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Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
human immunodeficiency virus; HIV


see styles
rén zài jiāng hú , shēn bù yóu jǐ
    ren2 zai4 jiang1 hu2 , shen1 bu4 you2 ji3
jen tsai chiang hu , shen pu yu chi
you can't always do as you like; one has to compromise in this world (idiom)


see styles
 taninnofukouhamitsunoaji / taninnofukohamitsunoaji
(expression) (proverb) the misfortune of others tastes as sweet as honey



see styles
lái zhě bù shàn , shàn zhě bù lái
    lai2 zhe3 bu4 shan4 , shan4 zhe3 bu4 lai2
lai che pu shan , shan che pu lai
He who comes is surely ill-intentioned, no-one well-meaning will come (idiom).; Be careful not to trust foreigners.; Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!



see styles
xiān tiān bù zú , hòu tiān shī tiáo
    xian1 tian1 bu4 zu2 , hou4 tian1 shi1 tiao2
hsien t`ien pu tsu , hou t`ien shih t`iao
    hsien tien pu tsu , hou tien shih tiao
to be born with a weak constitution and suffer from ill health during one's life; (fig.) to be problematic from the start, and get even worse over time


see styles
 zenkokufudousangyoushakyoukai / zenkokufudosangyoshakyokai
(o) National Association of Real Estate Boards



see styles
liǎng guó xiāng zhēng , bù zhǎn lái shǐ
    liang3 guo2 xiang1 zheng1 , bu4 zhan3 lai2 shi3
liang kuo hsiang cheng , pu chan lai shih
when two kingdoms are at war, they don't execute envoys (idiom)



see styles
bīng tàn bù yán , lěng rè zì míng
    bing1 tan4 bu4 yan2 , leng3 re4 zi4 ming2
ping t`an pu yen , leng je tzu ming
    ping tan pu yen , leng je tzu ming
ice or coals, whether hot or cold goes without saying (idiom); fig. sincerity is not expressed in words



see styles
chū qí bù yì , gōng qí bù bèi
    chu1 qi2 bu4 yi4 , gong1 qi2 bu4 bei4
ch`u ch`i pu i , kung ch`i pu pei
    chu chi pu i , kung chi pu pei
to catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3])



see styles
qián bù bā cūn , hòu bù bā diàn
    qian2 bu4 ba1 cun1 , hou4 bu4 ba1 dian4
ch`ien pu pa ts`un , hou pu pa tien
    chien pu pa tsun , hou pu pa tien
see 前著村,後著店|前着村,后着店[qian2 bu4 zhao2 cun1 , hou4 bu4 zhao2 dian4]



see styles
qián bù zháo cūn , hòu bù zháo diàn
    qian2 bu4 zhao2 cun1 , hou4 bu4 zhao2 dian4
ch`ien pu chao ts`un , hou pu chao tien
    chien pu chao tsun , hou pu chao tien
lit. no village ahead and no inn behind (idiom); fig. to be stranded in the middle of nowhere; to be in a predicament



see styles
qián shì bù wàng , hòu shì zhī shī
    qian2 shi4 bu4 wang4 , hou4 shi4 zhi1 shi1
ch`ien shih pu wang , hou shih chih shih
    chien shih pu wang , hou shih chih shih
don't forget past events, they can guide you in future (idiom); benefit from past experience



see styles
qǔ zhī bù jìn , yòng zhī bù jié
    qu3 zhi1 bu4 jin4 , yong4 zhi1 bu4 jie2
ch`ü chih pu chin , yung chih pu chieh
    chü chih pu chin , yung chih pu chieh
limitless supply (of); inexhaustible



see styles
zhǐ kě yì huì , bù kě yán chuán
    zhi3 ke3 yi4 hui4 , bu4 ke3 yan2 chuan2
chih k`o i hui , pu k`o yen ch`uan
    chih ko i hui , pu ko yen chuan
can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3]); mysterious and subtle


