There are 2357 total results for your 王 search. I have created 24 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
王寺駅 see styles |
oujieki / ojieki おうじえき |
(st) Ouji Station |
王小波 see styles |
wáng xiǎo bō wang2 xiao3 bo1 wang hsiao po |
Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997), scholar and novelist |
王少鳳 see styles |
poorinuぉn ぽーりんうぉん |
(personal name) Po-rinwon |
王尚久 see styles |
oushouku / oshoku おうしょうく |
(personal name) Oushouku |
王居址 see styles |
ouishi / oishi おういし |
(place-name) Ouishi |
王居峠 see styles |
ouidawa / oidawa おういだわ |
(personal name) Ouidawa |
王居殿 see styles |
ouiden / oiden おういでん |
(place-name) Ouiden |
王岐山 see styles |
wáng qí shān wang2 qi2 shan1 wang ch`i shan wang chi shan |
Wang Qishan (1948-), PRC politician |
王岫雲 see styles |
oujukun / ojukun おうじゅくん |
(personal name) Oujukun |
王岱輿 王岱舆 see styles |
wáng dài yú wang2 dai4 yu2 wang tai yü |
Wang Daiyu (1584-1670), Hui Islamic scholar of the Ming-Qing transition |
王岳川 see styles |
oudakegawa / odakegawa おうだけがわ |
(place-name) Oudakegawa |
王希哲 see styles |
oukitetsu / okitetsu おうきてつ |
(personal name) Oukitetsu |
王希孟 see styles |
wáng xī mèng wang2 xi1 meng4 wang hsi meng |
Wang Ximeng (c. 1096-c. 1119), Song artist, probably teenage prodigy who died young, painter of Thousand Miles of Landscape 千里江山 |
王府井 see styles |
wáng fǔ jǐng wang2 fu3 jing3 wang fu ching wanfuuchin / wanfuchin ワンフーチン |
Wangfujing neighborhood of central Beijing, famous for shopping (place-name) Wangfujing (shopping street in Beijing, China) |
王座統 see styles |
ouzatou / ozato おうざとう |
(personal name) Ouzatou |
王建偉 see styles |
oukeni / okeni おうけんい |
(personal name) Ouken'i |
王建民 see styles |
wáng jiàn mín wang2 jian4 min2 wang chien min |
Chien-Ming Wang (1980-), Taiwanese starting pitcher for the Washington Nationals in Major League Baseball |
王建邦 see styles |
oukenhou / okenho おうけんほう |
(personal name) Oukenhou |
王御住 see styles |
oumisumi / omisumi おうみすみ |
(place-name) Oumisumi |
王復生 see styles |
oufukushuu / ofukushu おうふくしゅう |
(personal name) Oufukushuu |
王心凌 see styles |
wáng xīn líng wang2 xin1 ling2 wang hsin ling |
stage name of Cyndi Wang; see 王君如[Wang2 Jun1 ru2] |
王忠禹 see styles |
ouchuuu / ochuu おうちゅうう |
(personal name) Ouchuuu |
王恵珍 see styles |
oukeichin / okechin おうけいちん |
(personal name) Oukeichin |
王恵衆 see styles |
oukeishuu / okeshu おうけいしゅう |
(personal name) Oukeishuu |
王慶芝 see styles |
oukeishi / okeshi おうけいし |
(personal name) Oukeishi |
王振亜 see styles |
oushina / oshina おうしんあ |
(personal name) Oushin'a |
王振義 see styles |
oushingi / oshingi おうしんぎ |
(personal name) Oushingi |
王敏式 see styles |
wanminshiki わんみんしき |
(personal name) Wanminshiki |
王敏徳 see styles |
maikeruuぉn / maikeruぉn まいけるうぉん |
(personal name) Maikeruwon |
王文元 see styles |
oubungen / obungen おうぶんげん |
(personal name) Oubungen |
王文煥 see styles |
oubunkan / obunkan おうぶんかん |
(personal name) Oubunkan |
王文玉 see styles |
oubungyoku / obungyoku おうぶんぎょく |
(personal name) Oubungyoku |
王日休 see styles |
wáng rì xiū wang2 ri4 xiu1 wang jih hsiu Ō Nikkyū |
Wang Rixiu, a 進士 doctor who became a devout and learned follower of Amida and Guanyin; he was of 龍舒 Longshu, was also known as 虛中 Xuzhong, and compiled the 大阿彌陀經 1160-2. |
王昌齢 see styles |
oushourei / oshore おうしょうれい |
