There are 989 total results for your 割 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
動的資源割振り see styles |
doutekishigenwarifuri / dotekishigenwarifuri どうてきしげんわりふり |
{comp} dynamic resource allocation |
吉祥院石原割畑 see styles |
kisshouinishiharawarihata / kisshoinishiharawarihata きっしょういんいしはらわりはた |
(place-name) Kisshouin'ishiharawarihata |
周波数分割多重 see styles |
shuuhasuubunkatsutajuu / shuhasubunkatsutaju しゅうはすうぶんかつたじゅう |
{comp} FDM; Frequency Division Multiplexing |
大草町上条東割 see styles |
ookusamachikamijouhigashiwari / ookusamachikamijohigashiwari おおくさまちかみじょうひがしわり |
(place-name) Ookusamachikamijōhigashiwari |
大草町上條東割 see styles |
ookusamachikamijouhigashiwari / ookusamachikamijohigashiwari おおくさまちかみじょうひがしわり |
(place-name) Ookusamachikamijōhigashiwari |
大草町下条中割 see styles |
ookusamachishimojounakawari / ookusamachishimojonakawari おおくさまちしもじょうなかわり |
(place-name) Ookusamachishimojōnakawari |
大草町下条西割 see styles |
ookusamachishimojounishiwari / ookusamachishimojonishiwari おおくさまちしもじょうにしわり |
(place-name) Ookusamachishimojōnishiwari |
大草町下條中割 see styles |
ookusamachishimojounakawari / ookusamachishimojonakawari おおくさまちしもじょうなかわり |
(place-name) Ookusamachishimojōnakawari |
大草町下條西割 see styles |
ookusamachishimojounishiwari / ookusamachishimojonishiwari おおくさまちしもじょうにしわり |
(place-name) Ookusamachishimojōnishiwari |
心を割って話す see styles |
kokoroowattehanasu こころをわってはなす |
(exp,v5s) (See 腹を割って話す・はらをわってはなす) to have a heart to heart talk; to speak frankly |
文書割付け処理 see styles |
bunshowaritsukeshori ぶんしょわりつけしょり |
{comp} document layout process |
時分割システム see styles |
jibunkatsushisutemu じぶんかつシステム |
{comp} (See タイムシェアリングシステム) time-sharing system |
時分割多元接続 see styles |
jibunkatsutagensetsuzoku じぶんかつたげんせつぞく |
{telec} time-division multiple access; TDMA |
時分割多重装置 see styles |
jibunkatsutajuusouchi / jibunkatsutajusochi じぶんかつたじゅうそうち |
{comp} Time Division Multiplexer |
特定割付け構造 see styles |
tokuteiwaritsukekouzou / tokutewaritsukekozo とくていわりつけこうぞう |
{comp} specific layout structure |
盛岡石割ザクラ see styles |
moriokaishiwarizakura もりおかいしわりザクラ |
(place-name) Moriokaishiwarizakura |
竜岡町下条南割 see styles |
tatsuokamachishimojouminamiwari / tatsuokamachishimojominamiwari たつおかまちしもじょうみなみわり |
(place-name) Tatsuokamachishimojōminamiwari |
竜岡町下条東割 see styles |
tatsuokamachishimojouhigashiwari / tatsuokamachishimojohigashiwari たつおかまちしもじょうひがしわり |
(place-name) Tatsuokamachishimojōhigashiwari |
竹を割ったよう see styles |
takeowattayou / takeowattayo たけをわったよう |
(exp,adj-na) (1) clear-cut and straightforward; (2) (of a person) forward-thinking; honest; upright; frank |
第三者割当増資 see styles |
daisanshawariatezoushi / daisanshawariatezoshi だいさんしゃわりあてぞうし |
third-party allocation of shares |
腹を割って話す see styles |
haraowattehanasu はらをわってはなす |
(exp,v5s) to speak frankly; to speak unreservedly; to open up to each other; to talk candidly; to speak by laying everything on the table; to talk straight from the gut; to have a heart-to-heart talk |
自動記憶割振り see styles |
jidoukiokuwarifuri / jidokiokuwarifuri じどうきおくわりふり |
{comp} automatic storage allocation |
足して二で割る see styles |
tashitenidewaru たしてにでわる |
(exp,v5r,vt) to combine parts of two different things into a new thing; to compromise; to balance out |
輸入割り当て制 see styles |
