There are 1799 total results for your 車 search. I have created 18 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
鏟車 铲车 see styles |
chǎn chē chan3 che1 ch`an ch`e chan che |
front loader (vehicle); CL:臺|台[tai2] |
開車 开车 see styles |
kāi chē kai1 che1 k`ai ch`e kai che |
to drive a car |
降車 see styles |
kousha / kosha こうしゃ |
(n,vs,vi) (See 下車) (ant: 乗車) alighting (from a train, bus, etc.); getting off; getting out (of a car) |
隸車 隶车 see styles |
lì chē li4 che1 li ch`e li che Reisha |
v. 離. |
離車 离车 see styles |
lí chē li2 che1 li ch`e li che Risha |
(離車毘); 離奢; 利車; 梨車毘; 隸車; 黎昌; 栗唱; 栗呫婆 or 栗呫毘. Licchavi, the kṣatriyas who formed the republic of Vaiśālī, and were "among the earliest followers of Śākyamuni". Eitel. The term is intp. as 皮薄 thin-skinned, or 豪 heroic, etc. |
雨車 see styles |
ameguruma あめぐるま |
(surname) Ameguruma |
雪車 雪车 see styles |
xuě chē xue3 che1 hsüeh ch`e hsüeh che sori そり |
vehicle designed for use in snow (sled, sleigh, bobsled, snowmobile etc) (place-name) Sori |
電車 电车 see styles |
diàn chē dian4 che1 tien ch`e tien che densha でんしゃ |
tram; streetcar; trolleybus; electric car; e-bike; (in the context of Japan) electric train train; electric train |
靈車 灵车 see styles |
líng chē ling2 che1 ling ch`e ling che |
hearse |
頰車 颊车 see styles |
jiá chē jia2 che1 chia ch`e chia che |
The cheeks rounded—one of the characteristics of a Buddha. |
風車 风车 see styles |
fēng chē feng1 che1 feng ch`e feng che fuusha / fusha ふうしゃ |
pinwheel; windmill (1) windmill; wind turbine; (2) (かざぐるま only) pinwheel (toy); windmill (toy); (3) (かざぐるま, カザグルマ only) (kana only) Clematis patens (species of climbing plant); (given name) Fūsha |
飆車 飙车 see styles |
biāo chē biao1 che1 piao ch`e piao che |
street racing (motorbikes or cars) |
飛車 飞车 see styles |
fēi chē fei1 che1 fei ch`e fei che hisha ひしゃ |
fast-moving vehicle; to drive or ride a vehicle at high speed {shogi} rook; hisha |
餐車 餐车 see styles |
cān chē can1 che1 ts`an ch`e tsan che |
dining car; diner |
香車 see styles |
kyousha / kyosha きょうしゃ |
{shogi} lance |
馬車 马车 see styles |
mǎ chē ma3 che1 ma ch`e ma che maacho / macho マーチョ |
cart; chariot; carriage; buggy (rare) (See 馬車・ばしゃ) coach (horse-drawn) (chi:); carriage; wagon; cart |
駐車 see styles |
chuusha / chusha ちゅうしゃ |
(n,vs,vi) parking (a vehicle) |
駕車 驾车 see styles |
jià chē jia4 che1 chia ch`e chia che |
to drive a vehicle |
騎車 骑车 see styles |
qí chē qi2 che1 ch`i ch`e chi che |
to ride a bike (motorbike or bicycle) |
驅車 驱车 see styles |
qū chē qu1 che1 ch`ü ch`e chü che |
to go by car (as driver or passenger) |
驚車 惊车 see styles |
jīng chē jing1 che1 ching ch`e ching che |
runaway carriage (caused by the harnessed animal bolting in fright) |
驢車 see styles |
rosha ろしゃ |
(rare) donkey cart |
高車 高车 see styles |
gāo chē gao1 che1 kao ch`e kao che takaguruma たかぐるま |
(place-name) Takaguruma Karakhajo |
鯛車 see styles |
taiguruma たいぐるま |
traditional sea bream-shaped toy car |
鳳車 see styles |
housha / hosha ほうしゃ |
(given name) Housha |
鹿車 鹿车 see styles |
lù chē lu4 che1 lu ch`e lu che |
Deer carts, one of the three kinds of vehicle referred to in the Lotus Sūtra, the medium kind; v. 三車. |
麦車 see styles |
bakusha ばくしゃ |
(given name) Bakusha |
黎車 see styles |
lí chē li2 che1 li ch`e li che |
Licchavi |
黑車 黑车 see styles |
hēi chē hei1 che1 hei ch`e hei che |
unlicensed or unofficial taxi; unlicensed motor vehicle |
龍車 龙车 see styles |
lóng chē long2 che1 lung ch`e lung che |
imperial chariot |
車いす see styles |
kurumaisu くるまいす |
wheelchair; folding push-chair |
車えび see styles |
kurumaebi くるまえび |
kuruma prawn (Marsupenaeus japonicus); kuruma shrimp; Japanese tiger prawn |
車ひだ see styles |
kurumahida くるまひだ |
knife pleat; one-way pleat; unidirectional pleat; accordion pleats |
車ヶ峠 see styles |
kurumagatawa くるまがたわ |
(place-name) Kurumagatawa |
車両化 see styles |
sharyouka / sharyoka しゃりょうか |
(noun/participle) motorization; motorisation |
車中泊 see styles |
shachuuhaku / shachuhaku しゃちゅうはく |
(noun/participle) spending the night in a car, train, bus, etc. |
車中談 see styles |
shachuudan / shachudan しゃちゅうだん |
informal talk given (as by a politician, etc.) aboard a train |
車之助 see styles |
shanosuke しゃのすけ |
(male given name) Shanosuke |
車井戸 see styles |
kurumaido くるまいど |
a well equipped with a pulley for drawing water |
車付き see styles |
shatsuki しゃつき |
(exp,n-pref,adj-no) wheeled; having wheels |
車份兒 车份儿 see styles |
chē fèn r che1 fen4 r5 ch`e fen r che fen r |
erhua variant of 車份|车份[che1 fen4] |
車偶庵 see styles |
shaguuan / shaguan しゃぐうあん |
(given name) Shaguuan |
車内灯 see styles |
shanaitou / shanaito しゃないとう |
interior light (train, etc.) |
車前子 see styles |
shazenshi しゃぜんし |
(See 車前草) plantain seed |
車前科 see styles |
oobakoka おおばこか |
Plantaginaceae; plantain family |
車前草 车前草 see styles |
chē qián cǎo che1 qian2 cao3 ch`e ch`ien ts`ao che chien tsao shazensou / shazenso しゃぜんそう |
plantain herb (Plantago asiatica) (See オオバコ) plantain (esp. Asian plantain, Plantago asiatica) |
車力村 see styles |
sharikimura しゃりきむら |
(place-name) Sharikimura |
車回し see styles |
kurumamawashi くるままわし |
turnaround (e.g. at the end of a driveway) |
車地池 see styles |
kurumajiike / kurumajike くるまじいけ |
(place-name) Kurumajiike |
車坂峠 see styles |
kurumazakatouge / kurumazakatoge くるまざかとうげ |
(personal name) Kurumazakatōge |
車坂町 see styles |
kurumazakachou / kurumazakacho くるまざかちょう |
(place-name) Kurumazakachō |
車城鄉 车城乡 see styles |
chē chéng xiāng che1 cheng2 xiang1 ch`e ch`eng hsiang che cheng hsiang |
Checheng township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan |
車塚町 see styles |
kurumazukachou / kurumazukacho くるまづかちょう |
(place-name) Kurumazukachō |
車大工 see styles |
kurumadaiku くるまだいく |
cartwright |
車宿り see styles |
kurumayadori くるまやどり |
(1) building where one keeps oxcarts and other conveyances inside a private estate; (2) resting area for one's oxcart, wagon, etc. |
車寄せ see styles |
kurumayose くるまよせ |
carriage porch; entranceway; porte cochere |
車屋沢 see styles |
kurumayasawa くるまやさわ |
(place-name) Kurumayasawa |
車屋町 see styles |
kurumayachou / kurumayacho くるまやちょう |
(place-name) Kurumayachō |
車川原 see styles |
kurumagawara くるまがわら |
(place-name) Kurumagawara |
車引き see styles |
kurumahiki くるまひき |
rickshaw puller; rickshawman |
車後箱 车后箱 see styles |
chē hòu xiāng che1 hou4 xiang1 ch`e hou hsiang che hou hsiang |
car boot, trunk |
車把式 车把式 see styles |
chē bǎ shi che1 ba3 shi5 ch`e pa shih che pa shih |
expert cart-driver; charioteer |
車折駅 see styles |
kurumazakieki くるまざきえき |
(st) Kurumazaki Station |
車掌区 see styles |
shashouku / shashoku しゃしょうく |
conductors' station (office) |
車掌室 see styles |
shashoushitsu / shashoshitsu しゃしょうしつ |
conductor's compartment |
車掌車 see styles |
shashousha / shashosha しゃしょうしゃ |
caboose; guard's van; brake van |
車敬寺 see styles |
senkyouji / senkyoji せんきょうじ |
(place-name) Senkyōji |
車文宜 see styles |
shabungi しゃぶんぎ |
(personal name) Shabungi |
車新田 see styles |
kurumashinden くるましんでん |
(place-name) Kurumashinden |
車方町 see styles |
kurumagatachou / kurumagatacho くるまがたちょう |
(place-name) Kurumagatachō |
車椅子 see styles |
kurumaisu くるまいす |
wheelchair; folding push-chair |
車検証 see styles |
shakenshou / shakensho しゃけんしょう |
automobile inspection certificate; vehicle inspection sticker |
車止め see styles |
kurumadome くるまどめ |
(railway) buffer stop; bumper; bumping post |
車泥棒 see styles |
kurumadorobou / kurumadorobo くるまどろぼう |
auto theft; car thief |
車海老 see styles |
kurumaebi くるまえび |
kuruma prawn (Marsupenaeus japonicus); kuruma shrimp; Japanese tiger prawn |
車無田 see styles |
shamuda しゃむだ |
(surname) Shamuda |
車用品 see styles |
kurumayouhin / kurumayohin くるまようひん |
car parts |
車田町 see styles |
kurumadachou / kurumadacho くるまだちょう |
(place-name) Kurumadachō |
車社会 see styles |
kurumashakai くるましゃかい |
automobile society; motorized society |
車祓い see styles |
kurumabarai くるまばらい |
{Shinto} car purification |
車葉草 see styles |
kurumabasou; kurumabasou / kurumabaso; kurumabaso くるまばそう; クルマバソウ |
(kana only) sweet woodruff (Asperula odorata) |
車行道 车行道 see styles |
chē xíng dào che1 xing2 dao4 ch`e hsing tao che hsing tao |
roadway; carriageway |
車裂き see styles |
kurumazaki くるまざき |
tearing someone in two by tying their legs to two carts moving in opposite directions (form of medieval punishment) |
車谷川 see styles |
kurumadanigawa くるまだにがわ |
(place-name) Kurumadanigawa |
車谷町 see styles |
kurumadanichou / kurumadanicho くるまだにちょう |
(place-name) Kurumadanichō |
車軸草 车轴草 see styles |
chē zhóu cǎo che1 zhou2 cao3 ch`e chou ts`ao che chou tsao shajikusou; shajikusou / shajikuso; shajikuso しゃじくそう; シャジクソウ |
honewort; Cryptotaenia japonica (kana only) bastard lupine (Trifolium lupinaster); lupine clover; hop clover; trefoil |
車軸藻 see styles |
shajikumo; shajikumo しゃじくも; シャジクモ |
(kana only) stonewort (esp. Braun's stonewort, Chara braunii) |
車載器 see styles |
shasaiki しゃさいき |
on-board device (e.g. in prepaid road toll system) |
車輪子 车轮子 see styles |
chē lún zi che1 lun2 zi5 ch`e lun tzu che lun tzu |
wheel |
車輪戰 车轮战 see styles |
chē lún zhàn che1 lun2 zhan4 ch`e lun chan che lun chan |
tactic of several persons or groups taking turns to fight one opponent; tag-team attack |
車輪梅 see styles |
sharinbai; sharinbai しゃりんばい; シャリンバイ |
(kana only) yeddo hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica var. umbellata) |
車輪止 see styles |
sharindome しゃりんどめ |
chock; scotch |
車輪石 see styles |
sharinseki しゃりんせき |
circular stone or jasper ornament from the Kofun era |
車輪窓 see styles |
sharinmado しゃりんまど |
(rare) {archit} (See バラ窓) wheel window; rose window |
車輪餅 车轮饼 see styles |
chē lún bǐng che1 lun2 bing3 ch`e lun ping che lun ping |
imagawayaki (sweet snack made of batter cooked in the shape of a car wheel, stuffed with azuki bean paste or other fillings) |
車道町 see styles |
kurumamichichou / kurumamichicho くるまみちちょう |
(place-name) Kurumamichichō |
車道駅 see styles |
kurumamichieki くるまみちえき |
(st) Kurumamichi Station |
車酔い see styles |
kurumayoi くるまよい |
car sickness |
車野原 see styles |
kurumanohara くるまのはら |
(personal name) Kurumanohara |
車釐子 车厘子 see styles |
chē lí zi che1 li2 zi5 ch`e li tzu che li tzu |
(American) cherry (loanword) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "車" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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