There are 1320 total results for your 康 search. I have created 14 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
三橋康守 see styles |
mitsuhashiyasumori みつはしやすもり |
(person) Mitsuhashi Yasumori |
三重野康 see styles |
mienoyasushi みえのやすし |
(person) Mieno Yasushi (1924.3.17-) |
上原康助 see styles |
ueharakousuke / ueharakosuke うえはらこうすけ |
(person) Uehara Kōsuke (1932.9-) |
上原康恒 see styles |
ueharayasutsune うえはらやすつね |
(person) Uehara Yasutsune (1949.10.12-) |
上松範康 see styles |
uematsunoriyasu うえまつのりやす |
(m,h) Uematsu Noriyasu |
上田進康 see styles |
uedanobuyasu うえだのぶやす |
(person) Ueda Nobuyasu |
下条康麿 see styles |
shimojouyasumaro / shimojoyasumaro しもじょうやすまろ |
(person) Shimojō Yasumaro (1885.1.20-1966.4.25) |
下野康史 see styles |
kabatayasushi かばたやすし |
(person) Kabata Yasushi |
中島康晴 see styles |
nakajimayasuharu なかじまやすはる |
(person) Nakajima Yasuharu |
中島治康 see styles |
nakajimaharuyasu なかじまはるやす |
(person) Nakajima Haruyasu (1910.6.28-1987.4.21) |
中立康照 see styles |
nakadachiyasutoshi なかだちやすとし |
(person) Nakadachi Yasutoshi |
中野康宏 see styles |
nakanoyasuhiro なかのやすひろ |
(person) Nakano Yasuhiro |
丹波康頼 see styles |
tanbayasuyori たんばやすより |
(person) Tanba Yasuyori |
久保康友 see styles |
kuboyasutomo くぼやすとも |
(person) Kubo Yasutomo (1980.8.6-) |
久保康生 see styles |
kuboyasuo くぼやすお |
(person) Kubo Yasuo (1958.4.8-) |
久松康俊 see styles |
hisamatsuyasutoshi ひさまつやすとし |
(person) Hisamatsu Yasutoshi |
久松康元 see styles |
hisamatsuyasumoto ひさまつやすもと |
(person) Hisamatsu Yasumoto |
五味康祐 see styles |
gomiyasusuke ごみやすすけ |
(person) Gomi Yasusuke |
井上康文 see styles |
inouekoubun / inoekobun いのうえこうぶん |
(person) Inoue Kōbun |
井上康生 see styles |
inouekousei / inoekose いのうえこうせい |
(person) Inoue Kōsei (1979-) |
井原康秀 see styles |
iharayasuhide いはらやすひで |
(person) Ihara Yasuhide (1973.3.8-) |
井筒仁康 see styles |
izutsuhitoyasu いづつひとやす |
(person) Izutsu Hitoyasu |
人見康子 see styles |
hitomiyasuko ひとみやすこ |
(person) Hitomi Yasuko |
今野康晴 see styles |
imanoyasuharu いまのやすはる |
(person) Imano Yasuharu (1973.5.28-) |
伊東康孝 see styles |
itouyasutaka / itoyasutaka いとうやすたか |
(person) Itou Yasutaka (1949-) |
伊藤勝康 see styles |
itoukatsuyasu / itokatsuyasu いとうかつやす |
(person) Itō Katsuyasu |
伊藤博康 see styles |
itouhiroyasu / itohiroyasu いとうひろやす |
(person) Itō Hiroyasu |
伊藤康成 see styles |
itouyasunari / itoyasunari いとうやすなり |
(person) Itō Yasunari (1945.10.16-) |
伊藤康英 see styles |
itouyasuhide / itoyasuhide いとうやすひで |
(person) Itō Yasuhide |
伊藤順康 see styles |
itoumasayasu / itomasayasu いとうまさやす |
(person) Itō Masayasu (1942-) |
佐々木康 see styles |
sasakiyasushi ささきやすし |
(person) Sasaki Yasushi (1908.1.25-1993.9.13) |
佐藤康光 see styles |
satouyasumitsu / satoyasumitsu さとうやすみつ |
(person) Yasumitsu Satō (1969.10.1-; professional shogi player) |
佐藤康夫 see styles |
satouyasuo / satoyasuo さとうやすお |
(m,h) Satou Yasuo |
佐藤康恵 see styles |
satouyasue / satoyasue さとうやすえ |
(person) Satou Yasue (1978.12-) |
佐藤文康 see styles |
satoufumiyasu / satofumiyasu さとうふみやす |
(person) Satou Fumiyasu (1976.8.25-) |
佐野康夫 see styles |
