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Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
hǎo gù shi bǎi tīng bù yàn
    hao3 gu4 shi5 bai3 ting1 bu4 yan4
hao ku shih pai t`ing pu yen
    hao ku shih pai ting pu yen
The story is so good it's worth hearing a hundred times.; One never tires of hearing good new.



see styles
hǎo sǐ bù rú lài huó zhe
    hao3 si3 bu4 ru2 lai4 huo2 zhe5
hao ssu pu ju lai huo che
better a bad life than a good death (idiom)



see styles
hǎo hàn bù chī yǎn qián kuī
    hao3 han4 bu4 chi1 yan3 qian2 kui1
hao han pu ch`ih yen ch`ien k`uei
    hao han pu chih yen chien kuei
a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him (idiom)



see styles
hǎo hàn bù tí dāng nián yǒng
    hao3 han4 bu4 ti2 dang1 nian2 yong3
hao han pu t`i tang nien yung
    hao han pu ti tang nien yung
a real man doesn't boast about his past achievements (idiom)



see styles
hǎo mǎ bù chī huí tóu cǎo
    hao3 ma3 bu4 chi1 hui2 tou2 cao3
hao ma pu ch`ih hui t`ou ts`ao
    hao ma pu chih hui tou tsao
lit. a good horse doesn't turn around and graze the same patch again (idiom); fig. once you've moved on, don't go back again (romantic relationship, job etc); leave the past behind


see styles
(place-name) Koshirazu Tunnel


see styles
(place-name) Utogunshiranuhimachi



see styles
xiǎo bù rěn zé luàn dà móu
    xiao3 bu4 ren3 ze2 luan4 da4 mou2
hsiao pu jen tse luan ta mou
(idiom) great plans can be ruined by just a touch of impatience


see styles
xiǎo dòng bù dǔ chén dà chuán
    xiao3 dong4 bu4 du3 chen2 da4 chuan2
hsiao tung pu tu ch`en ta ch`uan
    hsiao tung pu tu chen ta chuan
A small hole not plugged will sink a great ship.



see styles
zǎi mài yé tián bù xīn téng
    zai3 mai4 ye2 tian2 bu4 xin1 teng2
tsai mai yeh t`ien pu hsin t`eng
    tsai mai yeh tien pu hsin teng
lit. the child sells the father's farm without regret (idiom); fig. to sell one's inheritance without a second thought for how hard one's forebears worked for it


see styles
 kikanfunougenkaiten / kikanfunogenkaiten
the point of no return



see styles
qiáng lóng bù yā dì tóu shé
    qiang2 long2 bu4 ya1 di4 tou2 she2
ch`iang lung pu ya ti t`ou she
    chiang lung pu ya ti tou she
lit. strong dragon cannot repress a snake (idiom); fig. a local gangster who is above the law



see styles
xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú
    xin1 you3 yu2 er2 li4 bu4 zu2
hsin yu yü erh li pu tsu
the will is there, but not the strength (idiom); the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak



see styles
xīn yǒu yú , lì bù zú
    xin1 you3 yu2 , li4 bu4 zu2
hsin yu yü , li pu tsu
The will is there, but not the strength (idiom, from Confucian Analects).; I really want to do it, but don't have the resources.; The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.



see styles
rèn mó bù rèn mó zǒng dé
    ren4 mo2 bu4 ren4 mo2 zong3 de2
jen mo pu jen mo tsung te
 inmo fuinmo sōtoku
simultaneous apprehension that it is as it is and as it isn't



see styles
tái tóu bù jiàn dī tóu jiàn
    tai2 tou2 bu4 jian4 di1 tou2 jian4
t`ai t`ou pu chien ti t`ou chien
    tai tou pu chien ti tou chien
(idiom) (of people in a small town etc) to cross paths regularly



see styles
jìng jiǔ bù chī chī fá jiǔ
    jing4 jiu3 bu4 chi1 chi1 fa2 jiu3
ching chiu pu ch`ih ch`ih fa chiu
    ching chiu pu chih chih fa chiu
lit. to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit (idiom); fig. to turn down a request only to be forced later to comply with it under pressure



