There are 639 total results for your 了 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
了知通達 了知通达 see styles |
liǎo zhī ong dá liao3 zhi1 ong1 da2 liao chih ong ta ryōchi tsūdatsu |
to fully understand |
了簡違い see styles |
ryoukenchigai / ryokenchigai りょうけんちがい |
wrong idea; delusion; indiscretion; false step; misstep |
了義之教 了义之教 see styles |
liǎo yì zhī jiào liao3 yi4 zhi1 jiao4 liao i chih chiao ryōgi no kyō |
fully revealed teaching |
了義大乘 了义大乘 see styles |
liǎo yì dà shèng liao3 yi4 da4 sheng4 liao i ta sheng ryōgi daijō |
fully revealed meaning of the great vehicle |
了若指掌 see styles |
liǎo ruò zhǐ zhǎng liao3 ruo4 zhi3 zhang3 liao jo chih chang |
see 了如指掌[liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3] |
了見違い see styles |
ryoukenchigai / ryokenchigai りょうけんちがい |
wrong idea; delusion; indiscretion; false step; misstep |
了解事項 see styles |
ryoukaijikou / ryokaijiko りょうかいじこう |
understanding (between the two) |
了解済み see styles |
ryoukaizumi / ryokaizumi りょうかいずみ |
(can be adjective with の) accepted; understood |
了達諸法 了达诸法 see styles |
liǎo dá zhū fǎ liao3 da2 zhu1 fa3 liao ta chu fa ryōdatsu shohō |
to fully comprehend all dharmas |
了頓図子 see styles |
ryoutonzushi / ryotonzushi りょうとんずし |
(place-name) Ryōtonzushi |
一了百了 see styles |
yī liǎo bǎi liǎo yi1 liao3 bai3 liao3 i liao pai liao |
(idiom) once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved; death ends all one's troubles |
一目了然 see styles |
yī mù liǎo rán yi1 mu4 liao3 ran2 i mu liao jan |
obvious at a glance (idiom) |
一目瞭然 一目了然 see styles |
yī mù liǎo rán yi1 mu4 liao3 ran2 i mu liao jan ichimokuryouzen / ichimokuryozen いちもくりょうぜん |
obvious at a glance (idiom) (adj-na,adj-no,n) (yoji) apparent; obvious; very clear |
一笑了之 see styles |
yī xiào liǎo zhī yi1 xiao4 liao3 zhi1 i hsiao liao chih |
to laugh away (instead of taking seriously) |
一走了之 see styles |
yī zǒu liǎo zhī yi1 zou3 liao3 zhi1 i tsou liao chih |
to avoid a problem by walking away from it; to quit |
三世了達 三世了达 see styles |
sān shì liǎo dá san1 shi4 liao3 da2 san shih liao ta sanze ryōdatsu |
A Buddha's perfect knowledge of past, present, and future. |
三校終了 see styles |
sankoushuuryou / sankoshuryo さんこうしゅうりょう |
third and final proof |
上了年紀 上了年纪 see styles |
shàng le nián jì shang4 le5 nian2 ji4 shang le nien chi |
to be getting on in years; to be of the older generation |
下不了臺 下不了台 see styles |
xià bu liǎo tái xia4 bu5 liao3 tai2 hsia pu liao t`ai hsia pu liao tai |
to be unable to extricate oneself gracefully; to be put on the spot; to be embarrassed |
不了了之 see styles |
bù liǎo liǎo zhī bu4 liao3 liao3 zhi1 pu liao liao chih |
to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled; to end up with nothing definite |
不了佛智 see styles |
bù liǎo fó zhì bu4 liao3 fo2 zhi4 pu liao fo chih fu ryō butchi |
The incomprehensible wisdom of Buddha. |
不了義經 不了义经 see styles |
bù liǎo yì jīng bu4 liao3 yi4 jing1 pu liao i ching furyōgi kyō |
Texts that do not make plain the Buddha's whole truth, such as Hīnayāna and 通敎 or intermediate Mahāyāna texts. |
不了義說 不了义说 see styles |
bù liǎo yì shuō bu4 liao3 yi4 shuo1 pu liao i shuo furyōgi setsu |
not a fully explained teaching |
不正覺了 不正觉了 see styles |
bù zhèng jué liǎo bu4 zheng4 jue2 liao3 pu cheng chüeh liao fushō kakuryō |
does not accurately understand |
中島司了 see styles |
nakashimatsukasa なかしまつかさ |
(person) Nakashima Tsukasa |
中川了滋 see styles |
nakagawaryouji / nakagawaryoji なかがわりょうじ |
(person) Nakagawa Ryōji |
井上円了 see styles |
inoueenryou / inoeenryo いのうええんりょう |
(person) Inoue Enryō (1858.3.18-1919.6.5) |
井上圓了 井上圆了 see styles |
jǐng shàng yuán liǎo jing3 shang4 yuan2 liao3 ching shang yüan liao Inoe Enryō |
Inoue Enryō |
今川了俊 see styles |
imagawaryoushun / imagawaryoshun いまがわりょうしゅん |
(person) Imagawa Ryōshun (1326-?) |
任期満了 see styles |
ninkimanryou / ninkimanryo にんきまんりょう |
expiration of term of office |
伝送終了 see styles |
densoushuuryou / densoshuryo でんそうしゅうりょう |
end of transmission; EOT |
佐藤賢了 see styles |
satoukenryou / satokenryo さとうけんりょう |
(person) Satou Kenryō (1895.6.1-1975.2.6) |
修了証書 see styles |
shuuryoushousho / shuryoshosho しゅうりょうしょうしょ |
diploma |
前緣未了 前缘未了 see styles |
qián yuán wèi liǎo qian2 yuan2 wei4 liao3 ch`ien yüan wei liao chien yüan wei liao |
one's predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled (idiom) |
化緣完了 化缘完了 see styles |
huà yuán wán liǎo hua4 yuan2 wan2 liao3 hua yüan wan liao keen kanryō |
completion of the task of guiding and teaching others |
古川了子 see styles |
furukawanoriko ふるかわのりこ |
(person) Furukawa Noriko |
同所了名 see styles |
tóng suǒ liǎo míng tong2 suo3 liao3 ming2 t`ung so liao ming tung so liao ming dō shoryō myō |
words which are well-known |
嚴了眼兒 严了眼儿 see styles |
yán le yǎn r yan2 le5 yan3 r5 yen le yen r |
up to the eyeballs; full to overflowing; jampacked |
圓妙了世 圆妙了世 see styles |
yuán miào liǎo shì yuan2 miao4 liao3 shi4 yüan miao liao shih Enmyō ryōse |
Wonmyo yose |
多了去了 see styles |
duō le qù le duo1 le5 qu4 le5 to le ch`ü le to le chü le |
(coll.) aplenty; millions of |
契約満了 see styles |
keiyakumanryou / keyakumanryo けいやくまんりょう |
contract expiry; contract expiration |
如實了知 如实了知 see styles |
rú shí liǎo zhī ru2 shi2 liao3 zhi1 ju shih liao chih nyojitsu ryōchi |
understands as it truly is in reality |
如實覺了 如实觉了 see styles |
rú shí jué liǎo ru2 shi2 jue2 liao3 ju shih chüeh liao nyojitsu kakuryō |
complete apprehension of things as they are |
如實解了 如实解了 see styles |
rú shí jiě liǎo ru2 shi2 jie3 liao3 ju shih chieh liao nyojitsu geryō |
accurate understanding |
如是解了 see styles |
rú shì jiě liǎo ru2 shi4 jie3 liao3 ju shih chieh liao nyoze geryō |
in this way understands completely |
完了時制 see styles |
kanryoujisei / kanryojise かんりょうじせい |
{gramm} perfect tense |
審議未了 see styles |
shingimiryou / shingimiryo しんぎみりょう |
unresolved; shelved |
山内了一 see styles |
yamanouchiryouichi / yamanochiryoichi やまのうちりょういち |
(person) Yamanouchi Ryōichi |
已解了者 see styles |
yǐ jiě liǎo zhě yi3 jie3 liao3 zhe3 i chieh liao che I geryō sha |
one who has understood |
強制終了 see styles |
kyouseishuuryou / kyoseshuryo きょうせいしゅうりょう |
{comp} forced termination |
怎麼得了 怎么得了 see styles |
zěn me dé liǎo zen3 me5 de2 liao3 tsen me te liao |
how can this be?; what's to be done?; what an awful mess! |
應當了知 应当了知 see styles |
yìng dāng liǎo zhī ying4 dang1 liao3 zhi1 ying tang liao chih ōtō ryōchi |
should be well understood |
應隨決了 应随决了 see styles |
yìng suí jué liǎo ying4 sui2 jue2 liao3 ying sui chüeh liao ōzui ketsuryō |
to be [resolutely] followed |
手順終了 see styles |
tejunshuuryou / tejunshuryo てじゅんしゅうりょう |
{comp} end of procedure |
擺了一道 摆了一道 see styles |
bǎi le yī dào bai3 le5 yi1 dao4 pai le i tao |
to play tricks on; to make a fool of |
放送終了 see styles |
housoushuuryou / hososhuryo ほうそうしゅうりょう |
(noun/participle) end of broadcast; sign-off |
敷衍了事 see styles |
fū yǎn liǎo shì fu1 yan3 liao3 shi4 fu yen liao shih |
(idiom) to do things half-heartedly; to merely go through the motions |
斉藤了文 see styles |
saitounorifumi / saitonorifumi さいとうのりふみ |
(person) Saitou Norifumi |
斉藤了英 see styles |
saitouryouei / saitoryoe さいとうりょうえい |
(person) Saitou Ryōei (?-1996.3.30) |
易可解了 see styles |
yì kě jiě liǎo yi4 ke3 jie3 liao3 i k`o chieh liao i ko chieh liao ika geryō |
easily understood |
智慧明了 see styles |
zhì huì míng liǎo zhi4 hui4 ming2 liao3 chih hui ming liao chie myōryō |
clear wisdom |
未来完了 see styles |
miraikanryou / miraikanryo みらいかんりょう |
{gramm} future perfect tense |
未能了知 see styles |
wèi néng liǎo zhī wei4 neng2 liao3 zhi1 wei neng liao chih minō ryōchi |
to doe not comprehend |
未解了者 see styles |
wèi jiě liǎo zhě wei4 jie3 liao3 zhe3 wei chieh liao che mi geryō sha |
those who have not understood |
榎本了壱 see styles |
enomotoryouichi / enomotoryoichi えのもとりょういち |
(person) Enomoto Ryōichi (1947-) |
樂顛了餡 乐颠了馅 see styles |
lè diān le xiàn le4 dian1 le5 xian4 le tien le hsien |
ecstatic; overjoyed |
正常終了 see styles |
seijoushuuryou / sejoshuryo せいじょうしゅうりょう |
normal termination; successful termination |
池鍋了子 see styles |
ikenaberyouko / ikenaberyoko いけなべりょうこ |
(person) Ikenabe Ryōko |
沒完沒了 没完没了 see styles |
méi wán méi liǎo mei2 wan2 mei2 liao3 mei wan mei liao |
without end; incessantly; on and on |
注文完了 see styles |
chuumonkanryou / chumonkanryo ちゅうもんかんりょう |
order completion |
浅井了意 see styles |
asairyoui / asairyoi あさいりょうい |
(person) Asai Ryōi |
涼了半截 凉了半截 see styles |
liáng le bàn jié liang2 le5 ban4 jie2 liang le pan chieh |
felt a chill (in one's heart); (one's heart) sank |
満了日付 see styles |
manryouhitsuke / manryohitsuke まんりょうひつけ |
{comp} expiration date |
準備好了 准备好了 see styles |
zhǔn bèi hǎo le zhun3 bei4 hao3 le5 chun pei hao le |
to be ready |
無事終了 see styles |
bujishuuryou / bujishuryo ぶじしゅうりょう |
(noun/participle) ending without incident; being successfully brought to completion; finishing something without a hitch |
無明了性 无明了性 see styles |
wú míng liǎo xìng wu2 ming2 liao3 xing4 wu ming liao hsing mumyōryō shō |
tendency to lack cognition (?) |
熊沢了介 see styles |
kumazawaryoukai / kumazawaryokai くまざわりょうかい |
(person) Kumazawa Ryōkai |
爲他顯了 为他显了 see styles |
wéi tā xiǎn liǎo wei2 ta1 xian3 liao3 wei t`a hsien liao wei ta hsien liao ita kenryō |
to clarify for others |
現在完了 see styles |
genzaikanryou / genzaikanryo げんざいかんりょう |
{gramm} present perfect tense |
異常終了 see styles |
ijoushuuryou / ijoshuryo いじょうしゅうりょう |
abnormal termination (e.g. of a program); ABnormal END; ABEND |
皆應了知 皆应了知 see styles |
jiē yìng liǎo zhī jie1 ying4 liao3 zhi1 chieh ying liao chih kaiō ryōchi |
should all be fully understood |
皆能辨了 see styles |
jiē néng biàn liǎo jie1 neng2 bian4 liao3 chieh neng pien liao kainō benryō |
are all intelligible |
直截了當 直截了当 see styles |
zhí jié liǎo dàng zhi2 jie2 liao3 dang4 chih chieh liao tang |
direct and plainspoken (idiom); blunt; straightforward |
直捷了當 直捷了当 see styles |
zhí jié liǎo dàng zhi2 jie2 liao3 dang4 chih chieh liao tang |
variant of 直截了當|直截了当[zhi2 jie2 liao3 dang4] |
直接了當 直接了当 see styles |
zhí jiē liǎo dàng zhi2 jie1 liao3 dang4 chih chieh liao tang |
see 直截了當|直截了当[zhi2 jie2 liao3 dang4] |
相了別縛 相了别缚 see styles |
xiàng liǎo bié fú xiang4 liao3 bie2 fu2 hsiang liao pieh fu sō ryōbetsu baku |
bondage to perception of phenomena |
眼圈紅了 眼圈红了 see styles |
yǎn quān hóng le yan3 quan1 hong2 le5 yen ch`üan hung le yen chüan hung le |
to be on the verge of tears |
瞭如指掌 了如指掌 see styles |
liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3 liao ju chih chang |
variant of 了如指掌[liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3] |
瞭若指掌 了若指掌 see styles |
liǎo ruò zhǐ zhǎng liao3 ruo4 zhi3 zhang3 liao jo chih chang |
see 了如指掌[liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3] |
笨到家了 see styles |
bèn dào jiā le ben4 dao4 jia1 le5 pen tao chia le |
extremely stupid |
簡單明瞭 简单明了 see styles |
jiǎn dān míng liǎo jian3 dan1 ming2 liao3 chien tan ming liao |
clear and simple; in simple terms |
終了タグ see styles |
shuuryoutagu / shuryotagu しゅうりょうタグ |
{comp} end tag; closing tag |
終了条件 see styles |
shuuryoujouken / shuryojoken しゅうりょうじょうけん |
{comp} at end condition |
終了記号 see styles |
shuuryoukigou / shuryokigo しゅうりょうきごう |
{comp} message indicator |
結城了悟 see styles |
yuukiryougo / yukiryogo ゆうきりょうご |
(person) Yūki Ryōgo |
翅膀硬了 see styles |
chì bǎng yìng le chi4 bang3 ying4 le5 ch`ih pang ying le chih pang ying le |
(of a bird) to have become fully fledged; (fig.) (of a person) to have grown up (and become independent); to be ready to spread one's wings |
脫不了身 脱不了身 see styles |
tuō bù liǎo shēn tuo1 bu4 liao3 shen1 t`o pu liao shen to pu liao shen |
busy and unable to get away |
臉都綠了 脸都绿了 see styles |
liǎn dōu lǜ le lian3 dou1 lu:4 le5 lien tou lü le |
green in the face (idiom); to look unwell |
自行了斷 自行了断 see styles |
zì xíng liǎo duàn zi4 xing2 liao3 duan4 tzu hsing liao tuan |
to take one's life |
草草了事 see styles |
cǎo cǎo liǎo shì cao3 cao3 liao3 shi4 ts`ao ts`ao liao shih tsao tsao liao shih |
to rush through the work; to get through a thing carelessly |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "了" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.