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Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 sentenseimenekifuzenshoukougun / sentensemenekifuzenshokogun
{med} (See 原発性免疫不全症候群) primary immunodeficiency syndrome


see styles
 genpatsuseimenekifuzenshoukougun / genpatsusemenekifuzenshokogun
{med} primary immunodeficiency syndrome


see styles
 jushinfunoutsuuchiyoukyuuhyouji / jushinfunotsuchiyokyuhyoji
{comp} non-receipt notification request indication


see styles
 toyamachihoutetsudoufujikoshisen / toyamachihotetsudofujikoshisen
(place-name) Toyamachihoutetsudoufujikoshisen


see styles
 koutenseimenekifuzenshoukougun / kotensemenekifuzenshokogun
{med} acquired immune deficiency syndrome; AIDS



see styles
shòu zhī yǐ yú bù rú shòu zhī yǐ yú
    shou4 zhi1 yi3 yu2 bu4 ru2 shou4 zhi1 yi3 yu2
shou chih i yü pu ju shou chih i yü
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime (idiom)



see styles
shòu rén yǐ yú bù rú shòu rén yǐ yú
    shou4 ren2 yi3 yu2 bu4 ru2 shou4 ren2 yi3 yu2
shou jen i yü pu ju shou jen i yü

More info & calligraphy:

Teach A Man To Fish
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime; knowledge is the best charity



see styles
dù xīng shì jī ròu yíng yǎng bù liáng zhèng
    du4 xing1 shi4 ji1 rou4 ying2 yang3 bu4 liang2 zheng4
tu hsing shih chi jou ying yang pu liang cheng
Duchenne muscular dystrophy


see styles
 chuuiryokufusokukatsudoukatashou / chuiryokufusokukatsudokatasho
attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder; ADHD


see styles
zhī qí rán ér bù zhī qí suǒ yǐ rán
    zhi1 qi2 ran2 er2 bu4 zhi1 qi2 suo3 yi3 ran2
chih ch`i jan erh pu chih ch`i so i jan
    chih chi jan erh pu chih chi so i jan
(idiom) to know that it is so but not why it is so


see styles
 idoufukadeetasetto / idofukadeetasetto
{comp} unmovable data set



see styles
pǎo dé liǎo hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo miào
    pao3 de2 liao3 he2 shang4 , pao3 bu4 liao3 miao4
p`ao te liao ho shang , p`ao pu liao miao
    pao te liao ho shang , pao pu liao miao
the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom); you can run this time, but you'll have to come back; I'll get you sooner or later



see styles
duǒ guò chū yī , duǒ bù guò shí wǔ
    duo3 guo4 chu1 yi1 , duo3 bu4 guo4 shi2 wu3
to kuo ch`u i , to pu kuo shih wu
    to kuo chu i , to pu kuo shih wu
see 躲得過初一,躲過十五|躲得过初一,躲过十五[duo3 de5 guo4 chu1 yi1 , duo3 bu4 guo4 shi2 wu3]



see styles
mǎ wěi chuān dòu fu , tí bu qǐ lai
    ma3 wei3 chuan1 dou4 fu5 , ti2 bu5 qi3 lai5
ma wei ch`uan tou fu , t`i pu ch`i lai
    ma wei chuan tou fu , ti pu chi lai
lit. like tofu strung on horsetail, you can't lift it; fig. let's not talk of this (pun on 提[ti2])


