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Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 fuhouwakagoubutsu / fuhowakagobutsu
unsaturated compound



see styles
bù bǎo hé zhī fáng suān
    bu4 bao3 he2 zhi1 fang2 suan1
pu pao ho chih fang suan
 fuhouwashibousan / fuhowashibosan
unsaturated fatty acid
unsaturated fatty acid


see styles
(suffix noun) (1) not having; unaffected by; (conjunction) (2) (often as ~は知らず) aside; I don't know about ...; (conjunction) (3) (archaism) (at the beginning of a sentence) I know not whether; I know not if


see styles
 akusesufunou / akusesufuno
{comp} unaccessible


see styles
 saachifukanou / sachifukano
{comp} unsearchable


see styles
 berunofutoushiki / berunofutoshiki
(exp,n) {physics} Bell's inequality


see styles
 ruupufuhenshiki / rupufuhenshiki
{comp} loop invariant


see styles
yī dài bù rú yī dài
    yi1 dai4 bu4 ru2 yi1 dai4
i tai pu ju i tai
to be getting worse with each generation


see styles
yī qiè bù gòng fó fǎ
    yi1 qie4 bu4 gong4 fo2 fa3
i ch`ieh pu kung fo fa
    i chieh pu kung fo fa
 issai fugū buppō
all the distinctive characteristics of a buddha


see styles
yī shān bù róng èr hǔ
    yi1 shan1 bu4 rong2 er4 hu3
i shan pu jung erh hu
lit. the mountain can't have two tigers (idiom); fig. this town ain't big enough for the two of us; (of two rivals) to be fiercely competitive


see styles
yī rì bù rú yī rì
    yi1 ri4 bu4 ru2 yi1 ri4
i jih pu ju i jih
to be getting worse by the day



see styles
yī fā bù kě shōu shi
    yi1 fa1 bu4 ke3 shou1 shi5
i fa pu k`o shou shih
    i fa pu ko shou shih
once it gets started there's no stopping it



see styles
yī fā ér bù kě shōu
    yi1 fa1 er2 bu4 ke3 shou1
i fa erh pu k`o shou
    i fa erh pu ko shou
to be impossible to stop once started


see styles
sān shì xīn bù kě dé
    san1 shi4 xin1 bu4 ke3 de2
san shih hsin pu k`o te
    san shih hsin pu ko te
 sanze shin fukatoku
The mind or thought, past, present, future, cannot be held fast; the past is gone, the future not arrived, the present does not stay.



see styles
sān cùn bù làn zhī shé
    san1 cun4 bu4 lan4 zhi1 she2
san ts`un pu lan chih she
    san tsun pu lan chih she
to have a silver tongue; to have the gift of the gab


see styles
 mishimamachifudoujima / mishimamachifudojima
(place-name) Mishimamachifudoujima



see styles
shàng qì bù jiē xià qì
    shang4 qi4 bu4 jie1 xia4 qi4
shang ch`i pu chieh hsia ch`i
    shang chi pu chieh hsia chi
out of breath (idiom); to gasp for air



see styles
shì jiān bù kě lè xiǎng
    shi4 jian1 bu4 ke3 le4 xiang3
shih chien pu k`o le hsiang
    shih chien pu ko le hsiang
 seken fukaraku sō
the contemplation that it is impossible to find true happiness in this world


see styles
yě hǎo bu liǎo duō shǎo
    ye3 hao3 bu5 liao3 duo1 shao3
yeh hao pu liao to shao
hardly any better; just as bad


see styles
 jizenyoyakufuyou / jizenyoyakufuyo
(noun - becomes adjective with の) advance reservations not required


see styles
 jijitsujoufukanou / jijitsujofukano
(adjectival noun) effectively impossible


see styles
jǐng shuǐ bù fàn hé shuǐ
    jing3 shui3 bu4 fan4 he2 shui3
ching shui pu fan ho shui
everyone minds their own business



see styles
rén bù zhī guǐ bù jué
    ren2 bu4 zhi1 gui3 bu4 jue2
jen pu chih kuei pu chüeh
in absolute secrecy


see styles
rén suàn bù rú tiān suàn
    ren2 suan4 bu4 ru2 tian1 suan4
jen suan pu ju t`ien suan
    jen suan pu ju tien suan
man proposes, God disposes (idiom); one's plans can be derailed by unforeseen events



see styles
yǐ bù biàn yìng wàn biàn
    yi3 bu4 bian4 ying4 wan4 bian4
i pu pien ying wan pien
(idiom) to deal with varying circumstances by adhering to a basic principle


see styles
(expression) non-existence of a business corporation



see styles
shēn shǒu bù jiàn wǔ zhǐ
    shen1 shou3 bu4 jian4 wu3 zhi3
shen shou pu chien wu chih
pitch-dark (idiom)


see styles
zuò yì sī wéi bù jìng
    zuo4 yi4 si1 wei2 bu4 jing4
tso i ssu wei pu ching
 sai shiyui fujō
orient one's attention to impurity


see styles
 shiyoufunoujikan / shiyofunojikan
{comp} unavailable time


see styles
labyrinth; maze


see styles
 koutekifuhoubougai / kotekifuhobogai
public nuisance


see styles
 kyoudoufuhoukoui / kyodofuhokoi
joint unlawful act; joint tort


see styles
parliamentary motion of non-confidence against the cabinet


see styles
chū yū ní ér bù rǎn
    chu1 yu1 ni2 er2 bu4 ran3
ch`u yü ni erh pu jan
    chu yü ni erh pu jan
lit. to grow out of the mud unsullied (idiom); fig. to be principled and incorruptible



see styles
dòng bu dòng jiù shēng qì
    dong4 bu5 dong4 jiu4 sheng1 qi4
tung pu tung chiu sheng ch`i
    tung pu tung chiu sheng chi
to be quick to take offense; to have a short fuse


see styles
 dousafunoujikan / dosafunojikan
{comp} inoperable time



see styles
qín láo bù yú kuì fá
    qin2 lao2 bu4 yu2 kui4 fa2
ch`in lao pu yü k`uei fa
    chin lao pu yü kuei fa
Poverty is a stranger to industry. (idiom)



see styles
wù wèi yán zhī bù yù
    wu4 wei4 yan2 zhi1 bu4 yu4
wu wei yen chih pu yü
(idiom) don't say you haven't been forewarned (threat used by the PRC in international diplomacy)


see styles
 ishanofuyoujou / ishanofuyojo
(expression) (idiom) failing to practice what one preaches


see styles
kě yī ér bù kě zài
    ke3 yi1 er2 bu4 ke3 zai4
k`o i erh pu k`o tsai
    ko i erh pu ko tsai
may be done once and once only; just this once


see styles
kě wàng ér bù kě jí
    ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2
k`o wang erh pu k`o chi
    ko wang erh pu ko chi
in sight but unattainable (idiom); inaccessible; also written 可望而可及[ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2]


see styles
kě wàng ér bù kě jí
    ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2
k`o wang erh pu k`o chi
    ko wang erh pu ko chi
in sight but unattainable (idiom); inaccessible



see styles
chī bu liǎo dōu zhe zǒu
    chi1 bu5 liao3 dou1 zhe5 zou3
ch`ih pu liao tou che tsou
    chih pu liao tou che tsou
lit. if you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home (idiom); fig. you'll have to take the consequences



see styles
chī rén bù tǔ gǔ tóu
    chi1 ren2 bu4 tu3 gu3 tou2
ch`ih jen pu t`u ku t`ou
    chih jen pu tu ku tou
ruthless; vicious and greedy



see styles
míng bu zhèng yán bu shùn
    ming2 bu5 zheng4 yan2 bu5 shun4
ming pu cheng yen pu shun
(of a title, degree etc) illegitimately conferred



