There are 615 total results for your 任 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
戦闘任務 see styles |
sentouninmu / sentoninmu せんとうにんむ |
combat mission |
担任教師 see styles |
tanninkyoushi / tanninkyoshi たんにんきょうし |
class teacher; homeroom teacher; form teacher |
担保責任 see styles |
tanposekinin たんぽせきにん |
warranty |
挙証責任 see styles |
kyoshousekinin / kyoshosekinin きょしょうせきにん |
{law} burden of proof |
捜査主任 see styles |
sousashunin / sosashunin そうさしゅにん |
chief investigator; head of the investigation; lead investigator |
放任主義 see styles |
houninshugi / honinshugi ほうにんしゅぎ |
principle of laissez-faire |
放任政策 see styles |
fàng rèn zhèng cè fang4 ren4 zheng4 ce4 fang jen cheng ts`e fang jen cheng tse |
laissez-faire policy; non-interference |
放任自流 see styles |
fàng rèn zì liú fang4 ren4 zi4 liu2 fang jen tzu liu |
to let sb do whatever they want; to indulge; to give free reins to; to let things slide; to drift aimlessly; laissez-faire |
政治責任 see styles |
seijisekinin / sejisekinin せいじせきにん |
(one's) administrative responsibilities |
時任三郎 see styles |
tokitousaburou / tokitosaburo ときとうさぶろう |
(person) Tokitou Saburō (1958.2-) |
景山任佐 see styles |
kageyamajinsuke かげやまじんすけ |
(person) Kageyama Jinsuke |
最終責任 see styles |
saishuusekinin / saishusekinin さいしゅうせきにん |
final responsibility; ultimate responsibility |
最適任者 see styles |
saitekininsha さいてきにんしゃ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) best qualified person; most suitable person |
有限責任 see styles |
yuugensekinin / yugensekinin ゆうげんせきにん |
{bus;law} limited liability |
期差選任 see styles |
kisasennin きさせんにん |
staggered terms (applied to corporate directors as a defensive measure against hostile takeovers) |
松村任三 see styles |
matsumurajinzou / matsumurajinzo まつむらじんぞう |
(person) Matsumura Jinzou (1856.2.14-1928.5.4) |
株主責任 see styles |
kabunushisekinin かぶぬしせきにん |
shareholder responsibility; stockholder liability |
極秘任務 see styles |
gokuhininmu ごくひにんむ |
top secret mission |
民事責任 民事责任 see styles |
mín shì zé rèn min2 shi4 ze2 ren4 min shih tse jen |
civil liability (law) |
法律責任 法律责任 see styles |
fǎ lǜ zé rèn fa3 lu:4 ze2 ren4 fa lü tse jen |
legal responsibility; liability |
海外赴任 see styles |
kaigaifunin かいがいふにん |
overseas assignment; overseas posting |
無任感激 无任感激 see styles |
wú rèn gǎn jī wu2 ren4 gan3 ji1 wu jen kan chi |
deeply obliged |
無堪任性 无堪任性 see styles |
wú kān rén xìng wu2 kan1 ren2 xing4 wu k`an jen hsing wu kan jen hsing mu kannin shō |
inability |
無限責任 see styles |
mugensekinin むげんせきにん |
unlimited liability |
特任教授 see styles |
tokuninkyouju / tokuninkyoju とくにんきょうじゅ |
specially appointed professor |
特任講師 see styles |
tokuninkoushi / tokuninkoshi とくにんこうし |
specially appointed lecturer (associate professor, etc.) |
特別背任 see styles |
tokubetsuhainin とくべつはいにん |
aggravated breach of trust |
玉地任子 see styles |
tamachihideko たまちひでこ |
(person) Tamachi Hideko |
環境責任 see styles |
kankyousekinin / kankyosekinin かんきょうせきにん |
environmental responsibility |
白紙委任 see styles |
hakushiinin / hakushinin はくしいにん |
(noun/participle) (yoji) carte blanche; blank check; blank cheque; unconditional authority |
知人善任 see styles |
zhī rén shàn rèn zhi1 ren2 shan4 ren4 chih jen shan jen |
(idiom) expert at appointing people according to their abilities; to put the right people in the right places |
立証責任 see styles |
risshousekinin / risshosekinin りっしょうせきにん |
{law} (See 挙証責任) burden of proof |
管理責任 see styles |
kanrisekinin かんりせきにん |
managerial liability; executive responsibility; accountability |
経営責任 see styles |
keieisekinin / keesekinin けいえいせきにん |
management responsibility; administrative responsibility |
結果責任 see styles |
kekkasekinin けっかせきにん |
responsibility for the consequences; absolute liability; moral responsibility; answerability |
總統任期 总统任期 see styles |
