There are 1094 total results for your 斯 search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
哥尼斯堡 see styles |
gē ní sī bǎo ge1 ni2 si1 bao3 ko ni ssu pao |
Königsberg, Baltic port city, capital of East Prussia (until WWII) |
喀納斯湖 喀纳斯湖 see styles |
kā nà sī hú ka1 na4 si1 hu2 k`a na ssu hu ka na ssu hu |
Kanas Lake in Xinjiang |
因吹斯汀 see styles |
yīn chuī sī tīng yin1 chui1 si1 ting1 yin ch`ui ssu t`ing yin chui ssu ting |
(loanword) interesting |
埃利斯島 埃利斯岛 see styles |
āi lì sī dǎo ai1 li4 si1 dao3 ai li ssu tao |
Ellis Island |
埃奧羅斯 埃奥罗斯 see styles |
āi ào luó sī ai1 ao4 luo2 si1 ai ao lo ssu |
Aeolus, Greek God of winds |
埃文茅斯 see styles |
āi wén máo sī ai1 wen2 mao2 si1 ai wen mao ssu |
Avonmouth in southwest England; same as the Bristol channel 布里斯托爾海峽|布里斯托尔海峡[Bu4 li3 si1 tuo1 er3 hai3 xia2] |
埃斯庫多 埃斯库多 see styles |
āi sī kù duō ai1 si1 ku4 duo1 ai ssu k`u to ai ssu ku to |
escudo (Spanish and Portuguese: shield), former currency of Portugal and other countries |
埃斯特朗 see styles |
āi sī tè lǎng ai1 si1 te4 lang3 ai ssu t`e lang ai ssu te lang |
Anders Jonas Angstrom or Ångström (1814-1874), Swedish physicist |
埃涅阿斯 see styles |
āi niè ā sī ai1 nie4 a1 si1 ai nieh a ssu |
Aeneas, hero of Virgil's Aeneid |
基輔羅斯 基辅罗斯 see styles |
jī fǔ luó sī ji1 fu3 luo2 si1 chi fu lo ssu |
Kievan Rus', East Slavic state that reached its peak in the early to mid-11th century |
基里巴斯 see styles |
jī lǐ bā sī ji1 li3 ba1 si1 chi li pa ssu |
More info & calligraphy: Kiribati |
堪薩斯州 堪萨斯州 see styles |
kān sà sī zhōu kan1 sa4 si1 zhou1 k`an sa ssu chou kan sa ssu chou |
Kansas, US state |
塔拉斯河 see styles |
tǎ lā sī hé ta3 la1 si1 he2 t`a la ssu ho ta la ssu ho |
Talas River, originating in Kyrgyzstan and flowing west into Kazakhstan |
塔斯科拉 see styles |
tǎ sī kē lā ta3 si1 ke1 la1 t`a ssu k`o la ta ssu ko la |
Tuscola (county in Michigan) |
塔瓦斯科 see styles |
tǎ wǎ sī kē ta3 wa3 si1 ke1 t`a wa ssu k`o ta wa ssu ko |
Tabasco (south Mexican state) |
塞浦路斯 see styles |
sài pǔ lù sī sai4 pu3 lu4 si1 sai p`u lu ssu sai pu lu ssu |
More info & calligraphy: Cyprus |
塞萬提斯 塞万提斯 see styles |
sāi wàn tí sī sai1 wan4 ti2 si1 sai wan t`i ssu sai wan ti ssu |
More info & calligraphy: Cervantes |
大波斯菊 see styles |
dà bō sī jú da4 bo1 si1 ju2 ta po ssu chü |
cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus), flowering herbaceous plant |
奧切諾斯 奥切诺斯 see styles |
ào qiē nuò sī ao4 qie1 nuo4 si1 ao ch`ieh no ssu ao chieh no ssu |
Oceanus, a Titan in Greek mythology |
奧古斯塔 奥古斯塔 see styles |
ào gǔ sī tǎ ao4 gu3 si1 ta3 ao ku ssu t`a ao ku ssu ta |
More info & calligraphy: Augusta |
奧古斯都 奥古斯都 see styles |
ào gǔ sī dū ao4 gu3 si1 du1 ao ku ssu tu |
Augustus (name) |
奧德修斯 奥德修斯 see styles |
ào dé xiū sī ao4 de2 xiu1 si1 ao te hsiu ssu |
Odysseus |
奧斯威辛 奥斯威辛 see styles |
ào sī wēi xīn ao4 si1 wei1 xin1 ao ssu wei hsin |
Auschwitz (concentration camp) |
奧斯維辛 奥斯维辛 see styles |
ào sī wéi xīn ao4 si1 wei2 xin1 ao ssu wei hsin |
Auschwitz (concentration camp) |
奧林巴斯 奥林巴斯 see styles |
ào lín bā sī ao4 lin2 ba1 si1 ao lin pa ssu |
Olympus, Japanese manufacturer of cameras and optical instruments |
奧特萊斯 奥特莱斯 see styles |
ào tè lái sī ao4 te4 lai2 si1 ao t`e lai ssu ao te lai ssu |
outlets (loanword); retail outlet (e.g. specializing in seconds of famous brands); factory outlet retail store |
奧納西斯 奥纳西斯 see styles |
ào nà xī sī ao4 na4 xi1 si1 ao na hsi ssu |
Onassis (name); Aristotle Onassis (1906-1975), Greek shipping magnate |
奧西娜斯 奥西娜斯 see styles |
ào xī nuó sī ao4 xi1 nuo2 si1 ao hsi no ssu |
Oceanus, a Titan in Greek mythology |
奧迪修斯 奥迪修斯 see styles |
ào dí xiū sī ao4 di2 xiu1 si1 ao ti hsiu ssu |
Odysseus, hero of Homer's Odyssey |
如斯比類 如斯比类 see styles |
rú sī bǐ lèi ru2 si1 bi3 lei4 ju ssu pi lei nyoshi hirui |
thus |
如斯色像 see styles |
rú sī sè xiàng ru2 si1 se4 xiang4 ju ssu se hsiang nyoshi shikizō |
thus shaped |
威廉斯堡 see styles |
wēi lián sī bǎo wei1 lian2 si1 bao3 wei lien ssu pao |
Williamsburg, Virginia |
威斯康星 see styles |
wēi sī kāng xīng wei1 si1 kang1 xing1 wei ssu k`ang hsing wei ssu kang hsing |
Wisconsin, US state |
威斯康辛 see styles |
wēi sī kāng xīn wei1 si1 kang1 xin1 wei ssu k`ang hsin wei ssu kang hsin |
Wisconsin |
婆羅痆斯 婆罗痆斯 see styles |
pó luó niè sī po2 luo2 nie4 si1 p`o lo nieh ssu po lo nieh ssu Baranashi |
Vārāṇasī |
婆舍斯多 see styles |
pó shè sī duō po2 she4 si1 duo1 p`o she ssu to po she ssu to Bashashita |
Basiasita (Sk. Vāsi-Asita) or Naśaśata, the twenty-fifth Patriarch who laboured in Central India; the date of his death is given as A.D. 325. |
孔斯貝格 孔斯贝格 see styles |
kǒng sī bèi gé kong3 si1 bei4 ge2 k`ung ssu pei ko kung ssu pei ko |
Kongsberg (city in Norway) |
孟德斯鳩 孟德斯鸠 see styles |
mèng dé sī jiū meng4 de2 si1 jiu1 meng te ssu chiu |
Charles Montesquieu (1689-1755), French political philosopher |
安格斯牛 see styles |
ān gé sī niú an1 ge2 si1 niu2 an ko ssu niu |
Angus, Scottish breed of beef cattle |
安第斯山 see styles |
ān dì sī shān an1 di4 si1 shan1 an ti ssu shan |
the Andes mountain range |
宏都拉斯 see styles |
hóng dū lā sī hong2 du1 la1 si1 hung tu la ssu |
Honduras (Tw) |
尤利西斯 see styles |
yóu lì xī sī you2 li4 xi1 si1 yu li hsi ssu |
More info & calligraphy: Ulysses |
尤文圖斯 尤文图斯 see styles |
yóu wén tú sī you2 wen2 tu2 si1 yu wen t`u ssu yu wen tu ssu |
Juventus, Italian football team |
岡底斯山 冈底斯山 see styles |
gāng dǐ sī shān gang1 di3 si1 shan1 kang ti ssu shan |
Mt Gangdisê (6656m) in southwest Tibet, revered by Tibetans as the center of the universe |
巴克科斯 see styles |
bā kè kē sī ba1 ke4 ke1 si1 pa k`o k`o ssu pa ko ko ssu |
Bacchus, Greek god of wine |
巴勒斯坦 see styles |
bā lè sī tǎn ba1 le4 si1 tan3 pa le ssu t`an pa le ssu tan |
More info & calligraphy: Palestine |
巴基斯坦 see styles |
bā jī sī tǎn ba1 ji1 si1 tan3 pa chi ssu t`an pa chi ssu tan |
More info & calligraphy: Pakistan |
巴基斯担 see styles |
pakisutan パキスタン |
(ateji / phonetic) (kana only) Pakistan |
巴巴多斯 see styles |
bā bā duō sī ba1 ba1 duo1 si1 pa pa to ssu |
More info & calligraphy: Barbados |
巴拉巴斯 see styles |
bā lā bā sī ba1 la1 ba1 si1 pa la pa ssu |
