There are 874 total results for your 吹 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
明日は明日の風が吹く see styles |
ashitahaashitanokazegafuku; asuhaasunokazegafuku / ashitahashitanokazegafuku; asuhasunokazegafuku あしたはあしたのかぜがふく; あすはあすのかぜがふく |
(exp,v5k) (proverb) tomorrow will take care of itself; let the morn come and the meat with it; tomorrow, the winds of tomorrow will blow |
Variations: |
fukidemono ふきでもの |
(skin) eruption; rash; pimple; spot; acne; boil |
Variations: |
fukitobu ふきとぶ |
(v5b,vi) (1) to be blown off; to blow off; to blow away; (v5b,vi) (2) to vanish; to disappear |
Variations: |
fukikae ふきかえ |
(1) dubbing (of a film, etc. into a different language); (2) stand-in (actor); double; (3) (See 改鋳) recasting; reminting; recoining |
Variations: |
fukiageru ふきあげる |
(transitive verb) to blow up (i.e. wind); to blow upwards; to spout into the air |
Variations: |
fukkakeru ふっかける |
(transitive verb) (1) (kana only) (See 吹きかける・1) to blow (on); to breathe (on); to spray (on); (transitive verb) (2) (kana only) to pick (a fight); to provoke; to force (unreasonable terms); to demand (the impossible); (transitive verb) (3) (kana only) to exaggerate; to ask (an unreasonable price); to overcharge |
Variations: |
fukkireru ふっきれる |
(v1,vi) (1) to break through (e.g. one's doubts); to become unbound by (e.g. the past); to allay (e.g. anger); to put behind one; to move on; (v1,vi) (2) to burst (e.g. a boil) |
Variations: |
fukkakeru ふっかける |
(transitive verb) (1) (See 吹きかける・ふきかける・1) to blow upon; to breathe on; to spray; (transitive verb) (2) (See 吹きかける・ふきかける・2) to pick (a fight); to force (unreasonable terms); (transitive verb) (3) (See 吹きかける・ふきかける・3) to exaggerate; to overcharge |
Variations: |
futtobasu ふっとばす |
(transitive verb) (1) to blow off (strongly); to blow away; (transitive verb) (2) to drive away (e.g. one's worries); to dispel; (transitive verb) (3) to do at great speed (e.g. drive a car); to carry out (a task) very quickly |
Variations: |
shiofuki しおふき |
(1) (See 潮を吹く・1) spouting (of a whale); blowing (water and air); (2) (See シオフキガイ) Mactra veneriformis (species of trough shell); (n,vs,vi) (3) (colloquialism) (vulgar) female ejaculation; squirting |
Variations: |
shibuku しぶく |
(v5k,vi) (kana only) to splash; to spray |
Variations: |
dokofukukaze どこふくかぜ |
(exp,adj-no,adv-to) showing no concern at all; being not at all bothered; devil-may-care attitude |
どういう風の吹き回しか see styles |
douiukazenofukimawashika / doiukazenofukimawashika どういうかぜのふきまわしか |
(expression) whatever brought that on? |
どうした風の吹き回しか see styles |
doushitakazenofukimawashika / doshitakazenofukimawashika どうしたかぜのふきまわしか |
(expression) whatever brought that on? |
羽鳥矢吹導水幹線用水路 see styles |
hatoriyabukidousuikansenyousuiro / hatoriyabukidosuikansenyosuiro はとりやぶきどうすいかんせんようすいろ |
(place-name) Hatoriyabukidousuikansenyousuiro |
野火燒不盡,春風吹又生 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 see styles |
yě huǒ shāo bù jìn , chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng ye3 huo3 shao1 bu4 jin4 , chun1 feng1 chui1 you4 sheng1 yeh huo shao pu chin , ch`un feng ch`ui yu sheng yeh huo shao pu chin , chun feng chui yu sheng |
lit. even a prairie fire cannot destroy the grass - it grows again when the breeze blows (proverb); fig. cannot be easily eliminated; abbr. to 野火春風|野火春风[ye3 huo3 chun1 feng1] |
風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる see styles |
kazegafukebaokeyagamoukaru / kazegafukebaokeyagamokaru かぜがふけばおけやがもうかる |
(exp,v5r) (proverb) any event can bring about an effect in an unexpected way; if the wind blows the bucket makers prosper |
Variations: |
fubuki ふぶき |
snow storm; blizzard |
Variations: |
chishibuki ちしぶき |
blood spray (caused by a weapon); fountain of blood |
Variations: |
ooboraofuku おおぼらをふく |
(exp,v5k) (idiom) to talk through one's hat; to blow one's own horn |
Variations: |
fukidashiguchi ふきだしぐち |
nozzle; jet |
Variations: |
fukikaeban ふきかえばん |
dubbed version (of a film, etc.) |
