styles |
sān mó bàn nà san1 mo2 ban4 na4 san mo pan na sanmahanna |
samāpanna, in the state of samādhi. |
三摩呬多 see styles |
sān mó xì duō san1 mo2 xi4 duo1 san mo hsi to sanmakita |
samāhita; steadfast, tranquil. A degree of meditation. |
三摩呾叱 see styles |
sān mó dá chì san1 mo2 da2 chi4 san mo ta ch`ih san mo ta chih Sanmatachitsu |
Samataṭa, an ancient kingdom on the left bank of the Ganges, near its mouths, extending to the Hooghly, over 3,000 li in circuit, low and damp, with a hardy people, short and dark. Eitel says "close to the sea at the mouth of the Brahmaputra." Eliot says: "In the east of Bengal and not far from the modern Burmese frontier." |
三摩地法 see styles |
sān mó dì fǎ san1 mo2 di4 fa3 san mo ti fa sanmaji hō |
samādhi doctrines |
三摩地相 see styles |
sān mó dì xiàng san1 mo2 di4 xiang4 san mo ti hsiang sanmaji sō |
marks of meditative absorption |
三摩地門 三摩地门 see styles |
sān mó dì mén san1 mo2 di4 men2 san mo ti men sanmaji mon |
approach of meditative absorption |
三摩婆夜 see styles |
sān mó pó yè san1 mo2 po2 ye4 san mo p`o yeh san mo po yeh sanmapaya |
Samavāya, coming together, combination; 利合 advantageous union. |
三摩広行 see styles |
sanmahiroyuki さんまひろゆき |
(person) Sanma Hiroyuki |
三摩拔提 see styles |
sān mó bá tí san1 mo2 ba2 ti2 san mo pa t`i san mo pa ti sanmabatsudai |
arrival (to meditative equipoise) |
三摩皮陀 see styles |
sān mó pí tuó san1 mo2 pi2 tuo2 san mo p`i t`o san mo pi to Sanmahida |
縒摩吠陀; 沙磨; 平論; 歌詠 Sāma-veda-saṃhitā. A collection of verses sung at sacrifices, etc. The third of the three Vedas, or four if Atharva Veda is counted, as it was later; the verses are taken almost wholly from the Ṛgveda. |
三摩耶形 see styles |
sanmayagyou / sanmayagyo さんまやぎょう samayagyou / samayagyo さまやぎょう |
(Buddhist term) object or shape that symbolizes the vow of a buddha or bodhisattva to save all life |
三摩耶戒 see styles |
sanmayakai さんまやかい |
(Buddhist term) precepts given to an adherent prior to being consecrated as an Acharya (in esoteric Buddhism) |
三摩耶道 see styles |
sān mó yé dào san1 mo2 ye2 dao4 san mo yeh tao sanmaya dō |
A term among the esoterics for the 三平等 q.v. |
三摩跋提 see styles |
sān mó bá tí san1 mo2 ba2 ti2 san mo pa t`i san mo pa ti sanmabatsudai |
samāpatti |
三摩近離 三摩近离 see styles |
sān mó jìn lí san1 mo2 jin4 li2 san mo chin li sanmagonri |
The public gathering for a festival, lay and cleric, before parting at the end of the summer retreat. |
三摩鉢底 三摩钵底 see styles |
sān mó bō dǐ san1 mo2 bo1 di3 san mo po ti sanmapattei |
(or 三摩鉢提); 三摩拔提 (or 三摩跋提); 三摩越 samāpatti, attainment, arrival; defined by 等至 and 等持 which is intp. as complete dhyāna; similar to 三摩半那 samāpanna, attainment. Eitel says: "a degree of abstract ecstatic meditation preparatory to the final attainment of samādhi." Clough speaks of eight samāpattis, i.e. attainments— "eight successive states induced by the ecstatic meditation." v. also 三摩越. |
三摩鉢提 三摩钵提 see styles |
sān mó bō tí san1 mo2 bo1 ti2 san mo po t`i san mo po ti sanmapattei |
(Skt. samāpatti) |
上南摩町 see styles |
kaminanmamachi かみなんままち |
(place-name) Kaminanmamachi |
上薩摩瀬 see styles |
kamisatsumaze かみさつまぜ |
(place-name) Kamisatsumaze |
下南摩町 see styles |
shimonanmamachi しもなんままち |
(place-name) Shimonanmamachi |
下薩摩瀬 see styles |
shimosatsumaze しもさつまぜ |
(place-name) Shimosatsumaze |
中巨摩郡 see styles |
nakakomagun なかこまぐん |
(place-name) Nakakomagun |
乾布摩擦 see styles |
kanpumasatsu かんぷまさつ |
rubdown with a dry towel |
五部護摩 五部护摩 see styles |
wǔ bù hù mó wu3 bu4 hu4 mo2 wu pu hu mo gobu goma |
five-part esoteric ceremonies |
伊勢志摩 see styles |
iseshima いせしま |
(person) Ise Shima (1969.8.9-) |
伽婆達摩 伽婆达摩 see styles |
qié pó dá mó qie2 po2 da2 mo2 ch`ieh p`o ta mo chieh po ta mo Kabadama |
