There are 877 total results for your 類 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
厭惡人類者 厌恶人类者 see styles |
yàn wù rén lèi zhě yan4 wu4 ren2 lei4 zhe3 yen wu jen lei che |
misanthrope |
合成類固醇 合成类固醇 see styles |
hé chéng lèi gù chún he2 cheng2 lei4 gu4 chun2 ho ch`eng lei ku ch`un ho cheng lei ku chun |
anabolic steroids |
同類相應名 同类相应名 see styles |
tóng lèi xiāng yìng míng tong2 lei4 xiang1 ying4 ming2 t`ung lei hsiang ying ming tung lei hsiang ying ming dōrui sōō myō |
words linked to universals; categorical sets |
哺乳類動物 哺乳类动物 see styles |
bǔ rǔ lèi dòng wù bu3 ru3 lei4 dong4 wu4 pu ju lei tung wu |
mammals |
圓覺經類解 圆觉经类解 see styles |
yuán jué jīng lèi jiě yuan2 jue2 jing1 lei4 jie3 yüan chüeh ching lei chieh Engakukyō ruige |
Various Understandings of the Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment |
増粘多糖類 see styles |
zounentatourui / zonentatorui ぞうねんたとうるい |
polysaccharide thickener |
大型類人猿 see styles |
oogataruijinen おおがたるいじんえん |
(See 小型類人猿) great ape |
宗教人類学 see styles |
shuukyoujinruigaku / shukyojinruigaku しゅうきょうじんるいがく |
anthropology of religion; religious anthropology |
小型類人猿 see styles |
kogataruijinen こがたるいじんえん |
(See 大型類人猿) lesser ape |
希土類元素 see styles |
kidoruigenso きどるいげんそ |
rare earth elements |
床板珊瑚類 see styles |
shoubansangorui / shobansangorui しょうばんさんごるい |
tabulate corals (extinct corals of the order Tabulata) |
形質人類学 see styles |
keishitsujinruigaku / keshitsujinruigaku けいしつじんるいがく |
physical anthropology |
忠類幌内川 see styles |
chuuruihoronaigawa / churuihoronaigawa ちゅうるいほろないがわ |
(place-name) Chuuruihoronaigawa |
擊弦類樂器 击弦类乐器 see styles |
jī xián lèi yuè qì ji1 xian2 lei4 yue4 qi4 chi hsien lei yüeh ch`i chi hsien lei yüeh chi |
hammered string musical instrument |
政治人類学 see styles |
seijijinruigaku / sejijinruigaku せいじじんるいがく |
political anthropology |
文化人類学 see styles |
bunkajinruigaku ぶんかじんるいがく |
cultural anthropology |
書類かばん see styles |
shoruikaban しょるいかばん |
briefcase; attache case |
書類を見る see styles |
shoruiomiru しょるいをみる |
(exp,v1) to examine papers |
有教無類法 有教无类法 see styles |
yǒu jiào wú lèi fǎ you3 jiao4 wu2 lei4 fa3 yu chiao wu lei fa |
No Child Left Behind Act, USA 2001 |
有翅昆虫類 see styles |
yuushikonchuurui / yushikonchurui ゆうしこんちゅうるい |
pterygotes (winged insects) |
比類のない see styles |
hiruinonai ひるいのない |
(exp,adj-i) (See 比類ない・ひるいない) peerless; unique; unparalleled; unchallenged |
渦鞭毛藻類 see styles |
uzubenmousourui / uzubenmosorui うずべんもうそうるい |
dinoflagellates |
無翅昆虫類 see styles |
mushikonchuurui / mushikonchurui むしこんちゅうるい |
apterygotes (wingless insects) |
爬虫類学者 see styles |
hachuuruigakusha / hachuruigakusha はちゅうるいがくしゃ |
herpetologist |
物類善男子 物类善男子 see styles |
wù lèi shàn nán zǐ wu4 lei4 shan4 nan2 zi3 wu lei shan nan tzu motsurui zendanshi |
sentient beings of similar type |
獸腳類恐龍 兽脚类恐龙 see styles |
shòu jiǎo lèi kǒng lóng shou4 jiao3 lei4 kong3 long2 shou chiao lei k`ung lung shou chiao lei kung lung |
theropod (beast-footed dinosaur group); suborder Theropoda within order Saurischia containing carnivorous dinosaurs |
生態人類学 see styles |
