There are 965 total results for your 念 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
上記念別沢川 see styles |
kamikinenbetsusawagawa かみきねんべつさわがわ |
(place-name) Kamikinenbetsusawagawa |
下記念別沢川 see styles |
shimokinenbetsusawagawa しもきねんべつさわがわ |
(place-name) Shimokinenbetsusawagawa |
中記念別沢川 see styles |
nakakinenbetsusawagawa なかきねんべつさわがわ |
(place-name) Nakakinenbetsusawagawa |
主観的観念論 see styles |
shukantekikannenron しゅかんてきかんねんろん |
(See 客観的観念論) subjective idealism |
亀田記念公園 see styles |
kamedakinenkouen / kamedakinenkoen かめだきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Kamedakinen Park |
井上靖記念館 see styles |
inoueyasushikinenkan / inoeyasushikinenkan いのうえやすしきねんかん |
(place-name) Inoue Yasushi Memorial Hall |
仁王念誦儀軌 仁王念诵仪轨 see styles |
rén wáng niàn sòng yí guǐ ren2 wang2 nian4 song4 yi2 gui3 jen wang nien sung i kuei Ninnō nenshō giki |
Commentary on the Dhāraṇī for Humane Kings |
入船山記念館 see styles |
irifunayamakinenkan いりふなやまきねんかん |
(place-name) Irifunayama Memorial Hall |
八億四千萬念 八亿四千万念 see styles |
bā yì sì qiān wàn niàn ba1 yi4 si4 qian1 wan4 nian4 pa i ssu ch`ien wan nien pa i ssu chien wan nien hachiokushisenman nen |
The myriads of "thoughts", or moments in a single day and night, each with its consequences of good and evil; probably 8,400,000,000 is meant. |
北の湖記念館 see styles |
kitanoumikinenkan / kitanomikinenkan きたのうみきねんかん |
(place-name) Kitanoumi Memorial Hall |
名聞利養念處 名闻利养念处 see styles |
míng wén lì yǎng niàn chù ming2 wen2 li4 yang3 nian4 chu4 ming wen li yang nien ch`u ming wen li yang nien chu myōmon riyō nenjo |
mindfulness of the cultivation of good reputation |
大平和祈念塔 see styles |
daiheiwakinentou / daihewakinento だいへいわきねんとう |
(place-name) Dai Heiwa Kinen Tō; The Great Peace Prayer Tower |
如來學問念處 如来学问念处 see styles |
rú lái xué wèn niàn chù ru2 lai2 xue2 wen4 nian4 chu4 ju lai hsüeh wen nien ch`u ju lai hsüeh wen nien chu nyorai gakumon nenjo |
mindfulness of Buddhist studies |
威怒王念誦法 威怒王念诵法 see styles |
wēi nù wáng niàn sòng fǎ wei1 nu4 wang2 nian4 song4 fa3 wei nu wang nien sung fa Inuō nenshō hō |
Weinuwang niansong fa |
客観的観念論 see styles |
kyakkantekikannenron きゃっかんてきかんねんろん |
(See 主観的観念論) objective idealism |
宿住隨念智力 宿住随念智力 see styles |
sù zhù suí niàn zhì lì su4 zhu4 sui2 nian4 zhi4 li4 su chu sui nien chih li shukujū zuinen chiriki |
the power of knowledge of remembrance of past lives |
島尻郡知念村 see styles |
shimajirigunchinenson しまじりぐんちねんそん |
(place-name) Shimajirigunchinenson |
平和祈念公園 see styles |
heiwakinenkouen / hewakinenkoen へいわきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Heiwakinen Park |
平和記念公園 see styles |
heiwakinenkouen / hewakinenkoen へいわきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Heiwakinen Park |
建国記念の日 see styles |
kenkokukinennohi けんこくきねんのひ |
(exp,n) (See 建国記念日) National Foundation Day (national holiday; February 11) |
復帰記念会館 see styles |
fukkikinenkaikan ふっききねんかいかん |
(place-name) Fukkikinenkaikan |
斷諸煩惱念處 断诸烦恼念处 see styles |
duàn zhū fán nǎo niàn chù duan4 zhu1 fan2 nao3 nian4 chu4 tuan chu fan nao nien ch`u tuan chu fan nao nien chu dan shobonnō nenjo |
mindfulness of the elimination of afflictions |
旭山記念公園 see styles |
asahiyamakinenkouen / asahiyamakinenkoen あさひやまきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Asahiyamakinen Park |
