There are 1075 total results for your 死 search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
生死輪廻 see styles |
shoujirinne / shojirinne しょうじりんね |
(See 生死・2) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration |
生死輪轉 生死轮转 see styles |
shēng sǐ lún zhuǎn sheng1 si3 lun2 zhuan3 sheng ssu lun chuan shōji rinten |
transmigration through birth and death |
生死長夜 生死长夜 see styles |
shēng sǐ cháng yè sheng1 si3 chang2 ye4 sheng ssu ch`ang yeh sheng ssu chang yeh shōji jōya |
The long night of births-and-deaths. |
生死關頭 生死关头 see styles |
shēng sǐ guān tóu sheng1 si3 guan1 tou2 sheng ssu kuan t`ou sheng ssu kuan tou |
the critical moment; life and death crisis |
生病老死 see styles |
seibyouroushi / sebyoroshi せいびょうろうし |
{Buddh} birth, illness, old age and death |
生緣老死 生缘老死 see styles |
shēng yuán lǎo sǐ sheng1 yuan2 lao3 si3 sheng yüan lao ssu shō en rōshi |
birth is the condition for aging and death |
生老病死 see styles |
shēng - lǎo - bìng - sǐ sheng1 - lao3 - bing4 - si3 sheng - lao - ping - ssu shouroubyoushi / shorobyoshi しょうろうびょうし |
More info & calligraphy: Birth Old-Age Sickness Death(yoji) {Buddh} the four inevitables in human life (birth, aging, sickness, and death) Birth, age, sickness, death, the 四苦 four afflictions that are the lot of every man. The five are the above four and 苦 misery, or suffering. |
生離死別 生离死别 see styles |
shēng lí sǐ bié sheng1 li2 si3 bie2 sheng li ssu pieh |
separated in life and death; to part for ever |
白骨死体 see styles |
hakkotsushitai はっこつしたい |
skeletal remains; dry bones of a corpse; human skeleton |
相対死に see styles |
aitaijini あいたいじに |
(archaism) double suicide |
窮生死蘊 穷生死蕴 see styles |
qióng shēng sǐ yùn qiong2 sheng1 si3 yun4 ch`iung sheng ssu yün chiung sheng ssu yün kyū shōji un |
To exhaust the concomitants of reincarnation, be free from transmigration. |
窮生死陰 穷生死阴 see styles |
qióng shēng sǐ yīn qiong2 sheng1 si3 yin1 ch`iung sheng ssu yin chiung sheng ssu yin kyūshōshion |
aggregate that endures throughout transmigration |
窮生死際 穷生死际 see styles |
qióng shēng sǐ jì qiong2 sheng1 si3 ji4 ch`iung sheng ssu chi chiung sheng ssu chi kyū shōji sai |
to reach the limits of cyclic existence |
笑い死に see styles |
waraijini わらいじに |
death by laughter |
累死累活 see styles |
lèi sǐ lèi huó lei4 si3 lei4 huo2 lei ssu lei huo |
to tire oneself out through overwork; to work oneself to death |
絞殺死体 see styles |
kousatsushitai / kosatsushitai こうさつしたい |
body of a strangled person |
置之死地 see styles |
zhì zhī sǐ dì zhi4 zhi1 si3 di4 chih chih ssu ti |
to place sb on field of death; to confront with mortal danger; to give sb no way out; with one's back to the wall; looking death in the eye; part of idiom 置之死地而後生|置之死地而后生 |
胎児仮死 see styles |
taijikashi たいじかし |
{med} fetal distress; foetal distress |
胎児死亡 see styles |
taijishibou / taijishibo たいじしぼう |
fetal death (foetal); embryonic demise |
胎死腹中 see styles |
tāi sǐ fù zhōng tai1 si3 fu4 zhong1 t`ai ssu fu chung tai ssu fu chung |
fetus dies in the belly; (fig.) plans or projects failed before being carried out |
脳死判定 see styles |
noushihantei / noshihante のうしはんてい |