sanoyasuo さのやすお |
(person) Sano Yasuo (1965.4.30-) |
佐鳥康郎 see styles |
satoriyasuo さとりやすお |
(person) Satori Yasuo (1931.10-) |
保坂正康 see styles |
hosakamasayasu ほさかまさやす |
(person) Hosaka Masayasu (1939.12-) |
保富康午 see styles |
hotomikougo / hotomikogo ほとみこうご |
(person) Hotomi Kōgo (1930.3.2-1984.9.19) |
保阪正康 see styles |
hosakamasayasu ほさかまさやす |
(person) Hosaka Masayasu (1939.12.14-) |
倉都康行 see styles |
kuratsuyasuyuki くらつやすゆき |
(person) Kuratsu Yasuyuki |
健康の森 see styles |
kenkounomori / kenkonomori けんこうのもり |
(place-name) Kenkounomori |
健康ケ丘 see styles |
kenkougaoka / kenkogaoka けんこうがおか |
(place-name) Kenkougaoka |
健康不安 see styles |
kenkoufuan / kenkofuan けんこうふあん |
poor health; failing health |
健康保険 see styles |
kenkouhoken / kenkohoken けんこうほけん |
(See 健保) health insurance |
健康保險 健康保险 see styles |
jiàn kāng bǎo xiǎn jian4 kang1 bao3 xian3 chien k`ang pao hsien chien kang pao hsien |
health insurance |
健康受損 健康受损 see styles |
jiàn kāng shòu sǔn jian4 kang1 shou4 sun3 chien k`ang shou sun chien kang shou sun |
health damage |
健康問題 see styles |
kenkoumondai / kenkomondai けんこうもんだい |
health problem; health issue |
健康増進 see styles |
kenkouzoushin / kenkozoshin けんこうぞうしん |
promotion of good health; improvement of health |
健康学園 see styles |
kenkougakuen / kenkogakuen けんこうがくえん |
(place-name) Kenkougakuen |
健康家電 see styles |
kenkoukaden / kenkokaden けんこうかでん |
health-related home appliances; health appliances |
健康寿命 see styles |
kenkoujumyou / kenkojumyo けんこうじゅみょう |
healthy life expectancy; healthy life years |
健康広場 see styles |
kenkouhiroba / kenkohiroba けんこうひろば |
(place-name) Kenkouhiroba |
健康檢查 健康检查 see styles |
jiàn kāng jiǎn chá jian4 kang1 jian3 cha2 chien k`ang chien ch`a chien kang chien cha |
see 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2] |
健康状態 see styles |
kenkoujoutai / kenkojotai けんこうじょうたい |
(the condition of) one's health |
健康狀況 健康状况 see styles |
jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng jian4 kang1 zhuang4 kuang4 chien k`ang chuang k`uang chien kang chuang kuang |
health status |
健康福祉 see styles |
kenkoufukushi / kenkofukushi けんこうふくし |
(exp,n) health and welfare |
健康管理 see styles |
kenkoukanri / kenkokanri けんこうかんり |
health management; health maintenance; health care |
健康維持 see styles |
kenkouiji / kenkoiji けんこういじ |
(n,vs,adj-no) health maintenance; health preservation |
健康被害 see styles |
kenkouhigai / kenkohigai けんこうひがい |
health hazard; health damage |
健康診断 see styles |
kenkoushindan / kenkoshindan けんこうしんだん |
health checkup; (general) medical examination; physical examination |
健康診査 see styles |
kenkoushinsa / kenkoshinsa けんこうしんさ |
health checkup; (general) medical examination; physical examination |
健康食品 see styles |
jiàn kāng shí pǐn jian4 kang1 shi2 pin3 chien k`ang shih p`in chien kang shih pin kenkoushokuhin / kenkoshokuhin けんこうしょくひん |
health food health foods |
健康飲料 see styles |
kenkouinryou / kenkoinryo けんこういんりょう |
health drink |
元木康年 see styles |
motokiyasutoshi もときやすとし |
