There are 1193 total results for your 學 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
自然科學 自然科学 see styles |
zì rán kē xué zi4 ran2 ke1 xue2 tzu jan k`o hsüeh tzu jan ko hsüeh |
natural sciences See: 自然科学 |
臺灣大學 台湾大学 see styles |
tái wān dà xué tai2 wan1 da4 xue2 t`ai wan ta hsüeh tai wan ta hsüeh |
National Taiwan University; abbr. to 臺大|台大[Tai2 Da4] |
船政學堂 船政学堂 see styles |
chuán zhèng xué táng chuan2 zheng4 xue2 tang2 ch`uan cheng hsüeh t`ang chuan cheng hsüeh tang |
Fuzhou Naval College, a.k.a. Foochow Naval Dockyard School, set up in 1866 by the Qing dynasty |
英語教學 英语教学 see styles |
yīng yǔ jiāo xué ying1 yu3 jiao1 xue2 ying yü chiao hsüeh |
English Language Teaching (ELT); studying and teaching English |
莘莘學子 莘莘学子 see styles |
shēn shēn xué zǐ shen1 shen1 xue2 zi3 shen shen hsüeh tzu |
a great number of students (idiom) |
菩薩學道 菩萨学道 see styles |
pú sà xué dào pu2 sa4 xue2 dao4 p`u sa hsüeh tao pu sa hsüeh tao bosatsu gakudō |
path of bodhisattva training |
華僑中學 华侨中学 see styles |
huá qiáo zhōng xué hua2 qiao2 zhong1 xue2 hua ch`iao chung hsüeh hua chiao chung hsüeh |
The Chinese High School |
華僑大學 华侨大学 see styles |
huá qiáo dà xué hua2 qiao2 da4 xue2 hua ch`iao ta hsüeh hua chiao ta hsüeh |
Huaqiao University |
華威大學 华威大学 see styles |
huá wēi dà xué hua2 wei1 da4 xue2 hua wei ta hsüeh |
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK |
萊斯大學 莱斯大学 see styles |
lái sī dà xué lai2 si1 da4 xue2 lai ssu ta hsüeh |
Rice University (Houston, Texas) |
萊頓大學 莱顿大学 see styles |
lái dùn dà xué lai2 dun4 da4 xue2 lai tun ta hsüeh |
University of Leiden |
藝術學院 艺术学院 see styles |
yì shù xué yuàn yi4 shu4 xue2 yuan4 i shu hsüeh yüan |
art institute; art and drama college |
藥物學家 药物学家 see styles |
yào wù xué jiā yao4 wu4 xue2 jia1 yao wu hsüeh chia |
pharmacologist |
蘇州大學 苏州大学 see styles |
sū zhōu dà xué su1 zhou1 da4 xue2 su chou ta hsüeh |
Suzhou or Soochow University (Suzhou, PRC since 1986) |
蘭州大學 兰州大学 see styles |
lán zhōu dà xué lan2 zhou1 da4 xue2 lan chou ta hsüeh |
Lanzhou University |
虛心好學 虚心好学 see styles |
xū xīn hào xué xu1 xin1 hao4 xue2 hsü hsin hao hsüeh |
modest and studious (idiom) |
西北大學 西北大学 see styles |
xī běi dà xué xi1 bei3 da4 xue2 hsi pei ta hsüeh |
Northwest University See: 西北大学 |
西南大學 西南大学 see styles |
xī nán dà xué xi1 nan2 da4 xue2 hsi nan ta hsüeh |
Southwest University (Chongqing) |
觀察學斷 观察学断 see styles |
guān chá xué duàn guan1 cha2 xue2 duan4 kuan ch`a hsüeh tuan kuan cha hsüeh tuan kansatsu gaku dan |
to contemplate, train, and eliminates [afflictions] |
計算數學 计算数学 see styles |
jì suàn shù xué ji4 suan4 shu4 xue2 chi suan shu hsüeh |
computational mathematics; numerical mathematics |
訪師求學 访师求学 see styles |
fǎng shī qiú xué fang3 shi1 qiu2 xue2 fang shih ch`iu hsüeh fang shih chiu hsüeh |
to seek a teacher desiring to study |
語言學家 语言学家 see styles |
yǔ yán xué jiā yu3 yan2 xue2 jia1 yü yen hsüeh chia |
linguist |
調嘴學舌 调嘴学舌 see styles |
tiáo zuǐ xué shé tiao2 zui3 xue2 she2 t`iao tsui hsüeh she tiao tsui hsüeh she |
to incite trouble between people (idiom) |
軍事科學 军事科学 see styles |
jun shì kē xué jun1 shi4 ke1 xue2 chün shih k`o hsüeh chün shih ko hsüeh |
military science |
輔仁大學 辅仁大学 see styles |
fǔ rén dà xué fu3 ren2 da4 xue2 fu jen ta hsüeh |
Fu Jen Catholic University of Peking (from 1925), forerunner of Beijing Normal University 北京師範大學|北京师范大学; Fu Jen Catholic University in New Taipei City, Taiwan |
通俗科學 通俗科学 see styles |
tōng sú kē xué tong1 su2 ke1 xue2 t`ung su k`o hsüeh tung su ko hsüeh |
popular science |
道山學海 道山学海 see styles |
dào shān xué hǎi dao4 shan1 xue2 hai3 tao shan hsüeh hai |
mountain of Dao, sea of learning (idiom); learning is as high as the mountains, as wide as the seas; ars longa, vita brevis |
遼寧大學 辽宁大学 see styles |
liáo níng dà xué liao2 ning2 da4 xue2 liao ning ta hsüeh |
Liaoning University |
邯鄲學步 邯郸学步 see styles |
hán dān xué bù han2 dan1 xue2 bu4 han tan hsüeh pu |
to copy the way they walk in Handan (idiom); slavishly copying others, one risks becoming a caricature |
鄭州大學 郑州大学 see styles |
zhèng zhōu dà xué zheng4 zhou1 da4 xue2 cheng chou ta hsüeh |
Zhengzhou University |
醫學中心 医学中心 see styles |
yī xué zhōng xīn yi1 xue2 zhong1 xin1 i hsüeh chung hsin |
medical center |
醫學博士 医学博士 see styles |
yī xué bó shì yi1 xue2 bo2 shi4 i hsüeh po shih |
doctor of medicine See: 医学博士 |
醫學專家 医学专家 see styles |
yī xué zhuān jiā yi1 xue2 zhuan1 jia1 i hsüeh chuan chia |
medical expert; medical specialist |
醫學檢驗 医学检验 see styles |
yī xué jiǎn yàn yi1 xue2 jian3 yan4 i hsüeh chien yen |
medical laboratory technology |
醫科大學 医科大学 see styles |
yī kē dà xué yi1 ke1 da4 xue2 i k`o ta hsüeh i ko ta hsüeh |
university of medicine See: 医科大学 |
醫科學校 医科学校 see styles |
yī kē xué xiào yi1 ke1 xue2 xiao4 i k`o hsüeh hsiao i ko hsüeh hsiao |
medical school |
重慶大學 重庆大学 see styles |
chóng qìng dà xué chong2 qing4 da4 xue2 ch`ung ch`ing ta hsüeh chung ching ta hsüeh |
Chongqing University |
野雞大學 野鸡大学 see styles |
yě jī dà xué ye3 ji1 da4 xue2 yeh chi ta hsüeh |
diploma mill |
量子力學 量子力学 see styles |
liàng zǐ lì xué liang4 zi3 li4 xue2 liang tzu li hsüeh |
quantum mechanics See: 量子力学 |
金陵大學 金陵大学 see styles |
jīn líng dà xué jin1 ling2 da4 xue2 chin ling ta hsüeh |
University of Nanking |
鋼鐵學院 钢铁学院 see styles |
gāng tiě xué yuàn gang1 tie3 xue2 yuan4 kang t`ieh hsüeh yüan kang tieh hsüeh yüan |
Beijing Steel and Iron Institute (the former name of 北京科技大學|北京科技大学[Bei3 jing1 Ke1 ji4 Da4 xue2], University of Science and Technology Beijing) |
長安大學 长安大学 see styles |
cháng ān dà xué chang2 an1 da4 xue2 ch`ang an ta hsüeh chang an ta hsüeh |
Chang'an University |
開羅大學 开罗大学 see styles |
kāi luó dà xué kai1 luo2 da4 xue2 k`ai lo ta hsüeh kai lo ta hsüeh |
Cairo University |
開除學籍 开除学籍 see styles |
kāi chú xué jí kai1 chu2 xue2 ji2 k`ai ch`u hsüeh chi kai chu hsüeh chi |
to expel from school |
關島大學 关岛大学 see styles |
guān dǎo dà xué guan1 dao3 da4 xue2 kuan tao ta hsüeh |
University of Guam |
離散數學 离散数学 see styles |
lí sàn shù xué li2 san4 shu4 xue2 li san shu hsüeh |
discrete mathematics |
電子學系 电子学系 see styles |
diàn zǐ xué xì dian4 zi3 xue2 xi4 tien tzu hsüeh hsi |
department of electronics |
音樂學院 音乐学院 see styles |
yīn yuè xué yuàn yin1 yue4 xue2 yuan4 yin yüeh hsüeh yüan |
music academy; conservatory |
香港大學 香港大学 see styles |
xiāng gǎng dà xué xiang1 gang3 da4 xue2 hsiang kang ta hsüeh |
The University of Hong Kong See: 香港大学 |
高中學生 高中学生 see styles |
gāo zhōng xué shēng gao1 zhong1 xue2 sheng1 kao chung hsüeh sheng |
student of a senior high school |
高等學校 高等学校 see styles |
gāo děng xué xiào gao1 deng3 xue2 xiao4 kao teng hsüeh hsiao |
colleges and universities See: 高等学校 |
高級中學 高级中学 see styles |
gāo jí zhōng xué gao1 ji2 zhong1 xue2 kao chi chung hsüeh |
senior high school; abbr. to 高中[gao1 zhong1] |
高級小學 高级小学 see styles |
gāo jí xiǎo xué gao1 ji2 xiao3 xue2 kao chi hsiao hsüeh |
advanced class of primary school |
鸚鵡學舌 鹦鹉学舌 see styles |
yīng wǔ xué shé ying1 wu3 xue2 she2 ying wu hsüeh she |
to parrot; to repeat uncritically what sb says |
麻醉學者 麻醉学者 see styles |
má zuì xué zhě ma2 zui4 xue2 zhe3 ma tsui hsüeh che |
anaesomethingesiologist |
學生t檢驗 学生t检验 see styles |
xué sheng tì jiǎn yàn xue2 sheng5 ti4 jian3 yan4 hsüeh sheng t`i chien yen hsüeh sheng ti chien yen |
(statistics) Student's t-test |
學而優則仕 学而优则仕 see styles |
xué ér yōu zé shì xue2 er2 you1 ze2 shi4 hsüeh erh yu tse shih |
one who is successful in one's studies, can become an official (idiom) |
學道用心集 学道用心集 see styles |
xué dào yòng xīn jí xue2 dao4 yong4 xin1 ji2 hsüeh tao yung hsin chi Gakudō yōjin shū |
Advice to Students of the Way |
中國法學會 中国法学会 see styles |
zhōng guó fǎ xué huì zhong1 guo2 fa3 xue2 hui4 chung kuo fa hsüeh hui |
China Law Society |
中國科學院 中国科学院 see styles |
zhōng guó kē xué yuàn zhong1 guo2 ke1 xue2 yuan4 chung kuo k`o hsüeh yüan chung kuo ko hsüeh yüan |
Chinese Academy of Science See: 中国科学院 |
交換代數學 交换代数学 see styles |
jiāo huàn dài shù xué jiao1 huan4 dai4 shu4 xue2 chiao huan tai shu hsüeh |
(math.) commutative algebra |
人口統計學 人口统计学 see styles |
rén kǒu tǒng jì xué ren2 kou3 tong3 ji4 xue2 jen k`ou t`ung chi hsüeh jen kou tung chi hsüeh |
population studies; population statistics |
人文地理學 人文地理学 see styles |
rén wén dì lǐ xué ren2 wen2 di4 li3 xue2 jen wen ti li hsüeh |
human geography See: 人文地理学 |
人體解剖學 人体解剖学 see styles |
rén tǐ jiě pōu xué ren2 ti3 jie3 pou1 xue2 jen t`i chieh p`ou hsüeh jen ti chieh pou hsüeh |
human anatomy See: 人体解剖学 |
代數幾何學 代数几何学 see styles |
dài shù jǐ hé xué dai4 shu4 ji3 he2 xue2 tai shu chi ho hsüeh |
algebraic geometry |
佳木斯大學 佳木斯大学 see styles |
jiā mù sī dà xué jia1 mu4 si1 da4 xue2 chia mu ssu ta hsüeh |
Jiamusi University (Heilongjiang) |
個體經濟學 个体经济学 see styles |
gè tǐ jīng jì xué ge4 ti3 jing1 ji4 xue2 ko t`i ching chi hsüeh ko ti ching chi hsüeh |
(Tw) microeconomics |
光學顯微鏡 光学显微镜 see styles |
guāng xué xiǎn wēi jìng guang1 xue2 xian3 wei1 jing4 kuang hsüeh hsien wei ching |
optical microscope |
內在幾何學 内在几何学 see styles |
nèi zài jǐ hé xué nei4 zai4 ji3 he2 xue2 nei tsai chi ho hsüeh |
intrinsic geometry |
內蒙古大學 内蒙古大学 see styles |
nèi měng gǔ dà xué nei4 meng3 gu3 da4 xue2 nei meng ku ta hsüeh |
Inner Mongolia University |
凡爾賽文學 凡尔赛文学 see styles |
fán ěr sài wén xué fan2 er3 sai4 wen2 xue2 fan erh sai wen hsüeh |
(slang) social media post whose purpose is to humblebrag |
分子生物學 分子生物学 see styles |
fēn zǐ shēng wù xué fen1 zi3 sheng1 wu4 xue2 fen tzu sheng wu hsüeh |
molecular biology See: 分子生物学 |
分子遺傳學 分子遗传学 see styles |
fēn zǐ yí chuán xué fen1 zi3 yi2 chuan2 xue2 fen tzu i ch`uan hsüeh fen tzu i chuan hsüeh |
molecular genetics |
分形幾何學 分形几何学 see styles |
fēn xíng jǐ hé xué fen1 xing2 ji3 he2 xue2 fen hsing chi ho hsüeh |
fractal geometry |
分析心理學 分析心理学 see styles |
fēn xī xīn lǐ xué fen1 xi1 xin1 li3 xue2 fen hsi hsin li hsüeh |
analytical psychology; Jungian psychology See: 分析心理学 |
化學信息素 化学信息素 see styles |
huà xué xìn xī sù hua4 xue2 xin4 xi1 su4 hua hsüeh hsin hsi su |
semiochemical |
化學劑量計 化学剂量计 see styles |
huà xué jì liàng jì hua4 xue2 ji4 liang4 ji4 hua hsüeh chi liang chi |
chemical dosimeter |
化學戰斗部 化学战斗部 see styles |
huà xué zhàn dòu bù hua4 xue2 zhan4 dou4 bu4 hua hsüeh chan tou pu |
chemical warhead |
化學戰鬥部 see styles |
huà xué zhàn dòu bù hua4 xue2 zhan4 dou4 bu4 hua hsüeh chan tou pu |
chemical warhead |
化學方程式 化学方程式 see styles |
huà xué fāng chéng shì hua4 xue2 fang1 cheng2 shi4 hua hsüeh fang ch`eng shih hua hsüeh fang cheng shih |
chemical equation See: 化学方程式 |
化學比色法 化学比色法 see styles |
huà xué bǐ sè fǎ hua4 xue2 bi3 se4 fa3 hua hsüeh pi se fa |
chemical colorimetry |
化學激光器 化学激光器 see styles |
huà xué jī guāng qì hua4 xue2 ji1 guang1 qi4 hua hsüeh chi kuang ch`i hua hsüeh chi kuang chi |
chemical laser |
化學需氧量 化学需氧量 see styles |
huà xué xū yǎng liàng hua4 xue2 xu1 yang3 liang4 hua hsüeh hsü yang liang |
(environmental science) chemical oxygen demand; COD |
半日制學校 半日制学校 see styles |
bàn rì zhì xué xiào ban4 ri4 zhi4 xue2 xiao4 pan jih chih hsüeh hsiao |
half-day (or double-shift) school |
原子科學家 原子科学家 see styles |
yuán zǐ kē xué jiā yuan2 zi3 ke1 xue2 jia1 yüan tzu k`o hsüeh chia yüan tzu ko hsüeh chia |
atomic scientist; nuclear scientist |
古生物學家 古生物学家 see styles |
gǔ shēng wù xué jiā gu3 sheng1 wu4 xue2 jia1 ku sheng wu hsüeh chia |
paleontologist; paleobiologist |
史丹福大學 史丹福大学 see styles |
shǐ dān fú dà xué shi3 dan1 fu2 da4 xue2 shih tan fu ta hsüeh |
Stanford University |
吠檀多學派 吠檀多学派 see styles |
fèi tán duō xué pài fei4 tan2 duo1 xue2 pai4 fei t`an to hsüeh p`ai fei tan to hsüeh pai Haidanta gakuha |
Vedānta |
喬治城大學 乔治城大学 see styles |
qiáo zhì chéng dà xué qiao2 zhi4 cheng2 da4 xue2 ch`iao chih ch`eng ta hsüeh chiao chih cheng ta hsüeh |
Georgetown University in Washington D.C., famous as quality Jesuit university and for its basketball team |
國學院大学 see styles |
kokugakuindaigaku こくがくいんだいがく |
(o) Kokugakuin University |
國學院大學 see styles |
kokugakuindaigaku こくがくいんだいがく |
(o) Kokugakuin University |
地球物理學 地球物理学 see styles |
dì qiú wù lǐ xué di4 qiu2 wu4 li3 xue2 ti ch`iu wu li hsüeh ti chiu wu li hsüeh |
geophysics See: 地球物理学 |
地緣政治學 地缘政治学 see styles |
dì yuán zhèng zhì xué di4 yuan2 zheng4 zhi4 xue2 ti yüan cheng chih hsüeh |
geopolitics |
埃及古物學 埃及古物学 see styles |
āi jí gǔ wù xué ai1 ji2 gu3 wu4 xue2 ai chi ku wu hsüeh |
Egyptology |
大地測量學 大地测量学 see styles |
dà dì cè liáng xué da4 di4 ce4 liang2 xue2 ta ti ts`e liang hsüeh ta ti tse liang hsüeh |
geodesy |
大體解剖學 大体解剖学 see styles |
dà tǐ jiě pōu xué da4 ti3 jie3 pou1 xue2 ta t`i chieh p`ou hsüeh ta ti chieh pou hsüeh |
(medicine) gross anatomy |
天文學大成 天文学大成 see styles |
tiān wén xué dà chéng tian1 wen2 xue2 da4 cheng2 t`ien wen hsüeh ta ch`eng tien wen hsüeh ta cheng |
the Almagest by Ptolemy |
天體光譜學 天体光谱学 see styles |
tiān tǐ guāng pǔ xué tian1 ti3 guang1 pu3 xue2 t`ien t`i kuang p`u hsüeh tien ti kuang pu hsüeh |
astronomical spectroscopy |
天體演化學 天体演化学 see styles |
tiān tǐ yǎn huà xué tian1 ti3 yan3 hua4 xue2 t`ien t`i yen hua hsüeh tien ti yen hua hsüeh |
cosmogony |
天體物理學 天体物理学 see styles |
tiān tǐ wù lǐ xué tian1 ti3 wu4 li3 xue2 t`ien t`i wu li hsüeh tien ti wu li hsüeh |
astrophysics See: 天体物理学 |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "學" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.