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Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
(See 必須アミノ酸) essential amino acid


see styles
{comp} invisibility filter


see styles
(numeric) {Buddh} (number that appears in Avatamsaka Sutra) 10^37218383881977644441306597687849648128; 10^(7x2^122)



see styles
bù rú lǐ xū wàng fēn bié
    bu4 ru2 li3 xu1 wang4 fen1 bie2
pu ju li hsü wang fen pieh
 fun yori komō funbetsu
false discrimination that does not match reality



see styles
bù wán quán guī nà tuī lǐ
    bu4 wan2 quan2 gui1 na4 tui1 li3
pu wan ch`üan kuei na t`ui li
    pu wan chüan kuei na tui li
inference by incomplete induction


see styles
 futeichourekoodo / futechorekoodo
{comp} undefined record


see styles
(exp,v5r) (idiom) to pass away; to depart this life


see styles
(place-name) Kaerazudakehinangoya


see styles
(exp,v1) to jar; to grate; to make others uncomfortable


see styles
bù pà guān , zhǐ pà guǎn
    bu4 pa4 guan1 , zhi3 pa4 guan3
pu p`a kuan , chih p`a kuan
    pu pa kuan , chih pa kuan
lit. it is not an official to be feared, but a person in direct control over sb (proverb); fig. to be obliged to comply with people in authority


see styles
bù pà màn , jiù pà zhàn
    bu4 pa4 man4 , jiu4 pa4 zhan4
pu p`a man , chiu p`a chan
    pu pa man , chiu pa chan
it's better to make slow progress than no progress at all (proverb)


see styles
(expression) curiously; curiously enough; oddly enough; to the point of being mysterious; to the extent of being strange



see styles
bù sī yì biàn yì shēng sǐ
    bu4 si1 yi4 bian4 yi4 sheng1 si3
pu ssu i pien i sheng ssu
 fushigi hennyaku shōji
saṃsāra of inconceivable transformation


see styles
bù huàn guǎ ér huàn bù jun
    bu4 huan4 gua3 er2 huan4 bu4 jun1
pu huan kua erh huan pu chün
do not worry about scarcity, but rather about uneven distribution (idiom, from Analects)



see styles
bù shě lí shēng sǐ fāng biàn
    bu4 she3 li2 sheng1 si3 fang1 bian4
pu she li sheng ssu fang pien
 fushari shōji hōben
skillful means of non-abandonment of birth and death


see styles
 fukihatsuseimemori / fukihatsusememori
{comp} nonvolatile memory



see styles
bù sǔn nǎo yǒu qíng jí jìng
    bu4 sun3 nao3 you3 qing2 ji2 jing4
pu sun nao yu ch`ing chi ching
    pu sun nao yu ching chi ching
 fusonnō ujō jakujō
tranquilization of painless sentiency



see styles
bù zhuàng nán qiáng bù huí tóu
    bu4 zhuang4 nan2 qiang2 bu4 hui2 tou2
pu chuang nan ch`iang pu hui t`ou
    pu chuang nan chiang pu hui tou
to stubbornly insist on one's own ideas (idiom)


see styles
bù gǎn yuè léi chí yī bù
    bu4 gan3 yue4 lei2 chi2 yi1 bu4
pu kan yüeh lei ch`ih i pu
    pu kan yüeh lei chih i pu
dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit



see styles
bù shì yuān jiā bù jù tóu
    bu4 shi4 yuan1 jia1 bu4 ju4 tou2
pu shih yüan chia pu chü t`ou
    pu shih yüan chia pu chü tou
destiny will make enemies meet (idiom); (often said about lovers who have a disagreement)



see styles
bù rǎn zhù zhū fǎ sān mèi
    bu4 ran3 zhu4 zhu1 fa3 san1 mei4
pu jan chu chu fa san mei
 fuzen jakushohō sammai
The samādhi which is uncontaminated by any (evil) thing, the samādhi of purity; i. e. Mañjuśrī in samādhi holding as symbol of it a blue lotus in his left hand.


