There are 894 total results for your 銀 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
西鉄銀水駅 see styles |
nishitetsuginsuieki にしてつぎんすいえき |
(st) Nishitetsuginsui Station |
超銀河集団 see styles |
chougingashuudan / chogingashudan ちょうぎんがしゅうだん |
supercluster of galaxies |
輸出入銀行 see styles |
yushutsunyuuginkou / yushutsunyuginko ゆしゅつにゅうぎんこう |
export-import bank |
遺伝子銀行 see styles |
idenshiginkou / idenshiginko いでんしぎんこう |
(rare) (See ジーンバンク) gene bank |
金銀銅鐵錫 金银铜铁锡 see styles |
jīn - yín - tóng - tiě - xī jin1 - yin2 - tong2 - tie3 - xi1 chin - yin - t`ung - t`ieh - hsi chin - yin - tung - tieh - hsi |
the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin |
長谷川銀作 see styles |
hasegawaginsaku はせがわぎんさく |
(person) Hasegawa Ginsaku |
院内銀山町 see styles |
innaiginzanmachi いんないぎんざんまち |
(place-name) Innaiginzanmachi |
UFJ銀行 see styles |
yuuefujeeginkou / yuefujeeginko ユーエフジェーぎんこう |
(c) UFJ Bank (now Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ) |
Variations: |
ginan ぎんあん |
{food} (See 餡・2) thin starchy sauce |
Variations: |
ginnezu ぎんねず |
silver gray; silver grey |
銀喉長尾山雀 银喉长尾山雀 see styles |
yín hóu cháng wěi shān què yin2 hou2 chang2 wei3 shan1 que4 yin hou ch`ang wei shan ch`üeh yin hou chang wei shan chüeh |
(bird species of China) silver-throated bushtit (Aegithalos glaucogularis) |
銀山平船着場 see styles |
ginzandairafunatsukiba ぎんざんだいらふなつきば |
(place-name) Ginzandairafunatsukiba |
銀座一丁目駅 see styles |
ginzaicchoumeeki / ginzaicchomeeki ぎんざいっちょうめえき |
(st) Ginzaicchōme Station |
銀河トンネル see styles |
gingatonneru ぎんがトンネル |
(place-name) Ginga Tunnel |
銀河系内星雲 see styles |
gingakeinaiseiun / gingakenaiseun ぎんがけいないせいうん |
(obsolete) {astron} (See 星雲・1) galactic nebula |
銀河系外星雲 see styles |
gingakeigaiseiun / gingakegaiseun ぎんがけいがいせいうん |
(obsolete) {astron} (See 銀河・2) extragalactic nebula |
銀河鉄道の夜 see styles |
gingatetsudounoyoru / gingatetsudonoyoru ぎんがてつどうのよる |
(work) Night on the Galactic Railroad (novel by Kenji Miyazawa); Milky Way Railroad; (wk) Night on the Galactic Railroad (novel by Kenji Miyazawa); Milky Way Railroad |
銀臉長尾山雀 银脸长尾山雀 see styles |
yín liǎn cháng wěi shān què yin2 lian3 chang2 wei3 shan1 que4 yin lien ch`ang wei shan ch`üeh yin lien chang wei shan chüeh |
(bird species of China) sooty bushtit (Aegithalos fuliginosus) |
銀行システム see styles |
ginkoushisutemu / ginkoshisutemu ぎんこうシステム |
banking system |
銀行振り込み see styles |
ginkoufurikomi / ginkofurikomi ぎんこうふりこみ |
(finc) bank transfer |
銀行系カード see styles |
ginkoukeikaado / ginkokekado ぎんこうけいカード |
bank issued credit card |
あおぞら銀行 see styles |
aozoraginkou / aozoraginko あおぞらぎんこう |
(company) Aozora Bank; (c) Aozora Bank |
きらぼし銀行 see styles |
kiraboshiginkou / kiraboshiginko きらぼしぎんこう |
(c) Kiraboshi Bank |
ゆうちょ銀行 see styles |
yuuchoginkou / yuchoginko ゆうちょぎんこう |
JP Bank (former Postal Savings Bank, created when the Postal Services were privatized) |
グラミン銀行 see styles |
guraminginkou / guraminginko グラミンぎんこう |
(company) Grameen Bank; (c) Grameen Bank |
コルレス銀行 see styles |
koruresuginkou / koruresuginko コルレスぎんこう |
{finc} correspondent bank; intermediary bank |
シアン化水銀 see styles |
shiankasuigin シアンかすいぎん |
mercury cyanide |
ハロゲン化銀 see styles |
harogenkagin ハロゲンかぎん |
silver halide |
ブラジル銀行 see styles |
burajiruginkou / burajiruginko ブラジルぎんこう |
(company) Banco do Brasil; Bank of Brazil; (c) Banco do Brasil; Bank of Brazil |
三井住友銀行 see styles |
mitsuisumitomoginkou / mitsuisumitomoginko みついすみともぎんこう |
(company) Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation; (c) Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation |
三井信託銀行 see styles |
mitsuishintakuginkou / mitsuishintakuginko みついしんたくぎんこう |
(org) Mitsui Trust And Banking Company, Limited; (o) Mitsui Trust And Banking Company, Limited |
三菱信託銀行 see styles |
mitsubishishintakuginkou / mitsubishishintakuginko みつびししんたくぎんこう |
(org) Mitsubishi Trust And Banking Corporation; (o) Mitsubishi Trust And Banking Corporation |
世界穀物銀行 see styles |
sekaikokumotsuginkou / sekaikokumotsuginko せかいこくもつぎんこう |
(o) World Grain Bank |
中国人民銀行 see styles |
chuugokujinminginkou / chugokujinminginko ちゅうごくじんみんぎんこう |
(org) People's Bank of China; The People's Bank of China; (o) People's Bank of China; The People's Bank of China |
中国投資銀行 see styles |
chuugokutoushiginkou / chugokutoshiginko ちゅうごくとうしぎんこう |
(org) China Investment Bank; (o) China Investment Bank |
中國人民銀行 中国人民银行 see styles |
zhōng guó rén mín yín háng zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 yin2 hang2 chung kuo jen min yin hang |
People's Bank of China |
中國光大銀行 中国光大银行 see styles |
zhōng guó guāng dà yín háng zhong1 guo2 guang1 da4 yin2 hang2 chung kuo kuang ta yin hang |
China Everbright Bank |
中國工商銀行 中国工商银行 see styles |
zhōng guó gōng shāng yín háng zhong1 guo2 gong1 shang1 yin2 hang2 chung kuo kung shang yin hang |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) |
中國建設銀行 中国建设银行 see styles |
zhōng guó jiàn shè yín háng zhong1 guo2 jian4 she4 yin2 hang2 chung kuo chien she yin hang |
China Construction Bank |
中國農業銀行 中国农业银行 see styles |
zhōng guó nóng yè yín háng zhong1 guo2 nong2 ye4 yin2 hang2 chung kuo nung yeh yin hang |
Agricultural Bank of China |
中央信託銀行 see styles |
chuuoushintakuginkou / chuoshintakuginko ちゅうおうしんたくぎんこう |
(org) Chuo Trust And Banking Company, Limited; (o) Chuo Trust And Banking Company, Limited |
中央準備銀行 see styles |
chuuoujunbiginkou / chuojunbiginko ちゅうおうじゅんびぎんこう |
(org) Central Reserve Bank; (o) Central Reserve Bank |
中央銀行総裁 see styles |
chuuouginkousousai / chuoginkososai ちゅうおうぎんこうそうさい |
governor of a central bank |
亞洲開發銀行 亚洲开发银行 see styles |
yà zhōu kāi fā yín háng ya4 zhou1 kai1 fa1 yin2 hang2 ya chou k`ai fa yin hang ya chou kai fa yin hang |
Asian Development Bank |
住友信託銀行 see styles |
sumitomoshintakuginkou / sumitomoshintakuginko すみともしんたくぎんこう |
(company) Sumitomo Trust and Banking Company, Limited; (c) Sumitomo Trust and Banking Company, Limited |
全国銀行協会 see styles |
zenkokuginkoukyoukai / zenkokuginkokyokai ぜんこくぎんこうきょうかい |
(org) Japanese Bankers Association; (o) Japanese Bankers Association |
全銀システム see styles |
zenginshisutemu ぜんぎんシステム |
interbank payments system |
加盟州法銀行 see styles |
kameishuuhouginkou / kameshuhoginko かめいしゅうほうぎんこう |
(o) Member State Bank |
古町の大銀杏 see styles |
furumachinoooichou / furumachinoooicho ふるまちのおおいちょう |
(place-name) Furumachinoooichō |
国立商工銀行 see styles |
kokuritsushoukouginkou / kokuritsushokoginko こくりつしょうこうぎんこう |
(o) Banque nationale pour le commerce et l'industrie |
国際協力銀行 see styles |
kokusaikyouryokuginkou / kokusaikyoryokuginko こくさいきょうりょくぎんこう |
(org) Japan Bank for International Cooperation; JBIC; (o) Japan Bank for International Cooperation; JBIC |
国際決済銀行 see styles |
kokusaikessaiginkou / kokusaikessaiginko こくさいけっさいぎんこう |
Bank for International Settlements; BIS |
国際資源銀行 see styles |
kokusaishigenginkou / kokusaishigenginko こくさいしげんぎんこう |
(o) International Resource Bank |
國家開發銀行 国家开发银行 see styles |
guó jiā kāi fā yín háng guo2 jia1 kai1 fa1 yin2 hang2 kuo chia k`ai fa yin hang kuo chia kai fa yin hang |
China Development Bank |
國際清算銀行 国际清算银行 see styles |
guó jì qīng suàn yín háng guo2 ji4 qing1 suan4 yin2 hang2 kuo chi ch`ing suan yin hang kuo chi ching suan yin hang |
Bank for International Settlements |
塩化第一水銀 see styles |
enkadaiichisuigin / enkadaichisuigin えんかだいいちすいぎん |
{chem} mercury(I) chloride; calomel; mercurous chloride |
塩化第二水銀 see styles |
enkadainisuigin えんかだいにすいぎん |
{chem} mercury(II) chloride; corrosive sublimate |
外国為替銀行 see styles |
gaikokukawaseginkou / gaikokukawaseginko がいこくかわせぎんこう |
foreign exchange bank |
安田信託銀行 see styles |
yasudashintakuginkou / yasudashintakuginko やすだしんたくぎんこう |
(org) Yasuda Trust And Banking Company, Limited; (o) Yasuda Trust And Banking Company, Limited |
投資銀行協会 see styles |
toushiginkoukyoukai / toshiginkokyokai とうしぎんこうきょうかい |
(o) Investment Bankers Association |
整理回収銀行 see styles |
seirikaishuuginkou / serikaishuginko せいりかいしゅうぎんこう |
(company) Resolution and Collection Bank; (c) Resolution and Collection Bank |
新潟中央銀行 see styles |
niigatachuuouginkou / nigatachuoginko にいがたちゅうおうぎんこう |
(org) Niigata Chuo Bank, Limited; (o) Niigata Chuo Bank, Limited |
日本信託銀行 see styles |
nihonshintakuginkou / nihonshintakuginko にほんしんたくぎんこう |
(org) Nippon Trust Bank Limited; (o) Nippon Trust Bank Limited |
日本興業銀行 see styles |
nihonkougyouginkou / nihonkogyoginko にほんこうぎょうぎんこう |
(company) Industrial Bank of Japan, Limited; (c) Industrial Bank of Japan, Limited |
日本銀行総裁 see styles |
nipponginkousousai / nipponginkososai にっぽんぎんこうそうさい |
Governor of the Bank of Japan; (o) Governor of the Bank of Japan |
日本開発銀行 see styles |
nihonkaihatsuginkou / nihonkaihatsuginko にほんかいはつぎんこう |
(org) Japan Development Bank; JDB; (o) Japan Development Bank; JDB |
有機水銀中毒 see styles |
yuukisuiginchuudoku / yukisuiginchudoku ゆうきすいぎんちゅうどく |
organic mercury poisoning |
東京三菱銀行 see styles |
toukyoumitsubishiginkou / tokyomitsubishiginko とうきょうみつびしぎんこう |
(company) Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (now Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ); (c) Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (now Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ) |
東京都民銀行 see styles |
toukyoutominginkou / tokyotominginko とうきょうとみんぎんこう |
(org) Tokyo Tomin Bank, Limited; (o) Tokyo Tomin Bank, Limited |
東洋信託銀行 see styles |
touyoushintakuginkou / toyoshintakuginko とうようしんたくぎんこう |
(org) Toyo Trust and Banking Company, Limited; (o) Toyo Trust and Banking Company, Limited |
欧州中央銀行 see styles |
oushuuchuuouginkou / oshuchuoginko おうしゅうちゅうおうぎんこう |
(See 欧州中央銀行制度) European Central Bank; ECB |
欧州国際銀行 see styles |
oushuukokusaiginkou / oshukokusaiginko おうしゅうこくさいぎんこう |
(o) European Banks of International Company |
欧州銀行連盟 see styles |
oushuuginkourenmei / oshuginkorenme おうしゅうぎんこうれんめい |
(org) European Banking Federation; (o) European Banking Federation |
歐洲中央銀行 欧洲中央银行 see styles |
ōu zhōu zhōng yāng yín háng ou1 zhou1 zhong1 yang1 yin2 hang2 ou chou chung yang yin hang |
European Central Bank |
石見銀山遺跡 see styles |
iwamiginzaniseki いわみぎんざんいせき |
(place-name) Iwamiginzan Ruins |
第一勧業銀行 see styles |
daiichikangyouginkou / daichikangyoginko だいいちかんぎょうぎんこう |
(company) Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank (now merged into Mizuho Bank); (c) Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank (now merged into Mizuho Bank) |
米国銀行協会 see styles |
beikokuginkoukyoukai / bekokuginkokyokai べいこくぎんこうきょうかい |
(org) American Bankers Association; ABA; (o) American Bankers Association; ABA |
米州開発銀行 see styles |
beishuukaihatsuginkou / beshukaihatsuginko べいしゅうかいはつぎんこう |
(org) Inter-American Development Bank; (o) Inter-American Development Bank |
西伯利亞銀鷗 西伯利亚银鸥 see styles |
xī bó lì yà yín ōu xi1 bo2 li4 ya4 yin2 ou1 hsi po li ya yin ou |
(bird species of China) Vega gull (Larus vegae) |
連合商業銀行 see styles |
rengoushougyouginkou / rengoshogyoginko れんごうしょうぎょうぎんこう |
(o) United Commercial Bank |
連邦準備銀行 see styles |
renpoujunbiginkou / renpojunbiginko れんぽうじゅんびぎんこう |
Federal Reserve Bank (USA) |
連邦農業銀行 see styles |
renpounougyouginkou / renponogyoginko れんぽうのうぎょうぎんこう |
(o) Federal Farm Bank |
金銀複本位制 see styles |
kinginfukuhonisei / kinginfukuhonise きんぎんふくほんいせい |
{econ} bimetallism |
長期信用銀行 see styles |
choukishinyouginkou / chokishinyoginko ちょうきしんようぎんこう |
long-term credit bank; LTCB |
電通銀座ビル see styles |
dentsuuginzabiru / dentsuginzabiru でんつうぎんざビル |
(place-name) Dentsuuginza Building |
非洲開發銀行 非洲开发银行 see styles |
fēi zhōu kāi fā yín háng fei1 zhou1 kai1 fa1 yin2 hang2 fei chou k`ai fa yin hang fei chou kai fa yin hang |
African Development Bank |
韓国開発銀行 see styles |
kankokukaihatsuginkou / kankokukaihatsuginko かんこくかいはつぎんこう |
(org) Korean Development Bank; (o) Korean Development Bank |
香港上海銀行 see styles |
honkonshanhaiginkou / honkonshanhaiginko ほんこんしゃんはいぎんこう |
(org) Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation; Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited; HSBC; (o) Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation; Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited; HSBC |
香港銀行公會 香港银行公会 see styles |
xiāng gǎng yín háng gōng huì xiang1 gang3 yin2 hang2 gong1 hui4 hsiang kang yin hang kung hui |
Hong Kong Association of Banks |
銀蜻蜓(oK) see styles |
ginyanma; ginyanma ぎんやんま; ギンヤンマ |
(kana only) lesser emperor (species of dragonfly, Anax parthenope) |
銀蜻蜓(rK) see styles |
ginyanma; ginyanma ぎんやんま; ギンヤンマ |
(kana only) lesser emperor (Anax parthenope) |
Variations: |
ginbura(銀bura); ginbura(銀bura) ぎんぶら(銀ぶら); ぎんブラ(銀ブラ) |
(n,vs,vi) (dated) (See 銀座・ぎんざ・1) strolling in Ginza |
Variations: |
ginmedai; ginmedai ぎんめだい; ギンメダイ |
(kana only) silver eye (species of beardfish, Polymixia japonica) |
銀行ANSER see styles |
ginkouansaa / ginkoansa ぎんこうアンサー |
{comp} Automatic answer Network System for Electrical Request |
Variations: |
ichibugin いちぶぎん |
(See 両・りょう・4) ichibugin; Edo-period rectangular silver coin worth one quarter ryō |
アジア開発銀行 see styles |
ajiakaihatsuginkou / ajiakaihatsuginko アジアかいはつぎんこう |
Asian Development Bank; (o) Asian Development Bank |
アメリカ銀杏蟹 see styles |
amerikaichougani; amerikaichougani / amerikaichogani; amerikaichogani アメリカいちょうがに; アメリカイチョウガニ |
(kana only) Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) |
コンパクト銀河 see styles |
konpakutoginga コンパクトぎんが |
{astron} compact galaxy |
モンスター銀河 see styles |
monsutaaginga / monsutaginga モンスターぎんが |
{astron} (See スターバースト銀河・スターバーストぎんが) starburst galaxy; galaxy in the process of an exceptionally high rate of star formation |
三菱UFJ銀行 see styles |
mitsubishiyuuefujeiginkou / mitsubishiyuefujeginko みつびしユーエフジェイぎんこう |
(c) Mitsubishi UFJ Bank |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "銀" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.