zǒng tǒng rèn qī zong3 tong3 ren4 qi1 tsung t`ung jen ch`i tsung tung jen chi |
presidential term of office; presidency |
聽之任之 听之任之 see styles |
tīng zhī rèn zhī ting1 zhi1 ren4 zhi1 t`ing chih jen chih ting chih jen chih |
to take a laissez-faire attitude |
自己放任 see styles |
jikohounin / jikohonin じこほうにん |
(See セルフネグレクト) self-neglect |
自己責任 see styles |
jikosekinin じこせきにん |
self-responsibility; on one's own responsibility; at one's own risk |
自由放任 see styles |
zì yóu fàng rèn zi4 you2 fang4 ren4 tzu yu fang jen jiyuuhounin / jiyuhonin じゆうほうにん |
laissez-faire (noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) laissez-faire; non-intervention |
藤原公任 see styles |
fujiwaranokintou / fujiwaranokinto ふじわらのきんとう |
(personal name) Fujiwaranokintō |
被任命者 see styles |
hininmeisha / hininmesha ひにんめいしゃ |
appointee; nominee |
製造責任 see styles |
seizousekinin / sezosekinin せいぞうせきにん |
{comp} PL; Product Liability |
西任田町 see styles |
nishitoudamachi / nishitodamachi にしとうだまち |
(place-name) Nishitoudamachi |
西任白鵠 see styles |
nishitoakiko にしとあきこ |
(person) Nishito Akiko |
証明責任 see styles |
shoumeisekinin / shomesekinin しょうめいせきにん |
{law} (See 挙証責任) burden of proof |
説明責任 see styles |
setsumeisekinin / setsumesekinin せつめいせきにん |
accountability; being held accountable |
貞任高原 see styles |
sadatoukougen / sadatokogen さだとうこうげん |
(place-name) Sadatoukougen |
負有責任 负有责任 see styles |
fù yǒu zé rèn fu4 you3 ze2 ren4 fu yu tse jen |
at fault; blamed for; responsible (for a blunder or crime) |
責任事故 责任事故 see styles |
zé rèn shì gù ze2 ren4 shi4 gu4 tse jen shih ku |
accident occurring due to negligence |
責任体制 see styles |
sekinintaisei / sekinintaise せきにんたいせい |
responsibility-taking system; taking responsibility |
責任保険 see styles |
sekininhoken せきにんほけん |
liability insurance |
責任分担 see styles |
sekininbuntan せきにんぶんたん |
sharing of responsibilities |
責任問題 see styles |
sekininmondai せきにんもんだい |
question of where responsibility lies; issue of where liability lies; question of who is responsible |
責任回避 see styles |
sekininkaihi せきにんかいひ |
(n,vs,vi) avoidance of responsibility; shirking (one's) responsibility |
責任校了 see styles |
sekininkouryou / sekininkoryo せきにんこうりょう |
(exp,n) (See 責了) leaving the remaining corrections up to the printer after having finished proofreading; OK with corrections |
責任範囲 see styles |
sekininhani せきにんはんい |
responsible area; area of responsibility |
責任編輯 责任编辑 see styles |
zé rèn biān jí ze2 ren4 bian1 ji2 tse jen pien chi |
editor in charge |
責任能力 see styles |
sekininnouryoku / sekininnoryoku せきにんのうりょく |
{law} legal competency; criminal responsibility; ability to fulfil one's responsibilities; full accountability |
責任著者 see styles |
sekininchosha せきにんちょしゃ |
corresponding author |
責任転嫁 see styles |
sekinintenka せきにんてんか |
(noun/participle) (yoji) shifting the responsibility (for something) on to (someone); passing the buck |
責任追及 see styles |
sekinintsuikyuu / sekinintsuikyu せきにんついきゅう |
pursuing liability; finding out who is at fault; trying to pin the blame on someone |
責任追跡 see styles |
sekinintsuiseki せきにんついせき |
{comp} accountability |
責任逃れ see styles |
sekininnogare せきにんのがれ |
(noun/participle) avoiding or dodging responsibility |
貴方任せ see styles |
anatamakase あなたまかせ |
(expression) leaving everything to Buddha's providence; depending on others; leaving things to others |
賠償責任 see styles |
baishousekinin / baishosekinin ばいしょうせきにん |
compensation liability; indemnity liability; obligation to pay reparations |
走馬上任 走马上任 see styles |
zǒu mǎ shàng rèn zou3 ma3 shang4 ren4 tsou ma shang jen |
(idiom) to take office; to assume a post |
走馬到任 走马到任 see styles |
zǒu mǎ dào rèn zou3 ma3 dao4 ren4 tsou ma tao jen |
see 走馬上任|走马上任[zou3 ma3 shang4 ren4] |
走馬赴任 走马赴任 see styles |
zǒu mǎ fù rèn zou3 ma3 fu4 ren4 tsou ma fu jen |
