There are 559 total results for your 衆 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
衆院解散 see styles |
shuuinkaisan / shuinkaisan しゅういんかいさん |
(See 衆議院解散・しゅうぎいんかいさん) dissolution of the lower house of parliament |
衆院議員 see styles |
shuuingiin / shuingin しゅういんぎいん |
member of the lower house; member of the House of Representatives |
衆香國土 众香国土 see styles |
zhòng xiāng guó tǔ zhong4 xiang1 guo2 tu3 chung hsiang kuo t`u chung hsiang kuo tu shukō kokudo |
The country of all fragrance, i. e. the Pure Land, also the sūtras. |
衆魔事業 众魔事业 see styles |
zhòng mó shì yè zhong4 mo2 shi4 ye4 chung mo shih yeh shu ma jigō |
[myriad] evil karmas |
Variations: |
warashi わらし |
(thb:) (See 童・わらべ) child |
一切大衆 一切大众 see styles |
yī qiè dà zhòng yi1 qie4 da4 zhong4 i ch`ieh ta chung i chieh ta chung issai daishu |
all great multitudes |
一切衆會 一切众会 see styles |
yī qiè zhòng huì yi1 qie4 zhong4 hui4 i ch`ieh chung hui i chieh chung hui issai shue |
all gatherings |
一切衆生 一切众生 see styles |
yī qiè zhòng shēng yi1 qie4 zhong4 sheng1 i ch`ieh chung sheng i chieh chung sheng issaishujou / issaishujo いっさいしゅじょう |
(yoji) {Buddh} all living creatures all sentient beings |
一般大衆 see styles |
ippantaishuu / ippantaishu いっぱんたいしゅう |
ordinary people; general public; public at large |
七衆溺水 七众溺水 see styles |
qī zhòng niào shuǐ qi1 zhong4 niao4 shui3 ch`i chung niao shui chi chung niao shui shichi shu deki sui |
The seven types who fall into the waters of this life—the first is drowned, the seventh is a Buddha; the seven are icchantika, men amd devas, ordinary believers, śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, bodhisattvas, and Buddhas; also ca11ed 七衆人. |
三界衆生 三界众生 see styles |
sān jiè zhòng shēng san1 jie4 zhong4 sheng1 san chieh chung sheng sankai shūjō |
sentient beings in the three realms |
三聚衆生 三聚众生 see styles |
sān jù zhòng shēng san1 ju4 zhong4 sheng1 san chü chung sheng sanshu shūjō |
three groups of sentient beings |
上品衆生 上品众生 see styles |
shàng pǐn zhòng shēng shang4 pin3 zhong4 sheng1 shang p`in chung sheng shang pin chung sheng jōhon shujō |
superior class of sentient beings |
下化衆生 下化众生 see styles |
xià huà zhòng shēng xia4 hua4 zhong4 sheng1 hsia hua chung sheng geke shujō |
transform sentient beings below |
下濟衆生 下济众生 see styles |
xià jǐ zhòng shēng xia4 ji3 zhong4 sheng1 hsia chi chung sheng gesai shujō |
save sentient beings below |
下衆張る see styles |
gesubaru げすばる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to be churlish; to be crude; to be boorish; to be vulgar; to conduct oneself in an unseemly manner |
下衆野郎 see styles |
gesuyarou / gesuyaro げすやろう |
(derogatory term) sleazebag; asshole; shithead; lowlife |
不捨衆生 不舍众生 see styles |
bù shě zhòng shēng bu4 she3 zhong4 sheng1 pu she chung sheng fu sha shūjō |
does not abandon sentient beings |
九衆生居 九众生居 see styles |
jiǔ zhòng shēng jū jiu3 zhong4 sheng1 ju1 chiu chung sheng chü ku shushō kyo |
v. 九有情居. |
五乘居衆 五乘居众 see styles |
wǔ shèng jū zhòng wu3 sheng4 ju1 zhong4 wu sheng chü chung go jō kyoshu |
five celestials |
五十二衆 五十二众 see styles |
wǔ shí èr zhòng wu3 shi2 er4 zhong4 wu shih erh chung gojūni shu |
五十二類 The fifty-two groups of living beings, human and not-human, who, according to the Nirvana-sutra, assembled at the nirvana of the Buddha. |
五衆世間 五众世间 see styles |
wǔ zhòng shì jiān wu3 zhong4 shi4 jian1 wu chung shih chien goshu seken |
world of the five aggregates |
亡五衆物 亡五众物 see styles |