yunyuuwariatesei / yunyuwariatese ゆにゅうわりあてせい |
(abbreviation) an import quota system |
龍岡町下條南割 see styles |
tatsuokamachishimojouminamiwari / tatsuokamachishimojominamiwari たつおかまちしもじょうみなみわり |
(place-name) Tatsuokamachishimojōminamiwari |
龍岡町下條東割 see styles |
tatsuokamachishimojouhigashiwari / tatsuokamachishimojohigashiwari たつおかまちしもじょうひがしわり |
(place-name) Tatsuokamachishimojōhigashiwari |
Variations: |
warikashi わりかし |
(adverb) (kana only) (colloquialism) (See 割り方・1) comparatively; quite; rather |
Variations: |
waridashi わりだし |
{sumo} upper-arm force out |
Variations: |
warimodosu わりもどす |
(transitive verb) to rebate; to give a kickback |
Variations: |
warigaki わりがき |
interlinear notes; notes between lines of text |
Variations: |
warihogusu わりほぐす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to beat (e.g. egg); to whip (e.g. cream) |
割とどうでもいい see styles |
waritodoudemoii / waritododemoi わりとどうでもいい |
(exp,adj-ix) (kana only) (slang) (joc) I couldn't care less; not caring less |
割とどうでもよい see styles |
waritodoudemoyoi / waritododemoyoi わりとどうでもよい |
(exp,adj-i) (slang) (joc) I couldn't care less; not caring less |
割とどうでも良い see styles |
waritodoudemoyoi / waritododemoyoi わりとどうでもよい |
(exp,adj-i) (slang) (joc) I couldn't care less; not caring less |
割り込みハンドラ see styles |
warikomihandora わりこみハンドラ |
{comp} interrupt handler |
割り込みベクトル see styles |
warikomibekutoru わりこみベクトル |
{comp} interrupt vector |
割れ鐘のような声 see styles |
wareganenoyounakoe / wareganenoyonakoe われがねのようなこえ |
resounding voice; thunderous voice |
Variations: |
ichiwari いちわり |
ten percent |
Variations: |
hibiware ひびわれ |
(n,vs,vi) crack; crevice; fissure |
Variations: |
mitsuwari みつわり |
division into three; one third (part) |
Variations: |
kiriwaru きりわる |
(transitive verb) to cut (into two or more pieces) |
Variations: |
daiwarihyou / daiwarihyo だいわりひょう |
draft of magazine's content (a table showing the allocation of each page) |
Variations: |
kintouwari / kintowari きんとうわり |
per capita basis; per capita rate; equal apportionment |
Variations: |
shotokuwari しょとくわり |
income-based levy; per income levy; taxation on income basis |
Variations: |
magewarifu まげわりふ |
kanji "crooked seal" radical at right (variant of radical 26) |
Variations: |
kaiwarina かいわりな |
(1) (See 摘み菜) rape seedlings; (2) (See 貝割れ大根) (white) radish sprouts |
Variations: |
heyawari へやわり |
(n,vs,vi) room allocation; assignment of rooms |
Variations: |
yukiwarisou; yukiwarisou / yukiwariso; yukiwariso ゆきわりそう; ユキワリソウ |
(1) (See 三角草・みすみそう,州浜草・すはまそう) hepatica (Hepatica nobilis var. japonica); liverleaf; liverwort; (2) bird's-eye primrose (Primula farinosa subsp. modesta); mealy primrose |
事前購入割引運賃 see styles |
jizenkounyuuwaribikiunchin / jizenkonyuwaribikiunchin じぜんこうにゅうわりびきうんちん |
advance purchase excursion fare; APEX fare |
動的資源割り振り see styles |
doutekishigenwarifuri / dotekishigenwarifuri どうてきしげんわりふり |
{comp} dynamic resource allocation |
基本割付け対象体 see styles |
kihonwaritsuketaishoutai / kihonwaritsuketaishotai きほんわりつけたいしょうたい |
{comp} basic layout object |
神割崎キャンプ場 see styles |
kamiwarizakikyanpujou / kamiwarizakikyanpujo かみわりざきキャンプじょう |
(place-name) Kamiwarizaki Camping Ground |
符号分割多元接続 see styles |
fugoubunkatsutagensetsuzoku / fugobunkatsutagensetsuzoku ふごうぶんかつたげんせつぞく |
{telec} code-division multiple access; CDMA |
複合割付け対象体 see styles |
fukugouwaritsuketaishoutai / fukugowaritsuketaishotai ふくごうわりつけたいしょうたい |
{comp} composite layout object |
輸入割り当て制度 see styles |
yunyuuwariateseido / yunyuwariatesedo ゆにゅうわりあてせいど |
an import quota system |
Variations: |
warito わりと |
(adverb) (See 割に・1) comparatively; relatively; fairly; rather; pretty; unexpectedly |
Variations: |
warini わりに |
(adverb) (1) comparatively; relatively; fairly; rather; pretty; unexpectedly; (expression) (2) (also as 割には) considering ...; for ...; despite ...; in spite of ... |
Variations: |
warikan わりかん |
(abbreviation) (See 割り前勘定) splitting the cost; splitting the bill; Dutch treat |
Variations: |
wariyasu わりやす |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) economical; comparatively cheap |
Variations: |
waridaka わりだか |
(noun or adjectival noun) comparatively high; fairly expensive |
Variations: |
waribikiken わりびきけん |
discount coupon or ticket |
Variations: |
wariategaku わりあてがく |
allotment; allocation |
Variations: |
waritsugi わりつぎ |
cleft grafting; crown grafting |
割付け対象体クラス see styles |
waritsuketaishoutaikurasu / waritsuketaishotaikurasu わりつけたいしょうたいクラス |
{comp} layout object class |
Variations: |
kachiwari かちわり |
crushed ice; chipped ice |
Variations: |
tsuruwarebyou / tsuruwarebyo つるわれびょう |
{bot} Fusarium wilt |
Variations: |
kuchiowaru くちをわる |
(exp,v5r) to confess; to speak out; to disclose; to tell |
Variations: |
sainowarini さいのわりに |
(suffix) considering he (she) is ... year's old |
プロセス割込み信号 see styles |
purosesuwarikomishingou / purosesuwarikomishingo プロセスわりこみしんごう |
{comp} process interrupt signal |
周波数分割多元接続 see styles |
shuuhasuubunkatsutagensetsuzoku / shuhasubunkatsutagensetsuzoku しゅうはすうぶんかつたげんせつぞく |
{telec} frequency-division multiple access; FDMA |
Variations: |
wari わり |
(n,n-suf) (1) rate; ratio; proportion; (2) (usu. 割) one tenth; ten percent; (3) (usu. 割り) (See 割に合う) (comparative) profit; gain; (n,n-suf) (4) (usu. 割り) assignment; allotment; allocation; (5) {sumo} (usu. 割り) match; schedule of matches; (suffix noun) (6) (usu. 割り) (See 水割り) diluted with (of drinks); mixed with; (suffix noun) (7) (abbreviation) (usu. 割) (See 割引き・1) discount; rebate |
Variations: |
wareru われる |
(v1,vi) (1) to break; to be smashed; (v1,vi) (2) to split; to crack; to fissure; to be torn; (v1,vi) (3) to be divided (opinion, vote, etc.); to split (e.g. of a party); (v1,vi) (4) to come to light; to become clear; to be identified; to be revealed; (v1,vi) (5) to become distorted (of sound); to clip; (v1,vi) (6) to be divisible (without a remainder); (v1,vi) (7) to drop below a minimum |
Variations: |
warigawarui わりがわるい |
(exp,adj-i) (ant: 割がいい) unprofitable; disadvantageous; not worth it |
Variations: |
wariniau わりにあう |
(exp,v5u) (usu. in the negative) to be worth it; to pay; to be profitable |
Variations: |
warinowarui わりのわるい |
(exp,adj-i) (ant: 割のいい) unprofitable; disadvantageous; not worth it |
Variations: |
warikireru わりきれる |
(v1,vi) (1) to be divisible (by); to be divided without residue (remainder); (v1,vi) (2) (usu. used in the negative) (See 割り切れない) to be satisfied; to be convinced |
Variations: |