see styles
zhǐ zhī qí yī , bù zhī qí èr
    zhi3 zhi1 qi2 yi1 , bu4 zhi1 qi2 er4
chih chih ch`i i , pu chih ch`i erh
    chih chih chi i , pu chih chi erh
to know the first, but not know the second (idiom); only partial information


see styles
(expression) neither good nor bad



see styles
kě yǐ yì huì , bù kě yán chuán
    ke3 yi3 yi4 hui4 , bu4 ke3 yan2 chuan2
k`o i i hui , pu k`o yen ch`uan
    ko i i hui , pu ko yen chuan
can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3]); mysterious and subtle



see styles
chī bù dào pú tao shuō pú tao suān
    chi1 bu4 dao4 pu2 tao5 shuo1 pu2 tao5 suan1
ch`ih pu tao p`u t`ao shuo p`u t`ao suan
    chih pu tao pu tao shuo pu tao suan
sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop); lit. to say grapes are sour when you can't eat them



see styles
chī bié rén jiáo guò de mó bù xiāng
    chi1 bie2 ren2 jiao2 guo4 de5 mo2 bu4 xiang1
ch`ih pieh jen chiao kuo te mo pu hsiang
    chih pieh jen chiao kuo te mo pu hsiang
lit. bread previously chewed by someone has no flavor (idiom); fig. there's no joy in discovering something if someone else got there first



see styles
chī shǐ dōu gǎn bu shàng rè hu de
    chi1 shi3 dou1 gan3 bu5 shang4 re4 hu5 de5
ch`ih shih tou kan pu shang je hu te
    chih shih tou kan pu shang je hu te
lit. if you were eating warm shit, it'd be stone cold by the time you finished it (idiom); fig. (of a person) too slow; can't keep up



see styles
jun zi bào chóu , shí nián bù wǎn
    jun1 zi5 bao4 chou2 , shi2 nian2 bu4 wan3
chün tzu pao ch`ou , shih nien pu wan
    chün tzu pao chou , shih nien pu wan
lit. for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long (idiom); fig. revenge is a dish best served cold



see styles
shàn zhě bù biàn , biàn zhě bù shàn
    shan4 zhe3 bu4 bian4 , bian4 zhe3 bu4 shan4
shan che pu pien , pien che pu shan
Good words are not persuasive, persuasive words are not good (idiom, from Laozi 老子 81). Do not be taken in by appearances.



see styles
zuǐ shàng méi máo , bàn shì bù láo
    zui3 shang4 mei2 mao2 , ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2
tsui shang mei mao , pan shih pu lao
a youth without facial hair cannot be relied upon (proverb)



see styles
zuǐ shàng wú máo , bàn shì bù láo
    zui3 shang4 wu2 mao2 , ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2
tsui shang wu mao , pan shih pu lao
see 嘴上沒毛,辦事牢|嘴上没毛,办事牢[zui3 shang4 mei2 mao2 , ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2]



see styles
sì tǐ bù qín , wǔ gǔ bù fēn
    si4 ti3 bu4 qin2 , wu3 gu3 bu4 fen1
ssu t`i pu ch`in , wu ku pu fen
    ssu ti pu chin , wu ku pu fen
never move your four limbs, can't distinguish the five crops (idiom); living as a parasite



see styles
yīn fēn kě shuō guǒ fēn bù kě shuō
    yin1 fen1 ke3 shuo1 guo3 fen1 bu4 ke3 shuo1
yin fen k`o shuo kuo fen pu k`o shuo
    yin fen ko shuo kuo fen pu ko shuo
 inbun kasetsu kabun fu kasetsu
The causes (that give rise to a Buddha's Buddhahood) may, in a measure, be stated, that is, such part as is humanly manifested; but the full result is beyond description.