(personal name) Oushourei |
王春平 see styles |
oushunhei / oshunhe おうしゅんへい |
(personal name) Oushunhei |
王春正 see styles |
oushunsei / oshunse おうしゅんせい |
(personal name) Oushunsei |
王春貴 see styles |
oushunki / oshunki おうしゅんき |
(personal name) Oushunki |
王昭君 see styles |
wáng zhāo jun wang2 zhao1 jun1 wang chao chün oushoukun / oshokun おうしょうくん |
Wang Zhaojun (52-19 BC), famous beauty at the court of Han emperor Yuan 漢元帝|汉元帝[Han4 Yuan2 di4], one of the four legendary beauties 四大美女[si4 da4 mei3 nu:3] (personal name) Oushoukun |
王杏雲 see styles |
oukyouun / okyoun おうきょううん |
(personal name) Oukyōun |
王東順 see styles |
outoujun / otojun おうとうじゅん |
(person) Ou Tōjun (1946.11.3-) |
王柏群 see styles |
ouhakugun / ohakugun おうはくぐん |
(personal name) Ouhakugun |
王柳蘭 see styles |
ouryuuran / oryuran おうりゅうらん |
(personal name) Ouryūran |
王桂芝 see styles |
oukeishi / okeshi おうけいし |
(personal name) Oukeishi |
王楽寺 see styles |
ourakuji / orakuji おうらくじ |
(place-name) Ourakuji |
王樹村 see styles |
oujuson / ojuson おうじゅそん |
(personal name) Oujuson |
王樹財 see styles |
oujusai / ojusai おうじゅさい |
(personal name) Oujusai |
王欽若 王钦若 see styles |
wáng qīn ruò wang2 qin1 ruo4 wang ch`in jo wang chin jo |
Wang Qinruo (962-1025), Northern Song dynasty official |
王武竜 see styles |
ouburyuu / oburyu おうぶりゅう |
(personal name) Ouburyū |
王殺し see styles |
ougoroshi / ogoroshi おうごろし |
regicide |
王永慶 see styles |
oueikei / oeke おうえいけい |
(personal name) Oueikei |
王永明 see styles |
oueimei / oeme おうえいめい |
(personal name) Oueimei |
王永梅 see styles |
oueibai / oebai おうえいばい |
(personal name) Oueibai |
王永民 see styles |
wáng yǒng mín wang2 yong3 min2 wang yung min |
Wang Yongmin (1943-), inventor of the five stroke input method 五筆輸入法|五笔输入法[wu3 bi3 shu1 ru4 fa3] |
王治郅 see styles |
wáng zhì zhì wang2 zhi4 zhi4 wang chih chih |
Wang Zhizhi (1977-), former Chinese basketball player |
王法經 王法经 see styles |
wáng fǎ jīng wang2 fa3 jing1 wang fa ching Ōbō kyō |
A sutra on royal law, tr. by Yijing; there are other treatises on it. |
王洪文 see styles |
wáng hóng wén wang2 hong2 wen2 wang hung wen oukoubun / okobun おうこうぶん |
Wang Hongwen (1935-1992), one of the Gang of Four (person) Wang Hongwen (1936-1992) |
王洪福 see styles |
oukoufuku / okofuku おうこうふく |
(personal name) Oukoufuku |
王淑栄 see styles |
oushukuei / oshukue おうしゅくえい |
(personal name) Oushukuei |
王淑琴 see styles |
oushukukin / oshukukin おうしゅくきん |
(personal name) Oushukukin |
王淑青 see styles |
oushukusei / oshukuse おうしゅくせい |
(personal name) Oushukusei |
王淮之 see styles |
wáng huái zhī wang2 huai2 zhi1 wang huai chih Ō Eshi |
Wang Huaizhi |
王清峰 see styles |
ouseihou / oseho おうせいほう |
(personal name) Ouseihou |
王清道 see styles |
oushindou / oshindo おうしんどう |
(personal name) Oushindō |
王滝川 see styles |
outakigawa / otakigawa おうたきがわ |
(personal name) Outakigawa |
王滝村 see styles |
outakimura / otakimura おうたきむら |
(place-name) Outakimura |
王滝町 see styles |
outakichou / otakicho おうたきちょう |
(place-name) Outakichō |
王澤卿 see styles |
outakukyou / otakukyo おうたくきょう |
(personal name) Outakukyō |
王瀬新 see styles |
ouseshin / oseshin おうせしん |
(place-name) Ouseshin |
王照華 see styles |
oushouka / oshoka おうしょうか |
(personal name) Oushouka |
王献之 see styles |
oukenshi / okenshi おうけんし |
(person) Wang Xianzhi (344-386; Chinese calligrapher) |
王玉錦 see styles |
ougyokukin / ogyokukin おうぎょくきん |
(personal name) Ougyokukin |
王珍輝 see styles |
ouchinki / ochinki おうちんき |
(personal name) Ouchinki |
王理恵 see styles |
ourie / orie おうりえ |
(person) Ou Rie (45.3-) |
王瑞生 see styles |
ouzuiki / ozuiki おうずいき |
(personal name) Ouzuiki |
王番田 see styles |
oubaden / obaden おうばでん |
(place-name) Oubaden |
王益區 王益区 see styles |
wáng yì qū wang2 yi4 qu1 wang i ch`ü wang i chü |
Wangyi District of Tongchuan City 銅川市|铜川市[Tong2 chuan1 Shi4], Shaanxi |
王祖賢 王祖贤 see styles |
wáng zǔ xián wang2 zu3 xian2 wang tsu hsien joiuぉn じょいうぉん |
Joey Wong (1967-), Taiwanese actress (personal name) Joiwon |
王祗橋 see styles |
oogibashi おおぎばし |
(place-name) Oogibashi |
王禅寺 see styles |
ouzendera / ozendera おうぜんでら |
(personal name) Ouzendera |
王福寺 see styles |
oufukuji / ofukuji おうふくじ |
(place-name) Oufukuji |
王禹偁 see styles |
wáng yǔ chēng wang2 yu3 cheng1 wang yü ch`eng wang yü cheng |
Wang Yucheng (954-1001) Song dynasty literary figure |
王立誠 see styles |
ourissei / orisse おうりっせい |
(person) Wang Li Chen (1958.11.7-; professional go player) |
王紅偉 see styles |
oukoui / okoi おうこうい |
(personal name) Oukoui |
王維詩 see styles |
ouishi / oishi おういし |
(personal name) Ouishi |
王義夫 王义夫 see styles |
wáng yì fū wang2 yi4 fu1 wang i fu |
Wang Yifu (1960-), male PRC pistol shooter and Olympic medalist |
王羲之 see styles |
wáng xī zhī wang2 xi1 zhi1 wang hsi chih ougishi / ogishi おうぎし |
Wang Xizhi (303-361), famous calligrapher of Eastern Jin, known as the sage of calligraphy 書聖|书圣 (person) Wang Xizhi (303-361; Chinese calligrapher) |
王老五 see styles |
wáng lǎo wǔ wang2 lao3 wu3 wang lao wu |
bachelor (lit. fifth child of the Wangs) |
王老吉 see styles |
wáng lǎo jí wang2 lao3 ji2 wang lao chi |
Wanglaoji (beverage brand) |
王舍城 see styles |
wáng shè chéng wang2 she4 cheng2 wang she ch`eng wang she cheng Ōsha jō |
Rājagṛha. King Bimbisāra is said to have removed his capital here from Kuśāgrapura, v. 矩 and 吉, a little further eastward, because of fire and other calamities. Rājagṛha was surrounded by five hills, of which Gṛdhrakūṭa (Vulture Peak) became the most famous. It was the royal city from the time of Bimbisara 'until the time of Aśoka'. Its ruins are still extant at the village of Rājgir, some sixteen miles S. S. W. of Bihār; they 'form an object of pilgrimages for the Jains'. Eitel. The first synod is said to have assembled here. |
王若望 see styles |
wanrouwan / wanrowan わんろうわん |
(person) Wan Rouwan (1917.3-) |
王茂林 see styles |
oumorin / omorin おうもりん |
(personal name) Oumorin |
王華碧 see styles |
oukaheki / okaheki おうかへき |
(personal name) Oukaheki |
王藤内 see styles |
outounai / otonai おうとうない |
(surname) Outounai |
王衍中 see styles |
ougyouchuu / ogyochu おうぎょうちゅう |
(personal name) Ougyouchuu |
王貞治 see styles |
ousadaharu / osadaharu おうさだはる |
(person) Ou Sadaharu (1940.5-) |
王貫峠 see styles |
ounukidawa / onukidawa おうぬきだわ |
(personal name) Ounukidawa |
王越山 see styles |
ougoshiyama / ogoshiyama おうごしやま |
(personal name) Ougoshiyama |
王越池 see styles |
ougoshiike / ogoshike おうごしいけ |
(place-name) Ougoshiike |
王越町 see styles |
oogoshichou / oogoshicho おおごしちょう |
(place-name) Oogoshichō |
王身代 see styles |
ooshindai おおしんだい |
(surname) Ooshindai |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "王" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.