There are 502 total results for your 逆 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
逆瀬川谷 see styles |
sakasekawadani さかせかわだに |
(place-name) Sakasekawadani |
逆瀬川駅 see styles |
sakasegawaeki さかせがわえき |
(st) Sakasegawa Station |
逆玉の輿 see styles |
gyakutamanokoshi ぎゃくたまのこし |
(exp,n) (See 玉の輿・2) man marrying into wealth and power |
逆立てる see styles |
sakadateru さかだてる |
(transitive verb) to stand on end (hair, fur); to bristle; to ruffle (up) |
逆符号化 see styles |
gyakufugouka / gyakufugoka ぎゃくふごうか |
{comp} decode |
逆耳之言 see styles |
nì ěr zhī yán ni4 er3 zhi1 yan2 ni erh chih yen |
speech that grates on the ear (idiom); bitter truths; home truths (that one does not want to hear) |
逆落とし see styles |
sakaotoshi さかおとし |
plunging or dropping an object headfirst (down a precipice) |
逆行倒施 see styles |
nì xíng dào shī ni4 xing2 dao4 shi1 ni hsing tao shih |
to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong; to try to turn back history; a perverse way of doing things |
逆行運動 see styles |
gyakkouundou / gyakkoundo ぎゃっこううんどう |
(1) {astron} (See 順行運動) retrograde motion; (2) {astron} apparent retrograde motion; retrogradation |
逆転優勝 see styles |
gyakutenyuushou / gyakutenyusho ぎゃくてんゆうしょう |
(n,vs,vi) come-from-behind victory |
逆転勝ち see styles |
gyakutengachi ぎゃくてんがち |
(noun/participle) winning after defeat seems certain; coming from behind to win |
逆転勝利 see styles |
gyakutenshouri / gyakutenshori ぎゃくてんしょうり |
come-from-behind victory; comeback win |
逆転裁判 see styles |
gyakutensaiban ぎゃくてんさいばん |
(work) Ace Attorney (video game series); (wk) Ace Attorney (video game series) |
逆輸入車 see styles |
gyakuyunyuusha / gyakuyunyusha ぎゃくゆにゅうしゃ |
reverse-imported vehicle (esp. high-displacement motorcycles meant for sale outside Japan) |
逆轉錄酶 逆转录酶 see styles |
nì zhuǎn lù méi ni4 zhuan3 lu4 mei2 ni chuan lu mei |
reverse transcriptase |
逆遺伝学 see styles |
gyakuidengaku ぎゃくいでんがく |
{genet} reverse genetics |
逆鉾昭廣 see styles |
sakahokoakihiro さかほこあきひろ |
(person) Sakahoko Akihiro (1961.6.18-) |
一打逆転 see styles |
ichidagyakuten いちだぎゃくてん |
a complete turnabout via a single blow |
一発逆転 see styles |
ippatsugyakuten いっぱつぎゃくてん |
(noun/participle) turning things around with a home run; turning the tables with a single successful attack (move) |
上下逆様 see styles |
jougesakasama / jogesakasama じょうげさかさま |
(noun or adjectival noun) upside down |
上逆瀬山 see styles |
kamisakaseyama かみさかせやま |
(place-name) Kamisakaseyama |
不可逆的 see styles |
fukagyakuteki ふかぎゃくてき |
(adjectival noun) irreversible |
不可逆轉 不可逆转 see styles |
bù kě nì zhuǎn bu4 ke3 ni4 zhuan3 pu k`o ni chuan pu ko ni chuan |
irreversible |
五逆十惡 五逆十恶 see styles |
wǔ nì shí è wu3 ni4 shi2 e4 wu ni shih o gogyaku jūaku |
five heinous crimes and ten unwholesome kinds of behavior |
倒行逆施 see styles |
dào xíng nì shī dao4 xing2 ni4 shi1 tao hsing ni shih |
to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong; to try to turn back history; a perverse way of doing things |