see styles
 fuseikyousouboushihou / fusekyosoboshiho
{law} Unfair Competition Prevention Act


see styles
{med} inactivated vaccine


see styles
 fukasseikinoumoji / fukassekinomoji
{comp} inert function character


see styles
bù kàn sēng miàn kàn fó miàn
    bu4 kan4 seng1 mian4 kan4 fo2 mian4
pu k`an seng mien k`an fo mien
    pu kan seng mien kan fo mien
lit. not for the monk's sake but for the Buddha's sake (idiom); fig. (to do something for sb) out of deference to sb else


see styles
 shiranuigorufujou / shiranuigorufujo
(place-name) Shiranui golf links


see styles
 shiranuikouemon / shiranuikoemon
(person) Shiranui Kōemon, 11th sumo grand champion


see styles
(person) Shiranui Dakuemon, 8th sumo grand champion


see styles
 fuwagunsekigaharachou / fuwagunsekigaharacho
(place-name) Fuwagunsekigaharachō


see styles
bù kōng sān zàng biǎo zhì jí
    bu4 kong1 san1 zang4 biao3 zhi4 ji2
pu k`ung san tsang piao chih chi
    pu kung san tsang piao chih chi
 Fukū sanzō hyōsei shū
Collected Documents



see styles
bù kōng juàn suǒ zhòu xīn jīng
    bu4 kong1 juan4 suo3 zhou4 xin1 jing1
pu k`ung chüan so chou hsin ching
    pu kung chüan so chou hsin ching
 Fukū kenjaku jushinkyō
Infallible Lasso Dhāraṇī


see styles
bù guǎn sān qī èr shí yī
    bu4 guan3 san1 qi1 er4 shi2 yi1
pu kuan san ch`i erh shih i
    pu kuan san chi erh shih i
regardless of the consequences; recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic forecast



see styles
bù zì yóu , wú nìng sǐ
    bu4 zi4 you2 , wu2 ning4 si3
pu tzu yu , wu ning ssu
give me liberty or give me death



see styles
bù zhēng mán tou zhēng kǒu qì
    bu4 zheng1 man2 tou5 zheng1 kou3 qi4
pu cheng man t`ou cheng k`ou ch`i
    pu cheng man tou cheng kou chi
not to be crushed (idiom); to be determined to have one's revenge



see styles
bù jiàn tù zi bù sā yīng
    bu4 jian4 tu4 zi5 bu4 sa1 ying1
pu chien t`u tzu pu sa ying
    pu chien tu tzu pu sa ying
you don't release the hawk until you've seen the hare (idiom); one doesn't act before one is sure to succeed



see styles
bù jiàn guān cai bù luò lèi
    bu4 jian4 guan1 cai5 bu4 luo4 lei4
pu chien kuan ts`ai pu lo lei
    pu chien kuan tsai pu lo lei
lit. not to shed a tear until one sees the coffin (idiom); fig. refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality



see styles
bù shuō sì zhòng guò zuì jiè
    bu4 shuo1 si4 zhong4 guo4 zui4 jie4
pu shuo ssu chung kuo tsui chieh
 fusetsu shishu kazai kai
The prohibition of mentioning the errors and sins of other disciples, cleric or lay.



see styles
bù shí lú shān zhēn miàn mù
    bu4 shi2 lu2 shan1 zhen1 mian4 mu4
pu shih lu shan chen mien mu
lit. not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain (idiom); fig. can't see the forest for the trees


see styles
 fuhouwatankasuiso / fuhowatankasuiso
unsaturated hydrocarbon


see styles
 gofujou / gofujo
(dated) (polite language) (feminine speech) bathroom; toilet (room)


see styles
 debushou / debusho
(n,adj-na,adj-no) stay-at-home; homebody


see styles
 himizu; himizu
    ひみず; ヒミズ
(kana only) Japanese shrew mole (Urotrichus talpoides)


see styles
 busahou / busaho
(noun or adjectival noun) ill-mannered; rude


see styles
 buaisou / buaiso
(noun or adjectival noun) unsociable; unfriendly; blunt; surly; curt; cold; brusque


see styles
(n,vs,vi) not writing or contacting for a while; neglecting to write (call, visit, etc.); failing to write (call, visit, etc.); long silence


see styles
(noun or adjectival noun) rude; outspoken; presumptuous; cheeky


see styles
 bufuuryuu / bufuryu
(noun or adjectival noun) unrefined; tasteless; inelegant; prosaic; unpoetic; unromantic; boorish


