There are 868 total results for your 画 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
番号計画 see styles |
bangoukeikaku / bangokekaku ばんごうけいかく |
{comp} numbering plan |
畫地為牢 画地为牢 see styles |
huà dì wéi láo hua4 di4 wei2 lao2 hua ti wei lao |
lit. to be confined within a circle drawn on the ground (idiom); fig. to confine oneself to a restricted range of activities |
畫地為獄 画地为狱 see styles |
huà dì wéi yù hua4 di4 wei2 yu4 hua ti wei yü |
see 畫地為牢|画地为牢[hua4 di4 wei2 lao2] |
畫地自限 画地自限 see styles |
huà dì zì xiàn hua4 di4 zi4 xian4 hua ti tzu hsien |
lit. to draw a line on the ground to keep within (idiom); fig. to impose restrictions on oneself |
畫插圖者 画插图者 see styles |
huà chā tú zhě hua4 cha1 tu2 zhe3 hua ch`a t`u che hua cha tu che |
illustrator |
畫法幾何 画法几何 see styles |
huà fǎ jǐ hé hua4 fa3 ji3 he2 hua fa chi ho |
descriptive geometry (three-dimensional geometry using projections and elevations) |
畫荻教子 画荻教子 see styles |
huà dí jiào zǐ hua4 di2 jiao4 zi3 hua ti chiao tzu |
to write on the sand with reeds while teaching one's son (idiom); mother's admirable dedication to her children's education |
畫虎類犬 画虎类犬 see styles |
huà hǔ lèi quǎn hua4 hu3 lei4 quan3 hua hu lei ch`üan hua hu lei chüan |
to try to draw a tiger but end up with a likeness of a dog (idiom); to try to do something overambitious and end up botching it |
畫蛇添足 画蛇添足 see styles |
huà shé tiān zú hua4 she2 tian1 zu2 hua she t`ien tsu hua she tien tsu |
lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to ruin the effect by adding something superfluous; to overdo it See: 画蛇添足 |
畫餅充飢 画饼充饥 see styles |
huà bǐng chōng jī hua4 bing3 chong1 ji1 hua ping ch`ung chi hua ping chung chi |
lit. to allay one's hunger using a picture of a cake; to feed on illusions (idiom) |
畫龍點睛 画龙点睛 see styles |
huà lóng diǎn jīng hua4 long2 dian3 jing1 hua lung tien ching |
to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point |
目玉企画 see styles |
medamakikaku めだまきかく |
special feature (e.g. in a magazine); special program; special project |
短期計画 see styles |
tankikeikaku / tankikekaku たんきけいかく |
short-term plan; short-run project |
短編映画 see styles |
tanpeneiga / tanpenega たんぺんえいが |
short film |
秋田蘭画 see styles |
akitaranga あきたらんが |
(hist) Akita ranga; short-lived school of Western-style painting that originated in the Akita feudal domain in the mid Edo period |
科学映画 see styles |
kagakueiga / kagakuega かがくえいが |
science film |
移行計画 see styles |
ikoukeikaku / ikokekaku いこうけいかく |
transition plan |
立体映画 see styles |
rittaieiga / rittaiega りったいえいが |
three-dimensional movie; 3-D movie |
端末画面 see styles |
tanmatsugamen たんまつがめん |
{comp} terminal screen |
紙上計画 see styles |
shijoukeikaku / shijokekaku しじょうけいかく |
paper plan |
経営企画 see styles |
keieikikaku / keekikaku けいえいきかく |
corporate planning; management planning |
統合計画 see styles |
tougoukeikaku / togokekaku とうごうけいかく |
integration plan |
続き漫画 see styles |
tsuzukimanga つづきまんが |
serial cartoon; serial comic; serial comic strip |
総合計画 see styles |
sougoukeikaku / sogokekaku そうごうけいかく |
(place-name) Sougoukeikaku |
肖像画家 see styles |
shouzougaka / shozogaka しょうぞうがか |
portrait painter |
背景画像 see styles |
haikeigazou / haikegazo はいけいがぞう |
{comp} background image; static image |
自画自讚 see styles |
jigajisan じがじさん |
(n,vs,adj-no) (yoji) singing one's own praises; praising one's own wares |
自画自賛 see styles |
jigajisan じがじさん |
(n,vs,adj-no) (yoji) singing one's own praises; praising one's own wares |
臺灣畫眉 台湾画眉 see styles |
tái wān huà méi tai2 wan1 hua4 mei2 t`ai wan hua mei tai wan hua mei |
(bird species of China) Taiwan hwamei (Garrulax taewanus) |
色画用紙 see styles |
irogayoushi / irogayoshi いろがようし |
colored drawing paper; construction paper |
芸術映画 see styles |
geijutsueiga / gejutsuega げいじゅつえいが |
art film |
行動計画 see styles |
koudoukeikaku / kodokekaku こうどうけいかく |
plan of action |
行政区画 see styles |
gyouseikukaku / gyosekukaku ぎょうせいくかく |
administrative district; (place-name) Gyouseikukaku |
行政區畫 行政区画 see styles |
xíng zhèng qū huà xing2 zheng4 qu1 hua4 hsing cheng ch`ü hua hsing cheng chü hua |
administrative subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties) See: 行政区画 |
表示画像 see styles |
hyoujigazou / hyojigazo ひょうじがぞう |
{comp} display image; picture |
計画倒産 see styles |
keikakutousan / kekakutosan けいかくとうさん |
planned bankruptcy |
計画停止 see styles |
keikakuteishi / kekakuteshi けいかくていし |
{comp} planned shutdown; planned outage |
計画停電 see styles |
keikakuteiden / kekakuteden けいかくていでん |
planned power outage |
計画出産 see styles |
keikakushussan / kekakushussan けいかくしゅっさん |
planned delivery; induced labour; induced labor |
計画分娩 see styles |
keikakubunben / kekakubunben けいかくぶんべん |
{med} elective delivery; scheduled delivery |
計画変更 see styles |
keikakuhenkou / kekakuhenko けいかくへんこう |
change of plan |
計画段階 see styles |
keikakudankai / kekakudankai けいかくだんかい |
planning stage; planning stages |
計画決定 see styles |
keikakukettei / kekakukette けいかくけってい |
planning decision |
計画犯罪 see styles |
keikakuhanzai / kekakuhanzai けいかくはんざい |
planned crime |
計画経済 see styles |
keikakukeizai / kekakukezai けいかくけいざい |
planned economy |
計画行列 see styles |
keikakugyouretsu / kekakugyoretsu けいかくぎょうれつ |
{math} design matrix |
計画評価 see styles |
keikakuhyouka / kekakuhyoka けいかくひょうか |
{comp} forecasting |
計画通り see styles |
keikakudoori / kekakudoori けいかくどおり |
(expression) in accordance with plans; just as planned |
計画運休 see styles |
keikakuunkyuu / kekakunkyu けいかくうんきゅう |
planned mass transit service suspension (as a precaution ahead of typhoons, etc.) |
計画都市 see styles |
keikakutoshi / kekakutoshi けいかくとし |
planned city |
記録映画 see styles |
kirokueiga / kirokuega きろくえいが |
documentary film |
詩情畫意 诗情画意 see styles |
shī qíng huà yì shi1 qing2 hua4 yi4 shih ch`ing hua i shih ching hua i |
picturesque charm; idyllic appeal; poetic grace |
買収計画 see styles |
baishuukeikaku / baishukekaku ばいしゅうけいかく |
purchasing plan; acquisition plan |
資金計画 see styles |
shikinkeikaku / shikinkekaku しきんけいかく |
financing plan; funding plan; cash planning |
起動画面 see styles |
kidougamen / kidogamen きどうがめん |
{comp} startup screen |
迷惑動画 see styles |
meiwakudouga / mewakudoga めいわくどうが |
prank video |
透視画法 see styles |
toushigahou / toshigaho とうしがほう |
(the artistic technique of) perspective |
透視畫法 透视画法 see styles |
tòu shì huà fǎ tou4 shi4 hua4 fa3 t`ou shih hua fa tou shih hua fa |
perspective drawing |
透過画像 see styles |
toukagazou / tokagazo とうかがぞう |
(1) {comp} computer image with a transparent background; (2) transmission image (X-ray image, etc.) |
連続画像 see styles |
renzokugazou / renzokugazo れんぞくがぞう |
sequential art or pictures (type of printed, graphic storytelling, differentiated from manga by its liberal use of page space, often only one panel per page, and sparing use of dialogue) |
道路計画 see styles |
dourokeikaku / dorokekaku どうろけいかく |
road plan |
都市計画 see styles |
toshikeikaku / toshikekaku としけいかく |
city planning; urban planning; town planning |
長尺映画 see styles |
choujakueiga / chojakuega ちょうじゃくえいが |
long film (movie) |
長期計画 see styles |
choukikeikaku / chokikekaku ちょうきけいかく |
long-range plan |
長編映画 see styles |
chouheneiga / chohenega ちょうへんえいが |
feature film |
開発計画 see styles |
kaihatsukeikaku / kaihatsukekaku かいはつけいかく |
development project (program, programme, plan) |
閨秀画家 see styles |
