There are 567 total results for your 施 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
老人施設 see styles |
roujinshisetsu / rojinshisetsu ろうじんしせつ |
old folks' home |
老健施設 see styles |
roukenshisetsu / rokenshisetsu ろうけんしせつ |
(See 老人保健施設) rehabilitation facility for the elderly |
育児施設 see styles |
ikujishisetsu いくじしせつ |
child care facilities |
能施太子 see styles |
néng shī tài zǐ neng2 shi1 tai4 zi3 neng shih t`ai tzu neng shih tai tzu Nōse Taishi |
Prince 'Giver', a former incarnation of Śākyamuni, when he obtained the magic dragon, pearl and by its power relieved the needs of all the poor. |
舒手惠施 see styles |
shū shǒu huì shī shu1 shou3 hui4 shi1 shu shou hui shih joshu ese |
to reach out and extend blessings |
製造施設 see styles |
seizoushisetsu / sezoshisetsu せいぞうしせつ |
{comp} manufacturing facility |
複合施設 see styles |
fukugoushisetsu / fukugoshisetsu ふくごうしせつ |
complex (i.e. a group of facilities on the same site) |
見之實施 见之实施 see styles |
jiàn zhī shí shī jian4 zhi1 shi2 shi1 chien chih shih shih |
to put into effect (idiom) |
観光施設 see styles |
kankoushisetsu / kankoshisetsu かんこうしせつ |
tourist facilities |
託児施設 see styles |
takujishisetsu たくじしせつ |
child-minding facility |
試験施設 see styles |
shikenshisetsu しけんしせつ |
test facility; test installation |
諦殊羅施 谛殊罗施 see styles |
dì shū luó shī di4 shu1 luo2 shi1 ti shu lo shih Teishurashi |
Tejorāṣi, the flame-god, one of the five 佛頂 crowned Buddhas. |
財法二施 财法二施 see styles |
cái fǎ èr shī cai2 fa3 er4 shi1 ts`ai fa erh shih tsai fa erh shih zaihō nise |
two gifts of wealth and dharma |
貯油施設 see styles |
choyushisetsu ちょゆしせつ |
oil depot; fuel farm; storage facility for petrochemical products |
軍事施設 see styles |
gunjishisetsu ぐんじしせつ |
military installations |
軍事設施 军事设施 see styles |
jun shì shè shī jun1 shi4 she4 shi1 chün shih she shih |
military installations |
軟硬兼施 软硬兼施 see styles |
ruǎn yìng jiān shī ruan3 ying4 jian1 shi1 juan ying chien shih |
use both carrot and stick; use gentle methods and force; an iron hand in a velvet glove |
辨證施治 辨证施治 see styles |
biàn zhèng shī zhì bian4 zheng4 shi1 zhi4 pien cheng shih chih |
diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition |
農業施設 see styles |
nougyoushisetsu / nogyoshisetsu のうぎょうしせつ |
agricultural facility; agricultural implement |
追悼施設 see styles |
tsuitoushisetsu / tsuitoshisetsu ついとうしせつ |
memorial site |
逆行倒施 see styles |
nì xíng dào shī ni4 xing2 dao4 shi1 ni hsing tao shih |
to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong; to try to turn back history; a perverse way of doing things |
遊休施設 see styles |
yuukyuushisetsu / yukyushisetsu ゆうきゅうしせつ |
unused facilities or equipment |
遊戯施設 see styles |
yuugishisetsu / yugishisetsu ゆうぎしせつ |
play facility; fairground attraction; playground facility; amusement facility |
遊興施設 see styles |
yuukyoushisetsu / yukyoshisetsu ゆうきょうしせつ |
(See 遊戯施設) amusement facility |
運動施設 see styles |
undoushisetsu / undoshisetsu うんどうしせつ |
sports facility |
配湯施設 see styles |
haitoushisetsu / haitoshisetsu はいとうしせつ |
(place-name) Haitoushisetsu |
鉄道施設 see styles |
tetsudoushisetsu / tetsudoshisetsu てつどうしせつ |