Bhagavaddharma. A Western Indian monk who tr. a work on 觀自在. |
何夷摩柯 see styles |
hé yí mó kē he2 yi2 mo2 ke1 ho i mo k`o ho i mo ko Kaimaka |
Haimaka, a king at the beginning of a kalpa, 金 by name. |
佛陀跋摩 see styles |
fó tuó bá mó fo2 tuo2 ba2 mo2 fo t`o pa mo fo to pa mo Buddabama |
Buddhavarman |
修奢摩他 see styles |
xiū shē mó tā xiu1 she1 mo2 ta1 hsiu she mo t`a hsiu she mo ta shu shamata |
to practice calming meditation |
倶摩羅天 倶摩罗天 see styles |
jù mó luó tiān ju4 mo2 luo2 tian1 chü mo lo t`ien chü mo lo tien kumara ten |
A youthful deva. |
倶蘇摩城 倶苏摩城 see styles |
jù sū mó chéng ju4 su1 mo2 cheng2 chü su mo ch`eng chü su mo cheng Kusomajō |
Kusumapura |
僧伽藍摩 僧伽蓝摩 see styles |
sēng qié lán mó seng1 qie2 lan2 mo2 seng ch`ieh lan mo seng chieh lan mo sougaranma; sougyaranma / sogaranma; sogyaranma そうがらんま; そうぎゃらんま |
{Buddh} (See 伽藍・1) Buddhist convent or monastery (san: sangharama) a Buddhist convent or monastery |
僧伽跋摩 see styles |
sēng qié bá mó seng1 qie2 ba2 mo2 seng ch`ieh pa mo seng chieh pa mo Sōgyabatsuma |
Saṅghavarman, an Indian monk who arrived in Nanjing A.D. 433, tr. five works in 434, went westward in 442. |
冷水摩擦 see styles |
reisuimasatsu / resuimasatsu れいすいまさつ |
(noun/participle) rubdown with a wet towel; cold-water rubbing |
初摩谷川 see styles |
hatsumatanigawa はつまたにがわ |
(place-name) Hatsumatanigawa |
劍摩舍帝 剑摩舍帝 see styles |
jiàn mó shè dì jian4 mo2 she4 di4 chien mo she ti kenmashatai |
A spirit or demon, ? Aniruddha, the unobstructed, the ungovernable, son of Kāma (Love, Lust). |
加藤摩周 see styles |
katoumashuu / katomashu かとうましゅう |
(person) Katou Mashuu |
勒那摩提 see styles |
len à mó tí len4 a4 mo2 ti2 len a mo t`i len a mo ti Rokunamadai |
勒那婆提 ? Ratnamati, a monk from Central India, circa A. D. 500, who translated three works of which two remain. |
勝三摩地 胜三摩地 see styles |
shèng sān mó dì sheng4 san1 mo2 di4 sheng san mo ti shō sanmaji |
overpowering concentration |
勝奢摩他 胜奢摩他 see styles |
shèng shē mó tā sheng4 she1 mo2 ta1 sheng she mo t`a sheng she mo ta shō shamata |
tranquility meditation |
北巨摩郡 see styles |
kitakomagun きたこまぐん |
(place-name) Kitakomagun |
卑摩羅叉 卑摩罗叉 see styles |
bēi mó luó chā bei1 mo2 luo2 cha1 pei mo lo ch`a pei mo lo cha Himarasha |
Vimalākṣa, the pure-eyed, described as of Kabul, expositor of the 十誦律, teacher of Kumārajīva at Karashahr; came to China A. D. 406, tr. two works. |
南多摩駅 see styles |
minamitamaeki みなみたまえき |
(st) Minamitama Station |
南巨摩郡 see styles |
minamikomagun みなみこまぐん |
(place-name) Minamikomagun |
原口摩純 see styles |
haraguchimasumi はらぐちますみ |
(person) Haraguchi Masumi |
叔叔摩羅 叔叔摩罗 see styles |
shú shú mó luó shu2 shu2 mo2 luo2 shu shu mo lo shukushukumara |
crocodile |
吉亞卡摩 吉亚卡摩 see styles |
jí yà kǎ mó ji2 ya4 ka3 mo2 chi ya k`a mo chi ya ka mo |
Giacomo (name) |
周面摩擦 see styles |
shuumenmasatsu / shumenmasatsu しゅうめんまさつ |
(See 周面) skin friction |
呬摩怛羅 呬摩怛罗 see styles |
xì mó dá luó xi4 mo2 da2 luo2 hsi mo ta lo Chimatanra |
Himatala 雪山下. 'An ancient kingdom ruled in A. D. 43 by a descendant of the Śākya family. Probably the region south of Kundoot and Issar north of Hindukush near the principal source of the Oxus.' Eitel. 西域記 3. |
呾摩栗底 see styles |
dá mó lì dǐ da2 mo2 li4 di3 ta mo li ti Taimarittei |
(or 躭摩栗底); 多摩梨帝 Tāmralipti (or tī), the modem Tamluk near the mouth of the Hooghly, formerly 'the principal emporium for the trade with Ceylon and China'. Eitel. |
唵摩羅識 唵摩罗识 see styles |
ǎn mó luó shì an3 mo2 luo2 shi4 an mo lo shih onmara shiki |
amala consciousness |
四阿笈摩 see styles |
sì ā jí mó si4 a1 ji2 mo2 ssu a chi mo shi agōma |
four āgamas |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "摩" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.