There are 3915 total results for your 白 search. I have created 40 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
白鼬 see styles |
shiroitachi しろいたち |
ferret; fitch |
白鼻 see styles |
shirobana しろばな |
(personal name) Shirobana |
白龍 see styles |
hakuryuu / hakuryu はくりゅう |
More info & calligraphy: White Dragon |
一白 see styles |
kazushiro かずしろ |
(1) (See 九星) first of nine traditional astrological signs (corresponding to Mercury and north); (2) white patch on one foot of a horse; horse with such a patch; (3) surface (landscape) that is white all over; pure white; (given name) Kazushiro |
万白 see styles |
mashiro ましろ |
(female given name) Mashiro |
上白 see styles |
jouhaku / johaku じょうはく |
first-class rice |
不白 see styles |
fuhaku ふはく |
(given name) Fuhaku |
中白 see styles |
nakashiro なかしろ |
(surname) Nakashiro |
乃白 see styles |
noshira のしら |
(place-name) Noshira |
久白 see styles |
kujira くじら |
(surname) Kujira |
乳白 see styles |
rǔ bái ru3 bai2 ju pai nyuuhaku / nyuhaku にゅうはく |
milky white; cream color milky white; lactescent |
了白 see styles |
ryouhaku / ryohaku りょうはく |
(given name) Ryōhaku |
井白 see styles |
ishiro いしろ |
(surname) Ishiro |
今白 see styles |
imashiro いましろ |
(surname) Imashiro |
佐白 see styles |
sajiro さじろ |
(place-name) Sajiro |
余白 see styles |
yohaku よはく |
blank space; margin; blank canvas; (given name) Yohaku |
傍白 see styles |
bouhaku / bohaku ぼうはく |
(theatrical) aside |
優白 see styles |
mashiro ましろ |
(female given name) Mashiro |
光白 see styles |
guāng bái guang1 bai2 kuang pai mishiro みしろ |
(female given name) Mishiro shining white |
八白 see styles |
happaku はっぱく |
(See 九星) eighth of nine traditional astrological signs (corresponding to Saturn and north-east) |
六白 see styles |
rokubaku ろくばく |
(See 九星) sixth of nine traditional astrological signs (corresponding to Venus and north-west); (place-name) Rokubaku |
凰白 see styles |
kouhaku / kohaku こうはく |
(given name) Kōhaku |
則白 see styles |
norihaku のりはく |
(personal name) Norihaku |
剖白 see styles |
pōu bái pou1 bai2 p`ou pai pou pai |
to explain oneself |
半白 see styles |
bàn bái ban4 bai2 pan pai hanpaku はんぱく |
fifty (years of age) (1) grayish color; greyish colour; (2) grizzled hair; (place-name) Hanpaku |
博白 see styles |
bó bái bo2 bai2 po pai |
Bobai county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi |
卵白 see styles |
ranpaku らんぱく |
white of an egg; albumen |
反白 see styles |
fǎn bái fan3 bai2 fan pai |
reverse type (white on black); reversed-out (graphics); highlighting (of selected text on a computer screen) |
口白 see styles |
kǒu bái kou3 bai2 k`ou pai kou pai |
narrator; spoken parts in an opera |
古白 see styles |
kohaku こはく |
(given name) Kohaku |
告白 see styles |
gào bái gao4 bai2 kao pai kokuhaku こくはく |
to announce publicly; to explain oneself; to reveal one's feelings; to confess; to declare one's love (noun, transitive verb) (1) confession (to a crime, wrongdoing, etc.); admission; (n,vs,vi) (2) professing one's feelings (to someone one wants to go out with); declaration of love; (noun, transitive verb) (3) {Christn} profession (of faith); (noun, transitive verb) (4) {Christn} confession (of sins) |