railroad facility; railway equipment |
預防措施 预防措施 see styles |
yù fáng cuò shī yu4 fang2 cuo4 shi1 yü fang ts`o shih yü fang tso shih |
protective step; protective measure |
養護施設 see styles |
yougoshisetsu / yogoshisetsu ようごしせつ |
children's home; child care institution; orphanage; (place-name) Yōgoshisetsu |
施乞叉難陀 施乞叉难陀 see styles |
shī qǐ chān án tuó shi1 qi3 chan1 an2 tuo2 shih ch`i ch`an an t`o shih chi chan an to Sekotsushananda |
Śikṣānanda |
施波羅蜜多 施波罗蜜多 see styles |
shī bō luó mì duō shi1 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 shih po lo mi to se haramitta |
transcendent practice of donation |
施泰爾馬克 施泰尔马克 see styles |
shī tài ěr mǎ kè shi1 tai4 er3 ma3 ke4 shih t`ai erh ma k`o shih tai erh ma ko |
Styria (Steiermark), province of Austria |
施洗者約翰 施洗者约翰 see styles |
shī xǐ zhě yuē hàn shi1 xi3 zhe3 yue1 han4 shih hsi che yüeh han |
John the Baptist |
施蒂利爾州 施蒂利尔州 see styles |
shī dì lì ěr zhōu shi1 di4 li4 er3 zhou1 shih ti li erh chou |
Styria province of Austria |
施離垢三昧 施离垢三昧 see styles |
shī lí gòu sān mèi shi1 li2 gou4 san1 mei4 shih li kou san mei seriku zanmai |
vimala-datta-samādhi |
不受不施派 see styles |
fujufuseha ふじゅふせは |
{Buddh} Nichiren sect that does not accept from or give to non-believers |
伐施迦囉軌 伐施迦囉轨 see styles |
fá shī jiā luō guǐ fa2 shi1 jia1 luo1 gui3 fa shih chia lo kuei basse karaki |
esoteric ritual for seeking the aid of buddhas and bodhisattvas |
依施設安立 依施设安立 see styles |
yī shī shè ān lì yi1 shi1 she4 an1 li4 i shih she an li ese setsu anryū |
supports defining a position |
共同施設税 see styles |
kyoudoushisetsuzei / kyodoshisetsuze きょうどうしせつぜい |
public facilities tax |
割礼を施す see styles |
katsureiohodokosu / katsureohodokosu かつれいをほどこす |
(exp,v5s) to circumcise (someone) |
原子力施設 see styles |
genshiryokushisetsu げんしりょくしせつ |
nuclear power facility; NPF; nuclear facility; nuclear installation |
地施設安立 地施设安立 see styles |
dì shī shè ān lì di4 shi1 she4 an1 li4 ti shih she an li chi sesetsu anryū |
positing based on the grounds |
小布施憲始 see styles |
kobusekenji こぶせけんじ |
(person) Kobuse Kenji |
差別施設求 差别施设求 see styles |
chā bié shī shè qiú cha1 bie2 shi1 she4 qiu2 ch`a pieh shih she ch`iu cha pieh shih she chiu shabetsu sesetsu gu |
the investigation of designated differences |
布施川ダム see styles |
fusegawadamu ふせがわダム |
(place-name) Fusegawa Dam |
布施弁財天 see styles |
fusebenzaiten ふせべんざいてん |
(place-name) Fusebenzaiten |
布施波羅蜜 布施波罗蜜 see styles |
bù shī bō luó mì bu4 shi1 bo1 luo2 mi4 pu shih po lo mi fuse haramitsu |
perfection of generosity |
急施如律令 see styles |
jí shī rú lǜ lìng ji2 shi1 ru2 lv4 ling4 chi shih ju lü ling kōse nyo ritsuryō |
Swiftly as Lu-ling runs,' used by sorcerers in their incantations. |
恒久的施設 see styles |
koukyuutekishisetsu / kokyutekishisetsu こうきゅうてきしせつ |
{law} permanent establishment (in tax law) |
慈悲を施す see styles |
jihiohodokosu じひをほどこす |
(exp,v5s,vt) to do someone an act of charity; to give alms |
有體施設假 有体施设假 see styles |
yǒu tǐ shī shè jiǎ you3 ti3 shi1 she4 jia3 yu t`i shih she chia yu ti shih she chia utai sesetsu ke |
factual hypothesis |
海づり施設 see styles |
umizurishisetsu うみづりしせつ |