see styles
yú yǒu xiàng bù dé zì zài
    yu2 you3 xiang4 bu4 de2 zi4 zai4
yü yu hsiang pu te tzu tsai
 o usō futoku jizai
unable to be independent while operating within signs



see styles
yǒu zhǔ sēng bù chù fēn fáng
    you3 zhu3 seng1 bu4 chu4 fen1 fang2
yu chu seng pu ch`u fen fang
    yu chu seng pu chu fen fang
 ushu sōfusho bunbō
solicitation for the donation of a big house



see styles
yǒu chóu bù bào fēi jun zǐ
    you3 chou2 bu4 bao4 fei1 jun1 zi3
yu ch`ou pu pao fei chün tzu
    yu chou pu pao fei chün tzu
a real man, if he takes a hit, will seek to even the score (idiom)



see styles
yǒu guò zhī ér wú bù jí
    you3 guo4 zhi1 er2 wu2 bu4 ji2
yu kuo chih erh wu pu chi
not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom); to surpass; to outdo; (derog.) to be even worse



see styles
dōng fāng bù liàng xī fāng liàng
    dong1 fang1 bu4 liang4 xi1 fang1 liang4
tung fang pu liang hsi fang liang
if it isn't bright in the east, it'll be bright in the west (idiom); if something doesn't work here, it might work somewhere else


see styles
(org) Nachi-Fujikoshi Corporation; (o) Nachi-Fujikoshi Corporation



see styles
gēn běn yè bù xiāng yìng rǎn
    gen1 ben3 ye4 bu4 xiang1 ying4 ran3
ken pen yeh pu hsiang ying jan
 konpongō fusōō zen
defilement in which the mind is not associated with fundamental karma



see styles
shù yù jìng ér fēng bù zhǐ
    shu4 yu4 jing4 er2 feng1 bu4 zhi3
shu yü ching erh feng pu chih
lit. the trees long for peace but the wind will never cease (idiom); fig. the world changes, whether you want it or not


see styles
 masakichoufuwaishiki / masakichofuwaishiki
(place-name) Masakichōfuwaishiki



see styles
sǐ zhū bù pà kāi shuǐ tàng
    si3 zhu1 bu4 pa4 kai1 shui3 tang4
ssu chu pu p`a k`ai shui t`ang
    ssu chu pu pa kai shui tang
lit. a dead pig doesn't fear scalding water (idiom); fig. a person who has nothing more to lose will go to any lengths, regardless of the consequences



see styles
shā rén bù guò tóu diǎn dì
    sha1 ren2 bu4 guo4 tou2 dian3 di4
sha jen pu kuo t`ou tien ti
    sha jen pu kuo tou tien ti
It's all exaggeration, you don't need to take it seriously; a fuss about nothing; nothing to write home about



see styles
shuǐ qiǎn yǎng bù zhù dà yú
    shui3 qian3 yang3 bu4 zhu4 da4 yu2
shui ch`ien yang pu chu ta yü
    shui chien yang pu chu ta yü
lit. shallow waters cannot harbor big fish (idiom); fig. ambitious, talented people cannot reach their full potential in a small organization



see styles
méi yǒu bù tòu fēng de qiáng
    mei2 you3 bu4 tou4 feng1 de5 qiang2
mei yu pu t`ou feng te ch`iang
    mei yu pu tou feng te chiang
(idiom) no secret can be kept forever



see styles
méi yǒu shén me bù kě néng
    mei2 you3 shen2 me5 bu4 ke3 neng2
mei yu shen me pu k`o neng
    mei yu shen me pu ko neng
nothing is impossible; there's nothing impossible about it



see styles
méi yǒu shén me bù kě néng
    mei2 you3 shen2 me5 bu4 ke3 neng2
mei yu shen me pu k`o neng
    mei yu shen me pu ko neng

More info & calligraphy:

Nothing is Impossible
nothing is impossible; there's nothing impossible about it



see styles
làng zǐ huí tóu jīn bù huàn
    lang4 zi3 hui2 tou2 jin1 bu4 huan4
lang tzu hui t`ou chin pu huan
    lang tzu hui tou chin pu huan
a prodigal son returned home is worth more than gold



see styles
qīng liáng bù biàn zì zài yì
    qing1 liang2 bu4 bian4 zi4 zai4 yi4
ch`ing liang pu pien tzu tsai i
    ching liang pu pien tzu tsai i
 shōryō fuhen jizai gi
the meaning of pure unchanging unimpededness


see styles
 takimaefudonoufuji / takimaefudonofuji
(place-name) Takimaefudonoufuji



see styles
wú shì bù dēng sān bǎo diàn
    wu2 shi4 bu4 deng1 san1 bao3 dian4
wu shih pu teng san pao tien
lit. one doesn't visit a temple without a cause (idiom); fig. to visit sb with an ulterior motive (esp. to ask for something)



see styles
niú bù hē shuǐ qiǎng àn tóu
    niu2 bu4 he1 shui3 qiang3 an4 tou2
niu pu ho shui ch`iang an t`ou
    niu pu ho shui chiang an tou
lit. to try to make an ox drink by forcing its head down to the water (idiom); fig. to try to impose one's will on sb



see styles
niú bù hē shuǐ nán àn jiǎo
    niu2 bu4 he1 shui3 nan2 an4 jiao3
niu pu ho shui nan an chiao
(idiom) you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink


see styles
 dokusofukashinjouyaku / dokusofukashinjoyaku
(hist) Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union (1939); German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact



see styles
nán ér yǒu lèi bù qīng tán
    nan2 er2 you3 lei4 bu4 qing1 tan2
nan erh yu lei pu ch`ing t`an
    nan erh yu lei pu ching tan
real men do not easily cry (idiom)



see styles
huà hǔ bù chéng fǎn lèi quǎn
    hua4 hu3 bu4 cheng2 fan3 lei4 quan3
hua hu pu ch`eng fan lei ch`üan
    hua hu pu cheng fan lei chüan
to try to draw a tiger but end up with a likeness of a dog (idiom); to try to do something overambitious and end up botching it


see styles
 hasshinnohininfunou / hasshinnohininfuno
{comp} non-repudiation of submission



see styles
fā xīn bì jìng èr bù bié
    fa1 xin1 bi4 jing4 er4 bu4 bie2
fa hsin pi ching erh pu pieh
 hosshin hikkyō ni fu betsu
the arousal of the aspiration for enlightenment and its final attainment are not two


see styles
(place-name) Shirokonofudanzakura


see styles
bǎi sì shí bù gòng fó fǎ
    bai3 si4 shi2 bu4 gong4 fo2 fa3
pai ssu shih pu kung fo fa
 hyakuyonjū fugū buppō
one hundred forty distinctive characteristics of a tathāgata



see styles
huáng shàng bù jí tài jiàn jí
    huang2 shang4 bu4 ji2 tai4 jian4 ji2
huang shang pu chi t`ai chien chi
    huang shang pu chi tai chien chi
see 皇帝急太監急|皇帝急太监急[huang2 di4 bu4 ji2 tai4 jian4 ji2]



see styles
huáng shàng bù jí jí tài jiàn
    huang2 shang4 bu4 ji2 ji2 tai4 jian4
huang shang pu chi chi t`ai chien
    huang shang pu chi chi tai chien
see 皇帝急太監急|皇帝急太监急[huang2 di4 bu4 ji2 tai4 jian4 ji2]



see styles
huáng tiān bù fù kǔ xīn rén
    huang2 tian1 bu4 fu4 ku3 xin1 ren2
huang t`ien pu fu k`u hsin jen
    huang tien pu fu ku hsin jen

More info & calligraphy:

Heaven Rewards Hard Work
Heaven will not disappoint the person who tries (idiom). If you try hard, you're bound to succeed eventually.



see styles
huáng dì bù jí tài jiàn jí
    huang2 di4 bu4 ji2 tai4 jian4 ji2
huang ti pu chi t`ai chien chi
    huang ti pu chi tai chien chi
lit. the emperor is not worried, but his eunuchs are (idiom); fig. the observers are more anxious than the person involved



see styles
huáng dì nǚ ér bù chóu jià
    huang2 di4 nu:3 er2 bu4 chou2 jia4
huang ti nü erh pu ch`ou chia
    huang ti nü erh pu chou chia
lit. the emperor's daughter does not worry about whether she will be able to marry (idiom); fig. highly sought after



see styles
xiāng wéi jué dìng bù dìng guò
    xiang1 wei2 jue2 ding4 bu4 ding4 guo4
hsiang wei chüeh ting pu ting kuo
 sōi ketsujō fujō ka
a reason that is contradictory (to another reason that the proponent accepts)



see styles
zhēn jīn bù pà huǒ lái shāo
    zhen1 jin1 bu4 pa4 huo3 lai2 shao1
chen chin pu p`a huo lai shao
    chen chin pu pa huo lai shao
see 真金怕火煉|真金怕火炼[zhen1 jin1 bu4 pa4 huo3 lian4]



see styles
yǎn bù jiàn , xīn bù fán
    yan3 bu4 jian4 , xin1 bu4 fan2
yen pu chien , hsin pu fan
what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over (idiom)



see styles
yǎn lǐ róng bu dé shā zi
    yan3 li3 rong2 bu5 de2 sha1 zi5
yen li jung pu te sha tzu
can't bear having grit in one's eye (idiom); unable to put something objectionable out of one's mind; not prepared to turn a blind eye



see styles
yǎn lǐ róu bu dé shā zi
    yan3 li3 rou2 bu5 de2 sha1 zi5
yen li jou pu te sha tzu
see 眼裡容得沙子|眼里容得沙子[yan3 li3 rong2 bu5 de2 sha1 zi5]


see styles
zhī rén zhī miàn bù zhī xīn
    zhi1 ren2 zhi1 mian4 bu4 zhi1 xin1
chih jen chih mien pu chih hsin
one may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature (idiom)



see styles
zhī qí bù kě ér wéi zhī
    zhi1 qi2 bu4 ke3 er2 wei2 zhi1
chih ch`i pu k`o erh wei chih
    chih chi pu ko erh wei chih
to keep going resolutely despite knowing the task is impossible (idiom)


see styles
 waishoufukisokuginga / waishofukisokuginga
dwarf irregular galaxy



see styles
kǎn tóu bù guò fēng chuī mào
    kan3 tou2 bu4 guo4 feng1 chui1 mao4
k`an t`ou pu kuo feng ch`ui mao
    kan tou pu kuo feng chui mao
to regard decapitation as no more important than the wind blowing off your hat (idiom)



see styles
mó dāo bù wù kǎn chái gōng
    mo2 dao1 bu4 wu4 kan3 chai2 gong1
mo tao pu wu k`an ch`ai kung
    mo tao pu wu kan chai kung
lit. sharpening the axe won't make the wood-splitting take longer (idiom); fig. time invested in preparations is not lost; a beard well lathered is half shaved



see styles
zhàn zhe shuō huà bù yāo téng
    zhan4 zhe5 shuo1 hua4 bu4 yao1 teng2
chan che shuo hua pu yao t`eng
    chan che shuo hua pu yao teng
lit. it's all very well to talk, but getting things done is another matter (idiom); fig. to be an armchair expert; to blabber on


see styles
 toukeijounofutotsugou / tokejonofutotsugo
statistical discrepancy


see styles
féi shuǐ bù liú wài rén tián
    fei2 shui3 bu4 liu2 wai4 ren2 tian2
fei shui pu liu wai jen t`ien
    fei shui pu liu wai jen tien
lit. don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field; fig. keep the goodies within the family (proverb)



see styles
gē bo nǐng bu guò dà tuǐ
    ge1 bo5 ning3 bu5 guo4 da4 tui3
ko po ning pu kuo ta t`ui
    ko po ning pu kuo ta tui
(idiom) the weak cannot overcome the strong



see styles
néng jiàn xīn bù xiāng yìng rǎn
    neng2 jian4 xin1 bu4 xiang1 ying4 ran3
neng chien hsin pu hsiang ying jan
 nōken shinfusōō zen
defilement in which the mind is not associated with the subjectively viewing mind


see styles
zì rán bù shēng píng děng xìng
    zi4 ran2 bu4 sheng1 ping2 deng3 xing4
tzu jan pu sheng p`ing teng hsing
    tzu jan pu sheng ping teng hsing
 jinen fushō byōdō shō
naturally unarisen equal nature



see styles
cāng ying bù dīng wú fèng dàn
    cang1 ying5 bu4 ding1 wu2 feng4 dan4
ts`ang ying pu ting wu feng tan
    tsang ying pu ting wu feng tan
lit. flies do not attack an intact egg (idiom); fig. no smoke without a fire



see styles
luó bo kuài le bù xǐ ní
    luo2 bo5 kuai4 le5 bu4 xi3 ni2
lo po k`uai le pu hsi ni
    lo po kuai le pu hsi ni
when radishes are selling fast, one doesn't take the time to wash the soil off them (idiom); fig. when business is booming, merchants tend to offer goods of inferior quality


see styles
 gyouseifufukushinsahou / gyosefufukushinsaho
{law} Administrative Complaint Review Act


see styles
(place-name) Oyashirazu Tunnel



see styles
huà bù tóu jī bàn jù duō
    hua4 bu4 tou2 ji1 ban4 ju4 duo1
hua pu t`ou chi pan chü to
    hua pu tou chi pan chü to
(idiom) when views are irreconcilable, it's a waste of breath to continue discussion



see styles
huò wèn sān jiā bù chī kuī
    huo4 wen4 san1 jia1 bu4 chi1 kui1
huo wen san chia pu ch`ih k`uei
    huo wen san chia pu chih kuei
see 貨比三家吃虧|货比三家吃亏[huo4 bi3 san1 jia1 bu4 chi1 kui1]



see styles
huò bǐ sān jiā bù chī kuī
    huo4 bi3 san1 jia1 bu4 chi1 kui1
huo pi san chia pu ch`ih k`uei
    huo pi san chia pu chih kuei
shop around first and you won't get ripped off (idiom)



see styles
tiào jìn huáng hé xǐ bù qīng
    tiao4 jin4 huang2 he2 xi3 bu4 qing1
t`iao chin huang ho hsi pu ch`ing
    tiao chin huang ho hsi pu ching
lit. even jumping into the Yellow River can't get you clean; fig. to become inexorably mixed up; mired in controversy; in deep trouble


see styles
shēn zài fú zhōng bù zhī fú
    shen1 zai4 fu2 zhong1 bu4 zhi1 fu2
shen tsai fu chung pu chih fu
to live in plenty without appreciating it (idiom); not to know when one is well off


see styles
shēn zhèng bù pà yǐng zi xié
    shen1 zheng4 bu4 pa4 ying3 zi5 xie2
shen cheng pu p`a ying tzu hsieh
    shen cheng pu pa ying tzu hsieh
lit. when a man stands straight, he doesn't worry that his shadow is slanting (idiom); fig. as long as one conducts oneself honorably, one need not worry about what people think; a clean hand wants no washing


see styles
 nankotsukeiseifuzenshou / nankotsukesefuzensho
{med} achondroplasia



see styles
dào bù tóng bù xiāng wéi móu
    dao4 bu4 tong2 bu4 xiang1 wei2 mou2
tao pu t`ung pu hsiang wei mou
    tao pu tung pu hsiang wei mou
lit. persons who walk different paths cannot make plans together; to go separate ways (idiom)



see styles
yuǎn shuǐ jiù bu liǎo jìn huǒ
    yuan3 shui3 jiu4 bu5 liao3 jin4 huo3
yüan shui chiu pu liao chin huo
water in a distant place is of little use in putting out a fire right here; (fig.) a slow remedy does not address the current emergency


see styles
 haishinnohininfunou / haishinnohininfuno
{comp} non-repudiation of delivery


see styles
jiǔ xiāng bù pà xiàng zi shēn
    jiu3 xiang1 bu4 pa4 xiang4 zi5 shen1
chiu hsiang pu p`a hsiang tzu shen
    chiu hsiang pu pa hsiang tzu shen
fragrant wine fears no dark alley (idiom); quality goods need no advertising


see styles
zuì wēng zhī yì bù zài jiǔ
    zui4 weng1 zhi1 yi4 bu4 zai4 jiu3
tsui weng chih i pu tsai chiu
wine-lover's heart is not in the cup (idiom); a drinker not really interested in alcohol; having an ulterior motive; to have other things in mind; with an ax to grind; accomplishing something besides what one set out to do



see styles
cháng liú shuǐ , bù duàn xiàn
    chang2 liu2 shui3 , bu4 duan4 xian4
ch`ang liu shui , pu tuan hsien
    chang liu shui , pu tuan hsien
continuous and patient effort (idiom)


see styles
 kiritaniryuuoufudouson / kiritaniryuofudoson
(place-name) Kiritaniryūoufudouson


see styles
fēi fǎ xíng bù píng děng xíng
    fei1 fa3 xing2 bu4 ping2 deng3 xing2
fei fa hsing pu p`ing teng hsing
    fei fa hsing pu ping teng hsing
immoral behavior and unfair behavior


see styles
shùn bù kǔ bù lè shòu yè
    shun4 bu4 ku3 bu4 le4 shou4 ye4
shun pu k`u pu le shou yeh
    shun pu ku pu le shou yeh
karma that is received as the result of pursuit of behaviors that bring neither pleasure nor pain



see styles
bǎo rén bù zhī è rén jī
    bao3 ren2 bu4 zhi1 e4 ren2 ji1
pao jen pu chih o jen chi
The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer (idiom).



see styles
bǎo hàn bù zhī è hàn jī
    bao3 han4 bu4 zhi1 e4 han4 ji1
pao han pu chih o han chi
The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer (idiom).


see styles
 koganezakifuroufushi / koganezakifurofushi
(place-name) Koganezakifuroufushi


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) poor; pitiful; piteous; pitiable


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) unbecoming; improper; unsuitable; ill-matched; unworthy of


see styles
(1) notice of absence; form requesting post office to hold mail during an extended absence; (2) missed-delivery notice


see styles
failure; unpopularity


see styles
 fuzoroi; fusoroi(揃i)
    ふぞろい; ふそろい(不揃い)
(adj-no,adj-na,n) uneven; irregular; non-uniform; unsorted; odd; miscellaneous; incomplete (set)


see styles
 fukouseinatorihikihouhou / fukosenatorihikihoho
unfair business practice; unfair business practices



see styles
bù liè diān gē lún bǐ yà shěng
    bu4 lie4 dian1 ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 sheng3
pu lieh tien ko lun pi ya sheng
British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada



see styles
bù kě sī yì jiě tuō fǎ mén
    bu4 ke3 si1 yi4 jie3 tuo1 fa3 men2
pu k`o ssu i chieh t`o fa men
    pu ko ssu i chieh to fa men
 bekarazu gedatsu hōmon
The samādhi, or liberation of mind, that ensures a vision of the ineffable.



see styles
bù wèn jiù tīng bù dào jiǎ huà
    bu4 wen4 jiu4 ting1 bu4 dao4 jia3 hua4
pu wen chiu t`ing pu tao chia hua
    pu wen chiu ting pu tao chia hua
Don't ask and you won't be told any lies. (idiom)



see styles
bù zài qí wèi bù móu qí zhèng
    bu4 zai4 qi2 wei4 bu4 mou2 qi2 zheng4
pu tsai ch`i wei pu mou ch`i cheng
    pu tsai chi wei pu mou chi cheng
don't meddle in affairs that are not part of your position (Confucius)



see styles
bù huài jīn gāng guāng míng xīn diàn
    bu4 huai4 jin1 gang1 guang1 ming2 xin1 dian4
pu huai chin kang kuang ming hsin tien
 fue kongō kōmyō shinten
The luminous mind-temple of the eternal 大日 Vairocana, the place in the Vajradhātu, or Diamond realm, of Vairocana as teacher.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "不" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary