There are 1173 total results for your 健 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
大島健一 see styles |
ooshimakenichi おおしまけんいち |
(person) Ooshima Ken'ichi (1858.6.19-1947.3.24) |
大柴健二 see styles |
ooshibakenji おおしばけんじ |
(person) Ooshiba Kenji (1973.11-) |
大森健作 see styles |
oomorikensaku おおもりけんさく |
(person) Oomori Kensaku (1975.11.21-) |
大葉健二 see styles |
oobakenji おおばけんじ |
(person) Ooba Kenji (1955.2.5-) |
大西健丞 see styles |
oonishikensuke おおにしけんすけ |
(person) Oonishi Kensuke |
大野健一 see styles |
oonokenichi おおのけんいち |
(person) Oono Ken'ichi |
太田健一 see styles |
ootakenichi おおたけんいち |
(person) Oota Ken'ichi (1964.11-) |
奥野健男 see styles |
okunotakeo おくのたけお |
(person) Okuno Takeo |
妊婦健診 see styles |
ninpukenshin にんぷけんしん |
{med} (See 周産期医療,出生前診断) prenatal checkup; pregnancy checkup; prenatal care; antenatal care |
学校保健 see styles |
gakkouhoken / gakkohoken がっこうほけん |
school health |
宇津井健 see styles |
utsuiken うついけん |
(person) Utsui Ken (1931.10-) |
宮内健樹 see styles |
miyauchitakeki みやうちたけき |
(m,h) Miyauchi Takeki |
宮田健右 see styles |
miyatakensuke みやたけんすけ |
(person) Miyata Kensuke |
富島健夫 see styles |
tomishimatakeo とみしまたけお |
(person) Tomishima Takeo |
富永健哉 see styles |
tominagakenya とみながけんや |
(person) Tominaga Ken'ya |
小宮健吾 see styles |
komiyakengo こみやけんご |
(person) Komiya Kengo (1949.2.26-) |
小山健二 see styles |
koyamakenji こやまけんじ |
(person) Koyama Kenji (1972.9.5-) |
小峰健嗣 see styles |
kominetakeshi こみねたけし |
(person) Komine Takeshi |
小島健二 see styles |
kojimakenji こじまけんじ |
(person) Kojima Kenji (1960.5.2-) |
小杉健治 see styles |
kosugikenji こすぎけんじ |
(person) Kosugi Kenji (1947-) |
小林健二 see styles |
kobayashikenji こばやしけんじ |
(person) Kobayashi Kenji |
小林健太 see styles |
kobayashikenta こばやしけんた |
(person) Kobayashi Kenta (1981.3.12-) |
小橋健太 see styles |
kohashikenta こはしけんた |
(person) Kohashi Kenta (1967.3.27-) |
小沢健二 see styles |
ozawakenji おざわけんじ |
(person) Ozawa Kenji (1968.4-) |
尼健子經 尼健子经 see styles |
ní jiàn zǐ jīng ni2 jian4 zi3 jing1 ni chien tzu ching Nikenshi kyō |
Nirgrantha-sūtra |
尾上健司 see styles |
onouekenji / onoekenji おのうえけんじ |
(person) Onoue Kenji (1978.5.12-) |
尾崎健夫 see styles |
ozakitateo おざきたてお |
(person) Ozaki Tateo |
居原田健 see styles |
iharadaken いはらだけん |
(person) Iharada Ken |
山内健二 see styles |
yamanouchikenji / yamanochikenji やまのうちけんじ |
(person) Yamanouchi Kenji (1899.12.11-1969.7.1) |
山口健治 see styles |
yamaguchikenji やまぐちけんじ |
(person) Yamaguchi Kenji (1956.1.21-) |
山岡健人 see styles |
yamaokatakehito やまおかたけひと |
(person) Yamaoka Takehito (1959.1-) |
山川健一 see styles |
yamakawakenichi やまかわけんいち |
(person) Yamakawa Ken'ichi (1953.7-) |
山本健之 see styles |
yamamotokenji やまもとけんじ |
(person) Yamamoto Kenji (1970.2.12-) |
山本健司 see styles |
yamamotokenji やまもとけんじ |
(person) Yamamoto Kenji (1958.7.1-) |
山本健吉 see styles |
yamamotokenkichi やまもとけんきち |
(person) Yamamoto Kenkichi |
岡崎健二 see styles |
okazakikenji おかざきけんじ |
(person) Okazaki Kenji |
岡平健治 see styles |
okahirakenji おかひらけんじ |
(person) Okahira Kenji (1979.3.28-) |
岡本健一 see styles |
okamotokenichi おかもとけんいち |
(person) Okamoto Ken'ichi (1969.5.21-) |
岩井健浩 see styles |
iwaitakehiro いわいたけひろ |
(person) Iwai Takehiro (1968.1.14-) |
岩渕健輔 see styles |
iwabuchikensuke いわぶちけんすけ |
(person) Iwabuchi Kensuke (1975.12.30-) |
岸田健作 see styles |
kishidakensaku きしだけんさく |
(person) Kishida Kensaku (1978.11.8-) |
島木健作 see styles |
shimakikensaku しまきけんさく |
(person) Shimaki Kensaku (1903.9.7-1945.8.17) |
川端健嗣 see styles |
kawabatakenji かわばたけんじ |
(person) Kawabata Kenji (1962.2.21-) |
川越健二 see styles |
kawagoekenji かわごえけんじ |
(person) Kawagoe Kenji (1957.5.21-) |
左巻健男 see styles |
samakitakeo さまきたけお |
(person) Samaki Takeo |
市川健夫 see styles |
ichikawatakeo いちかわたけお |
(person) Ichikawa Takeo |
平松健治 see styles |
hiramatsukenji ひらまつけんじ |
(person) Hiramatsu Kenji |
平野健司 see styles |
hiranokenji ひらのけんじ |
(person) Hirano Kenji |
強身健體 强身健体 see styles |
qiáng shēn jiàn tǐ qiang2 shen1 jian4 ti3 ch`iang shen chien t`i chiang shen chien ti |
to keep fit and healthy |
後藤健生 see styles |
gotoutakeo / gototakeo ごとうたけお |
(person) Gotou Takeo |
徳重健太 see styles |
tokushigekenta とくしげけんた |
(person) Tokushige Kenta (1984.3.9-) |
愛田健二 see styles |
aidakenji あいだけんじ |
(person) Aida Kenji (1947.2.21-) |
戸川健太 see styles |
togawakenta とがわけんた |
(person) Togawa Kenta (1981.6.23-) |
押本健彦 see styles |
oshimototakehiko おしもとたけひこ |
(person) Oshimoto Takehiko (1982.10.28-) |
新沼健治 see styles |
niinumakenji / ninumakenji にいぬまけんじ |
(person) Niinuma Kenji (1956.2-) |
日下部健 see styles |
kusakabetakeshi くさかべたけし |
(person) Kusakabe Takeshi |
明石健志 see styles |
akashikenji あかしけんじ |
(person) Akashi Kenji |
朝倉健太 see styles |
asakurakenta あさくらけんた |
(person) Asakura Kenta (1981.6.11-) |
木村健悟 see styles |
kimurakengo きむらけんご |
(person) Kimura Kengo (1953.9.4-) |
木谷健一 see styles |
kitanikenichi きたにけんいち |
(person) Kitani Ken'ichi |
本並健治 see styles |
honnamikenji ほんなみけんじ |
(person) Honnami Kenji (1964.6-) |
本多健一 see styles |
hondakenichi ほんだけんいち |
(person) Honda Ken'ichi (1925.8.23-) |
杉本健吉 see styles |
sugimotokenkichi すぎもとけんきち |
(person) Sugimoto Kenkichi (1905.9.20-2004.2.10) |
杉浦正健 see styles |
sugiuraseiken / sugiuraseken すぎうらせいけん |
(person) Sugiura Seiken (1934.7.26-) |
村上健治 see styles |
murakamikenji むらかみけんじ |
(person) Murakami Kenji |
松井健二 see styles |
matsuikenji まついけんじ |
(person) Matsui Kenji |
松坂健太 see styles |
matsusakakenta まつさかけんた |
(person) Matsusaka Kenta |
松実健太 see styles |
matsumikenta まつみけんた |
(person) Matsumi Kenta |
松岡健一 see styles |
matsuokakenichi まつおかけんいち |
(person) Matsuoka Ken'ichi (1982.6.7-) |
松平健太 see styles |
matsudairakenta まつだいらけんた |
(person) Matsudaira Kenta |
松延健彌 see styles |
matsunobukenji まつのぶけんじ |
(person) Matsunobu Kenji |
松本健一 see styles |
matsumotokenichi まつもとけんいち |
(person) Matsumoto Ken'ichi (1946.1-) |
松田健生 see styles |
matsudatakeo まつだたけお |
(person) Matsuda Takeo |
松石健宏 see styles |
matsuishitakehiro まついしたけひろ |
(person) Matsuishi Takehiro (1962.11.26-) |
林健太郎 see styles |
hayashikentarou / hayashikentaro はやしけんたろう |
(person) Hayashi Kentarō (1913.1.2-2004.8.10) (1972.8.29-) |
林田健司 see styles |
hayashidakenji はやしだけんじ |
(person) Hayashida Kenji (1965.11.23-) |
栗原健太 see styles |
kuriharakenta くりはらけんた |
(person) Kurihara Kenta (1982.1.8-) |
栗田健男 see styles |
kuritatakeo くりたたけお |
(person) Kurita Takeo (1889.4.28-1977.12.19) |
桐谷健太 see styles |
kiritanikenta きりたにけんた |
(person) Kiritani Kenta |
桜木健一 see styles |
sakuragikenichi さくらぎけんいち |
(person) Sakuragi Ken'ichi (1948.3.26-) |
森健次郎 see styles |
morikenjirou / morikenjiro もりけんじろう |
(person) Mori Kenjirō |
森本健成 see styles |
morimototakeshige もりもとたけしげ |
(person) Morimoto Takeshige (1965.11.13-) |
森田健三 see styles |
moritakenzou / moritakenzo もりたけんぞう |
(person) Morita Kenzou (1934.6-) |
森田健作 see styles |
moritakensaku もりたけんさく |
(person) Morita Kensaku (1949.12-) |
森脇健児 see styles |
moriwakikenji もりわきけんじ |
(person) Moriwaki Kenji (1967.2.5-) |
植田健男 see styles |
uedatakeo うえだたけお |
(person) Ueda Takeo |
楠本健二 see styles |
kusumotokenji くすもとけんじ |
(person) Kusumoto Kenji |
楢原健三 see styles |
naraharakenzou / naraharakenzo ならはらけんぞう |
(person) Narahara Kenzou (1907.6-) |
榎本健一 see styles |
enomotokenichi えのもとけんいち |
(person) Enomoto Ken'ichi (1904.10.11-1970.1.7) |
榎本健志 see styles |
enomototakeshi えのもとたけし |
(person) Enomoto Takeshi |
樋口健二 see styles |
higuchikenji ひぐちけんじ |
(person) Higuchi Kenji (1937.3-) |
横山健一 see styles |
yokoyamakenichi よこやまけんいち |
(person) Yokoyama Ken'ichi (1933.1.2-) |
横山健堂 see styles |
yokoyamakendou / yokoyamakendo よこやまけんどう |
(person) Yokoyama Kendou |
横山健郎 see styles |
yokoyamakenrou / yokoyamakenro よこやまけんろう |
(person) Yokoyama Kenrou |
橋本健午 see styles |
hashimotokengo はしもとけんご |
(person) Hashimoto Kengo |
橋本健次 see styles |
hashimotokenji はしもとけんじ |
(person) Hashimoto Kenji (1947.2-) |
檜尾健太 see styles |
hinokiokenta ひのきおけんた |
(person) Hinokio Kenta (1979.10.2-) |
櫻井健介 see styles |
sakuraikensuke さくらいけんすけ |
(person) Sakurai Kensuke (1977.6.3-) |
櫻木健一 see styles |
sakuragikenichi さくらぎけんいち |
(person) Sakuragi Ken'ichi |
正木健雄 see styles |
masakitakeo まさきたけお |
(person) Masaki Takeo |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "健" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.