see styles
wéi kǒng tiān xià bù luàn
    wei2 kong3 tian1 xia4 bu4 luan4
wei k`ung t`ien hsia pu luan
    wei kung tien hsia pu luan
to wish for the whole world to be in chaos (idiom)



see styles
shàn bù shàn wú jì xìng
    shan4 bu4 shan4 wu2 ji4 xing4
shan pu shan wu chi hsing
 zen fuzen muki shō
wholesome, unwholesome, and indeterminate moral quality



see styles
sì shì bù kě sī yì
    si4 shi4 bu4 ke3 si1 yi4
ssu shih pu k`o ssu i
    ssu shih pu ko ssu i
 shiji fukashigi
v. 四可思議.



see styles
sì jù tuī jiǎn bù dé
    si4 ju4 tui1 jian3 bu4 de2
ssu chü t`ui chien pu te
    ssu chü tui chien pu te
 shiku suiken futoku
systematic refutation of the alternatives of the tetralemma


see styles
 kaifukufunouayamari / kaifukufunoayamari
{comp} unrecoverable error



see styles
dà bù kě qì zǐ bù
    da4 bu4 ke3 qi4 zi3 bu4
ta pu k`o ch`i tzu pu
    ta pu ko chi tzu pu
 dai fuka kishi bu
Āvantikās. The great school of the son who "could not be abandoned" (a subdivision of the Saṃmatiyas 三彌底), whose founder when a newborn babe was abandoned by his parents.


see styles
 ookitayamafudousan / ookitayamafudosan
(place-name) Ookitayamafudousan



see styles
dà hǎi bā bù sī yì
    da4 hai3 ba1 bu4 si1 yi4
ta hai pa pu ssu i
 daikai hachi fushigi
The eight marvellous characteristics of the ocean―its gradually increasing depth, its unfathomableness, its universal saltness, its punctual tides, its stores of precious things, its enormous creatures, its objection to corpses, its unvarying level despite all that pours into it.


see styles
tiān bù pà dì bù pà
    tian1 bu4 pa4 di4 bu4 pa4
t`ien pu p`a ti pu p`a
    tien pu pa ti pu pa
fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth (idiom); fearless



see styles
tiān jī bù kě xiè lòu
    tian1 ji1 bu4 ke3 xie4 lou4
t`ien chi pu k`o hsieh lou
    tien chi pu ko hsieh lou
lit. mysteries of heaven must not be revealed (idiom); must not be revealed; I am not at liberty to inform you.



see styles
tiān jī bù kě xiè lù
    tian1 ji1 bu4 ke3 xie4 lu4
t`ien chi pu k`o hsieh lu
    tien chi pu ko hsieh lu
lit. mysteries of heaven must not be revealed (idiom); must not be revealed; I am not at liberty to inform you.


see styles
 taikoiwafudouson / taikoiwafudoson
(place-name) Taikoiwafudouson


see styles
 narazawafudouson / narazawafudoson
(place-name) Narazawafudouson



see styles
hǎo nán bù gēn nǚ dòu
    hao3 nan2 bu4 gen1 nu:3 dou4
hao nan pu ken nü tou
a real man doesn't fight with womenfolk (idiom)



see styles
rú shí bù fēn bié kōng
    ru2 shi2 bu4 fen1 bie2 kong1
ju shih pu fen pieh k`ung
    ju shih pu fen pieh kung
 nyojitsu fu funbetsu kū
true, non-discriminated emptiness


see styles
 inumukifudou / inumukifudo
(place-name) Inumukifudou


see styles
 koshirazukoukakyou / koshirazukokakyo
(place-name) Koshirazukoukakyō



see styles
xué rán hòu zhī bù zú
    xue2 ran2 hou4 zhi1 bu4 zu2
hsüeh jan hou chih pu tsu
to learn is to know one's ignorance (the Book of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4])



