There are 962 total results for your 則 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
美智則 see styles |
michinori みちのり |
(personal name) Michinori |
義則喬 see styles |
yoshinoritakashi よしのりたかし |
(person) Yoshinori Takashi |
良志則 see styles |
yoshinori よしのり |
(given name) Yoshinori |
袈裟則 see styles |
kesanori けさのり |
(personal name) Kesanori |
西則末 see styles |
nishinorisue にしのりすえ |
(place-name) Nishinorisue |
規則化 规则化 see styles |
guī zé huà gui1 ze2 hua4 kuei tse hua |
regularity |
規則性 规则性 see styles |
guī zé xìng gui1 ze2 xing4 kuei tse hsing kisokusei / kisokuse きそくせい |
regularity regularity |
規則書 see styles |
kisokusho きそくしょ |
rulebook |
規則的 see styles |
kisokuteki きそくてき |
(adjectival noun) systematic; regular; routine |
貴三則 see styles |
kiminori きみのり |
(personal name) Kiminori |
超規則 see styles |
choukisoku / chokisoku ちょうきそく |
metarule |
重則川 see styles |
shigenorigawa しげのりがわ |
(place-name) Shigenorigawa |
関勝則 see styles |
sekikatsunori せきかつのり |
(person) Seki Katsunori (1954.3-) |
則之内丙 see styles |
sunouchihei / sunochihe すのうちへい |
(place-name) Sunouchihei |
則之内乙 see styles |
sunouchiotsu / sunochiotsu すのうちおつ |
(place-name) Sunouchiotsu |
則之内甲 see styles |
sunouchikou / sunochiko すのうちこう |
(place-name) Sunouchikou |
則天去私 see styles |
sokutenkyoshi そくてんきょし |
(yoji) selfless devotion to justice |
則天武后 则天武后 see styles |
zé tiān wǔ hòu ze2 tian1 wu3 hou4 tse t`ien wu hou tse tien wu hou sokutenbukou / sokutenbuko そくてんぶこう |
(person) Wu Zetian (624-705); Empress Wu Zetian Wuhou |
則武新町 see styles |
noritakeshinmachi のりたけしんまち |
(place-name) Noritakeshinmachi |
則武本通 see styles |
noritakehontoori のりたけほんとおり |
(place-name) Noritakehontoori |
則清新田 see styles |
norikiyoshinden のりきよしんでん |
(place-name) Norikiyoshinden |
則竹勅仁 see styles |
noritakekunihito のりたけくにひと |
(person) Noritake Kunihito |
則竹裕之 see styles |
noritakehiroyuki のりたけひろゆき |
(person) Noritake Hiroyuki (1964.8.27-) |
一中原則 一中原则 see styles |
yī zhōng yuán zé yi1 zhong1 yuan2 ze2 i chung yüan tse |
One-China principle, the official doctrine that Taiwan is a province of China |
一般原則 一般原则 see styles |
yī bān yuán zé yi1 ban1 yuan2 ze2 i pan yüan tse ippangensoku いっぱんげんそく |
general principle general principles; broad principles |
三平則夫 see styles |
mihiranorio みひらのりお |
(person) Mihira Norio |
上杉秋則 see styles |
uesugiakinori うえすぎあきのり |
(person) Uesugi Akinori |
上瀧和則 see styles |
joutakikazunori / jotakikazunori じょうたきかずのり |
(person) Jōtaki Kazunori (1968.5.20-) |
上苙則子 see styles |
ueoronoriko うえおろのりこ |
(person) Ueoro Noriko |
下屋則子 see styles |
shitayanoriko したやのりこ |
(f,h) Shitaya Noriko |
下山定則 see styles |
shimoyamasadanori しもやまさだのり |
(person) Shimoyama Sadanori |
下村尊則 see styles |
shimomuratakanori しもむらたかのり |
(person) Shimomura Takanori |
不儉則匱 不俭则匮 see styles |
bù jiǎn zé kuì bu4 jian3 ze2 kui4 pu chien tse k`uei pu chien tse kuei |
(idiom) waste not, want not |
不平則鳴 不平则鸣 see styles |
bù píng zé míng bu4 ping2 ze2 ming2 pu p`ing tse ming pu ping tse ming |
where there is injustice, there will be an outcry; man will cry out against injustice |
世良公則 see styles |
seramasanori せらまさのり |
(person) Sera Masanori (1955.12-) |
中井義則 see styles |
nakaiyoshinori なかいよしのり |
(person) Nakai Yoshinori (1961.1.11-) |
中村政則 see styles |
nakamuramasanori なかむらまさのり |
(person) Nakamura Masanori (1935-) |
中村文則 see styles |
nakamurafuminori なかむらふみのり |
(person) Nakamura Fuminori |
中村隆則 see styles |
nakamuratakanori なかむらたかのり |
(person) Nakamura Takanori (1925.11.25-1995.12.4) |
中能孝則 see styles |
nakayokutakanori なかよくたかのり |
(person) Nakayoku Takanori |
予防原則 see styles |
yobougensoku / yobogensoku よぼうげんそく |
precautionary principle; precautionary approach |
井出正則 see styles |
idemasanori いでまさのり |
(person) Ide Masanori |
井田義則 see styles |
idayoshinori いだよしのり |
(person) Ida Yoshinori (1943-) |
交換法則 see styles |
koukanhousoku / kokanhosoku こうかんほうそく |
{math} commutative law |
交通規則 交通规则 see styles |
jiāo tōng guī zé jiao1 tong1 gui1 ze2 chiao t`ung kuei tse chiao tung kuei tse koutsuukisoku / kotsukisoku こうつうきそく |
traffic rules; rules of the road traffic rules |
仙頭武則 see styles |
sentoutakenori / sentotakenori せんとうたけのり |
(person) Sentou Takenori |
以身作則 以身作则 see styles |
yǐ shēn zuò zé yi3 shen1 zuo4 ze2 i shen tso tse |
to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model |
伊崎充則 see styles |
isakimitsunori いさきみつのり |
(person) Isaki Mitsunori (1977.3.17-) |
伊達則彦 see styles |
datenorihiko だてのりひこ |
(person) Date Norihiko |
住田正則 see styles |
sumitamasanori すみたまさのり |
(person) Sumita Masanori |
佐山善則 see styles |
sayamayoshinori さやまよしのり |
(person) Sayama Yoshinori (1967.2.10-) |
佐藤則子 see styles |
satounoriko / satonoriko さとうのりこ |
(person) Satou Noriko (1950.12-) |
佐藤文則 see styles |
satoufuminori / satofuminori さとうふみのり |
(person) Satou Fuminori |
佐藤義則 see styles |
satouyoshinori / satoyoshinori さとうよしのり |
(person) Satou Yoshinori (1954.9.11-) |
価値法則 see styles |
kachihousoku / kachihosoku かちほうそく |
law of value |
儉則不缺 俭则不缺 see styles |
jiǎn zé bù quē jian3 ze2 bu4 que1 chien tse pu ch`üeh chien tse pu chüeh |
(idiom) waste not, want not |
入力規則 see styles |
nyuuryokukisoku / nyuryokukisoku にゅうりょくきそく |
{comp} input validation rule |
入川保則 see styles |
irikawayasunori いりかわやすのり |
(person) Irikawa Yasunori (1939.11.10-) |
入江隆則 see styles |
irietakanori いりえたかのり |
(person) Irie Takanori |
内堀敬則 see styles |
uchiborihironori うちぼりひろのり |
(person) Uchibori Hironori |
内場勝則 see styles |
uchibakatsunori うちばかつのり |
(person) Uchiba Katsunori (1960.8.22-) |
内容規則 see styles |
naiyoukisoku / naiyokisoku ないようきそく |
{comp} content convention |
冨井善則 see styles |
tomiiyoshinori / tomiyoshinori とみいよしのり |
(person) Tomii Yoshinori (1940.9.19-) |
分配法則 see styles |
bunpaihousoku / bunpaihosoku ぶんぱいほうそく |
{math} distributive law |
前間孝則 see styles |
maematakanori まえまたかのり |
(person) Maema Takanori (1946.1.4-) |
動則有苦 动则有苦 see styles |
dòng zé yǒu kǔ dong4 ze2 you3 ku3 tung tse yu k`u tung tse yu ku dō soku u ku |
once there is movement there is suffering |
勤則不匱 勤则不匮 see styles |
qín zé bù kuì qin2 ze2 bu4 kui4 ch`in tse pu k`uei chin tse pu kuei |
If one is industrious, one will not be in want. (idiom) |
南條竹則 see styles |
nanjoutakenori / nanjotakenori なんじょうたけのり |
(person) Nanjō Takenori |
原則禁煙 see styles |
gensokukinen げんそくきんえん |
smoking-free principle; no-smoking rule; smoking ban; ban on smoking |
友則和寿 see styles |
tomonorikazutoshi とものりかずとし |
(person) Tomonori Kazutoshi (1953.2.28-) |
友竹正則 see styles |
tomotakemasanori ともたけまさのり |
(person) Tomotake Masanori (1931.10.9-1993.3.23) |
反則勝ち see styles |
hansokugachi はんそくがち |
{sports} victory due to the opponent's foul |
叢林法則 丛林法则 see styles |
cóng lín fǎ zé cong2 lin2 fa3 ze2 ts`ung lin fa tse tsung lin fa tse |
the law of the jungle |
吉永則雄 see styles |
yoshinaganorio よしながのりお |
(person) Yoshinaga Norio (1978.11.25-) |
吉沢義則 see styles |
yoshizawayoshinori よしざわよしのり |
(person) Yoshizawa Yoshinori |
吉良俊則 see styles |
kiratoshinori きらとしのり |
(person) Kira Toshinori (1986.1.1-) |
命名規則 see styles |
meimeikisoku / memekisoku めいめいきそく |
{comp} naming convention; naming rule |
喜則氣緩 喜则气缓 see styles |
xǐ zé qì huǎn xi3 ze2 qi4 huan3 hsi tse ch`i huan hsi tse chi huan |
joy depresses one's qi vital breath; an excess of joy may lead to sluggishness of vital energy (TCM) |
四則演算 see styles |
shisokuenzan しそくえんざん |
four arithmetic operations; basic arithmetic operations |
四則運算 四则运算 see styles |
sì zé yùn suàn si4 ze2 yun4 suan4 ssu tse yün suan |
the four basic operations of arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) |
因果法則 see styles |
ingahousoku / ingahosoku いんがほうそく |
law of causality |
国則守生 see styles |
kuninorimorio くにのりもりお |
(person) Kuninori Morio (1951-) |
国武則行 see styles |
kunitakenoriyuki くにたけのりゆき |
(person) Kunitake Noriyuki |
坂上是則 see styles |
sakanouenokorenori / sakanoenokorenori さかのうえのこれのり |
(personal name) Sakanouenokorenori |
坂井義則 see styles |
sakaiyoshinori さかいよしのり |
(person) Sakai Yoshinori (1945.8.6-) |
坪内道則 see styles |
tsubouchimichinori / tsubochimichinori つぼうちみちのり |
(person) Tsubouchi Michinori (1914.4.4-1997.9.16) |
基本原則 基本原则 see styles |
jī běn yuán zé ji1 ben3 yuan2 ze2 chi pen yüan tse kihongensoku きほんげんそく |
fundamental doctrine; guiding principle; raison d'être fundamental principle; basic principle; general principle |
堀井義則 see styles |
horiiyoshinori / horiyoshinori ほりいよしのり |
(person) Horii Yoshinori |
堀川吉則 see styles |
horikawayoshinori ほりかわよしのり |
(person) Horikawa Yoshinori (1934.10.24-) |
報恩玄則 报恩玄则 see styles |
bào ēn xuán zé bao4 en1 xuan2 ze2 pao en hsüan tse Hōon gensoku |
Baoen Xuanze |
増保輝則 see styles |
masuhoterunori ますほてるのり |
(person) Masuho Terunori (1972.1.26-) |
増田彰則 see styles |
masudaakinori / masudakinori ますだあきのり |
(person) Masuda Akinori |
壇法儀則 坛法仪则 see styles |
tán fǎ yí zé tan2 fa3 yi2 ze2 t`an fa i tse tan fa i tse Danhō gisoku |
Tanfayize |
変則軌道 see styles |
hensokukidou / hensokukido へんそくきどう |
(can be adjective with の) trajectory-shifting (e.g. missile) |
変形規則 see styles |
henkeikisoku / henkekisoku へんけいきそく |
transformational rule |
大伴良則 see styles |
ootomoyoshinori おおともよしのり |
(person) Ootomo Yoshinori |
大倉元則 see styles |
ookuramotonori おおくらもとのり |
(person) Ookura Motonori (1947.1-) |
大坪正則 see styles |
ootsubomasanori おおつぼまさのり |
(person) Ootsubo Masanori |
大川靖則 see styles |
ookawayasunori おおかわやすのり |
(person) Ookawa Yasunori (1931.9.20-) |
大木道則 see styles |
ookimichinori おおきみちのり |
(person) Ooki Michinori |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "則" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.