There are 984 total results for your 酒 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
称酒 see styles |
nezake ねざけ |
(surname) Nezake |
穀酒 谷酒 see styles |
gǔ jiǔ gu3 jiu3 ku chiu kokushu |
grain alcohol |
節酒 see styles |
sesshu せっしゅ |
(n,vs,vt,vi) moderation in drinking; cutting down on one's drinking; temperance |
粗酒 see styles |
soshu そしゅ |
(humble language) sake (implied to be low-grade) |
糖酒 see styles |
ramu らむ |
(female given name) Ramu |
糟酒 see styles |
zāo jiǔ zao1 jiu3 tsao chiu sōshu |
unrefined alcoholic beverages |
紅酒 红酒 see styles |
hóng jiǔ hong2 jiu3 hung chiu |
red wine |
緑酒 see styles |
ryokushu りょくしゅ |
green or sweet wine |
縱酒 纵酒 see styles |
zòng jiǔ zong4 jiu3 tsung chiu |
to drink excessively |
罰酒 罚酒 see styles |
fá jiǔ fa2 jiu3 fa chiu basshu ばっしゅ |
to drink as the result of having lost a bet (See 罰杯) alcohol drunk as a punishment (for arriving late, losing a game, etc.) |
美酒 see styles |
měi jiǔ mei3 jiu3 mei chiu bishu びしゅ |
good wine; fine liquor high-grade sake |
翻酒 see styles |
fān jiǔ fan1 jiu3 fan chiu honshu |
distilled liquor |
老酒 see styles |
lǎo jiǔ lao3 jiu3 lao chiu roushu; raochuu; raochuu / roshu; raochu; raochu ろうしゅ; ラオチュー; ラオチュウ |
wine, esp. Shaoxing wine (1) (ラオチュー is the Chinese name) (See 紹興酒) fermented Chinese alcoholic beverage (esp. Shaoxing wine) (chi: lǎojiǔ); (2) (ろうしゅ only) old alcohol |
聞酒 see styles |
kikizake ききざけ |
sake tasting; wine tasting |
良酒 see styles |
ryoushu / ryoshu りょうしゅ |
good wine; good drink |
色酒 see styles |
shǎi jiǔ shai3 jiu3 shai chiu |
colored wine (made from grapes or other fruit, as opposed to a rice wine etc) |
艾酒 see styles |
ài jiǔ ai4 jiu3 ai chiu |
wine flavored with Chinese mugwort |
花酒 see styles |
huā jiǔ hua1 jiu3 hua chiu hanazake; hanasake はなざけ; はなさけ |
drinking party with female entertainers (See 泡盛・あわもり) strong awamori (60%) from Yonaguni Island, Okinawa |
苦酒 see styles |
karazake からざけ karasake からさけ |
(archaism) (obscure) vinegar |
草酒 see styles |
cǎo jiǔ cao3 jiu3 ts`ao chiu tsao chiu sōshu |
wines |
菊酒 see styles |
kikuzake きくざけ |
(1) {food} (See 重陽) chrysanthemum sake; rice wine infused with chrysanthemum, served on the Chrysanthemum Festival (September 9); (2) {food} (See 味醂・みりん) strong mirin, typical of Kaga and Higo provinces |
葷酒 荤酒 see styles |
hūn jiǔ hun1 jiu3 hun chiu kunshu くんしゅ |
{Buddh} pungent vegetables (e.g. garlic or Chinese chives) and alcohol; leeks and liquors Non-vegetarian foods and wine. |
薄酒 see styles |
bó jiǔ bo2 jiu3 po chiu |
(my inferior) wine (humble term used by a host) |
薬酒 see styles |
yakushu やくしゅ |
alcoholic beverage for medicinal purposes |
藥酒 药酒 see styles |
yào jiǔ yao4 jiu3 yao chiu yakushu |
herbal alcohol |
蛇酒 see styles |
hebizake へびざけ |
snake shōchū |
蛋酒 see styles |
dàn jiǔ dan4 jiu3 tan chiu |
eggnog |
解酒 see styles |
jiě jiǔ jie3 jiu3 chieh chiu |
to dissipate the effects of alcohol |
調酒 调酒 see styles |
tiáo jiǔ tiao2 jiu3 t`iao chiu tiao chiu |
to mix drinks; cocktail |
谷酒 see styles |
nitasake にたさけ |
(surname) Nitasake |
辛酒 see styles |
karazake からざけ |
(archaism) (obscure) vinegar |
造酒 see styles |
miki みき |
(n,vs,vi) sake brewing; (surname) Miki |
酌酒 see styles |
zhuó jiǔ zhuo2 jiu3 cho chiu |
to pour wine |
酗酒 see styles |
xù jiǔ xu4 jiu3 hsü chiu |
heavy drinking; to get drunk; to drink to excess |
酤酒 see styles |
gū jiǔ gu1 jiu3 ku chiu koshu |
sale or purchase of alcohol |
醉酒 see styles |
zuì jiǔ zui4 jiu3 tsui chiu |
to get drunk |
醒酒 see styles |
xǐng jiǔ xing3 jiu3 hsing chiu |
to dissipate the effects of alcohol; to sober up |
釀酒 酿酒 see styles |
niàng jiǔ niang4 jiu3 niang chiu |
to make a fermented drink (i.e. to brew beer, make wine etc) |
金酒 see styles |
jīn jiǔ jin1 jiu3 chin chiu |
gin |
鈴酒 see styles |
suzuki すずき |
(surname) Suzuki |
銘酒 see styles |
meishu / meshu めいしゅ |
famous brand of sake; choice sake |
陪酒 see styles |
péi jiǔ pei2 jiu3 p`ei chiu pei chiu |
to drink along (with sb) |
陳酒 陈酒 see styles |
chén jiǔ chen2 jiu3 ch`en chiu chen chiu |
old wine |
雑酒 see styles |
zasshu ざっしゅ |
miscellaneous liquors (alcohol tax category); alcohol other than sake, shōchū, mirin, beer, etc. |
願酒 see styles |
ganshu がんしゅ |
praying at a temple or shrine for help to stop drinking |
飮酒 see styles |
yǐn jiǔ yin3 jiu3 yin chiu |
To drink wine, or alcoholic liquor, forbidden by the fifth of the five commandments; 10, 35, and 36 reasons for abstinence from it are given. |
飲酒 饮酒 see styles |
yǐn jiǔ yin3 jiu3 yin chiu onju; onshu おんじゅ; おんしゅ |
to drink wine (1) {Buddh} (See 飲酒・いんしゅ) consumption of alcohol (as prohibited by one of the Buddhist precepts); (2) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 飲酒戒・おんじゅかい) Buddhist precept prohibiting the consumption of alcohol |
鰭酒 see styles |
hirezake ひれざけ |
hot sake with grilled fish fins (esp. fugu or sea bream) |
麥酒 麦酒 see styles |
mài jiǔ mai4 jiu3 mai chiu |
beer; ale; (archaic) alcoholic drink made from fermented wheat or barley See: 麦酒 |
麦酒 see styles |
bakushu; biiru(gikun) / bakushu; biru(gikun) ばくしゅ; ビール(gikun) |
(See ビール) beer |
麵酒 see styles |
miàn jiǔ mian4 jiu3 mien chiu |
alcoholic beverages made from wheat or barley |
黃酒 黄酒 see styles |
huáng jiǔ huang2 jiu3 huang chiu |
"yellow wine" (mulled rice wine, usually served warm) See: 黄酒 |
黄酒 see styles |
oushu; koushu; howanchuu; howanchuu / oshu; koshu; howanchu; howanchu おうしゅ; こうしゅ; ホワンチュウ; ホワンチュー |
(kana only) huangjiu; undistilled Chinese alcohol made of fermented grains |
黒酒 see styles |
kuroki くろき |
(archaism) (See 白酒・しろき) black sake (presented as an offering to the gods) |
酒々井 see styles |
suzui すずい |
(surname) Suzui |
酒かす see styles |
sakekasu さけかす |
sake lees |
酒の席 see styles |
sakenoseki さけのせき |
(exp,n) situation where alcohol is being served; (over) a drink |
酒の気 see styles |
sakenoke さけのけ |
(exp,n) looking tipsy; seeming drunk |
酒やけ see styles |
sakeyake さけやけ |
feeling of a throat burned by alcohol; effect of alcohol on the voice |
酒ノ瀬 see styles |
sakenose さけのせ |
(personal name) Sakenose |
酒井俊 see styles |
sakaishun さかいしゅん |
(person) Sakai Shun |
酒井健 see styles |
sakaitakeshi さかいたけし |
(person) Sakai Takeshi |
酒井勉 see styles |
sakaitsutomu さかいつとむ |
(person) Sakai Tsutomu (1963.6.27-) |
酒井原 see styles |
sakaibara さかいばら |
(surname) Sakaibara |
酒井寺 see styles |
sakaiji さかいじ |
(place-name) Sakaiji |
酒井寿 see styles |
sakaihisashi さかいひさし |
(person) Sakai Hisashi (1981.4.5-) |
酒井広 see styles |
sakaihiroshi さかいひろし |
(person) Sakai Hiroshi (1926.4.3-) |
酒井忙 see styles |
sakainoriko さかいのりこ |
(personal name) Sakainoriko |
酒井忠 see styles |
sakaitadakata さかいただかた |
(person) Sakai Tadakata |
酒井敏 see styles |
sakaisatoshi さかいさとし |
(person) Sakai Satoshi |
酒井東 see styles |
sakaihigashi さかいひがし |
(place-name) Sakaihigashi |
酒井根 see styles |
sakaine さかいね |
(place-name) Sakaine |
酒井格 see styles |
sakaiitaru / sakaitaru さかいいたる |
(person) Sakai Itaru |
酒井淳 see styles |
sakaisunao さかいすなお |
(person) Sakai Sunao |
酒井田 see styles |
sakaida さかいだ |
(place-name, surname) Sakaida |
酒井町 see styles |
sakaimachi さかいまち |
(place-name) Sakaimachi |
酒井良 see styles |
sakairyou / sakairyo さかいりょう |
(person) Sakai Ryō (1977.8.9-) |
酒井西 see styles |
sakainishi さかいにし |
(place-name) Sakainishi |
酒井隆 see styles |
sakaitakashi さかいたかし |
(person) Sakai Takashi |
酒人立 see styles |
sakodate さこだて |
(surname) Sakodate |
酒令兒 酒令儿 see styles |
jiǔ lìng r jiu3 ling4 r5 chiu ling r |
erhua variant of 酒令[jiu3 ling4] |
酒利岳 see styles |
sakaridake さかりだけ |
(personal name) Sakaridake |
酒匂堰 see styles |
sakawazeki さかわぜき |
(place-name) Sakawazeki |
酒匂川 see styles |
sakawagawa さかわがわ |
(surname) Sakawagawa |
酒匂橋 see styles |
sakawabashi さかわばし |
(place-name) Sakawabashi |
酒合戦 see styles |
sakekassen さけかっせん |
drinking game |
酒呑み see styles |
sakenomi さけのみ |
(heavy) drinker; drunkard; tippler; boozer |
酒問屋 see styles |
sakadonya; sakadoiya さかどんや; さかどいや |
liquor store; liquor retailer |
酒喜男 see styles |
mikio みきお |
(given name) Mikio |
酒壷洞 see styles |
shukodou / shukodo しゅこどう |
(given name) Shukodou |
酒太り see styles |
sakebutori さけぶとり |
beer belly |
酒好き see styles |
sakezuki さけずき |
(n,adj-na,adj-no) love of drink; fondness for alcohol; person who likes to drink; drinker |
酒屋側 see styles |
sakayagawa さかやがわ |
(place-name) Sakayagawa |
酒屋川 see styles |
sakayagawa さかやがわ |
(personal name) Sakayagawa |
酒屋町 see styles |
sakayamachi さかやまち |
(place-name) Sakayamachi |
酒屋谷 see styles |
sakayatani さかやたに |
(place-name) Sakayatani |
酒店業 酒店业 see styles |
jiǔ diàn yè jiu3 dian4 ye4 chiu tien yeh |
the catering industry; the hotel and restaurant business |
酒手島 see styles |
sakatejima さかてじま |
(place-name) Sakatejima |
酒托女 see styles |
jiǔ tuō nǚ jiu3 tuo1 nu:3 chiu t`o nü chiu to nü |
woman hired to lure men to high-priced bars |
酒折宮 see styles |
sakaorimiya さかおりみや |
(place-name) Sakaorimiya |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "酒" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.