There are 906 total results for your 來 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
入如來地 入如来地 see styles |
rù rú lái dì ru4 ru2 lai2 di4 ju ju lai ti nyū nyorai chi |
enters the stage of the tathāgata |
其來有自 其来有自 see styles |
qí lái yǒu zì qi2 lai2 you3 zi4 ch`i lai yu tzu chi lai yu tzu |
there is a reason for it; (of something) not incidental |
初來乍到 初来乍到 see styles |
chū lái zhà dào chu1 lai2 zha4 dao4 ch`u lai cha tao chu lai cha tao |
to be a newcomer; just off the boat |
別來無恙 别来无恙 see styles |
bié lái wú yàng bie2 lai2 wu2 yang4 pieh lai wu yang |
(literary) I trust you have been well since we last met |
加來海峽 加来海峡 see styles |
jiā lái hǎi xiá jia1 lai2 hai3 xia2 chia lai hai hsia |
Strait of Calais in the English channel; Strait of Dover; Pas-de-Calais, département of France |
化身如來 化身如来 see styles |
huà shēn rú lái hua4 shen1 ru2 lai2 hua shen ju lai keshin nyorai |
transformation-body tathāgata |
十如來地 十如来地 see styles |
shí rú lái dì shi2 ru2 lai2 di4 shih ju lai ti jū nyorai chi |
v. 十地. |
千客万來 see styles |
senkyakubanrai せんきゃくばんらい senkakubanrai せんかくばんらい |
(out-dated kanji) (yoji) flood of customers; (doing a) roaring business |
千客萬來 see styles |
senkyakubanrai せんきゃくばんらい senkakubanrai せんかくばんらい |
(out-dated kanji) (yoji) flood of customers; (doing a) roaring business |
即將來臨 即将来临 see styles |
jí jiāng lái lín ji2 jiang1 lai2 lin2 chi chiang lai lin |
imminent |
卷土重來 卷土重来 see styles |
juǎn tǔ chóng lái juan3 tu3 chong2 lai2 chüan t`u ch`ung lai chüan tu chung lai |
lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom); fig. to regroup and come back even stronger; to make a comeback |
原來如此 原来如此 see styles |
yuán lái rú cǐ yuan2 lai2 ru2 ci3 yüan lai ju tz`u yüan lai ju tzu |
(idiom) so that's how it is; I see |
去來動轉 去来动转 see styles |
qù lái dòng zhuǎn qu4 lai2 dong4 zhuan3 ch`ü lai tung chuan chü lai tung chuan korai dōten |
movements of coming and going |
去來現在 去来现在 see styles |
qù lái xiàn zài qu4 lai2 xian4 zai4 ch`ü lai hsien tsai chü lai hsien tsai ko rai genzai |
past, future, and present |
去來進止 去来进止 see styles |
qù lái jìn zhǐ qu4 lai2 jin4 zhi3 ch`ü lai chin chih chü lai chin chih korai shinshi |
coming or going, proceeding or staying put |
反過來說 反过来说 see styles |
fǎn guò lái shuō fan3 guo4 lai2 shuo1 fan kuo lai shuo |
on the other hand |
古往今來 古往今来 see styles |
gǔ wǎng jīn lái gu3 wang3 jin1 lai2 ku wang chin lai |
since ancient times; since times immemorial See: 古往今来 |
名如來藏 名如来藏 see styles |
míng rú lái zàng ming2 ru2 lai2 zang4 ming ju lai tsang myō nyorai zō |
it is called the tathāgatagarbha |
否極泰來 否极泰来 see styles |
pǐ jí tài lái pi3 ji2 tai4 lai2 p`i chi t`ai lai pi chi tai lai |
extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom) |
呼之即來 呼之即来 see styles |
hū zhī jí lái hu1 zhi1 ji2 lai2 hu chih chi lai |
to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant; always at sb's beck and call |
呼來喝去 呼来喝去 see styles |
hū lái hè qù hu1 lai2 he4 qu4 hu lai ho ch`ü hu lai ho chü |
to call to come and shout to go (idiom); to yell orders; always bossing people around |
善男子來 善男子来 see styles |
shàn nán zǐ lái shan4 nan2 zi3 lai2 shan nan tzu lai zendanshi rai |
come, good sons |
嚴格來說 严格来说 see styles |
yán gé lái shuō yan2 ge2 lai2 shuo1 yen ko lai shuo |
strictly speaking |
嚴格來講 严格来讲 see styles |
yán gé lái jiǎng yan2 ge2 lai2 jiang3 yen ko lai chiang |
strictly speaking |
回過頭來 回过头来 see styles |
huí guò tóu lái hui2 guo4 tou2 lai2 hui kuo t`ou lai hui kuo tou lai |
to turn one's head; to turn around; (fig.) to return (to a previous point); to come back (to what one was saying before); (fig.) to look back (in time); to reflect on the past |
在我看來 在我看来 see styles |
zài wǒ kàn lái zai4 wo3 kan4 lai2 tsai wo k`an lai tsai wo kan lai |
in my opinion |
外來成語 外来成语 see styles |
wài lái chéng yǔ wai4 lai2 cheng2 yu3 wai lai ch`eng yü wai lai cheng yü |
loan idiom |
外來投資 外来投资 see styles |
wài lái tóu zī wai4 lai2 tou2 zi1 wai lai t`ou tzu wai lai tou tzu |
foreign investment |
外來物種 外来物种 see styles |
wài lái wù zhǒng wai4 lai2 wu4 zhong3 wai lai wu chung |
an introduced species |
多寶如來 多宝如来 see styles |
duō bǎo rú lái duo1 bao3 ru2 lai2 to pao ju lai Tahō Nyorai |
Prabhūtaratna Tathāgata |
大日如來 大日如来 see styles |
dà rì rú lái da4 ri4 ru2 lai2 ta jih ju lai Dainichi Nyorai |
Vairocana, Buddha of supreme enlightenment Mahāvairocana |
大限到來 大限到来 see styles |
dà xiàn dào lái da4 xian4 dao4 lai2 ta hsien tao lai |
to die; one's allocated lifespan is accomplished |
天外來客 天外来客 see styles |
tiān wài lái kè tian1 wai4 lai2 ke4 t`ien wai lai k`o tien wai lai ko |
visitors from outer space |
天王如來 天王如来 see styles |
tiān wáng rú lái tian1 wang2 ru2 lai2 t`ien wang ju lai tien wang ju lai Tennō Nyorai |
Devarāja-tathāgata, the name by which Devadatta, the enemy of Śākyamuni, will be known on his future appearance as a Buddha in the universe called 天道 Devasopāna; his present residence in hell being temporary for his karmaic expurgation. |
奉見如來 奉见如来 see styles |
fèng jiàn rú lái feng4 jian4 ru2 lai2 feng chien ju lai buken nyorai |
to have a vision of the Tathāgata |
如來之法 如来之法 see styles |
rú lái zhī fǎ ru2 lai2 zhi1 fa3 ju lai chih fa nyorai no hō |
teaching of the Tathāgata |
如來之身 如来之身 see styles |
rú lái zhī shēn ru2 lai2 zhi1 shen1 ju lai chih shen nyorai no shin |
body of the Tathāgata |
如來事業 如来事业 see styles |
rú lái shì yè ru2 lai2 shi4 ye4 ju lai shih yeh nyorai jigō |
activities of a tathāgata |
如來八相 如来八相 see styles |
rú lái bā xiàng ru2 lai2 ba1 xiang4 ju lai pa hsiang nyorai no hassō |
eight phases of the Tathāgata's life |
如來出世 如来出世 see styles |
rú lái chū shì ru2 lai2 chu1 shi4 ju lai ch`u shih ju lai chu shih nyorai shusse |
the Tathāgata's appearance in the world |
如來功德 如来功德 see styles |
rú lái gōng dé ru2 lai2 gong1 de2 ju lai kung te nyorai kudoku |
merits of the Tathāgata |
如來化身 如来化身 see styles |
rú lái huà shēn ru2 lai2 hua4 shen1 ju lai hua shen nyorai keshin |
Tathāgata's transformation body |
如來十事 如来十事 see styles |
rú lái shí shì ru2 lai2 shi2 shi4 ju lai shih shih nyorai jūji |
ten buddha-works |
如來十力 如来十力 see styles |
rú lái shí lì ru2 lai2 shi2 li4 ju lai shih li nyorai jūriki |
ten powers of the Tathāgatas |
如來十號 如来十号 see styles |
rú lái shí hào ru2 lai2 shi2 hao4 ju lai shih hao nyorai jūgō |
the ten epithets of the Tathāgata |
如來名號 如来名号 see styles |
rú lái míng hào ru2 lai2 ming2 hao4 ju lai ming hao nyorai myōgō |
the Tathāgata's epithets |
如來境界 如来境界 see styles |
rú lái jìng jiè ru2 lai2 jing4 jie4 ju lai ching chieh nyorai kyōgai |
tathāgata's sphere |
如來大師 如来大师 see styles |
rú lái dà shī ru2 lai2 da4 shi1 ju lai ta shih nyorai daishi |
the great teacher, the Tathāgata |
如來大悲 如来大悲 see styles |
rú lái dà bēi ru2 lai2 da4 bei1 ju lai ta pei nyorai no daihi |
the great compassion of the Tathāgatas |
如來妙智 如来妙智 see styles |
rú lái miào zhì ru2 lai2 miao4 zhi4 ju lai miao chih nyorai myōchi |
marvelous cognition of a tathāgata |
如來常住 如来常住 see styles |
rú lái cháng zhù ru2 lai2 chang2 zhu4 ju lai ch`ang chu ju lai chang chu nyorai jō jū |
The Tathāgata is eternal, always abiding. |
如來心經 如来心经 see styles |
rú lái xīn jīng ru2 lai2 xin1 jing1 ju lai hsin ching Nyoraishin kyō |
Rulaixin jing |
如來性起 如来性起 see styles |
rú lái xìng qǐ ru2 lai2 xing4 qi3 ju lai hsing ch`i ju lai hsing chi nyoraishō ki |
the arising of all phenomena dependent upon or due to tathāgatagarbha |
如來所作 如来所作 see styles |
rú lái suǒ zuò ru2 lai2 suo3 zuo4 ju lai so tso nyorai shosa |
works of a tathāgata |
如來所得 如来所得 see styles |
rú lái suǒ dé ru2 lai2 suo3 de2 ju lai so te nyorai sho toku |
attained by the Tathāgata |
如來所行 如来所行 see styles |
rú lái suǒ xíng ru2 lai2 suo3 xing2 ju lai so hsing nyorai sho gyō |
carried out by the Tathāgata(s) |
如來所說 如来所说 see styles |
rú lái suǒ shuō ru2 lai2 suo3 shuo1 ju lai so shuo nyorai shosetsu |
taught by the Tathāgata |
如來所證 如来所证 see styles |
rú lái suǒ zhèng ru2 lai2 suo3 zheng4 ju lai so cheng nyorai shoshō |
realized by the Tathāgatas |
如來智慧 如来智慧 see styles |
rú lái zhì huì ru2 lai2 zhi4 hui4 ju lai chih hui nyorai chie |
wisdom of the Tathāgata |
如來智眼 如来智眼 see styles |
rú lái zhì yǎn ru2 lai2 zhi4 yan3 ju lai chih yen nyorai chigen |
wisdom-eye of the Tathāgata |