wáng wǔ zhòng wù wang2 wu3 zhong4 wu4 wang wu chung wu mōgoshu motsu |
The things left behind at death by any one of the five orders of monks or nuns; clothing, etc., being divided among the other monks or nuns; valuables and land, etc., going to the establishment. |
佐江衆一 see styles |
saeshuuichi / saeshuichi さえしゅういち |
(person) Sae Shuuichi |
入衆五法 入众五法 see styles |
rù zhòng wǔ fǎ ru4 zhong4 wu3 fa3 ju chung wu fa nisshugohō |
Five rules for the entrant - submission, kindness, respect, recognition of rank or order, and none but religious conversation. |
八匠衆一 see styles |
hasshoushuuichi / hasshoshuichi はっしょうしゅういち |
(person) Hasshou Shuuichi (1917.3.30-2004.6.21) |
八部大衆 八部大众 see styles |
bā bù dà zhòng ba1 bu4 da4 zhong4 pa pu ta chung hachibu daishu |
eightfold beings that form the assemblies of the buddha's sermons |
八部鬼衆 八部鬼众 see styles |
bā bù guǐ zhòng ba1 bu4 gui3 zhong4 pa pu kuei chung hachibu(no)kishu |
The eight groups of demon-followers of the four mahārājas, i.e. gandharvas, piśācas, kumbhāṇḍas, pretas, nāgas, pūtanas, yakṣas, and rākṣasas. |
公衆便所 see styles |
koushuubenjo / koshubenjo こうしゅうべんじょ |
(1) (See 公衆トイレ) public lavatory; public toilet; public restroom; (2) (slang) (vulgar) (derogatory term) slut; whore; floozy; tramp; trollop |
公衆回線 see styles |
koushuukaisen / koshukaisen こうしゅうかいせん |
{comp} public line (as opposed to a private or leased line) |
公衆浴場 see styles |
koushuuyokujou / koshuyokujo こうしゅうよくじょう |
public bathhouse |
公衆衛生 see styles |
koushuueisei / koshuese こうしゅうえいせい |
public health; public hygiene; sanitation |
公衆道徳 see styles |
koushuudoutoku / koshudotoku こうしゅうどうとく |
public morals |
公衆電話 see styles |
koushuudenwa / koshudenwa こうしゅうでんわ |
public telephone; pay phone |
凡夫衆生 凡夫众生 see styles |
fán fū zhòng shēng fan2 fu1 zhong4 sheng1 fan fu chung sheng bonfu shūjō |
ordinary [unenlightened] sentient beings |
利根衆生 利根众生 see styles |
lì gēn zhòng shēng li4 gen1 zhong4 sheng1 li ken chung sheng ri kon shūjō |
sentient beings with sharp faculties |
利益衆生 利益众生 see styles |
lì yì zhòng shēng li4 yi4 zhong4 sheng1 li i chung sheng riyaku shūjō |
to bring benefit to sentient beings |
利衆生事 利众生事 see styles |
lì zhòng shēng shì li4 zhong4 sheng1 shi4 li chung sheng shih ri shujō ji |
to work for the benefit of sentient beings |
勤労大衆 see styles |
kinroutaishuu / kinrotaishu きんろうたいしゅう |
working people |
化生衆生 化生众生 see styles |
huà shēng zhòng shēng hua4 sheng1 zhong4 sheng1 hua sheng chung sheng keshō shūjō |
sentient beings born spontaneously |
十方衆生 十方众生 see styles |
shí fāng zhòng shēng shi2 fang1 zhong4 sheng1 shih fang chung sheng jippō shujō |
sentient beings of the ten directions |
可化衆生 可化众生 see styles |
kě huà zhòng shēng ke3 hua4 zhong4 sheng1 k`o hua chung sheng ko hua chung sheng kake shūjō |
teachable sentient beings |
四部之衆 四部之众 see styles |
sì bù zhī zhòng si4 bu4 zhi1 zhong4 ssu pu chih chung shibu no shū |
four groups of Buddhist disciples |
四部大衆 四部大众 see styles |
sì bù dà zhòng si4 bu4 da4 zhong4 ssu pu ta chung shibu dai shu |
fourfold community |
四部衆會 四部众会 see styles |
sì bù zhòng huì si4 bu4 zhong4 hui4 ssu pu chung hui shibu shūe |
four groups of Buddhist disciples |
在大衆中 在大众中 see styles |
zài dà zhòng zhōng zai4 da4 zhong4 zhong1 tsai ta chung chung zai daishu chū |
in the great assembly |
在家信衆 在家信众 see styles |
zài jiā xìn zhòng zai4 jia1 xin4 zhong4 tsai chia hsin chung zaike shinshu |
to lay followers |
大心衆生 大心众生 see styles |