see styles
 fudebushou / fudebusho
(noun or adjectival noun) (See 筆まめ) poor correspondent; apparent disdain of (or trouble with) writing; someone who appears to dislike (or be poor at) writing


see styles
{hanaf} declaring one will participate in the game without first looking at one's dealt hand (when being the dealer)


see styles
 ukketsuseishinfuzen / ukketsuseshinfuzen
congestive heart failure; CHF


see styles
 amerikahimizu; amerikahimizu
    アメリカひみず; アメリカヒミズ
(kana only) American shrew mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii); Gibb's shrew mole; least shrew mole


see styles
yī bù zuò , èr bù xiū
    yi1 bu4 zuo4 , er4 bu4 xiu1
i pu tso , erh pu hsiu
lit. either don't do it, or don't rest (idiom); fig. if you do it at all, you may as well go the whole hog; in for a penny, in for a pound



see styles
yī ge bā zhǎng pāi bù xiǎng
    yi1 ge5 ba1 zhang3 pai1 bu4 xiang3
i ko pa chang p`ai pu hsiang
    i ko pa chang pai pu hsiang
lit. one palm alone cannot clap (proverb); fig. it takes two persons to start a dispute; it takes two to tango; it's difficult to achieve anything without support


see styles
yī kǒu chī bù chéng pàng zi
    yi1 kou3 chi1 bu4 cheng2 pang4 zi5
i k`ou ch`ih pu ch`eng p`ang tzu
    i kou chih pu cheng pang tzu
lit. you cannot get fat with only one mouthful (proverb); fig. any significant achievement requires time, effort and persistence



see styles
yī duō xiān góng bù tóng mén
    yi1 duo1 xian1 gong2 bu4 tong2 men2
i to hsien kung pu t`ung men
    i to hsien kung pu tung men
 itta sōyō fudō mon
the profound approach of one and many influencing each other, without losing their own peculiarities



see styles
sān jù huà bù lí běn háng
    san1 ju4 hua4 bu4 li2 ben3 hang2
san chü hua pu li pen hang
to talk shop all the time (idiom)


see styles
shàng liáng bù zhèng xià liáng wāi
    shang4 liang2 bu4 zheng4 xia4 liang2 wai1
shang liang pu cheng hsia liang wai
lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); fig. subordinates imitate their superiors' vices


see styles
(exp,n) Seven Wonders of the World



see styles
yě hǎo bù dào nǎ lǐ qù
    ye3 hao3 bu4 dao4 na3 li3 qu4
yeh hao pu tao na li ch`ü
    yeh hao pu tao na li chü
just as bad; not much better



see styles
gān dǎ léi , bù xià yǔ
    gan1 da3 lei2 , bu4 xia4 yu3
kan ta lei , pu hsia yü
all thunder but no rain (idiom); a lot of noise but no action



see styles
èr shí sì bù xiāng yìng fǎ
    er4 shi2 si4 bu4 xiang1 ying4 fa3
erh shih ssu pu hsiang ying fa
 nijūshi fusōō hō
twenty-four factors not associated with a specific mental function


see styles
rén xīn bù zú shé tūn xiàng
    ren2 xin1 bu4 zu2 she2 tun1 xiang4
jen hsin pu tsu she t`un hsiang
    jen hsin pu tsu she tun hsiang
a man who is never content is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant (idiom)



see styles
rén shēng hé chù bù xiāng féng
    ren2 sheng1 he2 chu4 bu4 xiang1 feng2
jen sheng ho ch`u pu hsiang feng
    jen sheng ho chu pu hsiang feng
it's a small world (idiom)



see styles
dī tóu bù jiàn tái tóu jiàn
    di1 tou2 bu4 jian4 tai2 tou2 jian4
ti t`ou pu chien t`ai t`ou chien
    ti tou pu chien tai tou chien
see 抬頭見低頭見|抬头见低头见[tai2 tou2 bu4 jian4 di1 tou2 jian4]



see styles
fó shuō bù zēng bù jiǎn jīng
    fo2 shuo1 bu4 zeng1 bu4 jian3 jing1
fo shuo pu tseng pu chien ching
 Bussetsu fuzōfukan kyō
Foshuo buzeng bujian jing



see styles
lái ér bù wǎng fēi lǐ yě
    lai2 er2 bu4 wang3 fei1 li3 ye3
lai erh pu wang fei li yeh
not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical); to respond in kind