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) flaw; defect; problem; bug; malfunction; failure; discrepancy; (adjectival noun) (2) inconvenient


see styles
 fukiryou; bukiryou / fukiryo; bukiryo
    ふきりょう; ぶきりょう
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) ugliness; homeliness; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) lack of ability; incompetence


see styles
 furyouken / furyoken
(noun or adjectival noun) indiscretion; bad idea; thoughtlessness; indiscreetness


see styles
 bukakkou; fukakkou(格好, 恰好) / bukakko; fukakko(格好, 恰好)
    ぶかっこう; ふかっこう(不格好, 不恰好)
(adjectival noun) (1) unshapely; ill-formed; misshapen; (adjectival noun) (2) awkward; clumsy


see styles
(See 不可触民) untouchable (of India's caste system)


see styles
(exp,v5s) to commit vice; to do evil


see styles
 fuioutsu / fuiotsu
(exp,v5t) (See 不意をつく) to take (a person) unawares; to make a surprise attack


see styles
(exp,v5r) to suffer an embarrassing defeat



see styles
bù zuò kuī xīn shì , bù pà guǐ qiāo mén
    bu4 zuo4 kui1 xin1 shi4 , bu4 pa4 gui3 qiao1 men2
pu tso k`uei hsin shih , pu p`a kuei ch`iao men
    pu tso kuei hsin shih , pu pa kuei chiao men
he who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night; you can rest with a clear conscience



see styles
bù pà bù shí huò , zhǐ pà huò bǐ huò
    bu4 pa4 bu4 shi2 huo4 , zhi3 pa4 huo4 bi3 huo4
pu p`a pu shih huo , chih p`a huo pi huo
    pu pa pu shih huo , chih pa huo pi huo
lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb); fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison



see styles
bù pà bù shí huò , jiù pà huò bǐ huò
    bu4 pa4 bu4 shi2 huo4 , jiu4 pa4 huo4 bi3 huo4
pu p`a pu shih huo , chiu p`a huo pi huo
    pu pa pu shih huo , chiu pa huo pi huo
lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb); fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison



see styles
bù tīng lǎo rén yán , chī kuī zài yǎn qián
    bu4 ting1 lao3 ren2 yan2 , chi1 kui1 zai4 yan3 qian2
pu t`ing lao jen yen , ch`ih k`uei tsai yen ch`ien
    pu ting lao jen yen , chih kuei tsai yen chien
(idiom) ignore your elders at your peril


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) dissatisfaction with the work (role) given to one; feeling oneself above the given work (role); (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (colloquialism) (See 力不足・ちからぶそく) not up to the task; (being) out of one's depth


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) dissatisfaction with the work (role) given to one; feeling oneself above the given work (role); (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (colloquialism) (See 力不足・ちからぶそく) not up to the task; (being) out of one's depth


see styles
(adverb) (kana only) don't get me wrong, but ...; I'm sorry


see styles
 umazume; sekijo(石女)(ok); shakunyo(石女)(ok)
    うまずめ; せきじょ(石女)(ok); しゃくにょ(石女)(ok)
(sensitive word) barren woman; sterile woman


see styles
(v1,vi) (kana only) to become sulky; to become irresponsible (due to disgruntlement)


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) profound mystery



see styles
ā bù lái tí · ā bù dū rè xī tí
    a1 bu4 lai2 ti2 · a1 bu4 du1 re4 xi1 ti2
a pu lai t`i · a pu tu je hsi t`i
    a pu lai ti · a pu tu je hsi ti
Abdulahat Abdurixit (1942-), PRC engineer and politician, chairman of Xinjiang autonomous region 1994-2003, in 2003 vice-chair of 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference


see styles
 fairuzokuseifuseigoujouken / fairuzokusefusegojoken
{comp} file attribute conflict condition


see styles
Mohorovicic discontinuity



see styles
yī píng zi bù xiǎng , bàn píng zi huàng dang
    yi1 ping2 zi5 bu4 xiang3 , ban4 ping2 zi5 huang4 dang5
i p`ing tzu pu hsiang , pan p`ing tzu huang tang
    i ping tzu pu hsiang , pan ping tzu huang tang
lit. a full bottle makes no sound; a half-filled bottle sloshes (idiom); fig. empty vessels make the most noise