dà xīn zhòng shēng da4 xin1 zhong4 sheng1 ta hsin chung sheng daishin shujō |
(Skt. mahācittasattva) |
大會衆門 大会众门 see styles |
dà huì zhòng mén da4 hui4 zhong4 men2 ta hui chung men dai eshu mon |
entry of the great assembly |
大比丘衆 大比丘众 see styles |
dà bǐ qiū zhòng da4 bi3 qiu1 zhong4 ta pi ch`iu chung ta pi chiu chung dai biku shu |
a multitude of great monks |
大衆主義 see styles |
taishuushugi / taishushugi たいしゅうしゅぎ |
(See ポピュリズム) populism |
大衆供養 大众供养 see styles |
dà zhòng gōng yǎng da4 zhong4 gong1 yang3 ta chung kung yang daishu kuyō |
public meal |
大衆向け see styles |
taishuumuke / taishumuke たいしゅうむけ |
(exp,adj-no) down-market; popular; mass-market |
大衆団交 see styles |
taishuudankou / taishudanko たいしゅうだんこう |
mass (labor) negotiation; mass bargaining session; public negotiation |
大衆圍遶 大众围遶 see styles |
dà zhòng wéi rào da4 zhong4 wei2 rao4 ta chung wei jao dai shu inyō |
surrounded by a great multitude |
大衆娯楽 see styles |
taishuugoraku / taishugoraku たいしゅうごらく |
popular entertainment; mass entertainment; public amusement |
大衆小説 see styles |
taishuushousetsu / taishushosetsu たいしゅうしょうせつ |
novel for the masses; popular fiction; pulp |
大衆文化 see styles |
taishuubunka / taishubunka たいしゅうぶんか |
mass culture; pop culture; popular culture; culture of the people (as opposed to the elite) |
大衆文学 see styles |
taishuubungaku / taishubungaku たいしゅうぶんがく |
popular literature |
大衆文芸 see styles |
taishuubungei / taishubunge たいしゅうぶんげい |
(See 大衆文学) popular literature |
大衆社会 see styles |
taishuushakai / taishushakai たいしゅうしゃかい |
mass society |
大衆路線 see styles |
taishuurosen / taishurosen たいしゅうろせん |
(adopting) a popular line; (taking) a populist line |
大衆運動 see styles |
taishuuundou / taishuundo たいしゅううんどう |
mass movement; popular movement |
大衆集会 see styles |
taishuushuukai / taishushukai たいしゅうしゅうかい |
mass rally |
大衆食堂 see styles |
taishuushokudou / taishushokudo たいしゅうしょくどう |
cheap restaurant; eating place (house) |
大通衆慧 大通众慧 see styles |
dà tōng zhòng huì da4 tong1 zhong4 hui4 ta t`ung chung hui ta tung chung hui Daitsū shue |
Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū |
天衆五相 天众五相 see styles |
tiān zhòng wǔ xiàng tian1 zhong4 wu3 xiang4 t`ien chung wu hsiang tien chung wu hsiang tenshu gosō |
The five signs of approaching demise among the devas, cf. 五衰. |
尊者衆賢 尊者众贤 see styles |
zūn zhě zhòng xián zun1 zhe3 zhong4 xian2 tsun che chung hsien Sonja shūken |
Saṃghabhadra |
少智衆生 少智众生 see styles |
shǎo zhì zhòng shēng shao3 zhi4 zhong4 sheng1 shao chih chung sheng shō chi shūjō |
sentient beings of little wisdom |
度諸衆生 度诸众生 see styles |
dù zhū zhòng shēng du4 zhu1 zhong4 sheng1 tu chu chung sheng do sho shūjō |
to save all living beings |
建立衆生 建立众生 see styles |
jiàn lì zhòng shēng jian4 li4 zhong4 sheng1 chien li chung sheng kenryū shūjō |
confirming sentient beings |
後有衆苦 后有众苦 see styles |
hòu yǒu zhòng kǔ hou4 you3 zhong4 ku3 hou yu chung k`u hou yu chung ku gou shuku |
subsequently-existent myriad sufferings |
御庭番衆 see styles |
oniwabanshuu / oniwabanshu おにわばんしゅう |
Oniwaban; the Shogunate's "guard of the inner garden" |
怖畏衆苦 怖畏众苦 see styles |
bù wèi zhòng kǔ bu4 wei4 zhong4 ku3 pu wei chung k`u pu wei chung ku fu i shu ku |
afraid of suffering |
愚癡衆生 愚癡众生 see styles |
yú chī zhòng shēng yu2 chi1 zhong4 sheng1 yü ch`ih chung sheng yü chih chung sheng guchi shūjō |
foolish beings |
憐愍衆生 怜愍众生 see styles |
lián mǐn zhòng shēng lian2 min3 zhong4 sheng1 lien min chung sheng renmin shūjō |
