There are 1150 total results for your 点 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
点滴穿石 see styles |
tentekisenseki てんてきせんせき |
(expression) (yoji) constant dripping wears away the stone; little strokes fell great oaks; limited strength, when persistently applied, can accomplish great feats |
点滴静注 see styles |
tentekijouchuu / tentekijochu てんてきじょうちゅう |
(abbreviation) {med} (See 点滴静脈注射・てんてきじょうみゃくちゅうしゃ) intravenous drip infusion; intravenous drip; drip infusion |
点状出血 see styles |
tenjoushukketsu / tenjoshukketsu てんじょうしゅっけつ |
{med} petechia; petechial hemorrhage |
くの字点 see styles |
kunojiten くのじてん |
(See 踊り字) iteration mark shaped like the hiragana "ku" (used in vertical writing to represent repetition of two or more characters) |
その点で see styles |
sonotende そのてんで |
(expression) in that respect; on that point; in that regard |
ゼロ地点 see styles |
zerochiten ゼロちてん |
ground zero |
データ点 see styles |
deetaten データてん |
{comp} data point |
ヲコト点 see styles |
okototen ヲコトてん |
marks to aid in reading Chinese classics |
一の字点 see styles |
ichinojiten いちのじてん |
(See ヽ,ヾ,ゝ,ゞ) kana iteration mark |
一人合点 see styles |
hitorigaten ひとりがてん hitorigatten ひとりがってん |
(noun/participle) rash assumption; hasty conclusion |
一星半點 一星半点 see styles |
yī xīng bàn diǎn yi1 xing1 ban4 dian3 i hsing pan tien |
just the tiniest bit; a hint of |
一点もの see styles |
ittenmono いってんもの |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) one-of-a-kind item |
一点一画 see styles |
ittenikkaku いってんいっかく |
(yoji) (See 一点一画もおろそかにしない) the dots of i's and the crosses of t's; (not neglecting) the slightest details |
一点張り see styles |
ittenbari いってんばり |
(1) persistence; single-mindedness; sticking to one point; focusing on one thing; (2) (orig. meaning) always making the same bet |
一点読み see styles |
ittenyomi いってんよみ |
{mahj} prediction of another player's winning tile or yaku |
一點一滴 一点一滴 see styles |
yī diǎn yī dī yi1 dian3 yi1 di1 i tien i ti |
bit by bit; every little bit |
一點一點 一点一点 see styles |
yī diǎn yī diǎn yi1 dian3 yi1 dian3 i tien i tien |
little by little; bit by bit; gradually |
一點就通 一点就通 see styles |
yī diǎn jiù tōng yi1 dian3 jiu4 tong1 i tien chiu t`ung i tien chiu tung |
a hint is all that is needed; understanding each other without the need to explain |
一點鄰域 一点邻域 see styles |
yī diǎn lín yù yi1 dian3 lin2 yu4 i tien lin yü |
(math.) neighborhood of a point |
三角点沢 see styles |
sankakutenzawa さんかくてんざわ |
(place-name) Sankakutenzawa |
三重焦点 see styles |
sanjuushouten / sanjushoten さんじゅうしょうてん |
trifocal |
三點全露 三点全露 see styles |
sān diǎn quán lòu san1 dian3 quan2 lou4 san tien ch`üan lou san tien chüan lou |
(slang) naked; nude |
不連続点 see styles |
furenzokuten ふれんぞくてん |
{math} discontinuity |
中間地点 see styles |
chuukanchiten / chukanchiten ちゅうかんちてん |
halfway point |
中間節点 see styles |
chuukansetten / chukansetten ちゅうかんせってん |
{comp} intermediate node |
乎古止点 see styles |
okototen をことてん |
marks to aid in reading Chinese classics |
乎己止点 see styles |
okototen をことてん |
marks to aid in reading Chinese classics |
争点整理 see styles |
soutenseiri / sotenseri そうてんせいり |
{law} procedures to determine the points at issue; pre-trial mutual disclosure and discussion of the points of contention |
事發地點 事发地点 see styles |
shì fā dì diǎn shi4 fa1 di4 dian3 shih fa ti tien |
the scene of the incident |
二の字点 see styles |
ninojiten にのじてん |
(See 踊り字) iteration mark used to represent repetition of the previous kanji (to be read using its kun'yomi) |
二十一點 二十一点 see styles |
èr shí yī diǎn er4 shi2 yi1 dian3 erh shih i tien |
blackjack (card game) |
二十五點 二十五点 see styles |
èr shí wǔ diǎn er4 shi2 wu3 dian3 erh shih wu tien nijūgo ten |
Each of the five 更 night watches is divided into five making twenty-five dian. |
二点先取 see styles |
nitensenshu にてんせんしゅ |
(noun/participle) taking (score) the first two points of the game |
二重焦点 see styles |