如來本起 如来本起 see styles |
rú lái běn qǐ ru2 lai2 ben3 qi3 ju lai pen ch`i ju lai pen chi nyorai honki |
Tathāgata as originally arisen |
如來正覺 如来正觉 see styles |
rú lái zhèng jué ru2 lai2 zheng4 jue2 ju lai cheng chüeh nyorai shōkaku |
completely enlightened tathāgata |
如來法界 如来法界 see styles |
rú lái fǎ jiè ru2 lai2 fa3 jie4 ju lai fa chieh nyorai hokkai |
dharma-realm of the Tathāgata |
如來法身 如来法身 see styles |
rú lái fǎ shēn ru2 lai2 fa3 shen1 ju lai fa shen nyorai hosshin |
reality body of the Tathāgata |
如來滅後 如来灭后 see styles |
rú lái miè hòu ru2 lai2 mie4 hou4 ju lai mieh hou nyorai metsu go |
after the extinction of the thus-come one |
如來神力 如来神力 see styles |
rú lái shén lì ru2 lai2 shen2 li4 ju lai shen li nyorai jinriki |
supernatural powers of the thus-come one |
如來種性 如来种性 see styles |
rú lái zhǒng xìng ru2 lai2 zhong3 xing4 ju lai chung hsing nyorai shushō |
family of the Tathāgata |
如來種知 如来种知 see styles |
rú lái zhǒng zhī ru2 lai2 zhong3 zhi1 ju lai chung chih nyorai shuchi |
the Tathāgata's comprehensive knowledge of particular things |
如來聖教 如来圣教 see styles |
rú lái shèng jiào ru2 lai2 sheng4 jiao4 ju lai sheng chiao nyorai shōkyō |
holy teaching of the Tathāgata |
如來聖種 如来圣种 see styles |
rú lái shèng zhǒng ru2 lai2 sheng4 zhong3 ju lai sheng chung nyorai shōshu |
the Tathāgata's noble lineage |
如來興世 如来兴世 see styles |
rú lái xīng shì ru2 lai2 xing1 shi4 ju lai hsing shih nyorai no kōse |
Tathāgata appearing in this world |
如來菩提 如来菩提 see styles |
rú lái pú tí ru2 lai2 pu2 ti2 ju lai p`u t`i ju lai pu ti nyorai bodai |
enlightenment of the Tathāgata(s) |
如來藏佛 如来藏佛 see styles |
rú lái cáng fó ru2 lai2 cang2 fo2 ju lai ts`ang fo ju lai tsang fo nyorai zōbutsu |
teaching of the universal Buddha |
如來藏心 如来藏心 see styles |
rú lái zàng xīn ru2 lai2 zang4 xin1 ju lai tsang hsin nyorai zō shin |
idem 眞如心. |
如來藏性 如来藏性 see styles |
rú lái zàng xìng ru2 lai2 zang4 xing4 ju lai tsang hsing nyoraizō shō |
The natures of all the living are the nature of the Tathāgata; for which v. the 如來藏經, 如來藏論, etc. |
如來言音 如来言音 see styles |
rú lái yán yīn ru2 lai2 yan2 yin1 ju lai yen yin nyorai gon'on |
Tathāgata's speech and voice |
如來說法 如来说法 see styles |
rú lái shuō fǎ ru2 lai2 shuo1 fa3 ju lai shuo fa nyorai seppō |
the Tathāgata expounds the dharma |
姍姍來遲 姗姗来迟 see styles |
shān shān lái chí shan1 shan1 lai2 chi2 shan shan lai ch`ih shan shan lai chih |
to be late; to arrive slowly; to be slow in the coming |
客似雲來 客似云来 see styles |
kè sì yún lái ke4 si4 yun2 lai2 k`o ssu yün lai ko ssu yün lai |
(idiom) to be bustling with customers |
寶勝如來 宝胜如来 see styles |
bǎo shèng rú lái bao3 sheng4 ru2 lai2 pao sheng ju lai Hōshō Nyorai |
Ratnaketu Tathāgata |
寶幢如來 宝幢如来 see styles |