昭和記念公園 see styles |
shouwakinenkouen / showakinenkoen しょうわきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Shouwakinen Park |
智恵子記念館 see styles |
chiekokinenkan ちえこきねんかん |
(place-name) Chieko Memorial Hall |
朝題目夕念佛 朝题目夕念佛 see styles |
zhāo tí mù xī niàn fó zhao1 ti2 mu4 xi1 nian4 fo2 chao t`i mu hsi nien fo chao ti mu hsi nien fo chō daimoku yū nembutsu |
in the morning the Lotus service, in the evening the invocation of Amitâbha Buddha |
松伏記念公園 see styles |
matsubushikinenkouen / matsubushikinenkoen まつぶしきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Matsubushikinen Park |
概念スキーマ see styles |
gainensukiima / gainensukima がいねんスキーマ |
{comp} conceptual scheme |
概念依存模型 see styles |
gài niàn yī cún mó xíng gai4 nian4 yi1 cun2 mo2 xing2 kai nien i ts`un mo hsing kai nien i tsun mo hsing |
conceptual dependency model |
概念驅動加工 概念驱动加工 see styles |
gài niàn qū dòng jiā gōng gai4 nian4 qu1 dong4 jia1 gong1 kai nien ch`ü tung chia kung kai nien chü tung chia kung |
concept-driven processing |
残念なことに see styles |
zannennakotoni ざんねんなことに |
(expression) unfortunately |
沖縄記念公園 see styles |
okinawakinenkouen / okinawakinenkoen おきなわきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Okinawakinen Park |
法案提出断念 see styles |
houanteishutsudannen / hoanteshutsudannen ほうあんていしゅつだんねん |
withdrawal of proposed bill |
百年記念公園 see styles |
hyakunenkinenkouen / hyakunenkinenkoen ひゃくねんきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Hyakunenkinen Park |
絶対的観念論 see styles |
zettaitekikannenron ぜったいてきかんねんろん |
absolute idealism |
融通大念佛宗 see styles |
róng tōng dà niàn fó zōng rong2 tong1 da4 nian4 fo2 zong1 jung t`ung ta nien fo tsung jung tung ta nien fo tsung Yūtsūdai nembutsu shū |
interpenetrated recitation sect |
裕次郎記念館 see styles |
yuujiroukinenkan / yujirokinenkan ゆうじろうきねんかん |
(place-name) Yūjirō Memorial Hall |
記念スタンプ see styles |
kinensutanpu きねんスタンプ |
commemorative stamp; cachet |
都邑聚落念處 都邑聚落念处 see styles |
dū yì jù luò niàn chù du1 yi4 ju4 luo4 nian4 chu4 tu i chü lo nien ch`u tu i chü lo nien chu toyūshuraku nenjo |
mindfulness of positive the local town |
馬の耳に念仏 see styles |
umanomimininenbutsu うまのみみにねんぶつ |
(expression) (idiom) (See 念仏・1) preaching to the deaf; chanting the nembutsu into a horse's ear |
念仏平避難小屋 see styles |
nenbutsudairahinangoya ねんぶつだいらひなんごや |
(place-name) Nenbutsudairahinangoya |
念佛三昧寶王論 念佛三昧宝王论 see styles |
niàn fó sān mèi bǎo wáng lùn nian4 fo2 san1 mei4 bao3 wang2 lun4 nien fo san mei pao wang lun Nenbutsu sanmai hōō ron |
Nianfo sanmei baowang lun |
みのお記念の森 see styles |
minookinennomori みのおきねんのもり |
(place-name) Minookinennomori |
サビエル記念碑 see styles |
sabierukinenhi サビエルきねんひ |
(place-name) Sabierukinenhi |
万国博記念公園 see styles |
bankokuhakukinenkouen / bankokuhakukinenkoen ばんこくはくきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Bankokuhakukinen Park |
三浦綾子記念館 see styles |
miuraayakokinenkan / miurayakokinenkan みうらあやこきねんかん |
(place-name) Miura Ayako Memorial Hall |
世間一般の通念 see styles |
sekenippannotsuunen / sekenippannotsunen せけんいっぱんのつうねん |
(expression) conventional wisdom |
人民英雄紀念碑 人民英雄纪念碑 see styles |
rén mín yīng xióng jì niàn bēi ren2 min2 ying1 xiong2 ji4 nian4 bei1 jen min ying hsiung chi nien pei |
Monument to the People's Heroes, at Tiananmen Square |
今市大念寺古墳 see styles |
