There are 729 total results for your 业 search. I have created 8 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
工業園區 工业园区 see styles |
gōng yè yuán qū gong1 ye4 yuan2 qu1 kung yeh yüan ch`ü kung yeh yüan chü |
industrial park |
工業大學 工业大学 see styles |
gōng yè dà xué gong1 ye4 da4 xue2 kung yeh ta hsüeh |
technical university; engineering college |
工業學校 工业学校 see styles |
gōng yè xué xiào gong1 ye4 xue2 xiao4 kung yeh hsüeh hsiao |
technical or industrial school; CL:個|个[ge4],所[suo3] |
工業明處 工业明处 see styles |
gōng yè míng chù gong1 ye4 ming2 chu4 kung yeh ming ch`u kung yeh ming chu kugō myōsho |
technology |
工業設計 工业设计 see styles |
gōng yè shè jì gong1 ye4 she4 ji4 kung yeh she chi |
industrial design |
工業革命 工业革命 see styles |
gōng yè gé mìng gong1 ye4 ge2 ming4 kung yeh ko ming |
Industrial Revolution, c. 1750-1830 |
建功立業 建功立业 see styles |
jiàn gōng lì yè jian4 gong1 li4 ye4 chien kung li yeh |
to achieve or accomplish goals |
從業人員 从业人员 see styles |
cóng yè rén yuán cong2 ye4 ren2 yuan2 ts`ung yeh jen yüan tsung yeh jen yüan |
employee; person employed in a trade or profession |
惡業現行 恶业现行 see styles |
è yè xiàn xíng e4 ye4 xian4 xing2 o yeh hsien hsing akugō gengyō |
manifestations of evil activity |
愛崗敬業 爱岗敬业 see styles |
ài gǎng jìng yè ai4 gang3 jing4 ye4 ai kang ching yeh |
More info & calligraphy: Industrious / Hard Working |
感生之業 感生之业 see styles |
gǎn shēng zhī yè gan3 sheng1 zhi1 ye4 kan sheng chih yeh kanshō no gō |
karma (activity) that brings about rebirth |
成家立業 成家立业 see styles |
chéng jiā lì yè cheng2 jia1 li4 ye4 ch`eng chia li yeh cheng chia li yeh |
to get married and start a career (idiom); to settle down; to establish oneself |
所作事業 所作事业 see styles |
suǒ zuò shì yè suo3 zuo4 shi4 ye4 so tso shih yeh shosa jigō |
works that are undertaken |
所起作業 所起作业 see styles |
suǒ qǐ zuò yè suo3 qi3 zuo4 ye4 so ch`i tso yeh so chi tso yeh sho ki sagō |
activities that are set in motion |
所造業行 所造业行 see styles |
suǒ zào yè xíng suo3 zao4 ye4 xing2 so tsao yeh hsing shozō gōgyō |
karmic activity that is created |
支柱產業 支柱产业 see styles |
zhī zhù chǎn yè zhi1 zhu4 chan3 ye4 chih chu ch`an yeh chih chu chan yeh |
mainstay industry |
散業念佛 散业念佛 see styles |
sàn yè niàn fó san4 ye4 nian4 fo2 san yeh nien fo sangō nembutsu |
To repeat the name of Buddha generally and habitually. |
敬業樂群 敬业乐群 see styles |
jìng yè lè qún jing4 ye4 le4 qun2 ching yeh le ch`ün ching yeh le chün |
diligent and sociable (idiom); meticulous in work and dealing cheerfully with one's colleagues |
文創產業 文创产业 see styles |
wén chuàng chǎn yè wen2 chuang4 chan3 ye4 wen ch`uang ch`an yeh wen chuang chan yeh |
creative industries (design, music, publishing etc) (abbr. for 文化創意產業|文化创意产业[wen2 hua4 chuang4 yi4 chan3 ye4]) |
新興產業 新兴产业 see styles |
xīn xīng chǎn yè xin1 xing1 chan3 ye4 hsin hsing ch`an yeh hsin hsing chan yeh |