(place-name) Umizurishisetsu |
烏波髻施儞 乌波髻施儞 see styles |
wū bō jì shī nǐ wu1 bo1 ji4 shi1 ni3 wu po chi shih ni Opakeiseni |
Upakeśīnī |
烏波髻施尼 乌波髻施尼 see styles |
wū bō jì shī ní wu1 bo1 ji4 shi1 ni2 wu po chi shih ni Opakeiseni |
Upakeśīnī |
自性施設求 自性施设求 see styles |
zì xìng shī shè qiú zi4 xing4 shi1 she4 qiu2 tzu hsing shih she ch`iu tzu hsing shih she chiu jishōse setsu gu |
the investigation of the designations of essential nature |
花背大布施 see styles |
hanaseoofuse はなせおおふせ |
(place-name) Hanaseoofuse |
花脊大布施 see styles |
hanaseoofuse はなせおおふせ |
(place-name) Hanaseoofuse |
防衛施設庁 see styles |
boueishisetsuchou / boeshisetsucho ぼうえいしせつちょう |
(Japanese) Defense Facilities Administration Agency (Defence) |
障害者施設 see styles |
shougaishashisetsu / shogaishashisetsu しょうがいしゃしせつ |
facility for the disabled; special needs home |
面目を施す see styles |
menbokuohodokosu めんぼくをほどこす |
(exp,v5s) to get credit; to win honor; to win honour |
施政方針演説 see styles |
shiseihoushinenzetsu / shisehoshinenzetsu しせいほうしんえんぜつ |
policy speech |
ごみ処理施設 see styles |
gomishorishisetsu ごみしょりしせつ |
garbage disposal plant; refuse disposal facility; waste treatment plant |
スポーツ施設 see styles |
supootsushisetsu スポーツしせつ |
sports facilities |
リゾート施設 see styles |
rizootoshisetsu リゾートしせつ |
resort facility |
レジャー施設 see styles |
rejaashisetsu / rejashisetsu レジャーしせつ |
leisure facility (e.g. amusement park) |
一時収容施設 see styles |
ichijishuuyoushisetsu / ichijishuyoshisetsu いちじしゅうようしせつ |
(See 収容施設) temporary reception center; temporary shelter |
下水処理施設 see styles |
gesuishorishisetsu げすいしょりしせつ |
sewage treatment facility; sewage treatment works |
児童福祉施設 see styles |
jidoufukushishisetsu / jidofukushishisetsu じどうふくししせつ |
child welfare facility |
児童養護施設 see styles |
jidouyougoshisetsu / jidoyogoshisetsu じどうようごしせつ |
orphanage; children's home |
和平実施部隊 see styles |
waheijisshibutai / wahejisshibutai わへいじっしぶたい |
(org) Implementation Force; (o) Implementation Force |
実施検討部会 see styles |
jisshikentoubukai / jisshikentobukai じっしけんとうぶかい |
(o) Implementation Working Group |
寂滅施設安立 寂灭施设安立 see styles |
jí miè shī shè ān lì ji2 mie4 shi1 she4 an1 li4 chi mieh shih she an li jakumetsu sesetsu anryū |
designations defined by extinction |
寂靜施設安立 寂静施设安立 see styles |
jí jìng shī shè ān lì ji2 jing4 shi1 she4 an1 li4 chi ching shih she an li jakujō sesetsu anryū |
quiescence defining a position |
數字導覽設施 数字导览设施 see styles |
shù zì dǎo lǎn shè shī shu4 zi4 dao3 lan3 she4 shi1 shu tzu tao lan she shih |
digital navigation equipment |
油田掘削施設 see styles |
yudenkussakushisetsu ゆでんくっさくしせつ |
oil rig |
治験施設協会 see styles |
chikenshisetsukyoukai / chikenshisetsukyokai ちけんしせつきょうかい |
(o) Association of Clinical Pharmacology Units |
泡瀬通信施設 see styles |
awasetsuushinshisetsu / awasetsushinshisetsu あわせつうしんしせつ |
(place-name) Awasetsuushinshisetsu |
生活利便施設 see styles |
seikatsuribenshisetsu / sekatsuribenshisetsu せいかつりべんしせつ |
amenities for daily life (supermarkets, post offices, banks, etc.) |
田布施町飛地 see styles |
tabusechoutobichi / tabusechotobichi たぶせちょうとびち |
(place-name) Tabusechōtobichi |
社会教育施設 see styles |
shakaikyouikushisetsu / shakaikyoikushisetsu しゃかいきょういくしせつ |
social educational facilities; community center |
社会福祉施設 see styles |
shakaifukushishisetsu しゃかいふくししせつ |
social welfare facility |
篠ノ井山布施 see styles |
shinonoiyamabuse しののいやまぶせ |
(place-name) Shinonoiyamabuse |
老人保健施設 see styles |
roujinhokenshisetsu / rojinhokenshisetsu ろうじんほけんしせつ |
(See 老健施設) rehabilitation facility for the elderly |
老人福祉施設 see styles |
roujinfukushishisetsu / rojinfukushishisetsu ろうじんふくししせつ |
nursing home; welfare facility for the elderly |
花脊大布施町 see styles |
hanaseoofusechou / hanaseoofusecho はなせおおふせちょう |
(place-name) Hanaseoofusechō |
若者総合施設 see styles |
wakamonosougoushisetsu / wakamonosogoshisetsu わかものそうごうしせつ |
(place-name) Wakamonosougoushisetsu |
複合商業施設 see styles |
fukugoushougyoushisetsu / fukugoshogyoshisetsu ふくごうしょうぎょうしせつ |
commercial complex |
調達実施本部 see styles |
choutatsujisshihonbu / chotatsujisshihonbu ちょうたつじっしほんぶ |
(org) Central Procurement Office; (o) Central Procurement Office |
農業施設学会 see styles |
nougyoushisetsugakkai / nogyoshisetsugakkai のうぎょうしせつがっかい |
(org) Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan; SASJ; (o) Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan; SASJ |
那覇港湾施設 see styles |
nahakouwanshisetsu / nahakowanshisetsu なはこうわんしせつ |
(place-name) Nahakouwanshisetsu |
野外活動施設 see styles |
yagaikatsudoushisetsu / yagaikatsudoshisetsu やがいかつどうしせつ |
(place-name) Yagaikatsudoushisetsu |
陸軍貯油施設 see styles |
rikugunchoyushisetsu りくぐんちょゆしせつ |
(place-name) Rikugunchoyushisetsu |
隠岐布施海岸 see styles |
okifusekaigan おきふせかいがん |
(place-name) Okifusekaigan |
隠岐郡布施村 see styles |
okigunfusemura おきぐんふせむら |
(place-name) Okigunfusemura |
施華洛世奇水晶 施华洛世奇水晶 see styles |
shī huá luò shì qí shuǐ jīng shi1 hua2 luo4 shi4 qi2 shui3 jing1 shih hua lo shih ch`i shui ching shih hua lo shih chi shui ching |
Swarovski crystal |
Variations: |
ofuse おふせ |
(noun/participle) (1) (polite language) {Buddh} (See 布施・1) alms-giving; charity; (noun/participle) (2) (polite language) {Buddh} (See 布施・2) offerings (usu. money) to a priest (for reading sutras, etc.); (noun/participle) (3) (colloquialism) financially supporting one's favorite celebrity (by buying merchandise, attending events, etc.) |
哈里森·施密特 see styles |
hā lǐ sēn · shī mì tè ha1 li3 sen1 · shi1 mi4 te4 ha li sen · shih mi t`e ha li sen · shih mi te |
Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17 astronaut) |
阿諾·施瓦辛格 阿诺·施瓦辛格 see styles |
ā nuò · shī wǎ xīn gé a1 nuo4 · shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2 a no · shih wa hsin ko |
Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US actor and politician, governor of California 2003-2011; also written 阿諾德·施瓦辛格|阿诺德·施瓦辛格[A1 nuo4 de2 · Shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2] |
トリイ通信施設 see styles |
toriitsuushinshisetsu / toritsushinshisetsu トリイつうしんしせつ |
(place-name) Toriitsuushinshisetsu |
伊川谷町布施畑 see styles |
ikawadanichoufusehata / ikawadanichofusehata いかわだにちょうふせはた |
(place-name) Ikawadanichōfusehata |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "施" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.