There are 1157 total results for your 置 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
無容置疑 无容置疑 see styles |
wú róng zhì yí wu2 rong2 zhi4 yi2 wu jung chih i |
cannot be doubted (idiom) |
物置小屋 see styles |
monookigoya ものおきごや |
storage shed |
物置部屋 see styles |
monookibeya ものおきべや |
storage room; store room; lumber room |
特例措置 see styles |
tokureisochi / tokuresochi とくれいそち |
exceptional measures; measures for exceptional cases; preferential measure |
特別措置 see styles |
tokubetsusochi とくべつそち |
special measure; special measures |
玉置一弥 see styles |
tamakikazuya たまきかずや |
(person) Tamaki Kazuya (1944.7.8-) |
玉置保夫 see styles |
tamaokiyasuo たまおきやすお |
(person) Tamaoki Yasuo |
玉置勝彦 see styles |
tamakikatsuhiko たまきかつひこ |
(person) Tamaki Katsuhiko |
玉置和郎 see styles |
tamakikazuo たまきかずお |
(person) Tamaki Kazuo |
玉置成実 see styles |
tamakinami たまきなみ |
(person) Tamaki Nami (1988.6.1-) |
玉置泰裕 see styles |
tamakiyasuhiro たまきやすひろ |
(person) Tamaki Yasuhiro |
玉置浩二 see styles |
tamakikouji / tamakikoji たまきこうじ |
(person) Tamaki Kōji (1958.9-) |
玉置神社 see styles |
tamakijinja たまきじんじゃ |
(place-name) Tamaki Shrine |
現在位置 see styles |
genzaiichi / genzaichi げんざいいち |
(one's) current position; current location; present position |
留め置き see styles |
tomeoki とめおき |
(noun/participle) (1) detention; keeping; retaining; (2) (abbreviation) mail held at the post office |
留め置く see styles |
tomeoku とめおく |
(transitive verb) to detain; to keep; to lock up; to retain; to leave (letter) till called for |
留置郵便 see styles |
tomeokiyuubin / tomeokiyubin とめおきゆうびん |
mail held at the post office |
発火装置 see styles |
hakkasouchi / hakkasochi はっかそうち |
incendiary device |
直列配置 see styles |
chokuretsuhaichi ちょくれつはいち |
{bot} (See 斜列) orthostichy |
相対位置 see styles |
soutaiichi / sotaichi そうたいいち |
(See 絶対位置) relative position |
相對位置 相对位置 see styles |
xiāng duì wèi zhi xiang1 dui4 wei4 zhi5 hsiang tui wei chih |
relative position |
着陸装置 see styles |
chakurikusouchi / chakurikusochi ちゃくりくそうち |
landing gear (aircraft) |
石鹸置き see styles |
sekkenoki せっけんおき |
soap dish or box |
穿孔位置 see styles |
senkouichi / senkoichi せんこういち |
{comp} punch position; punching position |
穿孔装置 see styles |
senkousouchi / senkosochi せんこうそうち |
(computer terminology) punch |
立ち位置 see styles |
tachiichi / tachichi たちいち |
(1) position (where one is standing); place where one stands; (2) position (in society); status; role; station |
立体配置 see styles |
rittaihaichi りったいはいち |
{chem} (molecular) configuration |
端末装置 see styles |
tanmatsusouchi / tanmatsusochi たんまつそうち |
{comp} terminal equipment |
笠置ダム see styles |
kasagidamu かさぎダム |
(place-name) Kasagi Dam |
笠置山地 see styles |
kasagisanchi かさぎさんち |
(personal name) Kasagisanchi |
符号位置 see styles |
fugouichi / fugoichi ふごういち |
{comp} sign position |
筆を置く see styles |
fudeooku ふでをおく |
(exp,v5k) to stop writing; to put down one's pen; to close (a letter) |
算を置く see styles |
sanooku さんをおく |
(exp,v5k) to calculate; to divine |
籍を置く see styles |
sekiooku せきをおく |
(exp,v5k) to be enrolled (in a college, course of study, etc.); to be a member (of an organization) |
索具裝置 索具装置 see styles |
suǒ jù zhuāng zhì suo3 ju4 zhuang1 zhi4 so chü chuang chih |
rig |
経過措置 see styles |
keikasochi / kekasochi けいかそち |
transitional measures |
絶対位置 see styles |
zettaiichi / zettaichi ぜったいいち |
(See 相対位置) absolute position |
緊急措置 see styles |
kinkyuusochi / kinkyusochi きんきゅうそち |
(noun/participle) emergency measures; urgent countermeasures |
緩衝装置 see styles |
kanshousouchi / kanshosochi かんしょうそうち |
buffer; shock absorber; damper unit |
群前置詞 see styles |
gunzenchishi ぐんぜんちし |
{gramm} compound preposition; complex preposition; phrasal preposition |
聞き置く see styles |
kikioku ききおく |
(transitive verb) to listen |
脇に置く see styles |
wakinioku わきにおく |
(exp,v5k) to lay aside; to set aside |
自爆装置 see styles |
jibakusouchi / jibakusochi じばくそうち |
self-destruct system; automatic detonator; self-detonating device |
舞台装置 see styles |
butaisouchi / butaisochi ぶたいそうち |
(yoji) stage setting |
行動裝置 行动装置 see styles |
xíng dòng zhuāng zhì xing2 dong4 zhuang1 zhi4 hsing tung chuang chih |
mobile device (Tw) |
表示装置 see styles |
hyoujisouchi / hyojisochi ひょうじそうち |
{comp} display device; graphics device |
被留置者 see styles |
hiryuuchisha / hiryuchisha ひりゅうちしゃ |
{law} detainee |
装置制御 see styles |
souchiseigyo / sochisegyo そうちせいぎょ |
{comp} device control character (e.g. DC1) |
装置座標 see styles |
souchizahyou / sochizahyo そうちざひょう |
{comp} device coordinate; DC |
装置独立 see styles |
souchidokuritsu / sochidokuritsu そうちどくりつ |
{comp} device-independent |
装置空間 see styles |
souchikuukan / sochikukan そうちくうかん |
{comp} device space |
装置障害 see styles |
souchishougai / sochishogai そうちしょうがい |
{comp} equipment fault |
補償装置 see styles |
hoshousouchi / hoshosochi ほしょうそうち |
compensator; compensating device |
補助装置 see styles |
hojosouchi / hojosochi ほじょそうち |
{comp} auxiliary device; auxiliary equipment |
西日置町 see styles |
nishihiokichou / nishihiokicho にしひおきちょう |
(place-name) Nishihiokichō |
西置賜郡 see styles |
nishiokitamagun にしおきたまぐん |
(place-name) Nishiokitamagun |
要素位置 see styles |
yousoichi / yosoichi ようそいち |
{comp} element position |
観測装置 see styles |
kansokusouchi / kansokusochi かんそくそうち |
monitoring equipment; observational instrument |
観護措置 see styles |
kangosochi かんごそち |
placing a minor under protective detention; imposing a care and custody order |
言い置く see styles |
iioku / ioku いいおく |
(transitive verb) to leave word; to leave a message |
記憶装置 see styles |
kiokusouchi / kiokusochi きおくそうち |
{comp} storage (device); memory |
設置条件 see styles |
secchijouken / secchijoken せっちじょうけん |
{comp} installation requirement |
論理装置 see styles |
ronrisouchi / ronrisochi ろんりそうち |
{comp} logical unit |
買い置き see styles |
kaioki かいおき |
a stock (of goods) |
走査装置 see styles |
sousasouchi / sosasochi そうさそうち |
scanning device; scanner |
起爆装置 see styles |
kibakusouchi / kibakusochi きばくそうち |
detonator |
起落裝置 起落装置 see styles |
qǐ luò zhuāng zhì qi3 luo4 zhuang1 zhi4 ch`i lo chuang chih chi lo chuang chih |
aircraft takeoff and landing gear |
身を置く see styles |
miooku みをおく |
(exp,v5k) to put oneself in (situation, environment, etc.); to surround oneself with |
転置行列 see styles |
tenchigyouretsu / tenchigyoretsu てんちぎょうれつ |
{math} transposed matrix; transpose |
軽減措置 see styles |
keigensochi / kegensochi けいげんそち |
relief measure; mitigation measure |
輕重倒置 轻重倒置 see styles |
qīng zhòng dào zhì qing1 zhong4 dao4 zhi4 ch`ing chung tao chih ching chung tao chih |
to invert the importance of things (i.e. stress the unimportant and neglect the important); lacking a sense of perspective; to put the cart before the horse |
輸墨裝置 输墨装置 see styles |
shū mò zhuāng zhì shu1 mo4 zhuang1 zhi4 shu mo chuang chih |
ink supply mechanism |
轉移安置 转移安置 see styles |
zhuǎn yí ān zhì zhuan3 yi2 an1 zhi4 chuan i an chih |
to relocate; to evacuate |
通信装置 see styles |
tsuushinsouchi / tsushinsochi つうしんそうち |
communications equipment; terminal; communications device |
連動装置 see styles |
rendousouchi / rendosochi れんどうそうち |
interlock; interlocking device |
配置転換 see styles |
haichitenkan はいちてんかん |
(noun/participle) reshuffling; job rotation |
重点措置 see styles |
juutensochi / jutensochi じゅうてんそち |
(abbreviation) (See まん延防止等重点措置) semi-state of emergency COVID-19 measures; COVID-19 pre-emergency status |
鈴置洋孝 see styles |
suzuokihirotaka すずおきひろたか |
(person) Suzuoki Hirotaka (1950.3.6-2006.8.6) |
鑑定留置 see styles |
kanteiryuuchi / kanteryuchi かんていりゅうち |
{law} confinement for psychiatric tests; detention pending expert evaluation |
間を置く see styles |
maooku; aidaooku まをおく; あいだをおく |
(exp,v5k) to pause; to have a short intermission |
閱讀裝置 阅读装置 see styles |
yuè dú zhuāng zhì yue4 du2 zhuang1 zhi4 yüeh tu chuang chih |
electronic reader (e.g. for barcodes, RFID tags etc) |
防音装置 see styles |
bouonsouchi / boonsochi ぼうおんそうち |
soundproofing (device) |
降着装置 see styles |
kouchakusouchi / kochakusochi こうちゃくそうち |
landing gear |
集信装置 see styles |
shuushinsouchi / shushinsochi しゅうしんそうち |
{comp} concentrator |
集線装置 see styles |
shuusensouchi / shusensochi しゅうせんそうち |
{comp} line concentrator; line multiplexer |
集電装置 see styles |
shuudensouchi / shudensochi しゅうでんそうち |
current collector; power collector |
難以置信 难以置信 see styles |
nán yǐ zhì xìn nan2 yi3 zhi4 xin4 nan i chih hsin |
(idiom) hard to believe; incredible |
電子装置 see styles |
denshisouchi / denshisochi でんしそうち |
electronic equipment |
電子配置 see styles |
denshihaichi でんしはいち |
{physics;chem} electron configuration |
電気装置 see styles |
denkisouchi / denkisochi でんきそうち |
electrical device; electrical equipment |
電源装置 see styles |
dengensouchi / dengensochi でんげんそうち |
power supply (device) |
電郵位置 电邮位置 see styles |
diàn yóu wèi zhi dian4 you2 wei4 zhi5 tien yu wei chih |
email address |
露光装置 see styles |
rokousouchi / rokosochi ろこうそうち |
{comp} lithography |
駆動装置 see styles |
kudousouchi / kudosochi くどうそうち |
drive assembly; driving gear; driving mechanism; running gear |
置いて行く see styles |
oiteiku / oiteku おいていく |
(exp,v5k-s) to leave behind |
置きかえる see styles |
okikaeru おきかえる |
(transitive verb) to replace; to move; to change the position of |
置きっ放し see styles |
okippanashi おきっぱなし |
leaving something where it is; abandoning something |
置きどころ see styles |
okidokoro おきどころ |
(1) place to put things; shed; storage space; (2) place to put oneself |
置きなさい see styles |
okinasai おきなさい |
(expression) (1) (kana only) (imperative) (See 置く・おく・1) put; place; (expression) (2) (kana only) (imperative) (See 置く・おく・2) leave; (expression) (3) (kana only) (imperative; after -te form of verb) (See 置く・おく・9) do (in preparation) |
置きに行く see styles |
okiniiku / okiniku おきにいく |
(exp,v5k) (colloquialism) (orig. a baseball term) to play it safe |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "置" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.