There are 710 total results for your 啓 search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
石川啓 see styles |
ishikawaakira / ishikawakira いしかわあきら |
(person) Ishikawa Akira |
磯野啓 see styles |
isonoakira いそのあきら |
(person) Isono Akira (1934.9-) |
福島啓 see styles |
fukushimahiroshi ふくしまひろし |
(person) Fukushima Hiroshi |
竹内啓 see styles |
takeuchikei / takeuchike たけうちけい |
(person) Takeuchi Kei (1933-) |
胡啓立 see styles |
kokeiritsu / kokeritsu こけいりつ |
(personal name) Kokeiritsu |
芳賀啓 see styles |
hagahiraku はがひらく |
(person) Haga Hiraku |
行啓通 see styles |
gyoukeidoori / gyokedoori ぎょうけいどおり |
(place-name) Gyoukeidoori |
遠山啓 see styles |
tooyamahiraku とおやまひらく |
(person) Tooyama Hiraku (1909.8.21-1979.9.11) |
郭啓宏 see styles |
kakukeikou / kakukeko かくけいこう |
(personal name) Kakukeikou |
郭啓蘭 see styles |
kakukeiran / kakukeran かくけいらん |
(personal name) Kakukeiran |
都啓一 see styles |
miyakokeiichi / miyakokechi みやこけいいち |
(person) Miyako Keiichi (1971.10.6-) |
鐙啓記 see styles |
abumikeiki / abumikeki あぶみけいき |
(person) Abumi Keiki |
青木啓 see styles |
aokihiraku あおきひらく |
(person) Aoki Hiraku (1929.11.28-) |
鳳啓助 see styles |
ootorikeisuke / ootorikesuke おおとりけいすけ |
(person) Ootori Keisuke (1923.3.16-1994.8.8) |
啓南大橋 see styles |
keinanoohashi / kenanoohashi けいなんおおはし |
(place-name) Keinan'oohashi |
啓示宗教 see styles |
keijishuukyou / kejishukyo けいじしゅうきょう |
revealed religion |
啓蒙主義 see styles |
keimoushugi / kemoshugi けいもうしゅぎ |
illuminism; enlightenment |
啓蒙思想 see styles |
keimoushisou / kemoshiso けいもうしそう |
the philosophy of the European Enlightenment |
啓蒙思潮 see styles |
keimoushichou / kemoshicho けいもうしちょう |
enlightenment movement; the Enlightenment |
啓蒙活動 see styles |
keimoukatsudou / kemokatsudo けいもうかつどう |
information campaign; awareness program |
啓蒙運動 see styles |
keimouundou / kemoundo けいもううんどう |
enlightenment movement; the Enlightenment |
一筆啓上 see styles |
ippitsukeijou / ippitsukejo いっぴつけいじょう |
(expression) (masculine speech) (yoji) (beginning a brief letter) this will just be a short note; I'm writing to tell you |
三木啓史 see styles |
mikihirofumi みきひろふみ |
(person) Miki Hirofumi (1944.6-) |
三瓶啓二 see styles |
sanpeikeiji / sanpekeji さんぺいけいじ |
(person) Sanpei Keiji (1954.9.13-) |
三田順啓 see styles |
mitayoshihiro みたよしひろ |
(person) Mita Yoshihiro |
上中啓三 see styles |
uenakakeizou / uenakakezo うえなかけいぞう |
(person) Uenaka Keizou (1876.6.29-1960.1.11) |
中島啓之 see styles |
nakajimahiroyuki なかじまひろゆき |
(person) Nakajima Hiroyuki (1943.6.7-1985.6.11) |
中島啓江 see styles |
nakajimakeiko / nakajimakeko なかじまけいこ |
(person) Nakajima Keiko (1957.11-) |
中島啓雄 see styles |
nakashimahiroo なかしまひろお |
(person) Nakashima Hiroo |
中村啓士 see styles |
nakamurakeishi / nakamurakeshi なかむらけいし |
(person) Nakamura Keishi |
中村啓子 see styles |
nakamurakeiko / nakamurakeko なかむらけいこ |
(person) Nakamura Keiko (1947.11.25-) |
中沢啓治 see styles |
nakazawakeiji / nakazawakeji なかざわけいじ |
(person) Nakazawa Keiji (1939.3.14-) |
中西啓介 see styles |
nakanishikeisuke / nakanishikesuke なかにしけいすけ |
(person) Nakanishi Keisuke (1941.2.6-2002.1.27) |
中西啓詞 see styles |
nakanishikeiji / nakanishikeji なかにしけいじ |
(person) Nakanishi Keiji (1940.6.16-) |
中込啓子 see styles |
nakagomekeiko / nakagomekeko なかごめけいこ |
(person) Nakagome Keiko |
久和啓子 see styles |
kuwakeiko / kuwakeko くわけいこ |
(person) Kuwa Keiko |
二木啓孝 see styles |
futatsukihirotaka ふたつきひろたか |
(person) Futatsuki Hirotaka |
今井啓介 see styles |
imaikeisuke / imaikesuke いまいけいすけ |
(person) Imai Keisuke |
今井啓子 see styles |
imaikeiko / imaikeko いまいけいこ |
(person) Imai Keiko |
今村啓爾 see styles |
imamurakeiji / imamurakeji いまむらけいじ |
(person) Imamura Keiji |
伊藤壽啓 see styles |
itoutoshihiro / itotoshihiro いとうとしひろ |
(person) Itō Toshihiro |
佐伯啓思 see styles |
saekikeishi / saekikeshi さえきけいし |
(person) Saeki Keishi (1949-) |
佐田啓二 see styles |
sadakeiji / sadakeji さだけいじ |
(person) Sada Keiji (1926.12.9-1964.8.17) |
佐藤啓二 see styles |
satoukeiji / satokeji さとうけいじ |
(person) Satou Keiji |
佐藤啓介 see styles |
satoukeisuke / satokesuke さとうけいすけ |
(person) Satou Keisuke |
佐藤敦啓 see styles |
satouatsuhiro / satoatsuhiro さとうあつひろ |
(person) Satou Atsuhiro (1973.8.30-) |
佐藤時啓 see styles |
satoutokihiro / satotokihiro さとうときひろ |
(person) Satou Tokihiro |
信原啓也 see styles |
nobuharahiroya のぶはらひろや |
(person) Nobuhara Hiroya |
八木啓代 see styles |
yaginobuyo やぎのぶよ |
(person) Yagi Nobuyo |
内田滋啓 see styles |
uchidashigehiro うちだしげひろ |
(person) Uchida Shigehiro (1978.3.10-) |
内藤啓史 see styles |
naitoukeishi / naitokeshi ないとうけいし |
(person) Naitō Keishi |
冨森啓児 see styles |
tominomorikeiji / tominomorikeji とみのもりけいじ |
(person) Tominomori Keiji |
初田啓介 see styles |
hatsutakeisuke / hatsutakesuke はつたけいすけ |
(person) Hatsuta Keisuke (1970.9.23-) |
前田啓介 see styles |
maedakeisuke / maedakesuke まえだけいすけ |
(person) Maeda Keisuke (1979.9.11-) |
前田次啓 see styles |
maedatsuguhiro まえだつぐひろ |
(person) Maeda Tsuguhiro (1933.5-) |
加納啓良 see styles |
kanouhiroyoshi / kanohiroyoshi かのうひろよし |
(person) Kanou Hiroyoshi |
北井啓之 see styles |
kitaihiroyuki きたいひろゆき |
(person) Kitai Hiroyuki (1944.7.23-) |
千間啓子 see styles |
senmakeiko / senmakeko せんまけいこ |
(person) Senma Keiko |
古村啓蔵 see styles |
komurakeizou / komurakezo こむらけいぞう |
(person) Komura Keizou (?-1978.2.7) |
古荘善啓 see styles |
furushouyoshihiro / furushoyoshihiro ふるしょうよしひろ |
(person) Furushou Yoshihiro |
吉峯啓晴 see styles |
yoshiminehiroharu よしみねひろはる |
(person) Yoshimine Hiroharu (1949.7-) |
吉川啓示 see styles |
yoshikawakeiji / yoshikawakeji よしかわけいじ |
(person) Yoshikawa Keiji |
四方義啓 see styles |
shikatayoshihiro しかたよしひろ |
(person) Shikata Yoshihiro |
土橋啓二 see styles |
dobashikeiji / dobashikeji どばしけいじ |
(person) Dobashi Keiji (1921.12.13-1983.10.25) |
塩出啓典 see styles |
shiodekeisuke / shiodekesuke しおでけいすけ |
(person) Shiode Keisuke (1933.1.10-) |
塩見啓一 see styles |
shiomikeiichi / shiomikechi しおみけいいち |
(person) Shiomi Keiichi (1959.10.3-) |
大内啓伍 see styles |
oouchikeigo / oochikego おおうちけいご |
