There are 868 total results for your 画 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
スパイ映画 see styles |
supaieiga / supaiega スパイえいが |
spy movie; spy film |
テレビ映画 see styles |
terebieiga / terebiega テレビえいが |
TV movie |
テレビ漫画 see styles |
terebimanga テレビまんが |
(obsolete) animated TV show; cartoon |
テンペラ画 see styles |
tenperaga テンペラが |
{art} tempera painting |
パステル画 see styles |
pasuteruga パステルが |
pastel (picture) |
ピンク映画 see styles |
pinkueiga / pinkuega ピンクえいが |
(See ピンク・2) pink film; Japanese genre of softcore porn movies |
フレスコ画 see styles |
furesukoga フレスコが |
fresco; fresco painting |
ヘルプ画面 see styles |
herupugamen ヘルプがめん |
{comp} help screen |
ホラー映画 see styles |
horaaeiga / horaega ホラーえいが |
horror film; horror movie |
ホーム画面 see styles |
hoomugamen ホームがめん |
home screen (e.g. on a smartphone) |
ポルノ映画 see styles |
porunoeiga / porunoega ポルノえいが |
pornographic film; blue film |
モザイク画 see styles |
mozaikuga モザイクが |
(a) mosaic |
ロック画面 see styles |
rokkugamen ロックがめん |
lock screen (on a computer, smartphone, etc.) |
三次元映画 see styles |
sanjigeneiga / sanjigenega さんじげんえいが |
(rare) (See 立体映画) 3D movie |
依樣畫葫蘆 依样画葫芦 see styles |
yī yàng huà hú lu yi1 yang4 hua4 hu2 lu5 i yang hua hu lu |
lit. to draw a gourd from the model (idiom); fig. to copy something mechanically without attempt at originality |
依葫蘆畫瓢 依葫芦画瓢 see styles |
yī hú lu huà piáo yi1 hu2 lu5 hua4 piao2 i hu lu hua p`iao i hu lu hua piao |
lit. to draw a dipper with a gourd as one's model (idiom); fig. to follow the existing pattern without modification |
全画面表示 see styles |
zengamenhyouji / zengamenhyoji ぜんがめんひょうじ |
{comp} (See フルスクリーン) full screen display |
動的計画法 see styles |
doutekikeikakuhou / dotekikekakuho どうてきけいかくほう |
{comp} dynamic programming; DP |
区画整理中 see styles |
kukakuseirichuu / kukakuserichu くかくせいりちゅう |
(place-name) Kukakuseirichuu |
四コマ漫画 see styles |
yonkomamanga よんコマまんが |
four panel comic |
国際映画祭 see styles |
kokusaieigasai / kokusaiegasai こくさいえいがさい |
international film festival |
実験計画法 see styles |
jikkenkeikakuhou / jikkenkekakuho じっけんけいかくほう |
experimental design; design of experiments |
廣告宣傳畫 广告宣传画 see styles |
guǎng gào xuān chuán huà guang3 gao4 xuan1 chuan2 hua4 kuang kao hsüan ch`uan hua kuang kao hsüan chuan hua |
placard; poster |
形而上絵画 see styles |
keijijoukaiga / kejijokaiga けいじじょうかいが |
metaphysical art |
描画ヘッド see styles |
byougaheddo / byogaheddo びょうがヘッド |
{comp} plotting head |
整数計画法 see styles |
seisuukeikakuhou / sesukekakuho せいすうけいかくほう |
{comp} integer programming |
新区画ダム see styles |
shinkukakudamu しんくかくダム |
(place-name) Shinkukaku Dam |
映画スター see styles |
eigasutaa / egasuta えいがスター |
film star; movie star |
映画ファン see styles |
eigafan / egafan えいがファン |
cinema fan; cinema-goer; cinephile; film aficionado; film buff; film fan; movie buff; movie fan |
映画評論家 see styles |
eigahyouronka / egahyoronka えいがひょうろんか |
film critic; movie critic |
映画鑑賞会 see styles |
eigakanshoukai / egakanshokai えいがかんしょうかい |
film festival |
核開発計画 see styles |
kakukaihatsukeikaku / kakukaihatsukekaku かくかいはつけいかく |
nuclear development program; nuclear program |
漫画研究会 see styles |
mangakenkyuukai / mangakenkyukai まんがけんきゅうかい |
(1) society for the study of manga; (2) manga club |
照葫蘆畫瓢 照葫芦画瓢 see styles |
zhào hú lu huà piáo zhao4 hu2 lu5 hua4 piao2 chao hu lu hua p`iao chao hu lu hua piao |
lit. to draw a dipper with a gourd as a model (idiom); fig. to copy slavishly |