(person) Motoki Yasutoshi |
光田康典 see styles |
mitsudayasunori みつだやすのり |
(person) Mitsuda Yasunori (1972.1.21-) |
入沢康夫 see styles |
irisawayasuo いりさわやすお |
(person) Irisawa Yasuo |
八木康夫 see styles |
yagiyasuo やぎやすお |
(person) Yagi Yasuo (1950.7.16-) |
八木康行 see styles |
yagiyasuyuki やぎやすゆき |
(person) Yagi Yasuyuki (1951.1.19-) |
八田康介 see styles |
yatsudakousuke / yatsudakosuke やつだこうすけ |
(person) Yatsuda Kōsuke (1982.3.17-) |
内多勝康 see styles |
uchidakatsuyasu うちだかつやす |
(person) Uchida Katsuyasu (1963.4.18-) |
内田康哉 see styles |
uchidayasuya うちだやすや |
(person) Uchida Yasuya |
内田康夫 see styles |
uchidayasuo うちだやすお |
(person) Uchida Yasuo (1934.11-) |
利島康司 see styles |
toshimakouji / toshimakoji としまこうじ |
(person) Toshima Kōji |
加茂隆康 see styles |
kamotakayasu かもたかやす |
(person) Kamo Takayasu |
加藤友康 see styles |
katoutomoyasu / katotomoyasu かとうともやす |
(person) Katou Tomoyasu |
加藤壹康 see styles |
katoukazuyasu / katokazuyasu かとうかずやす |
(person) Katou Kazuyasu |
加藤康三 see styles |
katoukouzou / katokozo かとうこうぞう |
(person) Katou Kōzou (1928.3-) |
加藤康介 see styles |
katoukousuke / katokosuke かとうこうすけ |
(person) Katou Kōsuke (1978.7.2-) |
加藤康裕 see styles |
katouyasuharu / katoyasuharu かとうやすはる |
(person) Katou Yasuharu (1965.2.4-) |
加藤康起 see styles |
katoukouki / katokoki かとうこうき |
(person) Katou Kōki (1987.7.28-) |
勝田康三 see styles |
katsutakouzou / katsutakozo かつたこうぞう |
(person) Katsuta Kōzou |
北中康文 see styles |
kitanakayasufumi きたなかやすふみ |
(person) Kitanaka Yasufumi |
北兼康町 see styles |
kitakaneyasuchou / kitakaneyasucho きたかねやすちょう |
(place-name) Kitakaneyasuchō |
北山雅康 see styles |
kitayamamasayasu きたやままさやす |
(person) Kitayama Masayasu (1967.4.15-) |
北島康介 see styles |
kitajimakousuke / kitajimakosuke きたじまこうすけ |
(person) Kitajima Kōsuke (1984-) |
北条康時 see styles |
houjouyasutoki / hojoyasutoki ほうじょうやすとき |
(person) Hōjō Yasutoki (1183-1242) |
南兼康町 see styles |
minamikaneyasuchou / minamikaneyasucho みなみかねやすちょう |
(place-name) Minamikaneyasuchō |
原口康子 see styles |
haraguchiyasuko はらぐちやすこ |
(person) Haraguchi Yasuko (1928.1.12-) |
原田康史 see styles |
haradayasushi はらだやすし |
(person) Harada Yasushi |
原田康夫 see styles |
haradayasuo はらだやすお |
(person) Harada Yasuo |
原田康子 see styles |
haradayasuko はらだやすこ |
(person) Harada Yasuko (1928.1-) |
反町康治 see styles |
sorimachiyasuharu そりまちやすはる |
(person) Sorimachi Yasuharu (1964.3.8-) |
吉岡康暢 see styles |
yoshiokayasunobu よしおかやすのぶ |
(person) Yoshioka Yasunobu |
吉峰康博 see styles |
yoshimineyasuhiro よしみねやすひろ |
(person) Yoshimine Yasuhiro (1947-) |
吉本宗康 see styles |
yoshimotomuneyasu よしもとむねやす |
(person) Yoshimoto Muneyasu (1926.9.30-) |
吉田康夫 see styles |
yoshidayasuo よしだやすお |
(person) Yoshida Yasuo |
吉田康平 see styles |
yoshidakouhei / yoshidakohe よしだこうへい |
(person) Yoshida Kōhei |
吉田康弘 see styles |
yoshidayasuhiro よしだやすひろ |
(person) Yoshida Yasuhiro (1969.7.14-) |
吉田康彦 see styles |
yoshidayasuhiko よしだやすひこ |
(person) Yoshida Yasuhiko |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "康" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.