seitaijinruigaku / setaijinruigaku せいたいじんるいがく |
ecological anthropology |
生物の分類 see styles |
seibutsunobunrui / sebutsunobunrui せいぶつのぶんるい |
(exp,n) (See 生物分類) biological classification |
発泡性酒類 see styles |
happouseishurui / happoseshurui はっぽうせいしゅるい |
(See 発泡酒・1) carbonated alcohols; category in liquor tax law which includes beer, happōshu and other drinks with 10% or less alcohol |
皮質類固醇 皮质类固醇 see styles |
pí zhì lèi gù chún pi2 zhi4 lei4 gu4 chun2 p`i chih lei ku ch`un pi chih lei ku chun |
corticosteroid |
社会人類学 see styles |
shakaijinruigaku しゃかいじんるいがく |
social anthropology |
糟齒類爬蟲 糟齿类爬虫 see styles |
zāo chǐ lèi pá chóng zao1 chi3 lei4 pa2 chong2 tsao ch`ih lei p`a ch`ung tsao chih lei pa chung |
thecodontia (primitive dinosaur) |
系統分類学 see styles |
keitoubunruigaku / ketobunruigaku けいとうぶんるいがく |
systematics; phylogenetic systematics; systematic taxonomy; systematic biology |
経済人類学 see styles |
keizaijinruigaku / kezaijinruigaku けいざいじんるいがく |
economic anthropology |
自然人類学 see styles |
shizenjinruigaku しぜんじんるいがく |
physical anthropology |
衣類乾燥機 see styles |
iruikansouki / iruikansoki いるいかんそうき |
clothes dryer; tumble dryer |
言語人類学 see styles |
gengojinruigaku げんごじんるいがく |
linguistic anthropology |
酚類化合物 酚类化合物 see styles |
fēn lèi huà hé wù fen1 lei4 hua4 he2 wu4 fen lei hua ho wu |
(chemistry) phenol |
隠花植物類 see styles |
inkashokubutsurui いんかしょくぶつるい |
cryptogamous plants |
隨彼彼色類 随彼彼色类 see styles |
suí bǐ bǐ sè lèi sui2 bi3 bi3 se4 lei4 sui pi pi se lei zui hihi shikirui |
according to (various types) |
類は友を呼ぶ see styles |
ruihatomooyobu るいはともをよぶ |
(exp,v5b) (proverb) birds of a feather flock together |
類語実用辞典 see styles |
ruigojitsuyoujiten / ruigojitsuyojiten るいごじつようじてん |
(product) thesaurus published by Sanseido; (product name) thesaurus published by Sanseido |
類鼻疽單細胞 类鼻疽单细胞 see styles |
lèi bí jū dān xì bāo lei4 bi2 ju1 dan1 xi4 bao1 lei pi chü tan hsi pao |
Pseudomonas pseudomallei |
カード分類機 see styles |
kaadobunruiki / kadobunruiki カードぶんるいき |
{comp} card sorter |
クシクラゲ類 see styles |
kushikuragerui クシクラゲるい |
comb jellies (jellyfish-like animals of the phylum Ctenophora) |
トランプ類税 see styles |
toranpuruizei / toranpuruize トランプるいぜい |
(hist) playing card tax; tax on playing cards, mahjong sets, domino sets, etc. (abolished in 1989) |
ヒドロムシ類 see styles |
hidoromushirui ヒドロムシるい |
hydrozoan |
フェノール類 see styles |
fenoorurui フェノールるい |
phenol |
一切有情之類 一切有情之类 see styles |
yī qiè yǒu qíng zhī lèi yi1 qie4 you3 qing2 zhi1 lei4 i ch`ieh yu ch`ing chih lei i chieh yu ching chih lei issai ujō no rui |
all living beings |
一類保護動物 一类保护动物 see styles |
yī lèi bǎo hù dòng wù yi1 lei4 bao3 hu4 dong4 wu4 i lei pao hu tung wu |
class A protected animal |
七類トンネル see styles |
shichiruitonneru しちるいトンネル |
(place-name) Shichirui Tunnel |
中國鳥類學會 中国鸟类学会 see styles |
zhōng guó niǎo lèi xué huì zhong1 guo2 niao3 lei4 xue2 hui4 chung kuo niao lei hsüeh hui |
China Ornithological Society |
二分分類体系 see styles |
nibunbunruitaikei / nibunbunruitaike にぶんぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} dichotomized classification system |
人類のために see styles |
jinruinotameni じんるいのために |
(exp,adv) for the sake of humanity |
人類乳突病毒 人类乳突病毒 see styles |
rén lèi rǔ tū bìng dú ren2 lei4 ru3 tu1 bing4 du2 jen lei ju t`u ping tu jen lei ju tu ping tu |
human papillomavirus (HPV) |
分別相似過類 分别相似过类 see styles |
fēn bié xiāng sì guò lèi fen1 bie2 xiang1 si4 guo4 lei4 fen pieh hsiang ssu kuo lei funbetsu sōji karui |
fallacy of a difference in the positive example |
列挙分類体系 see styles |
rekkyobunruitaikei / rekkyobunruitaike れっきょぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} enumerative classification system |
十進分類体系 see styles |
jisshinbunruitaikei / jisshinbunruitaike じっしんぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} decimal classification system |
十部門分類法 see styles |
juubumonbunruihou / jubumonbunruiho じゅうぶもんぶんるいほう |
Dewey Decimal System |
多元分類体系 see styles |
tagenbunruitaikei / tagenbunruitaike たげんぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} multidimensional classification system |
専門分類体系 see styles |
senmonbunruitaikei / senmonbunruitaike せんもんぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} specialized classification system |
広尾郡忠類村 see styles |
hiroogunchuuruimura / hiroogunchuruimura ひろおぐんちゅうるいむら |
(place-name) Hiroogunchuuruimura |
日本人類学会 see styles |
nipponjinruigakkai にっぽんじんるいがっかい |
(org) Anthropological Society of Nippon; (o) Anthropological Society of Nippon |
日本藻類学会 see styles |
nipponsouruigakkai / nipponsoruigakkai にっぽんそうるいがっかい |
(org) Japanese Society of Phycology; (o) Japanese Society of Phycology |
日本貝類学会 see styles |
nipponkairuigakkai にっぽんかいるいがっかい |
(org) Malacological Society of Japan; MSJ; (o) Malacological Society of Japan; MSJ |
日本魚類学会 see styles |
nippongyoruigakkai にっぽんぎょるいがっかい |
(org) Ichthyological Society of Japan; ISJ; (o) Ichthyological Society of Japan; ISJ |
普遍分類体系 see styles |
fuhenbunruitaikei / fuhenbunruitaike ふへんぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} universal classification system; general classification system |
書類ホルダー see styles |
shoruihorudaa / shoruihoruda しょるいホルダー |
document holder |
有機磷酸酯類 有机磷酸酯类 see styles |
yǒu jī lín suān zhǐ lèi you3 ji1 lin2 suan1 zhi3 lei4 yu chi lin suan chih lei |
organophosphate |
本人確認書類 see styles |
honninkakuninshorui ほんにんかくにんしょるい |
identity document; identification document |
深層分類体系 see styles |
shinsoubunruitaikei / shinsobunruitaike しんそうぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} close classification system; depth classification system |
火薬類取締法 see styles |
kayakuruitorishimarihou / kayakuruitorishimariho かやくるいとりしまりほう |
{law} Explosives Control Act |
爬虫両棲類学 see styles |
hachuuryouseiruigaku / hachuryoseruigaku はちゅうりょうせいるいがく |
herpetology |
爬虫両生類学 see styles |
hachuuryouseiruigaku / hachuryoseruigaku はちゅうりょうせいるいがく |
herpetology |
真正双子葉類 see styles |
shinseisoushiyourui / shinsesoshiyorui しんせいそうしようるい |
{bot} eudicots; eudicotyledons |
簡略分類体系 see styles |
kanryakubunruitaikei / kanryakubunruitaike かんりゃくぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} broad classification system |
米国人類学会 see styles |
beikokujinruigakkai / bekokujinruigakkai べいこくじんるいがっかい |
(o) American Anthropological Association; AAA |
精密分類体系 see styles |
seimitsubunruitaikei / semitsubunruitaike せいみつぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} close classification system; depth classification system |
線形分類体系 see styles |
senkeibunruitaikei / senkebunruitaike せんけいぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} linear classification system |
親類付き合い see styles |
shinruizukiai しんるいづきあい |
(the quality of) inter-family association |
階層分類体系 see styles |
kaisoubunruitaikei / kaisobunruitaike かいそうぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} hierarchical classification system |
鹽皮質類固醇 盐皮质类固醇 see styles |
yán pí zhì lèi gù chún yan2 pi2 zhi4 lei4 gu4 chun2 yen p`i chih lei ku ch`un yen pi chih lei ku chun |
mineralocorticoid (e.g. aldosterone) |
黃酮類化合物 黄酮类化合物 see styles |
huáng tóng lèi huà hé wù huang2 tong2 lei4 hua4 he2 wu4 huang t`ung lei hua ho wu huang tung lei hua ho wu |
flavonoid (chemistry) |
Variations: |
tagueru たぐえる |
(Ichidan verb) (1) (kana only) (rare) to compare; to liken; (Ichidan verb) (2) to make (someone) accompany |
Variations: |
kumorui(kumo類); kumorui(蜘蛛類) クモるい(クモ類); くもるい(蜘蛛類) |
(1) arachnids; (2) araneids |
Variations: |
ryouseirui / ryoserui りょうせいるい |
amphibia; amphibian |
Variations: |
honyuurui / honyurui ほにゅうるい |
mammal; mammalian |
Variations: |
kidorui きどるい |
{chem} rare earth |
Variations: |
jouchuurui / jochurui じょうちゅうるい |
cestodes; tapeworms |
アルファ分類学 see styles |
arufabunruigaku アルファぶんるいがく |
alpha taxonomy |
人類基因組計劃 人类基因组计划 see styles |
rén lèi jī yīn zǔ jì huà ren2 lei4 ji1 yin1 zu3 ji4 hua4 jen lei chi yin tsu chi hua |
Human Genome Project |
分析形分類体系 see styles |
bunsekigatabunruitaikei / bunsekigatabunruitaike ぶんせきがたぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} analytical classification system |
合成形分類体系 see styles |
gouseigatabunruitaikei / gosegatabunruitaike ごうせいがたぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} synthetic classification system |
哺乳類型爬虫類 see styles |
honyuuruigatahachuurui / honyuruigatahachurui ほにゅうるいがたはちゅうるい |
(See 単弓類・2) mammal-like reptile |
地球類似性指標 see styles |
chikyuuruijiseishihyou / chikyuruijiseshihyo ちきゅうるいじせいしひょう |
Earth Similarity Index; ESI |
小比類巻かほる see styles |
kohiruimakikahoru こひるいまきかほる |
(person) Kohiruimaki Kahoru (1967.3-) |
日本十進分類法 see styles |
nihonjisshinbunruihou / nihonjisshinbunruiho にほんじっしんぶんるいほう |
Nippon Decimal Classification; Nippon Decimal System (of book classification) |
日本希土類学会 see styles |
nipponkidoruigakkai にっぽんきどるいがっかい |
(org) Rare Earth Society of Japan; (o) Rare Earth Society of Japan |
日本鯨類研究所 see styles |
nihongeiruikenkyuusho / nihongeruikenkyusho にほんげいるいけんきゅうしょ |
(org) The Institute of Cetacean Research; (o) The Institute of Cetacean Research |
月潟の類産ナシ see styles |
tsukigatanoruisannashi つきがたのるいさんナシ |
(place-name) Tsukigatanoruisannashi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "類" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.