和白 see styles |
wajiro わじろ |
(place-name) Wajiro |
啓白 启白 see styles |
qǐ bái qi3 bai2 ch`i pai chi pai keibyaku |
idem 表白 To inform, make clear, especially to inform the Buddhas. |
嘉白 see styles |
kashiro かしろ |
(surname) Kashiro |
坦白 see styles |
tǎn bái tan3 bai2 t`an pai tan pai |
honest; forthcoming; to confess |
増白 see styles |
zouhaku / zohaku ぞうはく |
(noun/participle) {chem} brightening |
夕白 see styles |
yuuhaku / yuhaku ゆうはく |
(place-name) Yūhaku |
夜白 see styles |
yashiro やしろ |
(female given name) Yashiro |
大白 see styles |
dà bái da4 bai2 ta pai daihaku だいはく |
to be revealed; to come out (of the truth); chalk (for whitening walls); (old) wine cup; (neologism c. 2021) healthcare worker or volunteer in full-body PPE (esp. during the COVID-19 pandemic) (from the 2014 Disney version of the Marvel Comics character Baymax, whose Chinese name is 大白) large cup; (place-name) Daihaku |
天白 see styles |
tenpaku てんぱく |
(place-name, surname) Tenpaku |
太白 see styles |
tài bái tai4 bai2 t`ai pai tai pai tebeku テベク |
Taibai County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi; Venus (1) (abbreviation) {astron} (See 太白星) Venus (planet); (2) thick silk thread; (3) refined sugar; (4) (abbreviation) (See 太白飴) white rice jelly; (5) variety of sweet potato; (place-name) Taebaek (South Korea) |
奴白 see styles |
nuhaku ぬはく |
(surname) Nuhaku |
如白 see styles |
yukiha ゆきは |
(female given name) Yukiha |
妻白 see styles |
tsumajiro つまじろ |
(kana only) silvertip shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus, a requiem shark found throughout the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans) |
姫白 see styles |
kishiro きしろ |
(female given name) Kishiro |
子白 see styles |
kojiro こじろ |
(surname) Kojiro |
季白 see styles |
sueshiro すえしろ |
(surname) Sueshiro |
宋白 see styles |
sòng bái song4 bai2 sung pai |
Song Bai (936-1012), Northern Song literary man |
宗白 see styles |
souhaku / sohaku そうはく |
(given name) Souhaku |
對白 对白 see styles |
duì bái dui4 bai2 tui pai |
dialogue (in a movie or a play) |
小白 see styles |
xiǎo bái xiao3 bai2 hsiao pai kohaku こはく |
(slang) novice; greenhorn; (old) (slang) fool; idiot; abbr. for 小白臉|小白脸[xiao3 bai2 lian3], pretty boy (surname, female given name) Kohaku |
尾白 see styles |
ohaku おはく |
(surname) Ohaku |
山白 see styles |
yamashiro やましろ |
(surname) Yamashiro |
岩白 see styles |
iwashiro いわしろ |
(surname) Iwashiro |
川白 see styles |
kawashiro かわしろ |
(surname) Kawashiro |
平白 see styles |
píng bái ping2 bai2 p`ing pai ping pai |
for no reason; gratuitously |
広白 see styles |
hirohaku ひろはく |
(surname) Hirohaku |
建白 see styles |
jiàn bái jian4 bai2 chien pai kenpaku けんぱく |
to propose; to suggest; to state a view (noun, transitive verb) petition; memorial |
弥白 see styles |
yashiro やしろ |
(female given name) Yashiro |
彩白 see styles |
iroha いろは |
(female given name) Iroha |
後白 see styles |
goshiro ごしろ |
(surname) Goshiro |
御白 see styles |
mishiro みしろ |
(given name) Mishiro |
志白 see styles |
shihaku しはく |
(surname) Shihaku |
愛白 see styles |
mashiro ましろ |
(female given name) Mashiro |
慘白 惨白 see styles |
cǎn bái can3 bai2 ts`an pai tsan pai |
deathly pale |
戴白 see styles |
taihaku たいはく |
old people; becoming gray haired (grey) |
搭白 see styles |
dā bái da1 bai2 ta pai |
to answer |
搶白 抢白 see styles |
qiǎng bái qiang3 bai2 ch`iang pai chiang pai |
to rebuke; to reprimand |
敏白 see styles |
toshiaki としあき |
(given name) Toshiaki |
散白 see styles |
sǎn bái san3 bai2 san pai |
bulk baijiu (i.e. clear Chinese liquor) (abbr. for 散裝白酒|散装白酒[san3zhuang1 bai2jiu3]) |
敬白 see styles |
keihaku; keibyaku(ok); keihyaku(ok) / kehaku; kebyaku(ok); kehyaku(ok) けいはく; けいびゃく(ok); けいひゃく(ok) |
(letters ending with this start with 謹啓) (See 謹啓) yours sincerely; sincerely yours; yours truly |
斑白 see styles |
bān bái ban1 bai2 pan pai hanpaku はんぱく |
grizzled; graying (1) grayish color; greyish colour; (2) grizzled hair |
斫白 see styles |
zhuó bái zhuo2 bai2 cho pai |
to strip bark |
新白 see styles |
arashiro あらしろ |
(surname) Arashiro |
旁白 see styles |
páng bái pang2 bai2 p`ang pai pang pai |
aside (theater); voice-over; background narration |
日白 see styles |
hijira ひじら |
Japan and Belgium; (place-name) Hijira |
明白 see styles |
míng bai ming2 bai5 ming pai meihaku / mehaku めいはく |
clear; obvious; unequivocal; sensible; reasonable; to understand; to realize (adjectival noun) obvious; clear; plain; evident; apparent; explicit; overt to illuminate |
曳白 see styles |
eihaku / ehaku えいはく |
(given name) Eihaku |
月白 see styles |
tsukishiro つきしろ |
(female given name) Tsukishiro |
木白 see styles |
kishiro きしろ |
(surname) Kishiro |
李白 see styles |
lǐ bái li3 bai2 li pai riibai / ribai リーバイ |
Li Bai (701-762), famous Tang Dynasty poet (person) Li Bai (701-762; Tang dynasty poet) |
柯白 see styles |
kahaku かはく |
(given name) Kahaku |
柿白 see styles |
kakishiro かきしろ |
(surname) Kakishiro |
根白 see styles |
konpaku こんぱく |
(place-name) Konpaku |
桜白 see styles |
ouhaku / ohaku おうはく |
(given name) Ouhaku |
梶白 see styles |
kajishiro かじしろ |
(surname) Kajishiro |
森白 see styles |
morishiro もりしろ |
(surname) Morishiro |
楚白 see styles |
sohaku そはく |
(given name) Sohaku |
榛白 see styles |
harunashiro はるなしろ |
(surname) Harunashiro |
横白 see styles |
yokoshiro よこしろ |
(surname) Yokoshiro |
正白 see styles |
shouhaku / shohaku しょうはく |
(surname) Shouhaku |
水白 see styles |
mizushiro みずしろ |
(surname) Mizushiro |
沢白 see styles |
sawashiro さわしろ |
(surname) Sawashiro |
泛白 see styles |
fàn bái fan4 bai2 fan pai |
to be suffused with white; faded; bleached; to blanch |
洋白 see styles |
youhaku / yohaku ようはく |
(See 洋銀・1) German silver; nickel silver |
洗白 see styles |
xǐ bái xi3 bai2 hsi pai |
to make something clean and white; (fig.) to whitewash; to launder money |
涅白 see styles |
niè bái nie4 bai2 nieh pai |
opaque white |
淡白 see styles |
tanpaku たんぱく |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) light (color, colour, taste); simple; plain; (2) frank; candid; ingenuous; indifferent |
深白 see styles |
mikiyo みきよ |
(female given name) Mikiyo |
淸白 see styles |
qīng bái qing1 bai2 ch`ing pai ching pai shōbyaku |
Pure and white, pure white, as Buddha-truth, or as pure goodness. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "白" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.