Variations: |
karabukashi(空bukashi, 空吹kashi); karafukashi(空吹kashi, 空fukashi) からぶかし(空ぶかし, 空吹かし); からふかし(空吹かし, 空ふかし) |
idling (of an engine) |
Variations: |
kofukiimo / kofukimo こふきいも |
{food} dish of potatoes first boiled, then spun around while fried in a bowl (making them look as if covered in powder) |
Variations: |
hitoawafukaseru ひとあわふかせる |
(exp,v1) (idiom) to give someone a surprise; to catch off guard and fluster; to frustrate (e.g. someone's plans); to give someone a blow; to scare the hell out of |
Variations: |
fukinuke ふきぬけ |
(1) (See 階段の吹き抜け) atrium; well (in building); vault; (n,adj-f) (2) blow-by; blow-bye; blowout; (can be adjective with の) (3) drafty; draughty |
Variations: |
fukisarashi ふきさらし |
(adj-no,n) wind-swept; exposed to the wind |
Variations: |
fukisusabu ふきすさぶ |
(v5b,vi) (1) (esp. 吹き荒ぶ) to blow fiercely; to rage; (v5b,vi) (2) (archaism) (esp. 吹き遊ぶ) to play (a flute, etc.) for fun |
Variations: |
fukikomu ふきこむ |
(v5m,vi,vt) (1) to blow into; to breathe into; (transitive verb) (2) to inspire; to indoctrinate; (transitive verb) (3) to record (music, video, etc.) |
Variations: |
fukikakeru ふきかける |
(transitive verb) (1) to blow upon; to breathe on; to spray; (transitive verb) (2) to pick (a fight); to force (unreasonable terms); (transitive verb) (3) to exaggerate; to overcharge |
Variations: |
fukinukeru ふきぬける |
(v1,vi) to blow through; to blow across |
Variations: |
yamabuki; yamabuki やまぶき; ヤマブキ |
(1) kerria (Kerria japonica); Japanese yellow rose; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (山吹 only) amber; bright golden yellow; (3) (山吹 only) gold coin (formerly used in Japan) |
Variations: |
ibuki いぶき |
(1) breath; (2) sign (of something new and fresh); breath (of spring, fresh air, etc.); vitality |
Variations: |
rappafuki(rappa吹ki); rappafuki(rappa吹ki, 喇叭吹ki) ラッパふき(ラッパ吹き); らっぱふき(らっぱ吹き, 喇叭吹き) |
(1) (See 喇叭手) bugler; trumpeter; (2) blowing one's own horn |
Variations: |
fukiage ふきあげ |
(1) place exposed to winds which blow up from below (usu. a beach); beach exposed to sea winds; (2) fountain |
Variations: |
fukideru ふきでる |
(v1,vi) to blow out; to spout out |
Variations: |
shibuki しぶき |
(kana only) (See 飛沫・ひまつ・1) spray; splash |
Variations: |
futtobu ふっとぶ |
(v5b,vi) (1) to be blown off; to be blown away; to go flying; (v5b,vi) (2) to disappear; to vanish; (v5b,vi) (3) to rush; to hurry |
Variations: |
fukiyose ふきよせ |
(1) medley (of food, songs, etc.); (2) (snow or sand) drift |
Variations: |
fukissarashi ふきっさらし |
(adj-no,n) (See 吹き曝し) wind-swept; exposed to the wind |
Variations: |
ibuki いぶき |
(1) breath; (2) (poetic term) sign (of something new and fresh); breath (of spring, fresh air, etc.); vitality |
Variations: |
fukiburi ふきぶり |
driving rain; rainstorm; wind and rain |
Variations: |
fukikomu ふきこむ |
(v5m,vi) (1) to blow in (of wind, rain, etc.); (transitive verb) (2) to blow (air) into (e.g. a balloon); to breathe (new life) into; (transitive verb) (3) to inspire (someone) with; to put into someone's head; to instill; to infuse; to indoctrinate with; (transitive verb) (4) to record (audio; on tape, vinyl, etc.) |
Variations: |
fukichirasu ふきちらす |
(transitive verb) (1) to scatter; to blow about; (transitive verb) (2) (archaism) to spread a rumor; to talk around |
Variations: |
fukitobu ふきとぶ |
(v5b,vi) (1) to be blown off; to blow off; to blow away; (v5b,vi) (2) to vanish; to disappear; to be dispelled |
Variations: |
fukidamari ふきだまり |
(1) drift (of snow, leaves, etc.); (2) hangout for social dropouts |
Variations: |
fukikakeru ふきかける |
(transitive verb) (1) to blow (on); to breathe (on); to spray (on); (transitive verb) (2) (See ふっかける・2) to pick (a fight); to provoke; to force (unreasonable terms); to demand (the impossible); (transitive verb) (3) (See ふっかける・3) to exaggerate; to ask (an unreasonable price); to overcharge |
Variations: |
fukimakuru ふきまくる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to blow strongly and continuously; (transitive verb) (2) to brag endlessly; to boast ceaselessly |
