There are 637 total results for your 走 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
走馬赴任 走马赴任 see styles |
zǒu mǎ fù rèn zou3 ma3 fu4 ren4 tsou ma fu jen |
see 走馬上任|走马上任[zou3 ma3 shang4 ren4] |
ひた走り see styles |
hitabashiri ひたばしり hitahashiri ひたはしり |
running swiftly; running at full speed |
ひた走る see styles |
hitabashiru ひたばしる hitahashiru ひたはしる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to run at full speed; to run and run; (2) to try one's hardest |
リレー走 see styles |
rireesou / rireeso リレーそう |
{sports} relay race |
一っ走り see styles |
hitoppashiri ひとっぱしり |
(noun/participle) spin (as in 'take a car for a spin'); run |
一走了之 see styles |
yī zǒu liǎo zhī yi1 zou3 liao3 zhi1 i tsou liao chih |
to avoid a problem by walking away from it; to quit |
不脛而走 不胫而走 see styles |
bù jìng ér zǒu bu4 jing4 er2 zou3 pu ching erh tsou |
to get round fast; to spread like wildfire |
中距離走 see styles |
chuukyorisou / chukyoriso ちゅうきょりそう |
{sports} middle-distance running |
交橫馳走 交横驰走 see styles |
jiāo héng chí zǒu jiao1 heng2 chi2 zou3 chiao heng ch`ih tsou chiao heng chih tsou kyōō chisō |
mills back and forth in a crisscross |
人走茶涼 人走茶凉 see styles |
rén zǒu chá liáng ren2 zou3 cha2 liang2 jen tsou ch`a liang jen tsou cha liang |
lit. when people leave, the tea cools (idiom); fig. when sb is no longer in a position of power, others cease to care about him |
使い走り see styles |
tsukaibashiri; tsukaihashiri つかいばしり; つかいはしり |
(noun/participle) (1) running errands (for someone else); (2) errand boy; gofer; dogsbody |
先走り汁 see styles |
sakibashirijiru さきばしりじる |
(colloquialism) pre-cum; pre-ejaculate; Cowper's fluid |
先走り液 see styles |
sakibashirieki さきばしりえき |
(colloquialism) pre-cum; pre-ejaculate; Cowper's fluid |
先走一步 see styles |
xiān zǒu yī bù xian1 zou3 yi1 bu4 hsien tsou i pu |
to leave first (courteous expression used to excuse oneself); (euphemism) to predecease; to die first (e.g. before one's spouse) |
全力疾走 see styles |
zenryokushissou / zenryokushisso ぜんりょくしっそう |
(noun/participle) running as fast as one can |
函館走り see styles |
hakodatebashiri はこだてばしり |
(place-name) Hakodatebashiri |
利に走る see styles |
rinihashiru りにはしる |
(exp,v5r) to be eager to pursue one's own interests; to think only of profit |
劍走偏鋒 剑走偏锋 see styles |
jiàn zǒu piān fēng jian4 zou3 pian1 feng1 chien tsou p`ien feng chien tsou pien feng |
the sword moves with side stroke (modern idiom); fig. unexpected winning move; unconventional gambit |
劍走蜻蛉 剑走蜻蛉 see styles |
jiàn zǒu qīng líng jian4 zou3 qing1 ling2 chien tsou ch`ing ling chien tsou ching ling |
the sword moves like a dragon-fly (modern idiom); fig. unexpected winning move; unconventional gambit |
大雪師走 see styles |
ooyukishiwasu おおゆきしわす |
(person) Ooyuki Shiwasu |
太空行走 see styles |
tài kōng xíng zǒu tai4 kong1 xing2 zou3 t`ai k`ung hsing tsou tai kung hsing tsou |
spacewalk |
奔走相告 see styles |
bēn zǒu xiāng gào ben1 zou3 xiang1 gao4 pen tsou hsiang kao |
to spread the news (idiom) |
徒歩競走 see styles |
tohokyousou / tohokyoso とほきょうそう |
footrace |
御馳走様 see styles |
gochisousama / gochisosama ごちそうさま |
(interjection) (1) (kana only) word used after one has been treated (esp. used after a meal); (2) (kana only) used after hearing something lovey-dovey |
挺而走險 挺而走险 see styles |
tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn ting3 er2 zou3 xian3 t`ing erh tsou hsien ting erh tsou hsien |
variant of 鋌而走險|铤而走险[ting3 er2 zou3 xian3] |
掉頭就走 掉头就走 see styles |
diào tóu jiù zǒu diao4 tou2 jiu4 zou3 tiao t`ou chiu tsou tiao tou chiu tsou |
to turn on one's heels; to walk away abruptly |
擦槍走火 擦枪走火 see styles |
cā qiāng zǒu huǒ ca1 qiang1 zou3 huo3 ts`a ch`iang tsou huo tsa chiang tsou huo |
to shoot accidentally while polishing a gun; (fig.) a minor incident that sparks a war |
断郊競走 see styles |
dankoukyousou / dankokyoso だんこうきょうそう |
cross-country race |
暴走漫畫 暴走漫画 see styles |
bào zǒu màn huà bao4 zou3 man4 hua4 pao tsou man hua |
rage comic |
暴走運転 see styles |
bousouunten / bosounten ぼうそううんてん |
reckless driving |
東奔西走 东奔西走 see styles |
dōng bēn xī zǒu dong1 ben1 xi1 zou3 tung pen hsi tsou touhonseisou / tohonseso とうほんせいそう |
to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily; to bustle about; to hopscotch; also 東跑西顛|东跑西颠[dong1 pao3 xi1 dian1] (n,vs,vi) (yoji) busying oneself about (something); being on the move; bestirring oneself; on the go; taking an active interest |
河西走廊 see styles |
hé xī zǒu láng he2 xi1 zou3 lang2 ho hsi tsou lang |
Hexi Corridor (or Gansu Corridor), a string of oases running the length of Gansu, forming part of the Northern Silk Road |
無路可走 无路可走 see styles |
wú lù kě zǒu wu2 lu4 ke3 zou3 wu lu k`o tsou wu lu ko tsou |
nowhere to go; at the end of one's tether |
片輪走行 see styles |
katarinsoukou / katarinsoko かたりんそうこう |
(noun/participle) driving on two wheels; ski (driving stunt); skiing |
犬走ダム see styles |
inubashiridamu いぬばしりダム |
(place-name) Inubashiri Dam |
瓦罕走廊 see styles |
wǎ hǎn zǒu láng wa3 han3 zou3 lang2 wa han tsou lang |
Wakhan Corridor, panhandle in the northeast of Afghanistan sharing a border with China at its eastern end |
甲走った see styles |
kanbashitta かんばしった |
(can act as adjective) shrill; high-pitched; sharp |
短距離走 see styles |
tankyorisou / tankyoriso たんきょりそう |
short-distance race; sprint |
空中滑走 see styles |
kuuchuukassou / kuchukasso くうちゅうかっそう |
gliding |
空走時間 see styles |
kuusoujikan / kusojikan くうそうじかん |
brake lag |
空走距離 see styles |
kuusoukyori / kusokyori くうそうきょり |
(See 制動距離,停止距離) brake reaction distance; brake lag distance |
穿針走線 穿针走线 see styles |
chuān zhēn zǒu xiàn chuan1 zhen1 zou3 xian4 ch`uan chen tsou hsien chuan chen tsou hsien |
to thread a needle |
突っ走る see styles |
tsuppashiru つっぱしる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to run swiftly; to speed; to dash; to rush; to race; (v5r,vi) (2) to charge ahead (in pursuit of some goal); to push forward |
筆が走る see styles |
fudegahashiru ふでがはしる |
(exp,v5r) to write with facility; to draw with ease |
筆走龍蛇 see styles |
bǐ zǒu lóng shé bi3 zou3 long2 she2 pi tsou lung she |
lit. the brush flows with the fluidity of a dragon or snake (idiom); fig. (of brushwork, esp for calligraphy) lively; vigorous |
網走支庁 see styles |
abashirishichou / abashirishicho あばしりしちょう |
(place-name) Abashirishichō |
網走本線 see styles |
abashirihonsen あばしりほんせん |
(personal name) Abashirihonsen |
網走湖畔 see styles |
abashirikohan あばしりこはん |
(place-name) Abashirikohan |
網走神社 see styles |
abashirijinja あばしりじんじゃ |
(place-name) Abashiri Shrine |
繋駕競走 see styles |
keigakyousou / kegakyoso けいがきょうそう |
harness racing |
自由滑走 see styles |
jiyuukassou / jiyukasso じゆうかっそう |
free skating |
自走浮橋 see styles |
jisouukihashi / jisoukihashi じそううきはし |
(personal name) Jisouukihashi |
行屍走肉 行尸走肉 see styles |
xíng shī zǒu ròu xing2 shi1 zou3 rou4 hsing shih tsou jou |
walking corpse (idiom); zombie; person who lives only on the material level |
販夫走卒 贩夫走卒 see styles |
fàn fū zǒu zú fan4 fu1 zou3 zu2 fan fu tsou tsu |
lit. peddlers and carriers; common people; lower class |
車之走峠 see styles |
kurumanohashiritouge / kurumanohashiritoge くるまのはしりとうげ |
(personal name) Kurumanohashiritōge |
迷走台風 see styles |
meisoutaifuu / mesotaifu めいそうたいふう |
stray typhoon (i.e. one with an irregular path) |
迷走神経 see styles |
meisoushinkei / mesoshinke めいそうしんけい |
{anat} vagus nerve |
迷走神經 迷走神经 see styles |
mí zǒu shén jīng mi2 zou3 shen2 jing1 mi tsou shen ching |
vagus nerve |
逃げ走る see styles |
nigehashiru にげはしる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to flee; to run away |
遊走細胞 see styles |
yuusousaibou / yusosaibo ゆうそうさいぼう |
wandering cell |
遠っ走り see styles |
tooppashiri とおっぱしり |
(noun/participle) going a long way |
遠走高飛 远走高飞 see styles |
yuǎn zǒu gāo fēi yuan3 zou3 gao1 fei1 yüan tsou kao fei |
to go far; to escape to faraway places |
鋌而走險 铤而走险 see styles |
tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn ting3 er2 zou3 xian3 t`ing erh tsou hsien ting erh tsou hsien |
to take a risk out of desperation (idiom) |
長距離走 see styles |
choukyorisou / chokyoriso ちょうきょりそう |
long-distance race |
障害競走 see styles |
shougaikyousou / shogaikyoso しょうがいきょうそう |
{horse} steeplechase |
集體行走 集体行走 see styles |
jí tǐ xíng zǒu ji2 ti3 xing2 zou3 chi t`i hsing tsou chi ti hsing tsou |
pedestrian group (e.g. of tourists etc) |
離家出走 离家出走 see styles |
lí jiā chū zǒu li2 jia1 chu1 zou3 li chia ch`u tsou li chia chu tsou |
to leave home (to live somewhere else) |
青森走り see styles |
aomoribashiri あおもりばしり |
(place-name) Aomoribashiri |
順次走査 see styles |
junjisousa / junjisosa じゅんじそうさ |
{comp} sequential scanning |
飛檐走壁 飞檐走壁 see styles |
fēi yán zǒu bì fei1 yan2 zou3 bi4 fei yen tsou pi |
to leap onto roofs and vault over walls (usually associated with martial arts) |
飛潛走植 see styles |
fēi qián zǒu zhí fei1 qian2 zou3 zhi2 fei ch`ien tsou chih fei chien tsou chih |
birds, fish, animals and plants |
飛禽走獸 飞禽走兽 see styles |
fēi qín - zǒu shòu fei1 qin2 - zou3 shou4 fei ch`in - tsou shou fei chin - tsou shou |
(idiom) birds and animals |
飛觥走斝 飞觥走斝 see styles |
fēi gōng zǒu jiǎ fei1 gong1 zou3 jia3 fei kung tsou chia |
to drink one's fill (idiom) |
飛針走線 飞针走线 see styles |
fēi zhēn zǒu xiàn fei1 zhen1 zou3 xian4 fei chen tsou hsien |
flying needle and running seam (idiom); skillful needlework |
飛鷹走馬 飞鹰走马 see styles |
fēi yīng zǒu mǎ fei1 ying1 zou3 ma3 fei ying tsou ma |
to ride out hawking (idiom); to hunt |
馬走団地 see styles |
mabasedanchi まばせだんち |
(place-name) Mabasedanchi |
駅伝競走 see styles |
ekidenkyousou / ekidenkyoso えきでんきょうそう |
long-distance relay race |
高飛遠走 高飞远走 see styles |
gāo fēi yuǎn zǒu gao1 fei1 yuan3 zou3 kao fei yüan tsou |
to fly high and run far (idiom); to leave in a hurry for a distance place |
鬥雞走馬 斗鸡走马 see styles |
dòu jī zǒu mǎ dou4 ji1 zou3 ma3 tou chi tsou ma |
cock-fighting and horse-racing (idiom); to gamble |
鷲走ケ岳 see styles |
wassogatake わっそがたけ |
(personal name) Wassogatake |
走りかける see styles |
hashirikakeru はしりかける |
(Ichidan verb) to start running |
走りすぎる see styles |
hashirisugiru はしりすぎる |
(transitive verb) (1) to run past; to run by; (2) to go too far ahead |
走りまわる see styles |
hashirimawaru はしりまわる |
(v5r,vi) to run around |
走り幅跳び see styles |
hashirihabatobi はしりはばとび |
running long jump |
走り抜ける see styles |
hashirinukeru はしりぬける |
(v1,vi) to run through |
走り掛ける see styles |
hashirikakeru はしりかける |
(Ichidan verb) to start running |
走り続ける see styles |
hashiritsuzukeru はしりつづける |
(Ichidan verb) to keep running |
走り過ぎる see styles |
hashirisugiru はしりすぎる |
(transitive verb) (1) to run past; to run by; (2) to go too far ahead |
走り高跳び see styles |
hashiritakatobi はしりたかとび |
running high jump |
走れメロス see styles |
hashiremerosu はしれメロス |
(work) Run, Melos! (short story by Osamu Dazai); (wk) Run, Melos! (short story by Osamu Dazai) |
走査周波数 see styles |
sousashuuhasuu / sosashuhasu そうさしゅうはすう |
{comp} scanning frequency |
走行の流れ see styles |
soukounonagare / sokononagare そうこうのながれ |
{comp} job stream; run stream; input stream |
走行距離計 see styles |
soukoukyorikei / sokokyorike そうこうきょりけい |
(See オドメーター) odometer |
Variations: |
heisou / heso へいそう |
(n,vs,vi) running parallel (to); running side-by-side; keeping pace (with) |
Variations: |
kaisou / kaiso かいそう |
(n,vs,vi) rout; stampede |
ご馳走さま see styles |
gochisousama / gochisosama ごちそうさま |
(interjection) (1) (kana only) word used after one has been treated (esp. used after a meal); (2) (kana only) used after hearing something lovey-dovey |
ご馳走さん see styles |
gochisousan / gochisosan ごちそうさん |
(interjection) (kana only) (colloquialism) (See ごちそうさま・1) thank you (for the meal); that was a delicious meal |
ひとっ走り see styles |
hitoppashiri ひとっぱしり |
(noun/participle) spin (as in 'take a car for a spin'); run |
ナルト走り see styles |
narutobashiri ナルトばしり |
(slang) Naruto run; running with one's arms outstretched behind, as in the anime Naruto |
中距離競走 see styles |
chuukyorikyousou / chukyorikyoso ちゅうきょりきょうそう |
middle-distance race |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "走" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.