imaishidainenjikofun いまいしだいねんじこふん |
(place-name) Imaishidainenji Tumulus |
伊能忠敬記念館 see styles |
inouchuukeikinenkan / inochukekinenkan いのうちゅうけいきねんかん |
(place-name) Inou Chuukei Memorial Hall |
南の池記念公園 see styles |
minaminoikekinenkouen / minaminoikekinenkoen みなみのいけきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Minaminoikekinen Park |
吉川英治記念館 see styles |
yoshikawaeijikinenkan / yoshikawaejikinenkan よしかわえいじきねんかん |
(place-name) Yoshikawa Eiji Memorial Hall |
坂本直行記念館 see styles |
sakamotochokkoukinenkan / sakamotochokkokinenkan さかもとちょっこうきねんかん |
(place-name) Sakamotochokkou Memorial Hall |
大鳴門橋記念館 see styles |
oonarutokyoukinenkan / oonarutokyokinenkan おおなるときょうきねんかん |
(place-name) Oonarutokyō Memorial Hall |
太田記念美術館 see styles |
ootakinenbijutsukan おおたきねんびじゅつかん |
(org) Ota Memorial Museum of Art; (o) Ota Memorial Museum of Art |
子規記念博物館 see styles |
shikikinenhakubutsukan しききねんはくぶつかん |
(place-name) Shiki Memorial Museum |
宮沢賢治記念館 see styles |
miyazawakenjikinenkan みやざわけんじきねんかん |
(place-name) Miyazawa Kenji Memorial Hall |
寺山修司記念館 see styles |
terayamashuujikinenkan / terayamashujikinenkan てらやましゅうじきねんかん |
(place-name) Terayama Shuuji Memorial Hall |
山県有朋記念館 see styles |
yamagataaritomokinenkan / yamagataritomokinenkan やまがたありともきねんかん |
(place-name) Yamagata Aritomo Memorial Hall |
川村記念美術館 see styles |
kawamurakinenbijutsukan かわむらきねんびじゅつかん |
(org) Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art; (o) Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art |
平和記念資料館 see styles |
heiwakinenshiryoukan / hewakinenshiryokan へいわきねんしりょうかん |
(place-name) Heiwakinenshiryōkan |
平福記念美術館 see styles |
hirafukukinenbijutsukan ひらふくきねんびじゅつかん |
(org) Hirafuku Memorial Art Museum; (o) Hirafuku Memorial Art Museum |
御用邸記念公園 see styles |
goyouteikinenkouen / goyotekinenkoen ごようていきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Goyouteikinen Park |
戦災復興記念館 see styles |
sensaifukkoukinenkan / sensaifukkokinenkan せんさいふっこうきねんかん |
(personal name) Sensaifukkoukinenkan |
新田の森記念館 see styles |
nittanomorikinenkan にったのもりきねんかん |
(place-name) Nittanomori Memorial Hall |
日食観測記念碑 see styles |
nisshokukansokukinenhi にっしょくかんそくきねんひ |
(place-name) Nisshokukansokukinenhi |
旭川兵村記念館 see styles |
asahikawaheisonkinenkan / asahikawahesonkinenkan あさひかわへいそんきねんかん |
(place-name) Asahikawaheison Memorial Hall |
會津八一記念館 see styles |
aizuyaichikinenkan あいづやいちきねんかん |
(personal name) Aizuyaichikinenkan |
月の沙漠記念館 see styles |
tsukinosabakukinenkan つきのさばくきねんかん |
(place-name) Tsukinosabaku Memorial Hall |
森林鉄道記念館 see styles |
shinrintetsudoukinenkan / shinrintetsudokinenkan しんりんてつどうきねんかん |
(place-name) Shinrin Railways Memorial Hall |
白川ダム記念館 see styles |
shirakawadamukinenkan しらかわダムきねんかん |
(place-name) Shirakawa Dam Memorial Hall |
自由民権記念館 see styles |
jiyuuminkenkinenkan / jiyuminkenkinenkan じゆうみんけんきねんかん |
(place-name) Freedom and Civil Rights Memorial Hall |
茂吉記念館前駅 see styles |
mokichikinenkanmaeeki もきちきねんかんまええき |
(st) Mokichikinenkanmae Station |
言語学的観念論 see styles |
gengogakutekikannenron げんごがくてきかんねんろん |
{ling} linguistic conceptualism |
超越論的観念論 see styles |
chouetsurontekikannenron / choetsurontekikannenron ちょうえつろんてきかんねんろん |
transcendental idealism |
選擇本願念佛集 选择本愿念佛集 see styles |