see styles
dà nàn bù sǐ , bì yǒu hòu fú
    da4 nan4 bu4 si3 , bi4 you3 hou4 fu2
ta nan pu ssu , pi yu hou fu
one is bound for good fortune after surviving a great disaster (proverb)



see styles
tiān xià méi yǒu bù sàn de yàn xí
    tian1 xia4 mei2 you3 bu4 san4 de5 yan4 xi2
t`ien hsia mei yu pu san te yen hsi
    tien hsia mei yu pu san te yen hsi
see 天下沒有散的筵席|天下没有散的筵席[tian1 xia4 mei2 you3 bu4 san4 de5 yan2 xi2]



see styles
tiān xià méi yǒu bù sàn de yán xí
    tian1 xia4 mei2 you3 bu4 san4 de5 yan2 xi2
t`ien hsia mei yu pu san te yen hsi
    tien hsia mei yu pu san te yen hsi
all good things must come to an end (idiom)



see styles
tiān wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù shī
    tian1 wang3 hui1 hui1 , shu1 er2 bu4 shi1
t`ien wang hui hui , shu erh pu shih
    tien wang hui hui , shu erh pu shih
lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73); fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape; you can't run from the long arm of the law



see styles
tiān wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù lòu
    tian1 wang3 hui1 hui1 , shu1 er2 bu4 lou4
t`ien wang hui hui , shu erh pu lou
    tien wang hui hui , shu erh pu lou
lit. heaven's net has wide meshes, but nothing escapes it (idiom, from Laozi 73); fig. the way of Heaven is fair, but the guilty will not escape; you can't run from the long arm of the law



see styles
hǎo jiè hǎo huán , zài jiè bù nán
    hao3 jie4 hao3 huan2 , zai4 jie4 bu4 nan2
hao chieh hao huan , tsai chieh pu nan
see 有借有還,再借難|有借有还,再借难[you3 jie4 you3 huan2 , zai4 jie4 bu4 nan2]



see styles
xué ér bù yàn , huì rén bù juàn
    xue2 er2 bu4 yan4 , hui4 ren2 bu4 juan4
hsüeh erh pu yen , hui jen pu chüan
study tirelessly, teach with endless enthusiasm (idiom, from Analects)


see styles
jiā lěi qiān jīn , zuò bù chuí táng
    jia1 lei3 qian1 jin1 , zuo4 bu4 chui2 tang2
chia lei ch`ien chin , tso pu ch`ui t`ang
    chia lei chien chin , tso pu chui tang
lit. a wealthy person does not sit under the eaves (idiom); fig. a rich man does not expose himself to danger



see styles
nìng zuò jī tóu , bù zuò fèng wěi
    ning4 zuo4 ji1 tou2 , bu4 zuo4 feng4 wei3
ning tso chi t`ou , pu tso feng wei
    ning tso chi tou , pu tso feng wei
lit. would rather be a chicken's head than a phoenix's tail (idiom); fig. to prefer to be a big fish in a small pond rather than a small fish in a big pond



see styles
nìng wéi yù suì , bù wéi wǎ quán
    ning4 wei2 yu4 sui4 , bu4 wei2 wa3 quan2
ning wei yü sui , pu wei wa ch`üan
    ning wei yü sui , pu wei wa chüan
Better broken jade than intact tile.; Death is preferable to dishonor. (idiom)



see styles
nìng wéi jī tóu , bù wéi fèng wěi
    ning4 wei2 ji1 tou2 , bu4 wei2 feng4 wei3
ning wei chi t`ou , pu wei feng wei
    ning wei chi tou , pu wei feng wei
see 寧做雞頭,做鳳尾|宁做鸡头,做凤尾[ning4 zuo4 ji1 tou2 , bu4 zuo4 feng4 wei3]


see styles
xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng shòu kǔ
    xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 , da4 dong4 shou4 ku3
hsiao tung pu tu , ta tung shou k`u
    hsiao tung pu tu , ta tung shou ku
A small hole not plugged will make you suffer a big hole (idiom); A stitch in time saves nine.


see styles
xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng chī kǔ
    xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 , da4 dong4 chi1 ku3
hsiao tung pu tu , ta tung ch`ih k`u
    hsiao tung pu tu , ta tung chih ku
lit. a small hole not plugged will give you grief when it gets bigger (idiom); fig. a stitch in time saves nine



see styles
xiǎo dòng bù dǔ , dà dòng nán bǔ
    xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 , da4 dong4 nan2 bu3
hsiao tung pu tu , ta tung nan pu
If you don't plug the small hole, the big hole will be hard to repair (idiom); A stitch in time saves nine.



see styles
jǐ suǒ bù yù , wù shī yú rén
    ji3 suo3 bu4 yu4 , wu4 shi1 yu2 ren2
chi so pu yü , wu shih yü jen
What you don't want done to you, don't do to others. (idiom, from the Confucian analects); Do as you would be done by.; Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.



see styles
guǎng bó yán jìng bù tuì zhuǎn lún jīng
    guang3 bo2 yan2 jing4 bu4 tui4 zhuan3 lun2 jing1
kuang po yen ching pu t`ui chuan lun ching
    kuang po yen ching pu tui chuan lun ching
 kōhaku genjō futaitenrin kyō
Guangbo yanjing butuizhuanlun jing



see styles
dé bù pèi wèi , bì yǒu zāi yāng
    de2 bu4 pei4 wei4 , bi4 you3 zai1 yang1
te pu p`ei wei , pi yu tsai yang
    te pu pei wei , pi yu tsai yang
calamity will befall those whose moral standards are not in keeping with their social status



see styles
chéng shì bù zú , bài shì yǒu yú
    cheng2 shi4 bu4 zu2 , bai4 shi4 you3 yu2
ch`eng shih pu tsu , pai shih yu yü
    cheng shih pu tsu , pai shih yu yü
unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything (idiom); unable to do anything right; never make, but always mar



see styles
zhàn wú bù shèng , gōng wú bù kè
    zhan4 wu2 bu4 sheng4 , gong1 wu2 bu4 ke4
chan wu pu sheng , kung wu pu k`o
    chan wu pu sheng , kung wu pu ko
to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering; ever victorious; nothing they can't do



see styles
zhàn wú bù shèng , gōng wú bù qǔ
    zhan4 wu2 bu4 sheng4 , gong1 wu2 bu4 qu3
chan wu pu sheng , kung wu pu ch`ü
    chan wu pu sheng , kung wu pu chü
to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering; ever victorious; nothing they can't do



see styles
dǎ shé bù sǐ , hòu huàn wú qióng
    da3 she2 bu4 si3 , hou4 huan4 wu2 qiong2
ta she pu ssu , hou huan wu ch`iung
    ta she pu ssu , hou huan wu chiung
(idiom) if you beat the snake without killing it, endless evils will ensue



see styles
shě bù de hái zi tào bù zhù láng
    she3 bu4 de5 hai2 zi5 tao4 bu4 zhu4 lang2
she pu te hai tzu t`ao pu chu lang
    she pu te hai tzu tao pu chu lang
one who is not prepared to risk his child will never catch the wolf (proverb); (fig.) one who is unwilling to take risks will not achieve great things



see styles
gōng wú bù kè , zhàn wú bù shèng
    gong1 wu2 bu4 ke4 , zhan4 wu2 bu4 sheng4
kung wu pu k`o , chan wu pu sheng
    kung wu pu ko , chan wu pu sheng
to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering; ever victorious; nothing they can't do



see styles
shí dài bù tóng , fēng shàng bù tóng
    shi2 dai4 bu4 tong2 , feng1 shang4 bu4 tong2
shih tai pu t`ung , feng shang pu t`ung
    shih tai pu tung , feng shang pu tung
customs change with time (idiom); other times, other manners; O Tempora, O Mores!


see styles
 gekkeizenfukaikibunshougai / gekkezenfukaikibunshogai
{med} premenstrual dysphoric disorder; PMDD


see styles
 gekkeizenfukigenseishougai / gekkezenfukigenseshogai
{med} premenstrual dysphoric disorder; PMDD



see styles
yǒu jiè yǒu huán , zài jiè bù nán
    you3 jie4 you3 huan2 , zai4 jie4 bu4 nan2
yu chieh yu huan , tsai chieh pu nan
return what you borrowed on time, you may borrow again next time (idiom)



see styles
jī bù kě shī , shī bù zài lái
    ji1 bu4 ke3 shi1 , shi1 bu4 zai4 lai2
chi pu k`o shih , shih pu tsai lai
    chi pu ko shih , shih pu tsai lai
opportunity knocks but once (idiom)



see styles
jī bù kě shī , shí bù zài lái
    ji1 bu4 ke3 shi1 , shi2 bu4 zai4 lai2
chi pu k`o shih , shih pu tsai lai
    chi pu ko shih , shih pu tsai lai
Opportunity knocks but once. (idiom)



see styles
méi yǒu guī ju , bù chéng fāng yuán
    mei2 you3 gui1 ju5 , bu4 cheng2 fang1 yuan2
mei yu kuei chü , pu ch`eng fang yüan
    mei yu kuei chü , pu cheng fang yüan
without rules, nothing can be done (idiom); one must follow some rules



see styles
fǎ wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù lòu
    fa3 wang3 hui1 hui1 , shu1 er2 bu4 lou4
fa wang hui hui , shu erh pu lou
The net of justice is wide, but no-one escapes.



see styles
liú shuǐ bù fǔ , hù shū bù dù
    liu2 shui3 bu4 fu3 , hu4 shu1 bu4 du4
liu shui pu fu , hu shu pu tu
lit. flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust (idiom); fig. constant activity prevents decay



see styles
wéi fù - bù rén , wéi rén - bù fù
    wei2 fu4 - bu4 ren2 , wei2 ren2 - bu4 fu4
wei fu - pu jen , wei jen - pu fu
(idiom, from Mencius) the rich are not benevolent, and the benevolent are not rich



see styles
shēng mìng bù xī , zhàn dòu bù zhǐ
    sheng1 ming4 bu4 xi1 , zhan4 dou4 bu4 zhi3
sheng ming pu hsi , chan tou pu chih
while there is life, the fight continues (idiom); to fight to the last



see styles
nán rén bù huài , nǚ rén bù ài
    nan2 ren2 bu4 huai4 , nu:3 ren2 bu4 ai4
nan jen pu huai , nü jen pu ai
women love bad guys



see styles
zhī jǐ zhī bǐ , bǎi zhàn bù dài
    zhi1 ji3 zhi1 bi3 , bai3 zhan4 bu4 dai4
chih chi chih pi , pai chan pu tai
know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3])



see styles
zhī bǐ zhī jǐ , bǎi zhàn bù dài
    zhi1 bi3 zhi1 ji3 , bai3 zhan4 bu4 dai4
chih pi chih chi , pai chan pu tai
knowing the enemy and yourself will get you unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War")



see styles
zhī wú bù yán , yán wú bù jìn
    zhi1 wu2 bu4 yan2 , yan2 wu2 bu4 jin4
chih wu pu yen , yen wu pu chin
lit. not hiding anything he knows, not stopping before he has said it through (idiom); fig. frank; outspoken



see styles
lǎo tiān yé è bù sǐ xiā jiā què
    lao3 tian1 ye2 e4 bu4 si3 xia1 jia1 que4
lao t`ien yeh o pu ssu hsia chia ch`üeh
    lao tien yeh o pu ssu hsia chia chüeh
lit. heaven won't let the sparrows go hungry (idiom); fig. don't give up hope; if you tough it out, there will be light at the end of the tunnel


see styles
 chishiseikazokuseifuminshou / chishisekazokusefuminsho
{med} fatal familial insomnia; FFI



see styles
jiù de bù qù , xīn de bù lái
    jiu4 de5 bu4 qu4 , xin1 de5 bu4 lai2
chiu te pu ch`ü , hsin te pu lai
    chiu te pu chü , hsin te pu lai
lit. If the old doesn't go, the new will not come.; You can't make progress by clinging to old notions.



see styles
mò huò luò wéi qí bù lián xù miàn
    mo4 huo4 luo4 wei2 qi2 bu4 lian2 xu4 mian4
mo huo lo wei ch`i pu lien hsü mien
    mo huo lo wei chi pu lien hsü mien
Moho (aka Mohorovičić discontinuity, the lower boundary of the earth's lithosphere); abbr. to 莫霍面[Mo4 huo4 mian4]


see styles
xíng bù gǎi xìng , zuò bù gǎi míng
    xing2 bu4 gai3 xing4 , zuo4 bu4 gai3 ming2
hsing pu kai hsing , tso pu kai ming
see 行更名,坐改姓[xing2 bu4 geng1 ming2 , zuo4 bu4 gai3 xing4]


see styles
xíng bù gēng míng , zuò bù gǎi xìng
    xing2 bu4 geng1 ming2 , zuo4 bu4 gai3 xing4
hsing pu keng ming , tso pu kai hsing
I am who I am and not ashamed of it; to be proud of one's name and stand by one's actions


see styles
pǎo le hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo sì
    pao3 le5 he2 shang4 , pao3 bu4 liao3 si4
p`ao le ho shang , p`ao pu liao ssu
    pao le ho shang , pao pu liao ssu
the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom); you can run this time, but you'll have to come back; I'll get you sooner or later



see styles
pǎo le hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo miào
    pao3 le5 he2 shang4 , pao3 bu4 liao3 miao4
p`ao le ho shang , p`ao pu liao miao
    pao le ho shang , pao pu liao miao
the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom); you can run this time, but you'll have to come back; I'll get you sooner or later



see styles
lù jiàn bù píng , bá dāo xiāng zhù
    lu4 jian4 bu4 ping2 , ba2 dao1 xiang1 zhu4
lu chien pu p`ing , pa tao hsiang chu
    lu chien pu ping , pa tao hsiang chu
lit. to intervene when one sees an injustice (idiom); fig. to rush to the rescue; to play the white knight



see styles
shēn pí xì huá chén gòu bù zhāo xiàng
    shen1 pi2 xi4 hua2 chen2 gou4 bu4 zhao1 xiang4
shen p`i hsi hua ch`en kou pu chao hsiang
    shen pi hsi hua chen kou pu chao hsiang
 shinpi saikatsu jinku fujaku sō
his skin is fine and smooth such that dirt does not stick



see styles
nì shuǐ xíng zhōu , bù jìn zé tuì
    ni4 shui3 xing2 zhou1 , bu4 jin4 ze2 tui4
ni shui hsing chou , pu chin tse t`ui
    ni shui hsing chou , pu chin tse tui
like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward you fall back (idiom)



see styles
yī zhī hào zhì bù bìng yǐ wéi gōng
    yi1 zhi1 hao4 zhi4 bu4 bing4 yi3 wei2 gong1
i chih hao chih pu ping i wei kung
doctors like to treat those who are not sick so that they can get credit for the patient's "recovery" (idiom)



see styles
mǐ bù yǒu chū , xiǎn kè yǒu zhōng
    mi3 bu4 you3 chu1 , xian3 ke4 you3 zhong1
mi pu yu ch`u , hsien k`o yu chung
    mi pu yu chu , hsien ko yu chung
almost everything has a start, but not many things have an end (idiom); don't start something you can't handle



see styles
shí bù yàn jīng , kuài bù yàn xì
    shi2 bu4 yan4 jing1 , kuai4 bu4 yan4 xi4
shih pu yen ching , k`uai pu yen hsi
    shih pu yen ching , kuai pu yen hsi
lit. to eat but finely ground grain and finely chopped meat (idiom, from Analects); fig. to be fastidious about one's food



see styles
shí zhī wú wèi , qì zhī bù gān
    shi2 zhi1 wu2 wei4 , qi4 zhi1 bu4 gan1
shih chih wu wei , ch`i chih pu kan
    shih chih wu wei , chi chih pu kan
see 食之無味,棄之可惜|食之无味,弃之可惜[shi2 zhi1 wu2 wei4 , qi4 zhi1 ke3 xi1]



see styles
niǎo bù lā shǐ , jī bù shēng dàn
    niao3 bu4 la1 shi3 , ji1 bu4 sheng1 dan4
niao pu la shih , chi pu sheng tan
lit. (a place where) birds don't defecate and hens don't lay eggs (idiom); fig. god-forsaken; remote and desolate



see styles
niǎo bù shēng dàn , gǒu bù lā shǐ
    niao3 bu4 sheng1 dan4 , gou3 bu4 la1 shi3
niao pu sheng tan , kou pu la shih
lit. (a place where) birds don't lay eggs and dogs don't defecate (idiom); fig. god-forsaken; remote and desolate


see styles
 shiranui; shiranuhi
    しらぬい; しらぬひ
phosphorescent light; mysterious lights on the sea; sea fire


see styles
 bukiyou / bukiyo
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) clumsy; awkward; unskillfulness; lack of ability; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) tactless; awkward (e.g. socially); gauche; (noun or adjectival noun) (3) (archaism) mean; cowardly; base


see styles
(adjectival noun) weird; eerie; ominous; creepy; uncanny; unearthly


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) ill-bred; impolite; rude; impudent; insolent; blunt


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) very rude; very insolent; extremely reprehensible; outrageous


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) very rude; very insolent; extremely reprehensible; outrageous


see styles
(See 不思議ちゃん) eccentric young man


see styles
 fubarairoudou / fubarairodo
unpaid work


see styles
 fushouwatakushi / fushowatakushi
(exp,pn) (humble language) (See 不肖・ふしょう・2) I; me


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) negligence; carelessness; incompetence; mismanagement



see styles
bù yǐ guī ju , bù néng chéng fāng yuán
    bu4 yi3 gui1 ju5 , bu4 neng2 cheng2 fang1 yuan2
pu i kuei chü , pu neng ch`eng fang yüan
    pu i kuei chü , pu neng cheng fang yüan
without rules, nothing can be done (idiom, from Mencius); one must follow some rules



see styles
bù dòng shǐ zhě tuó luó ní mì mì fǎ
    bu4 dong4 shi3 zhe3 tuo2 luo2 ni2 mi4 mi4 fa3
pu tung shih che t`o lo ni mi mi fa
    pu tung shih che to lo ni mi mi fa
 fudō shisha darani himitsu hō
esoteric dhāraṇī spells of the messengers of Akṣobhya


see styles
 fudouinmukaderangunraku / fudoinmukaderangunraku
(place-name) Fudouinmukaderangunraku



see styles
bù shì yī jiā rén bù jìn yī jiā mén
    bu4 shi4 yi1 jia1 ren2 bu4 jin4 yi1 jia1 men2
pu shih i chia jen pu chin i chia men
people who don't belong together, don't get to live together (idiom); marriages are predestined; people marry because they share common traits


see styles
 choiwaru; choiwaru
    ちょいわる; ちょいワル
(adjectival noun) (colloquialism) (kana only) slightly wild-looking (fashion; esp. of a middle-aged man)


see styles
human immunodeficiency virus; HIV


see styles
 masukufukanouwarikomi / masukufukanowarikomi
{comp} non-maskable interrupt; NMI



see styles
zhàng èr hé shang , mō bu zháo tóu nǎo
    zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3
chang erh ho shang , mo pu chao t`ou nao
    chang erh ho shang , mo pu chao tou nao
lit. like a three-meter high monk, you can't rub his head (idiom); fig. at a total loss



see styles
yī liǎo yì jīng bù yī bù liǎo yì jīng
    yi1 liao3 yi4 jing1 bu4 yi1 bu4 liao3 yi4 jing1
i liao i ching pu i pu liao i ching
 e ryōgikyō fue furyōgikyō
relying on the fully explained teachings and not on the incomplete teachings

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "不" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary