There are 711 total results for your 密 search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
厳密に言えば see styles |
genmitsuniieba / genmitsunieba げんみつにいえば |
(expression) strictly speaking |
圧密降伏応力 see styles |
atsumitsukoufukuouryoku / atsumitsukofukuoryoku あつみつこうふくおうりょく |
consolidation yield stress |
寶葫蘆的秘密 宝葫芦的秘密 see styles |
bǎo hú lu de mì mì bao3 hu2 lu5 de5 mi4 mi4 pao hu lu te mi mi |
Secret of the Magic Gourd (1958), prize-winning children's fairy tale by Zhang Tianyi 張天翼|张天翼[Zhang1 Tian1 yi4] |
局所密度近似 see styles |
kyokushomitsudokinji きょくしょみつどきんじ |
local density approximation; LDA |
布萊克史密斯 布莱克史密斯 see styles |
bù lái kè shǐ mì sī bu4 lai2 ke4 shi3 mi4 si1 pu lai k`o shih mi ssu pu lai ko shih mi ssu |
Blacksmith (name) |
彌富町密柑山 see styles |
yatomichoumikanyama / yatomichomikanyama やとみちょうみかんやま |
(place-name) Yatomichōmikan'yama |
最北精密工場 see styles |
saikitaseimitsukoujou / saikitasemitsukojo さいきたせいみつこうじょう |
(place-name) Saikitaseimitsu Factory |
最密充填構造 see styles |
saimitsujuutenkouzou / saimitsujutenkozo さいみつじゅうてんこうぞう |
{geol} (See 立方最密充填,六方最密充填) close-packed structure |
機密保持契約 see styles |
kimitsuhojikeiyaku / kimitsuhojikeyaku きみつほじけいやく |
(See 秘密保持契約) non-disclosure agreement; NDA |
物理記録密度 see styles |
butsurikirokumitsudo ぶつりきろくみつど |
{comp} physical recording density |
確率密度関数 see styles |
kakuritsumitsudokansuu / kakuritsumitsudokansu かくりつみつどかんすう |
{math} probability density function |
秘密を侵す罪 see styles |
himitsuookasutsumi ひみつをおかすつみ |
(exp,n) the crime of revealing a secret; breach of confidence |
秘密を明かす see styles |
himitsuoakasu ひみつをあかす |
(exp,v5s) (See 秘密を暴露する) to disclose a secret |
秘密を漏らす see styles |
himitsuomorasu ひみつをもらす |
(exp,v5s) (See 秘密を暴露する) to betray a secret; to reveal a secret |
秘密保持契約 see styles |
himitsuhojikeiyaku / himitsuhojikeyaku ひみつほじけいやく |
non-disclosure agreement; NDA |
秘密証書遺言 see styles |
himitsushoushoyuigon / himitsushoshoyuigon ひみつしょうしょゆいごん |
secret will and testament; sealed envelope will |
立方最密充填 see styles |
rippousaimitsujuuten / ripposaimitsujuten りっぽうさいみつじゅうてん |
{geol} cubic close packing; cubic closest packing |
精密分類体系 see styles |
seimitsubunruitaikei / semitsubunruitaike せいみつぶんるいたいけい |
{comp} close classification system; depth classification system |
精密機械工業 see styles |
seimitsukikaikougyou / semitsukikaikogyo せいみつきかいこうぎょう |
precision machinery industry |
辯顯密二教論 辩显密二教论 see styles |
biàn xiǎn mì èr jiào lùn bian4 xian3 mi4 er4 jiao4 lun4 pien hsien mi erh chiao lun Ben kenmitsu nikyō ron |
Comparing Exoteric and Esoteric Discourse |
頓漸祕密不定 see styles |
dùn jiàn mì mì bù dìng dun4 jian4 mi4 mi4 bu4 ding4 tun chien mi mi pu ting |
the sudden, gradual, esoteric, and indeterminate |
密入国斡旋業者 see styles |
mitsunyuukokuassengyousha / mitsunyukokuassengyosha みつにゅうこくあっせんぎょうしゃ |
people smuggler |
密結合システム see styles |
mitsuketsugoushisutemu / mitsuketsugoshisutemu みつけつごうシステム |
{comp} tightly coupled system |
密迹金剛力士會 密迹金刚力士会 see styles |
mì jī jīn gāng lì shì huì mi4 ji1 jin1 gang1 li4 shi4 hui4 mi chi chin kang li shih hui Misshaku kongōrikishi e |