内臓逆位 see styles |
naizougyakui / naizogyakui ないぞうぎゃくい |
{med} heterotaxy |
北逆水甲 see styles |
kitasakamizukou / kitasakamizuko きたさかみずこう |
(place-name) Kitasakamizukou |
北逆瀬川 see styles |
kitasakasegawa きたさかせがわ |
(place-name) Kitasakasegawa |
南逆瀬川 see styles |
minamisakasegawa みなみさかせがわ |
(place-name) Minamisakasegawa |
反逆分子 see styles |
hangyakubunshi はんぎゃくぶんし |
renegade; rebellious elements |
可逆反応 see styles |
kagyakuhannou / kagyakuhanno かぎゃくはんのう |
reversible reaction |
可逆圧縮 see styles |
kagyakuasshuku かぎゃくあっしゅく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {comp} lossless compression |
可逆変化 see styles |
kagyakuhenka かぎゃくへんか |
(noun/participle) (See 不可逆変化) reversible change |
可逆機関 see styles |
kagyakukikan かぎゃくきかん |
reversible engine |
可逆電池 see styles |
kagyakudenchi かぎゃくでんち |
reversible cell |
噯氣嘔逆 嗳气呕逆 see styles |
ǎi qì ǒu nì ai3 qi4 ou3 ni4 ai ch`i ou ni ai chi ou ni |
belching and retching counterflow (medical term) |
四重五逆 see styles |
sì zhòng wǔ nì si4 zhong4 wu3 ni4 ssu chung wu ni shijū gogyaku |
four grave [acts] and five heinous [crimes] |
外浪逆浦 see styles |
sotonasakaura そとなさかうら |
(personal name) Sotonasakaura |
大逆不道 see styles |
dà nì bù dào da4 ni4 bu4 dao4 ta ni pu tao |
disgraceful (of behavior that is unfilial, rebellious or otherwise in grave breach of the norms of society) |
大逆事件 see styles |
daigyakujiken; taigyakujiken だいぎゃくじけん; たいぎゃくじけん |
(hist) High Treason Incident (socialist-anarchist plot to assassinate Emperor Meiji in 1910) |
大逆無道 see styles |
taigyakumudou / taigyakumudo たいぎゃくむどう |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman |
大逆非道 see styles |
taigyakuhidou / taigyakuhido たいぎゃくひどう |
(noun or adjectival noun) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman |
形勢逆転 see styles |
keiseigyakuten / kesegyakuten けいせいぎゃくてん |
(noun/participle) the situation reverses itself; the table is turned; the shoe is on the other foot |
忠言逆耳 see styles |
zhōng yán nì ěr zhong1 yan2 ni4 er3 chung yen ni erh chuugengyakuji / chugengyakuji ちゅうげんぎゃくじ |
loyal advice jars on the ears (idiom) (expression) (yoji) good advice is harsh to the ears; honest advice is often unpleasant to the ears |
悪逆無道 see styles |
akugyakumudou / akugyakumudo あくぎゃくむどう akugyakubudou / akugyakubudo あくぎゃくぶどう |
(adj-na,adj-no) (yoji) treacherous; heinous; treasonous; atrocious |
悪逆非道 see styles |
akugyakuhidou / akugyakuhido あくぎゃくひどう |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) heinous; treacherous; atrocious; diabolic; fiendish; inhuman |
昼夜逆転 see styles |
chuuyagyakuten / chuyagyakuten ちゅうやぎゃくてん |
(noun/participle) one's days and nights being reversed |
無爲逆行 无为逆行 see styles |
wú wéi nì xíng wu2 wei2 ni4 xing2 wu wei ni hsing mui gyakugyō |
not resenting |
無違逆行 无违逆行 see styles |
wú wéi nì xíng wu2 wei2 ni4 xing2 wu wei ni hsing mu igyaku gyō |
the practice of no-obstinacy |
真っ逆様 see styles |
massakasama まっさかさま |
(noun or adjectival noun) (kana only) head over heels; headlong; head first |
真逆さま see styles |
masakasama まさかさま |
(noun or adjectival noun) headlong; head over heels |
胃酸逆流 see styles |
isangyakuryuu / isangyakuryu いさんぎゃくりゅう |
{med} acid reflux |
莫存順逆 莫存顺逆 see styles |
mò cún shùn nì mo4 cun2 shun4 ni4 mo ts`un shun ni mo tsun shun ni maku son jungyaku |
do not abide in the agreeable or adverse |
莫逆の友 see styles |
bakugyakunotomo ばくぎゃくのとも |
More info & calligraphy: Extremely Good Friends |
莫逆之交 see styles |
mò nì zhī jiāo mo4 ni4 zhi1 jiao1 mo ni chih chiao |
intimate friendship; bosom buddies |
誅暴討逆 诛暴讨逆 see styles |
zhū bào tǎo nì zhu1 bao4 tao3 ni4 chu pao t`ao ni chu pao tao ni |
to wipe out the villains (e.g. insurgents, or people of another race) |
貿易逆差 贸易逆差 see styles |
mào yì nì chā mao4 yi4 ni4 cha1 mao i ni ch`a mao i ni cha |
trade deficit; adverse trade balance |
赤道逆流 see styles |
chì dào nì liú chi4 dao4 ni4 liu2 ch`ih tao ni liu chih tao ni liu |
equatorial counter current |
違天逆理 违天逆理 see styles |
wéi tiān nì lǐ wei2 tian1 ni4 li3 wei t`ien ni li wei tien ni li |
lit. violating heaven and reason (idiom); immoral character |
順緣逆緣 see styles |
shùn yuán nì yuán shun4 yuan2 ni4 yuan2 shun yüan ni yüan |
agreeable conditions and adverse conditions |
Variations: |
sakamata; sakamata さかまた; サカマタ |
(See シャチ・1) orca; killer whale |
Variations: |
sakago さかご |
breech presentation (feet or buttocks-first birth); breech delivery; breech birth |
Variations: |
sakanami; gyakurou(逆浪); gekirou(逆浪) / sakanami; gyakuro(逆浪); gekiro(逆浪) さかなみ; ぎゃくろう(逆浪); げきろう(逆浪) |
choppy seas; head sea |
逆さくらげ see styles |
sakasakurage さかさくらげ |
traditional love hotel; traditional Japanese inn specially for couples |
逆さまつげ see styles |
sakasamatsuge さかさまつげ |
turned-in eyelashes; ingrown eyelashes; trichiasis |
逆さまつ毛 see styles |
sakasamatsuge さかさまつげ |
turned-in eyelashes; ingrown eyelashes; trichiasis |
逆とったり see styles |
sakatottari さかとったり |
{sumo} arm bar throw counter |
逆セクハラ see styles |
gyakusekuhara ぎゃくセクハラ |
reverse sexual harassment; sexual harassment of males by females |
逆三角関数 see styles |
gyakusankakukansuu / gyakusankakukansu ぎゃくさんかくかんすう |
{math} inverse trigonometric function; cyclometric function |
逆井藤ノ台 see styles |
sakasaifujinodai さかさいふじのだい |
(place-name) Sakasaifujinodai |
逆切り落し see styles |
gyakukiriotoshi ぎゃくきりおとし |
{comp} shielding; reverse clipping |
逆向性健忘 see styles |
gyakkouseikenbou / gyakkosekenbo ぎゃっこうせいけんぼう |
{med} retrograde amnesia |
逆手に取る see styles |
sakatenitoru さかてにとる |
(exp,v5r) to use someone's (argument, attack) against them |
逆捩を食う see styles |
sakanejiokuu / sakanejioku さかねじをくう |
(irregular okurigana usage) (exp,v5u) to have the tables turned on one |
逆調整ダム see styles |
gyakuchouseidamu / gyakuchosedamu ぎゃくちょうせいダム |
(place-name) Gyakuchōsei Dam |
逆路伽耶陀 see styles |
nì lù qié yé tuó ni4 lu4 qie2 ye2 tuo2 ni lu ch`ieh yeh t`o ni lu chieh yeh to Gyakurokayada |
Vāma-lokāyata; the Lokāyata were materialistic and 'worldly' followers of the Cārvāka school; the Vāma-lokāyata were opposed to the conventions of the world. An earlier intp. of Lokāyata is, Ill response to questions, the sophistical method of Chuang Tzu being mentioned as comparison. Vāma-lokāyata is also described as Evil questioning, which is the above method reversed. |
逆転写酵素 see styles |
gyakutenshakouso / gyakutenshakoso ぎゃくてんしゃこうそ |
reverse transcriptase |
逆轉錄病毒 逆转录病毒 see styles |
nì zhuǎn lù bìng dú ni4 zhuan3 lu4 bing4 du2 ni chuan lu ping tu |
reverse transcription virus; retrovirus |
逆飛び込み see styles |
sakatobikomi さかとびこみ |
(noun/participle) headlong dive; header; plunge |
Variations: |
hachigyaku はちぎゃく |
(hist) (See 十悪・1) eight unpardonable crimes (in ancient Japanese law) |
Variations: |
shigyaku; shiigyaku / shigyaku; shigyaku しぎゃく; しいぎゃく |
(noun, transitive verb) murder of one's lord or father |
Variations: |
akugyaku あくぎゃく |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) atrocity; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (archaism) (See 八虐) treason |
上下逆さま see styles |
jougesakasama / jogesakasama じょうげさかさま |
(noun or adjectival noun) upside down |
不可逆圧縮 see styles |
fukagyakuasshuku ふかぎゃくあっしゅく |
{comp} lossy compression |
不可逆変化 see styles |
fukagyakuhenka ふかぎゃくへんか |
(See 可逆変化) irreversible change |
内臓逆位症 see styles |
naizougyakuishou / naizogyakuisho ないぞうぎゃくいしょう |
{med} heterotaxy |
北逆瀬川町 see styles |
kitasakasegawachou / kitasakasegawacho きたさかせがわちょう |
(place-name) Kitasakasegawachō |
南逆瀬川町 see styles |
minamisakasegawachou / minamisakasegawacho みなみさかせがわちょう |
(place-name) Minamisakasegawachō |
可逆計数器 see styles |
kagyakukeisuuki / kagyakukesuki かぎゃくけいすうき |
{comp} reversible counter |
国家反逆罪 see styles |
kokkahangyakuzai こっかはんぎゃくざい |
(crime of) treason |
地磁気逆転 see styles |
chijikigyakuten ちじきぎゃくてん |
geomagnetic reversal; reversal of Earth's magnetic field |
常陸逆水門 see styles |
hitachizakasuimon ひたちざかすいもん |
(place-name) Hitachizakasuimon |
真っ逆さま see styles |
massakasama まっさかさま |
(noun or adjectival noun) (kana only) head over heels; headlong; head first |
親に逆らう see styles |
oyanisakarau おやにさからう |
(exp,v5u) to disobey one's parents |
非可逆圧縮 see styles |
hikagyakuasshuku ひかぎゃくあっしゅく |
{comp} lossy compression |
非可逆変化 see styles |
hikagyakuhenka ひかぎゃくへんか |
(See 不可逆変化) irreversible change |
Variations: |
sakasanamazu; sakasanamazu さかさなまず; サカサナマズ |
(kana only) upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) |
Variations: |
gyakubiki ぎゃくびき |
(can act as adjective) reverse lookup (e.g. dictionary, address resolution, etc.) |
逆ねじを食う see styles |
sakanejiokuu / sakanejioku さかねじをくう |
(exp,v5u) to have the tables turned on one |
逆アセンブラ see styles |
gyakuasenbura ぎゃくアセンブラ |
{comp} disassembler |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "逆" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.