declaration of brain death; determination of brain death; diagnosis of brain death |
脳死移植 see styles |
noushiishoku / noshishoku のうしいしょく |
organ transplant from a brain-dead donor |
腐乱死体 see styles |
furanshitai ふらんしたい |
decomposed body; decomposing corpse |
膵臓壊死 see styles |
suizoueshi / suizoeshi すいぞうえし |
pancreatic necrosis |
臨床死亡 临床死亡 see styles |
lín chuáng sǐ wáng lin2 chuang2 si3 wang2 lin ch`uang ssu wang lin chuang ssu wang |
clinical death |
臨死不怯 临死不怯 see styles |
lín sǐ bù qiè lin2 si3 bu4 qie4 lin ssu pu ch`ieh lin ssu pu chieh |
equanimity in the face of death; to face dangers with assurance |
臨死体験 see styles |
rinshitaiken りんしたいけん |
near-death experience |
自尋死路 自寻死路 see styles |
zì xún sǐ lù zi4 xun2 si3 lu4 tzu hsün ssu lu |
to follow the path to one's own doom (idiom); to bring about one's own destruction |
自死遺児 see styles |
jishiiji / jishiji じしいじ |
child who has survived the suicide of a parent; child of a person who committed suicide |
自死遺族 see styles |
jishiizoku / jishizoku じしいぞく |
suicide survivor (i.e. family member of someone who has committed suicide); survivor of suicide |
致死劑量 致死剂量 see styles |
zhì sǐ jì liàng zhi4 si3 ji4 liang4 chih ssu chi liang |
lethal dose |
致死因子 see styles |
chishiinshi / chishinshi ちしいんし |
(rare) (See 致死遺伝子) lethal factor; lethal gene |
致死注射 see styles |
chishichuusha / chishichusha ちしちゅうしゃ |
lethal injection |
萬死不辭 万死不辞 see styles |
wàn sǐ bù cí wan4 si3 bu4 ci2 wan ssu pu tz`u wan ssu pu tzu |
ten thousand deaths will not prevent me (idiom); ready to risk life and limb to help out |
藍屏死機 蓝屏死机 see styles |
lán píng sǐ jī lan2 ping2 si3 ji1 lan p`ing ssu chi lan ping ssu chi |
(computing) (of an operating system) to crash and display the "blue screen of death" |
表皮壊死 see styles |
hyouhieshi / hyohieshi ひょうひえし |
{med} epidermal necrolysis |
要死不活 see styles |
yào sǐ bù huó yao4 si3 bu4 huo2 yao ssu pu huo |
half dead; more dead than alive |
要死要活 see styles |
yào sǐ yào huó yao4 si3 yao4 huo2 yao ssu yao huo |
terribly; awfully; desperately |
視死如歸 视死如归 see styles |
shì sǐ rú guī shi4 si3 ru2 gui1 shih ssu ju kuei |
to view death as a return home; to not be afraid of dying; to face death with equanimity (idiom) |
討ち死に see styles |
uchijini うちじに |
(noun/participle) (sensitive word) die in battle; die in action |
認定死亡 see styles |
ninteishibou / ninteshibo にんていしぼう |
{law} declared death without identification of a body |
認死扣兒 认死扣儿 see styles |
rèn sǐ kòu r ren4 si3 kou4 r5 jen ssu k`ou r jen ssu kou r |
stubborn |
認死理兒 认死理儿 see styles |
rèn sǐ lǐ r ren4 si3 li3 r5 jen ssu li r |
erhua variant of 認死理|认死理[ren4 si3 li3] |
誓死不從 誓死不从 see styles |
shì sǐ bù cóng shi4 si3 bu4 cong2 shih ssu pu ts`ung shih ssu pu tsung |
to vow to die rather than obey (idiom) |
誓死不降 see styles |
shì sǐ bù xiáng shi4 si3 bu4 xiang2 shih ssu pu hsiang |
to vow to fight to the death |
變易生死 变易生死 see styles |
biàn yì shēng sǐ bian4 yi4 sheng1 si3 pien i sheng ssu ben'i shōji |
Mortal changes, or a body that is being transformed from mortality, e.g. 變易身 bodies that are being transformed in a Pure Land, or transformed bodies. |
貪生怕死 贪生怕死 see styles |