to take pity on sentient beings |
成就衆生 成就众生 see styles |
chéng jiù zhòng shēng cheng2 jiu4 zhong4 sheng1 ch`eng chiu chung sheng cheng chiu chung sheng jōjū shujō |
To transform all beings by developing their Buddha-nature and causing them to obtain enlightenment. |
成熟衆生 成熟众生 see styles |
chéng shóu zhòng shēng cheng2 shou2 zhong4 sheng1 ch`eng shou chung sheng cheng shou chung sheng jōjuku shūjō |
matured sentient beings |
截斷衆流 截断众流 see styles |
jié duàn zhòng liú jie2 duan4 zhong4 liu2 chieh tuan chung liu setsudan shuru |
what is it that stops the flow of all transmigration? |
所犯衆罪 所犯众罪 see styles |
suǒ fàn zhòng zuì suo3 fan4 zhong4 zui4 so fan chung tsui shobon shuzai |
myriad sins that are committed |
拈花示衆 拈花示众 see styles |
niǎn huā shì zhòng nian3 hua1 shi4 zhong4 nien hua shih chung nenge jishu |
holding a flower, showing it to the congregation |
攝衆生戒 摄众生戒 see styles |
shè zhòng shēng jiè she4 zhong4 sheng1 jie4 she chung sheng chieh shō shujō kai |
接生戒 The commands which include or confer blessing on all the living. |
救護衆生 救护众生 see styles |
jiù hù zhòng shēng jiu4 hu4 zhong4 sheng1 chiu hu chung sheng kugo shūjō |
to save and protect sentient beings |
教化衆生 教化众生 see styles |
jiào huà zhòng shēng jiao4 hua4 zhong4 sheng1 chiao hua chung sheng kyōke shūjō |
to teach and transform sentient beings |
於大衆中 于大众中 see styles |
yú dà zhòng zhōng yu2 da4 zhong4 zhong1 yü ta chung chung o daishu chū |
in the midst of the great assembly |
植衆德本 植众德本 see styles |
zhí zhòng dé běn zhi2 zhong4 de2 ben3 chih chung te pen shokushu tokuhon |
To plant all virtuous roots, cultivate all capacities and powers. |
正定衆生 正定众生 see styles |
zhèng dìng zhòng shēng zheng4 ding4 zhong4 sheng1 cheng ting chung sheng shōjō shūjō |
correctly determined sentient beings |
正攝徒衆 正摄徒众 see styles |
zhèng shè tú zhòng zheng4 she4 tu2 zhong4 cheng she t`u chung cheng she tu chung shōshō toshu |
to properly gather disciples |
民衆佛教 民众佛教 see styles |
mín zhòng fó jiào min2 zhong4 fo2 jiao4 min chung fo chiao minshu bukkyō |
Buddhism for the masses |
民衆扇動 see styles |
minshuusendou / minshusendo みんしゅうせんどう |
demagoguery; demagogy |
民衆文化 see styles |
minshuubunka / minshubunka みんしゅうぶんか |
popular culture |
民衆文字 see styles |
minshuumoji / minshumoji みんしゅうもじ |
(hist) (See デモティック) demotic (ancient Egyptian script) |
民衆殺戮 see styles |
minshuusatsuriku / minshusatsuriku みんしゅうさつりく |
democide |
烏合の衆 see styles |
ugounoshuu / ugonoshu うごうのしゅう |
(exp,n) disorderly crowd; mob; rabble |
無緣衆生 无缘众生 see styles |
wú yuán zhòng shēng wu2 yuan2 zhong4 sheng1 wu yüan chung sheng en naki shujō |
sentient beings who have no relationship |
無量衆生 无量众生 see styles |
wú liáng zhòng shēng wu2 liang2 zhong4 sheng1 wu liang chung sheng muryō shūjō |
countless sentient beings |
爲諸衆生 为诸众生 see styles |
wéi zhū zhòng shēng wei2 zhu1 zhong4 sheng1 wei chu chung sheng i sho shūjō |
for sentient beings |
現入衆像 现入众像 see styles |
xiàn rù zhòng xiàng xian4 ru4 zhong4 xiang4 hsien ju chung hsiang gennyū shuzō |
sarva-rūpa-saṃdarśana |
百一衆具 百一众具 see styles |
bǎi yī zhòng jù bai3 yi1 zhong4 ju4 pai i chung chü hyakuichi shugu |
one hundred and one implements |
百衆學戒 百众学戒 see styles |
bǎi zhòng xué jiè bai3 zhong4 xue2 jie4 pai chung hsüeh chieh hyakushu gakkai |
one hundred [proper] modes of behavior for monks and nuns |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "衆" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.