see 走馬上任|走马上任[zou3 ma3 shang4 ren4] |
軍事任務 see styles |
gunjininmu ぐんじにんむ |
military mission |
逃避責任 逃避责任 see styles |
táo bì zé rèn tao2 bi4 ze2 ren4 t`ao pi tse jen tao pi tse jen |
to evade responsibility; to shirk |
連帯責任 see styles |
rentaisekinin れんたいせきにん |
(yoji) collective responsibility; joint liability |
連帶責任 连带责任 see styles |
lián dài zé rèn lian2 dai4 ze2 ren4 lien tai tse jen |
to bear joint responsibility for something; joint liability (law) |
重い任務 see styles |
omoininmu おもいにんむ |
(exp,n) important task |
非異人任 非异人任 see styles |
fēi yì rén rèn fei1 yi4 ren2 ren4 fei i jen jen |
to bear one's own responsibilities and not pass them to others (idiom) |
Variations: |
ninkyou; jinkyou / ninkyo; jinkyo にんきょう; じんきょう |
(1) chivalry; chivalrous spirit; helping the weak and fighting the strong; (prefix noun) (2) (euphemism) (See 任侠団体,任侠映画) yakuza |
任せっきり see styles |
makasekkiri まかせっきり |
leaving everything up to someone else |
任せっ切り see styles |
makasekkiri まかせっきり |
leaving everything up to someone else |
任にあたる see styles |
ninniataru にんにあたる |
(exp,v5r) to undertake a duty |
任に堪える see styles |
ninnitaeru にんにたえる |
(exp,v1) to be equal to the task; to be up to the job; to be capable of filling the post |
任に当たる see styles |
ninniataru にんにあたる |
(exp,v5r) to undertake a duty |
任を果たす see styles |
ninohatasu にんをはたす |
(exp,v5s) to fulfill one's duty; to discharge one's duties |
任務管理器 任务管理器 see styles |
rèn wu guǎn lǐ qì ren4 wu5 guan3 li3 qi4 jen wu kuan li ch`i jen wu kuan li chi |
(computing) task manager |
任持最後身 任持最后身 see styles |
rén chí zuì hòu shēn ren2 chi2 zui4 hou4 shen1 jen ch`ih tsui hou shen jen chih tsui hou shen ninji saigo shin |
retains the final body |
任期付職員 see styles |
ninkizukishokuin にんきづきしょくいん |
fixed-term official; fixed-term member; fixed-term employee |
任重而道遠 任重而道远 see styles |
rèn zhòng ér dào yuǎn ren4 zhong4 er2 dao4 yuan3 jen chung erh tao yüan |
see 任重道遠|任重道远[ren4zhong4-dao4yuan3] |
Variations: |
shounin / shonin しょうにん |
(n,vs,vi) (ant: 降任) promotion; advancement |
あなた任せ see styles |
anatamakase あなたまかせ |
(expression) leaving everything to Buddha's providence; depending on others; leaving things to others |
お任せあれ see styles |
omakaseare おまかせあれ |
(expression) leave it (to me) |
不信任動議 不信任动议 see styles |
bù xìn rèn dòng yì bu4 xin4 ren4 dong4 yi4 pu hsin jen tung i fushinnindougi / fushinnindogi ふしんにんどうぎ |
motion of no confidence (against the government, in parliamentary debates) censure motion |
不信任投票 see styles |
bù xìn rèn tóu piào bu4 xin4 ren4 tou2 piao4 pu hsin jen t`ou p`iao pu hsin jen tou piao fushinnintouhyou / fushinnintohyo ふしんにんとうひょう |
vote of no-confidence no-confidence vote; vote of no confidence |
不信任決議 see styles |
fushinninketsugi ふしんにんけつぎ |
vote of censure; vote of no confidence |
主任研究員 see styles |
shuninkenkyuuin / shuninkenkyuin しゅにんけんきゅういん |
head researcher (at a research institute) |
代理委任状 see styles |
dairiininjou / dairininjo だいりいにんじょう |
power of attorney |
使用者責任 see styles |
shiyoushasekinin / shiyoshasekinin しようしゃせきにん |
{law} employer's liability; vicarious reliability; respondeat superior |
出納責任者 see styles |
suitousekininsha / suitosekininsha すいとうせきにんしゃ |
person appointed by an electoral nominee to be in charge of their campaign-fund accounting |
包括委任状 see styles |
houkatsuininjou / hokatsuininjo ほうかついにんじょう |
general power of attorney |
単身赴任者 see styles |
tanshinfuninsha たんしんふにんしゃ |
employee posted away from their family |
多任務處理 多任务处理 see styles |
duō rèn wu chǔ lǐ duo1 ren4 wu5 chu3 li3 to jen wu ch`u li to jen wu chu li |
multitasking (computing) |
大納言公任 see styles |
dainagonkintou / dainagonkinto だいなごんきんとう |
(personal name) Dainagonkintou |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "任" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.