Barabbas (in the Biblical passion story) |
巴斯克語 巴斯克语 see styles |
bā sī kè yǔ ba1 si1 ke4 yu3 pa ssu k`o yü pa ssu ko yü |
Basque (language) |
巴斯特爾 巴斯特尔 see styles |
bā sī tè ěr ba1 si1 te4 er3 pa ssu t`e erh pa ssu te erh |
Basseterre, capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis |
巴斯蒂亞 巴斯蒂亚 see styles |
bā sī dì yà ba1 si1 di4 ya4 pa ssu ti ya |
Bastia (French town on Corsica island) |
布列斯特 see styles |
bù liè sī tè bu4 lie4 si1 te4 pu lieh ssu t`e pu lieh ssu te |
Brest, town in Belarus |
布朗克斯 see styles |
bù lǎng kè sī bu4 lang3 ke4 si1 pu lang k`o ssu pu lang ko ssu |
More info & calligraphy: Bronx |
布達佩斯 布达佩斯 see styles |
bù dá pèi sī bu4 da2 pei4 si1 pu ta p`ei ssu pu ta pei ssu |
Budapest, capital of Hungary |
布里斯托 see styles |
bù lǐ sī tuō bu4 li3 si1 tuo1 pu li ssu t`o pu li ssu to |
Bristol |
布里斯班 see styles |
bù lǐ sī bān bu4 li3 si1 ban1 pu li ssu pan |
More info & calligraphy: Brisbane |
布雷斯特 see styles |
bù léi sī tè bu4 lei2 si1 te4 pu lei ssu t`e pu lei ssu te |
Brest, westernmost town in France |
布魯圖斯 布鲁图斯 see styles |
bù lǔ tú sī bu4 lu3 tu2 si1 pu lu t`u ssu pu lu tu ssu |
Brutus (name) |
布魯特斯 布鲁特斯 see styles |
bù lǔ tè sī bu4 lu3 te4 si1 pu lu t`e ssu pu lu te ssu |
Brutus (name); Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC), late Roman Republic politician who conspired against Julius Caesar; Lucius Junius Brutus (6th c. BC), founder of the Roman Republic |
帕克斯巴 see styles |
pà kè sī bā pa4 ke4 si1 ba1 p`a k`o ssu pa pa ko ssu pa Bakoshiha |
Bashpa, v. 八 and 巴. |
帕斯卡爾 帕斯卡尔 see styles |
pà sī kǎ ěr pa4 si1 ka3 er3 p`a ssu k`a erh pa ssu ka erh |
More info & calligraphy: Pascoal |
幌扶斯山 see styles |
horopusuyama ほろぷすやま |
(place-name) Horopusuyama |
底格里斯 see styles |
dǐ gé lǐ sī di3 ge2 li3 si1 ti ko li ssu |
Tigris River, Iraq |
庫德斯坦 库德斯坦 see styles |
kù dé sī tǎn ku4 de2 si1 tan3 k`u te ssu t`an ku te ssu tan |
Kurdistan |
庫爾斯克 库尔斯克 see styles |
kù ěr sī kè ku4 er3 si1 ke4 k`u erh ssu k`o ku erh ssu ko |
Kursk (city) |
康斯坦察 see styles |
kāng sī tǎn chá kang1 si1 tan3 cha2 k`ang ssu t`an ch`a kang ssu tan cha |
Constanta (city in Romania) |
康斯坦茨 see styles |
kāng sī tǎn cí kang1 si1 tan3 ci2 k`ang ssu t`an tz`u kang ssu tan tzu |
Konstanz (Germany) |
弗蘭西斯 弗兰西斯 see styles |
fú lán xī sī fu2 lan2 xi1 si1 fu lan hsi ssu |
More info & calligraphy: Frances |
弗里斯蘭 弗里斯兰 see styles |
fú lǐ sī lán fu2 li3 si1 lan2 fu li ssu lan |
Friesland, province of the Netherlands |
彼拉提斯 see styles |
bǐ lā tí sī bi3 la1 ti2 si1 pi la t`i ssu pi la ti ssu |
Pilates (physical fitness system) (Tw) |
得克薩斯 得克萨斯 see styles |
dé kè sà sī de2 ke4 sa4 si1 te k`o sa ssu te ko sa ssu tekisasu てきさす |
More info & calligraphy: Texas(place-name) Texas |
徳克薩斯 see styles |
tekisasu てきさす |
(place-name) Texas |
德克薩斯 德克萨斯 see styles |
dé kè sà sī de2 ke4 sa4 si1 te k`o sa ssu te ko sa ssu |
Texas |
德勒斯登 see styles |
dé lè sī dēng de2 le4 si1 deng1 te le ssu teng |
(Tw) Dresden, capital of Saxony, Germany |
德累斯頓 德累斯顿 see styles |
dé lèi sī dùn de2 lei4 si1 dun4 te lei ssu tun |
More info & calligraphy: Dresden |
德雷斯頓 德雷斯顿 see styles |
dé léi sī dùn de2 lei2 si1 dun4 te lei ssu tun |
Dresden, Germany |
德雷福斯 see styles |
dé léi fú sī de2 lei2 fu2 si1 te lei fu ssu |
Dreyfus (name); Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), French artillery officer of Alsatian and Jewish background, infamously imprisoned 1894 in miscarriage of justice |
忽魯謨斯 忽鲁谟斯 see styles |
hū lǔ mó sī hu1 lu3 mo2 si1 hu lu mo ssu |
old Chinese name for Hormuz; now called 霍爾木茲|霍尔木兹 |
恩斯赫德 see styles |
ēn sī hè dé en1 si1 he4 de2 en ssu ho te |
Enschede, city in the Netherlands |
恰帕斯州 see styles |
qià pà sī zhōu qia4 pa4 si1 zhou1 ch`ia p`a ssu chou chia pa ssu chou |
Chiapas, state in Mexico |
愚鄙斯極 愚鄙斯极 see styles |
yú bì sī jí yu2 bi4 si1 ji2 yü pi ssu chi guhishigoku |
foolish, base, and inferior |
愛克斯光 爱克斯光 see styles |
ài kè sī guāng ai4 ke4 si1 guang1 ai k`o ssu kuang ai ko ssu kuang |
X-ray (loanword); Röntgen or Roentgen ray |
愛因斯坦 爱因斯坦 see styles |
ài yīn sī tǎn ai4 yin1 si1 tan3 ai yin ssu t`an ai yin ssu tan |
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born theoretical physicist |
愛斯基摩 爱斯基摩 see styles |
ài sī jī mó ai4 si1 ji1 mo2 ai ssu chi mo |
Eskimo |
愛麗斯泉 爱丽斯泉 see styles |
ài lì sī quán ai4 li4 si1 quan2 ai li ssu ch`üan ai li ssu chüan |
Alice Springs, town in central Australia (Tw) |
慢條斯理 慢条斯理 see styles |
màn tiáo sī lǐ man4 tiao2 si1 li3 man t`iao ssu li man tiao ssu li |
unhurried; calm; composed; leisurely |
戈德斯通 see styles |
gē dé sī tōng ge1 de2 si1 tong1 ko te ssu t`ung ko te ssu tung |
Goldstone (name) |
戈斯拉爾 戈斯拉尔 see styles |
gē sī lā ěr ge1 si1 la1 er3 ko ssu la erh |
Goslar, Germany |
戴維斯杯 戴维斯杯 see styles |
dài wéi sī bēi dai4 wei2 si1 bei1 tai wei ssu pei |
Davis Cup (international tennis team competition) |
扎格羅斯 扎格罗斯 see styles |
zā gé luó sī za1 ge2 luo2 si1 tsa ko lo ssu |
Zagros mountains of southwest Iran |
托爾斯泰 托尔斯泰 see styles |
tuō ěr sī tài tuo1 er3 si1 tai4 t`o erh ssu t`ai to erh ssu tai |
Tolstoy (name); Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist, author of War and Peace 戰爭與和平|战争与和平 |
托爾斯港 托尔斯港 see styles |
tuō ěr sī gǎng tuo1 er3 si1 gang3 t`o erh ssu kang to erh ssu kang |
Tórshavn, capital of Faroe Islands |
托羅斯山 托罗斯山 see styles |
tuō luó sī shān tuo1 luo2 si1 shan1 t`o lo ssu shan to lo ssu shan |
Taurus mountains of south Turkey |
拉斯穆森 see styles |
lā sī mù sēn la1 si1 mu4 sen1 la ssu mu sen |
Rasmussen (name) |
拉普拉斯 see styles |
lā pǔ lā sī la1 pu3 la1 si1 la p`u la ssu la pu la ssu |
Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827), French mathematician |
拉美西斯 see styles |
lā měi xī sī la1 mei3 xi1 si1 la mei hsi ssu |
Rameses (name of pharaoh) |
提布盧斯 提布卢斯 see styles |
tí bù lú sī ti2 bu4 lu2 si1 t`i pu lu ssu ti pu lu ssu |
Tibullus (55 BC-19 BC), Latin poet |
摩斯密碼 摩斯密码 see styles |
mó sī mì mǎ mo2 si1 mi4 ma3 mo ssu mi ma |
Morse code |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "斯" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.