There are 972 total results for your 料 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
保険料率 see styles |
hokenryouritsu / hokenryoritsu ほけんりょうりつ |
insurance (premium) rate |
信砂御料 see styles |
nobushagoryou / nobushagoryo のぶしゃごりょう |
(place-name) Nobushagoryō |
健康飲料 see styles |
kenkouinryou / kenkoinryo けんこういんりょう |
health drink |
偷工減料 偷工减料 see styles |
tōu gōng jiǎn liào tou1 gong1 jian3 liao4 t`ou kung chien liao tou kung chien liao |
to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom); jerry-building; sloppy work |
傍聴無料 see styles |
bouchoumuryou / bochomuryo ぼうちょうむりょう |
admission free |
公共料金 see styles |
koukyouryoukin / kokyoryokin こうきょうりょうきん |
public utilities charge |
再生燃料 see styles |
zài shēng rán liào zai4 sheng1 ran2 liao4 tsai sheng jan liao |
renewable fuel |
冰染染料 see styles |
bīng rǎn rǎn liào bing1 ran3 ran3 liao4 ping jan jan liao |
azoic dyes |
冷染染料 see styles |
reisensenryou / resensenryo れいせんせんりょう |
(See 氷染染料) ice color; insoluble azo dye that is cooled with ice during dyeing; ice dye |
出乎意料 see styles |
chū hū - yì liào chu1 hu1 - yi4 liao4 ch`u hu - i liao chu hu - i liao |
(idiom) unexpected |
出乎預料 出乎预料 see styles |
chū hū yù liào chu1 hu1 yu4 liao4 ch`u hu yü liao chu hu yü liao |
beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected |
出人意料 see styles |
chū rén yì liào chu1 ren2 yi4 liao4 ch`u jen i liao chu jen i liao |
unexpected (idiom); surprising |
分子料理 see styles |
fēn zǐ liào lǐ fen1 zi3 liao4 li3 fen tzu liao li |
molecular gastronomy |
判断材料 see styles |
handanzairyou / handanzairyo はんだんざいりょう |
basis for decision; evidence for judging |
別注料理 see styles |
becchuuryouri / becchuryori べっちゅうりょうり |
(See 別注) custom food order (e.g. at a hotel); special food order |
利用料金 see styles |
riyouryoukin / riyoryokin りようりょうきん |
usage charge; usage fee |
割増料金 see styles |
warimashiryoukin / warimashiryokin わりましりょうきん |
surcharge; extra charge |
割引料金 see styles |
waribikiryoukin / waribikiryokin わりびきりょうきん |
discount; reduced rate |
割烹料理 see styles |
kappouryouri / kapporyori かっぽうりょうり |
Japanese cooking |
創作料理 see styles |
sousakuryouri / sosakuryori そうさくりょうり |
creative cookery; creative cuisine |
加料鋼琴 加料钢琴 see styles |
jiā liào gāng qín jia1 liao4 gang1 qin2 chia liao kang ch`in chia liao kang chin |
prepared piano |
化学肥料 see styles |
kagakuhiryou / kagakuhiryo かがくひりょう |
chemical fertilizer; chemical fertiliser |
化成肥料 see styles |
kaseihiryou / kasehiryo かせいひりょう |
chemical fertilizer; chemical fertiliser |
化石燃料 see styles |
huà shí rán liào hua4 shi2 ran2 liao4 hua shih jan liao kasekinenryou / kasekinenryo かせきねんりょう |
fossil fuel fossil fuel |
北京料理 see styles |
pekinryouri / pekinryori ペキンりょうり |
Beijing cuisine |
医療材料 see styles |
iryouzairyou / iryozairyo いりょうざいりょう |
medical supplies |
卓袱料理 see styles |
shippokuryouri / shippokuryori しっぽくりょうり |
Japanese-Chinese cuisine, served family-style (large dishes, diners help themselves), specialty of Nagasaki; Chinese table cuisine |
即席料理 see styles |
sokusekiryouri / sokusekiryori そくせきりょうり |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) quickly prepared meal or dish |
原子燃料 see styles |
genshinenryou / genshinenryo げんしねんりょう |
(See 核燃料) nuclear fuel |
原料粉末 see styles |
genryoufunmatsu / genryofunmatsu げんりょうふんまつ |
base powder; bulk powder |
原材料名 see styles |
genzairyoumei / genzairyome げんざいりょうめい |
(on a food label) ingredients; list of ingredients |
参考資料 see styles |
sankoushiryou / sankoshiryo さんこうしりょう |
reference data; reference material |
參考材料 参考材料 see styles |
cān kǎo cái liào can1 kao3 cai2 liao4 ts`an k`ao ts`ai liao tsan kao tsai liao |
reference material; source documents |
參考資料 参考资料 see styles |
cān kǎo zī liào can1 kao3 zi1 liao4 ts`an k`ao tzu liao tsan kao tzu liao |
reference material; bibliography |
反省材料 see styles |
hanseizairyou / hansezairyo はんせいざいりょう |
matters that should be reflected on; points in need of review |
取引材料 see styles |
torihikizairyou / torihikizairyo とりひきざいりょう |
bargaining chip; bargaining tool |
口止め料 see styles |
kuchidomeryou / kuchidomeryo くちどめりょう |
hush money |
史料批判 see styles |
shiryouhihan / shiryohihan しりょうひはん |
critique of historical sources; source criticism |
史料編纂 see styles |
shiryouhensan / shiryohensan しりょうへんさん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) historiography |
史料館学 see styles |
shiryoukangaku / shiryokangaku しりょうかんがく |
archive science |
名物料理 see styles |
meibutsuryouri / mebutsuryori めいぶつりょうり |
local specialty; local special dish |
四川料理 see styles |
shisenryouri / shisenryori しせんりょうり |
Szechuan cuisine; Sichuan cuisine |
固体燃料 see styles |
kotainenryou / kotainenryo こたいねんりょう |
solid fuel |
固形燃料 see styles |
kokeinenryou / kokenenryo こけいねんりょう |
solid fuel |
均一料金 see styles |
kinitsuryoukin / kinitsuryokin きんいつりょうきん |
uniform fee; flat fee |
基本料金 see styles |
kihonryoukin / kihonryokin きほんりょうきん |
basic rate (i.e. excluding optional service fees, usage charges, etc.); basic charge; base cost; base price |
夏季料金 see styles |
kakiryoukin / kakiryokin かきりょうきん |
summer rate |
夜光塗料 see styles |
yakoutoryou / yakotoryo やこうとりょう |
luminous paint |
天然染料 see styles |
tennensenryou / tennensenryo てんねんせんりょう |
natural dye |
天然香料 see styles |
tennenkouryou / tennenkoryo てんねんこうりょう |
natural perfume; naturally fragrances |
始料未及 see styles |
shǐ liào wèi jí shi3 liao4 wei4 ji2 shih liao wei chi |
not expected at the outset (idiom); unforeseen; to be surprised by the turn of events |
委託料金 see styles |
itakuryoukin / itakuryokin いたくりょうきん |
commission; commission payment |
実験材料 see styles |
jikkenzairyou / jikkenzairyo じっけんざいりょう |
material for experiments; experimental material |
宣伝材料 see styles |
sendenzairyou / sendenzairyo せんでんざいりょう |
advertising material; promotional material; propaganda material |
家庭料理 see styles |
kateiryouri / kateryori かていりょうり |
home cooking |
宿泊料金 see styles |
shukuhakuryoukin / shukuhakuryokin しゅくはくりょうきん |
accommodation charge; lodging charges; lodging fees |
寝台料金 see styles |
shindairyoukin / shindairyokin しんだいりょうきん |
berth charge |
小料理屋 see styles |
koryouriya / koryoriya こりょうりや |
small restaurant; eating house |
屋台料理 see styles |
yatairyouri / yatairyori やたいりょうり |
street food |
川魚料理 see styles |
kawauoryouri / kawauoryori かわうおりょうり |
freshwater fish cuisine |
広東料理 see styles |
kantonryouri / kantonryori カントンりょうり |
Cantonese food |
延滞料金 see styles |
entairyoukin / entairyokin えんたいりょうきん |
late fee; arrears; detention charge; fine |
後設資料 后设资料 see styles |
hòu shè zī liào hou4 she4 zi1 liao4 hou she tzu liao |
metadata (Tw) |
従量料金 see styles |
juuryouryoukin / juryoryokin じゅうりょうりょうきん |
meter rate; usage charge |
御料ダム see styles |
goryoudamu / goryodamu ごりょうダム |
(place-name) Goryō Dam |
御料地橋 see styles |
goryouchibashi / goryochibashi ごりょうちばし |
(place-name) Goryōchibashi |
御料基線 see styles |
goryoukisen / goryokisen ごりょうきせん |
(place-name) Goryōkisen |
御料沢川 see styles |
goryousawagawa / goryosawagawa ごりょうさわがわ |
(place-name) Goryōsawagawa |
御料牧場 see styles |
goryoubokujou / goryobokujo ごりょうぼくじょう |
(place-name) Goryōbokujō |
御節料理 see styles |
osechiryouri / osechiryori おせちりょうり |
food served during the New Year's Holidays |
急行料金 see styles |
kyuukouryoukin / kyukoryokin きゅうこうりょうきん |
express charge |
意料之中 see styles |
yì liào zhī zhōng yi4 liao4 zhi1 zhong1 i liao chih chung |
to come as no surprise; as expected |
意料之外 see styles |
yì liào zhī wài yi4 liao4 zhi1 wai4 i liao chih wai |
(idiom) contrary to expectation; unexpected |
感光材料 see styles |
kankouzairyou / kankozairyo かんこうざいりょう |
sensitive material |
懐石料理 see styles |
kaisekiryouri / kaisekiryori かいせきりょうり |
(1) (See 会席料理) traditional Japanese meal brought in courses; (2) tea-ceremony dishes |
懸念材料 see styles |
kenenzairyou / kenenzairyo けねんざいりょう |
cause (grounds) for concern (anxiety); reason for uneasiness |
手搖飲料 手摇饮料 see styles |
shǒu yáo yǐn liào shou3 yao2 yin3 liao4 shou yao yin liao |
hand-mixed drink (of the kind sold at a bubble tea shop) |
批判材料 see styles |
hihanzairyou / hihanzairyo ひはんざいりょう |
elements deserving criticism; material used to criticize someone (something) |
接続料金 see styles |
setsuzokuryoukin / setsuzokuryokin せつぞくりょうきん |
{comp} connection charge; connection fee |
支那料理 see styles |
shinaryouri / shinaryori しなりょうり |
(sensitive word) (See 中国料理) Chinese food |
放映権料 see styles |
houeikenryou / hoekenryo ほうえいけんりょう |
broadcasting rights fee |
文献資料 see styles |
bunkenshiryou / bunkenshiryo ぶんけんしりょう |
(1) reference materials; references; bibliographical sources; (2) written materials; documents |
日本料理 see styles |
nihonryouri / nihonryori にほんりょうり |
Japanese cooking |
普茶料理 see styles |
fucharyouri; fusaryouri / fucharyori; fusaryori ふちゃりょうり; ふさりょうり |
Chinese-style vegetarian cuisine (popular in the Edo period) |
替代燃料 see styles |
tì dài rán liào ti4 dai4 ran2 liao4 t`i tai jan liao ti tai jan liao |
alternative fuel |
有料会員 see styles |
yuuryoukaiin / yuryokain ゆうりょうかいいん |
paying member; paid member; dues-paying member |
有料道路 see styles |
yuuryoudouro / yuryodoro ゆうりょうどうろ |
toll road |
有機肥料 see styles |
yuukihiryou / yukihiryo ゆうきひりょう |
organic fertilizer; organic fertiliser |
有職料理 see styles |
yuusokuryouri / yusokuryori ゆうそくりょうり |
{food} (See 本膳料理) yūsoku cuisine; banquet cuisine based on that of Heian-period nobility |
朝鮮料理 see styles |
chousenryouri / chosenryori ちょうせんりょうり |
Korean food; Korean cooking |
本膳料理 see styles |
honzenryouri / honzenryori ほんぜんりょうり |
extremely high-grade Japanese meal served all at once (on a table with legs) |
材料不足 see styles |
zairyoubusoku / zairyobusoku ざいりょうぶそく |
materials shortage |
材料力学 see styles |
zairyourikigaku / zairyorikigaku ざいりょうりきがく |
mechanics of materials; material mechanics |
材料工学 see styles |
zairyoukougaku / zairyokogaku ざいりょうこうがく |
materials science and engineering |
材料科学 see styles |
zairyoukagaku / zairyokagaku ざいりょうかがく |
materials science |
材料科學 材料科学 see styles |
cái liào kē xué cai2 liao4 ke1 xue2 ts`ai liao k`o hsüeh tsai liao ko hsüeh |
materials science See: 材料科学 |
材料置場 see styles |
zairyouokiba / zairyookiba ざいりょうおきば |
(place-name) Zairyōokiba |
材料部会 see styles |
zairyoubukai / zairyobukai ざいりょうぶかい |
(org) Division of Materials Science and Technology; (o) Division of Materials Science and Technology |
果如所料 see styles |
guǒ rú suǒ liào guo3 ru2 suo3 liao4 kuo ju so liao |
just as expected |
核燃料化 see styles |
kakunenryouka / kakunenryoka かくねんりょうか |
(noun/participle) (nuclear fuel) enrichment |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "料" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.