see styles
ān zhù bù tuì zhuǎn dì
    an1 zhu4 bu4 tui4 zhuan3 di4
an chu pu t`ui chuan ti
    an chu pu tui chuan ti
 anjū fu taiten chi
abides in the stage of non-retrogression



see styles
jiā chǒu bù kě wài chuán
    jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2
chia ch`ou pu k`o wai ch`uan
    chia chou pu ko wai chuan
lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom); fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public



see styles
jiā chǒu bù kě wài yáng
    jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 yang2
chia ch`ou pu k`o wai yang
    chia chou pu ko wai yang
lit. family shames must not be spread abroad (idiom); fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public


see styles
 yamamotofudoukeiryuu / yamamotofudokeryu
(place-name) Yamamotofudoukeiryū



see styles
qiǎo zhà bù rú zhuō chéng
    qiao3 zha4 bu4 ru2 zhuo1 cheng2
ch`iao cha pu ju cho ch`eng
    chiao cha pu ju cho cheng
the unvarnished truth is better than a cunning ruse (idiom); honesty is the best policy


see styles
 shimintekifufukujuu / shimintekifufukuju
civil disobedience



see styles
cháng bù qīng pú sà pǐn
    chang2 bu4 qing1 pu2 sa4 pin3
ch`ang pu ch`ing p`u sa p`in
    chang pu ching pu sa pin
 Jō Fukyō Bosatsu hon
Chapter of the Bodhisattva Never Despising (Lotus Sūtra)


see styles
 tairadatefuroufushi / tairadatefurofushi
(place-name) Tairadatefuroufushi



see styles
guǎng jì bù rú dàn mò
    guang3 ji4 bu4 ru2 dan4 mo4
kuang chi pu ju tan mo
see 好記性如爛筆頭|好记性如烂笔头[hao3 ji4 xing4 bu4 ru2 lan4 bi3 tou2]



see styles
niàn sì zhǒng bù xiāng yìng
    nian4 si4 zhong3 bu4 xiang1 ying4
nien ssu chung pu hsiang ying
 jūshishu fusōō
twenty-four factors not associated with mind


see styles
 kyouseifuninshujutsu / kyosefuninshujutsu
forced sterilization; involuntary sterilization



see styles
qiǎng niǔ de guā bù tián
    qiang3 niu3 de5 gua1 bu4 tian2
ch`iang niu te kua pu t`ien
    chiang niu te kua pu tien
lit. if you have to use force to break a melon off the vine, it won't taste sweet (because it's only when the melon is ripe that it can be removed with just a slight twist) (idiom); fig. if something is not meant to be, it's no use trying to force it to happen


see styles
bǐ cǐ hù bù xiāng zhī
    bi3 ci3 hu4 bu4 xiang1 zhi1
pi tz`u hu pu hsiang chih
    pi tzu hu pu hsiang chih
 hishi go fu sō chi
knowledge that is not shared



see styles
xīn bù xiàng yìng xíng fǎ
    xin1 bu4 xiang4 ying4 xing2 fa3
hsin pu hsiang ying hsing fa
 shin fusō-ōgyō hō
mental factors not concomitant with mind



see styles
xīn xìng bù shēng bù miè
    xin1 xing4 bu4 sheng1 bu4 mie4
hsin hsing pu sheng pu mieh
 shinshō fushō fumetsu
the nature of the mind neither arises nor ceases



see styles
bì bù kě shǎo zǔ chéng
    bi4 bu4 ke3 shao3 zu3 cheng2
pi pu k`o shao tsu ch`eng
    pi pu ko shao tsu cheng
absolute necessity; sine qua non



see styles
gōng jìng bù rú cóng mìng
    gong1 jing4 bu4 ru2 cong2 ming4
kung ching pu ju ts`ung ming
    kung ching pu ju tsung ming
deference is no substitute for obedience (idiom); (said to accept sb's request, invitation etc)