(person) Oouchi Keigo (1930.1-) |
大沢啓二 see styles |
oosawakeiji / oosawakeji おおさわけいじ |
(person) Oosawa Keiji (1932.3.14-) |
大沼啓延 see styles |
oonumahironobu おおぬまひろのぶ |
(person) Oonuma Hironobu (1950.1.15-) |
大瀧啓裕 see styles |
ootakikeisuke / ootakikesuke おおたきけいすけ |
(person) Ootaki Keisuke |
大熊啓誉 see styles |
ookumahirotaka おおくまひろたか |
(person) Ookuma Hirotaka (1974.12.16-) |
大社啓二 see styles |
ookosohiroji おおこそひろじ |
(person) Ookoso Hiroji (1956.1-) |
大西啓子 see styles |
oonishikeiko / oonishikeko おおにしけいこ |
(person) Oonishi Keiko (1967.2.25-) |
大谷啓治 see styles |
ootanikeiji / ootanikeji おおたにけいじ |
(person) Ootani Keiji (1930.12-) |
天笠啓祐 see styles |
amagasakeisuke / amagasakesuke あまがさけいすけ |
(person) Amagasa Keisuke |
奥丁啓子 see styles |
okuchoukeiko / okuchokeko おくちょうけいこ |
(person) Okuchō Keiko (1949.5.31-) |
安江啓次 see styles |
yasuekeiji / yasuekeji やすえけいじ |
(person) Yasue Keiji |
宮元啓一 see styles |
miyamotokeiichi / miyamotokechi みやもとけいいち |
(person) Miyamoto Keiichi |
小出啓子 see styles |
koidekeiko / koidekeko こいでけいこ |
(person) Koide Keiko |
小堀勝啓 see styles |
koborikatsuhiro こぼりかつひろ |
(person) Kobori Katsuhiro (1950.6.26-) |
小林啓二 see styles |
kobayashikeiji / kobayashikeji こばやしけいじ |
(person) Kobayashi Keiji (1951.2.1-) |
小林啓子 see styles |
kobayashikeiko / kobayashikeko こばやしけいこ |
(person) Kobayashi Keiko (1947.12.10-) |
小澤啓一 see styles |
ozawakeiichi / ozawakechi おざわけいいち |
(person) Ozawa Keiichi (1933.1.5-) |
小濱啓次 see styles |
kohamaakitsugu / kohamakitsugu こはまあきつぐ |
(person) Kohama Akitsugu |
小野啓郎 see styles |
onokeirou / onokero おのけいろう |
(person) Ono Keirou |
小長啓一 see styles |
konagakeiichi / konagakechi こながけいいち |
(person) Konaga Keiichi (1930.12-) |
山下啓介 see styles |
yamashitakeisuke / yamashitakesuke やましたけいすけ |
(person) Yamashita Keisuke |
山川啓介 see styles |
yamakawakeisuke / yamakawakesuke やまかわけいすけ |
(person) Yamakawa Keisuke (1944.10.26-) |
山田啓二 see styles |
yamadakeiji / yamadakeji やまだけいじ |
(person) Yamada Keiji (1954.4.5-) |
岡村啓嗣 see styles |
okamurahirotsugu おかむらひろつぐ |
(person) Okamura Hirotsugu |
岡田啓介 see styles |
okadakeisuke / okadakesuke おかだけいすけ |
(person) Okada Keisuke (1868.2.13-1952.10.10) |
岩佐光啓 see styles |
iwasamitsuhiro いわさみつひろ |
(person) Iwasa Mitsuhiro |
川口啓明 see styles |
kawaguchihiroaki かわぐちひろあき |
(person) Kawaguchi Hiroaki |
工藤啓子 see styles |
kudoukeiko / kudokeko くどうけいこ |
(person) Kudou Keiko (1958.3.27-) |
市川啓一 see styles |
ichikawakeiichi / ichikawakechi いちかわけいいち |
(person) Ichikawa Keiichi |
布啓一郎 see styles |
nunokeiichirou / nunokechiro ぬのけいいちろう |
(person) Nuno Keiichirō (1960.12.21-) |
平松啓一 see styles |
hiramatsukeiichi / hiramatsukechi ひらまつけいいち |
(person) Hiramatsu Keiichi |
平畠啓史 see styles |
hirahatakeiji / hirahatakeji ひらはたけいじ |
(person) Hirahata Keiji (1968.8.14-) |
平野啓子 see styles |
hiranokeiko / hiranokeko ひらのけいこ |
(person) Hirano Keiko |
後藤啓一 see styles |
gotoukeiichi / gotokechi ごとうけいいち |
(person) Gotou Keiichi |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.