There are 505 total results for your 超 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
超長期国債 see styles |
chouchoukikokusai / chochokikokusai ちょうちょうきこくさい |
{finc} super-long-term government bond (with a maturity of over ten years) |
超限帰納法 see styles |
chougenkinouhou / chogenkinoho ちょうげんきのうほう |
transfinite induction |
超音波処理 see styles |
chouonpashori / choonpashori ちょうおんぱしょり |
ultrasonication; sonication; ultrasonic treatment |
超音波検査 see styles |
chouonpakensa / choonpakensa ちょうおんぱけんさ |
{med} ultrasound examination; ultrasound scan |
超音波洗浄 see styles |
chouonpasenjou / choonpasenjo ちょうおんぱせんじょう |
ultrasonic cleaning |
超額配股權 超额配股权 see styles |
chāo é pèi gǔ quán chao1 e2 pei4 gu3 quan2 ch`ao o p`ei ku ch`üan chao o pei ku chüan |
an oversubscribed share |
超高圧送電 see styles |
choukouatsusouden / chokoatsusoden ちょうこうあつそうでん |
extra-high-voltage power transmission |
超高層ビル see styles |
choukousoubiru / chokosobiru ちょうこうそうビル |
skyscraper |
超高層建築 see styles |
choukousoukenchiku / chokosokenchiku ちょうこうそうけんちく |
skyscraper |
超高温殺菌 see styles |
choukouonsakkin / chokoonsakkin ちょうこうおんさっきん |
ultra-high-temperature processing; UHT; ultra-pasteurization |
度を超える see styles |
dookoeru どをこえる |
(exp,v1) (See 度を越す) to overstep the mark; to go too far; to overdo it |
度を超した see styles |
dookoshita どをこした |
(expression) extravagant; extreme; hyper |
早死早超生 see styles |
zǎo sǐ zǎo chāo shēng zao3 si3 zao3 chao1 sheng1 tsao ssu tsao ch`ao sheng tsao ssu tsao chao sheng |
to end one's suffering by dying quickly and being reincarnated; (fig.) to get it over with |
量子超越性 see styles |
ryoushichouetsusei / ryoshichoetsuse りょうしちょうえつせい |
{comp} quantum supremacy; quantum advantage |
額面超過額 see styles |
gakumenchoukagaku / gakumenchokagaku がくめんちょうかがく |
premium |
超ウラン元素 see styles |
chouurangenso / chourangenso ちょうウランげんそ |
transuranium element; transuranic element; super heavy element |
超並列計算機 see styles |
chouheiretsukeisanki / choheretsukesanki ちょうへいれつけいさんき |
{comp} massively parallel computer |
超勝寺門前町 see styles |
choushoujimonzenchou / choshojimonzencho ちょうしょうじもんぜんちょう |
(place-name) Choushoujimonzenchō |
超国家主義者 see styles |
choukokkashugisha / chokokkashugisha ちょうこっかしゅぎしゃ |
ultranationalist |
超多段シフト see styles |
choutadanshifuto / chotadanshifuto ちょうただんシフト |
super multi-shift (a kanji input method) |
超好熱性細菌 see styles |
choukounetsuseisaikin / chokonetsusesaikin ちょうこうねつせいさいきん |
(See 超好熱菌) hyperthermophile |
超対称性粒子 see styles |
choutaishouseiryuushi / chotaishoseryushi ちょうたいしょうせいりゅうし |
{physics} supersymmetric particle |
超広帯域無線 see styles |
choukoutaiikimusen / chokotaikimusen ちょうこうたいいきむせん |
{comp} ultra wideband radio; ultra-wide band; UWB; ultraband |
超広角レンズ see styles |
choukoukakurenzu / chokokakurenzu ちょうこうかくレンズ |
super-wide-angle lens; ultra-wide-angle lens |
超感覚的知覚 see styles |
choukankakutekichikaku / chokankakutekichikaku ちょうかんかくてきちかく |
extrasensory perception; ESP |
超法規的措置 see styles |
chouhoukitekisochi / chohokitekisochi ちょうほうきてきそち |
extra-legal measure; special procedure beyond the law |
超自然主義者 see styles |
choushizenshugisha / choshizenshugisha ちょうしぜんしゅぎしゃ |
(See 超自然論者・ちょうしぜんろんしゃ) supernaturalist |
超越論的意識 see styles |
chouetsurontekiishiki / choetsurontekishiki ちょうえつろんてきいしき |
transcendental consciousness |
超越論的方法 see styles |
chouetsurontekihouhou / choetsurontekihoho ちょうえつろんてきほうほう |
transcendental method |
超過勤務手当 see styles |
choukakinmuteate / chokakinmuteate ちょうかきんむてあて |
overtime pay |
超過情報速度 see styles |
choukajouhousokudo / chokajohosokudo ちょうかじょうほうそくど |
{comp} excess information rate |
超過送信制御 see styles |
choukasoushinseigyo / chokasoshinsegyo ちょうかそうしんせいぎょ |
{comp} jabber control |
超音波探傷器 see styles |
chouonpatanshouki / choonpatanshoki ちょうおんぱたんしょうき |
ultrasonic test instrument |
超音波検査士 see styles |
chouonpakensashi / choonpakensashi ちょうおんぱけんさし |
ultrasound technician; sonographer |
超音波検査法 see styles |
chouonpakensahou / choonpakensaho ちょうおんぱけんさほう |
{med} ultrasonography; sonography |
超音波顕微鏡 see styles |
chouonpakenbikyou / choonpakenbikyo ちょうおんぱけんびきょう |
ultrasonic microscope; acoustic microscope |
超音速旅客機 see styles |
chouonsokuryokakuki / choonsokuryokakuki ちょうおんそくりょかくき |
supersonic airliner (i.e. the Concorde) |
超音速輸送機 see styles |
chouonsokuyusouki / choonsokuyusoki ちょうおんそくゆそうき |
supersonic transport; SST |
超高層雷放電 see styles |
choukousoukaminarihouden / chokosokaminarihoden ちょうこうそうかみなりほうでん |
upper-atmospheric lightning; upper-atmospheric discharge |
超高負荷容量 see styles |
choukoufukayouryou / chokofukayoryo ちょうこうふかようりょう |
ultrahigh load-carrying capacity; ultrahigh load capacity |
超高速度撮影 see styles |
choukousokudosatsuei / chokosokudosatsue ちょうこうそくどさつえい |
high-speed photography |
超高齢化社会 see styles |
choukoureikashakai / chokorekashakai ちょうこうれいかしゃかい |
super-ageing society (aging) |
人知を超えた see styles |
jinchiokoeta じんちをこえた |
(exp,adj-f) beyond human understanding |
体細胞超変異 see styles |
taisaibouchouheni / taisaibochoheni たいさいぼうちょうへんい |
somatic hypermutation; SHM |
六八超世本願 六八超世本愿 see styles |
liù bā chāo shì běn yuàn liu4 ba1 chao1 shi4 ben3 yuan4 liu pa ch`ao shih pen yüan liu pa chao shih pen yüan rokuhachi chōse hongan |
forty-eight world-transcending vows |
半導體超點陣 半导体超点阵 see styles |
bàn dǎo tǐ chāo diǎn zhèn ban4 dao3 ti3 chao1 dian3 zhen4 pan tao t`i ch`ao tien chen pan tao ti chao tien chen |
semiconductor superlattice |
緩増加超関数 see styles |
kanzoukachoukansuu / kanzokachokansu かんぞうかちょうかんすう |
{math} tempered distribution |
限度を超える see styles |
gendookoeru げんどをこえる |
(exp,v1) to go beyond the limit; to pass the limit |
Variations: |
choppaya; choppaya ちょっぱや; チョッパヤ |
(slang) (kana only) very fast; very early |
超ジュラルミン see styles |
choujurarumin / chojurarumin ちょうジュラルミン |
super duralumin |
超ミニスカート see styles |
chouminisukaato / chominisukato ちょうミニスカート |
(See 超ミニ) micro miniskirt; micro skirt; micromini |
超文件傳輸協定 超文件传输协定 see styles |
chāo wén jiàn chuán shū xié dìng chao1 wen2 jian4 chuan2 shu1 xie2 ding4 ch`ao wen chien ch`uan shu hsieh ting chao wen chien chuan shu hsieh ting |
hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP |
超文本傳輸協定 超文本传输协定 see styles |
chāo wén běn chuán shū xié dìng chao1 wen2 ben3 chuan2 shu1 xie2 ding4 ch`ao wen pen ch`uan shu hsieh ting chao wen pen chuan shu hsieh ting |
hypertext transfer protocol; HTTP |
超文本傳送協議 超文本传送协议 see styles |
chāo wén běn chuán sòng xié yì chao1 wen2 ben3 chuan2 song4 xie2 yi4 ch`ao wen pen ch`uan sung hsieh i chao wen pen chuan sung hsieh i |
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) |
超文本標記語言 超文本标记语言 see styles |
chāo wén běn biāo jì yǔ yán chao1 wen2 ben3 biao1 ji4 yu3 yan2 ch`ao wen pen piao chi yü yen chao wen pen piao chi yü yen |
hypertext markup language; HTML |
超越論的観念論 see styles |
chouetsurontekikannenron / choetsurontekikannenron ちょうえつろんてきかんねんろん |
transcendental idealism |
超過一切尋思境 超过一切寻思境 see styles |
chāo guō yī qiè xún sī jìng chao1 guo1 yi1 qie4 xun2 si1 jing4 ch`ao kuo i ch`ieh hsün ssu ching chao kuo i chieh hsün ssu ching chōka issai jinshi kyō |
transcends all objects of discursive thought |
超長距離干渉計 see styles |
chouchoukyorikanshoukei / chochokyorikanshoke ちょうちょうきょりかんしょうけい |
{astron} very long baseline interferometry; VLBI |
超音波モーター see styles |
chouonpamootaa / choonpamoota ちょうおんぱモーター |
ultrasonic motor |
超音波探傷装置 see styles |
chouonpatanshousouchi / choonpatanshosochi ちょうおんぱたんしょうそうち |
ultrasonic test equipment |
超音波発生装置 see styles |
chouonpahasseisouchi / choonpahassesochi ちょうおんぱはっせいそうち |
ultrasonic generator; sonicator |
超高速乙太網路 超高速乙太网路 see styles |
chāo gāo sù yǐ tài wǎng lù chao1 gao1 su4 yi3 tai4 wang3 lu4 ch`ao kao su i t`ai wang lu chao kao su i tai wang lu |
Gigabit Ethernet |
ユリオカ超特Q see styles |
yuriokachoutokkyuu / yuriokachotokkyu ユリオカちょうとっキュー |
(person) Yurioka Chōtokkyū (1968.4.1-; comedian) |
四次元超立方体 see styles |
yojigenchourippoutai / yojigenchorippotai よじげんちょうりっぽうたい |
(See 正八胞体) tesseract |
心臓超音波検査 see styles |
shinzouchouonpakensa / shinzochoonpakensa しんぞうちょうおんぱけんさ |
{med} echocardiography; cardiac ultrasound |
資源超過利潤税 see styles |
shigenchoukarijunzei / shigenchokarijunze しげんちょうかりじゅんぜい |
Resources Super Profits Tax; RSPT |
Variations: |
chourasen / chorasen ちょうらせん |
{med} superhelix; supercoil |
超人機メタルダー see styles |
choujinkimetarudaa / chojinkimetaruda ちょうじんきメタルダー |
(work) Chōjinki Metalder (TV series); (wk) Chōjinki Metalder (TV series) |
超低金利金融政策 see styles |
chouteikinrikinyuuseisaku / chotekinrikinyusesaku ちょうていきんりきんゆうせいさく |
ultra-loose monetary policy |
超大規模集積回路 see styles |
choudaikiboshuusekikairo / chodaikiboshusekikairo ちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ |
{comp} very large-scale integration; VLSI |
極超音速滑空兵器 see styles |
gokuchouonsokukakkuuheiki / gokuchoonsokukakkuheki ごくちょうおんそくかっくうへいき |
{mil} hypersonic glide vehicle; hypersonic glide weapon |
Variations: |
chougatsuku / chogatsuku ちょうがつく |
(expression) (colloquialism) (oft. as 超がつくほど) (See 超・2) extremely; exceptionally; extraordinarily; terribly; super |
Variations: |
chounotsuku / chonotsuku ちょうのつく |
(expression) (colloquialism) (See 超・2) extremely; exceptionally; extraordinarily; terribly; super |
超々大規模集積回路 see styles |
chouchoudaikiboshuusekikairo / chochodaikiboshusekikairo ちょうちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ |
(computer terminology) ultra large-scale integration; ULSI |
超アクチノイド元素 see styles |
chouakuchinoidogenso / choakuchinoidogenso ちょうアクチノイドげんそ |
{chem} transactinide elements; transactinides; super-heavy elements |
超低電圧版モバイル see styles |
chouteidenatsubanmobairu / chotedenatsubanmobairu ちょうていでんあつばんモバイル |
{comp} ultra low voltage mobile (processor) |
超超大規模集積回路 see styles |
chouchoudaikiboshuusekikairo / chochodaikiboshusekikairo ちょうちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ |
(computer terminology) ultra large-scale integration; ULSI |
に超したことはない see styles |
nikoshitakotohanai にこしたことはない |
(expression) it is better to; it is best to; there's nothing better than |
理解の範疇を超える see styles |
rikainohanchuuokoeru / rikainohanchuokoeru りかいのはんちゅうをこえる |
(exp,v1) to go over one's head; to be beyond one's comprehension |
Variations: |
chouhimoriron / chohimoriron ちょうひもりろん |
(See 超弦理論) superstring theory |
超伝導磁気浮上式鉄道 see styles |
choudendoujikifujoushikitetsudou / chodendojikifujoshikitetsudo ちょうでんどうじきふじょうしきてつどう |
superconducting maglev train |
超巨大ブラックホール see styles |
choukyodaiburakkuhooru / chokyodaiburakkuhooru ちょうきょだいブラックホール |
{astron} supermassive black hole |
超悪玉コレステロール see styles |
chouakudamakoresuterooru / choakudamakoresuterooru ちょうあくだまコレステロール |
small low-density lipoprotein; pattern B LDL |
超新星フラッシュマン see styles |
choushinseifurasshuman / choshinsefurasshuman ちょうしんせいフラッシュマン |
(work) Chōshinsei Flashman (TV series); (wk) Chōshinsei Flashman (TV series) |
超電導磁気浮上式鉄道 see styles |
choudendoujikifujoushikitetsudou / chodendojikifujoshikitetsudo ちょうでんどうじきふじょうしきてつどう |
superconducting maglev train |
Variations: |
chou(p); choo / cho(p); choo ちょう(P); チョー |
(prefix) (1) (ちょう only) super-; ultra-; hyper-; extreme; (prefix) (2) (colloquialism) extremely; really; totally; absolutely; (suffix noun) (3) (ちょう only) (after a number or counter) over; more than |
Variations: |
choudokyuu(超do級); choudokyuu(超弩級, 超do級) / chodokyu(超do級); chodokyu(超弩級, 超do級) ちょうドきゅう(超ド級); ちょうどきゅう(超弩級, 超ど級) |
(can be adjective with の) (1) superlative; extraordinary; mega; outstanding; (2) (abbreviation) (See 超弩級艦) superdreadnought (class of warships) |
超力戦隊オーレンジャー see styles |
chourikisentaioorenjaa / chorikisentaioorenja ちょうりきせんたいオーレンジャー |
(work) Chōriki Sentai Ohranger (1995-1996 TV series); (wk) Chōriki Sentai Ohranger (1995-1996 TV series) |
超大質量ブラックホール see styles |
choudaishitsuryouburakkuhooru / chodaishitsuryoburakkuhooru ちょうだいしつりょうブラックホール |
{astron} (See 超巨大ブラックホール) supermassive black hole |
Variations: |
kosu こす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) (1) to cross over (e.g. mountain); to go across; (Godan verb with "su" ending) (2) to get over (e.g. hardship); (Godan verb with "su" ending) (3) to pass time (e.g. a winter); (Godan verb with "su" ending) (4) (often 超す) to surpass; to be better than; to exceed; (Godan verb with "su" ending) (5) to move house; (Godan verb with "su" ending) (6) (honorific or respectful language) (See お越し) to go; to come |
Variations: |
dookoshita どをこした |
(expression) extravagant; extreme; hyper |
東北大超高層物理観測所 see styles |
touhokudaichoukousoubutsurikansokujo / tohokudaichokosobutsurikansokujo とうほくだいちょうこうそうぶつりかんそくじょ |
(place-name) Tōhokudaichōkousoubutsurikansokujo |
Variations: |
choudendou / chodendo ちょうでんどう |
superconductivity; super-conductivity |
超高速並列インターフェース see styles |
choukousokuheiretsuintaafeesu / chokosokuheretsuintafeesu ちょうこうそくへいれつインターフェース |
{comp} HIPPI; High Performance Parallel Interface |
Variations: |
koeru こえる |
(transitive verb) (1) (esp. 越える) to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past; (transitive verb) (2) (esp. 超える) to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than) |
Variations: |
issenokoeru いっせんをこえる |
(v1,exp) (idiom) to cross the line; to go too far |
金剛頂超勝三界經說文殊五字眞言勝相 金刚顶超胜三界经说文殊五字眞言胜相 see styles |
jīn gāng dǐng chāo shèng sān jiè jīng shuō wén shū wǔ zì zhēn yán shèng xiàng jin1 gang1 ding3 chao1 sheng4 san1 jie4 jing1 shuo1 wen2 shu1 wu3 zi4 zhen1 yan2 sheng4 xiang4 chin kang ting ch`ao sheng san chieh ching shuo wen shu wu tzu chen yen sheng hsiang chin kang ting chao sheng san chieh ching shuo wen shu wu tzu chen yen sheng hsiang Kongōchō chōshō sangaikyō setsu bunshu goji Shingon shōsō |
Jingangding chaosheng sanjiejing shuo wenshu wuzi zhenyan shengxiang |
Variations: |
dookosu どをこす |
(exp,v5s) (See 度を過ごす) to go too far |
Variations: |
toorikosu とおりこす |
(v5s,vi) to go past (a place or thing); to go beyond |
Variations: |
dookoeru どをこえる |
(exp,v1) (See 度を越す) to overstep the mark; to go too far; to overdo it |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "超" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.