warimaekanjou / warimaekanjo わりまえかんじょう |
(yoji) (See 割り勘) each paying for his own account; sharing the expenses; Dutch treat |
Variations: |
warikangachi わりかんがち |
(slang) (See 割り勘負け) "winner" of a meal paid for by dutch treat (i.e. the person who eats the most) |
Variations: |
warikanmake わりかんまけ |
(slang) (See 割り勘勝ち) "loser" of a meal paid for by dutch treat (i.e. the person who eats the least) |
Variations: |
warimaekanjou / warimaekanjo わりまえかんじょう |
(rare) (See 割り勘) each paying for his own account; sharing the expenses; Dutch treat |
割り込みコントローラ see styles |
warikomikontoroora わりこみコントローラ |
{comp} interrupt controller |
Variations: |
nakawari なかわり |
(1) inbetween (in animation); inbetweening; tween; tweening; (2) quiet move (othello) |
Variations: |
sakeru さける |
(v1,vi) to split; to tear; to burst; to be separated; to be divided |
Variations: |
hibiwareru ひびわれる |
(v1,vi) to crack; to develop a crack |
Variations: |
suikawari(suika割ri); suikawari(西瓜割ri) スイカわり(スイカ割り); すいかわり(西瓜割り) |
watermelon splitting (game) |
Variations: |
tatakiwaru たたきわる |
(transitive verb) to smash; to break into pieces |
Variations: |
tatewarigyousei / tatewarigyose たてわりぎょうせい |
vertically segmented administrative system; overcompartmentalized bureaucracy; system in which interministerial rivalry diminishes overall efficiency; (bureaucratic) sectionalism; interministerial rivalry; bureaucratic fiefdoms |
Variations: |
kurumiwari くるみわり |
nutcracker; nutcrackers |
ソフトウェア割り込み see styles |
sofutoweawarikomi ソフトウェアわりこみ |
{comp} software interrupt |
ハードウェア割り込み see styles |
haadoweawarikomi / hadoweawarikomi ハードウェアわりこみ |
{comp} hardware interrupt |
マスク不可能割り込み see styles |
masukufukanouwarikomi / masukufukanowarikomi マスクふかのうわりこみ |
{comp} non-maskable interrupt; NMI |
時間分割多元接続方式 see styles |
jikanbunkatsutagensetsuzokuhoushiki / jikanbunkatsutagensetsuzokuhoshiki じかんぶんかつたげんせつぞくほうしき |
{comp} TDMA; time division multiple access |
符号分割多元接続方式 see styles |
fugoubunkatsutagensetsuzokuhoushiki / fugobunkatsutagensetsuzokuhoshiki ふごうぶんかつたげんせつぞくほうしき |
{comp} CDMA; code division multiple access |
自動割付けデータ実体 see styles |
jidouwaritsukedeetajittai / jidowaritsukedeetajittai じどうわりつけデータじったい |
{comp} automatic data object |
Variations: |
warikiru わりきる |
(transitive verb) (1) to find a clear solution; to come to a clean decision; to give a clear explanation; to reason out; to conclude; to be pragmatic; to be practical; (transitive verb) (2) to divide exactly (without remainder); to divide evenly |
Variations: |
waribiku わりびく |
(transitive verb) (1) to discount; to reduce (the price); to take off (a percentage); (transitive verb) (2) to take with a grain of salt; to not take at face value; to discount |
Variations: |
waritsuke わりつけ |
(noun, transitive verb) allotment; assignment; allocation; distribution; layout; editing |
Variations: |
warimashi わりまし |
(n,adj-no,vs,vt) extra (charge, fare, etc.); premium; bonus; (after a number) tenths increase |
Variations: |
wariboshi わりぼし |
(See 割り干し大根) strips of daikon sliced the long way and dried |
Variations: |
warikata わりかた |
(adverb) (1) comparatively; quite; rather; (2) rate; ratio; percentage; proportion |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.