see styles
 naritasanfudouson / naritasanfudoson
(place-name) Naritasanfudouson



see styles
suǒ bié bù jí chéng guò
    suo3 bie2 bu4 ji2 cheng2 guo4
so pieh pu chi ch`eng kuo
    so pieh pu chi cheng kuo
 shobetsu fu gokujō ka
fallacy wherein that which is being specified is not agreed upon by the disputants


see styles
 tesakigabukiyou / tesakigabukiyo
(exp,adj-na) clumsy with one's hands; all thumbs


see styles
fú bù qǐ de ā dǒu
    fu2 bu4 qi3 de5 a1 dou3
fu pu ch`i te a tou
    fu pu chi te a tou
weak and inept person; hopeless case



see styles
chí bù tóng zhèng jiàn zhě
    chi2 bu4 tong2 zheng4 jian4 zhe3
ch`ih pu t`ung cheng chien che
    chih pu tung cheng chien che
(political) dissident



see styles
zé rì bù rú zhuàng rì
    ze2 ri4 bu4 ru2 zhuang4 ri4
tse jih pu ju chuang jih
lit. carefully setting an auspicious date does not beat seizing an opportunity (idiom); fig. seize the occasion


see styles
 seijitekifuantei / sejitekifuante
political instability


see styles
gǎn nù ér bù gǎn yán
    gan3 nu4 er2 bu4 gan3 yan2
kan nu erh pu kan yen
angry, but not daring to speak out (idiom); obliged to remain silent about one's resentment; unable to voice objections


see styles
 hinofudoukouchou / hinofudokocho
(place-name) Hinofudoukouchō


see styles
míng rén bù zuò àn shì
    ming2 ren2 bu4 zuo4 an4 shi4
ming jen pu tso an shih
an honest person does not act surreptitiously (idiom)


see styles
 saichoufutoukyori / saichofutokyori
day's longest successful jump



see styles
yǒu yǎn bù shí tài shān
    you3 yan3 bu4 shi2 tai4 shan1
yu yen pu shih t`ai shan
    yu yen pu shih tai shan
lit. to have eyes but fail to recognize Mt Tai (idiom); fig. to fail to recognize sb important or sb's great talent; to be blind to the fact


see styles
péng you qī bù kě qī
    peng2 you5 qi1 bu4 ke3 qi1
p`eng yu ch`i pu k`o ch`i
    peng yu chi pu ko chi
you should not covet your friend's wife (idiom)



see styles
wèi lái xīn bù kě dé
    wei4 lai2 xin1 bu4 ke3 de2
wei lai hsin pu k`o te
    wei lai hsin pu ko te
 mirai shin fukatoku
future mind is unobtainable



see styles
wèi shēng è lìng bù shēng
    wei4 sheng1 e4 ling4 bu4 sheng1
wei sheng o ling pu sheng
 mishōaku ryō fushō
to prevent evil that has not yet arisen from being produced


see styles
 kakufushiyouseimei / kakufushiyoseme
(work) Declaration on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (2013); (wk) Declaration on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (2013)


see styles
 kakufukakusanjouyaku / kakufukakusanjoyaku
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; NPT


see styles
qiú rén bù rú qiú jǐ
    qiu2 ren2 bu4 ru2 qiu2 ji3
ch`iu jen pu ju ch`iu chi
    chiu jen pu ju chiu chi
if you want something done well, do it yourself (idiom)


see styles
hé shuǐ bù fàn jǐng shuǐ
    he2 shui3 bu4 fan4 jing3 shui3
ho shui pu fan ching shui
lit. river water does not interfere with well water (idiom); Do not interfere with one another.; Mind your own business.


see styles
hǎi shuǐ bù kě dǒu liáng
    hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 liang2
hai shui pu k`o tou liang
    hai shui pu ko tou liang
see 人可貌相,海水可斗量[ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4 , hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 liang2]

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "不" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary