There are 1798 total results for your 身 search. I have created 18 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
全身心 see styles |
quán shēn xīn quan2 shen1 xin1 ch`üan shen hsin chüan shen hsin |
wholeheartedly; (to devote oneself) heart and soul |
全身性 see styles |
zenshinsei / zenshinse ぜんしんせい |
(can be adjective with の) systemic |
全身浴 see styles |
zenshinyoku ぜんしんよく |
full-body bath; full-body bathing |
全身病 see styles |
zenshinbyou / zenshinbyo ぜんしんびょう |
general constitutional illness |
全身鏡 全身镜 see styles |
quán shēn jìng quan2 shen1 jing4 ch`üan shen ching chüan shen ching |
full-length mirror |
八頭身 see styles |
hattoushin / hattoshin はっとうしん |
beautiful well-proportioned woman (body 8 times longer than head) |
公身子 see styles |
kumiko くみこ |
(female given name) Kumiko |
六受身 see styles |
liù shòu shēn liu4 shou4 shen1 liu shou shen rokuju shin |
six kinds of sensation [in the body] |
六思身 see styles |
liù sī shēn liu4 si1 shen1 liu ssu shen rokushi shin |
six classes of intention |
六想身 see styles |
liù xiǎng shēn liu4 xiang3 shen1 liu hsiang shen rokusō shin |
six classes of ideation |
六愛身 六爱身 see styles |
liù ài shēn liu4 ai4 shen1 liu ai shen rokuai shin |
six classes of craving |
六觸身 六触身 see styles |
liù chù shēn liu4 chu4 shen1 liu ch`u shen liu chu shen roku sokushin |
six classes of contact |
六識身 六识身 see styles |
liù shì shēn liu4 shi4 shen1 liu shih shen rokushiki shin |
the [self-] body, comprised of the six consciousnesses |
其自身 see styles |
qí zì shēn qi2 zi4 shen1 ch`i tzu shen chi tzu shen |
one's own (respective); proprietary |
出胎身 see styles |
chū tāi shēn chu1 tai1 shen1 ch`u t`ai shen chu tai shen shuttai shin |
a body emerging from the womb |
出身国 see styles |
shusshinkoku しゅっしんこく |
one's home country |
出身地 see styles |
shusshinchi しゅっしんち |
the place one comes from; one's birthplace; one's hometown |
出身校 see styles |
shusshinkou / shusshinko しゅっしんこう |
one's old school or university; alma mater; the school or university one attended |
出身者 see styles |
shusshinsha しゅっしんしゃ |
(1) alumnus (alumnae); graduate; old boy (girl); (2) former member of an organization; (3) former inhabitant (country, region, etc.) |
分段身 see styles |
fēn duàn shēn fen1 duan4 shen1 fen tuan shen bundan shin |
limited body |
切り身 see styles |
kirimi きりみ |
cut; slice (meat, fish); fillet |
刺し身 see styles |
sashimi さしみ |
sashimi (raw sliced fish, shellfish or crustaceans) |
前身頃 see styles |
maemigoro まえみごろ |
front (of a piece of traditional Japanese clothing) |
剥き身 see styles |
mukimi むきみ sukimi すきみ |
shellfish removed from the shell; (1) (food term) thin slice of meat or fish; (2) (food term) (archaism) briefly salt-pickled fish slice |
加持身 see styles |
jiā chí shēn jia1 chi2 shen1 chia ch`ih shen chia chih shen kajishin かじしん |
(1) {Buddh} buddha-body within a practitioner (esoteric Buddhism); (2) (See 本地身) altruistic manifested form of Mahavairocana (New Shingon) The body which the Buddha depends upon or his manifestation, i. e. the nirmāṇakāya. |
劣應身 劣应身 see styles |
liè yìng shēn lie4 ying4 shen1 lieh ying shen retsuō jin |
the Buddha's inferior manifestation |
勝應身 胜应身 see styles |
shèng yìng shēn sheng4 ying4 shen1 sheng ying shen shōōjin |
A Tiantai term for the superior incarnational Buddha-body, i.e. his compensation-body under the aspect of 他受用身 saving others. |
勝身洲 胜身洲 see styles |
shèng shēn zhōu sheng4 shen1 zhou1 sheng shen chou shōshinshū |
continent of Pūrvavidehaḥ |
包身工 see styles |
bāo shēn gōng bao1 shen1 gong1 pao shen kung |
indentured laborer |
化身話 see styles |
keshingo けしんご |
avatar language |
十三身 see styles |
shí sān shēn shi2 san1 shen1 shih san shen |
The thirty-three forms in which Avalokiteśvara (Guanyin) is said to have presented himself, from that of a Buddha to that of a woman or a rakṣas. Cf. Lotus Sūtra 普門 chapter. |
半艇身 see styles |
hanteishin / hanteshin はんていしん |
half a boat length |
半身像 see styles |
bàn shēn xiàng ban4 shen1 xiang4 pan shen hsiang hanshinzou / hanshinzo はんしんぞう |
half-length photo or portrait; bust half-length statue or portrait; bust |
半身浴 see styles |
hanshinyoku はんしんよく |
half body bathing; hip bath |
単身者 see styles |
tanshinsha たんしんしゃ |
unmarried person; single person; bachelor; spinster; person living alone |
単身銃 see styles |
tanshinjuu / tanshinju たんしんじゅう |
single-barreled gun |
即身仏 see styles |
sokushinbutsu そくしんぶつ |
monks who practise austerity to the point of death and mummification |
又身紅 see styles |
mamiko まみこ |
(female given name) Mamiko |
反り身 see styles |
sorimi そりみ |
strutting; sticking out the chest |
受け身 see styles |
ukemi うけみ |
(n,adj-no,adj-na) (1) the defensive; (2) passive attitude; passivity; passiveness; (3) (linguistics terminology) the passive; passive voice; (4) (martial arts term) ukemi (the art of falling safely) |
受用身 see styles |
shòu yòng shēn shou4 yong4 shen1 shou yung shen juyū shin |
The saṃbhogakāya 報身 v. 三身 trikāya, i. e. the functioning glorious body, 自受用 for a Buddha's own use, or bliss; 他受用 for the spiritual benefit of others. |
受身形 see styles |
ukemikei / ukemike うけみけい |
{ling} passive voice; passive form |
受身文 see styles |
ukemibun うけみぶん |
(See 受動文) passive sentence |
右半身 see styles |
migihanshin みぎはんしん |
(See 左半身) right half of the body |
吉身町 see styles |
yoshimichou / yoshimicho よしみちょう |
(place-name) Yoshimichō |
吾が身 see styles |
agami あがみ |
(pronoun) (1) (archaism) you; (pronoun) (2) (archaism) (original meaning) (See 我が身・1) myself; oneself |
單身汪 单身汪 see styles |
dān shēn wāng dan1 shen1 wang1 tan shen wang |
(Internet slang) person who is neither married nor in a relationship (used self-deprecatingly) |
單身漢 单身汉 see styles |
dān shēn hàn dan1 shen1 han4 tan shen han |
bachelor; single man |
單身狗 单身狗 see styles |
dān shēn gǒu dan1 shen1 gou3 tan shen kou |
(Internet slang) person who is neither married nor in a relationship (used self-deprecatingly) |
四つ身 see styles |
yotsumi よつみ |
(1) {sumo} cross-grips (situation in which each rikishi has an underarm grip on the other); (2) kimono made for young children |
四勝身 四胜身 see styles |
sì shèng shēn si4 sheng4 shen1 ssu sheng shen shi shōshin |
The four with victorious bodies, who were transformed independently of normal rebirth; also styled 解行身 bodies set free from all physical taint, thus attaining to Buddhahood. The four are the 龍女 dragon daughter of the Lotus Sutra, who instantly became a male bodhisattva; and three others of the 華嚴 Huayan sutra, i. e. 善財童子; 兜率天子, and 普莊嚴童子. |
國土身 国土身 see styles |
guó tǔ shēn guo2 tu3 shen1 kuo t`u shen kuo tu shen kokudo shin |
The Buddha as Buddhakṣetra, or abode of the living; the world as the body of Vairocana. |
圓身相 圆身相 see styles |
yuán shēn xiàng yuan2 shen1 xiang4 yüan shen hsiang enshin sō |
a perfectly proportioned body |
土木身 see styles |
tǔ mù shēn tu3 mu4 shen1 t`u mu shen tu mu shen |
one's body as wood and earth; undecorated; unvarnished (truth) |
執持身 执持身 see styles |
zhí chí shēn zhi2 chi2 shen1 chih ch`ih shen chih chih shen shūji shin |
to appropriate the body |
報身佛 报身佛 see styles |
bào shēn fó bao4 shen1 fo2 pao shen fo hōjin butsu |
reward-body buddha |
壞滅身 坏灭身 see styles |
huài miè shēn huai4 mie4 shen1 huai mieh shen emetsu shin |
the corruptible body |
変身譚 see styles |
henshintan へんしんたん |
story featuring metamorphosis |
多句身 see styles |
duō jù shēn duo1 ju4 shen1 to chü shen takushin |
the multiple collections of phrases |
多名身 see styles |
duō míng shēn duo1 ming2 shen1 to ming shen ta myōshin |
the multiple collections of words |
多文身 see styles |
duō wén shēn duo1 wen2 shen1 to wen shen ta monshin |
multiple phonemes |
大変身 see styles |
daihenshin だいへんしん |
(noun/participle) (See 変身) makeover; major change |
大身槍 see styles |
oomiyari おおみやり |
ōmi yari; long-bladed spear (blades 60cm or more) |
大身王 see styles |
dà shēn wáng da4 shen1 wang2 ta shen wang Daishin nō |
Mahākāya |
大露身 see styles |
dà lù shēn da4 lu4 shen1 ta lu shen dairoshin |
great naked bodies |
失身分 see styles |
shī shēn fèn shi1 shen1 fen4 shih shen fen |
demeaning |
如來身 如来身 see styles |
rú lái shēn ru2 lai2 shen1 ju lai shen nyorai shin |
tathāgata-kāya, Buddha-body. |
如意身 see styles |
rú yì shēn ru2 yi4 shen1 ju i shen |
ṛddhi, magic power exempting the body from physical limitations, v. 大教 and 神足. |
妙法身 see styles |
miào fǎ shēn miao4 fa3 shen1 miao fa shen myōhō shin |
marvelous dharma body |
妙色身 see styles |
miào sè shēn miao4 se4 shen1 miao se shen myōshiki shin |
body of marvelous form |
它本身 see styles |
tā běn shēn ta1 ben3 shen1 t`a pen shen ta pen shen |
itself |
寄り身 see styles |
yorimi よりみ |
{sumo} pushing an opponent out with one's body |
實相身 实相身 see styles |
shí xiàng shēn shi2 xiang4 shen1 shih hsiang shen jissō shin |
body of the Buddha in his true aspect |
實色身 实色身 see styles |
shí sè shēn shi2 se4 shen1 shih se shen jitsushiki shin |
The real Buddha-body, or his saṃbhogakāya in contrast with his nirmāṇakāya. |
小身者 see styles |
shoushinmono / shoshinmono しょうしんもの |
person with a humble salary; person of a low condition |
尾の身 see styles |
onomi おのみ |
{food} whale tail |
尾身茂 see styles |
omishigeru おみしげる |
(person) Omi Shigeru |
左半身 see styles |
hidarihanshin ひだりはんしん |
(See 右半身) left half of the body |
差し身 see styles |
sashimi さしみ |
{sumo} a quick thrust of the hand |
平身川 see styles |
hiramigawa ひらみがわ |
(place-name) Hiramigawa |
廣博身 广博身 see styles |
guǎng bó shēn guang3 bo2 shen1 kuang po shen kōhaku shin |
The one whose body fills space, Vairocana. |
当て身 see styles |
atemi あてみ |
(martial arts term) blow to a vital point of a person's body |
当身技 see styles |
atemiwaza あてみわざ |
{MA} (See 当身) striking techniques (judo) |
彼彼身 see styles |
bǐ bǐ shēn bi3 bi3 shen1 pi pi shen hihishin |
various bodies |
彼自身 see styles |
karejishin かれじしん |
(pronoun) himself; he himself |
御自身 see styles |
gojishin ごじしん |
himself; yourself; herself |
循身觀 循身观 see styles |
xún shēn guān xun2 shen1 guan1 hsün shen kuan junshin kan |
The meditation which observes the body in detail and considers its filthiness. |
微細身 微细身 see styles |
wēi xì shēn wei1 xi4 shen1 wei hsi shen misai shin |
A refined, subtle body. |
心法身 see styles |
xīn fǎ shēn xin1 fa3 shen1 hsin fa shen shin hosshin |
心是法身 The mind is dharmakāya, 'tathāgata in bonds,' 在纏如來. |
心身症 see styles |
shinshinshou / shinshinsho しんしんしょう |
psychosomatic illness |
惜身命 see styles |
xí shēn mìng xi2 shen1 ming4 hsi shen ming shaku shinmyō |
prizes one's own life |
意成身 see styles |
yì chéng shēn yi4 cheng2 shen1 i ch`eng shen i cheng shen ijō shin |
idem 意生身 q.v. |
意生身 see styles |
yì shēng shēn yi4 sheng1 shen1 i sheng shen ishoushin / ishoshin いしょうしん |
{Buddh} mind-made body; body as born out of a certain kind of intent or mindfulness A body mentally produced, or produced at will, a tr. of manomaya. Bodhisattvas from the first stage 地 upwards are able to take any form at will to save the living ; also 意生化身 ; 意成身. |
愛身天 爱身天 see styles |
ài shēn tiān ai4 shen1 tian1 ai shen t`ien ai shen tien aishin ten |
The heaven of lovely form in the desire-realm, but said to be above the devalokas; cf. sudṛśa 善現. |
憂き身 see styles |
ukimi うきみ |
wretched life; life of misery |
應化身 应化身 see styles |
yìng huà shēn ying4 hua4 shen1 ying hua shen ōke shin |
應身; 化身 nirmāṇakāya, the Buddha incarnate, the transformation body, capable of assuming any form (for the propagation of Buddha-truth). |
應身佛 应身佛 see styles |
yìng shēn fó ying4 shen1 fo2 ying shen fo ōshin butsu |
response body buddha |
應身土 应身土 see styles |
yìng shēn tǔ ying4 shen1 tu3 ying shen t`u ying shen tu ōjin no do |
Any realm in which a Buddha is incarnate. |
成身會 成身会 see styles |
chéng shēn huì cheng2 shen1 hui4 ch`eng shen hui cheng shen hui jōjin ne |
根本會; 羯磨會 The first group in the nine Vajradhātu groups. |
成身院 see styles |
seishinin / seshinin せいしんいん |
(place-name) Seishin'in |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "身" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.