xuǎn zé běn yuàn niàn fó jí xuan3 ze2 ben3 yuan4 nian4 fo2 ji2 hsüan tse pen yüan nien fo chi Senjaku hongan nembutsu shū |
Senchaku hongan nembutsu shū |
間宮林蔵記念館 see styles |
mamiyarinzoukinenkan / mamiyarinzokinenkan まみやりんぞうきねんかん |
(place-name) Mamiya Rinzou Memorial Hall |
陣亡戰士紀念日 阵亡战士纪念日 see styles |
zhèn wáng zhàn shì jì niàn rì zhen4 wang2 zhan4 shi4 ji4 nian4 ri4 chen wang chan shih chi nien jih |
Memorial Day (American holiday) |
高井鴻山記念館 see styles |
takaikouzankinenkan / takaikozankinenkan たかいこうざんきねんかん |
(place-name) Takai Kōzan Memorial Hall |
高野辰之記念館 see styles |
takanotatsuyukikinenkan たかのたつゆききねんかん |
(place-name) Takano Tatsuyuki Memorial Hall |
Variations: |
nenbutsuodori ねんぶつおどり |
(See 踊り念仏) Buddhist incantation using chanting, drumbeating, and dancing |
Variations: |
nenbarashi ねんばらし |
clearing one's heart of doubts; reassuring oneself |
念には念を入れよ see styles |
nennihanenoireyo ねんにはねんをいれよ |
(expression) (idiom) Make assurance double sure |
Variations: |
kinen きねん |
(noun/participle) commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something; turning something into a memento; memory |
いでは文化記念館 see styles |
idehabunkakinenkan いではぶんかきねんかん |
(place-name) Ideha Cultural Memorial Hall |
まきび公園記念館 see styles |
makibikouenkinenkan / makibikoenkinenkan まきびこうえんきねんかん |
(place-name) Makibikōen Memorial Hall |
システム概念設計 see styles |
shisutemugainensekkei / shisutemugainensekke システムがいねんせっけい |
{comp} conceptual system design |
ナウマン象記念館 see styles |
naumanzoukinenkan / naumanzokinenkan ナウマンぞうきねんかん |
(place-name) Naumanzou Memorial Hall |
一念心中具足三諦 一念心中具足三谛 see styles |
yī niàn xīn zhōng jù zú sān dì yi1 nian4 xin1 zhong1 ju4 zu2 san1 di4 i nien hsin chung chü tsu san ti ichinen shinchū gusoku santai |
threefold truth is fully included in a single moment of thought |
北海道百年記念塔 see styles |
hokkaidouhyakunenkinentou / hokkaidohyakunenkinento ほっかいどうひゃくねんきねんとう |
(place-name) Hokkaidouhyakunenkinentou |
夜須高原記念の森 see styles |
yasukougenkinennomori / yasukogenkinennomori やすこうげんきねんのもり |
(place-name) Yasukougenkinennomori |
家家有本難念的經 家家有本难念的经 see styles |
jiā jiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīng jia1 jia1 you3 ben3 nan2 nian4 de5 jing1 chia chia yu pen nan nien te ching |
every family has its problems (idiom) |
常念いこいの広場 see styles |
jounenikoinohiroba / jonenikoinohiroba じょうねんいこいのひろば |
(place-name) Jōnen'ikoinohiroba |
恵比寿麦酒記念館 see styles |
ebisubizerukinenkan えびすびぜるきねんかん |
(personal name) Ebisubizerukinenkan |
懸念される変異株 see styles |
kenensareruhenishu けねんされるへんいしゅ |
(exp,n) {med} variant of concern (of SARS-CoV-2); VOC |
戦没者追悼記念日 see styles |
senbotsushatsuitoukinenbi / senbotsushatsuitokinenbi せんぼつしゃついとうきねんび |
Memorial Day (US) |
戸田記念墓地公園 see styles |
todakinenbochikouen / todakinenbochikoen とだきねんぼちこうえん |
(place-name) Todakinenbochi Park |
所沢航空記念公園 see styles |
tokorozawakoukuukinenkouen / tokorozawakokukinenkoen ところざわこうくうきねんこうえん |
(place-name) Tokorozawakoukuukinen Park |
斗南藩記念観光村 see styles |
tonamihankinenkankoumura / tonamihankinenkankomura となみはんきねんかんこうむら |
(place-name) Tonamihankinenkankoumura |
日系米人記念財団 see styles |
nikkeibeijinkinenzaidan / nikkebejinkinenzaidan にっけいべいじんきねんざいだん |
(o) National Japanese American Memorial Foundation |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "念" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.