see styles
ér bù xián mǔ chǒu , gǒu bù xián jiā pín
    er2 bu4 xian2 mu3 chou3 , gou3 bu4 xian2 jia1 pin2
erh pu hsien mu ch`ou , kou pu hsien chia p`in
    erh pu hsien mu chou , kou pu hsien chia pin
a son won't abandon his mother for being ugly, just as a dog won't abandon its owner for being poor (proverb)


see styles
 kouseishoushogenponfujitsukisaizai / koseshoshogenponfujitsukisaizai
{law} false entry in an officially authenticated document



see styles
qián bù jiàn gǔ rén , hòu bù jiàn lái zhě
    qian2 bu4 jian4 gu3 ren2 , hou4 bu4 jian4 lai2 zhe3
ch`ien pu chien ku jen , hou pu chien lai che
    chien pu chien ku jen , hou pu chien lai che
unique; unprecedented (idiom)



see styles
yǎ ba chī huáng lián , yǒu kǔ shuō bu chū
    ya3 ba5 chi1 huang2 lian2 , you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1
ya pa ch`ih huang lien , yu k`u shuo pu ch`u
    ya pa chih huang lien , yu ku shuo pu chu
to be forced to suffer in silence (idiom); unable to speak of one's bitter suffering; sometimes written 啞子吃黃連,有苦說出|哑子吃黄连,有苦说



see styles
dān sī bù chéng xiàn , dú mù bù chéng lín
    dan1 si1 bu4 cheng2 xian4 , du2 mu4 bu4 cheng2 lin2
tan ssu pu ch`eng hsien , tu mu pu ch`eng lin
    tan ssu pu cheng hsien , tu mu pu cheng lin
(idiom) one strand does not make a thread, one tree does not make a forest



see styles
dà fāng guǎng rú lái bù sī yì jìng jiè jīng
    da4 fang1 guang3 ru2 lai2 bu4 si1 yi4 jing4 jie4 jing1
ta fang kuang ju lai pu ssu i ching chieh ching
 Daihōkō nyorai fushigi kyōgai kyō
Sūtra on the Tathāgata's Inconceivable State



see styles
hǎo shì bù chū mén , è shì chuán qiān lǐ
    hao3 shi4 bu4 chu1 men2 , e4 shi4 chuan2 qian1 li3
hao shih pu ch`u men , o shih ch`uan ch`ien li
    hao shih pu chu men , o shih chuan chien li
lit. good deeds do not go beyond the door, evil deeds spread a thousand miles; a good deed goes unnoticed, but scandal spreads fast (idiom)



see styles
zǐ bù xián mǔ chǒu , gǒu bù xián jiā pín
    zi3 bu4 xian2 mu3 chou3 , gou3 bu4 xian2 jia1 pin2
tzu pu hsien mu ch`ou , kou pu hsien chia p`in
    tzu pu hsien mu chou , kou pu hsien chia pin
see 兒嫌母醜,狗嫌家貧|儿嫌母丑,狗嫌家贫[er2 bu4 xian2 mu3 chou3 , gou3 bu4 xian2 jia1 pin2]



see styles
xué rú nì shuǐ xíng zhōu , bù jìn zé tuì
    xue2 ru2 ni4 shui3 xing2 zhou1 , bu4 jin4 ze2 tui4
hsüeh ju ni shui hsing chou , pu chin tse t`ui
    hsüeh ju ni shui hsing chou , pu chin tse tui
study is like rowing upstream – if you don't keep pushing forward, you fall behind



see styles
nìng chāi shí zuò miào , bù huǐ yī zhuāng hūn
    ning4 chai1 shi2 zuo4 miao4 , bu4 hui3 yi1 zhuang1 hun1
ning ch`ai shih tso miao , pu hui i chuang hun
    ning chai shih tso miao , pu hui i chuang hun
rather destroy ten temples than a single marriage (idiom)


see styles
 shoujinkankyoshitefuzenonasu / shojinkankyoshitefuzenonasu
(expression) (proverb) An idle brain is the devil's shop


see styles
 shoujinkankyoshitefuzenonasu / shojinkankyoshitefuzenonasu
(expression) (proverb) An idle brain is the devil's shop



see styles
shào zhuàng bù nǔ lì , lǎo dà tú shāng bēi
    shao4 zhuang4 bu4 nu3 li4 , lao3 da4 tu2 shang1 bei1
shao chuang pu nu li , lao ta t`u shang pei
    shao chuang pu nu li , lao ta tu shang pei
if you are lazy in your prime, you'll be sorry in your old age



see styles
cháng zài hé biān zǒu , nǎ yǒu bù shī xié
    chang2 zai4 he2 bian1 zou3 , na3 you3 bu4 shi1 xie2
ch`ang tsai ho pien tsou , na yu pu shih hsieh
    chang tsai ho pien tsou , na yu pu shih hsieh
a person who regularly walks by the river cannot avoid getting their shoes wet (proverb); (fig.) it comes with the territory (e.g. a person with the power to grant favors will inevitably succumb to temptation and take a bribe)



see styles
píng shí bù shāo xiāng , lín shí bào fó jiǎo
    ping2 shi2 bu4 shao1 xiang1 , lin2 shi2 bao4 fo2 jiao3
p`ing shih pu shao hsiang , lin shih pao fo chiao
    ping shih pu shao hsiang , lin shih pao fo chiao
lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble; doing things at the last minute; to make a hasty last-minute effort (often refers to cramming for exams)


see styles
 keitaidenwafuseiriyouboushihou / ketaidenwafuseriyoboshiho
{law} Act for Identification, etc. by Mobile Voice Communications Carriers of Their Subscribers, etc. and for Prevention of Improper Use of Mobile Voice Communications Services; Mobile Phone Improper Use Prevention Act



see styles
sǐ le zhāng tú fū , bù chī hùn máo zhū
    si3 le5 zhang1 tu2 fu1 , bu4 chi1 hun4 mao2 zhu1
ssu le chang t`u fu , pu ch`ih hun mao chu
    ssu le chang tu fu , pu chih hun mao chu
lit. just because Zhang the butcher dies, doesn't mean we'll have to eat pork mixed with bristles (idiom); fig. nobody is indispensable



see styles
gǒu yǎo lǚ dòng bīn , bù shí hǎo rén xīn
    gou3 yao3 lu:3 dong4 bin1 , bu4 shi2 hao3 ren2 xin1
kou yao lü tung pin , pu shih hao jen hsin
a dog biting Lü Dongbin (idiom); to ill reward a person's kindness



see styles
guā tián bù nà lǚ , lǐ xià bù zhěng guān
    gua1 tian2 bu4 na4 lu:3 , li3 xia4 bu4 zheng3 guan1
kua t`ien pu na lü , li hsia pu cheng kuan
    kua tien pu na lü , li hsia pu cheng kuan
lit. don't tie your shoelaces in a melon patch, and don't adjust your hat under a plum tree (idiom); fig. don't do anything that might arouse suspicion; innocent acts may be misconstrued



see styles
liú de qīng shān zài , bù pà méi chái shāo
    liu2 de5 qing1 shan1 zai4 , bu4 pa4 mei2 chai2 shao1
liu te ch`ing shan tsai , pu p`a mei ch`ai shao
    liu te ching shan tsai , pu pa mei chai shao
While the green hills last, there'll be wood to burn (idiom). Where there's life there's hope.


see styles
(expression) good match for an opponent; worthy (e.g. rival)



see styles
xiù cai bù chū mén , quán zhī tiān xià shì
    xiu4 cai5 bu4 chu1 men2 , quan2 zhi1 tian1 xia4 shi4
hsiu ts`ai pu ch`u men , ch`üan chih t`ien hsia shih
    hsiu tsai pu chu men , chüan chih tien hsia shih
a learned person need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world (idiom)



see styles
xiù cai bù chū mén , néng zhī tiān xià shì
    xiu4 cai5 bu4 chu1 men2 , neng2 zhi1 tian1 xia4 shi4
hsiu ts`ai pu ch`u men , neng chih t`ien hsia shih
    hsiu tsai pu chu men , neng chih tien hsia shih
a learned person need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world (idiom)



see styles
lín yuān xiàn yú , bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng
    lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2 , bu4 ru2 tui4 er2 jie2 wang3
lin yüan hsien yü , pu ju t`ui erh chieh wang
    lin yüan hsien yü , pu ju tui erh chieh wang
better to go home and weave a net than to stand by the pond longing for fish (idiom); one should take practical steps to achieve one's aim



see styles
ruò yào rén bù zhī , chú fēi jǐ mò wéi
    ruo4 yao4 ren2 bu4 zhi1 , chu2 fei1 ji3 mo4 wei2
jo yao jen pu chih , ch`u fei chi mo wei
    jo yao jen pu chih , chu fei chi mo wei
If you don't want anyone to know, don't do it (idiom). fig. If you do something bad, people will inevitably hear about it.



see styles
duǒ de guò chū yī , duǒ bù guò shí wǔ
    duo3 de5 guo4 chu1 yi1 , duo3 bu4 guo4 shi2 wu3
to te kuo ch`u i , to pu kuo shih wu
    to te kuo chu i , to pu kuo shih wu
lit. you may go undetected during the new moon, but at full moon you'll be found out (idiom); fig. you can't put it off forever; sooner or later you'll have to deal with it



see styles
yě huǒ shāo bù jìn , chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng
    ye3 huo3 shao1 bu4 jin4 , chun1 feng1 chui1 you4 sheng1
yeh huo shao pu chin , ch`un feng ch`ui yu sheng
    yeh huo shao pu chin , chun feng chui yu sheng
lit. even a prairie fire cannot destroy the grass - it grows again when the breeze blows (proverb); fig. cannot be easily eliminated; abbr. to 野火春風|野火春风[ye3 huo3 chun1 feng1]



see styles
jīn wō yín wō bù rú zì jǐ de gǒu wō
    jin1 wo1 yin2 wo1 bu4 ru2 zi4 ji3 de5 gou3 wo1
chin wo yin wo pu ju tzu chi te kou wo

More info & calligraphy:

There’s No Place Like Home
there's no place like home (idiom)


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) infertility; sterility; barrenness


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) unhappiness; misfortune; ill luck


see styles
miscreant; scoundrel; villain


see styles
 fuguuokakotsu / fuguokakotsu
(exp,v5t) to complain about one's hard lot


see styles
(expression) good match for an opponent; worthy (e.g. rival)


see styles
 buutofukanoudisuketto / butofukanodisuketto
{comp} nonbootable diskette


see styles
Mohorovicic discontinuity


see styles
rén bù kě mào xiàng , hǎi shuǐ bù kě dǒu liáng
    ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4 , hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 liang2
jen pu k`o mao hsiang , hai shui pu k`o tou liang
    jen pu ko mao hsiang , hai shui pu ko tou liang
you can't judge a person by appearance, just as you can't measure the sea with a pint pot (idiom)



see styles
qiān lǐ mǎ cháng yǒu , ér bó lè bù cháng yǒu
    qian1 li3 ma3 chang2 you3 , er2 bo2 le4 bu4 chang2 you3
ch`ien li ma ch`ang yu , erh po le pu ch`ang yu
    chien li ma chang yu , erh po le pu chang yu
lit. there are many swift horses, but very few who can spot them (idiom); fig. many have talent, but few can recognize talent when they see it



see styles
dà fāng guǎng fó rú lái bù sī yì jìng jiè jīng
    da4 fang1 guang3 fo2 ru2 lai2 bu4 si1 yi4 jing4 jie4 jing1
ta fang kuang fo ju lai pu ssu i ching chieh ching
 Daihōkō butsu nyorai fushigi kyōgai kyō
Dafangguang fo rulai busiyi jingjie jing



see styles
dà lè jīn gāng bù kōng zhēn shí sān mó yé jīng
    da4 le4 jin1 gang1 bu4 kong1 zhen1 shi2 san1 mo2 ye2 jing1
ta le chin kang pu k`ung chen shih san mo yeh ching
    ta le chin kang pu kung chen shih san mo yeh ching
 Dairaku kongō fukū shinjitsu sanmaya kyō
Scripture that Transcends the Principle



see styles
dà lè jīn gāng bù kōng zhēn shí sān mó yé jīng
    da4 le4 jin1 gang1 bu4 kong1 zhen1 shi2 san1 mo2 ye2 jing1
ta le chin kang pu k`ung chen shih san mo yeh ching
    ta le chin kang pu kung chen shih san mo yeh ching
 Dairaku kongō fukū shinjitsu sanmaya kyō
Scripture that Transcends the Principle



see styles
shī zi duō le bù yǎng , zhài duō le bù chóu
    shi1 zi5 duo1 le5 bu4 yang3 , zhai4 duo1 le5 bu4 chou2
shih tzu to le pu yang , chai to le pu ch`ou
    shih tzu to le pu yang , chai to le pu chou
lit. covered with lice, one doesn't feel the itching anymore; up to one's ears in debt, one ceases to worry about it (idiom); fig. to be past worrying (about something)


see styles
 yuugisangyoufuseitaisakujouhoukikou / yugisangyofusetaisakujohokiko
(org) Pachinko Pachislot Security Information Organization; PSIO; (o) Pachinko Pachislot Security Information Organization; PSIO


see styles
 buutan / butan
(kana only) Bhutan


see styles
 fujuubun / fujubun
(noun or adjectival noun) insufficient; inadequate; imperfect


see styles
(noun/participle) police questioning (of a suspicious person)


see styles
 fumeiryou / fumeryo
(noun or adjectival noun) unclear; indistinct; obscure; opaque; inarticulate; dim; blurred


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) (See 無粋・ぶすい) vulgar; unrefined


see styles
 fudansou(断草, fudan草); fudansou(fudan草); fudansou / fudanso(断草, fudan草); fudanso(fudan草); fudanso
    ふだんそう(不断草, ふだん草); フダンそう(フダン草); フダンソウ
Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla); silverbeet


see styles
(adjectival noun) miserable; wretched; unhappy; sad; pitiable


see styles
(adjective) unpleasant; awkward; embarrassing; uneasy



see styles
yī bù èr shí sì shǐ , bù zhī cóng hé shuō qǐ
    yi1 bu4 er4 shi2 si4 shi3 , bu4 zhi1 cong2 he2 shuo1 qi3
i pu erh shih ssu shih , pu chih ts`ung ho shuo ch`i
    i pu erh shih ssu shih , pu chih tsung ho shuo chi
It's a long and intricate story, I hardly know where to start.



see styles
dāo bù mó yào shēng xiù , rén bù xué yào luò hòu
    dao1 bu4 mo2 yao4 sheng1 xiu4 , ren2 bu4 xue2 yao4 luo4 hou4
tao pu mo yao sheng hsiu , jen pu hsüeh yao lo hou
(idiom) a blade will get rusty if it is not sharpened; a man will fall behind if he doesn't study



see styles
qiān lǐ dā cháng péng , méi yǒu bù sàn de yàn xí
    qian1 li3 da1 chang2 peng2 , mei2 you3 bu4 san4 de5 yan4 xi2
ch`ien li ta ch`ang p`eng , mei yu pu san te yen hsi
    chien li ta chang peng , mei yu pu san te yen hsi
even if you build a thousand-league awning for it, every banquet must come to an end (idiom)



see styles
yòu yào mǎ r hǎo , yòu yào mǎ r bù chī cǎo
    you4 yao4 ma3 r5 hao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3
yu yao ma r hao , yu yao ma r pu ch`ih ts`ao
    yu yao ma r hao , yu yao ma r pu chih tsao
see 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒吃草|又要马儿跑,又要马儿吃草[you4 yao4 ma3 r5 pao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3]



see styles
yòu yào mǎ r pǎo , yòu yào mǎ r bù chī cǎo
    you4 yao4 ma3 r5 pao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3
yu yao ma r p`ao , yu yao ma r pu ch`ih ts`ao
    yu yao ma r pao , yu yao ma r pu chih tsao
lit. you can't expect the horse to run fast but not let it graze (idiom); fig. you can't have your cake and eat it, too



see styles
zhǐ xǔ zhōu guān fàng huǒ , bù xǔ bǎi xìng diǎn dēng
    zhi3 xu3 zhou1 guan1 fang4 huo3 , bu4 xu3 bai3 xing4 dian3 deng1
chih hsü chou kuan fang huo , pu hsü pai hsing tien teng
only the official is allowed to light the fire; Gods may do what cattle may not; quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi



see styles
tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún , rén yǒu dàn xī huò fú
    tian1 you3 bu4 ce4 feng1 yun2 , ren2 you3 dan4 xi1 huo4 fu2
t`ien yu pu ts`e feng yün , jen yu tan hsi huo fu
    tien yu pu tse feng yün , jen yu tan hsi huo fu
fortune as unpredictable as the weather, every day may bring fortune or calamity (idiom); something unexpected may happen at any moment



see styles
xué ér bù sī zé wǎng , sī ér bù xué zé dài
    xue2 er2 bu4 si1 ze2 wang3 , si1 er2 bu4 xue2 ze2 dai4
hsüeh erh pu ssu tse wang , ssu erh pu hsüeh tse tai
To learn without thinking is confusing, to think without learning is dangerous (Confucius)



see styles
jiā chǒu bù kě wài chuán , liú yán qiè mò qīng xìn
    jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2 , liu2 yan2 qie4 mo4 qing1 xin4
chia ch`ou pu k`o wai ch`uan , liu yen ch`ieh mo ch`ing hsin
    chia chou pu ko wai chuan , liu yen chieh mo ching hsin
Don't spread abroad the shame of the family, don't believe rumors lightly. (idiom); Don't wash your dirty linen in public, don't listen to others' gossip.


see styles
 sekifuzennoienihakanarazuyoouari / sekifuzennoienihakanarazuyooari
(expression) (archaism) iniquities of fathers are visited upon their sons


see styles
 sekifuzennoienihakanarazuyoouari / sekifuzennoienihakanarazuyooari
(expression) (archaism) iniquities of fathers are visited upon their sons



see styles
jīn gāng sān mèi běn xìng qīng jìng bù huài bù miè jīng
    jin1 gang1 san1 mei4 ben3 xing4 qing1 jing4 bu4 huai4 bu4 mie4 jing1
chin kang san mei pen hsing ch`ing ching pu huai pu mieh ching
    chin kang san mei pen hsing ching ching pu huai pu mieh ching
 Kongōsanmai honshōshōjō fuefumetsu kyō
Jingang sanmei benxing qingjing buhuai bumie jing



see styles
mǎ wú yè cǎo bù féi , rén wú wài kuài bù fù
    ma3 wu2 ye4 cao3 bu4 fei2 , ren2 wu2 wai4 kuai4 bu4 fu4
ma wu yeh ts`ao pu fei , jen wu wai k`uai pu fu
    ma wu yeh tsao pu fei , jen wu wai kuai pu fu
a horse cannot get fat without an extra ration, a man cannot get rich without an extra income (idiom)


see styles
 bukiyou / bukiyo
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) clumsy; awkward; unskillful; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) incompetent; inept; bungling; (socially) awkward; gawky; gauche

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "不" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary