There are 920 total results for your 敬 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
敬一朗 see styles |
keiichirou / kechiro けいいちろう |
(male given name) Keiichirō |
敬一郎 see styles |
keiichirou / kechiro けいいちろう |
(male given name) Keiichirō |
敬七郎 see styles |
keishichirou / keshichiro けいしちろう |
(male given name) Keishichirō |
敬三朗 see styles |
keisaburou / kesaburo けいさぶろう |
(male given name) Keisaburō |
敬三郎 see styles |
keizaburou / kezaburo けいざぶろう |
(male given name) Keizaburō |
敬之丞 see styles |
keinosuke / kenosuke けいのすけ |
(male given name) Keinosuke |
敬之介 see styles |
keinosuke / kenosuke けいのすけ |
(male given name) Keinosuke |
敬之佑 see styles |
keinosuke / kenosuke けいのすけ |
(male given name) Keinosuke |
敬之典 see styles |
keinosuke / kenosuke けいのすけ |
(male given name) Keinosuke |
敬之助 see styles |
keinosuke / kenosuke けいのすけ |
(male given name) Keinosuke |
敬之祐 see styles |
keinosuke / kenosuke けいのすけ |
(male given name) Keinosuke |
敬之輔 see styles |
keinosuke / kenosuke けいのすけ |
(male given name) Keinosuke |
敬之進 see styles |
keinoshin / kenoshin けいのしん |
(given name) Keinoshin |
敬之郎 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(personal name) Keishirou |
敬二朗 see styles |
keijirou / kejiro けいじろう |
(male given name) Keijirō |
敬二郎 see styles |
keinirou / keniro けいにろう |
(male given name) Keinirou |
敬五郎 see styles |
keigorou / kegoro けいごろう |
(male given name) Keigorou |
敬似子 see styles |
keiko / keko けいこ |
(female given name) Keiko |
敬佐朗 see styles |
keisaburou / kesaburo けいさぶろう |
(male given name) Keisaburō |
敬佐郎 see styles |
keisaburou / kesaburo けいさぶろう |
(male given name) Keisaburō |
敬偉子 see styles |
keiko / keko けいこ |
(female given name) Keiko |
敬史朗 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(personal name) Keishirou |
敬史郎 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(personal name) Keishirou |
敬司朗 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(personal name) Keishirou |
敬司郎 see styles |
keijirou / kejiro けいじろう |
(male given name) Keijirō |
敬啟者 敬启者 see styles |
jìng qǐ zhě jing4 qi3 zhe3 ching ch`i che ching chi che |
Dear Sirs; To Whom It May Concern |
敬四朗 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(personal name) Keishirou |
敬四郎 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(male given name) Keishirou |
敬士朗 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(personal name) Keishirou |
敬士郎 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(personal name) Keishirou |
敬壱朗 see styles |
keiichi / kechi けいいち |
(personal name) Keiichi |
敬壱郎 see styles |
keiichi / kechi けいいち |
(personal name) Keiichi |
敬多朗 see styles |
keitarou / ketaro けいたろう |
(male given name) Keitarō |
敬多郎 see styles |
keitarou / ketaro けいたろう |
(male given name) Keitarō |
敬太朗 see styles |
keitarou / ketaro けいたろう |
(male given name) Keitarō |
敬太郎 see styles |
keitarou / ketaro けいたろう |
(male given name) Keitarō |
敬川町 see styles |
uyagawachou / uyagawacho うやがわちょう |
(place-name) Uyagawachō |
敬川駅 see styles |
uyagawaeki うやがわえき |
(st) Uyagawa Station |
敬左朗 see styles |
keisaburou / kesaburo けいさぶろう |
(male given name) Keisaburō |
敬左郎 see styles |
keisaburou / kesaburo けいさぶろう |
(male given name) Keisaburou |
敬市朗 see styles |
keiichi / kechi けいいち |
(personal name) Keiichi |
敬市郎 see styles |