emerging industry |
有漏惡業 有漏恶业 see styles |
yǒu lòu è yè you3 lou4 e4 ye4 yu lou o yeh uro aku gō |
arousing of evil and defiled karma |
有漏業因 有漏业因 see styles |
yǒu lòu yè yīn you3 lou4 ye4 yin1 yu lou yeh yin uro gō in |
causes of contaminated karma |
朝陽產業 朝阳产业 see styles |
zhāo yáng chǎn yè zhao1 yang2 chan3 ye4 chao yang ch`an yeh chao yang chan yeh |
sunrise industry |
未來業績 未来业绩 see styles |
wèi lái yè jì wei4 lai2 ye4 ji4 wei lai yeh chi |
future yield (of investment) |
核工業部 核工业部 see styles |
hé gōng yè bù he2 gong1 ye4 bu4 ho kung yeh pu |
Ministry of Nuclear Industry |
業不相應 业不相应 see styles |
yè bù xiāng yìng ye4 bu4 xiang1 ying4 yeh pu hsiang ying gō fu sōō |
not concomitant with karma |
業務模式 业务模式 see styles |
yè wù mó shì ye4 wu4 mo2 shi4 yeh wu mo shih |
business model |
業務過失 业务过失 see styles |
yè wù guò shī ye4 wu4 guo4 shi1 yeh wu kuo shih |
professional negligence |
業增上力 业增上力 see styles |
yè zēng shàng lì ye4 zeng1 shang4 li4 yeh tseng shang li gō zōjōriki |
karmic power that creates all things |
業感緣起 业感缘起 see styles |
yè gǎn yuán qǐ ye4 gan3 yuan2 qi3 yeh kan yüan ch`i yeh kan yüan chi gōkan engi |
dependent origination arising as caused by karma |
業用差別 业用差别 see styles |
yè yòng chā bié ye4 yong4 cha1 bie2 yeh yung ch`a pieh yeh yung cha pieh gōyō shabetsu |
distinctions in karmic activity |
業界標準 业界标准 see styles |
yè jiè biāo zhǔn ye4 jie4 biao1 zhun3 yeh chieh piao chun gyoukaihyoujun / gyokaihyojun ぎょうかいひょうじゅん |
industry standard industry-wide standard |
業精於勤 业精于勤 see styles |
yè jīng yú qín ye4 jing1 yu2 qin2 yeh ching yü ch`in yeh ching yü chin |
mastery of study lies in diligence (idiom). You can only master a subject by assiduous study.; Excellence in work is only possible with diligence.; Practice makes perfect. |
業繫苦相 业系苦相 see styles |
yè xì kǔ xiàng ye4 xi4 ku3 xiang4 yeh hsi k`u hsiang yeh hsi ku hsiang gōke kusō |
The suffering state of karma-bondage. |
業荒於嬉 业荒于嬉 see styles |
yè huāng yú xī ye4 huang1 yu2 xi1 yeh huang yü hsi |
to be distracted from one's work and fail to achieve results (idiom) |
業轉現識 业转现识 see styles |
yè zhuǎn xiàn shì ye4 zhuan3 xian4 shi4 yeh chuan hsien shih gō ten gen shiki |
activity, changing, and manifesting consciousnesses |
業餘大學 业余大学 see styles |
yè yú dà xué ye4 yu2 da4 xue2 yeh yü ta hsüeh |
college for people who attend after work |
業餘教育 业余教育 see styles |
yè yú jiào yù ye4 yu2 jiao4 yu4 yeh yü chiao yü |
spare-time education; evening classes |
正語業命 正语业命 see styles |
zhèng yǔ yè mìng zheng4 yu3 ye4 ming4 cheng yü yeh ming shō go gō myō |
right speech, actions, and livelihood |
民族工業 民族工业 see styles |
mín zú gōng yè min2 zu2 gong1 ye4 min tsu kung yeh |
national industry; industry run by Chinese nationals or ethnic Chinese |
民營企業 民营企业 see styles |
mín yíng qǐ yè min2 ying2 qi3 ye4 min ying ch`i yeh min ying chi yeh |