tān shēng pà sǐ tan1 sheng1 pa4 si3 t`an sheng p`a ssu tan sheng pa ssu |
greedy for life, afraid of death (idiom); craven and cowardly; clinging abjectly to life; only interested in saving one's neck |
起死回生 see styles |
qǐ sǐ huí shēng qi3 si3 hui2 sheng1 ch`i ssu hui sheng chi ssu hui sheng kishikaisei / kishikaise きしかいせい |
to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery (noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) revival from the brink of death; recovering from a hopeless situation; resuscitation; revitalization |
超過死亡 see styles |
choukashibou / chokashibo ちょうかしぼう |
excess deaths; excess mortality |
輪廻生死 see styles |
rinneshouji / rinneshoji りんねしょうじ |
{Buddh} the circle of reincarnation |
過労自死 see styles |
karoujishi / karojishi かろうじし |
(See 過労自殺) suicide brought on by excessive overwork |
過失致死 see styles |
kashitsuchishi かしつちし |
involuntary manslaughter; accidental homicide; negligent homicide |
酔生夢死 see styles |
suiseimushi; suiseiboushi / suisemushi; suiseboshi すいせいむし; すいせいぼうし |
(yoji) idling one's life away; living to no purpose |
醉生夢死 醉生梦死 see styles |
zuì shēng mèng sǐ zui4 sheng1 meng4 si3 tsui sheng meng ssu |
as if drunk or entranced (idiom); leading a befuddled existence; in a drunken stupor |
長生不死 长生不死 see styles |
cháng shēng bù sǐ chang2 sheng1 bu4 si3 ch`ang sheng pu ssu chang sheng pu ssu |
immortality |
雖死猶榮 虽死犹荣 see styles |
suī sǐ yóu róng sui1 si3 you2 rong2 sui ssu yu jung |
lit. although dead, also honored; died a glorious death |
雖死猶生 虽死犹生 see styles |
suī sǐ yóu shēng sui1 si3 you2 sheng1 sui ssu yu sheng |
lit. although dead, as if still alive (idiom); still with us in spirit |
離生死海 离生死海 see styles |
lí shēng sǐ hǎi li2 sheng1 si3 hai3 li sheng ssu hai ri shōji kai |
free from the ocean of cyclic existence |
非業の死 see styles |
higounoshi / higonoshi ひごうのし |
(exp,n) unnatural death; violent death |
非死不可 see styles |
fēi sǐ bù kě fei1 si3 bu4 ke3 fei ssu pu k`o fei ssu pu ko |
Facebook (Internet slang, pun reading "you must die") |
非犯罪死 see styles |
hihanzaishi ひはんざいし |
(See 犯罪死) death not caused by a violent crime (excl. dying of natural causes) |
風不死岳 see styles |
fuppushidake ふっぷしだけ |
(personal name) Fuppushidake |
飢え死に see styles |
katsuejini かつえじに uejini うえじに |
(noun/participle) (sensitive word) (death from) starvation; starving to death |
養生送死 养生送死 see styles |
yǎng shēng sòng sǐ yang3 sheng1 song4 si3 yang sheng sung ssu |
to be looked after in life and given a proper burial thereafter (idiom) |
餓え死に see styles |
katsuejini かつえじに uejini うえじに |
(noun/participle) (sensitive word) (death from) starvation; starving to death |
餓死寸前 see styles |
gashisunzen がしすんぜん |
being on the verge of starvation; being about to starve |
鬼利死丹 see styles |
kirishitan きりしたん |
(ateji / phonetic) (kana only) early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period) (por: cristao); early Japanese Christian |
鬼理死丹 see styles |
kirishitan きりしたん |
(ateji / phonetic) (kana only) early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period) (por: cristao); early Japanese Christian |
魂不死説 see styles |
