There are 747 total results for your 灯 search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
tourou / toro とうろう |
garden lantern; hanging lantern |
Variations: |
katou; gatou / kato; gato かとう; がとう |
pottery lantern (curved conical shape) |
Variations: |
goshintou; gojintou / goshinto; gojinto ごしんとう; ごじんとう |
(1) (See 御灯,神灯) light used as a religious offering; (2) paper lantern (hung up near the door of performers and geishas) |
Variations: |
ishidourou; ishitourou / ishidoro; ishitoro いしどうろう; いしとうろう |
(See 灯篭) stone lantern |
Variations: |
suzurantou / suzuranto すずらんとう |
street light shaped as a lily-of-the-valley |
Variations: |
mawaridourou / mawaridoro まわりどうろう |
revolving lantern |
Variations: |
chouchin / chochin ちょうちん |
(1) paper lantern; Chinese lantern; Japanese lantern; (2) (colloquialism) (See 鼻ちょうちん) snot bubble |
Variations: |
chouchin / chochin ちょうちん |
(1) paper lantern; Chinese lantern; Japanese lantern; (2) (提灯 only) (kana only) (colloquialism) (See 鼻ちょうちん) snot bubble |
Variations: |
kaichuudentou / kaichudento かいちゅうでんとう |
(electric) torch; flashlight |
Variations: |
chouchinkiji / chochinkiji ちょうちんきじ |
(See 提灯持ち・2) puff piece (in a newspaper, etc.); flatteringly exaggerated article; sycophantic article |
Variations: |
hiakari(灯明kari, 灯明ri); hoakari ひあかり(灯明かり, 灯明り); ほあかり |
lamplight; torchlight |
Variations: |
hiotsukeru ひをつける |
(exp,v1) to turn on the light |
Variations: |
toudaigusaka(toudaigusa科); toudaigusaka(灯台草科, 燈台草科) / todaigusaka(todaigusa科); todaigusaka(灯台草科, 燈台草科) トウダイグサか(トウダイグサ科); とうだいぐさか(灯台草科, 燈台草科) |
Euphorbiaceae (family of flowering plants) |
Variations: |
tomosu(p); tobosu ともす(P); とぼす |
(transitive verb) to light (a candle, lamp, etc.); to turn on (a light) |
Variations: |
gandougaeshi; gantougaeshi / gandogaeshi; gantogaeshi がんどうがえし; がんとうがえし |
rotating stage machinery, which rolls backwards 90 degrees to reveal the next scene |
Variations: |
tsukiakari つきあかり |
moonlight |
Variations: |
tomosu(p); tobosu ともす(P); とぼす |
(transitive verb) to light (a candle, lamp, etc.); to turn on (a light) |
Variations: |
toushin / toshin とうしん |
(lamp) wick |
Variations: |
tomoshibi ともしび |
light; lamp; torch |
Variations: |
miakashi; gotou(御灯); mitou(御灯) / miakashi; goto(御灯); mito(御灯) みあかし; ごとう(御灯); みとう(御灯) |
lighted lamp (or candle, etc.) provided as a religious offering |
Variations: |
ishidourou / ishidoro いしどうろう |
(See 灯籠) stone lantern |
Variations: |
nokiakari のきあかり |
(obsolete) eaves lantern |
Variations: |
chouchinmochi / chochinmochi ちょうちんもち |
(1) lantern bearer; (2) flatterer; booster; brown-noser |
Variations: |
mawaridourou / mawaridoro まわりどうろう |
revolving lantern |
Variations: |
tourou / toro とうろう |
garden lantern; hanging lantern |
Variations: |
kaitomoshi かいともし |
(See 釣り灯籠) lantern hanging from the eaves of a temple or shrine |
Variations: |
akari あかり |
(1) (明かり, 明り only) light; illumination; glow; gleam; (2) (See 明かりを消す) lamp; light |
Variations: |
hi(灯)(p); touka(灯火, 燈火)(p); tomoshibi / hi(灯)(p); toka(灯火, 燈火)(p); tomoshibi ひ(灯)(P); とうか(灯火, 燈火)(P); ともしび |
light; lamp; torch |
Variations: |
keikoutou / kekoto けいこうとう |
(1) fluorescent lamp; fluorescent light; (2) person who is slow to react; someone slow on the uptake |
Variations: |
tsukiakari つきあかり |
moonlight |
Variations: |
kirikumitouroue / kirikumitoroe きりくみとうろうえ |
paper diorama (made from a woodblock print) |
Variations: |
gasutou / gasuto ガスとう |
gas light; gas lamp |
Variations: |
gasutou / gasuto ガスとう |
gas light; gas lamp |
Variations: |
soumatounoyounikakemeguru / somatonoyonikakemeguru そうまとうのようにかけめぐる |
(exp,v5r) (See 走馬灯・2) to flash before one's eyes (of memories, etc.) |
Variations: |
hanachouchin; hanajouchin(鼻提灯, 洟提灯) / hanachochin; hanajochin(鼻提灯, 洟提灯) はなちょうちん; はなぢょうちん(鼻提灯, 洟提灯) |
snot bubble |
Variations: |
akari あかり |
(1) (明かり only) light; glow; gleam; (2) (also written as 灯火) (a) light; lights; lamp; (3) (明かり only) (dated) proof (of innocence) |
Variations: |
fuuzennotomoshibi / fuzennotomoshibi ふうぜんのともしび |
(exp,n) (idiom) precarious situation; precarious state |
Variations: |
doudantsutsuji; doudantsutsuji / dodantsutsuji; dodantsutsuji どうだんつつじ; ドウダンツツジ |
(kana only) Enkianthus perulatus (species of flowering plant) |
Variations: |
amerikashirohitori; amerikashirohitori アメリカシロヒトリ; アメリカしろひとり |
(kana only) fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea) |
Variations: |
chuurenpootoo; chuurenpoutou; chuurenpaotou / churenpootoo; churenpoto; churenpaoto チューレンポートー; チューレンポウトウ; チューレンパオトウ |
{mahj} nine gates (chi: jiǔliánbǎodēng); winning hand composed of 1-1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-9-9 of the same suit plus one additional tile of the same suit |
Variations: |
tsumenihiotomosu つめにひをともす |
(exp,v5s) (idiom) to lead a stingy life; to scrimp and save; to pinch pennies; to light one's (finger)nails (instead of a candle) |
Variations: |
fuuzennotomoshibi / fuzennotomoshibi ふうぜんのともしび |
(exp,n) (idiom) precarious situation; precarious state |
Variations: |
keikoutou / kekoto けいこうとう |
(1) fluorescent lamp; fluorescent light; (2) (dated) person who is slow to react; someone slow on the uptake |
Variations: |
hitomoshigoro; hitoboshigoro(火点shi頃, 火点shigoro, 火点頃) ひともしごろ; ひとぼしごろ(火点し頃, 火点しごろ, 火点頃) |
early evening; dusk; lamp-lighting time; lighting-up time |
Variations: |
chuurenpootoo; chuurenpoutou; chuurenpaotou / churenpootoo; churenpoto; churenpaoto チューレンポートー; チューレンポウトウ; チューレンパオトウ |
{mahj} nine gates (chi: jiǔliánbǎodēng); winning hand composed of 1-1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-9-9 of the same suit plus one additional tile of the same suit |
Variations: |
akitakantoumatsuri / akitakantomatsuri あきたかんとうまつり |
Akita Kantō Festival (3-6 August) |
Variations: |
soumatounoyounikakemeguru / somatonoyonikakemeguru そうまとうのようにかけめぐる |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) (See 走馬灯・2) to flash before one's eyes (of memories, etc.) |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.