privately-operated enterprise |
治生產業 治生产业 see styles |
zhì shēng chǎn yè zhi4 sheng1 chan3 ye4 chih sheng ch`an yeh chih sheng chan yeh jishō sangō |
daily activity |
淨不淨業 淨不淨业 see styles |
jìng bù jìng yè jing4 bu4 jing4 ye4 ching pu ching yeh jō fujō gō |
pure and impure activities |
淨業障經 淨业障经 see styles |
jìng yè zhàng jīng jing4 ye4 zhang4 jing1 ching yeh chang ching Jō gōshō kyō |
Jing yezhang jing |
淨諸業障 淨诸业障 see styles |
jìng zhū yè zhàng jing4 zhu1 ye4 zhang4 ching chu yeh chang jōshogōshō |
Purifier of All Karmic Hindrances |
淸淨業處 淸淨业处 see styles |
qīng jìng yè chù qing1 jing4 ye4 chu4 ch`ing ching yeh ch`u ching ching yeh chu shōjōgossho |
The state which one who has a pure karma reaches. |
清算業務 清算业务 see styles |
qīng suàn yè wù qing1 suan4 ye4 wu4 ch`ing suan yeh wu ching suan yeh wu |
clearing bank |
無學正業 无学正业 see styles |
wú xué zhèng yè wu2 xue2 zheng4 ye4 wu hsüeh cheng yeh mugaku shōgō |
right behavior of post-learners |
無明業愛 无明业爱 see styles |
wú míng yè ài wu2 ming2 ye4 ai4 wu ming yeh ai mumyō gō ai |
ajñānakarmatṛṣṇā. Ignorance, karma, desire— the three forces that cause reincarnation. |
無明業相 无明业相 see styles |
wú míng yè xiàng wu2 ming2 ye4 xiang4 wu ming yeh hsiang mumyō gossō |
(subtle) mark of karma |
無業遊民 无业游民 see styles |
wú yè yóu mín wu2 ye4 you2 min2 wu yeh yu min |
unemployed person; vagrant; rogue |
無業閑散 无业闲散 see styles |
wú yè xián sǎn wu2 ye4 xian2 san3 wu yeh hsien san |
unemployed and idle |
無漏業因 无漏业因 see styles |
wú lòu yè yīn wu2 lou4 ye4 yin1 wu lou yeh yin muro gō in |
causes of uncontaminated karma |
煩惱業苦 烦恼业苦 see styles |
fán nǎo yè kǔ fan2 nao3 ye4 ku3 fan nao yeh k`u fan nao yeh ku bonnō gokku |
The suffering arising out of the working of the passions, which produce good or evil karma, which in turn results in a happy or suffering lot in one of the three realms, and again from the lot of suffering (or mortality) arises the karma of the passions; also known as 惑業苦, 三輪, and 三道. |
營業收入 营业收入 see styles |
yíng yè shōu rù ying2 ye4 shou1 ru4 ying yeh shou ju |
revenue |
營業時候 营业时候 see styles |
yíng yè shí hou ying2 ye4 shi2 hou5 ying yeh shih hou |
opening hours (shop, bank, restaurant) |
營業時間 营业时间 see styles |
yíng yè shí jiān ying2 ye4 shi2 jian1 ying yeh shih chien |
business hours; opening hours; office hours |
物業管理 物业管理 see styles |
wù yè guǎn lǐ wu4 ye4 guan3 li3 wu yeh kuan li |
property management |
生存農業 生存农业 see styles |
shēng cún nóng yè sheng1 cun2 nong2 ye4 sheng ts`un nung yeh sheng tsun nung yeh |
subsistence farming; subsistence agriculture |
生產企業 生产企业 see styles |
shēng chǎn qǐ yè sheng1 chan3 qi3 ye4 sheng ch`an ch`i yeh sheng chan chi yeh |
manufacturer |
產業工人 产业工人 see styles |
chǎn yè gōng rén chan3 ye4 gong1 ren2 ch`an yeh kung jen chan yeh kung jen |
industrial worker |
產業集群 产业集群 see styles |
chǎn yè jí qún chan3 ye4 ji2 qun2 ch`an yeh chi ch`ün chan yeh chi chün |
industrial cluster |
畢業典禮 毕业典礼 see styles |
bì yè diǎn lǐ bi4 ye4 dian3 li3 pi yeh tien li |
graduation ceremony; commencement exercises |
畢業證書 毕业证书 see styles |
bì yè zhèng shū bi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1 pi yeh cheng shu |
(PRC) (since 1985) graduation certificate, which certifies that the student has graduated, but not necessarily met all requirements to be awarded a degree certificate 學位證書|学位证书[xue2 wei4 zheng4 shu1]; (1981-1985) graduation certificate, which certified that the student graduated, and, if it included a final sentence indicating a degree type, also certified that the student met all the requirements for a degree |
發業潤生 发业润生 see styles |
fā yè rùn shēng fa1 ye4 run4 sheng1 fa yeh jun sheng hotsugō junshō |
produced by activity and born from fertility |
百八結業 百八结业 see styles |
bǎi bā jié yè bai3 ba1 jie2 ye4 pai pa chieh yeh hyakuhachi ketsugō |
108 bounds of karma |
社會事業 社会事业 see styles |
shè huì shì yè she4 hui4 shi4 ye4 she hui shih yeh |
social enterprise |
神通事業 神通事业 see styles |
shén tōng shì yè shen2 tong1 shi4 ye4 shen t`ung shih yeh shen tung shih yeh jinzū jigō |
marvelous functions |
福利事業 福利事业 see styles |
fú lì shì yè fu2 li4 shi4 ye4 fu li shih yeh |
welfare services |
私營企業 私营企业 see styles |
sī yíng qǐ yè si1 ying2 qi3 ye4 ssu ying ch`i yeh ssu ying chi yeh |
private business; opposite: state-owned enterprise 國有企業|国有企业[guo2 you3 qi3 ye4] |
窮家薄業 穷家薄业 see styles |
qióng jiā bó yè qiong2 jia1 bo2 ye4 ch`iung chia po yeh chiung chia po yeh |
lit. poor and with few means of subsistance (idiom); fig. destitute |
競業條款 竞业条款 see styles |
jìng yè tiáo kuǎn jing4 ye4 tiao2 kuan3 ching yeh t`iao k`uan ching yeh tiao kuan |
non-compete clause (law) |
第一產業 第一产业 see styles |
dì yī chǎn yè di4 yi1 chan3 ye4 ti i ch`an yeh ti i chan yeh |
primary sector of industry |
第三產業 第三产业 see styles |
dì sān chǎn yè di4 san1 chan3 ye4 ti san ch`an yeh ti san chan yeh |
tertiary sector of industry |
第二產業 第二产业 see styles |
dì èr chǎn yè di4 er4 chan3 ye4 ti erh ch`an yeh ti erh chan yeh |
secondary industry |
第二職業 第二职业 see styles |
dì èr zhí yè di4 er4 zhi2 ye4 ti erh chih yeh |
second job |
紡織工業 纺织工业 see styles |
fǎng zhī gōng yè fang3 zhi1 gong1 ye4 fang chih kung yeh |
textile industry |
總別二業 总别二业 see styles |
zǒng bié èr yè zong3 bie2 er4 ye4 tsung pieh erh yeh sōbetsu nigō |
two karmas of generalizing and particularizing |
職業中學 职业中学 see styles |
zhí yè zhōng xué zhi2 ye4 zhong1 xue2 chih yeh chung hsüeh |
vocational high school |
職業教育 职业教育 see styles |
zhí yè jiào yù zhi2 ye4 jiao4 yu4 chih yeh chiao yü shokugyoukyouiku / shokugyokyoiku しょくぎょうきょういく |
vocational training professional education; vocational training |
職業素質 职业素质 see styles |
zhí yè sù zhì zhi2 ye4 su4 zhi4 chih yeh su chih |