版画美術館 see styles |
hangabijutsukan はんがびじゅつかん |
(place-name) Hanga Art Museum |
生販在計画 see styles |
seihanzaikeikaku / sehanzaikekaku せいはんざいけいかく |
sales, inventory and production planning; SIPP |
登山計画書 see styles |
tozankeikakusho / tozankekakusho とざんけいかくしょ |
hiking notification form (registered with the police, etc. before undertaking a hike) |
符号化画像 see styles |
fugoukagazou / fugokagazo ふごうかがぞう |
{comp} coded image |
細胞分画法 see styles |
saiboubunkakuhou / saibobunkakuho さいぼうぶんかくほう |
cell fractionation |
経済企画庁 see styles |
keizaikikakuchou / kezaikikakucho けいざいきかくちょう |
(See 内閣府) Economic Planning Agency (defunct as of 2001) |
緑地化計画 see styles |
ryokuchikakeikaku / ryokuchikakekaku りょくちかけいかく |
forestation plan |
線形計画法 see styles |
senkeikeikakuhou / senkekekakuho せんけいけいかくほう |
{math} linear programming |
計画どおり see styles |
keikakudoori / kekakudoori けいかくどおり |
(expression) in accordance with plans; just as planned |
計画的犯行 see styles |
keikakutekihankou / kekakutekihanko けいかくてきはんこう |
{law} premeditated crime; deliberate crime |
計算機動畫 计算机动画 see styles |
jì suàn jī dòng huà ji4 suan4 ji1 dong4 hua4 chi suan chi tung hua |
computer animation |
試験計画書 see styles |
shikenkeikakusho / shikenkekakusho しけんけいかくしょ |
{comp} test plan; system test and evaluation plan |
都市計画法 see styles |
toshikeikakuhou / toshikekakuho としけいかくほう |
{law} City Planning Act |
都市計画税 see styles |
toshikeikakuzei / toshikekakuze としけいかくぜい |
city planning tax |
静止画放送 see styles |
seishigahousou / seshigahoso せいしがほうそう |
broadcasting of still pictures |
風景画書式 see styles |
fuukeigashoshiki / fukegashoshiki ふうけいがしょしき |
{comp} landscape format |
Variations: |
kaku かく |
(n,n-suf,ctr) stroke (of a kanji, etc.) |
Variations: |
kakubiki かくびき |
arranged by strokes |
画像ファイル see styles |
gazoufairu / gazofairu がぞうファイル |
{comp} graphics file |
画像処理装置 see styles |
gazoushorisouchi / gazoshorisochi がぞうしょりそうち |
image processing equipment |
画像圧縮技術 see styles |
gazouasshukugijutsu / gazoasshukugijutsu がぞうあっしゅくぎじゅつ |
{comp} image compression technology |
画像電子学会 see styles |
gazoudenshigakkai / gazodenshigakkai がぞうでんしがっかい |
(org) Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan; (o) Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan |
画図町上無田 see styles |
ezumachikamimuta えずまちかみむた |
(place-name) Ezumachikamimuta |
画図町下江津 see styles |
ezumachishimoezu えずまちしもえづ |
(place-name) Ezumachishimoezu |
画図町下無田 see styles |
ezumachishimomuta えずまちしもむた |
(place-name) Ezumachishimomuta |
画素進行方向 see styles |
gasoshinkouhoukou / gasoshinkohoko がそしんこうほうこう |
{comp} pel path |
画面取り込み see styles |
gamentorikomi がめんとりこみ |
{comp} screen capture |
Variations: |
e(p); ga(画) え(P); が(画) |
(1) picture; drawing; painting; sketch; (2) image (TV, film, etc.); picture; footage |
Variations: |
machiga まちが |
(abbreviation) (See 待ち受け画面) standby screen (on a mobile phone); (phone) wallpaper |
はめはめ動画 see styles |
hamehamedouga / hamehamedoga はめはめどうが |
(vulgar) sex video; porn video |
ようこそ画面 see styles |
youkosogamen / yokosogamen ようこそがめん |
{comp} welcome screen |
アメリカ映画 see styles |
amerikaeiga / amerikaega アメリカえいが |
American film; American movie |
アングラ映画 see styles |
anguraeiga / anguraega アングラえいが |
underground film |
イメージ画像 see styles |
imeejigazou / imeejigazo イメージがぞう |
(1) image (used to explain or demonstrate something); illustration; illustrative picture; artist's impression; (2) {comp} (digital) image |
ギャング映画 see styles |
gyangueiga / gyanguega ギャングえいが |
gangster film |
コード化画像 see styles |
koodokagazou / koodokagazo コードかがぞう |
{comp} coded image |
スリラー映画 see styles |
suriraaeiga / suriraega スリラーえいが |
thriller (film) |
テキスト画面 see styles |
tekisutogamen テキストがめん |
{comp} text plane |
ニコニコ動画 see styles |
nikonikodouga / nikonikodoga ニコニコどうが |
(serv) Niconico (video-sharing website); (serv) Niconico (video-sharing website) |
ニュース映画 see styles |
nyuusueiga / nyusuega ニュースえいが |
newsreel |
パニック映画 see styles |
panikkueiga / panikkuega パニックえいが |
disaster film; disaster movie |
パニック画面 see styles |
panikkugamen パニックがめん |
{comp} panic screen |
パラパラ漫画 see styles |
paraparamanga パラパラまんが |
flip book; flick book |
ファスト映画 see styles |
fasutoeiga / fasutoega ファストえいが |
unofficial online video summarizing a feature film (with still images or clips from the film) |
フランス映画 see styles |
furansueiga / furansuega フランスえいが |
French film; French movie |
メニュー画面 see styles |
menyuugamen / menyugamen メニューがめん |
{comp} menu screen |
ライオン企画 see styles |
raionkikaku ライオンきかく |
(company) Lion Kikaku Co., Ltd.; (c) Lion Kikaku Co., Ltd. |
一線を画する see styles |
issenokakusuru いっせんをかくする |
(exp,vs-s) (idiom) to draw a line (between); to make a distinction (between); to distinguish (between) |
世界食糧計画 see styles |
sekaishokuryoukeikaku / sekaishokuryokekaku せかいしょくりょうけいかく |
World Food Program; WFP |
中期経営計画 see styles |
chuukikeieikeikaku / chukikeekekaku ちゅうきけいえいけいかく |
medium-term management plan; mid-term business plan |
事業継続計画 see styles |
jigyoukeizokukeikaku / jigyokezokukekaku じぎょうけいぞくけいかく |
business continuity plan; BCP |
二本立て映画 see styles |
nihontateeiga / nihontateega にほんたてえいが |
double feature (movie) |
企業資源計画 see styles |
kigyoushigenkeikaku / kigyoshigenkekaku きぎょうしげんけいかく |
enterprise resource planning; ERP |
全国計画協会 see styles |
zenkokukeikakukyoukai / zenkokukekakukyokai ぜんこくけいかくきょうかい |
(o) National Planning Association |
国民保護計画 see styles |
kokuminhogokeikaku / kokuminhogokekaku こくみんほごけいかく |
Civil Protection Plan |
国連環境計画 see styles |
kokurenkankyoukeikaku / kokurenkankyokekaku こくれんかんきょうけいかく |
United Nations Environment Programme (Program); UNEP |
国連開発計画 see styles |
kokurenkaihatsukeikaku / kokurenkaihatsukekaku こくれんかいはつけいかく |
United Nations Development Program; UNDP |
宇宙開発計画 see styles |
uchuukaihatsukeikaku / uchukaihatsukekaku うちゅうかいはつけいかく |
space development project (program, programme) |
待ちうけ画面 see styles |
machiukegamen まちうけがめん |
standby screen; standby display |
待ち受け画像 see styles |
machiukegazou / machiukegazo まちうけがぞう |
stand by image (on mobile phones) |
待ち受け画面 see styles |
machiukegamen まちうけがめん |
standby screen; standby display |
戦闘支援計画 see styles |
sentoushienkeikaku / sentoshienkekaku せんとうしえんけいかく |
combat support plan |
描画色モデル see styles |
byougairomoderu / byogairomoderu びょうがいろモデル |
{comp} rendering colour model |
日本映画大学 see styles |
nihoneigadaigaku / nihonegadaigaku にほんえいがだいがく |
(org) Japan Institute of the Moving Image; (o) Japan Institute of the Moving Image |
日本画像学会 see styles |
nippongazougakkai / nippongazogakkai にっぽんがぞうがっかい |
(org) Imaging Society of Japan; ISJ; (o) Imaging Society of Japan; ISJ |
日本画廊協会 see styles |
nippongaroukyoukai / nippongarokyokai にっぽんがろうきょうかい |
(org) Japan Gallery Association; JGA; (o) Japan Gallery Association; JGA |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "画" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.