tamashiifushisetsu / tamashifushisetsu たましいふしせつ |
(rare) (theory of) the immortality of the soul |
魚死網破 鱼死网破 see styles |
yú sǐ wǎng pò yu2 si3 wang3 po4 yü ssu wang p`o yü ssu wang po |
lit. either the fish dies or the net splits; a life and death struggle (idiom) |
鹿死誰手 鹿死谁手 see styles |
lù sǐ shei shǒu lu4 si3 shei2 shou3 lu ssu shei shou |
lit. at whose hand will the deer die (idiom); fig. who will emerge victorious |
Variations: |
shikan しかん |
necrophilia; necrophilism |
Variations: |
shisho ししょ |
place of death; place to die |
Variations: |
shidoku しどく |
ptomaine poisoning |
Variations: |
shibotsu しぼつ |
(n,vs,vi) death |
Variations: |
shiniku しにく |
dead flesh; carrion |
Variations: |
shishuu / shishu ししゅう |
putrid smell of a corpse |
死なば諸共 see styles |
shinabamorotomo しなばもろとも |
(expression) (idiom) Die all together; Go to the grave together |
死にかかる see styles |
shinikakaru しにかかる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to be dying |
死にかける see styles |
shinikakeru しにかける |
(Ichidan verb) to be dying; to be about to die; to be close to death |
死にゆく者 see styles |
shiniyukumono しにゆくもの |
dying person; the dying |
死に別れる see styles |
shiniwakareru しにわかれる |
(v1,vi) to be separated by death |
死に変わる see styles |
shinikawaru しにかわる |
(v5r,vi) to die and be reborn as something else |
死に後れる see styles |
shiniokureru しにおくれる |
(v1,vi) to outlive |
死に掛かる see styles |
shinikakaru しにかかる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to be dying |
死に掛ける see styles |
shinikakeru しにかける |
(Ichidan verb) to be dying; to be about to die; to be close to death |
死に損ない see styles |
shinizokonai しにぞこない |
(exp,n) (1) (See 死に損なう・しにそこなう) person who has escaped death; failed suicide; (exp,n) (2) person who has outlived their time; dotard; doddering old man |
死に損なう see styles |
shinisokonau しにそこなう |
(exp,v5u) to fail to die (e.g. after suicide attempt or accident); to survive; to outlive |
死に物狂い see styles |
shinimonogurui しにものぐるい |
(exp,n,adj-no) desperation; struggle to the death |
死に絶える see styles |
shinitaeru しにたえる |
(v1,vi) to die out; to become extinct |
死に至る病 see styles |
shiniitaruyamai / shinitaruyamai しにいたるやまい |
(exp,n) deadly disease; sickness unto death |
死に遅れる see styles |
shiniokureru しにおくれる |
(v1,vi) to outlive |
死ぬ迄戦う see styles |
shinumadetatakau しぬまでたたかう |
(exp,v5u) to fight to the last (death) |
死を迎える see styles |
shiomukaeru しをむかえる |
(exp,v1) to approach (one's) death; to face (one's) death |
死んだふり see styles |
shindafuri しんだふり |
(noun/participle) playing dead |
死んだ振り see styles |
shindafuri しんだふり |
(noun/participle) playing dead |
死んでいる see styles |
shindeiru / shinderu しんでいる |
(exp,v1) to be dead; to be lifeless |
死亡保険金 see styles |
shibouhokenkin / shibohokenkin しぼうほけんきん |
death benefit; life insurance payout |
死亡給付金 see styles |
shiboukyuufukin / shibokyufukin しぼうきゅうふきん |
death benefit |
死亡診断書 see styles |
shiboushindansho / shiboshindansho しぼうしんだんしょ |
death certificate |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "死" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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