professionalism |
職業高中 职业高中 see styles |
zhí yè gāo zhōng zhi2 ye4 gao1 zhong1 chih yeh kao chung |
vocational high school (abbr. to 職高|职高[zhi2 gao1]) |
肄業證書 肄业证书 see styles |
yì yè zhèng shū yi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1 i yeh cheng shu |
certificate of partial completion; certificate of attendance (for a student who did not graduate) |
能修治業 能修治业 see styles |
néng xiū zhì yè neng2 xiu1 zhi4 ye4 neng hsiu chih yeh nō shuji gō |
[able] to purify karma |
能感生業 能感生业 see styles |
néng gǎn shēng yè neng2 gan3 sheng1 ye4 neng kan sheng yeh nō kanshō gō |
activities conducive to bringing about rebirth |
自業因力 自业因力 see styles |
zì yè yīn lì zi4 ye4 yin1 li4 tzu yeh yin li jigō inriki |
the causal power of one's own activities |
自業所作 自业所作 see styles |
zì yè suǒ zuò zi4 ye4 suo3 zuo4 tzu yeh so tso jigō shosa |
created from one's own activities (karma) |
自業智力 自业智力 see styles |
zì yè zhì lì zi4 ye4 zhi4 li4 tzu yeh chih li jigō chiriki |
the power of knowing one's own karma |
自業自得 自业自得 see styles |
zì yè zì dé zi4 ye4 zi4 de2 tzu yeh tzu te jigoujitoku / jigojitoku じごうじとく |
(exp,adj-na,adj-no,n) (yoji) paying for one's mistakes; getting one's just deserts; suffering the consequences (of one's own actions); reap what you sow the outcome of one's own karma |
自業自縛 自业自缚 see styles |
zì yè zì fú zi4 ye4 zi4 fu2 tzu yeh tzu fu jigō jibaku |
bound by one's own karma |
自然業智 自然业智 see styles |
zì rán yè zhì zi4 ran2 ye4 zhi4 tzu jan yeh chih jinengō chi |
spontaneous karmic wisdom |
自由企業 自由企业 see styles |
zì yóu qǐ yè zi4 you2 qi3 ye4 tzu yu ch`i yeh tzu yu chi yeh |
free enterprise (in capitalist theory) |
自由職業 自由职业 see styles |
zì yóu zhí yè zi4 you2 zhi2 ye4 tzu yu chih yeh |
self-employed; profession |
興業銀行 兴业银行 see styles |
xīng yè yín háng xing1 ye4 yin2 hang2 hsing yeh yin hang kougyouginkou / kogyoginko こうぎょうぎんこう |
Société Générale industrial bank |
航空事業 航空事业 see styles |
háng kōng shì yè hang2 kong1 shi4 ye4 hang k`ung shih yeh hang kung shih yeh koukuujigyou / kokujigyo こうくうじぎょう |
aviation industry aviation business; air transport service |
衆魔事業 众魔事业 see styles |
zhòng mó shì yè zhong4 mo2 shi4 ye4 chung mo shih yeh shu ma jigō |
[myriad] evil karmas |
行業果報 行业果报 see styles |
xíng yè guǒ bào xing2 ye4 guo3 bao4 hsing yeh kuo pao gyōgō kahō |
consequences of activity |
表無表業 表无表业 see styles |
biǎo wú biǎo yè biao3 wu2 biao3 ye4 piao wu piao yeh hyō muhyō gō |
manifest and unmanifest activity |
製藥企業 制药企业 see styles |
zhì yào qǐ yè zhi4 yao4 qi3 ye4 chih yao ch`i yeh chih yao chi yeh |
pharmaceutical company |
製造業者 制造业者 see styles |
zhì zào yè zhě zhi4 zao4 ye4 zhe3 chih tsao yeh che seizougyousha / sezogyosha せいぞうぎょうしゃ |
manufacturer manufacturer; maker |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "业" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.