There are 989 total results for your 割 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
関屋堀割町 see styles |
sekiyahoriwarichiyou / sekiyahoriwarichiyo せきやほりわりちよう |
(place-name) Sekiyahoriwarichiyou |
関税割当制 see styles |
kanzeiwariatesei / kanzewariatese かんぜいわりあてせい |
tariff quota system |
面が割れる see styles |
mengawareru めんがわれる |
(exp,v1) to be identified |
Variations: |
warishita わりした |
(abbreviation) {food} (See 割り下地) sukiyaki stock; stock mixed with soy sauce, mirin and sugar (used to flavor sukiyaki) |
Variations: |
warimae わりまえ |
share; portion; quota |
Variations: |
wariin / warin わりいん |
seal over the edges of adjacent sheets; tally impression |
Variations: |
wariki わりき |
split firewood |
Variations: |
warizai わりざい |
(1) split log; split timber; (2) mixer (for an alcoholic drink) |
Variations: |
warichuu / warichu わりちゅう |
{print} warichū; explanatory notes inserted between lines; interlinear notes; typesetting of parenthetical comments into two half-sized columns of text |
Variations: |
warime わりめ |
crack; split; break; fracture |
Variations: |
wariishi / warishi わりいし |
broken stones; rubble |
Variations: |
warimugi わりむぎ |
ground barley; cracked barley |
Variations: |
warihan; wariban わりはん; わりばん |
(See 割り印) seal over the edges of adjacent sheets; tally impression |
Variations: |
wariin / warin わりいん |
seal over the edges of adjacent sheets; tally impression |
Variations: |
wariguri わりぐり |
(abbreviation) (See 割栗石) crushed stone; hardcore; macadam |
Variations: |
kappou / kappo かっぽう |
(1) cooking (esp. Japanese style); cuisine; (2) (See 割烹店) (Japanese) restaurant |
Variations: |
waridake; waritake わりだけ; わりたけ |
(1) split bamboo; bamboo slat; bamboo split; (2) noisy bamboo baton used by night watchmen (Edo period) |
Variations: |
warifu; wappu(割符) わりふ; わっぷ(割符) |
tally; check; piece of wood or paper split in half and given to each party as a form of proof (e.g. of a transaction) |
割りきれない see styles |
warikirenai わりきれない |
(adjective) indivisible; unconvincing; incomprehensible; unaccounted for |
割り切れない see styles |
warikirenai わりきれない |
(adjective) indivisible; unconvincing; incomprehensible; unaccounted for |
割り増し手当 see styles |
warimashiteate わりましてあて |
salary supplement, e.g. for work performed at inconvenient times or as overtime allowance usually for so-called exempt workers, i.e. workers who are expected to work a certain number of overtime hours |
割り増し料金 see styles |
warimashiryoukin / warimashiryokin わりましりょうきん |
surcharge; extra charge |
割り干し大根 see styles |
wariboshidaikon わりぼしだいこん |
strips of daikon sliced the long way and dried |
割り込み信号 see styles |
warikomishingou / warikomishingo わりこみしんごう |
{comp} interrupt signal |
割り込み方式 see styles |
warikomihoushiki / warikomihoshiki わりこみほうしき |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {comp} interrupt-driven |
割り込み要求 see styles |
warikomiyoukyuu / warikomiyokyu わりこみようきゅう |
{comp} Interrupt Request; IRQ |
割付けの流れ see styles |
waritsukenonagare わりつけのながれ |
{comp} layout stream |
割付け対象体 see styles |
waritsuketaishoutai / waritsuketaishotai わりつけたいしょうたい |
{comp} layout object |
割引サービス see styles |
waribikisaabisu / waribikisabisu わりびきサービス |
{comp} reduced rate service; discounted service |
割石トンネル see styles |
wariishitonneru / warishitonneru わりいしトンネル |
(place-name) Wariishi Tunnel |
割礼を受ける see styles |
katsureioukeru / katsureokeru かつれいをうける |
(exp,v1) to undergo circumcision; to be circumcised |
割雞焉用牛刀 割鸡焉用牛刀 see styles |
gē jī yān yòng niú dāo ge1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1 ko chi yen yung niu tao |
lit. why use a pole-ax to slaughter a chicken? (idiom); fig. to waste effort on a trifling matter; also written 殺雞焉用牛刀|杀鸡焉用牛刀[sha1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1] |
Variations: |
juuwari / juwari じゅうわり |
one hundred percent; everything; all |
Variations: |
daiwari だいわり |
draft of a magazine's content (usu. a table showing the allocation of each page) |
Variations: |
jiwari じわり |
(noun, transitive verb) allotment (of land); parcelling out |
Variations: |
sekiwari せきわり |
(1) seat allocation; (2) (See 寄席) fee paid to a performer (at a vaudeville hall); appearance fee |
Variations: |
hiwari ひわり |
(1) daily rate; (2) (day-by-day) schedule; program |
Variations: |
itawari いたわり |
{MA} board breaking; board splitting |
Variations: |
tanawari たなわり |
shelving allocation; planogram |
Variations: |
sewari せわり |
(1) slicing a fish down its back; (2) slit in the back of a garment; (3) split in a piece of lumber (to prevent splitting when drying) |
Variations: |
makiwari まきわり |
(1) hatchet; axe; (noun/participle) (2) wood-chopping; wood-splitting |
Variations: |
kagamiwari かがみわり |
breaking open a ceremonial sake barrel |
Variations: |
yukiwari ゆきわり |
(rare) breaking and removing frozen snow to expose the ground |
Variations: |
atamawari あたまわり |
sharing equally (costs, profits, etc.); splitting equally |
その割りには see styles |
sonowariniha そのわりには |
(expression) unexpectedly; unusually; considering all that |
キー割り当て see styles |
kiiwariate / kiwariate キーわりあて |
(computer terminology) key assignment |
シルバー割引 see styles |
shirubaawaribiki / shirubawaribiki シルバーわりびき |
(See シルバー・2) senior discount |
ファイル分割 see styles |
fairubunkatsu ファイルぶんかつ |
{comp} file section |
リソース割当 see styles |
risoosuwariate リソースわりあて |
{comp} resource allocation, assignment |
一乗寺割ケ谷 see styles |
ichijoujiwarigadani / ichijojiwarigadani いちじょうじわりがだに |
(place-name) Ichijōjiwarigadani |
内部割り込み see styles |
naibuwarikomi ないぶわりこみ |
{comp} internal interrupt |
分割プロット see styles |
bunkatsupurotto ぶんかつプロット |
{comp} subplot |
原価を割って see styles |
genkaowatte げんかをわって |
(expression) below cost |
四方東野割町 see styles |
yokatahigashinowarimachi よかたひがしのわりまち |
(place-name) Yokatahigashinowarimachi |
四方西野割町 see styles |
yokatanishinowarimachi よかたにしのわりまち |
(place-name) Yokatanishinowarimachi |
均等割り付け see styles |
kintouwaritsuke / kintowaritsuke きんとうわりつけ |
(computer terminology) equal space |
増分割り当て see styles |
zoubunwariate / zobunwariate ぞうぶんわりあて |
{comp} secondary space allocation |
売上割り戻し see styles |
uriagewarimodoshi うりあげわりもどし |
sales rebate |
外部割り込み see styles |
gaibuwarikomi がいぶわりこみ |
{comp} external interrupt |
大引割小引割 see styles |
oohikiwarikohikiwari おおひきわりこひきわり |
(place-name) Oohikiwarikohikiwari |
帯域割り当て see styles |
taiikiwariate / taikiwariate たいいきわりあて |
bandwidth allocation |
役を割り振る see styles |
yakuowarifuru やくをわりふる |
(exp,v5r) to assign a role to an actor |
役割を果たす see styles |
yakuwariohatasu やくわりをはたす |
(exp,v5s) to play a role; to serve a function; to play a part |
役割を演じる see styles |
yakuwarioenjiru やくわりをえんじる |
(exp,v1) to carry out a role |
役割を演ずる see styles |
yakuwarioenzuru やくわりをえんずる |
(exp,vz) (See 役割を演じる・やくわりをえんじる) to carry out a role |
応力腐食割れ see styles |
ouryokufushokuware / oryokufushokuware おうりょくふしょくわれ |
stress corrosion cracking |
性別役割分業 see styles |
seibetsuyakuwaribungyou / sebetsuyakuwaribungyo せいべつやくわりぶんぎょう |
division of labor by gender role |
文書割付け根 see styles |
bunshowaritsukekon ぶんしょわりつけこん |
{comp} document layout root |
新寺町新割町 see styles |
shinteramachishinwarichou / shinteramachishinwaricho しんてらまちしんわりちょう |
(place-name) Shinteramachishinwarichō |
旭町上条中割 see styles |
asahimachikamijounakawari / asahimachikamijonakawari あさひまちかみじょうなかわり |
(place-name) Asahimachikamijōnakawari |
旭町上条北割 see styles |
asahimachikamijoukitawari / asahimachikamijokitawari あさひまちかみじょうきたわり |
(place-name) Asahimachikamijōkitawari |
旭町上条南割 see styles |
asahimachikamijouminamiwari / asahimachikamijominamiwari あさひまちかみじょうみなみわり |
(place-name) Asahimachikamijōminamiwari |
旭町上條中割 see styles |
asahimachikamijounakawari / asahimachikamijonakawari あさひまちかみじょうなかわり |
(place-name) Asahimachikamijōnakawari |
旭町上條北割 see styles |
asahimachikamijoukitawari / asahimachikamijokitawari あさひまちかみじょうきたわり |
(place-name) Asahimachikamijōkitawari |
旭町上條南割 see styles |
asahimachikamijouminamiwari / asahimachikamijominamiwari あさひまちかみじょうみなみわり |
(place-name) Asahimachikamijōminamiwari |
時分割多重化 see styles |
jibunkatsutajuuka / jibunkatsutajuka じぶんかつたじゅうか |
{telec} time-division multiplexing; TDM |
災害割増特約 see styles |
saigaiwarimashitokuyaku さいがいわりましとくやく |
(insurance term) accidental death rider; AD; accidental death benefit rider |
現割付け位置 see styles |
genwaritsukeichi / genwaritsukechi げんわりつけいち |
{comp} current layout position |
碾き割り納豆 see styles |
hikiwarinattou / hikiwarinatto ひきわりなっとう |
natto made from ground soybeans |
竹を割った様 see styles |
takeowattayou / takeowattayo たけをわったよう |
(exp,adj-na) (1) clear-cut and straightforward; (2) (of a person) forward-thinking; honest; upright; frank |
符号分割多重 see styles |
fugoubunkatsutajuu / fugobunkatsutaju ふごうぶんかつたじゅう |
{comp} CDMA; Code Division Multiple Access |
第三者割当株 see styles |
daisanshawariate だいさんしゃわりあて |
{finc} private allocation (of new shares); third-party allocation (of new shares) |
縫い代を割る see styles |
nuishiroowaru ぬいしろをわる |
(exp,v5r) to stop an inside seam rolling about; to press open a seam (and open the left and right sides out) |
胡桃割り人形 see styles |
kurumiwariningyou / kurumiwariningyo くるみわりにんぎょう |
(work) The Nutcracker (ballet by Tchaikovsky); (wk) The Nutcracker (ballet by Tchaikovsky) |
貝殻状割れ口 see styles |
kaigarajouwarekuchi / kaigarajowarekuchi かいがらじょうわれくち |
conchoidal fracture |
輸入割り当て see styles |
yunyuuwariate / yunyuwariate ゆにゅうわりあて |
import quota |
割り込みベクタ see styles |
warikomibekuta わりこみベクタ |
{comp} interrupt vector |
割れ鍋に綴じ蓋 see styles |
warenabenitojibuta われなべにとじぶた |
(expression) (proverb) there is a suitable spouse for everyone; every Jack has his Jill; a mended lid for a cracked pot |
割れ鍋に閉じ蓋 see styles |
warenabenitojibuta われなべにとじぶた |
(irregular kanji usage) (expression) (proverb) there is a suitable spouse for everyone; every Jack has his Jill; a mended lid for a cracked pot |
割ヶ嶽トンネル see styles |
warigadaketonneru わりがだけトンネル |
(place-name) Warigadake Tunnel |
割込みレジスタ see styles |
warikomirejisuta わりこみレジスタ |
{comp} interrupt register |
Variations: |
hachiwarigata はちわりがた |
(adverb) about 80%; almost certainly; mostly |
Variations: |
ushizaki うしざき |
tying a person's limbs to two or four bulls and making them run in different directions (Warring States-era death penalty) |
Variations: |
warenabe われなべ |
cracked pot |
くるみ割り人形 see styles |
kurumiwariningyou / kurumiwariningyo くるみわりにんぎょう |
(work) The Nutcracker (ballet by Tchaikovsky); (wk) The Nutcracker (ballet by Tchaikovsky) |
メモリ割り当て see styles |
memoriwariate メモリわりあて |
{comp} memory allocation |
先割れスプーン see styles |
sakiwaresupuun / sakiwaresupun さきわれスプーン |
spork (spoon and fork) |
共通割付け構造 see styles |
kyoutsuuwaritsukekouzou / kyotsuwaritsukekozo きょうつうわりつけこうぞう |
{comp} generic layout structure |
分割ウィンドウ see styles |
bunkatsuindou / bunkatsuindo ぶんかつウィンドウ |
split window |
動的な帯域割当 see styles |
doutekinataiikiwariate / dotekinataikiwariate どうてきなたいいきわりあて |
{comp} dynamic bandwidth allocation |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "割" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.