nijuushouten / nijushoten にじゅうしょうてん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) bifocal |
付点音符 see styles |
futenonpu ふてんおんぷ |
{music} dotted note |
伊字三點 伊字三点 see styles |
yī zì sān diǎn yi1 zi4 san1 dian3 i tzu san tien iji santen |
refers to the Sanskrit sign (?) as neither across nor upright, being of triangular shape, and indicating neither unity nor difference, before nor after. The Nirvana Sutra applies the three parts to 法身 dharmakāya, 般若 prajñā and 解脫 vimokṣa, all three being necessary to complete nirvana. It is also associated with the three eyes of Śiva. When considered across they represent fire, when upright, water. At a later period the three were joined (?) in writing. |
保守点検 see styles |
hoshutenken ほしゅてんけん |
maintenance checkup; maintenance and inspection |
傍点訳者 see styles |
boutenyakusha / botenyakusha ぼうてんやくしゃ |
(expression) (yoji) markings put on a passage by a translator; reading(surname) added by translator |
先取得点 see styles |
senshutokuten せんしゅとくてん |
first runs scored |
入り口点 see styles |
iriguchiten いりぐちてん irikuchiten いりくちてん |
entry point |
公共零點 公共零点 see styles |
gōng gòng líng diǎn gong1 gong4 ling2 dian3 kung kung ling tien |
common zeros (of system of equations) |
出生地點 出生地点 see styles |
chū shēng dì diǎn chu1 sheng1 di4 dian3 ch`u sheng ti tien chu sheng ti tien |
place of birth |
区切り点 see styles |
kugiriten くぎりてん |
{comp} breakpoint |
原点回帰 see styles |
gentenkaiki げんてんかいき |
returning to the starting point |
可圈可點 可圈可点 see styles |
kě quān kě diǎn ke3 quan1 ke3 dian3 k`o ch`üan k`o tien ko chüan ko tien |
remarkable (performance, achievement etc); worthy of praise |
合流地点 see styles |
gouryuuchiten / goryuchiten ごうりゅうちてん |
(See 合流点) confluence (of rivers); junction (of rivers, roads, etc.); meeting point (of civilizations, etc.) |
同の字点 see styles |
dounojiten / donojiten どうのじてん |
(See 々) kanji iteration mark |
同点決勝 see styles |
doutenkesshou / dotenkessho どうてんけっしょう |
play-off |
周辺節点 see styles |
shuuhensetten / shuhensetten しゅうへんせってん |
{comp} endpoint node; peripheral node |
問題の点 see styles |
mondainoten もんだいのてん |
point in dispute |
單點故障 单点故障 see styles |
dān diǎn gù zhàng dan1 dian3 gu4 zhang4 tan tien ku chang |
single point of failure |
單點登錄 单点登录 see styles |
dān diǎn dēng lù dan1 dian3 deng1 lu4 tan tien teng lu |
single sign-on (SSO) |
国内拠点 see styles |
kokunaikyoten こくないきょてん |
domestic locations (e.g. of a company); domestic bases |
圈圈點點 圈圈点点 see styles |
quān quan diǎn diǎn quan1 quan5 dian3 dian3 ch`üan ch`üan tien tien chüan chüan tien tien |
annotations made in a book; fig. remarks and comments; to have an opinion on everything |
圓伊三點 圆伊三点 see styles |
yuán yī sān diǎn yuan2 yi1 san1 dian3 yüan i san tien en i santen |
circle with three dots inside |
地面零點 地面零点 see styles |
dì miàn líng diǎn di4 mian4 ling2 dian3 ti mien ling tien |
ground zero |
執筆時点 see styles |
shippitsujiten しっぴつじてん |
(n,adv) at the time of writing |
基準時点 see styles |
kijunjiten きじゅんじてん |
base point in time; epoch |
多大點事 多大点事 see styles |
duō dà diǎn shì duo1 da4 dian3 shi4 to ta tien shih |
trivial matter; Big deal! |
多點觸控 多点触控 see styles |
duō diǎn chù kòng duo1 dian3 chu4 kong4 to tien ch`u k`ung to tien chu kung |
multi-touch (computing) |
太陽黒点 see styles |
taiyoukokuten / taiyokokuten たいようこくてん |
sunspot |
字送り点 see styles |
jiokuriten じおくりてん |
{comp} escapement point |
定期点検 see styles |
teikitenken / tekitenken ていきてんけん |
periodic check; periodic inspection; routine inspection |
定点観測 see styles |
teitenkansoku / tetenkansoku ていてんかんそく |
fixed point observation |
定點企業 定点企业 see styles |
dìng diǎn qǐ yè ding4 dian3 qi3 ye4 ting tien ch`i yeh ting tien chi yeh |
a specialized enterprise |
実小数点 see styles |
jitsushousuuten / jitsushosuten じつしょうすうてん |
{comp} actual decimal point |
居民點兒 居民点儿 see styles |
jū mín diǎn r ju1 min2 dian3 r5 chü min tien r |
variant of 居民點|居民点[ju1 min2 dian3] |
差一點兒 差一点儿 see styles |