keishuugaka / keshugaka けいしゅうがか |
talented woman painter; accomplished woman painter |
防衛計画 see styles |
boueikeikaku / boekekaku ぼうえいけいかく |
defence program; defence plan |
雕梁畫棟 雕梁画栋 see styles |
diāo liáng huà dòng diao1 liang2 hua4 dong4 tiao liang hua tung |
richly ornamented (building) |
青春映画 see styles |
seishuneiga / seshunega せいしゅんえいが |
youth film; teen movie |
静止画像 see styles |
seishigazou / seshigazo せいしがぞう |
{comp} background image; static image |
音楽映画 see styles |
ongakueiga / ongakuega おんがくえいが |
musical (film) |
風俗画風 see styles |
fuuzokugafuu / fuzokugafu ふうぞくがふう |
(of the) genre painting style; (of the) style of painting that depicts people's customs and manners; (of the) type of painting that denotes the life of ordinary people |
風景画家 see styles |
fuukeigaka / fukegaka ふうけいがか |
landscape artist; landscape painter; landscapist |
鳥獣戯画 see styles |
choujuugiga / chojugiga ちょうじゅうぎが |
(work) Scrolls of Frolicking Animals (set of 12th and 13th century picture scrolls); (wk) Scrolls of Frolicking Animals (set of 12th and 13th century picture scrolls) |
黏土動畫 黏土动画 see styles |
nián tǔ dòng huà nian2 tu3 dong4 hua4 nien t`u tung hua nien tu tung hua |
clay animation; Claymation |
3D映画 see styles |
suriidiieiga; sandiieiga / suridiega; sandiega スリーディーえいが; さんディーえいが |
3D movie |
B級映画 see styles |
biikyuueiga / bikyuega ビーきゅうえいが |
B-movie; B-picture; B-film |
SF映画 see styles |
esuefueiga / esuefuega エスエフえいが |
science fiction film; sci-fi movie |
Variations: |
kakusu かくす |
(transitive verb) (1) (See 画する) to draw (a line); (transitive verb) (2) to demarcate; to mark; to divide; to map out; (transitive verb) (3) to plan |
Variations: |
kakutei / kakute かくてい |
(noun, transitive verb) demarcation |
Variations: |
eshi; gashi(画師) えし; がし(画師) |
painter; artist; painter supported by patron |
Variations: |
kakki かっき |
(See 画期的・かっきてき) transition from one epoch to another; change of era |
Variations: |
kakuzen かくぜん |
(adj-t,adv-to) clear (distinction); distinct; clear-cut; sharp |
画像データ see styles |
gazoudeeta / gazodeeta がぞうデータ |
{comp} image data; graphics data; digital image |
画像掲示板 see styles |
gazoukeijiban / gazokejiban がぞうけいじばん |
{internet} imageboard |
画図町所島 see styles |
ezumachitokorojima えずまちところじま |
(place-name) Ezumachitokorojima |
画図町重富 see styles |
ezumachishigetomi えずまちしげとみ |
(place-name) Ezumachishigetomi |
画法幾何学 see styles |
gahoukikagaku / gahokikagaku がほうきかがく |
{math} (See 図法幾何学) descriptive geometry |
画登幹春芝 see styles |
gatokenshunshi がとけんしゅんし |
(person) Gatoken Shunshi |
画面コピー see styles |
gamenkopii / gamenkopi がめんコピー |
{comp} (See スクリーンキャプチャ) screen capture; screen dump; screen grab |
画面サイズ see styles |
gamensaizu がめんサイズ |
{comp} screen size |
画餅に帰す see styles |
gabeinikisu / gabenikisu がべいにきす |
(exp,v5s) to come to nothing; to end in failure; to fall through |
Variations: |
ikkaku いっかく |
(1) one plot (of land); one block (i.e. one city block); one area; one lot; (2) one brush stroke; one kanji stroke |
Variations: |
bunkaku ぶんかく |
(noun/participle) (1) demarcation; graduation; (noun/participle) (2) {chem} fractionation; fraction |
Variations: |
eshi; gashi(画師) えし; がし(画師) |
(1) painter; artist; (2) (えし only) (net-sl) illustrator |
けい秀画家 see styles |
keishuugaka / keshugaka けいしゅうがか |
(accomplished) woman painter |
アニメ映画 see styles |
animeeiga / animeega アニメえいが |
animated cartoon; animated film |
アポロ計画 see styles |
aporokeikaku / aporokekaku アポロけいかく |
Apollo program; Project Apollo |
カルト映画 see styles |
karutoeiga / karutoega カルトえいが |
cult film; cult movie |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "画" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.