Meeting on the Secret Teachings of the Adamantine Warriors |
密迹金剛力士經 密迹金刚力士经 see styles |
mì jī jīn gāng lì shì jīng mi4 ji1 jin1 gang1 li4 shi4 jing1 mi chi chin kang li shih ching Misshaku kongō rikishi kyō |
Sūtra on the Secret Teachings of the Adamantine Warriors |
Variations: |
hamiuri; hamiuri ハミうり; ハミウリ |
(kana only) Hami melon (Cucumis melo var. inodorus); Chinese Hami melon; snow melon |
Variations: |
himitsuri ひみつり |
(usu. adverbially as 〜に) (in) secrecy; behind closed doors |
Variations: |
himitsuri ひみつり |
(adv,adj-no) behind closed doors; behind-the-scenes; (under the veil of) secrecy |
哈里森·施密特 see styles |
hā lǐ sēn · shī mì tè ha1 li3 sen1 · shi1 mi4 te4 ha li sen · shih mi t`e ha li sen · shih mi te |
Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17 astronaut) |
普密蓬·阿杜德 see styles |
pǔ mì péng · ā dù dé pu3 mi4 peng2 · a1 du4 de2 p`u mi p`eng · a tu te pu mi peng · a tu te |
Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016), king of Thailand 1946-2016 |
阿爾法·羅密歐 阿尔法·罗密欧 see styles |
ā ěr fǎ · luó mì ōu a1 er3 fa3 · luo2 mi4 ou1 a erh fa · lo mi ou |
Alfa Romeo |
データ機密保護 see styles |
deetakimitsuhogo データきみつほご |
{comp} data security |
ヤルタ秘密協定 see styles |
yarutahimitsukyoutei / yarutahimitsukyote ヤルタひみつきょうてい |
(hist) (See ヤルタ会談) Yalta Agreement (secret American-British-Soviet agreement wherein the Soviets agreed to attack Japan; February 11, 1945) |
三密栗底尼迦耶 see styles |
sān mì lì dǐ ní jiā yé san1 mi4 li4 di3 ni2 jia1 ye2 san mi li ti ni chia yeh sanmiritei nikaya |
v. 三彌底 sammitīyanikāya. |
不動使者祕密法 不动使者祕密法 see styles |
bù dòng shǐ zhě mì mì fǎ bu4 dong4 shi3 zhe3 mi4 mi4 fa3 pu tung shih che mi mi fa fudō shisha himitsu hō |
esoteric spells of the messengers of Akṣobhya |
低密度リポ蛋白 see styles |
teimitsudoripotanpaku / temitsudoripotanpaku ていみつどリポたんぱく |
(abbreviation) low-density lipoprotein; LDL |
無量門微密持經 无量门微密持经 see styles |
wú liáng mén wēi mì chí jīng wu2 liang2 men2 wei1 mi4 chi2 jing1 wu liang men wei mi ch`ih ching wu liang men wei mi chih ching Muryō mon mimitsuji kyō |
Wuliang men weimi chi jing |
特定秘密保護法 see styles |
tokuteihimitsuhogohou / tokutehimitsuhogoho とくていひみつほごほう |
{law} Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets; Secret Information Protection Act |
秘密を暴露する see styles |
himitsuobakurosuru ひみつをばくろする |
(exp,vs-i) to betray a secret |
秘密鍵暗号方式 see styles |
himitsukagiangouhoushiki / himitsukagiangohoshiki ひみつかぎあんごうほうしき |
{comp} secret key cryptosystem |
立方最密充てん see styles |
rippousaimitsujuuten / ripposaimitsujuten りっぽうさいみつじゅうてん |
cubic close packing; cubic closest packing |
精密工業試験場 see styles |
seimitsukougyoushikenjou / semitsukogyoshikenjo せいみつこうぎょうしけんじょう |
(place-name) Seimitsukougyoushikenjō |
羅密歐與朱麗葉 罗密欧与朱丽叶 see styles |
luó mì ōu yǔ zhū lì yè luo2 mi4 ou1 yu3 zhu1 li4 ye4 lo mi ou yü chu li yeh |
Romeo and Juliet, 1594 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚 |
闇密里帝軍荼利 闇密里帝军荼利 see styles |
àn mì lǐ dì jun tú lì an4 mi4 li3 di4 jun1 tu2 li4 an mi li ti chün t`u li an mi li ti chün tu li anmiritaigundari |
amṛtakuṇḍalī, the vase of ambrosia. |
隱密顯了倶成門 隐密显了倶成门 see styles |
yǐn mì xiǎn liǎo jù chéng mén yin3 mi4 xian3 liao3 ju4 cheng2 men2 yin mi hsien liao chü ch`eng men yin mi hsien liao chü cheng men onmitsu kenryō kujō mon |
the profound approach of the coexistence of explicitness and implicitness |
密着ドキュメント see styles |
micchakudokyumento みっちゃくドキュメント |
(See 密着取材) close coverage reportage; close reporting |
密閉型ヘッドホン see styles |
mippeigataheddohon / mippegataheddohon みっぺいがたヘッドホン |
(See 開放型ヘッドホン) closed-back headphones |
Variations: |
himitsubako ひみつばこ |
puzzle box |
Variations: |
himitsukagi ひみつかぎ |
{comp} private key (cryptography); secret key |
五輪九字明祕密釋 五轮九字明祕密释 see styles |
wǔ lún jiǔ zì míng mì mì shì wu3 lun2 jiu3 zi4 ming2 mi4 mi4 shi4 wu lun chiu tzu ming mi mi shih Gorin kuji myō himitsu shaku |
Commentary on the Secrets of the Five Cakras and Nine Syllables |
低密度リポ蛋白質 see styles |
teimitsudoripotanpakushitsu / temitsudoripotanpakushitsu ていみつどリポたんぱくしつ |
low-density lipoprotein; LDL |
八名普密陀羅尼經 八名普密陀罗尼经 see styles |
bā míng pǔ mì tuó luó ní jīng ba1 ming2 pu3 mi4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 pa ming p`u mi t`o lo ni ching pa ming pu mi to lo ni ching Hachimyō fumitsu darani kyō |
Sūtra of the Dhāranī of the Universal and Esoteric Eight Names |
加密套接字協議層 加密套接字协议层 see styles |
jiā mì tào jiē zì xié yì céng jia1 mi4 tao4 jie1 zi4 xie2 yi4 ceng2 chia mi t`ao chieh tzu hsieh i ts`eng chia mi tao chieh tzu hsieh i tseng |
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (computing) |
大日經義釋演密鈔 大日经义释演密钞 see styles |
dà rì jīng yì shì yǎn mì chāo da4 ri4 jing1 yi4 shi4 yan3 mi4 chao1 ta jih ching i shih yen mi ch`ao ta jih ching i shih yen mi chao Dainichikyō gishaku emmi sho |
Esoteric Extracts from the Presentations in the Abridged Commentary to the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra |
婆羅尼密婆舍跋提 婆罗尼密婆舍跋提 see styles |
pó luó ní mì pó shè bá tí po2 luo2 ni2 mi4 po2 she4 ba2 ti2 p`o lo ni mi p`o she pa t`i po lo ni mi po she pa ti Baranimi bashabadai |
Paranirmitavaśavartin |
最上祕密那拏天經 最上祕密那拏天经 see styles |
zuì shàng mì mì nǎn á tiān jīng zui4 shang4 mi4 mi4 nan3 a2 tian1 jing1 tsui shang mi mi nan a t`ien ching tsui shang mi mi nan a tien ching Saijō himitsu nadaten gyō |
King of Ritual Procedures for the God Naḍa |
波羅頗迦羅密多羅 波罗颇迦罗密多罗 see styles |
bō luó pǒ jiā luó mì duō luó bo1 luo2 po3 jia1 luo2 mi4 duo1 luo2 po lo p`o chia lo mi to lo po lo po chia lo mi to lo Harahakaramitara |
Prabhākaramitra, enlightener, v. 波頗. |
祕密三昧大教王經 祕密三昧大教王经 see styles |
mì mì sān mèi dà jiào wáng jīng mi4 mi4 san1 mei4 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1 mi mi san mei ta chiao wang ching Himitsu sammai daikyōō kyō |
Mahāsamayatattva-tantrarāja |
立方最密充填構造 see styles |
rippousaimitsujuutenkouzou / ripposaimitsujutenkozo りっぽうさいみつじゅうてんこうぞう |
{geol} cubic close-packed structure |
精密誘導ミサイル see styles |
seimitsuyuudoumisairu / semitsuyudomisairu せいみつゆうどうミサイル |
(See 誘導ミサイル) precision guided missile |
聖皮埃爾和密克隆 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 see styles |
shèng pí āi ěr hé mì kè lóng sheng4 pi2 ai1 er3 he2 mi4 ke4 long2 sheng p`i ai erh ho mi k`o lung sheng pi ai erh ho mi ko lung |
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon |
能解甚深義理密意 能解甚深义理密意 see styles |
néng jiě shén shēn yì lǐ mì yì neng2 jie3 shen2 shen1 yi4 li3 mi4 yi4 neng chieh shen shen i li mi i nōge jinjin giri mitsui |
able to understand the extremely profound import and the hidden meaning |
般若波羅密多心經 般若波罗密多心经 see styles |
bō rě bō luó mì duō xīn jīng bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 xin1 jing1 po je po lo mi to hsin ching |
the Heart Sutra |
面心立方最密堆積 面心立方最密堆积 see styles |
miàn xīn lì fāng zuì mì duī jī mian4 xin1 li4 fang1 zui4 mi4 dui1 ji1 mien hsin li fang tsui mi tui chi |
face-centered cubic (FCC) (math.) |
舎密(ateji) see styles |
seimi; seemi / semi; seemi セイミ; セーミ |
(archaism) (See 化学) chemistry (dut: chemie) |
Variations: |
mittsunomitsu みっつのみつ |
(exp,n) (in ref. to 密閉, 密集, 密接) (See 3密・1) three Cs; three conditions that facilitate the transmission of infectious diseases (closed spaces, crowds, and close contact) |
低密度ディスケット see styles |
teimitsudodisuketto / temitsudodisuketto ていみつどディスケット |
{comp} low-density diskette |
低密度リポタンパク see styles |
teimitsudoripotanpaku / temitsudoripotanpaku ていみつどリポタンパク |
(abbreviation) low-density lipoprotein; LDL |
体積エネルギー密度 see styles |
taisekienerugiimitsudo / taisekienerugimitsudo たいせきエネルギーみつど |
energy density (Wh-l) |
大方廣如來祕密藏經 大方广如来祕密藏经 see styles |
dà fāng guǎng rú lái mì mì zàng jīng da4 fang1 guang3 ru2 lai2 mi4 mi4 zang4 jing1 ta fang kuang ju lai mi mi tsang ching Daihōkō nyorai himitsuzō kyō |
Tathāgatagarbha-sūtra, tr. A.D.350-431, idem 大方等如來藏經, tr. by Buddhabhadra A.D. 417-420, 1 chuan. |
波羅尼密婆舍跋提天 波罗尼密婆舍跋提天 see styles |
bō luó ní mì pó shè bá tí tiān bo1 luo2 ni2 mi4 po2 she4 ba2 ti2 tian1 po lo ni mi p`o she pa t`i t`ien po lo ni mi po she pa ti tien haranimitsubashahadaiten |
Paranirmita-vaśavartin, 'obedient to the will of those who are transformed by others,' M. W.; v. 他化自在天. |
重量エネルギー密度 see styles |
juuryouenerugiimitsudo / juryoenerugimitsudo じゅうりょうエネルギーみつど |
specific energy (Wh-kg) |
顯密圓通成佛心要集 see styles |
xiǎn mì yuán tōng chéng fó xīn yào jí xian3 mi4 yuan2 tong1 cheng2 fo2 xin1 yao4 ji2 hsien mi yüan t`ung ch`eng fo hsin yao chi hsien mi yüan tung cheng fo hsin yao chi |
Collection of Essentials for Becoming a Buddha Through the Perfect Penetration of the Exoteric and Esoteric |
高密度ディスケット see styles |
koumitsudodisuketto / komitsudodisuketto こうみつどディスケット |
{comp} high-density diskette |
Variations: |
kokorohisokani こころひそかに |
(adverb) inwardly; secretly |
Variations: |
kimitsurouei / kimitsuroe きみつろうえい |
leak of official secrets; leaking of confidential information |
メッセージ流れ機密性 see styles |
messeejinagarekimitsusei / messeejinagarekimitsuse メッセージながれきみつせい |
{comp} message flow confidentiality |
不動使者陀羅尼祕密法 不动使者陀罗尼祕密法 see styles |
bù dòng shǐ zhě tuó luó ní mì mì fǎ bu4 dong4 shi3 zhe3 tuo2 luo2 ni2 mi4 mi4 fa3 pu tung shih che t`o lo ni mi mi fa pu tung shih che to lo ni mi mi fa fudō shisha darani himitsu hō |
esoteric dhāraṇī spells of the messengers of Akṣobhya |
荅攝蒲密卜羅牒瑟吒諦 荅摄蒲密卜罗牒瑟咤谛 see styles |
dá shè pú mì bǔ luó dié sè zhà dì da2 she4 pu2 mi4 bu3 luo2 die2 se4 zha4 di4 ta she p`u mi pu lo tieh se cha ti ta she pu mi pu lo tieh se cha ti tōshōhomitsubokura chōshichitatai |
daśabhūmi-prastiṣṭhite, 'Thou who art established in the ten stages. ' — said to the Tathāgatas in invocations. |
謀は密なるを良しとす see styles |
hakarigotohamitsunaruoyoshitosu はかりごとはみつなるをよしとす |
(exp,vs-c) (proverb) strategies cannot succeed unless they are kept secret |
金剛祕密善門陀羅尼經 金刚祕密善门陀罗尼经 see styles |
jīn gāng mì mì shàn mén tuó luó ní jīng jin1 gang1 mi4 mi4 shan4 men2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 chin kang mi mi shan men t`o lo ni ching chin kang mi mi shan men to lo ni ching Kongō himitsu zenmon darani kyō |
Jingang mimi shanmen tuoluoni jing |
密跡力士大權神王經偈頌 密迹力士大权神王经偈颂 see styles |
mì jī lì shì dà quán shén wáng jīng jì sòng mi4 ji1 li4 shi4 da4 quan2 shen2 wang2 jing1 ji4 song4 mi chi li shih ta ch`üan shen wang ching chi sung mi chi li shih ta chüan shen wang ching chi sung Misshaku rikishi daigonjinnōkyō geju |
Stanzas on the Sūtras of the Esoteric One's, Mighty Kings of Great Supernatural Power |
中國精密機械進出口公司 中国精密机械进出口公司 see styles |
zhōng guó jīng mì jī xiè jìn chū kǒu gōng sī zhong1 guo2 jing1 mi4 ji1 xie4 jin4 chu1 kou3 gong1 si1 chung kuo ching mi chi hsieh chin ch`u k`ou kung ssu chung kuo ching mi chi hsieh chin chu kou kung ssu |
China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC) |
文殊室利菩薩祕密心眞言 文殊室利菩萨祕密心眞言 see styles |
wén shū shì lì pú sà mì mì xīn zhēn yán wen2 shu1 shi4 li4 pu2 sa4 mi4 mi4 xin1 zhen1 yan2 wen shu shih li p`u sa mi mi hsin chen yen wen shu shih li pu sa mi mi hsin chen yen Monjushiri bosatsu himitsushin shingon |
Wenshushili pusa mimixin zhenyan |
金剛祕密善門陀羅尼呪經 金刚祕密善门陀罗尼呪经 see styles |
jīn gāng mì mì shàn mén tuó luó ní zhòu jīng jin1 gang1 mi4 mi4 shan4 men2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 zhou4 jing1 chin kang mi mi shan men t`o lo ni chou ching chin kang mi mi shan men to lo ni chou ching Kongō himitsu zenmon daraniju kyō |
The Jingang mimi shanmen tuoluonizhou jing |
Variations: |
missetsu みっせつ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) close (relationship, connection, etc.); intimate; near; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) close (together) |
Variations: |
missetsu みっせつ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) close (relationship, connection, etc.); intimate; near; (n,vs,vi) (2) being in close proximity; being adjacent |
密閉式循環再呼吸水肺系統 密闭式循环再呼吸水肺系统 see styles |
mì bì shì xún huán zài hū xī shuǐ fèi xì tǒng mi4 bi4 shi4 xun2 huan2 zai4 hu1 xi1 shui3 fei4 xi4 tong3 mi pi shih hsün huan tsai hu hsi shui fei hsi t`ung mi pi shih hsün huan tsai hu hsi shui fei hsi tung |
closed-circuit rebreather scuba (diving) |
トラフィックフロー機密性 see styles |
torafikkufurookimitsusei / torafikkufurookimitsuse トラフィックフローきみつせい |
{comp} traffic flow confidentiality |
加密列もどき(ateji) see styles |
kamitsuremodoki; kamitsuremodoki カミツレもどき; カミツレモドキ |
(kana only) stinking chamomile (Anthemis cotula) |
Variations: |
genmitsuniiuto / genmitsuniuto げんみつにいうと |
(expression) (See 厳密に言えば) strictly speaking |
Variations: |
genmitsuniieba / genmitsunieba げんみつにいえば |
(expression) (See 厳密に言うと) strictly speaking |
一切祕密最上名義大教王儀軌 一切祕密最上名义大教王仪轨 see styles |
yī qiè mì mì zuì shàng míng yì dà jiào wáng yí guǐ yi1 qie4 mi4 mi4 zui4 shang4 ming2 yi4 da4 jiao4 wang2 yi2 gui3 i ch`ieh mi mi tsui shang ming i ta chiao wang i kuei i chieh mi mi tsui shang ming i ta chiao wang i kuei Issai himitsu saijō myōgi daikyō ō giki |
Yiqie mimi zuishang mingyi dajiaowang yigui |
金剛般若波羅密經五家解說誼 金刚般若波罗密经五家解说谊 see styles |
jīn gāng bō rě bō luó mì jīng wǔ jiā jiě shuō yí jin1 gang1 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1 wu3 jia1 jie3 shuo1 yi2 chin kang po je po lo mi ching wu chia chieh shuo i Kongō hannya haramitsu kyō goke ge setsugi |
Redacted Commentaries of Five Masters on the Diamond Sūtra |
Variations: |
hisoka ひそか |
(noun or adjectival noun) secret; private; surreptitious |
大寶廣博樓閣善住祕密陀羅尼經 大宝广博楼阁善住祕密陀罗尼经 see styles |
dà bǎo guǎng bó lóu gé shàn zhù mì mì tuó luó ní jīng da4 bao3 guang3 bo2 lou2 ge2 shan4 zhu4 mi4 mi4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 ta pao kuang po lou ko shan chu mi mi t`o lo ni ching ta pao kuang po lou ko shan chu mi mi to lo ni ching Daihō kōbaku rōkaku zenjū himitsu daranikyō |
Most Secret, Well-Established Dhāraṇi of the Vast, Gem-Encrusted Tower |
妙輪上樂王祕密不思議大教王經 妙轮上乐王祕密不思议大教王经 see styles |
miào lún shàng lè wáng mì mì bù sī yì dà jiào wáng jīng miao4 lun2 shang4 le4 wang2 mi4 mi4 bu4 si1 yi4 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1 miao lun shang le wang mi mi pu ssu i ta chiao wang ching Myōrin shōraku ō himitsu fushigi daikyōō kyō |
Inconceivable Secret of the Wheel of Ecstasy: Great King of Tantras |
金剛頂大瑜伽祕密心地法門義訣 金刚顶大瑜伽祕密心地法门义诀 see styles |
jīn gāng dǐng dà yú jiā mì mì xīn dì fǎ mén yì jué jin1 gang1 ding3 da4 yu2 jia1 mi4 mi4 xin1 di4 fa3 men2 yi4 jue2 chin kang ting ta yü chia mi mi hsin ti fa men i chüeh Kongōchō daiyuga himitsushin chi hōmen giketsu |
The Jingangding dayujia mimi xin di famen yijue |
Variations: |
misokagoto みそかごと |
(1) (form) secret; private matter; (2) (form) secret love affair; liaison |
底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法 底哩三昧耶不动尊圣者念诵祕密法 see styles |
dǐ lī sān mèi yē bù dòng zūn shèng zhě niàn sòng mì mì fǎ di3 li1 san1 mei4 ye1 bu4 dong4 zun1 sheng4 zhe3 nian4 song4 mi4 mi4 fa3 ti li san mei yeh pu tung tsun sheng che nien sung mi mi fa Teirisammaya fudōson shōja nenju himitsu hō |
Trisamaya: Esoteric Recitation Method of Immovable, the Sacred One |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "密" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.