see styles
xiū xíng dì bù jìng guān jīng
    xiu1 xing2 di4 bu4 jing4 guan1 jing1
hsiu hsing ti pu ching kuan ching
 Shugyōchi fujōkan kyō
Sūtra of the Stages of Practice of the Meditation on Impurity



see styles
tōu jī bù chéng shí bǎ mǐ
    tou1 ji1 bu4 cheng2 shi2 ba3 mi3
t`ou chi pu ch`eng shih pa mi
    tou chi pu cheng shih pa mi
lit. to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it (idiom); fig. to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off; to go for wool and come back shorn



see styles
tōu jī bù zháo shí bǎ mǐ
    tou1 ji1 bu4 zhao2 shi2 ba3 mi3
t`ou chi pu chao shih pa mi
    tou chi pu chao shih pa mi
see 偷雞成蝕把米|偷鸡成蚀把米[tou1 ji1 bu4 cheng2 shi2 ba3 mi3]


see styles
 jitoukotsubanfukinkou / jitokotsubanfukinko
{med} cephalopelvic disproportion; CPD


see styles
 jitoukotsubanfutekigou / jitokotsubanfutekigo
{med} (See 児頭骨盤不均衡) cephalopelvic disproportion; CPD



see styles
tù zi bù chī wō biān cǎo
    tu4 zi5 bu4 chi1 wo1 bian1 cao3
t`u tzu pu ch`ih wo pien ts`ao
    tu tzu pu chih wo pien tsao
lit. a rabbit never eats the grass beside its own burrow (idiom); fig. even a scoundrel does not do harm in his immediate neighborhood



see styles
tù zi wěi ba cháng bu liǎo
    tu4 zi5 wei3 ba5 chang2 bu5 liao3
t`u tzu wei pa ch`ang pu liao
    tu tzu wei pa chang pu liao
rabbits don't have long tails (idiom); its days are numbered; won't last long


see styles
 zenpanseifuanshougai / zenpansefuanshogai
{med} generalized anxiety disorder; GAD



see styles
liǎng shǒu bù zhān yáng chūn shuǐ
    liang3 shou3 bu4 zhan1 yang2 chun1 shui3
liang shou pu chan yang ch`un shui
    liang shou pu chan yang chun shui
see 十指沾陽春水|十指沾阳春水[shi2 zhi3 bu4 zhan1 yang2 chun1 shui3]



see styles
liǎng ěr bù wén chuāng wài shì
    liang3 er3 bu4 wen2 chuang1 wai4 shi4
liang erh pu wen ch`uang wai shih
    liang erh pu wen chuang wai shih
to pay no attention to outside matters


see styles
(See 接道義務) non-rebuildable property; property on which new buildings cannot legally be erected because it lacks access to a road that is at least 4 meters wide



see styles
zài shēng bù liáng xìng pín xuè
    zai4 sheng1 bu4 liang2 xing4 pin2 xue4
tsai sheng pu liang hsing p`in hsüeh
    tsai sheng pu liang hsing pin hsüeh
 saiseifuryouseihinketsu / saisefuryosehinketsu
aplastic anemia
aplastic anemia; aplastic anaemia



see styles
mào tiān xià zhī dà bù wěi
    mao4 tian1 xia4 zhi1 da4 bu4 wei3
mao t`ien hsia chih ta pu wei
    mao tien hsia chih ta pu wei
see 冒大韙|冒大韪[mao4 da4 bu4 wei3]



see styles
yuān jiā yí jiě bù yí jié
    yuan1 jia1 yi2 jie3 bu4 yi2 jie2
yüan chia i chieh pu i chieh
It is better to squash enmity rather than keeping it alive (proverb)



see styles
chū shēng zhī dú bù pà hǔ
    chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 pa4 hu3
ch`u sheng chih tu pu p`a hu
    chu sheng chih tu pu pa hu
see 初生之犢畏虎|初生之犊畏虎[chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 wei4 hu3]



see styles
chū shēng zhī dú bù wèi hǔ
    chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 wei4 hu3
ch`u sheng chih tu pu wei hu
    chu sheng chih tu pu wei hu
lit. a new-born calf has no fear of the tiger (idiom); fig. the fearlessness of youth



see styles
chū shēng niú dú bù pà hǔ
    chu1 sheng1 niu2 du2 bu4 pa4 hu3
ch`u sheng niu tu pu p`a hu
    chu sheng niu tu pu pa hu
lit. newborn calves do not fear tigers (idiom); fig. the young are fearless


see styles
(exp,v5r) to lose one's consciousness



see styles
shèng bù jiāo , bài bù něi
    sheng4 bu4 jiao1 , bai4 bu4 nei3
sheng pu chiao , pai pu nei
no arrogance in victory, no despair in defeat



see styles
shí zhǐ bù zhān yáng chūn shuǐ
    shi2 zhi3 bu4 zhan1 yang2 chun1 shui3
shih chih pu chan yang ch`un shui
    shih chih pu chan yang chun shui
to have no need to fend for oneself (idiom); to lead a pampered life



see styles
zhàn zhe máo kēng bù lā shǐ
    zhan4 zhe5 mao2 keng1 bu4 la1 shi3
chan che mao k`eng pu la shih
    chan che mao keng pu la shih
lit. to occupy a latrine but not shit (proverb); fig. to be a dog in the manger


see styles
chī shuǐ bù wàng wā jǐng rén
    chi1 shui3 bu4 wang4 wa1 jing3 ren2
ch`ih shui pu wang wa ching jen
    chih shui pu wang wa ching jen
see 吃水忘掘井人[chi1 shui3 bu4 wang4 jue2 jing3 ren2]


see styles
chī shuǐ bù wàng jué jǐng rén
    chi1 shui3 bu4 wang4 jue2 jing3 ren2
ch`ih shui pu wang chüeh ching jen
    chih shui pu wang chüeh ching jen
Drinking the water of a well, one should never forget who dug it. (idiom)



see styles
jun zǐ bù jì xiǎo rén guò
    jun1 zi3 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4
chün tzu pu chi hsiao jen kuo
see 大人記小人過|大人记小人过[da4 ren2 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4]



see styles
jun zǐ dòng kǒu bù dòng shǒu
    jun1 zi3 dong4 kou3 bu4 dong4 shou3
chün tzu tung k`ou pu tung shou
    chün tzu tung kou pu tung shou
a gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist


see styles
 kyuushuufuryoushoukougun / kyushufuryoshokogun
{med} malabsorption syndrome



see styles
yǎo rén gǒu r bù lù chǐ
    yao3 ren2 gou3 r5 bu4 lu4 chi3
yao jen kou r pu lu ch`ih
    yao jen kou r pu lu chih
lit. the dog that bites does not show its fangs (idiom); fig. You can't tell the really dangerous enemy from his external appearance.



see styles
yǎo rén de gǒu bù lòu chǐ
    yao3 ren2 de5 gou3 bu4 lou4 chi3
yao jen te kou pu lou ch`ih
    yao jen te kou pu lou chih
lit. the dog that bites doesn't show its teeth (idiom); fig. the most sinister of people can look quite harmless



see styles
nǎ hú bù kāi tí nǎ hú
    na3 hu2 bu4 kai1 ti2 na3 hu2
na hu pu k`ai t`i na hu
    na hu pu kai ti na hu
lit. mention the pot that doesn't boil (idiom); to touch a sore spot; to talk about sb's weak point



see styles
xià chóng bù kě yǐ yǔ bīng
    xia4 chong2 bu4 ke3 yi3 yu3 bing1
hsia ch`ung pu k`o i yü ping
    hsia chung pu ko i yü ping
a summer insect cannot discuss ice (idiom)



see styles
duō xíng bù yì bì zì bì
    duo1 xing2 bu4 yi4 bi4 zi4 bi4
to hsing pu i pi tzu pi
persisting in evil brings about self-destruction (idiom)



see styles
dà rén bù jì xiǎo rén guò
    da4 ren2 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4
ta jen pu chi hsiao jen kuo
a person of great moral stature does not remember the offenses committed by one of low moral stature


see styles
 ookitayamafudousanchou / ookitayamafudosancho
(place-name) Ookitayamafudousanchō



see styles
tiān shàng bù huì diào xiàn bǐng
    tian1 shang4 bu4 hui4 diao4 xian4 bing3
t`ien shang pu hui tiao hsien ping
    tien shang pu hui tiao hsien ping
there is no such thing as a free lunch (idiom)

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "不" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary