There are 949 total results for your 夕 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
夕暮れ族 see styles |
yuugurezoku / yugurezoku ゆうぐれぞく |
couple with older man and younger woman; May-December romance |
夕暮れ時 see styles |
yuuguredoki / yuguredoki ゆうぐれどき |
(See 夕暮れ・ゆうぐれ) time around sunset; early evening |
夕焼小焼 see styles |
yuuyakekoyake / yuyakekoyake ゆうやけこやけ |
(wk) Yūyake Koyake (1919 children's song) |
夕發朝至 夕发朝至 see styles |
xī fā zhāo zhì xi1 fa1 zhao1 zhi4 hsi fa chao chih |
to depart in the evening and arrive the next morning; overnight (train) |
夕立受山 see styles |
yuudachiukeyama / yudachiukeyama ゆうだちうけやま |
(place-name) Yūdachiukeyama |
夕間暮れ see styles |
yuumagure / yumagure ゆうまぐれ |
evening twilight |
夕陽が丘 see styles |
yuuhigaoka / yuhigaoka ゆうひがおか |
(place-name) Yūhigaoka |
夕陽が浜 see styles |
yuuhigahama / yuhigahama ゆうひがはま |
(place-name) Yūhigahama |
夕陽ケ丘 see styles |
yuuhigaoka / yuhigaoka ゆうひがおか |
(place-name) Yūhigaoka |
夕陽丘町 see styles |
yuuhigaokachou / yuhigaokacho ゆうひがおかちょう |
(place-name) Yūhigaokachō |
夕陽產業 夕阳产业 see styles |
xī yáng chǎn yè xi1 yang2 chan3 ye4 hsi yang ch`an yeh hsi yang chan yeh |
sunset industry; declining industry |
夕陽西下 夕阳西下 see styles |
xī yáng xī xià xi1 yang2 xi1 xia4 hsi yang hsi hsia |
the sun sets in the west (idiom) |
夕顔瀬町 see styles |
yuugaosechou / yugaosecho ゆうがおせちょう |
(place-name) Yūgaosechō |
夕食抜き see styles |
yuushokunuki / yushokunuki ゆうしょくぬき |
without having supper |
一夕數驚 一夕数惊 see styles |
yī xī shù jīng yi1 xi1 shu4 jing1 i hsi shu ching |
lit. one scare after another in a single night (idiom); fig. to live in fear |
一朝一夕 see styles |
yī zhāo yī xī yi1 zhao1 yi1 xi1 i chao i hsi icchouisseki / icchoisseki いっちょういっせき |
lit. one morning and one evening (idiom); fig. in a short period of time; overnight (yoji) in a day; in a brief space of time |
三枝夕夏 see styles |
saegusayuuka / saegusayuka さえぐさゆうか |
(person) Saegusa Yūka (1980.6.9-) |
井上夕香 see styles |
inoueyuuka / inoeyuka いのうえゆうか |
(person) Inoue Yūka |
伊藤夕紀 see styles |
itouyuuki / itoyuki いとうゆうき |
(person) Itō Yūki (1986.8.20-) |
内田夕夜 see styles |
uchidayuuya / uchidayuya うちだゆうや |
(person) Uchida Yūya |
前田夕暮 see styles |
maedayuugure / maedayugure まえだゆうぐれ |
(personal name) Maedayūgure |
北夕日丘 see styles |
kitayuuhioka / kitayuhioka きたゆうひおか |
(place-name) Kitayūhioka |
北夕顔瀬 see styles |
kitayuugaose / kitayugaose きたゆうがおせ |
(place-name) Kitayūgaose |
南部夕南 see styles |
nanbuyuunan / nanbuyunan なんぶゆうなん |
(place-name) Nanbuyūnan |
危在旦夕 see styles |
wēi zài dàn xī wei1 zai4 dan4 xi1 wei tsai tan hsi |
in imminent peril (idiom); on the brink of crisis |
只爭旦夕 只争旦夕 see styles |
zhǐ zhēng dàn xī zhi3 zheng1 dan4 xi1 chih cheng tan hsi |
see 只爭朝夕|只争朝夕[zhi3 zheng1 zhao1 xi1] |
只爭朝夕 只争朝夕 see styles |
zhǐ zhēng zhāo xī zhi3 zheng1 zhao1 xi1 chih cheng chao hsi |
(idiom) to seize every minute; to make the best use of one's time |
台夕起子 see styles |
utenayukiko うてなゆきこ |
(person) Utena Yukiko |
命在旦夕 see styles |
mìng zài dàn xī ming4 zai4 dan4 xi1 ming tsai tan hsi |
to be at death's door (idiom) |
富鐘夕貴 see styles |
tomikaneyuki とみかねゆき |
(person) Tomikane Yuki |
小島剛夕 see styles |
kojimagouseki / kojimagoseki こじまごうせき |
(person) Kojima Gouseki (1928.11.3-2000.1.5) |
山川夕貴 see styles |
yamakawayuki やまかわゆき |
(person) Yamakawa Yuki |
工藤夕貴 see styles |
kudouyuuki / kudoyuki くどうゆうき |
(person) Kudou Yūki (1971.1-) |
常民夕狩 see styles |
jouminyuugari / jominyugari じょうみんゆうがり |
(place-name) Jōminyūgari |
新夕張駅 see styles |
shinyuubarieki / shinyubarieki しんゆうばりえき |
(st) Shin'yūbari Station |
新夕悦男 see styles |
nittaetsuo にったえつお |
(person) Nitta Etsuo (1974.4.16-) |
新年前夕 see styles |
xīn nián qián xī xin1 nian2 qian2 xi1 hsin nien ch`ien hsi hsin nien chien hsi |
New Year's eve |
旧夕張川 see styles |
kyuuyuubarigawa / kyuyubarigawa きゅうゆうばりがわ |
(personal name) Kyūyūbarigawa |
春の夕べ see styles |
harunoyuube / harunoyube はるのゆうべ |
(expression) spring evening |
曽宮夕見 see styles |
somiyayumi そみやゆみ |
(person) Somiya Yumi |
朝な夕な see styles |
asanayuuna / asanayuna あさなゆうな |
(n,adv) morning and evening |
朝不保夕 see styles |
zhāo bù bǎo xī zhao1 bu4 bao3 xi1 chao pu pao hsi |
at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); precarious state; imminent crisis; living from hand to mouth |
朝不慮夕 朝不虑夕 see styles |
zhāo bù lǜ xī zhao1 bu4 lu:4 xi1 chao pu lü hsi |
at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); precarious state; imminent crisis; living from hand to mouth |
朝乾夕惕 see styles |
zhāo qián xī tì zhao1 qian2 xi1 ti4 chao ch`ien hsi t`i chao chien hsi ti |
cautious and diligent all day long (idiom) |
朝令夕改 see styles |
zhāo lìng xī gǎi zhao1 ling4 xi1 gai3 chao ling hsi kai |
to make frequent or unpredictable changes in policy (idiom) |
朝夕の行 see styles |
asayuunogyou / asayunogyo あさゆうのぎょう |
morning and evening services |
朝夕之池 see styles |
zhāo xī zhī chí zhao1 xi1 zhi1 chi2 chao hsi chih ch`ih chao hsi chih chih chōseki no ike |
lit. morning and evening ponds |
朝夕相處 朝夕相处 see styles |
zhāo xī xiāng chǔ zhao1 xi1 xiang1 chu3 chao hsi hsiang ch`u chao hsi hsiang chu |
to spend all one's time together (idiom) |
朝聞夕改 朝闻夕改 see styles |
zhāo wén xī gǎi zhao1 wen2 xi1 gai3 chao wen hsi kai |
lit. heard in the morning and changed by the evening; to correct an error very quickly (idiom) |
朝花夕拾 see styles |
zhāo huā xī shí zhao1 hua1 xi1 shi2 chao hua hsi shih |
"Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk", a collection of autobiographical essays by Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅[Lu3 Xun4] |
朝過夕改 朝过夕改 see styles |
zhāo guò xī gǎi zhao1 guo4 xi1 gai3 chao kuo hsi kai |
to correct in the evening a fault of the morning (idiom); to quickly amend one's ways |
朝饔夕飧 see styles |
zhāo yōng xī sūn zhao1 yong1 xi1 sun1 chao yung hsi sun |
lit. breakfast in the morning and supper in the evening (idiom); fig. to do nothing but eat and drink |
木下夕爾 see styles |
kinoshitayuuji / kinoshitayuji きのしたゆうじ |
(person) Kinoshita Yūji |
林真夕弓 see styles |
hayashimayumi はやしまゆみ |
(person) Hayashi Mayumi |
根本夕子 see styles |
nemotoyuuko / nemotoyuko ねもとゆうこ |
(person) Nemoto Yūko |
片桐夕子 see styles |
katagiriyuuko / katagiriyuko かたぎりゆうこ |
(person) Katagiri Yūko (1952.1.26-) |
玉井夕海 see styles |
tamaiyuumi / tamaiyumi たまいゆうみ |
(person) Tamai Yūmi |
田中夕風 see styles |
tanakayuukaze / tanakayukaze たなかゆうかぜ |
(personal name) Tanakayūkaze |
石坂夕子 see styles |
ishizakayuuko / ishizakayuko いしざかゆうこ |
(person) Ishizaka Yūko (1974.11-) |
石川夕紀 see styles |
ishikawayuki いしかわゆき |
(person) Ishikawa Yuki (1983.8.1-) |
福田夕咲 see styles |
fukudayuusaku / fukudayusaku ふくだゆうさく |
(person) Fukuda Yūsaku |
穴井夕子 see styles |
anaiyuuko / anaiyuko あないゆうこ |
(person) Anai Yūko (1974.6-) |
聖誕前夕 圣诞前夕 see styles |
shèng dàn qián xī sheng4 dan4 qian2 xi1 sheng tan ch`ien hsi sheng tan chien hsi |
Christmas eve |
花朝月夕 see styles |
huā zhāo yuè xī hua1 zhao1 yue4 xi1 hua chao yüeh hsi |
a beautiful day; cf Birthday of the Flowers on lunar 15th February and Mid-autumn Festival on lunar 15th August |
藤森夕子 see styles |
fujimoriyuuko / fujimoriyuko ふじもりゆうこ |
(person) Fujimori Yūko (1968.12.12-) |
西尾夕紀 see styles |
nishioyuki にしおゆき |
(person) Nishio Yuki (1974.7.24-) |
轟夕起子 see styles |
todorokiyukiko とどろきゆきこ |
(person) Todoroki Yukiko (1917.9.11-1967.5.11) |
金井夕子 see styles |
kanaiyuuko / kanaiyuko かないゆうこ |
(female given name) Kanaiyūko |
鈴木夕佳 see styles |
suzukiyuuka / suzukiyuka すずきゆうか |
(person) Suzuki Yūka (1982.6.2-) |
風人夕真 see styles |
kazatoyuuma / kazatoyuma かざとゆうま |
(person) Kazato Yūma |
飯島夕雁 see styles |
iijimayukari / ijimayukari いいじまゆかり |
(person) Iijima Yukari |
Variations: |
yuushio / yushio ゆうしお |
evening tide |
夕張メロン see styles |
yuubarimeron / yubarimeron ゆうばりメロン |
(See カンタロープ) Yūbari melon (sweet orange melon grown in Yūbari City, Hokkaido) |