keiichirou / kechiro けいいちろう |
(male given name) Keiichirō |
敬平山 see styles |
keibirayama / kebirayama けいびらやま |
(place-name) Keibirayama |
敬志朗 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(personal name) Keishirou |
敬志郎 see styles |
keishirou / keshiro けいしろう |
(personal name) Keishirou |
敬慎院 see styles |
keishinin / keshinin けいしんいん |
(place-name) Keishin'in |
敬承斎 see styles |
keishousai / keshosai けいしょうさい |
(personal name) Keishousai |
敬攸子 see styles |
keiko / keko けいこ |
(female given name) Keiko |
敬日登 see styles |
takahito たかひと |
(personal name) Takahito |
敬次朗 see styles |
keijirou / kejiro けいじろう |
(male given name) Keijirō |
敬次郎 see styles |
keijirou / kejiro けいじろう |
(male given name) Keijirō |
敬治朗 see styles |
keijirou / kejiro けいじろう |
(male given name) Keijirō |
敬治郎 see styles |
keijirou / kejiro けいじろう |
(male given name) Keijirō |
敬爾郎 see styles |
takajirou / takajiro たかじろう |
(male given name) Takajirō |
敬砂朗 see styles |
keisaburou / kesaburo けいさぶろう |
(male given name) Keisaburou |
敬砂郎 see styles |
keisaburou / kesaburo けいさぶろう |
(male given name) Keisaburou |
敬礼寺 see styles |
keireiji / kereji けいれいじ |
(surname) Keireiji |
敬称略 see styles |
keishouryaku / keshoryaku けいしょうりゃく |
(expression) titles omitted; (names listed) without honorifics |
敬緯子 see styles |
yuiko ゆいこ |
(female given name) Yuiko |
敬老会 see styles |
keiroukai / kerokai けいろうかい |
meeting to show respect for the aged |
敬老席 see styles |
jìng lǎo xí jing4 lao3 xi2 ching lao hsi |
priority seating for the aged (on buses etc) |
敬老金 see styles |
keiroukin / kerokin けいろうきん |
cash gift from local government to the elderly (often on 77th and 88th birthdays) |
敬老院 see styles |
jìng lǎo yuàn jing4 lao3 yuan4 ching lao yüan |
senior citizens' home; old folks' home |
敬行寺 see styles |
keigyouji / kegyoji けいぎょうじ |
(place-name) Keigyouji |
敬覚寺 see styles |
keikakuji / kekakuji けいかくじ |
(personal name) Keikakuji |
敬譲語 see styles |
keijougo / kejogo けいじょうご |
(1) {ling} (See 謙譲語・けんじょうご,敬語・けいご) humble and honorific expressions; polite speech; (2) {ling} (See 敬語・けいご) honorific; term of respect; polite expression; honorific language |
敬重戒 see styles |
jìng zhòng jiè jing4 zhong4 jie4 ching chung chieh kyōjū kai |
to value morality |
敬重郎 see styles |
keijuurou / kejuro けいじゅうろう |
(personal name) Keijuurou |
ご愛敬 see styles |
goaikyou / goaikyo ごあいきょう |
entertainment; amusement; fun |
不尊敬 see styles |
bù zūn jìng bu4 zun1 jing4 pu tsun ching fu sonkyō |
does not revere |
不敬罪 see styles |
fukeizai / fukezai ふけいざい |
lese majesty; lèse-majesté |
不敬虔 see styles |
fukeiken / fukeken ふけいけん |
impiety; irreverence |
中川敬 see styles |
nakagawatakashi なかがわたかし |
(person) Nakagawa Takashi |
中村敬 see styles |
nakamurakei / nakamurake なかむらけい |
(person) Nakamura Kei |
丸山敬 see styles |
maruyamakei / maruyamake まるやまけい |
(person) Maruyama Kei |
今井敬 see styles |
imaitakashi いまいたかし |
(person) Imai Takashi (1929.12-) |
全敬煥 see styles |
zenkeikan / zenkekan ぜんけいかん |
(personal name) Zenkeikan |
八敬戒 see styles |
bā jìng jiè ba1 jing4 jie4 pa ching chieh hakkyōkai |
The eight commands given by the Buddha to his foster-mother, i.e. aunt, when she was admitted to the order, and which remain as commands to nuns: (1) even though a hundred years old a nun must pay respect to a monk, however young, and offer her seat to him; (2) must never scold a monk; (3) never accuse, or speak of his misdeeds; but a monk may speak of hers; (4) at his hands obtain reception into the order; (5) confess sin (sexual or other) before the assembly of monks and nuns; (6) ask the fraternity for a monk as preceptor; (7) never share the same summer resort with monks; (8) after the summer retreat she must report and ask for a responsible confessor. Also 八敬法; 八不可越法 (or 八不可過法) ; 八尊重法; v. 四分律 48. |
八敬法 see styles |
bā jìng fǎ ba1 jing4 fa3 pa ching fa hakkyōhō |
eight precepts [specifically for nuns] |
六和敬 see styles |
liù hé jìng liu4 he2 jing4 liu ho ching roku wakyō |
(六和) The six points of reverent harmony or unity in a monastery or convent: 身 bodily unity in form of worship, 口 oral unity in chanting, 意 mental unity in faith, 戒 moral unity in observing the commandments, 見 doctrinal unity in views and explanations, and 利, 行, 學, or 施 economic unity in community of goods, deeds, studies, or charity. |
南敬介 see styles |
minamikeisuke / minamikesuke みなみけいすけ |
(person) Minami Keisuke (1936.3-) |
原敬一 see styles |
harakeiichi / harakechi はらけいいち |
(person) Hara Keiichi |
口和敬 see styles |
kǒu hé jìng kou3 he2 jing4 k`ou ho ching kou ho ching ku wakyō |
reverent harmony in oral unity in chanting |
可尊敬 see styles |
kě zūn jìng ke3 zun1 jing4 k`o tsun ching ko tsun ching |
respectable |
吉田敬 see styles |
yoshidatakashi よしだたかし |
(person) Yoshida Takashi (1973.6.27-) |
吳敬梓 吴敬梓 see styles |
wú jìng zǐ wu2 jing4 zi3 wu ching tzu |
Wu Jingzi (1701-1754), Qing dynasty novelist, author of The Scholars 儒林外史[Ru2lin2 Wai4shi3] |
和敬業 和敬业 see styles |
hé jìng yè he2 jing4 ye4 ho ching yeh wakyō gō |
respectful and harmonious activity |
和敬行 see styles |
hé jìng xíng he2 jing4 xing2 ho ching hsing wakyō gyō |
practicing harmoniously |
唐敬宗 see styles |
táng jìng zōng tang2 jing4 zong1 t`ang ching tsung tang ching tsung |
Emperor Jingzong of Tang (809-827), reign name of fourteenth Tang emperor 李湛[Li3 Zhan4], reigned 825-827 |
夏敬渠 see styles |
xià jìng qú xia4 jing4 qu2 hsia ching ch`ü hsia ching chü |
Xia Jingqu (1705-1787), Qing novelist, author of monumental novel 野叟曝言[Ye3 sou3 Pu4 yan2] Humble Words of a Rustic Elder |
大不敬 see styles |
daifukei / daifuke だいふけい |
(1) (archaism) great impropriety (esp. towards the imperial family); (2) (See 八虐) crime against the imperial family (or a shrine dedicated to them, etc.) |
大敬逵 see styles |
dà jìng kuí da4 jing4 kui2 ta ching k`uei ta ching kuei Daikyōki |
Mahāprajāpatī |
富山敬 see styles |
tomiyamakei / tomiyamake とみやまけい |
(person) Tomiyama Kei (1938.10.31-1995.9.25) |
尊敬心 see styles |
sonkeishin / sonkeshin そんけいしん |
More info & calligraphy: Respectful Heart |
尊敬語 see styles |
sonkeigo / sonkego そんけいご |
{ling} honorific language |
小坂敬 see styles |
kosakatakashi こさかたかし |
(person) Kosaka Takashi (1933.7.2-) |
岡敬純 see styles |
okakeisumi / okakesumi おかけいすみ |
(person) Oka Keisumi |
平岡敬 see styles |
hiraokatakashi ひらおかたかし |
(person) Hiraoka Takashi (1927.12.21-) |
延原敬 see styles |
nobeharatakashi のべはらたかし |
(person) Nobehara Takashi (1945-) |
御愛敬 see styles |
goaikyou / goaikyo ごあいきょう |
entertainment; amusement; fun |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "敬" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.