Variations: |
dokofukukaze どこふくかぜ |
(exp,adj-no,adv-to) showing no concern at all; being not at all bothered; devil-may-care attitude |
Variations: |
horafuki(hora吹ki); horafuki(hora吹ki, 法螺吹ki, 法螺fuki) ホラふき(ホラ吹き); ほらふき(ほら吹き, 法螺吹き, 法螺ふき) |
(See 法螺・1,ホラを吹く・ホラをふく) braggart; boaster |
Variations: |
horagai(hora貝, 法螺貝, 吹螺, 梭尾螺); horagai(hora貝); horagai ほらがい(ほら貝, 法螺貝, 吹螺, 梭尾螺); ホラがい(ホラ貝); ホラガイ |
conch (esp. Charonia tritonis); trumpet shell |
Variations: |
horafuki ほらふき |
(See ほら・1) braggart; boaster; big talker; big mouth; blowhard; bullshitter |
Variations: |
fukkireru ふっきれる |
(v1,vi) (1) to be dispelled (of doubts, ill feeling, etc.); to disappear; to be put behind one; (v1,vi) (2) to burst (of a boil, abscess, etc.) |
Variations: |
atsumononikoritenamasuofuku あつものにこりてなますをふく |
(exp,v5k) (proverb) a burnt child dreads the fire; once bitten twice shy; to become overcautious from a bad experience |
Variations: |
fukikaeru ふきかえる |
(transitive verb) (1) to dub; (transitive verb) (2) to remint |
Variations: |
fukitsukeru ふきつける |
(transitive verb) to blow against; to spray (paint, etc.) (onto a surface) |
Variations: |
karabukashi; karafukashi(空吹kashi) からぶかし; からふかし(空吹かし) |
idling (of an engine) |
Variations: |
horaofuku(horao吹ku); horaofuku(法螺o吹ku, horao吹ku, 法螺ofuku) ホラをふく(ホラを吹く); ほらをふく(法螺を吹く, ほらを吹く, 法螺をふく) |
(exp,v5k) (See 法螺・1,ほら貝を吹く・ほらがいをふく) to boast; to brag |
Variations: |
fukidemono ふきでもの |
(skin) eruption; rash; pimple; spot; acne; boil |
Variations: |
fukinuki ふきぬき |
(1) (See 吹き抜け・ふきぬけ・1) stairwell; atrium; (2) streamer; pennant |
Variations: |
yamabukiiro / yamabukiro やまぶきいろ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) amber; bright golden yellow |
Variations: |
fukikoboreru ふきこぼれる |
(v1,vi) to boil over |
Variations: |
horaofuku ほらをふく |
(exp,v5k) to boast; to brag; to talk big |
Variations: |
kenkaofukkakeru けんかをふっかける |
(exp,v1) to pick a fight |
Variations: |
kazegafukebaokeyagamoukaru / kazegafukebaokeyagamokaru かぜがふけばおけやがもうかる |
(exp,v5r) (proverb) any event can bring about an effect in an unexpected way; if the wind blows the bucket makers prosper |
Variations: |
fukidasu ふきだす |
(v5s,vi) (1) to spout out; to spurt out; to gush out; to jet out; (v5s,vi) (2) to sprout; to bud; (v5s,vi) (3) to burst into laughter; (transitive verb) (4) (esp. 吹き出す) to blow (smoke, etc.); (transitive verb) (5) to send out shoots (of a tree) |
Variations: |
horagaiofuku(hora貝o吹ku, 法螺貝o吹ku); horagaiofuku(hora貝o吹ku); horagaiofuku(horagaio吹ku) ほらがいをふく(ほら貝を吹く, 法螺貝を吹く); ホラがいをふく(ホラ貝を吹く); ホラガイをふく(ホラガイを吹く) |
(exp,v5k) (See ほら貝・ほらがい) to blow a conch; to blow a trumpet shell; to blow the war horn |
Variations: |
shioofuku しおをふく |
(exp,v5k) (1) to spout (of a whale); to blow (water and air from a blowhole); (exp,v5k) (2) (colloquialism) (vulgar) to squirt (female ejaculation) |
Variations: |
horagaiofuku ほらがいをふく |
(exp,v5k) to blow a conch; to blow a trumpet shell; to blow the war horn |
Variations: |
ooborafuki(大bora吹ki, 大borafuki); ooborafuki(大法螺吹ki, 大bora吹ki, 大borafuki, 大法螺fuki) おおボラふき(大ボラ吹き, 大ボラふき); おおぼらふき(大法螺吹き, 大ぼら吹き, 大ぼらふき, 大法螺ふき) |
(See ホラ吹き・ホラふき) braggart; big talker; bigmouth |
Variations: |
ooborafuki おおぼらふき |
(See ホラ吹き) braggart; boaster; big talker; big mouth; blowhard; bullshitter |
Variations: |
fukitsukeru ふきつける |
(transitive verb) to blow against; to spray (paint, etc.; onto a surface) |
Variations: |
fukiagaru ふきあがる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to be blown up (into the air); to swirl up; (v5r,vi) (2) to spout up (of water, steam, etc.); to shoot up; to be forced up |
Variations: |
atsumononikoritenamasuofuku あつものにこりてなますをふく |
(exp,v5k) (proverb) a burnt child dreads the fire; once bitten twice shy; to become overcautious from a bad experience |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 74 results for "吹" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.