chà yī diǎn r cha4 yi1 dian3 r5 ch`a i tien r cha i tien r |
erhua variant of 差一點|差一点[cha4 yi1 dian3] |
廢物點心 废物点心 see styles |
fèi wù diǎn xin fei4 wu4 dian3 xin5 fei wu tien hsin |
(coll.) a good-for-nothing; a loser |
得失点差 see styles |
tokushitsutensa とくしつてんさ |
{sports} goal difference; goal differential |
戰略要點 战略要点 see styles |
zhàn lüè yào diǎn zhan4 lu:e4 yao4 dian3 chan lu:e yao tien |
strategic point |
投票地點 投票地点 see styles |
tóu piào dì diǎn tou2 piao4 di4 dian3 t`ou p`iao ti tien tou piao ti tien |
voting place |
拠点空港 see styles |
kyotenkuukou / kyotenkuko きょてんくうこう |
(See ハブ空港・ハブくうこう) hub airport |
指指點點 指指点点 see styles |
zhǐ zhǐ diǎn diǎn zhi3 zhi3 dian3 dian3 chih chih tien tien |
to gesticulate; to point out; to point the finger of blame |
指點江山 指点江山 see styles |
zhǐ diǎn jiāng shān zhi3 dian3 jiang1 shan1 chih tien chiang shan |
to talk idly about important matters (idiom); to set the world to rights; to pass judgment on everything |
指點迷津 指点迷津 see styles |
zhǐ diǎn mí jīn zhi3 dian3 mi2 jin1 chih tien mi chin |
to show sb how to get to the right path |
接点保護 see styles |
settenhogo せってんほご |
{comp} contact protection |
接点入力 see styles |
settennyuuryoku / settennyuryoku せってんにゅうりょく |
{comp} contact input |
接点跳動 see styles |
settenchoudou / settenchodo せってんちょうどう |
{comp} contact bounce |
文不加點 文不加点 see styles |
wén bù jiā diǎn wen2 bu4 jia1 dian3 wen pu chia tien |
to write a flawless essay in one go (idiom); to be quick-witted and skilled at writing compositions |
旅遊景點 旅游景点 see styles |
lǚ yóu jǐng diǎn lu:3 you2 jing3 dian3 lü yu ching tien |
tourist attraction; travel sight |
旅遊熱點 旅游热点 see styles |
lǚ yóu rè diǎn lu:3 you2 re4 dian3 lü yu je tien |
a hot tourist attraction; a tourist trap |
有一點兒 有一点儿 see styles |
yǒu yī diǎn r you3 yi1 dian3 r5 yu i tien r |
a bit; a little |
果焰糕點 果焰糕点 see styles |
guǒ yàn gāo diǎn guo3 yan4 gao1 dian3 kuo yen kao tien |
fruit tart |
栄養満点 see styles |
eiyoumanten / eyomanten えいようまんてん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) highly nourishing (nutritious); earning top marks nutrition-wise |
格子点間 see styles |
koushitenkan / koshitenkan こうしてんかん |
{physics} interstice |
標點符號 标点符号 see styles |
biāo diǎn fú hào biao1 dian3 fu2 hao4 piao tien fu hao |
punctuation; a punctuation mark |
歷史觀點 历史观点 see styles |
lì shǐ guān diǎn li4 shi3 guan1 dian3 li shih kuan tien |
historical standpoint |
水準原点 see styles |
suijungenten すいじゅんげんてん |
primary benchmark (surveying); fundamental benchmark; (place-name) Suijungenten |
浮點運算 浮点运算 see styles |
fú diǎn yùn suàn fu2 dian3 yun4 suan4 fu tien yün suan |
floating point operation |
清點帳目 清点帐目 see styles |
qīng diǎn zhàng mù qing1 dian3 zhang4 mu4 ch`ing tien chang mu ching tien chang mu |
to check the accounts; to take stock |
減点主義 see styles |
gentenshugi げんてんしゅぎ |
demerit system; points-off system |
源點地址 源点地址 see styles |
yuán diǎn dì zhǐ yuan2 dian3 di4 zhi3 yüan tien ti chih |
source address |
溶接打点 see styles |
yousetsudaten / yosetsudaten ようせつだてん |
welding point |
演出地點 演出地点 see styles |
yǎn chū dì diǎn yan3 chu1 di4 dian3 yen ch`u ti tien yen chu ti tien |
performance place; CL:處|处[chu4] |
火が点く see styles |
higatsuku ひがつく |
(Godan verb with "ku" ending) to catch fire; to provoke; to catch fire from; to be ignited |
火点し頃 see styles |
hitomoshigoro ひともしごろ hitoboshigoro ひとぼしごろ |
early evening; dusk; lamp-lighting time; lighting-up time |
灯点し頃 see styles |
hitomoshigoro ひともしごろ |
early evening; dusk; lamp-lighting time; lighting-up time |
無窮遠點 无穷远点 see styles |
wú qióng yuǎn diǎn wu2 qiong2 yuan3 dian3 wu ch`iung yüan tien wu chiung yüan tien |
point at infinity (math.); infinitely distant point |
無線熱點 无线热点 see styles |
wú xiàn rè diǎn wu2 xian4 re4 dian3 wu hsien je tien |
Wi-Fi hotspot |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "点" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.