夕張太共栄 see styles |
yuubaributokyouei / yubaributokyoe ゆうばりぶときょうえい |
(place-name) Yūbaributokyōei |
夕木えつこ see styles |
yuukietsuko / yukietsuko ゆうきえつこ |
(person) Yūki Etsuko (1986.3.31-) |
夕立にあう see styles |
yuudachiniau / yudachiniau ゆうだちにあう |
(exp,v5u) to be caught in an evening shower |
夕立に遭う see styles |
yuudachiniau / yudachiniau ゆうだちにあう |
(exp,v5u) to be caught in an evening shower |
夕陽台団地 see styles |
yuuhidaidanchi / yuhidaidanchi ゆうひだいだんち |
(place-name) Yūhidaidanchi |
一朝一夕に see styles |
icchouissekini / icchoissekini いっちょういっせきに |
(adverb) in a day; in a brief interval |
七夕池古墳 see styles |
tanabataikekofun たなばたいけこふん |
(place-name) Tanabataike Tumulus |
上田早夕里 see styles |
uedasayuri うえださゆり |
(person) Ueda Sayuri |
五十嵐夕紀 see styles |
igarashiyuki いがらしゆき |
(person) Igarashi Yuki (1960.7.14-) |
佐伯夕利子 see styles |
saekiyuriko さえきゆりこ |
(person) Saeki Yuriko |
佐藤夕美子 see styles |
satouyumiko / satoyumiko さとうゆみこ |
(person) Satou Yumiko (1978.7-) |
八島美夕紀 see styles |
yashimamiyuki やしまみゆき |
(person) Yashima Miyuki |
北夕顔瀬町 see styles |
kitayuugaosechou / kitayugaosecho きたゆうがおせちょう |
(place-name) Kitayūgaosechō |
南部夕南町 see styles |
nanbuyuunanchou / nanbuyunancho なんぶゆうなんちょう |
(place-name) Nanbuyūnanchō |
大夕張ダム see styles |
ooyuubaridamu / ooyubaridamu おおゆうばりダム |
(place-name) Ooyūbari Dam |
岡元夕紀子 see styles |
okamotoyukiko おかもとゆきこ |
(person) Okamoto Yukiko (1979.5.5-) |
旦夕に迫る see styles |
tansekinisemaru たんせきにせまる |
(exp,v5r) (abbreviation) (See 命旦夕に迫る) to be on the brink of death |
百舌鳥夕雲 see styles |
mozusekiun もずせきうん |
(place-name) Mozusekiun |
美々姫夕子 see styles |
mimihimeyuuko / mimihimeyuko みみひめゆうこ |
(female given name) Mimihimeyūko |
萬聖節前夕 万圣节前夕 see styles |
wàn shèng jié qián xī wan4 sheng4 jie2 qian2 xi1 wan sheng chieh ch`ien hsi wan sheng chieh chien hsi |
All Saints' Eve; Halloween |
賓夕法尼亞 宾夕法尼亚 see styles |
bīn xī fǎ ní yà bin1 xi1 fa3 ni2 ya4 pin hsi fa ni ya |
Pennsylvania |
Variations: |
yuuzemi / yuzemi ゆうぜみ |
cicada singing at dusk |
Variations: |
yuuyami / yuyami ゆうやみ |
dusk; twilight |
Variations: |
yuumoya / yumoya ゆうもや |
evening haze or mist |
夕張郡栗山町 see styles |
yuubarigunkuriyamachou / yubarigunkuriyamacho ゆうばりぐんくりやまちょう |
(place-name) Yūbarigunkuriyamachō |
夕張郡由仁町 see styles |
yuubarigunyunichou / yubarigunyunicho ゆうばりぐんゆにちょう |
(place-name) Yūbarigun'yunichō |
夕張郡長沼町 see styles |
yuubarigunnaganumachou / yubarigunnaganumacho ゆうばりぐんながぬまちょう |
(place-name) Yūbarigunnaganumachō |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "夕" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.