bǎo chuáng rú lái bao3 chuang2 ru2 lai2 pao ch`uang ju lai pao chuang ju lai Hōtō Nyorai |
Ratnaketu Tathāgata |
寶生如來 宝生如来 see styles |
bǎo shēng rú lái bao3 sheng1 ru2 lai2 pao sheng ju lai Hōshō nyorai |
Ratnasaṃbhava |
寶聲如來 宝声如来 see styles |
bǎo shēng rú lái bao3 sheng1 ru2 lai2 pao sheng ju lai Hōshō nyorai |
Prabhūta-ratna |
寶藏如來 宝藏如来 see styles |
bǎo zàng rú lái bao3 zang4 ru2 lai2 pao tsang ju lai Hōzō Nyorai |
Ratnagarha; a Buddha to whom Śākyamuni and Amitābha are said to have owed their awakening. |
尋來範疇 寻来范畴 see styles |
xún lái fàn chóu xun2 lai2 fan4 chou2 hsün lai fan ch`ou hsün lai fan chou |
(math.) derived category |
對我來說 对我来说 see styles |
duì wǒ lái shuō dui4 wo3 lai2 shuo1 tui wo lai shuo |
as far as I'm concerned |
展轉傳來 展转传来 see styles |
zhǎn zhuǎn chuán lái zhan3 zhuan3 chuan2 lai2 chan chuan ch`uan lai chan chuan chuan lai tentendenrai |
successively inherited |
山海如來 山海如来 see styles |
shān hǎi rú lái shan1 hai3 ru2 lai2 shan hai ju lai sankai nyorai |
Sāgara-varadhara-buddhi-vikiditā-bhijñā. 山海慧 (or 惠) 自在通王如來. The name under which Ānanda is to reappear as Buddha, in Anavanamita-vaijayanta, during the kalpa Manojna-sabdabhigarjita, v. 法華經. |
市來四郎 see styles |
ichikishirou / ichikishiro いちきしろう |
(person) Ichiki Shirou |
希伯來人 希伯来人 see styles |
xī bó lái rén xi1 bo2 lai2 ren2 hsi po lai jen |
Hebrew person; Israelite; Jew |
希伯來文 希伯来文 see styles |
xī bó lái wén xi1 bo2 lai2 wen2 hsi po lai wen |
Hebrew (language) |
希伯來書 希伯来书 see styles |
xī bó lái shū xi1 bo2 lai2 shu1 hsi po lai shu |
Epistle of St Paul to the Hebrews |
希伯來語 希伯来语 see styles |
xī bó lái yǔ xi1 bo2 lai2 yu3 hsi po lai yü |
Hebrew (language) |
常來常往 常来常往 see styles |
cháng lái cháng wǎng chang2 lai2 chang2 wang3 ch`ang lai ch`ang wang chang lai chang wang |
to visit frequently; to have frequent dealings (with); to see each other often |
彌陀如來 弥陀如来 see styles |
mí tuó rú lái mi2 tuo2 ru2 lai2 mi t`o ju lai mi to ju lai Mida nyorai |
Amitâbha-tathāgata |
往來帳戶 往来帐户 see styles |
wǎng lái zhàng hù wang3 lai2 zhang4 hu4 wang lai chang hu |
current account (in bank) |
後來居上 后来居上 see styles |
hòu lái - jū shàng hou4 lai2 - ju1 shang4 hou lai - chü shang |
(idiom) see 後來者居上|后来者居上[hou4lai2zhe3 ju1shang4] |
從來沒有 从来没有 see styles |
cóng lái méi yǒu cong2 lai2 mei2 you3 ts`ung lai mei yu tsung lai mei yu |
there has never been; has never had; (before a verb) has never |
從來農法 see styles |
juurainouhou / jurainoho じゅうらいのうほう |
(out-dated kanji) traditional farming |
從實招來 从实招来 see styles |
cóng shí zhāo lái cong2 shi2 zhao1 lai2 ts`ung shih chao lai tsung shih chao lai |
to own up to the facts |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "來" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.